the 3some on the move

A relatively ordinary one-room school building located in the center of the island. A few desks are off to the side, due to the fact that they were hacked to pieces by some sort of weapon in the last SOTF ACT. Other than that, everything is nice and orderly.
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Post by MooCow* »

Tayli Vreeland was in shock. The sudden events had brought out memories repressed in her psyche for years. She quivered and curled into a fetal position, her body on the classroom floor, her mind racing somewhere far far away.
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Post by Kaishi* »

Syd's eyes were flickering open and closed. He was dying...and no one knew how to help him. He was going to die. And he had been so close...Tayli had found a way off the island. She had found a way...and she had shot him. He would turn his head and glare at the girl, but that would take up too much of his draining energy. His blood was creating a sticky pool all around him, as he closed his eyes for a few agonizing moments. As he closed them, he was able to hear Xian yelling...and leaving.
"N-no...she did not." He smiled, showing his blood-stained teeth. The blood was flowing out of the miniscule spaces between his teeth, dribbling down his chin. He couldn't be more of a mess. But, still...the angel floated down to him, not caring at all about his messy appearance.
I must look very bad, huh? Look at me, I'm basically lying in my blood.
Don't worry about it Sydney, don't worry about it.
Dwanye? His brother...his brother killed by the law enforcements because he brought a gun to school and went on a shooting spree. Tell me, why'd you do it?
Heh, we'll have all the time to talk later.
Another angel, this time female, and with that perfect angelic glow. Could it be...?
Jess! I'm sorry, I'm sorry...
It's okay, Syd.... She held out a hand to him, smiling back down at him. Syd outstretched his own hand, their hands meeting. Friends forever, right?

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Post by Minase* »

'shit' growled Minase, he was dead.

For a little while no one spoke, Minase just sat by the bloodied corpse, one hand still pressed against the wound, soaked in deep red, sticky blood. It took him a long time to finally pry his hand away, expecting a burst of blood but in fact there was nothing but a slight oozing. The diaphragm has stopped moving, he wasnt breathing and his pulse had stopped, no way he was coming back. Minase lay him down on the floor and closed his eyelids. Then, taking back his gun, he stood up.

'I'm leaving now, i need to wash up, and all this noise will draw potential players. If anyone wants to come with me, i'm fine with that, if not...fine.'

The tone of Minase's voice revealed something about him, he had changed. Seeing someone die is a life changing experience. For Syd, it drove him mad, for Minase, it made him grow up.
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

Anya stared down at the body of the boy. She pressed her hand firmly over her mouth trying not to throw up. Poor Syd. She had just met him and she wasn't even sure if she liked him or trusted him for that matter but she had felt sorry for him. Somewhere deep in the back of her mind she couldn't help thinking that it was one less player to compete against.

"N-no...she did not," he had said smiling sickeningly. But if Xian didn't then...

"Tayli," Anya said standing up and turning towards her ignoring Gabrielle's statement, "did you do this?"
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Post by MooCow* »

"Accident... it was... it was an accident...," she burst into tears. How would these people ever believe her... she hadn't meant to trip... she hadn't intended for the Glock to go off and in a freak series of sickening moments take the life of one of the poor innocent contestants forced into this sick game.

"I... never... never I didn't I...," she could only cry as she wrapped her arms around Anya's waist in a death grip and sobbed for comfort. The laptop lay, screen shattered across the room, broken when she fell...

Hope had died along with Sydney Morvran.
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

Anya stared down horrified as the girl wrapped herself around her. She tried to pry her arms off but it was hopeless. "I think we should all split up," she said directing the statement at Gabrielle, "nothing good came of this alliance."

She finally managed to rip the girl's arms off of her and shot a withering look at her before taking off down the hall, grabbing her bags, and exiting the building.

((ooc: Going toStarting Point for Girl 07))
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Post by Minase* »

Minase frowned. Fine, he thought. It was clear there were no alliances to be made in this game, nothing succesful would come out of them. He had seen death now, it wasnt pleasant and there was no way he was going to go that way, not without a fight anyway. This is a game, and Minase planned on playing for keeps. He wasnt prepared to just mow down these two girls where they stood, but the time would come.

'fine, lets split up, if we meet again, its as enemies.'

Minase left the school.

(Continued in: Chillin' at the Waterfall)
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Post by MooCow* »

Tayli rocked herself back and forth. She had definately lost all grip on sanity. She quivered as her darkest memories flooded back to her, vicious nightmares. She hummed to herself... the end for Tayli Vreeland was near.
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Post by Kaishi* »

Tayli's end was near, indeed. The infamous beeping sound of a collar detonating filled the room. The School Building was a Danger Zone and Tayli was in it, no doubt about it. No way of backing out now...she was going to die.
Beep, beep, beep!

There was the noise now. And there goes Tayli's neck...

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