Beat the Devil Out of It

What's this? Roxie is finally caught up? (open)

The art exhibition is a designated path cutting all the way through the woods to the lookout where many pieces of art created by the community are presented. These pieces include surrealist sculptures, paintings and drawings hung off trees, and many others. It isn't uncommon for people to become disoriented trying to navigate the exhibition as it is sign-posted with what emotions or concepts the pieces represent rather than any actual directions.
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Post by Melusine »

"Hey," her stomach was making sounds she didn't like and so was her mouth, "it's not my fault my period's been late since I got rawed at prom."

She pointed Katrina.

"Yes and no." Willow wobbled her hand. "I'm just curious if I can trust you if I get really injured and you can like put me down because I don't want to die from lockjaw or something."

Ah, there. Release.

The feeling of boredom had finally left.

Her stomach still felt like she had swallowed razor blades with a mixture of clorox and broken glass for dessert. She cringed. Why did she feel so bad? The baby theory was one of them, but it just didn't sat right with her. First of all, Willow had always assumed her eggs were dry but she's been feeling sick every morning. Thing is, it could just be attributed to stress of being on the island though Willow was never anxious about her death or anything so that would be something new.

"Yeah," she squinted, "I think I'm going to barf."
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Post by Laurels »

Katrina couldn't believe what Willow was saying. She thought she was pregnant and wanted to know if Katrina would mercy kill her. That made Katrina feel a bit weak. She knew she was going to try and be a better person from here on out, but the thought of proving that by being a mercy killer never crossed her mind. Guess she should have actually thought about what that would entail first.

Roxie at least seemed to believe Katrina about what happened with Yuko. That was some relief. Of course, Katrina still needed to explain herself to Yuko's sisters, but at least one of Yuko's friends wasn't going to assume the worst and hurt her.

"Yeah, I'm glad you believe me," Katrina said to Roxie, focusing on her for a moment. "Thank you."

She then turned back to Willow.

"Um, why don't we step aside so you can puke? I'll hold your hair back."
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Post by KamiKaze »

You know, Roxie wasn’t that big on Anchorman. It’d been a while since she saw it, of course, a few years. She couldn’t give you a frame-by-frame analysis on the spot, but she could give you a reasonable plot synopsis. The one time she watched it, though, she thought it was funny at times, but wasn’t really her bag. Then again, she only saw it once, so.

That said, though? Never had she related to a single gif more than she did the Ron Burgundy “Boy did that escalate quickly” one right now.

And here she thought the most awkward part of this convo would be the part where Katrina had killed Yuko on accident.


At least Katrina had been relieved she believed her? Roxie gave a smile, though a tense one. It was more of a Willow thing than a Katrina thing. More so column A than column B.

So, Willow had dropped another TMI about how she had unprotected sex on prom night, and now she was… pregnant? Yeah. Apparently that wasn’t trolling, or at least everyone was treating it as legit.

In a way, it was especially tragic, because like… okay, if she was pregnant, and maybe wanted to go through with it, that’d mean baby Prom Night wouldn’t ever even get a chance to live. Huh, maybe the conception talk earlier was her way of easing into the convo or something. Much like she attempted to ease her way into the whole “talking about her death” thing with Kayla and Marco.

It also didn’t help that the grim prospect of putting someone down as a mercy kill came up. It was an inevitability that someone would die like that here, of course. But Willow brought it up casually. In a way, it was impressive! In a way.

Roxie leaned forward, inspecting Willow’s face. However, she stepped aside, giving Willow some space.

“Uh… is there anything you’d like that’d help? Like, water to wash your mouth?”
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Sierra rolled her eyes and folded her arms. She really did not need the information about Willow getting fucked at prom. It was the sort of mental image that she did not need, even if Willow was kind of cute. It isn't like she was the kind to tell others about the times she got fucked. Not that it stopped word from getting out around school and she fucking hated it. Fucking Wyatt... She hoped that bastard will fall and break his neck.

"Right, so you're pregnant and you still decided it was a good idea to try and rob someone with a gun?" She asked incredulously. "Jesus... You really are crazy."

She sighed and scanned the treeline around them, shifting her gun in her grip. She grip tightened around her weapon as she saw some movement in the distance, but soon realized it was just some of the wildlife wandering through. She cursed under her breath for being so on edge. While she liked the wilderness, she did not enjoy the prospect of some psycho stumbling upon them.

"You know what? Whatever. Just puke your guts up and let's get moving." She said. "I'll keep watch for now since I have the gun."
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Post by Melusine »

"N-no, I'll be fine." She looked at her bag. "I already have like ten water bottle-"

She put her hands over her mouth. A wave of bile entered her mouth and burned her mouth. A wave of soft and disgusting nostalgia hit her. It stabbed her through her ribs and her lungs to reach her heart she had hidden. Willow's vision went white. She wasn't supposed to enjoy that.

She swallowed it, feeling the acid head back toward her stomach. Tearing up, Willow moved her hand away from her mouth. It was going to go through her nose next, right? Willow knew too much about her body to feel curious, but she still had her inner dialogue perking up as the wave of pain and disgust hit her.

"Yeah, please hold my hair, Kat."

She wasn't supposed to enjoy it. She wasn't supposed to like that. But her mind was focused on her inside, her bubbling and turmoiling inside that twisted and cheered as the pain spread. Sierra wasn't wrong. She had never been wrong about Willow, but she had been wrong about some things about her. Willow wasn't insane, she just saw things in a different light.

"Please," she squatted, cupping her face. She knew it would go through her nose next time. It was cyclic behaviour, a wheel that spun as Willow created the story.
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Post by Laurels »

"Okay, yeah," Katrina said, walking over to Willow. "Let's get this done and then we can move on from here."

Katrina patted Willow on the back and led her away from Sierra and Roxie. They began to walk past a sculpture and towards a nearby tree.

"Yeah, I'll keep your hair back," Katrina said. "I can also let you use my headband if that'll help."

Katrina didn't think this would be the sort of thing she'd be doing to help Willow or anyone else out on the island, but it was definitely better than mercy killing. Katrina really hoped it wouldn't come to such a thing. Hopefully Willow and her baby could survive and go home if no one else could. She could try to see that happen. That would be a good use of her life.

She could ponder what to do with the rest of her life later. Willow wasn't doing too well, and Katrina had to fish her headband out quickly.

((Katrina Lavell continued in Made My Decision to Test My Limits))
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Post by KamiKaze »

“Um, okay. Just, ah, if you need anything, just let me know, right?”

So, Willow had robbed someone, and had “like ten” water bottles apparently. Roxie briefly frowned at the thought. It was funny, because like, Richard almost shot someone for standing there, Marco sliced up Kayla, Katrina stabbed Yuko, and then Willow stole a ton of water bottles. They weren’t kidding when they said the game changed people.

Maybe Willow was desperate. If she really was pregnant like she claimed, then maybe she felt she absolutely needed it, even if the person… apparently had a gun? Maybe?

She shrugged some. Well, most of the shrugging was inside her brain, but the rest was in her posture. Like, it seemed messed up, that she was still hanging around Willow and Katrina after a convo like that. Maybe she should have high-tailed it, but like…

Okay, she reminded herself. They wanted her to demonize the shit out of her classmates.But she could at least hear them out, like she did with Katrina.

Right. Time to help Willow, if she needs it.

((Roxanne Borowski continued elsewhere))
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Well, looked like for the time being they had a fourth member of the merry little posse. Sierra sighed, feeling just a little annoyed at the present situation.

It wasn't important at the moment, what was important was that they made sure Willow was going to be okay. If she was pregnant or not, it was important to make sure she'll be okay.

Sierra followed after the others, keeping a look out around them as they went off to help Willow with her issues.

((Sierra Cook continued Made My Decision to Test My Limits))
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Post by Melusine »

"Blarg," she held her hand over her mouth, "I feel terrible."

She raised her free hand to head. Her fingers, the clean ones though, running through the dirty strands. They were clumped and greasy and Willow had never felt nastier. Well apart from that one time she had slipped on her vomit but that was another story.

"At least I got car ears now."

((Willow continued in the next thread.))

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