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Grand Moff Hissa
Posts: 2838
Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:37 am


Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

[+] V6 Second Plastic Hammers Part Three
1245 wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2017 6:03 pmThe Plastic Hammer Awards!

The Basics

Handler Name: RC

Your Trademark Character: Alessio Rigano

Current Status of Trademark Character: Burned without a head

Favorite Character: Michael Crowe

Favorite Weapon: Sawlaska

Favorite Scene: This one [note to self: add link later]

Favorite Death: Jerry Fury

Favorite Quote: dick of justice

Favorite Post: Fiyori's

Favorite Location: The Cafeteria because of GLD and the others


Best Character Development: Coleen was a good dynamic character

Best Game Impact: Nancy Kyle caused lots of good storylines

Best Innovation: Michael Crowe was super fresh in comparison to V5. I also enjoyed Lili Williams, Asuka and Alan Banks as fresh characters.

Best Realism: Wayne Cox was portrayed super well.

Best Heroic Character: Jon Gulley was a good anti-hero. Jeremy Frasier is a good classic SOTF protagonist.

Best Villainous Character: Matt Moradi was such a cool, fresh villain.

Best Tragic Character: Penelope is so freaking sad.

Best Humorous Character: Michael Crowe is pretty great.

Best Tactics: The terrorists for setting up STAR. Also Emma for having prepared for the abduction and founding a KFC on the island.

The Sympathy Award: I wish Lili would've gone further.

The Empathy Award: Jennifer Su.

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: Harry Potter and Jeremy Frasier

The He-Had-It-Coming Award: Isabel, though I did not expect her to go that soon. Halfway was a little bit soon.

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: The escape group crumbling

The Stomach-Churner: Probably some Isabel kill.

Best Impact: Tina Luz being killed by Isabel. I wonder what would've happened if she surviv- oh.

Best Comedy: Bread. I did not expect that. V6 is full of humor, so I cannot decide. Caedyn, Mike, Jerry, Noah and co provided so much.

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: Michael vs Will vs Alex aka Hungry and Mad Doggos 2

Best Feeling-Inducer: BB/Jeremy romance

Best Drama: Kaitlyn killing them all.

Best Surprise: Cyco returning and writing Kenny

Best Meanwhile: Wild Childs. Always Wild Childs. It's unfair to pick. Obviously, All About My Mother should be credited for its length and depth, I should also give shoutouts to Aura for the forum post meanwhile. Dodd returning and doing the Bill Ritch Meanwhile was also fresh. Ultimately, though, it's Wild Childs. Even if it's from V5.

Nah, I kid.

It's Old Wounds. Rad. Just Rad.

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change?fdshudfisfd

There are four remaining characters. Who are you counting on to be the overall winner of V6? Jae wins.

How do you predict the ending of V6 is going to turn out? Jae dies. You think V6 is a happy version?

How much did you enjoy/not enjoy V6?fh ufid hsdif

What do you like the most about V6?h uifdsh idu

What do you think could have been better about the version? hfaisahf gji8ut8

What do you think of the overall SOTF story? STAR is gone, V3 and V4 will be completed. Guess V7 will change by the fact that it will be more V5-esque, story-wise. More focus on the terrorists. V6 however teasered a new nemesis for AT, the cops. I'll look forward with the US government playing a bigger role in V7 instead of vigilant Australians.

How do you feel about V6 compared to prior versions?It's V5, but weirder and funnier.

How do you think V7 will differ from/compare to V6 and prior versions? unawun uefu nfjdsl

Talk About Yourself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V6?Darius and Lili or Alessio with Lili. Writing with CBP is great.

Which of your V6 characters was your favorite to write? fu ahfiufhaiuf

What are you proudest of in V6? fuaofsitopsgdjkle

What do you wish you could improve? fjoiwarijfisja

What is your favorite V6 memory?f ahf kjhskjs

What else would you like to share? Anything goes! More hammers, please.
backslash wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2018 2:35 amI promised I'd do these when endgame closed.
[+] Spoiler
The Plastic Hammer Awards!

The Basics

Handler Name: backslash

Your Trademark Character: Min-jae Parker

Current Status of Trademark Character: ???

Favorite Character: Touch choice. V6 had an incredible cast overall, and I've named several favorites throughout. Kaitlyn, Michael, and Coleen will always hold a special place in my heart though.

Favorite Weapon: The fake gun got some good mileage. Favorite weapon that I personally picked up was the crossbow.

Favorite Scene: Summertree

Favorite Death: I'm sure none of you saw this coming.

Favorite Quote: "This goes on any longer, and I have to pick between my life and someone else's, and I'm not doing that. I'm not letting these people make me do that." - Vincenzo/a Gatti

Also everything that came out of Michael or Noah's mouth at any given time.

Favorite Post: Don't think I can pick out one individual post, picking one scene was hard enough.

Favorite Location: The bell tower.


Best Character Development: Ty Image

Best Game Impact: Clarice Halwood directly and indirectly influenced a lot of storylines with her burning of the library.

Best Innovation: Blair Moore had an interesting, unique concept and character all the way through.

Best Realism: I'll give it to Serena Waters

Best Heroic Character: Coleen

Best Villainous Character: Toss-up between Lily and Kimiko. I also really enjoyed Oskar for the short time he was around.

Best Tragic Character: Ty :(((

Best Humorous Character: Noah and Michael again.

Best Tactics: Fiyori and GLD managing to stick it out in the cafeteria for a week until I dragged GLD out and made her die.

The Sympathy Award: Cass, Ty, Brendan, Nate

The Empathy Award: Honestly, Asuka. Her runaway thoughts and layers of internal stuff really speak to me as somebody who spends a lot of time inside their own head.

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: Gosh so many. Astrid, Kaitlyn, and Asha were big ones for me.

The He-Had-It-Coming Award: Isabel of course, and Matt had really earned his by the end.

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: Ty finding Bern, Laurels's whole Meanwhile with Noah's family, Jeremy's death. Penelope's death thread was a real gut punch to participate in.

The Stomach-Churner: Lili corpse-smooching Ben was up there. Also Clarice drinking the nasty water in the basement.

Best Impact: Clarice's aforementioned burning of the library, and Brendan killing Jeremiah and setting off a whole chain reaction of things there.

Best Comedy: Jerry's shocking swerve of a death. I was sitting in public when I read it for the first time and had to go to great lengths to not burst out laughing like a banshee.

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: Coleen and Jon serving up some stabby karmic justice to Alessio.

Best Feeling-Inducer: Coleen/Vinny double whammy deaths. Olivia's death was also pretty good at conveying the desperation and helplessness.

Best Drama: Kaitlyn and Alba's duel.

Best Surprise: Bet you thought I was done shilling Brendan's kill of Jeremiah, didn't you? You were wrong.

Best Meanwhile: Laurels made me feel an emotion and I'm calling the cops.

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change? I think I wouldn't be as hasty in swapping Cristo for Raina in the first rolls, if I had to do it again. I had ideas for him that I was looking forward to and I regret basically killing Abby by proxy in swapping him so quickly. That's not to say I wouldn't have swapped him at all if it came down to it, but I'd really weigh my options more.

There are four remaining characters. Who are you counting on to be the overall winner of V6? [REDACTED]

How do you predict the ending of V6 is going to turn out? I think somebody is going to fall off the roof.

How much did you enjoy/not enjoy V6? It was a blast.

What do you like the most about V6? I loved how strong pretty much every character on the roster was and how much love and care you could tell was put into them by their handlers. Rolls were very painful.

What do you think could have been better about the version? Activity could have been better at points.

What do you think of the overall SOTF story? I have a conspiracy theory that Tracen Danya is actually Victor Danya's son.

How do you feel about V6 compared to prior versions? I felt that there was a higher consistency of quality throughout, and it really benefited from people being more flexible and giving their characters more equal attention.

How do you think V7 will differ from/compare to V6 and prior versions? I'm hoping it'll be a little bit bigger than V6, but I expect that whatever happens the quality levels will maintain. Looking forward to it.

Talk About Yourself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V6? Probably Lily's death thread. Of all the death threads I participated in this version, this scene was the one that went almost exactly as I envisioned when I first made the pitch, and Medic was great to work with. I was also a little bit tipsy while writing it.

Raina's death was also fun. I wrote it in an hour or so during a slow day at work.

Which of your V6 characters was your favorite to write? Min-jae, though I think they all had good moments.

What are you proudest of in V6? Man idk. I feel like I wrote good stuff and some people seem to agree. That's pretty good.

What do you wish you could improve? Physical stuff in general and fight scenes especially need work. (Props to Toxie for carrying my sorry ass through a two-thread fight scene, you da real MVP.)

What is your favorite V6 memory? Lots of good ones. Seeing a lot of the plans we made come to fruition was awesome. Watching everyone panic during secret rolls and endgame was also pretty fun, and it's been really cool to see some of our older handlers come back and join in again.

What else would you like to share? Anything goes!
[+] To everyone who made it this far
Cactus wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2018 4:24 amI'll preface this with I'm still reading through V6 (NOT V7 YOU TIRED MAN), but I think I've been pointed at most of the real good stuff. Plus like, it'll encourage more discussion when more people post.
[+] My Half-Learned Opinions

The Plastic Hammer Awards!

The Basics

Handler Name: I'm a Cactus, formerly known as Korazon, d0ddi0slave, or just Adam.

Your Trademark Character: By default, I guess Adam Dodd.

Current Status of Trademark Character: Very shortly about to emerge (or not) from the abyss that was the v3 epilogue hiatus.

Favorite Character: Nate Turner.

Favorite Weapon: It would have to be the combination jeep + keys to said jeep.

Favorite Scene: Ty Yazzie buries Bernadette.

Favorite Death: Jerry Fury. There can be no other.

Favorite Quote: "And I don't care why you're doing it anymore, or what's going through your heads! You're both just stupid idiots! You just want to kill each other and be done with it, and you don't care about anything else! And if that's all you want, then that's your problem! I'm not making it mine anymore!" - Nate Turner

Favorite Post: - the way he went out, so casual and just... didn't wake up really got me the first time I read it and I haven't been able to shake it since.

Favorite Location: I thought the asylum as a whole was a really neat concept for an SOTF game.


Best Character Development: I really enjoyed watching Ty Yazzie's world shatter to the point where he just didn't care anymore.

Best Game Impact: Nancy Kyle killing people managed to set other people on some pretty destructive paths.

Best Innovation: I honestly don't know how to answer this.

Best Realism: Agree with the above who say Wayne Cox.

Best Heroic Character: There were so many shades of grey this version, I don't know that I've read enough to make a valid thought on this.

Best Villainous Character: I thought Min-jae Parker was a little shit, but Alessio Rigano was more of the villainy type.

Best Tragic Character: Ty Yazzie, seriously. Poor guy.

Best Humorous Character: Jerry Fury had me in stitches often.

Best Tactics: I don't know.

The Sympathy Award: The whole time, I just wanted to give Nate Turner a hug.

The Empathy Award: Toby Andreasson. I'd probably snap on a little shit like Jerry Fury too.

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: I really wanted to see the fish-smelling Bart Cappotelli stick around for longer.

The He-Had-It-Coming Award: Jerry. Has to be Jerry again. Matt Moradi was both like... sympathetic but icky at the same time.

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: Nate looking up at the sky. Image Ty looking at the plaque. Apparently people looking at things makes me sad.

The Stomach-Churner: I've got a strong stomach, so nothing.

Best Impact: Min-jae leaving Hazel after they had sex. Everything after that just tumbles downhill for him so substantially. He gets his first kill as soon as he leaves her and after that, nobody can trust him.

Best Comedy: Such a cop-out, but Jerry Fury again.

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: Alba Reyes blowing up Kimiko was cool.

Best Feeling-Inducer: Kimiko killing Ty really got me, but also Harold Porter's death made me feel sad too.

Best Drama: Probably Rivers in the Desert, because it was Endgame and I'm one of those people that yells at the screen [the spoilers channel] as it's happening.

Best Surprise: None, because I showed up basically after v6 was all but over.

Best Meanwhile: Tough. I'm a huge, huge, HUGE fan of "URGENT: BartToons Missing?", and I've heard good things about "All About My Mother" but I haven't read it yet. I also really enjoyed "He gave me his trust. He called me brother."

But for me it can't be anything but Old Wounds.

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change? From v6? Nothing at all. I think I came back at a perfect time for me. From further back? Loaded question and we don't have all day.

There are four remaining characters. Who are you counting on to be the overall winner of V6? Something... I can't even fathom what it would be... makes me lean towards Min-jae Parker.

How do you predict the ending of V6 is going to turn out? Things are going to happen and everyone's going to scream about them in chat one Friday evening.

How much did you enjoy/not enjoy V6? From what I've read since my return, I've dug it.

What do you like the most about V6? Everyone's writing quality has been absolutely top-notch, and it shows that SOTF truly is a high-level writing website.

What do you think could have been better about the version? I'm not qualified to answer this.

What do you think of the overall SOTF story? I can't wait to see what happens next. Truly, I'm really excited to see what the staff have in store for us!

How do you feel about V6 compared to prior versions? Another loaded question. I think it's good. Smaller in a lot of ways, but good.

How do you think V7 will differ from/compare to V6 and prior versions? I think we're going to have a good time. Everything feels more organized, more streamlined, and I think the excitement level is high. Plus, I CAME BACK. Image

Talk About Yourself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V6? Something nobody's seen yet.

Otherwise, "The Essay." I'm pretty proud of that. Not a lot to choose from, really.

Which of your V6 characters was your favorite to write? Ed-liver and Mike and it's not even close.

What are you proudest of in V6? Finishing something that I started seven years ago.

What do you wish you could improve? I should have come back to the site in September, when I was working nights and sitting around bored out of my mind for hours at a time while nursing a shoulder injury.

What is your favorite V6 memory? I've gotten so much out of returning that, just everything since I've come back.

What else would you like to share? Anything goes!

SOTF has ruined my ability to get more than 6 hours of sleep per night, but it's worth it. It's really, really nice to be back.
Yugikun wrote: Fri Jan 26, 2018 1:49 am
[+] Let it be known that Zee essentially blackmailed me into doing this.
The Plastic Hammer Awards!

The Basics

Handler Name: Bukowski

Your Trademark Character: Guess.

Current Status of Trademark Character: 1. Have fun, above all else.
2. Get to Emma. As soon as possible.
3. Find Serena. Make sure she's safe.
4. Figure out what the fuck to do with Alex.
5. Find Al. Say hi.
6. Find Clarice. Apologise for earlier.
7. Figure out who else should be on this list. Retroactively add them.
8. Find Josh's corpse. Give last respects, for what they're worth to him.
9. Find Jasmine. Figure out what happens when you get there.
10. Find Caedyn, get closure in that area, if you can.
11. Pursue hopeless venture of survival, if above conditions have been fulfilled.

Favorite Character: My top ten is… still fairly intact - Alex, Scout, Coleen, and Matt Moradi

Favorite Weapon: Horse tranquilizer with syringe?

Favorite Scene: Lord of Lunatics

Favorite Death: Kaitlyn

Favorite Quote: "I don't wanna be a loser, Nate. I've been a loser my entire life. That's about it.. I mean, I don't wanna win because I want to get a job or get married or go to college. [...] "I just want to win because that's good enough. Just winning, you know? Making someone else lose. Living when everyone else died, even if it's for a second. That's good enough." - Matthew Moradi

Favorite Post: fuck if I know

Favorite Location: Still repping the bell tower.


Best Character Development: Coleen.

Best Game Impact: Alessio - not much competition when you just like, suddenly turn the whole island against you.

Best Innovation: Kaitlyn was pretty fun.

Best Realism: Gonna pick Jordan Green for this as from reading him I could tell that he was grounded in reality and full of real-world problems.

Best Heroic Character: People mocked me for picking Scout last time but you know what screw those people Scout was like, one of the only actual heroes who achieved anything so yeah, I'm picking her again.

Best Villainous Character: Still Alex.

Best Tragic Character: Nate.

Best Humorous Character: ...I mean Michael Crowe is the only answer here, right?

Best Tactics: Yeah can't think of anyone for this, sorry.

The Sympathy Award: Nate again. Genuinely was pulling for him in the end.

The Empathy Award: i mean it'd be cheating if i picked the character who was at the very least partially based on me, right?

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: I mean even if she did make it pretty far I still believe that Coleen went out like, way too early. Genuinely wanted to see her be there during the end.

The He-Had-It-Coming Award: Man I was genuinely trying not to mention Isabel since I figured she'd be the easy answer to a couple of questions but… yeah nothing else really comes to mind here.

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: Dude was my winner pick going into the final twenty so… Image

The Stomach-Churner: Bridgette did not go gentle.

Best Impact: I mean, Alessio did turn the entire island against him in the space of a day.

Best Comedy: i still can't believe darius is fuckign dead

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: The Girl Who Owned An Island is still pretty hype, even now.

Best Feeling-Inducer: ...Yeah.

Best Drama: This is sort of an easy answer to make but still.

Best Surprise: Sorta hard to ignore like, the three unrolled deaths that happened all in a row.

Best Meanwhile: Also sorta hard to ignore like, the first interaction we've seen between two winners + the fate of Bryan Calvert.

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change? I mean, not getting rolled at the points where I did would have been great but there's nothing I can really do about that /shrug

There are four remaining characters. Who are you counting on to be the overall winner of V6? Fiyori. Would also find Nate cool as a 0 kill winner.

How do you predict the ending of V6 is going to turn out? i mean sorta hard to answer this question now right

How much did you enjoy/not enjoy V6? I had fun - admittedly I tapered off near the end but it was still enjoyable enough.

What do you like the most about V6? fuck iunno, the writing?

What do you think could have been better about the version? Seriously, seriously wish some of the floaters hadn't made it near the end. I honestly prefer it when the people who make it to the end like, actually have an active effect on the plotline.

What do you think of the overall SOTF story? its cool i guess

How do you feel about V6 compared to prior versions? I guess its better? Like, nothing's perfect but I felt as if V6 had relatively few blemishes compared to past versions.

How do you think V7 will differ from/compare to V6 and prior versions? I mean I hope it's better but I'm only more cautiously optimistic

Talk About Yourself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V6? The Martyr Approach. No real competition there.

Which of your V6 characters was your favorite to write? Jeremy? Admittedly it was Alvaro for a bit but once the Junko kill happened then yeah, Jeremy.

What are you proudest of in V6? Getting the title for longest single post in the version.

What do you wish you could improve? I mean, ideally not getting rolled at the points I did so that I could have gone further/actually used my hero, but again, outta my control /shrug

What is your favorite V6 memory? Poultrygeist.

What else would you like to share? Anything goes! I FULFILLED MY PART OF THE DEAL. IT'S YOUR TURN NOW, ZEE.[/url]

I bid you all dark greetings!
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Grand Moff Hissa
Posts: 2838
Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:37 am


Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

V2 First BKA/BDA (November 2006)
[+] V2 First Awards
Megami wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2006 5:37 amBest Kill Award:
Jonathan Michaels for the death of Chad Munteanu/Brad Wilson
Mariavel Varella for the death of Jaime Dibenidetti
Paris Persphone for the death of Brittany Ashworth/Preston Grey
Bryan Calvert for the death of Dan Birch
Franco Sebberts for the death of Marvin Hendrick
Blake Ross for the death of Gregory Moyer
Adrian Gray for the death of Joshua Moore

Best Death Award:
Slacker for the death of Chad Munteanu/Brad Wilson/Caitlin Evans
Mitsuko2 for the death of Jaime Dibenidetti/Preston Grey
Croco for the death of Brittany Ashworth
Baby_G for the death of Dan Birch
LaZardo for the death of Marvin Hendrick
Jotun for the death of Jameson Doeert
Endless_Helix for the death of Gregory Moyer
Aphrodite. for the death of Joshua Moore


If I left anyone out, let me know ASAP! Very, very simple template. You vote for both contests. You vote one time per contest. For example, you can vote for Bryan for Best Kill and Baby_G for best death, or however you see fit. Fill out the two-line template below with your votes and reasoning and submit it here. You've got until 12 AM Friday morning to vote.


Guest wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2006 5:53 amBKA
Vote: Bryan
Reason: I thought that he was the most affected by his murdering someone and I belived the kill to be planned out well, and to have great action!

Vote: Lazardo
Reason: I really enjoyed the whole renee part and it semmed as if he had the most thought in this death
Guest wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2006 5:58 ambest kill award:

vote: blake ross
reason: it's something that just hasn't been done before; the nail through the head thing. of course, if you've seen 'very bad things', it has, but...i really liked that death for some reason. bitchslapped him with the bible.

best death award:

vote: slacker for chad muteaneau
reason: i just thought the whole post was really well written, and even though you could tell from the beginning that chad was fucked, you really felt for the poor little shit.
Guest wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2006 9:25 pmBest kill:

Vote: Blake Ross
Reason: It was one of the more unique kills so far, and I really liked his reaction while Greg was dying.

Best Death:

Vote: Aphrodite. for the death of Joshua Moore
Reason: It was just the way the death was written, it really made me feel bad for the kid, all the shit he went through, only to die like that. It was a good death.
Guest wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2006 10:57 pmMy vote for Best Kill goes to Blake Ross. Of all the deaths we've seen over the month, his disposal of Gregory Moyer was the most unorthodox. It was the only death that didn't involve the use of guns or other sharp objects. Overall, I thought it was the most interesting, if purely for that fact. It took a lot of creativity to kill someone in that manner, and the fact that it was totally accidental and NOT Blake's intention came through very well.

Likewise, I'm going to have to give my vote for Best Death to Jotun for the death of Jameson Doeert. The guy died when he fell out of the helicopter. That's definitely an SOTF first. It's probably a BR first period, in fact. This was really a tougher decision than its predecessor on the list, namely because it's only been a month and most of the characters who died weren't given much time to be developed and portrayed, therefore, most of deaths weren't very compelling this time around. Jameson's stood out over the others, if only because it was unorthodox.
Guest wrote: Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:24 amBest Kill Award:

My vote for best kill goes to Blake Ross. The killing of Gregory was clearly accidental but Blake also had a motive. He was afraid. Just as any other one of the kids on the Island, he was trying to save himself. I don't think that many of the other killers took into consideration that they weren't doing this just because, they are doing it for a reason, and there are repercussions.

Best Death Award:

My vote for best death goes to Jotun for the moving (and slightly humorous death) of Jameson Doeert. It was most definitely a SOTF first and was also very vivid. I think it was an excellent demonstration of how fragile the students in SOTF really are, and how delicate the situation is. It definitely sent a message Ali Grayston, who won’t be forgetting anytime soon.
Guest wrote: Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:15 pmbka: Franco Sebberts (feat. Russ Gofis)
This is probably the first death we've witnessed so far that involves the use of teamwork or partnership. It could actually prove detrimental to their newfound partnership when the person that actually causes their victim's heart to stop gets all the credit, even if they decide to alternate their kill order, which would probably go wrong as life on the island starts to wear them down.

bda: Marvin Hendrick
Amazing how one can make a character that barely lasted the morning go in such a spectacular, dramatic fashion. Bringing in someone elses point of view is probably also a first on these forums, let alone v2.
I am guest! wrote: Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:17 pmI cast my Best Kill vote to Franco Sebberts. There was something chilling about the way he so easily turned on someone who was once an ally and murdere dhim in cold blood instead of trying to talk Marvin out of his insanity. And Russ' involvement shows an all around good-guy character turning to Franco's 'dark side' so to speak. So, I'm voting for Franco's kill because of the way it shows his ability to bend others to his will, and his over-all capability as a villain.

For Best Death, my vote goes to Jotun. At this point, it's too early for me to really care about any of the characters, (Though Marvin Hendrick comes close.) and Jotun seemed to make no effort in making me care about Jameson, instead focusing on the pain he was feeling. And while I certaintly didn't have any emotional stock in Jameson, Jotun describing his slow and painful death had an effect that character devolopment would not have at this point in SOTF, with added points for originality and Jotun's way of making me really look down on a character.
Guest wrote: Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:03 pmBest Kill: Franco Sebberts. I have always enjoyed the work of teamwork. With the great uses of powerful weopans that have not gone to waste. With the chest blasted open and the collor exploding it has everything in my opinion explosions, and glass shards, and blood. So my vote goes to Franco.

Best Death: Marvin Hendrick. It is great to see a guy that goes down with a fight especially with those two weopans they have!
Guest wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:29 amMy votes go for Blake Ross

His reactions to a friend dying were very well handled, and it really came accross clearly and fluidly.

And to LaZardo for Marvin Hendricks death. This is mostly because of the fact that it was one of the few kills that weren't just fodder. It really came accross as a sad event, which is pretty difficult to do with something as vile and tasteless as Marvin Hendrick. He's someone you love to hate, and yet you feel a bit worse when he dies...
The Artist Formerly Known as Gue wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:53 amVote: Jotun
Reason: Because it was generally a good death with lot's of effort put into it. Jotun proved his worth with that death post and if anything it not only serves as a SOTF first, but as a post that will keep my curiousity of Jotun's work really up there.

Vote: Franco
Reason: It was quite an awesome vote and it displayed the teamwork that we had seen from countless villianous characters (i.e. Peri Barclay), but what made it stand out was the fact that it had substance, I also want to see how Franco continues to develop after a kill like that.
Guest wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2006 3:46 amBest Kill Award: Franco Sebberts Very unique method of killing, has the feeling of the time of ascention for Franco.

Best Death Award: Jotun Brings descriptive to a new level, and an unexpectedly quick death. +5 points for originality.
Megami wrote: Fri Dec 01, 2006 2:10 pmTime's up! This contest is now CLOSED. Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote!

I bid you all dark greetings!
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Grand Moff Hissa
Posts: 2838
Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:37 am


Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

V2 Second BKA/BDA (December 2006 - January 2007)
[+] V2 Second Awards
Megami wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2007 1:07 amBest Kill Award:
Walter Smith for the death of Jin Li-Jen (Click to Read)
Bryan Calvert for the death of Jordan McKiernan (Click to Read)
Garry Dodd for the death of Lester Treskington (Click to Read)
Harry Constantine for the death of Mary-Anne Robinson (Click to Read)
Andi Ayala for the death of Matthew Lafferty (Click to Read)
Ricky Callahan for the death of Eric Silvstedt (Click to Read)
Steven Smith for the death of Nessy Guthrie (Click to Read)
Brandon Cuthbert for the death of Jonathan Michaels/Christian Cohen (Click to Read)
Debrah Dollop for the death of Melanie DeSilva (Click to Read)
Paris Persephone for the death of Darren Oaklen (Click to read)
Marimar Perez for the death of Lance Adams(Click to Read)

Best Death Award:
Megami for the death of Tanesha Lexx/Eric Silvstedt (Tanesha)(Eric)
Shula for the death of Laura Diesen (Click to Read)
Atomic_Waffle for the death of Lester Treskington (Click to Read)
Nealosi for the death of Mary-Anne Robinson (Click to Read)
Xaldien for the death of Matthew Lafferty (Click to Read)
Baby_G for the death of Nessy Guthrie (Click to Read)
Slacker for the death of Jonathan Michaels/Christian Cohen (Click to Read)
Mitsuko2 for the death of Melanie DeSilva (Click to Read)


If I left anyone out, let me know ASAP! Inactive characters killed by either collar detonation or killed by myself (read: Wanda Lovett) won't be added to this. It's a very, very simple template. You vote for both contests. You vote one time per contest. For example, you can vote for Walter for Best Kill and Slacker for best death, or however you see fit. Fill out the two-line template below with your votes and reasoning and submit it here. You've got until 12 AM Monday morning to vote.


Guest wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2007 2:59 amVote: Harry Constantine
Reason: Extreamly affected by killing her. It acctually mad e me cry a little.

Vote: Megami
Reason: Tanesha's death really mademe feel for her, and it really made you wonder what you would do if you knew you would die within seconds.
Guest wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2007 5:12 ambest kill - brandon cuthbert (when you end up standing inside of a corpse...)
best death - slacker
Guest wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:02 pmBKA
Vote: Paris Persephone
Reason: Killed him with a Christmas Star. Somehow, that made me giggle a little.

Vote: Slacker
Reason: A unique and interesting way of writing those two deaths, I like it.
Guest wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:03 pm
best kill - brandon cuthbert (when you end up standing inside of a corpse...)
best death - cycokiller (just thought it was really well written)
Cyco is on "best kill", but not "best death".
Guest wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:13 pmBest Kill Award

Vote: Walter Smith

Reason: Walter's kill was the first to actually disturb me through the specificity of the language and the descriptive detail of the violent murder. The death was unique and equally horrifying and I think it has asserted Walter's position as one of the islands greatest villains.

Best Death Award

Vote: Megami (Tanesha Lexx)

Reason: One of the most sincerely felt emotional deaths thus far, the tragic end to a pathetic character is truly powerful device. I think it has been accurately portray and the sequence was genuinely handled very well.
Guest wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:17 pmBest Kill: Ricky Callahan
He killed his best friend; that was cool. And on top of that, he actually tried to do something to help him after he'd skewered him like a kabab. What a dipshit.

Best Death: Megami (Tanesha Lexx)
Very well-written. Especially moving if you listen to the respective Who song whilst reading.
Guest wrote: Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:26 am
Guest wrote: Best Kill Award

Vote: Walter Smith

Reason: Walter's kill was the first to actually disturb me through the specificity of the language and the descriptive detail of the violent murder. The death was unique and equally horrifying and I think it has asserted Walter's position as one of the islands greatest villains.

Best Death Award

Vote: Megami (Tanesha Lexx)

Reason: One of the most sincerely felt emotional deaths thus far, the tragic end to a pathetic character is truly powerful device. I think it has been accurately portray and the sequence was genuinely handled very well.
Can we make some kind of rule against voting for me? Anyway, here're my votes:

Brandon Cuthbert (best kill)
Slacker (best death, I liked his original approach)
Guest wrote: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:07 pmBKA:Paris Persephone

I just seem to like the idea of "death by christmas star"

Guest wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:06 amBKA: Ricky Callahan
i liked how Ricky freaks out about killing his best friend by acsident. just a great read overall.

BDA: Megami
every thing about Taneshas death is really emotional and empathick.
Guest wrote: Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:55 pmBKA: Scipher - For a rookie, it was a good post, made better by Baby_g death scene

BDA: Megami - nuff said
Megami wrote: Mon Jan 29, 2007 7:56 pmCLOSED. Thanks for voting!

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Grand Moff Hissa
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

V2 Third BKA/BDA (February 2007)
[+] V2 Third Awards
Megami wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2007 5:07 pmOkay, so seeing as this is the third contest, most of you know how to vote. For those of you who're fairly new to the site and not quite sure what's going on, I'll explain. This is your opportunity to reward your favorite handlers and characters for their work over the past month. The winner of the BKA (Best Kill Award) -- a character -- will receive a brand smokin' new weapon from Mr. Danya and the terrorists. The winner of the BDA (Best Death Award) -- a handler -- will receive their choice of prizes to help aid them in the game, such as another swap card, a roll nullification (where if their character is rolled anytime during the game, one time, and one time only, they can veto it), or a hero card.

Votes in this contest are completely anonymous, meaning that you have to be logged out to vote, so vote for who you truly think deserves to win. Double-voting is a big no-no and if you're found to be cheating, any and all of your votes will be nullified. SOTF logs your IPs every time you log onto the site, so double voting WILL be caught. You'll be asked to provide the names of the characters/handlers you're voting for AND a reason why you're voting for them. We ask you to do this because we want this to be fair and not just a popularity contest. Please give legitimate reasons. Reasons like "Tht carectar is so kewl!" will result in a disqualification of your vote. Not entering a reason will also result in a disqualification of your vote. It's fairly simple and straightforward. Just write down who you liked and why you liked them. As always, thank you for voting!


I'm voting for:


Here are a list of this month's nominees.

Chiaki Takao for the death of Derrin Istoli (Click to Read)
Bryan Calvert for the death of Zed Foreman (Click to Read)
Felix Travertil for the death of Jackie Kovacs (Click to Read)
Franco Sebberts for the death of Stacy Holorson (Click to Read)
Mariavel Varella for the death of Nich Finlayson (Click to Read)
Vesa Turunen for the death of Sylvea Hill (Link coming soon)

Atomic_Waffle for the death of Derrin Istoli (Click to Read)
LaZardo for the death of Zed Foreman (Click to Read)
Shula for the death of Okalani Shimane (Click to Read)/Adrian Gray (Click to Read)
Nealosi for the death of Jackie Kovacs (Click to Read)
Narfinkool for the death of Stacy Holorson (Click to Read)
Cycokiller for the death of Nich Finlayson (Click to Read)
Endless_Helix for the death of Sylvea Hill (Link coming soon)

((I have taken myself out of the running for Best Death. Just letting you all know why Alexander Bee, Gigi Sinclaire, and Satoru Kamui are not listed in the BDA category. The links provided to the deaths actually lead to the characters' profiles. From there, click on the "Deceased" tag in bold red letters to be taken directly to the character's death.))
guest durr wrote: Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:45 pmBest death:
I'm voting for: laZardo
Because: I like how Zed's dilusions continue right up to his death, it, among other things of Zed, made it cool when you consider that he actually did very little the whole time.
fo shizzle ma nizzle wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:49 amI'm voting for: Nealosi
Because: the effect of jakie's death was so sad that it rteally had me crying

I'm voting for: Mariavel Varella
Because: She really showed her villanous side here, and her power as a player. I think this kill showed alot of her developing presence and how she will be a memorable charecter when V2 is all over.
Guest wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:32 pmBest Kill: Mari

She kicked Nich's ass. It was a awesome read... while others were....n't.

Best Death: Bryan Calvert for Nich.

The two worked really well together making it a awesome thread in general. The way it should be.
Guest wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:33 pm*** mistake ***

I ment to say Cyco's character Nich for best death. I put Bryan there, mistaking him to be in the best death as well... oops.
Guest wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:16 pmBest Kill: Mariavel Varella
Attempted rapist bites off more than he can chew. It's been done, but it's still a good read.

Best Death: LaZardo for Zed Foreman
I thought it was set-up nicely, and it wasn't too drawn-out (I guess there was no time for it to be). Plus I'm still cracking up that he told a spineless weakling to avenge his death.
Guest wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:17 pmBKA: Neolosi (Franco Sebberts)
Because: I have always enjoyed a pleasent squishing of a character. With the fact I hate Old Navy and killing two birds with one stone.

BDA: Narfinkool (Stacy Holorson)
Because: With not only the fact that the Old Navy collapsed, but she was still trying to fight after bits and pieces of the store collapsed on her and she just kept going. I am voting for Stacy Holorson because it was also a gruesome death. With her head being crushed and her badly broken. It was a great death
Guest wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:37 amBest Death Award: Nealosi for the death of Jackie Kovacs (with LaZardo and Shula both in a close second)

It seems that the sacrifice made by Jackie will have a long lasting impression on many people on the Island, and the death of one of the few 'good kids' on the island, serves as a stark message for competitors and peers alike.

Best Kill Award: Franco Sebberts

Another unique death provided the more obvious conclusions. Given the situation, Franco is both emotionally and logistically justified in his actions and demostrates fear, arrogance and genuine human reason despite his villainy.
Guest. wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2007 5:49 pmBDA
I'm voting for: Nealosi for Jackie Kovacs
Because: He was one of the few characters that, simply put, had an honest feel to him that wasn't tainted by artists chaotic rendition. His death was true to that, and much more descriptive to his persona than any other, little contest here. All who knew him will miss him dearly.

I'm voting for: Franco Sebberts for the death of Stacy Holorson
Because: None of the other young upstarts deserve an award. Just kidding, but Franco acts like many would act given the situation. His mental justifications for everything, and his clever wit for how the "raving banshee" would expire was refreshing and enjoyable.
Megami wrote: Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:45 amClosed. Thanks for voting.

I bid you all dark greetings!
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Grand Moff Hissa
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

V2 Fourth BKA/BDA (March 2007)
[+] V2 Fourth Awards
Megami wrote: Wed Mar 28, 2007 1:29 amI'm just gonna copy and paste the rules over from last month for two reasons. Number one, they haven't changed, so why reiterate them? Number two, I forgot all about this until just now. Attribute it to it being a slow month on the forum and things being a little crazy IRL. Sorry 'bout that. Anyway, on to the contest.


Votes in this contest are completely anonymous, meaning that you have to be logged out to vote, so vote for who you truly think deserves to win. Double-voting is a big no-no and if you're found to be cheating, any and all of your votes will be nullified. SOTF logs your IPs every time you log onto the site, so double voting WILL be caught. You'll be asked to provide the names of the characters/handlers you're voting for AND a reason why you're voting for them. We ask you to do this because we want this to be fair and not just a popularity contest. Please give legitimate reasons. Reasons like "Tht carectar is so kewl!" will result in a disqualification of your vote. Not entering a reason will also result in a disqualification of your vote. It's fairly simple and straightforward. Just write down who you liked and why you liked them. As always, thank you for voting!


I'm voting for:


Here are a list of this month's nominees.

Shula for the death of Adrian Gray/Anthony Ainsworth
Scipher for the death of Kyle Rizea
Leo for the death of Jack Russell/Mai Oshinari
Mitsuko2 for the death of Lavender Heart/Andrew Ponikarovsky/Alex Ovechkin/Rupert Stockton
Nealosi for the death of Russ Gofis
LaZardo for the death of Alice Nichols
CycoKiller for the death of Shae Arnav/Andrew Swainson/Edgar Judah
Scipher for the death of Steven Smith

Penelope Withers for the death of Anthony Ainsworth
Bryan Calvert for the death of Kyle Rizea
Stephanie Crew for the death of Lavender Heart
Sera Wingfield for the death of Brandon Cuthbert
Mariavel Varella for the death of Alex Ovechkin/Rupert Stockton
Roland Kelly for the death of Alice Nichols
Bryan Calvert for the death of Shae Arnav
Matthew Drew for the death of Steven Smith
Peter Rosenthal for the death of Andrew Swainson
Dan Johnson for the death of Edgar Judah

No links this time around, I don't have time... sorry guys. You can find a direct link to their death in the character roster anyway. Sorry this is up so late, it completely slipped my mind. The results of this will tentatively be posted along with the announcement. Thanks for voting.
Guest wrote: Wed Mar 28, 2007 2:16 amBKA
I'm voting for: Cycokiller's kill of Kyle Rizea
Because: The whole time I could picture the entire scene in my head. I enjoy getting a great mental image of the whole scene.

I'm voting for: Mitsuko2's Death of Lavender Heart
Because: I've been enjoying how sadistic Mariavel has been, and to see her break down while her friend was dying, along with the story was a very good read.
Guest wrote: Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:14 amBKA:

I'm voting for: Bryan Calvert for the death of Kyle Rizea
Because: Come on, he bit the juice and brains out of the boys head because he pounded his skull in. You can't get much more Battle Royale than that!


I'm voting for: Scipher for the death of Steven Smith
Because: It was over kind of quick, but that's the good thing about it. It got straight to the point and was a good read.
Guest wrote: Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:30 amBDA: Leo

I hate to say it but most all the other deaths paled in comparison to the death of Jack Russell and Mai Oshinari. It was moving, disturbing, amazing to read and human, a trait that some people seem to be forgetting. Congrats Leo.

BKA: Roland Kelly

I wasn't all that eager to read on with many of the other deaths, but in this case there was a definite sense of urgency, there was humanity and emotion, and there was suspense. Props to LaZardo for creating that kind of suspense.
Guest wrote: Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:48 amBKA: Sera Wingfield (Brandon Cuthbert)
A tense Reservoir Dogsesque showdown. I particularly liked this scene because it establishes that, this far into the game, firearms are no longer as rare and coveted as they were in the beginning.

BDA: Leo (Mai Oshinrai)
The effort put into this 3-parter shows; the transitions into flashback are smooth and well-timed, the violence is grotesque and wonderfully tasteless, and the emotions ran very deep.

Admin Edit: I fixed your formatting error for you. Image
Guest wrote: Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:49 am
Guest wrote: BKA: Sera Wingfield (Brandon Cuthbert)

BDA: Leo (Mai Oshinrai

My ineptitude with computer text should be considered an art form...

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Grand Moff Hissa
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

V2 Fifth BKA/BDA (April 2007)
[+] V2 Fifth Awards
Megami wrote: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:40 pmVotes in this contest are completely anonymous, meaning that you have to be logged out to vote, so vote for who you truly think deserves to win. Double-voting is a big no-no and if you're found to be cheating, any and all of your votes will be nullified. SOTF logs your IPs every time you log onto the site, so double voting WILL be caught. You'll be asked to provide the names of the characters/handlers you're voting for AND a reason why you're voting for them. We ask you to do this because we want this to be fair and not just a popularity contest. Please give legitimate reasons. Reasons like "Tht carectar is so kewl!" will result in a disqualification of your vote. Not entering a reason will also result in a disqualification of your vote. It's fairly simple and straightforward. Just write down who you liked and why you liked them. As always, thank you for voting!


I'm voting for:


Here are a list of this month's nominees.

LaZardo for the death of Eli McConnell
Mitsuko2 for the death of Lee-Ann Collier/Seth Malvice/Walter Smith/Sam Sorenson
Leo for the death of Deliah Dollop
Scipher for the death of Sarah Dao
Xaldien for the death of Burton Harris
Nealosi for the death of An Linh Tuan/Cathalie Meguro/Mitch Gunther
ZigZaggerty for the death of John Matthews
Megami for the death of Maggie Heartgreeder

Damien Carter-Madison for the death of Eli McConnell
Debrah Dollop for the death of Deliah Dollop
Rob Adams for the death of Sarah Dao
Mariavel Varella for the death of Seth Malvice/Walter Smith
Blake Ross for the death of An Linh Tuan
Felix Travertil for the death of John Matthews
Franco Sebberts for the death of Mitch Gunther/Cathalie Meguro
Huy Tran for the death of Sam Sorenson

No links this time around, I don't have time... sorry guys. You can find a direct link to their death in the character roster anyway. Sorry this is up so late, it completely slipped my mind. The results of this will tentatively be posted along with the announcement. Thanks for voting.
guest wrote: Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:58 pmBDA
I'm voting for: Nobody
Because: I enjoyed reading a lot of this months deaths. There were so many good deaths written this month, I honestly cannot choose one specific over the others.

I'm voting for: Huy Tran's kill of Sam Sorenson
Because: The chemistry and emotion of the Huy and Anna threads have been excellent writing, and this is just the next step in what should be even more excellent writing. That, and the kill was pretty cool to visualize.
Guest wrote: Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:47 pmBDA: Mitsuko2

Pulling off four deaths in one month is quite an achievement on her part. Congratulations.

BKA: Damien Carter-Madison

Damien's fashionably late to the killing list, but at least he came with a present...and a lesson to Danya to provide the crackers in plastic packets next time around.
Megami wrote: Wed May 02, 2007 6:12 pmClosed. Thanks for voting.

I bid you all dark greetings!
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Grand Moff Hissa
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

V2 Sixth BKA/BDA (May 2007)
[+] V2 Sixth Awards
Mitsuko2 wrote: Sat May 26, 2007 1:20 amVotes in this contest are completely anonymous, meaning that you have to be logged out to vote, so vote for who you truly think deserves to win. Double-voting is a big no-no and if you're found to be cheating, any and all of your votes will be nullified. SOTF logs your IPs every time you log onto the site, so double voting WILL be caught. You'll be asked to provide the names of the characters/handlers you're voting for AND a reason why you're voting for them. We ask you to do this because we want this to be fair and not just a popularity contest. Please give legitimate reasons. Reasons like "Tht carectar is so kewl!" will result in a disqualification of your vote. Not entering a reason will also result in a disqualification of your vote. It's fairly simple and straightforward. Just write down who you liked and why you liked them. As always, thank you for voting!


I'm voting for:


Here are a list of this month's nominees.

Mitsuko2 for the death of Earnest Decartet/Michael Nealy/Marimar Perez/Carmen Somerset/Penelope Withers
Megami for the death of Matthias Kovelanko
Cycokiller for the death of Harry Constantine/Dan Coyson
StrawberryPrince For the death of Venus Gwendolyn
Atomic_Waffle for the death of Licinia Vinici
Jotun for the death of Nathan Godwin
Baby_G for the death of Stephanie Crew/Jenna Cassidy
Lazardo for the death of Mihiro Duli

Mariavel Varella for the Death of Micheal Nealy/Carmen Somerset/Matthias Kovelanko
Franco Sebberts for the Death of Nathan Godwin
Roland Kelly for the Death of Dan Coyson/Mihiro Duli
Elizabeth Ebert for the death of Penelope Withers
Paris Persphone for the Death of Licinia Vinici
Bryan Calvert for the Death of Harry Constantine
Damien Carter-Madison for the Death of Kristey Burrowell

No links. Sorry, no time. Thanks for voting.
Guest wrote: Sat May 26, 2007 3:05 amBest Death: Venus Gwendolyn
Zed Foreman would have been proud.

Best Kill: Roland Kelly
Damien's spirit guide visiting Roland? Who is that guy anyway? This should get interesting.
Chase wrote: Sat May 26, 2007 3:56 amPlease note that there is an addition to the rules. Actually it's more something we thought would've been obvious not to state, but it's come to our attention it's needed.
Guest wrote: Sat May 26, 2007 5:07 pm== BEST DEATH AWARD ==

I'm voting for: CycoKiller for the death of Harry Constantine
Because: It was an enthralling action sequence, and I feel that our current game lacks a lot of that. Most of the deaths so far have been shoot/kill deaths or murders that've happened without much of a struggle. This one had a little action leading up to Harry's final moment, and I liked it.


I'm voting for: Franco Sebberts for the death of Nathan Godwin
Because: Maybe this was just me, but given Nathan's personality, this scene seemed sort of like a throwback to the manga version of Kiriyama/Mitsuru. It made me smile.
Guest wrote: Sun May 27, 2007 6:00 amBDA
I'm voting for:
Because: The Kansas City Shuffle has the potential to make for a good read, and this one did in spades. Nathan's final thoughts reflected an accurate perspective of how he'd played the game. Good collab, guys.

I'm voting for:
Elizabeth Ebert
Because: It was nothing less than extremely groovy seeing a naive character who believes SOTF is some kind of hoax get slammed with the sudden realization that she's just shot someone dead.
Guest wrote: Mon May 28, 2007 11:42 pm== BKA ==
I'm voting for: Elizabeth Eberts
Because: the way she compleatly broke down after the realization that she'd killed someone made me a little more than smile.

== BDA ==
I'm voting for: None
Guest wrote: Tue May 29, 2007 12:10 amBKA: Elizabeth Ebert

One of very few times when I've actually laughed and smiled at a character's realization of what they've done. The reaction was priceless, and I expect her actions in the future will provide even more.

BDA: I'm torn between two deaths that I thought were excellent. Therefore I'm not voting since I can't pick a clear winner.
Guest wrote: Tue May 29, 2007 3:22 am== BEST DEATH AWARD ==

I'm voting for: CycoKiller for the death of Harry Constantine

Because: It was a kick ass scene. It reminded me of a movie cover I saw once, where the guy's shot gun is sticking out of the water, ready to fire at the guy going by. Also, it was kind of funny how he thought he was saving the girl...


I'm voting for: N/A

Because: I don't really have a favourite this month.
Megami wrote: Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:41 pmThis competition is closed. Thank you for voting.

I bid you all dark greetings!
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Grand Moff Hissa
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

V3 First BKA/BDA (February 2008)
[+] V3 First Awards
Megami wrote: Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:10 amFirst of all, before you even read the rest of this post, make sure you read the rules for this contest. You can't vote for yourself and you can't vote more than once. That being said, let's get this party started! Voting ends on February 29th.


Best Kill Award:
Ivye Dewley for the death of Charlie Burchman (Click to Read)
Gabriel Theobaldt for the death of Jason Foley (Click to Read)
Blood Boy for the death of Joshua Goodman (Click to Read)
Melina Frost for the death of Lance Barrett (Click to Read)
Eduardo Trinidad-Villa for the death of Tanya Bonneville (Click to Read)
Bobby Jacks for the death of Tyson Neills (Click to Read)

Seeing as Lance Barrett, Tegan Bianco, and Alex Steele are dead, they aren't eligible to win anything, 'cause, you know, dead people can't go pick up their prizes. Image

Best Death Award:
RePeate for the death of Alex Steele
Ciel for the death of Charlie Burchman
Megami for the death of Heather Tilmitt/Lance Barrett
Atomic Waffle for the death of Jason Foley
laZardo for the death of Tanya Bonneville
Clueless for the death of Tyson Neills
Riserugu for the death of Tegan Bianco
Bukowski for the death of Josh Goodman


Very, very simple template. You vote for both contests. You vote one time per contest. For example, you can vote for Blood Boy for Best Kill and Clueless for best death, or however you see fit. Fill out the two-line template below with your votes and reasoning and submit it here.


Guest wrote: Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:35 amBKA
Vote: Gabriel Theobaldt for the death of Jason Foley
Reason: colourful. mmmm.

Vote: riserugu
Reason i thought it was well-written, and quite honestly, something about it just struck me as well-done.
Guest wrote: Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:53 amBKA

Vote: Gabriel Theobaldt
Reason: It was well written, a bit of a clencher, and the actual death was gruesome, and in my opinion thought out. Oliver did a great job with an opener like that. Even if it was a weapon-gainer, it was really good to read.


Vote: Megami
Reason: Again, an opener death, but I thought that it was a read that was descriptive, almost too much. I felt Heather hurting her child, and the emotion from all characters was amazing.
Guest wrote: Sun Feb 24, 2008 4:05 amBest kill award

Ivye Dewley

For the exact reasons as the guy a couple of spaces ahead of me. The death of Heather was the only one I felt that was truly a death that was planned ahead, without anything to actually gain except the thought of making people go "Holy Shit."

Best Death Award


Because I think her death was the best of the best. Tegan had a chance to be an interesting character, but when she was rolled I figured it'd be short. Not true. In the two pages or so that I've read, I saw every molecule of the character in there. That's why I think Riser deserves this award.
Guest wrote: Sun Feb 24, 2008 4:10 amBest Kill Award
Vote: Blood Boy
Reason: So many people have said this before, but the very LARGE majority of the deaths so far have been, basically, handlers' attempts at getting their flagships good weapons, which kinda isn't cool, mostly because in most, if not all of those deaths, the character they're maliciously murdering doesn't even fight back. Man, I know if that were me I'd be kicking and screaming if someone was trying to kill me, I wouldn't just stand there and take it. I felt like some of the deaths really stretched the boundaries of realism in addition to all that, so I'm finding it pretty hard to vote for anybody. I guess I'm gonna go with Blood Boy for the death of Josh Goodman, just because out of all of them, it was the most creative while still being at least somewhat within the boundaries of realism.


Best Death Award
Vote: Riserugu
Reason: Is it me, or was Tegan one of the ONLY characters who seemed to show any emotion whatsoever when she died? Granted, it was a suicide post, so I guess you'd feel a lot more conflicted committing suicide than you'd feel when you get shot in the face, but to be quite bluntly honest, Tegan's about the only character that I even moderately felt for when she died. Like I said earlier -- and multiple other people have said -- most of the kills this time around were just people's attempts at getting weapons, and it was handlers killing off their own characters, and I'm honestly somewhat disappointed that people didn't put more effort into making you FEEL for the character before they died. That's why Riser gets my vote.
Guest wrote: Sun Feb 24, 2008 4:52 amBKA: Blood Boy
Not really any reason that wasn't stated above, which I for the most part agree with. Quite original, and a good read.

BDA: Riserugu
Again, I thought the post was well-written, carried good emotion, and I can't really say much else that hasn't been said before. Well done.
Guest wrote: Sun Feb 24, 2008 6:19 amBest Kill
Vote: Blood Boy
Reason: Electrocution is definitely a first...and electrocution in a pool of blood is something that probably won't be replicated for a very long time.

Best Death
Vote: Heather Tilmitt (Megami)
Reason: Best death of a pregnant character since...well, it beats Deliah Dollop's. Come on, her fetus got cut out. It can hardly get gorier than that, even counting in my Best Kill vote.
Guest wrote: Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:10 pmBest Kill - Blood Boy

Electrocution is a very original way to go, and it seems like the only death out of the entire list that wasn't meant as a means for another character to get a better weapon.

Best Death - Riserugu

(Refer to three posts upwards for my explanation as to why I'm voting for Zilya)
Guest wrote: Mon Feb 25, 2008 4:35 pm-Best Kill-
Vote: Blood Boy
Reason: I've thought about my vote, and decided that best kill had probably gone to the wrong person. Though my views still stand on how I don't like that a lot of these seemed to be simply deaths made to gather a better weapon, or get a kill. I personally would like to see the old rule from V1 back where one couldn't pick up their own characters weapons, because really what's the point of not even trying with what you're given? Having a gun doesn't mean you're going to have a better chance than the kid that got a bag of leaves.

As for the actually death itself because, I have to admit in my haze of pissed-off-ness that I spiraled into that night I didn't give this post much of a chance. Which is why I'm correcting my mistake now, electrocution was an original idea. And in a pool of blood? Very nice touch I must say, and now I feel bad now that I missed it. :3

-Best Death-
Vote: Megami
Reason: Well this didn't change from last time, I still think Heather's death was very emotional, not only where you feeling the emotion from the killers side, but also of the person getting killed (something that a lot of these deaths lack) and it really left you going, "Damn." You saw that Lance's main concern was protecting his daughter even though she was dead, it was touching in a oddly morbid sort of way.
Guest wrote: Mon Feb 25, 2008 9:13 pmBKA

Gabriel Theobaldt for the death of Jason Foley

-One of the few kills I read that seemed realistic and well written enough to actually be plausible given the circumstances.


Megami for Heather Tilmitt

-Very macabre, very detailed, very gory, very good.

I bid you all dark greetings!
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Grand Moff Hissa
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

V3 Second BKA/BDA (March 2008)
[+] V3 Second Awards
Megami wrote: Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:53 amFirst of all, before you even read the rest of this post, make sure you read the rules for this contest. You can't vote for yourself and you can't vote more than once. That being said, let's get this party started! Voting ends on March 31th.


Best Kill Award:
Gabriel Theobaldt for the death of Karl Van Buren, Troy McCann
Julie Mikan for the death of Owen Fontaine
Blood Boy for the death of Kara Holmes, Rebbecca Bradbury
Keith Jackson for the death of Randy Flagg
Viktor Kurchatov for the death of Kristin Washington
Paul Smith for the death of Adwin Green
Dominica Shapiro for the death of Nigel Gillespie
Bobby Jacks for the death of Ric Chee

Students who are currently deceased are not eligible to win Best Kill.

Best Death Award:
RePeate for the death of Alex Steele
Atomic Waffle for the death of Karl Van Buren
Ciel for the death of Owen Fontaine, Nigel Gillespie
Bukowski for the death of Evelyn Richinson, Kara Holmes, Rebbecca Bradbury, Katherine Blanco
LaZardo for the death of Troy McCann
Clueless for the death of Ric Chee
d0ddi0slave for the death of Ken Lawson
LadyMakaze for the death of Nadine Willowbrook or Galen Neilson


Very, very simple template. You vote for both contests. You vote one time per contest. For example, you can vote for Blood Boy for Best Kill and Clueless for best death, or however you see fit. Fill out the two-line template below with your votes and reasoning and submit it here.


Guest wrote: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:34 pmBKA

Vote: Keith Jackson
Reason: Sometimes it's nice to have a fast paced, spur-of-the-moment death scene, as opposed to something drawn out, a long protracted fight with the momentum swinging one way and then the other. It was sudden, it was quick, it was gritty, and that's why I'm voting for it.


Vote: Ken Lawson
Reason: I know you're not really supposed to say this, but it was a cool idea. The irony - or whatever you want to call it was well placed. Reminiscent, for some reason, of Final Destination, Burton managed to avoid the game and ended up falling into his own grave and being buried in it. Cool idea and well written.
Guest wrote: Wed Mar 26, 2008 7:34 pmBKA

Vote: Blood Boy
Reason: Once again, props for creativity and the sheer shock factor of it all. Sometimes it's the method to the madness that counts.

BDA: Ken Lawson


Reason: I'm big on creativity, let me tell you. It was ironic and sickeningly hilarious, even though people are going to have to dig a few feet underground to get to the now-buried kevlar. LOL.
Guest wrote: Sat Mar 29, 2008 3:30 amBKA
Vote: Julie Mikan
Reason: The only death that actually surprised me. I could see all the others coming from a mile away, but the fact that she mistakenly shot Owen while he was attempting to survive an attack from Harry Tsai was what sold it too me. Plus, she was the only character out of the nominees who became visibly upset over killing someone.

Vote: LadyMakaze
Reason: Simply because I thought the fight between Galen and Nadine was better than how Adam offed Ken Lawson. Not to say that Ken's death scene was bad or anything, but I felt that the Nadine/Galen scene was a much better death than Ken Lawson's. Plus, Adam let a perfectly good Kevlar go to waste. D:
Guest wrote: Sat Mar 29, 2008 6:36 amBKA: Gabriel Theobaldt - Troy McCann annoyed me.

BDA: Ciel - Let's be different.
Guest wrote: Sat Mar 29, 2008 4:59 pmBest Kill Award
Vote: Julie Mikan
Reason: Spontaneity. Julie wasn't supposed to kill Owen, it's just the way things went down, with Makaze, Ciel, d0ddi0slave and CycoKiller all bouncing off one another and just kind of rolling with the flow. I thought it turned out really well, and this is a step in the right direction for the forum, so other people should really take note of this. There wasn't pre-planning. The death wasn't outrageous because "so-and-so got promised death rights so they HAVE to get the last hit in". It was completely random, it went down way different than initially intended, and it turned out really well. As someone else stated earlier, Maka made it a point to portray Julie's emotions involving the death, something that up until now, a LOT of people seem to have ignored. Therefore, my vote for BKA goes to Julie.


Best Death Award
Vote: d0ddi0slave
Reason: This one is considerably harder to decide for me because most of the non-fodder (read: the inactives and whatnot) deaths were pretty well-written and you could tell that with most (if not all) of them, their handlers put in quite a bit of effort. So, after much deliberation, I've decided to vote for Ken Lawson's death. I tend to like any sort of death that hasn't been done in SOTF before, and being buried alive is one of them, surprisingly enough. I thought it was portrayed pretty well, and it was definitely something different, while it didn't border on the edges of reality like some of the more creative deaths tend to do. So, for that reason, my vote goes to d0ddi0slave.

I bid you all dark greetings!
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Grand Moff Hissa
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

V3 Third BKA/BDA (April 2008)
[+] V3 Third Awards
Cactus wrote: Mon Apr 28, 2008 8:30 pmFirst of all, before you even read the rest of this post, make sure you read the rules for this contest. You can't vote for yourself and you can't vote more than once. That being said, let's get this party started! Voting ends on May 3rd (so we can have the weekend). Fairly slim pickins' this month, folks. Let's pick it up for next month!


Best Kill Award:

Adam Dodd for the deaths of Gabriel Theobaldt, Ivye Dewley
Julie Mikan for the death of Viktor Kurchatov
Blood Boy for the death of Trey Leyton
Bobby Jacks for the death of Quale Richardson
Darnell Butler for the death of Simon Wood

Students who are currently deceased are not eligible to win Best Kill.

Best Death Award:

Atomic_Waffle for the death of Gabriel Theobaldt or Viktor Kurchatov
Theseus for the death of Trey Leyton
Ciel for the death of Quale Richardson
Clueless for the death of Simon Wood


Very, very simple template. You vote for both contests. You vote one time per contest. For example, you can vote for Blood Boy for Best Kill and Clueless for best death, or however you see fit. Fill out the two-line template below with your votes and reasoning and submit it here.


Guest wrote: Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:17 pmBKA: Julie Mikan for Viktor Kurchatov. Knife in head is always fun. It was quick and sudden, which was neat.

BDA: Atomic Waffle for Gabriel Theobaldt. Why? Very simply, this death came out of absolutely nowhere and blew me away at just how much it seemed to sum up his character's final realization at things. While the character in the game was a little comic-booky, I think that the death really brought him full circle and was a tremendous piece of writing from young Waffle. Nice job.
Guest wrote: Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:44 amBKA: Adam Dodd


I think the principle of eliminating two of the more promising motivators is enough to win Adam the Best Kill Award. Ka-Fucking-Boom.

BDA: Clueless for Simon Wood. I just liked it. *shrugs*
Guest wrote: Tue Apr 29, 2008 9:23 pmVoid, handler has re-voted.

Cactus wrote: Wed Apr 30, 2008 2:12 amTo whomever the above post is ^

If you're voting, you can't not vote for anyone. So, um, please vote, or your vote will be redacted. Thank you.
Guest wrote: Wed Apr 30, 2008 2:37 amBest Kill Award:
Vote: Adam Dodd
Reason: Some of the other deaths, to be honest, felt a little too over-the-top, and to me, that's kind of a turnoff. It's a good thing to want a good, interesting death. The thing is, when it becomes too overdramatic, it's almost as bad as simply being shot in the forehead. This was Adam's first kill of the game, and it played out pretty interestingly, especially the death of Gabriel Theobaldt, which, to me, was completely unexpected. It was refreshing.


Best Death Award:
Vote: Atomic Waffle for the death of Gabriel Theobaldt
Reason: As I stated above, I simply did NOT see this one coming. Honestly, I had expected Gabriel to somehow make it out of the blast without so much as a scratch on him, as I thought it would be true to his comicky nature. Waffle surprised me when he actually killed Gabriel off in what was arguably the best piece of literature involving the character to date. As another voter stated, the post helped Gabriel evolve from a campy villain into a more rounded character and summarized his final moments nicely.
Guest wrote: Wed Apr 30, 2008 6:10 am
d0ddi0slave wrote: To whomever the above post is ^

If you're voting, you can't not vote for anyone. So, um, please vote, or your vote will be redacted. Thank you.
Wasn't aware of it, read through the rules and must have missed that.

Vote: Darnell Butler
Reason: An accidental kill isn't something you see too often, and I liked the originality of it. Of course I wouldn't say the scene is entirely complete, but what's there is good.

Vote: Theseus for Trey Leyton
Reason: Found it more interesting than the others, to put it straight, and although fast deaths are unexpected, slower, drawn out ones mean more food for... RP?
Guest wrote: Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:51 amBKA:
Vote: Adam Dodd
Reason: Simply put... the spontaneous deaths of Ivye Dewley and Gabriel Theobaldt at the same time, one directly affecting another... it was very good, probably the best so far. While I won't change my opinion on Waffle's intentions to kill off Gabriel, I will say that his death was still a huge surprise.

Vote: Clueless
Reason: Simply because he deserves it. Ciel did absolutely nothing with Quale and threw him away completely, Theo's death was actually all Bukowski and... well, when you realize that Waffles threw Gabriel in the topic with the INTENTION of killing him off, rather than the unexpexted "spontaneous" death everyone thought he had come up with. His last post brought Gabriel full-circle as a character and I respect Atomic Waffles for that, but WE'RE NOT HERE to decide the best post. Adam should have been nominated as well, since Gabriel's death was by his hands (see my above comments). Plus, Viktor's death was more sad and disturbing than shocking.

In fact, most of the people nominated HAVE NO REASON TO BE HERE. If Bukowski and Adam, or Megami and Maka were here as well I wouldn't need to be taking sides like this. Frankly Clueless is about the only person who shot out TWO deaths (two well-written albeit over the top deaths may I add) at the same time. He was behind half of the rolled characters deaths, and that's remarkable. Plus, Simon's death was very sad so that's reason enough.
Cactus wrote: Sun May 04, 2008 5:01 pmSo basically...


Adam Dodd - 3
Darnell Butler - 1
Julie Mikan - 1


Atomic_Waffle - 2
Clueless - 2
Theseus - 1

We'll figure out how to break the BDA tie. Or mayhaps reward the both of you? You'll find out! OooooooooooooOOOOoooooOOOOoooo...

I bid you all dark greetings!
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Grand Moff Hissa
Posts: 2838
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

V3 Fourth BKA/BDA (June 2008)
[+] V3 Fourth Awards
Megami wrote: Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:11 pmFirst of all, before you even read the rest of this post, make sure you read the rules for this contest. You can't vote for yourself and you can't vote more than once. IPs associated with your account are logged by Invisionfree, so we'll know if you're cheating. That being said, let's get this party started! Voting ends tomorrow night (June 31st), so let's get those votes in ASAP! Sorry about the short length of time but I haven't been online or even anywhere in the vicinity of a computer to post these up for this month. Also, this month is going to encompass last month's kills too to be fair to everybody (since we didn't hold a contest last month).


Best Kill Award:

Harry Tsai for the death of Courtney Blaggé
Darnell Butler for the death of Dan Brent/Eduardo Trinidad-Villa
Melina Frost for the death of Monique St. Claire
Clive Maxwell for the death of Lilah Morgan
Lenny Priestly for the death of Anna Vaan/Keiji Tanaka
Dominica Shapiro for the death of Bradley Armstrong
Jordan Redfield for the death of Julia Lauper

Students who are currently deceased are not eligible to win Best Kill. Inactive students are also ineligible.


Best Death Award:

CycoKiller Scipher for the death of Courtney Blaggé
Kyle for the death of Dan Brent
LaZardo for the death of Eduardo Trinidad-Villa
Megami for the death of Khrysta Lawrence
RePeate for the death of Monique St. Claire
Xaldien for the death of Lilah Morgan
Solitair for the death of Bradley Armstrong


Very, very simple template. You vote for both contests. You vote one time per contest. For example, you can vote for Blood Boy for Best Kill and Clueless for best death, or however you see fit. Fill out the two-line template below with your votes and reasoning and submit it here.


Guest wrote: Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:40 pmHeh... Keiji's was so bad it doesn't even get consideration? Image


Vote: Darnell Butler.
Reason: Tell ya the truth, I'd vote for Lenny if I hadn't, y'know, written one of the kills. However, I very much like the emotions Kyle communicated with this one - it's great stuff. That, and the fast pace of the fights were great. A worthy contender Image


Vote: Monique.
Reason: Because... um... I have to vote for both. Splat, is all I can see, very quick, very sudden. Girl never had a chance.
Guest wrote: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:43 pmBK
Vote: Dominica Shapiro
Reason: The actual killing was decent enough, but i really liked the post after it, when she's talking with Bradley's corpse. That was kinda funny.

Vote: Megami
Reason: The flashback of Khrysta at the prom was bittersweet and enjoyable.
Cyco wrote: Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:37 pm(Err, I'm not responsible for Courtney's death; Sciph is.)
Guest wrote: Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:40 pmKill: Harry Tsai. The post seemed quicker and more visceral than a lot of the other deaths, and I liked that touch. Seemed more realistic than some epic kung-fu battle to the death.

Death: Have to agree with the last voter, who said Khrysta. I think, whoever that voter was, they had it right on the money about the prom flashback.
Cactus wrote: Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:16 amFYI: Waffle and I have the exact same IP address.
Guest wrote: Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:18 amBKA

Vote: Lenny Priestly
Reason: You should probably know quite well why I'm voting for Lenny. Anna's death was probably the only one that actually stuck out from the rest, not being a complete epic battle and yet not being a sudden kill. Plus, Lenny just didn't stop at drowning Anna, he disemboweled her too. The guy deserves it.


Vote: Solitair
Reason: Only death that wasn't completely melodramatic. That's why.
Guest wrote: Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:27 pmBest Kill Award
Vote: Lenny Priestly
Reason: While I felt like a lot of people did a good job on the kills this time around (even though it took us two months to even get one of these up 'cause of the lack of them overall), Lenny really stuck out to me. From the beginning of the game onward, I was expecting to see something out of Lenny. Three days into the game, we hadn't seen much of anything except him and Liz running around the island. So, when they met up with Anna in the marsh and Lenny finally snapped, it was a defining moment for the character. Theseus portrayed the turn well without overkilling it, and overall, I thought it was an excellent death.

Best Death Award
Vote: Xaldien
Reason: Well, I'm not going to make any sort of speech about how it decimated the competition or anything, because really, most of the deaths were on par with each other. Really, the reason I'm voting for Xal is because if you read Lilah's death post, you can feel his connection with both Clive and Lilah, and while things between them weren't as established as they could have been in-game, it felt like Xal really put his heart into writing this death, and that counts for something, right?
Megami wrote: Tue Jul 01, 2008 3:29 pm((@Cyco: Oops!

@Scipher: Sorry Dan!

@d0ddi0: I know that. Image ))
Guest wrote: Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:20 amBKA

Vote: Harry Tsai

Reason: I just loved the touch about Harry thinking that he'd finally found what he'd been looking for the entire time (a gun), only to realize that he'd been jipped yet again and finally snapping. That was pretty cool. Not to mention it was in almost complete cold blood, which was a nice touch.


Vote: Khrysta Lawrence

Reason: I agree about the prom scene bit, it adds a nice touch of realism to her death without making it over the top and dramatic, which is both a hard thing to do and a very commendable one.
Megami wrote: Sun Jul 06, 2008 3:37 amClosed, thanks for voting!

I bid you all dark greetings!
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Grand Moff Hissa
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

V3 Fifth BKA/BDA (July 2008)
[+] V3 Fifth Awards
Cactus wrote: Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:45 pmFirst of all, before you even read the rest of this post, make sure you read the rules for this contest. You can't vote for yourself and you can't vote more than once. IPs associated with your account are logged by Invisionfree, so we'll know if you're cheating. Please log out of your account to vote. That being said, let's get this party started! Voting ends TONIGHT - 9PM CST. Sorry for the short notice, but...we need to end this day.

Best Kill Award:

Madison Connor for the deaths of Sharon Kulikov/Paul Smith
Will Sigurbjornsson for the death of Christian Rydell
Steve Digaetano for the death of Serenity Halos
Laeil Burbank for the death of Anthony Burbank
Jessa Vanallen for the death of Jeff Marontate
Wade Wilson for the deaths of Kode Hairesu/Mortimer Jones/Braeden Marsh/Jodene Zalack/Joeseph Gai/Mary McKay

Students who are currently deceased are not eligible to win Best Kill. Inactive students are also ineligible.


Best Death Award:

d0ddi0slave for the deaths of Kode Hairesu/Mortimer Jones/Braeden Marsh/Jodene Zalack/Joeseph Gai/Guy Rapide/Mary McKay
Ciel for the death of Paul Smith
PinkPistol for the death of Sharon Kulikov
Atomic_Waffle for the death of Christian Rydell
Mitsuko2 for the death of Serenity Halos
Super Llama for the death of Anthony Burbank
Crash for the death of Jeff Marontate


Very, very simple template. You vote for both contests. You vote one time per contest. For example, you can vote for Jessa Vanallen for Best Kill and Atomic_Waffle for best death, or however you see fit. Fill out the two-line template below with your votes and reasoning and submit it here.


Guest. Duh. wrote: Fri Aug 01, 2008 4:52 pmBK

Vote: Steve Digaetano
Reason: Heartwrenching, but also, not overdone. It's nice to have something which isn't waaay over the top for a change.


Vote: Ciel
Reason: Considering Paul wasn't even Jeff's character, he did a fantastic job of keeping him in the same. It could have been Chad writing that death post.
Guest wrote: Fri Aug 01, 2008 5:04 pmBK

Vote: Laeil Burbank
Reason: For his first post, Super_Llama outdid himself. It wasn't original but I honestly liked it alot more than the others. Therefore, he gets my vote.


Vote: Crash
Reason: I felt very sad for Jeff. None of the other deaths seemed to bring up that sort of emotion, so this vote goes to Crash.
muffins! wrote: Fri Aug 01, 2008 5:09 pmBK: Laeil Burbank.

At first I was a little unimpressed that the handler used Anthony as fodder for Laeil, but after reading it I thought it was a neat idea. The other kills weren't all that special this month, sorry.

BD: Ciel for Paul Smith.

Because he kept him so well in character. Seriously, it was flawless.
Guest wrote: Fri Aug 01, 2008 5:34 pmBKA: Madison Conner for the death of Sharon Kulikov.

Reason: It was definitely the turning point for Madison as a character, and since it was so well drawn-out over the six days they've been on the island it worked out really well.

BDA: Mitsuko2 for Serenity Halos

Reason: All three or four of the posts made as Serenity ended up being pretty touching, and while it would've probably been a nicer touch to see Terrie kill her, it still ended up working really well.
Guest wrote: Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:35 pmBest Kill: Laeil Burbank
Reason: I found that the kill was done very impressively considering it was Super_Llama's first kill, and even though Anthony was used as fodder the post established both involved characters nicely. Besides, I tend to have a bit of a soft spot for the bullied characters who finally get revenge on their tormentors, and I was impressed by the level of sadism Laeil displayed. I think she'll be a big threat in the game.

Best Death: Crash
Reason: I agree with the last person who voted for Jeff. It made Jeff a lot more sympathetic, emotional without being overdramatic. Overall really well done, surprisingly so for such a short lived character.
Guest wrote: Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:02 pmbka: laeil - i just really liked it, especially from someone who is new. sets up the character nicely. who else is on her 'list', etc.

bda: crash - jeff marontate. yeah, basically, y'feel bad for a person who's dying and that makes a decent post. the other ones were kind of overdone, like the wade wilson stuff and all that.

and for the record? nothing against ciel, but paul smith's death was in character? what have you guys been smoking? no offense, but that was brutal. i didn't think it was in character at all. he went out like a sucka, and that wasn't how he should have.
Guest!Bukowski wrote: Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:39 pmBKA: Wade Wilson, Dodd had a lot of balls to go into the lagoon and kill five people and to top that ballsy manuever he also wrote it beautifully. Besides, I just like the guy, wanna fight about it?

BDA: Another vote for the good ol' Doddster, out of all the deaths for my character I had to admit that I enjoyed Guy's the best. Completely in character and he went out exactly like I always imagined he would, besides, the culmination of a twist planned since day one is amazing.

On to Ciel, Paul's death was great. Until the actual death, Paul's whole point was that he wanted to win and go home (he just wasn't able to kill anyone), having him just lay down and get stabbed by a girl he was probably several times stronger than was not in character for Paul and I'd appreciate it if it wasn't paraded as such. You like the kill, good, was it in character? Not in the slightest. I will admit though that it was a knotch above usual inactive deaths.
Guest wrote: Fri Aug 01, 2008 10:53 pmBKA: Wade Wilson. Because I found it hilarious that he managed to kill five people while hallucinating.

BDA: Ciel, for Paul Smith. He was killed by his own cockiness, which I also found amusing.
Megami wrote: Sat Aug 02, 2008 2:36 amClosed, fools! Thanks for voting! <3

I bid you all dark greetings!
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Grand Moff Hissa
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

V3 Sixth BKA/BDA (August 2008)
[+] V3 Sixth Awards
Megami wrote: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:09 amGood evening ladies and gentlemen. It's that time once again -- time to vote for your favorite kills and deaths of the month. We've got a lot to choose from this time around, especially with so many new members coming on board, so hopefully we'll get a good vote turnout. Alright, so for all of you newcomers out there, please make sure you read the rules that are pinned in this forum before you vote. Also, please note that you are not allowed to vote for your own character. IPs are logged by Invisionfree and we can see if you're cheating. So play fair, be nice, have fun, and vote!

(Please note that characters that are already deceased are not eligible to receive Best Kill Award. Likewise, characters that have gone inactive are not eligible to receive Best Kill Award. Characters who have been killed by staffers due to activity reasons are not eligible for Best Death Award.)

Also, keep in mind that to vote you must log out and vote as a Guest!

Best Kill Award:
Neil Sinclair, Dominica Shapiro, and Matt Wittany for the death of Blood Boy
Bobby Jacks for the death of Reg Robson/Arty Williams/Andy McCann/Ivan Roeghmills
Keith Jackson for the death of John Cox
Cara Scholte for the death of Joey McHaimond
Melina Frost for the death of Herman Johnson
Trish McCarroll for the death of Jeff Thorne/Sloan Henriksen
Branca Braunstein for the death of Olivia Swan
Rick Holeman and Jim Middleton for the death of Josh Novikov
Harry Tsai for the death of Lucy Arber


Best Death Award
Ciel for the death of Blood Boy
Theseus for the death of Corbin Arlen
Scipher for the death of Reg Robson
Paranoia Man for the death of John Cox
Dinah Shore for the death of Jake Henkie/Lucy Arber
Ciel for the death of Joey McHaimond
ET.Requiem for the death of Jeff Thorne
Mitsuko2 for the death of Olivia Swan
RaggedDruid for the death of Sloan Henriksen
JoystickHero for the death of Arty Williams
Sona for the death of Ivan Roeghmills
CycoKiller for the death of Dennis Bernard


The template is very easy:



You're required to give a reason behind your vote. Giving reasons like "I like the handler", "I like the character", or "I thought it was cool" will cause your vote to be disqualified. It has to be something legitimate about the death that made you like it over the others. Read through them, pick a death, and help your favorite win a prize! Voting ends at 12 AM CST on September 1st. The announcement declaring a winner will be written later that day. Good luck to all our contestants!
Guest wrote: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:18 amBKA

Neil, Dominica, and Matt. The whole scene was extremely exciting and they did a really good job on it all. Gangbangs, ftw.


Jake Henkie, because it was actually really incredibly heartbreaking that he had finally found his friend only to die seconds later.
Guest wrote: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:36 amBKA

Branca killing Olivia. I think it's a pretty neat concept to put her through, and it almost seems like the beginning of a long and winding road for her.


dinah_shore for Jake Henkie's death. Not only was it tragic that he died right after finally rendezvousing with Trish, but I liked in particular how he wasn't made out to be a hero. He looked really pathetic when he died, and didn't even manage to squeak out what he wanted to say, and that made me feel really bad for him.
Guest wrote: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:46 amBKA

Neil Sinclair, Dominica Shapiro, and Matt Wittany for the death of Blood Boy. Why? Because I feel that it was a suitably brutal, multi-faceted takedown of a character that had been played up as a sort of uber-villain. It was great to see justice reign, as it were.


Theseus for the death of Corbin Arlen. I was torn between this one and Jake Henkie's death, and I ultimately settled for this one because it wasn't brutal, it wasn't forced, it wasn't Shakespearean, but at the same time, it was sharp, sudden and depressing - it was a peaceful death that was a poignant send-off for the character.
And this is coming from someone who hates that American Pie song.
Guest wrote: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:47 am^Vote above? Should say wasn't sharp, sudden and depressing. Wasn't.

Also, I wasn't implying that Jake's death was Shakespearean or forced or anything. I just ultimately felt like picking Corbin's.
Guest wrote: Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:45 amBKA

Vote: Melina Frost
Reason: I liked how Melina flipped out. Wasn't like all of the others where it was either in self-defense or just to add another kill: Melina got pissed and killed Herman and I respect that.


Vote: Trishy
Reason: Simply because even during his own death scene, Jake was a loser of losers. I gotta hand it to her, it was perfect!
Guest wrote: Thu Aug 28, 2008 10:10 pmBKA: Neil, Matthew, and Dominca for offing Blood Boy.
BDA: Theseus for Corbin Arlen.

Reason: I'm giving the same reason to both of these votes because they're both part of a beautifully written scene. The handlers were really in sync for with writing and dialog, we managed to send off one of our more controversial characters with a bang, and we bade farewell to another one in a very dignified manner. To top if all off, the scene was written in the Lookout Tower as it was about to become a danger zone! Now that's tension! About the only nit I can pick is that BB was a bit out of character when handled by Ciel, but it didn't bring the scene down enough to lose my vote.
Guest wrote: Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:43 amBKA: Neil, Matthew, and Dominca
BDA: Theseus for Corbin

The above poster kind of got everything I wanted to say, but let's see what I can get.Though I admit I wasn't to terribly happy with how out-of-character BB was, I guess it shouldn't be too surprising as it's probably a rather hard character to get into. And Ciel managed it to the best of his abilities, which wasn't horrible. But nonetheless the scene itself was wonderful besides that before little nitpick, and they managed to work together in perfect manner to take out the local island crazy and Corbin's death was just the bitter icing on top of it all.
Guest wrote: Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:33 am
Guest wrote: ^Vote above? Should say wasn't sharp, sudden and depressing. Wasn't.
I didn't realize this is also where we got to gratuitiously trash people's reasoning behind their votes.

BDA: Theseus for Corbin
Reason: Poor Corbin. He was so full of hope and promise, and then Blood Boy came and fucked everyone's shit up. It's sad in the game when people die when they're thinking positively.

BKA: Branca Braunstein
Reason: The girl couldn't be more unlike Olivia Swan, yet she is convinced that she is. That's funny, and it's not overdone/old since you don't see that very often in the game.
Guest wrote: Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:37 am
Guest wrote:
Guest wrote: ^Vote above? Should say wasn't sharp, sudden and depressing. Wasn't.
I didn't realize this is also where we got to gratuitiously trash people's reasoning behind their votes.

BDA: Theseus for Corbin
Reason: Poor Corbin. He was so full of hope and promise, and then Blood Boy came and fucked everyone's shit up. It's sad in the game when people die when they're thinking positively.

BKA: Branca Braunstein
Reason: The girl couldn't be more unlike Olivia Swan, yet she is convinced that she is. That's funny, and it's not overdone/old since you don't see that very often in the game.
I misread that. Oops!

No one should be allowed the have this little sleep.

Again, sorry.
Guest wrote: Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:05 pmBKA
Vote: Bobby Jacks
Reason: Clueluess did a good job of making him seem panicked, and irrational, rather than just "I wanna kill four people", which many would have done. It was a realistic freakout for an unstable teen packing a SIG.

Vote: Ivan Roeghmills
Reason: Sudden realization of hopelessness, it was a refreshing change from the page-long soliloquies that most deaths are. It was just simple hopelessness.
Guest wrote: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:49 pmI see nothing in the rules that says I have to vote for both, so I'm only voting for Best Death.

Best Death: dinah_shore for the death of Jake Henkie
Reason: Just looking at the death post, I can tell that Trish put a lot of time and effort into making it as good as possible. That kind of effort shouldn't go unrecognized, and even with that aside the death had much more of an emotional impact than the others up for voting in my opinion, but at the same time it wasn't melodramatic and also didn't ruin the overall mood of the scene.
Guest wrote: Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:23 amBKA: EDIT: i forgot, actually, about the one death i really did like this month. when crash wrote trish mccarroll killing off sloan - the death itself wasn't really all that special. what i forgot about was the aftermath, which i really thought was a solid post. so more for the aftermath than the kill, my vote goes there. instead of going to 'hairy' tsai. heh. oops.

BDA: speaking of emotional reactions? dinah_shore for the death of jake henkie definitely got one out of me. in fact, i felt really bad for the dude, because he finally finds his friend and gets fucking shot. my view? it was heads above every single other death this month, bar none. the only one that comes close was corbin arlen's death. problem with that was that it just felt a little contrived near the end. don't get me wrong, i liked it, it just didn't resonate with me like jake's did. if you haven't read it, you really should, otherwise you really aren't doing the character nor the handler any due justice, which in this case (and quite frankly, most of her posts) is really unfair, because thusfar it's all been awesome. grats to you.
Guest wrote: Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:29 amBKA
Vote: Trish McCarroll for offing Jeff Thorne and Sloan Henrickson
Reason: While the kills themselves seemed to suffer from a severe case of "nuttin'-to-work-with", I found Trish's shattered reaction very well-written and interesting, which redeemed the kill as a whole and then some.

Vote: dinah_shore for the death of Jake Henkie
Reason: Jake's demise was brutal without being gratuitous and emotional without being sappy.
Guest wrote: Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:35 amBKA: Trish McCarroll for offing Sloan and Jake
I agree that the death posts were pretty blah, but Trish's reaction to the whole thing was what made it great.

BDA: Jake Henkie
I was originally going to vote for Corbin, but then I read Jake's death post. Corbin's was awesome, but Jake's was (also tragedy.)
Cactus wrote: Mon Sep 01, 2008 7:27 amContest is Closed.

I bid you all dark greetings!
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Grand Moff Hissa
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

V3 Seventh BKA/BDA (September 2008)
[+] V3 Seventh Awards
Crash wrote: Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:47 amHey everybody! It's that time of the month again -- and no that doesn't give you an excuse to be bitchy! -- time to vote for your favourite kills and deaths of the month. A reminder for everybody once again, please make sure you read the rules that are pinned in this forum before you vote. Also, please note that you are not allowed to vote for your own character. IPs are logged by Invisionfree and we can see if you're cheating. So play fair, be nice, have fun, and vote!

(Please note that characters that are already deceased are not eligible to receive Best Kill Award. Likewise, characters that have gone inactive are not eligible to receive Best Kill Award. Characters who have been killed by staffers due to activity reasons are not eligible for Best Death Award.)

Also, keep in mind that to vote you must log out and vote as a Guest!

One more thing to note. This time I've taken the initiative to link you guys to every kill and death that's been nominated, so I have to stress that you all read every kill and death through before voting, so as to give everybody a fair chance. Thanks to everyone who votes, and keep the slaughter coming!

Best Kill Award:
Alexis Machina for the death of Nick Jones, and/or James Migato
J.R Rizzolo for the death of Cara Scholte
Leo Curtis for the deaths of Ryan Gilbert and/or Raven Lawrence
Will Sigurbjornsson for the deaths of Eicca Hietala and/or Clive Maxwell
Eris Marquis for the death of Jim Middleton
Adam Reeves for the death of Kathleen Martin
Steve Digaetano for the death of Shawn Waits
Bobby Jacks for the death of Petra Andrews. [This case is an exception, as Bobby caused her fatal wound in this thread, but her death took place in the one previous linked to.]

Best Death Award:
Crash for the deaths of Nick Jones and/or Jim Middleton
Mimi for the deaths of Cara Scholte and/or Branca Braunstein
Pigeon Army for the death of Ryan Gilbert
Muninn for the death of Raven Lawrence
Neuphim for the death of Afra Jacinth
Atomic_Waffle for the death of Eicca Hietala
Ciel for the death of Clive Maxwell
DetectiveArcher for the death of Petra Andrews


As always, guys, the formatting is pretty easy:



You're required to give a valid reason behind your vote. Voting because you "like the handler" or the "kill or death was awesome" isn't going to suffice. Any votes without legitimate reasons will be disqualified, as always. Remember, you must read through all the kills and deaths; then pick a favourite and hope they win the prize! Voting will end October 13th at 12:00 AM EST. The announcement declaring the winners will be written on the 15th. Good luck to everybody who's been nominated, and happy voting!
Guest wrote: Mon Oct 06, 2008 3:57 amBest Kill: J.R. Rizzolo killing Cara Scholte.

T'was seriously cringe inducing. Srsly.

Best Death: Petra Andrews.

It was slow and sad without being melodramatic. Definitely among the best deaths of V3.
Guest wrote: Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:20 amBest Kill: J.R Rizzolo for the death of Cara Scholte.

I'm not a very squeamish person, but that was enough to have me wincing a lot.

Best Death: Cara Scholte.

I thought it was a good end to a very well written scene.
Guest wrote: Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:21 amBest Kill: J.R. Rizzolo

Reason: What the person above said. J.R. Rizzolo's kill was the only one that caught my eye above the rest.

Best Death: Petra Andrews

Reason: I would vote for Atomic Waffle but he broke his promise with Xaldien. I would vote for Mimi but Branca could have went out with alot more flash. Ciel would have gained a vote had he at least tried to keep Clive in character. Archer is probably the only one who deserves the award because he made his character stand out and, in the minutes of her death, made her all the more likable of a character. In short, Archer wins because he made me truly sad for Petra.
Guest wrote: Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:28 amBKA: Leo Curtis for killing Ryan Gilbert. Thought part of it seemed awfully similar to another kill on the BKA, I liked it. Then again, I'm a sucker for when these fucking kids show ruthless aggression like Leo showed in that thread, good communication of emotion.

BDA: This was a toss up for me between DetectiveArcher and Mimi, in the end DetectiveArcher won it for me. Same reason as listed below there, where it wasn't isn't. Archer really played it out over the two/three posts between getting shot, allowing the other characters involved in the thread to become involved and really make the overall scene work extremely well. So for an excellent piece of writing that allowed the other "minor" characters of the moment to be involved, I give my BDA award to DetectiveArcher.
Guest wrote: Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:52 amBest Kill: Alexis Machina for the death of James Migato
Reason: Deaths seem to come prepackaged with angst and anger and all sorts of other stock emotions in this game. Fair enough, but it's a rare beast indeed that actually makes you laugh at a kill, because that's when you really start questioning your reaction. And the fact that Crash managed to do this while still making me question my reason for laughing, not going overboard or underplaying it, means Alexis edges out J.R. for my BKA nomination.

Best Death: DetectiveArcher for the death of Petra Andrews
Reason: Much like Corbin's death last month, Petra's death was quiet, understated, amazingly emotional in a subtle and non-hamfisted manner. But it was much more effective than Theseus' excellent Corbin death scene, and for that, DA wins my BDA nomination.
Guest wrote: Mon Oct 06, 2008 5:11 amBKA: Gotta give that to J.R. Despite being a very angry and sudden kill, I don't think it came off instant psycho. Scipher really wrote the scene well and the special touches he put in really added a lot to the effect.

BDA: Petra Andrews. Arch is a genius when it comes to making you actually feel for a character and that's exactly what he did with Petra. It seriously made me want to jump in the game and save her. Awesome job.
Guest wrote: Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:41 pmBKA: Leo Curtis

Both kills Leo scored were pretty sound, and I appreciated the thought put into each.

BDA: Muninn for Raven Lawrence

After reading through all the deaths, it was a pretty tough choice. While Petra's was incredible, I think Muninn did a very good job making Raven look pathetic and helpless in his last moments, and it drew a completely different kind of sympathy out of me which I definitely appreciated.
Guest wrote: Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:41 pmBest Kill: John Rizzolo
The finger-breaking made me wince. I definitely got a chill from this guy.

Best Death: Branca Braunstein
A bit quick, but fucking funny. I tend to notice funny deaths a bit more than dramatic ones, though, so it's probably just me who'd pick this over Petra Andrews.
Crash wrote: Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:31 amThe poll is now closed! Thanks to everyone who voted, and your winners will be announced and rewarded appropriately come next announcement!

I bid you all dark greetings!
User avatar
Grand Moff Hissa
Posts: 2838
Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:37 am


Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

V3 Eighth BKA/BDA (November 2008)
[+] V3 Eighth Awards
Crash wrote: Sun Nov 30, 2008 6:10 pmHey everybody! It's that time of the month again -- time to vote for your favourite kills and deaths! A reminder for everybody once again, please make sure you read the rules that are pinned in this forum before you vote. Also, please note that you are not allowed to vote for your own character. IPs are logged by Invisionfree and we can see if you're cheating. So play fair, be nice, have fun, and vote!

(Please note that characters that are already deceased are not eligible to receive Best Kill Award. Likewise, characters that have gone inactive are not eligible to receive Best Kill Award. Characters who have been killed by staffers due to activity reasons are not eligible for Best Death Award.)

Also, keep in mind that to vote you must log out and vote as a Guest!

I've once more taken the initiative to link you guys to every kill and death that's been nominated, so I have to stress that you all read every kill and death through before voting, so as to give everybody a fair chance. It doesn't take very long, and the handlers who spent a fair deal of time trying to write a quality scene would appreciate the support. Thanks to everyone who votes, and keep the slaughter coming!

Best Kill Award:
"J.R" Rizzolo for the deaths of Anton Wykowsku, Edgar Hoskins and/or Joe Cande.
Adam Dodd for the death of Dennis McDonald.
Terrie Brightwell for the death of Leo Curtis.
Gabe McCallum for the death of Evan Angler.
Michael Anders for the death of Abel Williams.
Lenny Priestly for the deaths of James Martinek, Heath Trennoby and/or Lauren Howard
Alexis Machina for the death of Vera Lang.

Best Death Award:
riserugu for the death of Briana North.
Super Llama for the death of Edgar Hoskins.
Solitair for the death of Dane Zygmunt.
Pigeon Army for the death of Leo Curtis.
Scipher for the death of Evan Angler.
Rimfire for the death of Abel Williams.
Neuphim for the deaths of Vera Lang and Heath Trennoby.
ZombiexCreame for the death of James Martinek
Muninn for the death of Lauren Howard
Crash for the death of Anna Grout.


As always, guys, the formatting is pretty easy:



You're required to give a valid reason behind your vote. Voting because you "like the handler" or the "kill or death was awesome" isn't going to suffice. Any votes without legitimate reasons will be disqualified, as always. Remember, you must read through all the kills and deaths; then pick a favourite and hope they win the prize! Voting will end December 2nd at 11:59 PM EST. The announcement declaring the winners will be posted on the 3rd. Good luck to everybody who's been nominated, and happy voting!
Guest, i guess... :P wrote: Sun Nov 30, 2008 6:23 pmBest Kill: Michael Anders

Why: Who said, that best kill, must be always brutal/spectacular etc. It was really hilarious comical one. I was laughing when i read it, and I still love it. Sure, Lenny is Badass, so do Riz, Lex is now a 1st class player but... that was all pretty 'normal' way of dealing with people. Michaels was random... but does it make it any less hilarious? IMO no.

Best Death: Muninn

Well... that was only 2 words... but may the lightning strike me, if it weren't 2 most appropriate words used. Quick. To the point. Without any 'OMG I'm dying'. I love it!
Guest wrote: Sun Nov 30, 2008 6:38 pmBest Kill: If Lenny had gone into his "Liz was kidnapped!" berserker rage sooner, he probably would've won this month. Instead, I'll vote for Michael Anders, simply because his reaction afterwards made me lol. (Watch out for rocks. They'll kill you dead.)

Best Death: Leo Curtis mouthing off like a jackass until he realizes "Oh shit, I'm dead." made me lol as well.
Guest wrote: Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:19 pmBest Kill Award

Although Lenny was a really close second for me, my vote goes to Michael Anders because it was just freaking hilarious. NEVER HAD SWEET HOME ALABAMA BEEN SO DEADLY. Bahahah, so good. It was kind of a nice break from all the carnage, something a little more light-hearted. Or, you know, as light-hearted as murder can get.

Best Death Award

This one was tough to decide because there were some really good ones, I particularly liked the deaths of James and Vera, but my vote goes to Crash for the death of Anna Grout. Her conversation with Madison and the thought process she went through during and after her murder of Dane made her very sympathetic and her death really sad.
Guest Services Provided wrote: Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:23 pmBKA: Alexis Machina for the death of Vera Lang.

The whole betrayal thing really appealed to me, but what I liked best was the reaction to the kill. It made the whole scene and made this one my favorite.

BDA:PidgeonArmy's death of Leo Curtis

I really loved the irony. He gave his evil villian speech before falling over dead. It was both suspenseful, funny, and satisfying.
Guest wrote: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:39 pmBest Kill Award - Lenny and Michael Anders were both close runners up, but my vote is for Alexis Machina. Her betrayal of Vera just had that, er, extra layer of cold-hearted frosting on it, and looks to act as a real turning point for her character. Plus, I love how pissed off she got afterwards. It felt real.

Best Death Award - For this one, I've got to go with Rimfire and Abel's tragic encounter with a rock. Credit goes to both him and PA, but Rimfire's last post just sealed the deal. It's got to be one of the best tragicomic deaths I've seen here.
Guest wrote: Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:33 amBKA

Vote: Michael Anders
Reason: I just remembered how amusing this death was and how sudden it was. Quite frankly all of the deaths were pretty predictable and on the most part pretty bland. However I thought the whole Sweet Home Alabama of death thing was original, sudden and much more entertaining than someone maniac killing people... plus, I'd love to see how Michael Anders would react should he actually win the award.


Vote: Muninn
Reason: "You bastard." I really feel that this was the greatest last words ever and I doubt anyone will disagree with me. Oh why did Lauren have to die?
Guest wrote: Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:01 amBKA Vote: Alexis Machina > Vera Lang

This handler feels like if a "best kills of SOTF" list were to be put together, it'd be rather pointless if each single individual superfluous-adjective kill didn't have its own feel to it, like the handlers involved had made it their own. This felt like a cross between a classic mindgame kill and the oft-uncomfortable killer-conscience scenario, which was absolute tits.

BDA Vote: Crash for the death of Anna Grout

Anna's death was a fine portrait painted of the BR manga's wide-eyed, glistening-mouthed, cackling student who'd clearly lost it. You just don't see those in SOTF anymore, which is a right shame.
Guest wrote: Mon Dec 01, 2008 9:55 amBKA: Alexis Machina for the death of Vera Lang
Reason: In a field of rather stock-standard kills this time around, Alexis' managed to hit all the right notes in an atmospheric sense. There was just something about her rather cool approach to the whole thing that just made it that much more unnerving.

BDA: riserugu for the death of Briana North
After looking through the deaths (which were of a much higher quality generally than the kills, in my opinion) and finding a few interesting ones (honourable mentions to Solitair for Dayne and Crash for Anna), I settled on Briana, just because the death was so unbelievably tragic, I found myself sitting at the computer for a couple of minutes afterwards, blinking. It was incredibly affecting, which was surprising, and for that the death gets full kudos.
Guest wrote: Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:03 pmBest Kill: Terrie Brightwell (Leo Curtis)
I loved to see this smug schemer get hoisted by his own petard. His delayed reaction was priceless.

Best Death: Scipher (Evan Angler)
Holy crap. This one was a real shock. Evan and Gabe seemed as inseparable as Rob Adams and Matthew Drew from V2. I wasn't expecting Evan to self-destruct like he did.
Guest wrote: Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:19 amBest Kill: Terrie Brightwell killing Leo Curtis

It was the disbelief that really did it for me. The fact he thought he was still in charge all the way till the end was so very sweet. I dunno, seeing the fragile, frightened girl getting the kill was kind of like icing on the cake.

Best Death: Anna Grout

Being shot and playing that off well is good and all, but to see someone slowly descend into madness before ending their own life? That's what I like to see.
Guest wrote: Wed Dec 03, 2008 1:13 amBKA: Alexis Machina for the death of Vera Lang

Alexis' kill on Vera was just so well-managed and almost justified that when it was executed it came off very seamless. The attitude and reaction afterwards were just the icing on the cake.

BDA: Crash for Anna Grout

Anna's death was great. It's very hard to write both a suicide and a degression into psychological problems, and the way it was executed was beautiful. My favourite by far this month.
Crash wrote: Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:00 amThanks for voting, everybody! The polls are now closed and the results will be counted and posted along with the next announcement.

On that note, the rolls will be posted tomorrow/later today as scheduled, but the announcement part will be edited into it by about Friday. There was a miscommunciation between the staff and as a result of hectic schedules I need a bit of extra time.

I bid you all dark greetings!
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