Finally some peace and quiet.

A breathtaking view of a waterfall. Your breath might be taken away - literally - if someone catches you off guard and decides to drown you in the waterfall's sparkling waters.
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Finally some peace and quiet.


Post by Bloody_Fists* »

((Continued from: Girl *70 START))

Scott had been walking slowly, mainly to save some energy. His run from the house to the lookout point was enough to tire him out. He could hear the crashing of the water quite loudly now, they must be getting close.

He had waited up for nev and walked beside her the entire journey, the trip was awkward, no conversation apart from the odd one liner every now and again.

He had no weapon now, Not that his weapon was a blessing anyway but it did serve him well in the time he had it. Now he had nothing, and even a brick would of been better than that. As he shuffled along the path he scanned the area for something that could be used, but nothing struck him as useful.

He looked towards nev and stopped. noticing a new item around her neck other than that metallic collar they all wore. since when did she have that? He thought to himself, but really it was of no importance to him. he was more worried about there safety.

"Nev...Do you have a weapon? I just wondered if maybe i could look after it?" He asked uncomfortably. There was no easy way to ask for someones only protection on the island but it had to be done, Scott was definately more powerful than nev, He had proved that to himself back at the house. "Its just that...maybe i could use it better? its fine if you dont i just want to be sure before we get to the waterfall and without jeremy..."

He had noticed sometime ago that jeremy was no longer with them, Scott should have waited for him to say goodbye to his dead friend but on hearing the announcement the first thing he wanted to do was get the hell out of there.

Scott collapsed onto the floor, His legs felt like noodles at this point. He lifted himself up a bit so that he was kneeling dwn and leaning on an old rotted tree stump.

It seemed like he was the only one to protect them both now. Not the best thoughts for scott. He usually had his friends to back him up and stand up for him, but now he was alone. He knew they had to be here somewhere but finding them was a problem. He would be lucky enough if he just ran into them by pure chance.
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((Coming from Sunshower))

Nevera sat beside him. She half smiled but all she could think of was Jeremy and the fact that Kousaka had been killed. She knew him more than anyone else.... even himself. A few tears escaped her chestnut eyes. She turned her face away from Scott as she wiped her face.

"I have this..." She held onto her bo staff tightly. "I can use it well, and prefer to keep it at my side. I may be good at dressing wounds, but I am great with a staff." She sniffed.

She placed a hand on the cold studs of the color she picked up from Kousaka. More tears escaped her.
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Scott threw a smile nevs way followed by a quick sigh of releif. It was good to know the girl could take care of herself. One more thing of scotts to do list, But he knew he still had a big responsibility for looking after her.

"Dont worry about the weapon, you keep it" He gleefully told the girl "Id probally end up hurting myself" He said with a chuckle following his words.

Now the thing was to find a weapon for himself, anything that had stregnth to it would do but nothing he had seen met these requirements. If he could get himself equipt maybe he could go and find jeremy, Maybe even his team. though he knew the second thought was a longshot it was a comforting thought still.

Scott felt awkward when nev started crying, He wasnt to good around anyone crying especially girls, and especially in this place. He just patted her back gently and gave her a sorry look. "Um...Its going to be ok, Ill find us a way out" He managed to stutter out. What was there way out? suicide? it was a likely method but surely there are better?
Scott, being always the charmer carried on trying to comfort nev.
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Nev looked at him. "Kousaka, was my brother's friend, and a crush of mine....." She sighed, but still cried. "And now we have lost Jeremy!"
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Scott reluctantly hugged the poor girl, He didnt want to dwell on the fact that she just seen her crushes lifeless corpse. He took his waterbottle out and gulped down half the contents from the precious liquid.
"I figured jeremy had gone, i knew we were moving too fast i should of waited. He helped us out and we just left him"

He felt like he'd betrayed his best friend, although he'd only knew the boy a couple of hours, But in this situation friends come few and far between.
"I know we need to find jeremy but in the mean time i know some people, good people, buddys of mine" He looked at nev and smiled, thinking to himslf that he could share some of the protection responsibility. "they'll tak care of both of us, im sure they already have some sort of escape plan"

Where was jeremy now? he could already be dead, or looking for them, or even found the girl he talked of back at the lookout, mallory was it? Jeremy would be found but he knew he had to find his buddys first.
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Post by Abel Nox* »

Nev smiled and stopped crying. She hugged Scott back. She liked cmfort a lot. Her chestnut eyes sparkled as she wiped the tears away. She knew she was in this game and wanted to survive. A little bit of hope adn faith can go a long way. She thought of how she had helped Jeremy retrieve the bullet from his arm. She smiled and looked up at Scott.

"Thanks, Scott." A stike of confidence filled her as she stood. "I know we can find Jeremy!! He can't be gone for good, just because Kousaka is gone, doesn't mean that it is the end of the world! Maybe there are other men out there like him that are meant to be with me!" She said with a small wink towards Scott.
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scott had finally succeded in stopping the girl from blubbering. He was surprised at the stregnth th girl had with her hug, it almost hurt his ribs. It was a happy thought that he had inspired courage into the girl, although his own was wearing thin, he had to put on an act for her, for anyone they came across.

Scott was slightly scred by her words. He wasnt really the ladys man from the baseball team, He was really just the background guy, the follower. He uncomfortably smiled and laughed at nev Before again putting on his act. " cant give up hope yet, not untill youve got a bullet in your heart"
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She patted his back. "You know, Scott, I wonder what we are doing just sitting around... we HAVE to find Jeremy! I can't go on without him." She said with a slight turn.

She was now facing the falls and thinking. She sat and looked up at the sky. A small stroke of fear arose her as she could smell the scent of Kousaka.

"He's been here before.....Kousaka." She looked at teh ground and found little shards of broken wood. "A stick was broken?"
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

Scott couldent keep kidding himself. He thought maybe he could muster up the stregnth to help nev along the island and to safety but Her calls for jeremy brought the doubt all flooding back. He was enough for her but he was good enough for now, and he had to prove to himself and no one else that he can be strong.

He didnt have a clue what nev was talking about when she mentioned the broken sticks, but atill he decided to ignore her. he couldent bring himself to dwell on the deaths of all these people, especially as the corpses he had seen ment so much to his new found friends.

He also slightly turned from nev as she herself turned. With recent memories flooding violently through his mind he spoke. "You know...Im sorry for what i did to you two, I really didnt know what i was thinking let alone a clue about what i was doing...Im sorry"
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Post by Abel Nox* »

She turned and walked back over to him. She tapped her forehead where the bandage was and smiled.

"It's alright. I understand, Scott. It really wasn't too bad..." She sat down next to him. "I just don't know what else to do right now. I am really tired, but too scared to sleep."

She ran her fingers through her long dark brown hair as the strawberry blonde streaks followed.
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Scott thought for a moment staring blankly at the ground. He could let her sleep on the floor here out in the middle of nowhere, sure he could stay awake and be a lookout but he was a little tired himself, if they were attacked he would be of no help at all. He'd already lost what little weapon he had and now he was tired and confused. Then again there are lots of sheltered places here by the looks of the map.

He wiggled that tooth that jeremy helped loosen back at the house before he spoke. "If you need rest i suggest that we take one last trip and find somewhere with a roof yeah?"

If they were lucky they could find some more people to join there little 'crew', and if things went to plan he would find a semi usably weapon too.
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She cocked a brow.... "Usually places with a roof, attract a lot of people. I mean, ya know, but laying out here in the open really isn't a very good idea either." Her hair flowed in the cool breeze.

A strange feeling came over her. She began to raise her hands to her face. She covered her face and began to scream. She pulled her hands away and saw blood. There really wasn't any there, but she was hallucinating. Nev fell to the ground adn began to writhe as if in pain.

"It's all going, the blood!!!" She really wasn't making any sense. She could see the images of Kousaka's death. It tormented her mind to it's utmost intentions.
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Scotts mood turned quickly to panic as nev suddenly went crazy. "Jesus christ" he yelled as he ran to her aid, truing desperatly to pick her up as her arms swung uncotrolably in defiance of the restraint.

he hadnt been here long and already he felt as if he couldent cope anymore. All the shit hed been through since hed got here(which really wasnt long at all) Made him want to just forget all his morals and take the game by the balls and win. It might be the best tactic after all. You can only win when the others are dead and trying to save others is only prolonging the gae, plus the announcement about the terrorists gave him a tad more hope.

"Come on were getting the fuck out of here now"
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She pulled her hands into tight fists as she looked evily at Scott. Her chesnut brown eyes had a reddish tint to them now. Her emotions were on the fritz. What was going on? Hard to explain.... maybe the game had gotten to her, or maybe she was crazy to begin with. Blood began to stream from her eyes, also from her hands where her nails had dug into them.

A feeling of rip roaring rage had come over the youth as she felt utterly daemonic. A cry of death had escaped her lips as she ripped her nails out of her hands. She fell silent and began to cry. tears mixed with the blood as she looked at her hands. The mix dripped into her palms, then she looked up at Scott.

"We are gonna die...... here.... now!"
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Scott was really starting to get pissed off now. The girl had gone from cute and innocent to the omen in a matter of minutes. Could he even trust her now, afterall she was willing to cut her own hands up, why wouldent she be willing to cut his throat?

He saw he bo staff lying uselss on the floor. He dived for it and just as she finished her unerving words he swung the staff at her head. His thoughts were if he could knock her out he would stop all this hallucinating stuff she had just taken on, Then he could carry her to a safer place. It would be easier than walking with damian.

He had already seen a big change in him, Since he first attacked jeremy. That was the big one, no way he would have even thought about doing that before, but his mind was being seriously messed with on the island. How much more would he change?
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