Ares wrote: ↑Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:02 pmThe Basics
Handler Name: Wheeler
Your Trademark Character: John Rizzolo and Steve Digaetano
Current Status of Trademark Character: John is in the final four. Steve is dead.
Favourite Character: Eddie Sullivan
Favourite Weapon: H&K MP7
Favourite Scene: Although I was involved in it, Episode 1807: Murder on the Midnight Wire, where John and Eddie fought each other was my favourite scene. I had so much fun RPing that scene with Arch and I feel that we both elevated our writing during that thread.
Favourite Death: This one is tough to say but I'm going to have to say either Emma Babineaux or Dawn Beckworth.
Favourite Quote: (Insert random James Brown quote here)
Favourite Thread: Cause and Effect at the Mess Hall. Especially the last half of the thread.
Favourite Post: Tie between the following: Emma Babineaux's death post, Eddie Sullivan's death post and Aaron's most recent post in the Airfield.
Favourite Location: Airfield
The Plastic Hammer Awards!
Most Evolutionary Character: Which character has come the farthest in terms of inner change and development?
- Eddie Sullivan. I feel that Eddie in a very short time went from a stammering fool that no one would have considered a threat, to a motivated and driven character. His desire to protect Nicole and the dynamic attitude change he took on when fighting with Riz really showed that not only was Arch a great writer, but he also knew how to write a character that everyone became engrossed in.
Most Revolutionary Character: Character whom you think has drastically changed the course of the game at any point.
- Neil Sinclair. He is the only character to have really rallied a large number of students to attempt an escape. They had a formulated plan that caused Danya to have to kill students himself to get them to stop.
Most Unorthodox/Original Character: Any character that strikes you as highly original or out of the ordinary.
- None. Each character (though they may embody certain stereotypes) are all original. The unorthodox award might go to Wade Wilson, since he was the only "wierdo" that I found was written in a way that didn't make me want to stuff the handler in a bag and beat them with a stick.
Most Realistically-Portrayed Character: A character who you feel that you can imagine existing in real life.
- James Brown and Trish McCarroll. This might be biased though since I know these people in real life. Their in-game counterparts are accurately portrayed by Aaron and Cyco.
Most Heroic Character: Any character that prominantly stands out for his/her good intentions and his actions based on them.
- Neil Sinclair once again. Yes there were a ton of heroic acts in this version, but Neil was one character who refused to give in and give up on his plan, and continued to be a hero in the revealed threads.
Most Villianous Character: Any character known for his/her not-so-good/honourable actions and intentions.
- Lenny, Lex or Riz....does that even warrant further explanation?
Most Tragic Character: A character who's actions, past, or circumstances can be considered tragic and unfortunate.
- Jake Henkie. The writing done wins this award. Jake is based on a real life person that I personally despise and until his death I could not get into the character based on that bias. Now the death and reaction posts were excellent and showed that Jake was a truly tragic character.
Most Humourous Character: Which character made you laugh the most?
- James Brown and Eddie Sullivan. Everyone will say James Brown and it is well deserved, but I want everyone to go back and read all of Eddie Sullivan. There are some gems from Eddie in his posts and thoughts.
Most-likely Winner : Which character do you think, in your humble opinion, is the MOST likely to win? (Or should have won, if the character is dead)
- I'm going to jerk my own chain again and say Steve Digaetano. Based on his actions, motivations and overall gamesmanship (and the fact I think I wrote him pretty well), I would have liked to see Steve win.
Most Epic Character: You know...the kind of character who has the special quality of being just plain 'awesome'. Breathes awesome, eats awesome, sleeps awesome, kills his enemies awesome, that kinda thing.
- No answer.
More Characterization
Which character did you relate to the most?
- Before I took over for RePeate in writing Gabe McCallum, I felt a strong connection between myself and the way Peate wrote Gabe.
Which character did you feel the most for?
- Emma Babineaux and Danni Champney.
Which character do you feel 'played the game' the best?
- Alexis Machina, Bobby Jacks and John Rizzolo: It is a game where the object is kill, or be killed. Who better than these three embraced that mindset and really tried (or are trying) to win? I would have included Lenny in this list, and he does deserve an honourable mention, but his motivation wasn't "win for me" it was "get to the finals and let Liz win."
Which character do you think had it the worst?
- Carson Baye?
Which character would you be willing to kill yourself?
- Blood Boy...over and over and over and over and over and over and over...
Which character were/are you cheering on to win SOTF?
- Aside from my own thoughts of wanting to win, I was cheering for James Brown, Eddie Sullivan, Ryan Atwell, Lulu Altaire and I was hoping to see Branca go farther than she did.
Which character do you think should NOT have died?
- Steve, James, Eddie, Ryan, Dorian Sanders...there were a couple of others that I really felt could have bolstered the final 10 in a positive way.
Which character do you think deserves to die? Or for the characters already dead, which character do you think totally had it coming?
- No comment.
The Drama Category
Most Tragic Scene: Which scene made you the most teary eyed?
- I AM A MANLY MAN AND I DO NOT CRY! seriously, I don't tear up, but I'd say Danni's death written by choic was pretty up there.
Most Disturbing/Gory Scene: Which scene made you want to puke the most?
- Wade Wilson running amok at the lagoon was good.
Most Pivotal Scene/Event: Which scene do you think played a huge role in the changing the course of the game?
- The scene in which Danya kills the kids because of SADD messing with the cameras.
Most Humourous Scene: Which scene served as the best comic relief?
- Nothing coming to mind at the moment.
Most Action-packed Scene: Which scene had the most action going on?
- SADD vs Blood Boy...there are a couple other excellent shootout scenes.
Most Emotionally Moving Scene: Which scene induced some kind of emotion in you the most effectively?
- Read the manly man comment.
Most Drama-filled Scene: Which scene had you on the edge of your seat in the way of conflict, suspense, and drama?
- Although I was involved in it, Wild International at the Small Cottage, I think was pretty tense. There were a lot of moments that I can remember people in the Chatzy saying, "What is going to happen next?".
Most Unexpected Scene: There are always these unexpected turn of events that you could not have seen coming from a mile a way.
- In all honesty, I think that Lenny being talked down into a calm state by Lulu Altaire was unexpected. Given the history of what happened on the island to that point, I really thought that Lulu was going to be fighting for her life.
Death, Death, and More Death
Most Tragic Death: Which death brought the most tears to your eyes?
Most Violent Death: Which death do you think brought out the most gore/pain/blood/guts/etc.
- Wade's kills, Lex's kills, Riz's kills.
Most Disturbing Death: Which death scarred/traumatized/made you want to puke the most?
- No answer.
Most Unexpected Death: Which death struck you the most as totally coming out of the blue?
- Gabriel Theobalt. I've talked to AtomicWaffle about Gabe and the Garry Dodd connection before, but I didn't expect that he would kill Gabriel out of the blue like he did.
Most Original/Unorthodox Death: There are a million ways to skin a cat, and occasionally, you'll get a method that is just...totally...out there. Which one do you think fits the bill?
- None coming to mind at the moment.
Most Humourous Death: If you find such a morbid matter so amusing.
- Carson Baye
Predictions and Disillusionment
There's four people left - who are you counting on to be the overall winner of SOTFv3?
- No answer since I'm a writer in the final four.
How do you predict the ending of SOTFv3 is going to turn out?
- Based on the level of writing talent between the final four handlers I think you're all in for a treat.
If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change?
Steve Digaetano and Eddie Sullivan would still be alive.
Who of the existing pregame characters are you counting on to win V4?
KRONWALL WIN!...I'd like to see how BetaKnight's Evelyn does and I think that MK's Brook character will be a major factor in how V4 goes.
How do you think V4 will differ from V3? Other than obvious factors (different characters, different backstory, different island, different events)
- Being brutally honest here, it is going to be rough going for the first month or so. We have so many new members who haven't had a chance to experience just how much of a different level of writing is required to do well in the "Game" part. They will need to step it up from Pre-Game, and I don't honestly know how well that is going to go.
Your thoughts on SOTFv3(and beyond...)
- Despite a long delay and a rough start I think V3 was an overall success.
How much did you enjoy/not enjoy SOTFv3?
- I did enjoy my time in V3. I was able to write with a bunch of new people and found that I have writing chemistry with people I wouldn't have expected to.
What do you like the most about SOTFv3?
- The characters and the overall plotline.
What do you think could have been better about SOTFv3?
- Everyone could have stopped being, "SPONTANEITY" Nazi's. The whole, "let's be spontaneous" movement was not only annoying but it was also aggrevating as this whole movement led to a lot of handlers (myself included) having to put in a "Private Thread" warning, for fear that someone would try and come in and kill steal, or be the hero, in a scene that had been worked out by the handlers and was going to be used to develop story.
How would you compare SOTF to the original BR?
- I actually think the SOTF would be an awesome made-for-tv special. Similar to Band of Brothers. The original BR though is untouchable. It is just such a good book, and a very good movie on top of that.
How do you feel about the upcoming ENDING of SOTF V3?
- I'm excited to get writing with Riz again. I have a lot of fun writing him, and it should be very interesting to see what Aaron, Jeremy, Chelsea and I can all come up with to entertain you all to the end.
Do you think V4 will be any more or less enjoyable than V3/V2/V1, or the same?
- Less enjoyable for the starting months, but once everyone gets into the groove, it has the potential to be better.
What do you think of the overall 'SOTF' story(NEW QUESTION)?
- I like it and as a staff member I'm looking forward to seeing how it develops and if I can submit any good ideas towards it's progression.
How do you feel about v4?
- I'm nervous about it. It is like opening a new theme park. It has the potential to be a great success, but there is also a good chance that most of the rides won't work and that the ladies will be getting their heels stuck in the warm tarmac. (That is a reference to the opening day problems that DisneyLand in California had).