V7 Halfway Plastic Hammers

It's that time again!

Polls regarding the winners of the Best Kill Award and Best Death Award go here, along with voting for club and team positions in pregame, and any other unrelated polls you feel like holding.
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V7 Halfway Plastic Hammers


Post by Buko »

Y'all already know what time it is! Halfway Hammers! These are shamelessly ripped from v6 hammers which were shamelessly ripped from v5 and so on and so forth! In the spirit of consistency, I will also be shamelessly ripping the intro from the v6 halfway hammers as well!
Aforementioned Plagiarized Intro wrote:A quick reminder: the hammers are to celebrate the good stuff, by and large. There are a few places where we ask for criticism and the like, usually about the story/site/game as a whole. That's fine! Just don't take shots at specific handlers/characters here. There are tons of appropriate avenues for expressing criticism and disagreeing with others' opinions and such, so use one of them instead. Do not ironically vote characters you hate into categories you find unflattering; while the phrasing of the reworked questionnaire removes most of the opportunities for such things, it still bears repeating that doing so is verboten.

Alright! Let's get it cracking! Ready to get hammered!

The Plastic Hammer Awards!

The Basics

Handler Name:

Your Trademark Character:

Current Status of Trademark Character:

Favorite Character:

Favorite Weapon:

Favorite Scene:

Favorite Death:

Favorite Quote:

Favorite Post:

Favorite Location:


Best Character Development: What character development has kept you intrigued?

Best Game Impact: Which character do you feel has brought the most development to the game as a whole, outside their specific storyline?

Best Innovation: Which character has been a breath of fresh air for you?

Best Realism: Which character is really grounded in reality in a way you find appealing?

Best Heroic Character: Which good guy has you solidly on their side?

Best Villainous Character: Who is your favorite ne'er-do-well?

Best Tragic Character: Whose sad and inevitable fate have you most enjoyed lamenting?

Best Humorous Character: Which character do you think had the funniest jokes, quips or narration throughout their story?

Best Tactics: Through elimination of the competition or a solid plan for survival, who's kept you interested in their struggle to make it back home?

The Sympathy Award: Which character did you feel the most for, and most want good things for?

The Empathy Award: Which character could you most easily put yourself in the shoes of?

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: Which deceased character should have stuck around a little longer?

The He-Had-It-Coming Award: Who best earned their (possibly still forthcoming) demise?

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: Which scene or death made you the most teary eyed?

The Stomach-Churner: Which scene or death has most effectively played with the gory/violent/overall disturbing side of the game?

Best Impact: Which scene or death do you think best played a role in changing the course of the game?

Best Comedy: Which scene or death served as the best comic relief?

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: Which scene or death had the best action going on?

Best Feeling-Inducer: Which scene or death provoked the best emotional reaction from you?

Best Drama: Which scene or death had you on the edge of your seat in the way of conflict, suspense, and drama?

Best Surprise: Which scene or death caught you most off guard in a pleasant way, either through its unpredictable nature or its unique execution?

Best Meanwhile: Which off-island scene was your favorite?

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change?

V7 Final Four: List them! This can either be an ideal list, or IC or OOC predictions.

Who of the surviving characters are you cheering on to win V7?

How do you predict the ending of V7 is going to turn out?

How much did you enjoy/not enjoy V7?

What do you like the most about V7?

What do you think could have been better about the version?

How do you feel about V7 compared to prior versions?

What do you think of the overall 'SOTF' story?

How do you think V8 will differ from/compare to V7 and prior versions?

Talk About Yourself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V7?

Which of your V7 characters was your favorite to write?

What are you proudest of in V7?

What do you wish you could improve?

What is your favorite V7 memory?

What else would you like to share? Anything goes!

Code: Select all

[size=150][u][b]The Plastic Hammer Awards![/b][/u][/size]

[u][b]The Basics[/b][/u]

[b]Handler Name:[/b]

[b]Your Trademark Character:[/b]

[b]Current Status of Trademark Character: [/b]

[b]Favorite Character: [/b]

[b]Favorite Weapon:[/b]

[b]Favorite Scene:[/b]

[b]Favorite Death:[/b]

[b]Favorite Quote:[/b]

[b]Favorite Post:[/b]

[b]Favorite Location:[/b]


[b]Best Character Development: [/b]

[b]Best Game Impact: [/b]

[b]Best Innovation: [/b]

[b]Best Realism: [/b]

[b]Best Heroic Character: [/b]

[b]Best Villainous Character: [/b]

[b]Best Tragic Character: [/b]

[b]Best Humorous Character: [/b]

[b]Best Tactics: [/b]

[b]The Sympathy Award: [/b]

[b]The Empathy Award: [/b]

[b]The Gone-Too-Soon Award: [/b]

[b]The He-Had-It-Coming Award: [/b]

[u][b]Scenes and Deaths[/b][/u]

[b]Best Tragedy: [/b]

[b]The Stomach-Churner: [/b]

[b]Best Impact: [/b]

[b]Best Comedy: [/b]

[b]The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: [/b]

[b]Best Feeling-Inducer: [/b]

[b]Best Drama: [/b]

[b]Best Surprise: [/b]

[b]Best Meanwhile: [/b] 

[u][b]Predictions, Preferences, and Positions[/b][/u]

[b]If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change?[/b]

[b]V7 Final Four: List them! This can either be an ideal list, or IC or OOC predictions. [/b]

[b]Who of the surviving characters are you cheering on to win V7?[/b]

[b]How do you predict the ending of V7 is going to turn out?[/b]

[b]How much did you enjoy/not enjoy V7?[/b]

[b]What do you like the most about V7?[/b]

[b]What do you think could have been better about the version?[/b]

[b]How do you feel about V7 compared to prior versions?[/b]

[b]What do you think of the overall 'SOTF' story?[/b]

[b]How do you think V8 will differ from/compare to V7 and prior versions? [/b]

[size=150][u][b]Talk About Yourself[/b][/u][/size]

[b]What has been your favorite thing to write in V7?[/b]

[b]Which of your V7 characters was your favorite to write?[/b]

[b]What are you proudest of in V7?[/b]

[b]What do you wish you could improve?[/b]

[b]What is your favorite V7 memory?[/b]

[b]What else would you like to share? Anything goes![/b]
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Posts: 1960
Joined: Fri Aug 17, 2018 9:06 pm
Location: Don't worry about it :)


Post by Kermit »

The Plastic Hammer Awards!

The Basics

Handler Name: Flermit the Bog

Your Trademark Character: Even though M Frog may be, uh... 'louder'..... than Val, I love both my children equally!!!!!!!

Current Status of Trademark Character: Using aimbot and singing songs by The Mountain Goats / being a politician

Favorite Character: The Many-Eyed Bear

Favorite Weapon: The bright pink Deagle, the bag o' lucky charms, the tire iron of himbofication, the arsenic, and the owl suit.....

Favorite Scene: Scenewise probably the lighthouse massacre.

Favorite Death: Ooo this is a toughie but hmmmmm out of finished death ~scenes~, at present im vibing with Jeremiah's death scene even though im maaybe a little biased

Favorite Quote: "(...)" - nia karahalios hehe im so funny and original please laugh

Favorite Post: Sad!

Favorite Location: The serenity circle is fun WHY ISNT ANYONE MAKING THREADS THERE


Best Character Development: off the top of my head in random order: Justin, Katrina, Marco H., Katelynne, Diego, Morgan, Ty, Emmett, Nia, Cecil, Ace, All them Lucoids, Juliette, Madison, Dememetri, and Zach. idk I'm definitely missing some people probably but whatever!!!!!!!! oh shit lmao i forgot garren also

Best Game Impact: My archnemesis, Darlene Silva.

Best Innovation: Quinn and Erika

Best Realism: Hmhmhmmhmhm top of my head: Tom Swift, Roxie, Cecil, Ace, Juliette, NATHAN, furby girl, Richard

Best Heroic Character: We stan an owl kween!!!!!!!!!!

Best Villainous Character: The voices in my head

Best Tragic Character: ....Camila....... and morgan/lizzie...........

Best Humorous Character: I do like Matthew Hunt. (also the gucci gang but if i said that i would look like a narcissist and IM TOTALLY NOT A NARCISSIST I SWEAR)

Best Tactics: Zach, also those nerds who live in the waterfall cave

The Sympathy Award: hehe oof okay: Nathan, Bill Dover, Gina, the Morgster, some person named Beryl (who even is that??????)

The Empathy Award: pre-BKA pickup m frog (who woulda thunk it), and also parts of: Sven Vee, Tom Swift, Owl Kween, Juliette, Roxie, and Nia

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: Tristan, Dolly, Wyatt, Marco V., Mr. Ronald Kiser, Michael Froese's personal integrity

The He-Had-It-Coming Award: CATHERINE KNOWS WHAT SHE DID!!!!!!!!!!

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: bret dies, nathan dies, beryl dies, tristan's last words, (also camila dies and jeremiah dies and roxie dies but im BIASED)

The Stomach-Churner: Yummy arsenic. Also Oliver's face getting shot off. Also Also all the lovingly detailed corpse descriptions we've had so far.

Best Impact: darlene pranking beryl

Best Comedy: i hate fun

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: everything in the infirmary ever


Best Drama: Quinn doing various slasher villain things

Best Surprise: them unrolleds

Best Meanwhile: I do enjoy the posts of the Alton crew discussing in-game events. (and also the rankings i guess...........)

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change? That would be a time crime.............

V7 Final Four: List them! This can either be an ideal list, or IC or OOC predictions. Roxie's leg vs. Arianna's arm vs. the degloved skin of Beryl's arm vs. a goat

Who of the surviving characters are you cheering on to win V7? i believe in catherine zier she can do it!!!!!

How do you predict the ending of V7 is going to turn out? I could tell you but then I'd break the terms of my time parole.

How much did you enjoy/not enjoy V7? yes

What do you like the most about V7? me kermit

What do you think could have been better about the version? not me kermit

How do you feel about V7 compared to prior versions? better because im in it B-)

What do you think of the overall 'SOTF' story? Donald the intern is Victor Danya in disguise

How do you think V8 will differ from/compare to V7 and prior versions? i think maybe it'll be kinda mellower storywise (watch me be completely wrong)

Talk About Yourself

oh boy i love talking about myself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V7? what is this a writing site?????

Which of your V7 characters was your favorite to write? what is this a writing site?????

What are you proudest of in V7? Whenever someone gives me compliments

What do you wish you could improve? i am perfect in every way and have never done anything wrong ever so i dont understand this question

What is your favorite V7 memory? the absolute fucking mayhem of the first OOC day

What else would you like to share? Anything goes! im kermit
[+] v7
[+] Michael Froese
Michael Froese - The story of an identity; the story of a matador; the story of a liar; the story of a junkie; the story of a very special frog; the story of a jackal; the story of an oscillator; the story of a ghost; the story of the death of an author; the story of a bunch of other stuff.


PREGAME: Mad world - This...this felt nice. - Michael was incredibly disappointed in himself for actually agreeing to go do something with Beryl. - He wasn't actually all that sorry. - Part of him was worried his real motivation wasn't self-torturing altruism but instead the fact that it was one of the few things that still made him feel.

Michael and all of his friends were going to be footnotes in a history textbook. - he was folding in on himself like a four-dimensional object in three-dimensional space - Everything was about pain, fear, and love. - "Gave them our reactions, our explosions, all that was ours; For graphs of passion, and charts of stars." - He had a duty to look into someone's eyes as he killed them. - Closure really did sound like nothing at all. - "I wish we were lovers, but it's for the best." - Michael Froese the award-winning murderer. That was who he was now. - "I wanted to lose myself." - "Good and bad, all roads lead to Rome and I just, it hurts too much to be a good person." - "Somewhere out there in the deep blue sea, there's this whale." - "...It's harder to be yourself than it is to be anybody else." - "The neighbors, they adored him for his humor and his conversation. Look underneath the house there, find the few living things, rotting fast in their sleep; oh, the dead," - He gave her a big hug. He buried his head in her shoulder, feeling her cold, spongy, rubbery skin against his forehead. She had no eyes. She had no face. Something had eaten her face. - Michael Froese was a crazy person with a gun. - Validation. - "You don't live in a goddamned movie." - "I miss what it's like to be, like, actually alone." - "Market data inconsistent. Cantor API problem. Trading system offline," - Michael didn't want this. It wasn't like that'd stop him. - "I'm wide awake, it's morning." - He was a spree killer now, he supposed. - When he gave his word, he was giving nothing. - The fact they even existed was being politicized. - "BERYL FUCKING MAHELONA. TELL ME WHAT YOU DID TO BERYL MAHELONA," - 'Am I gray?' - A beach covered in unidentified decedents. - He'd never felt anything unconditionally. - "Look around you, you're surrounded.
It won't get any better. And so, goodnight."
[+] Valerija Bogdanovic
The story of a (failed) revolutionary.


PREGAME: August 12th, 2017 - The explosive sound of metal hitting metal

She turned away. Everything from here on out was for the terrorists to see. - "All of us, we have the chance to actually do something with our lives." - The students were the shark in the box. - Complacency was festering like a tumour. - "She's right. It won't - it won't change anything," - Scraped into the wall, in neatly-styled lettering, the words "If they won't live in peace, then they'll die for peace." - Val needed a gun, - "I do not care for violence without a point," she stated. "My gun is not loaded." - "Juliette, I'm sure you already know this, but you really should take pains to be careful around people who speak only in enthymemes." - "Someone once said, 'Change must come with the barrel of a gun', and they were not wrong." - Two explosions.
none of you can prove im in v8
[+] v9, AKA. Kermit rejects modernity, returns to writing mentally ill bisexuals.
[+] Sad Gay Hours with Kermit and Mara.
Well no one's gonna fix it for us, no one can
You say that "No one's gonna listen, no one understands."
And so there's no open doors, there's no way to get through
There's no other witnesses, just us two
There's two people living in one small room
From your two half-families tearing at you
Two ways to tell the story, no one worries
Two silver rings on our fingers in a hurry
Two people talking inside your brain
Two people believing that I'm the one to blame
Two different voices coming out of your mouth
While I'm too cold to care and too sick to shout
[+] The mallgoth who died offscreen in Supers
In de col mein seivuan
Prisencolinensinainciusol ol rait
[+] Johnny R. Fightmaster
What road?
What road?
What road?
What road?
I'd been working on some open-ended shit
I was looking for an in and that was it
Back at the recital, signs remain vital
A statue is stone which rejects its own pulse
You heart's fair, your heart's square, your heart's not even there
Wasting shore leave on the girls from Point St. Claire
There is a light and it goes out, oh
A touch of classicism in the night
Your backlash was right where I wanted you
Yes, that's right, I wanted you, too
[+] Pow Pow
From this position
I will relax
From this position
I can see the whole site

From this position
Oh, oh just relax
From this position
I took the staff test
I now have a purple name

And chat goes @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
It goes @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff

From this position
I can see all the pings
From this position
I totally get how our decisions were reached

From this position
I can say "no pregame murders," or "Tracen Danya is canonically a catboy TikTokker," or "go bother Deamon instead,"
From this position, from this position
It's kind of like eating myself to death

With you on the outside
And me on the inside
There's advantages to both
(Advantages to both!)

And me being uptight
And you being all right
There's advantages to each
(Advantages! Advantages!)

From this perspective, from this position
I have a good grip on both of them
Because I have stayed home
And have learned a little more about my community
Which is important
You know, Main's got 1,269 characters to read

So chat goes @Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
So it's @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
It goes @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff

With you in a sidechat
And me in the staffchat
There's advantages to both
(Advantages to both)

And now you have gone terminally inactive
And then you didn't send an appeal
And so I will have to take away your beloved character and then I will have to kill them
(And i'll feel really bad about doing it even though it's my job ;~;)

Now I have been Danya
And you are not Danya
There's advantages to each
(Advantages to each)
And we're coming back, coming back, coming back
Until there's no U.S. state left untouched on the map
We probably should have expected that people would mishandle colonialism in the Hawaii version

I'm paralyzed
And looking through you
But if nothing's right
Please don't yell at meeee

As a terrified autistic person
I'm amazed at my decision to play

On this occasion, there are a couple of things that we know that we pulled from Fact Magazine
One, character morality discourse is annoying and I don't care about it
Two, your time will come, but this is gonna be our version
So you should give us all of your roll nulls
Three, I wrote a goth and you did not, so shut up, because you don't know shit about goths that you didn't get from me

So times have been tough
And times have been tough
We have been staffkilled, unrolled, and rolled out
But honestly
And let's be honest with ourselves
How much time did we waste?
How much time did we all blow every day?

And so it's @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
Oh, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff

So @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
@Staff, @Staff, @Staff, @Staff
(Please do not ping @Staff as a joke!)
(Staff will kill you in real life!)
(Yes I mean you!)

With you on the inside
And me on the outside
There's advantages to both
(Advantages to both!)

With my name in purple
And your name in blue
There's advantages to each
(Advantages! Advantages!)

From this position
I feel an affinity for the both of them, which is confusing
But honestly
I should be careful because otherwise, I'm being, I'm being, you know, what's it called?
Oh, fuck it
-Reclining, I'm getting used to it
Like writing a mentally ill bisexual
It's an entirely new
Discovery, discovery, discovery, discovery, discovery, discovery, discovery, discovery

And then a couple of versions on mini
And then a version on main
And then back over to mini and then to main, again
To use up my desire for
Discovery, discovery, discovery, discovery, discovery, discovery, discovery

For an instant
We could have been sold as a book
But the site's all been plagiarized
From Koushun Takami anyway
So what you want for now
Is for someone to read you
And to hear that the trends you like
Won't become overplayed

And I don't knoOOOOOOOw what I'm doing
I don't knooooowwww
I don't knooooowwww
I don't knooooowwww

(Staff will kill you in real life!)
I'm losing my edge.
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Post by Buko »

The Plastic Hammer Awards!

The Basics

Handler Name: Buko/Chad!

Your Trademark Character: The one, the only: Ace Beats.

Current Status of Trademark Character: Concussed and conversating with a friend who murdered his friend(s)!

Favorite Character: I have so many people that I really like—but the hammers ain’t for messing around: they’re for making gut decisions and voicing strong opinions to be mocked by generations future! In the Hippity-Hops there’s a big thing about top 5, so I guess we’ll go top 10 for v7’s sake. In no particular order: Ivy Langley, Tirzah Foss, Justin Greene, Arizona Butler, Aliya Kimia Nemati, Juliette Sargent, Blaise d'Aramitz, Sakurako Jackson, Madison Springer and we’ll finish with…Nathan, just to honor the dead a bit. There’s a lot more that I love and root for, but this just a taste! If I had to just pick one and like, you put a gun to my head—I will say Ivy Langley is my favorite (and I thought that before I RPed with her!). But, like, why make me make a Sophie’s choice and shit? Also I guess because I listed her first and she is my favorite, there was a particular order there. Sue me.

Favorite Weapon: Weapon meaning something somebody was rolled and given by the terrorists? Gotta be the big ol’ bag of lucky charms. Weapon as in an actual fuckin’ weapon? TireIron PM.

Favorite Scene: Little bit of recency bias here—Life Is Just A Memory, specifically the AriJonah parts of it. I just felt it was such a breath of fresh air and brevity and I enjoyed the juxtaposition between their intimacy and sorta Emmett’s and Cecil’s obliviousness. I actually found the scene very funny and sweet and I thought that in spite of it being a sorta “failed” sex scene…it was extremely raw, intimate and vulnerable. It’s a great lead into what ultimately becomes Quinn’s demise and I really like those two scenes back to back in a very cinematic sense.

Favorite Death: I didn’t vote for this death in the first BKA/BDA (I don’t think I did at least), but I think I gotta give the credit to Jilly for Abel’s death in Gristle & Mud. The first cut is the deepest, but it was very visceral to have it confirmed within media res like that. I really fucked with it and he gets the most mileage per word outta anybody here writing deaths.

Favorite Quote: “Damn Right.” – Aliya

Favorite Post: Because Nikki was far too short lived: Cabin Fever

Favorite Location: I gotta say the Manor. Haven’t made it there in my own v7 scrawlings, but when there’s a mansion available—take the mansion. That’s just real estate 101.


Best Character Development: The constant mental denigration and descent into madness (or further into at this point) of Michael Froese has been my most favorite thing to watch in V7 (aside from general horniness). I don’t always get what Kermit is doing with Michael or where this marching band to nowhere is taking me…but I feel we’re going somewhere. Or Kermit is deeply invested in seeing how far he can go. That's prolly more accurate.

Best Game Impact: Let’s go brass tacks here and go with the game motivators: Quinn and Erika. I think being the big time killers there’s a degree of polarization, but, I dunno, killin’ is the game. It’s not everything—but when you have two characters who have 20 kills between ‘em in a version? If that ain’t impact what is?

Best Innovation: Going back to stuff I don’t really get but def appreciate the artistry in: I don’t think I’ve ever seen something, in text, like Beryl’s death. I think on innovation alone, this gotta be given some props.

Best Realism: Let’s shout out Lil’ Nathan Coleman for the billionth time—but there was an earnestness and genuineness that was expressed in his character that remained consistent throughout. I don’t think he would’ve been approved without Ricky’s experience personally dealing with special needs kids. It’s that same experience that makes Nathan so great, grounded and realistic. On top of that, he remained a character not defined by his disability—but by his faith and his optimism. Tragically so.

Best Heroic Character: I have given my whole diatribe about heroes and villains and how I feel about those labels in chat—but who gives a fuck about that! Let’s get down to brass tacks. I think, even though I been roasting him, Jonah Heartgrave is my favorite “heroic” character. Jonah also packs that grounded earnestness but pairing it up with unfailing altruism and a self destructive need to throw himself head first into danger. That’s good hero recipe right there. The hot girlfriend and big ass gun also makes him look pretty cool.

Special shout out to Aliya here! I come from a Shounen RP background and I always love how true and pure her intentions are. She’s been a little bit of a slow burn, but she’s trying and I’ve been rooting for her for a long time! She’s a legit badass! No hottie required (Tony is a looker, but there’s a hole in his hottie game)!

Best Villainous Character: Justin Greene! I love how vulnerable Justin is in his narrative and his ability to sorta fail upwards. It’s very rare that you find yourself rooting for villains to kill people—but I find myself doing it with Justin. He just is trying so hard and he keeps failing…or kept. Justin has been a player since day 1, moment 1—but he has never been sure and he is defined by his doubt. I love that shit.

Best Tragic Character: This whole game is tragedy. Angie Cortez is probably my favorite here. I have intimated this to Lore that while I think she prides herself on like being an agent of chaos in terms of her characters and RP style—my favorite stuff is when she’s writing with Angie. I think there’s a vulnerability at the core of her writing and of Angie’s character and I think she really turned the corner after killing Ramsey. I was there for a lot of that development but even in the aftermath—the tragedy, hurt and lost feelings Angie has remain constant. I have a brother who I am 11 months a part with and that whole storyline really tugged on my heart strings in very real ways.

Best Humorous Character: Lori Martin, gotta say, Lori gets the laughs at a quite consistent rate. Sakurako is also very funny and always makes me smile!

Best Tactics: Let’s go with a tie between Parker and Juliette here. I think if either of them were to win—they could write a book about making it on the island (I think Juliette has a rough draft of her pitch readily available). Both Frozen and Toben alike are pretty meticulous guys and writers and I think they like flexing the muscles with those characters in specific. Between Juliette’s poncho’s and Parker’s repositories I often find myself reading their posts and being like “Damn, why didn’t I think of that stuff? *hits blunt* Wait…what are they doing?”

The Sympathy Award: I said this in my pre-game hammers but Ivy is always the one I have felt the most for. I think it’s because she is ruled so much by her ego and I understand that struggle very well (I think it’s almost a universal one). There’s a selfishness and vulnerability with Ivy and as a reader, I also think there’s a sort of evolution of her from her campy beginnings (the whole Gifts premise is a bit pre-game murder adjacent, if I’m being real) to a more fleshed out and vulnerable present. Ivy is Ivy’s worst enemy and she can’t help being Ivy on top of that. That struggle gets my sympathy a lot.

Angie also goes here, but trying not to list people in multiple categories!

The Empathy Award: I’m an older brother, so Bret constantly trying to reign in Wyatt was a journey I understood and felt for. Even his last lines and thoughts being on his twin, that hit home with me for certain.

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: Spoke it into existence I guess, but gotta say Wyatt. I wish I could’ve heroed him and tried to finesse my way into doing so (damn rules)—alas, RNG cares not for my wishes. He was my winner pick in pre-game and I already miss his incredibly politically incorrect and incredibly loud voice.

The He-Had-It-Coming Award: I think this award is pretty much meant for Lorenzo? And he pretty much won it at prom.

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: Smooth Criminal, think everybody had some tears shed there.

The Stomach-Churner: Lotta gore out in these streets but Tony landing on the pipe in Moss & Bones made me literally hiss and squirm. I think I gotta give it to ‘em.

Best Impact: Recency bias, but I gotta go with Quinn in Flagrant One again and rehash a lot of what I said earlier. The big time killer going out at the halfway point is kinda a cliché at this point—but I think I’m prescribing to the idea that things are cliché because they work. Quinn got rolled at a perfect time in her story, the story of the island and in the story of her killers. A killer of that magnitude does a lot to move the story forward, there’s a lot of pressure that goes with it and through the continued act of killing…the impact of each kill lessens and the audience itself becomes more skeptical. Quinn impacted a lot of characters, was a lot of people’s motivations. Where does the island go now? Where do we as handlers go? Who is gonna step up to fill that void? It legit makes me excited to see what happens next. On that note, I can’t wait to get mocked in 10 years for this comment when someone pulls off like, 20 kills in the next 3 days or something before dying right before endgame. Because I am kinda lookin to the future here!

Best Comedy: More Nikki? More Nikki.

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: Let’s be real and give it to the two dudes who worked the hardest for it: Wyatt and Marco. You Are Already Dead. Only down side IMO is that it didn’t end with both of ‘em being dead!

Best Feeling-Inducer: Already hinted but let’s go with Ramsey’s death. Siblings man, they get me every time. Latino siblings at that? I was dead to rights and that was before I ended up writing in the scene myself. In fact, looking back, pretty sure it was the emotional response it provoked that provoked me to go check it out in the first place.

Best Drama: Mercy’s Death and the ensuing chaos. That shit was super wild and like, the imagery of it was so clear in my mind. I don’t even know if my image is the intended image but how striking it was and how quickly it all went to shit—yeah, it had my attention and me popping popcorn.

Best Surprise: Didn’t wanna repeat folks, but I guess I’m repeating folks. Have any of us gotten over Abel’s death yet?

Best Meanwhile: I mean, this category just exists for us to say Other Student Roster, right? I do love me some me and I’ve told Toben himself that I do love his little RP nuggets. Alton ain’t Toben, but he is talking about all of us and that’s both interesting and addictive. I think it’s been a very selfless endeavor by Toben and one of my favorite little things is seeing it update and reading Alton’s thoughts on Ace and others. I am poking fun a bit in the beginning, but it’s genuinely a great premise in terms of the set up and a true labor of love in terms of execution. I dig it a lot!

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change? These rolls are merciless, I swear! Quite a few people I loved to read have bitten the dust, but that’s the way it goes! Feel like anything other than this answer is cheap!

V7 Final Four: List them! This can either be an ideal list, or IC or OOC predictions.
I love love and I also love pain. So, I’m going lovebird games round 2—v2 vibes again, what’s old is new. Sakurako and Tom vs Arizona and Jonah.

Who of the surviving characters are you cheering on to win V7?
Do I go from one MK prospect to another cursing him even more so? I find myself rooting for Justin more and more every day, but I don’t know how comfortable I feel with a “villain” winning. I know that makes me lame. It’s a bit too early for me to really call my shot and I really am rooting for everybody to have a good time.

But let me commit to my final 4 I guess and just say Sakurako because she is my unproblematic bae.

How do you predict the ending of V7 is going to turn out? Emotional, bloody, messy and kinda horny. Sorta like how v7 has been in general!

How much did you enjoy/not enjoy V7? It’s totally been a positive impact in my life and I’ve gotten so much creative and personal fulfillment from SOTF the community and in doing this big long term writing project for so many months. I think enjoying the ride and embracing the process are key to the whole shindig and I’ve really tried to do it this time. Personally? I think it’s worked out pretty nice.

What do you like the most about V7? The pace. There’s peaks and there’s valleys but the site keeps trucking along. I gotta say, keeping up with the island has been both a struggle and a challenge—but a rewarding one. I feel pretty proud to be telling a story with a real sense of time. Y’know, hopefully.

What do you think could have been better about the version? I think there’s always gonna be that element of surliness and people taking themselves or their writing too seriously—we’re writers and writers are not known for their congenial moods. Quite the opposite, the troubled artist stereotype exists for a reason. Sometimes I wish the competitiveness would take a step back and people would kinda stop and smell the roses!

How do you feel about V7 compared to prior versions? I think it’s better, head and shoulders above and a couple added extra bodies. Least from my old era. V7 has been a ride and I’ve enjoyed it all!

What do you think of the overall 'SOTF' story? Pretty Good

How do you think V8 will differ from/compare to V7 and prior versions?
I dunno! Every version has a sorta voice and feel of their own, so I’m sure v8 will feel different and looking forward to it! I wonder what knee-jerks we gonna have in response to how v7 goes.

Talk About Yourself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V7?
sweeter than heaven and hotter than hell , surprising pretty much nobody. Also Day One because I got to rap!

Which of your V7 characters was your favorite to write? Real tough decision here.

What are you proudest of in V7? Just remaining consistently active and staying pace with the island and cohesive story of it as a whole. I never made it past halfway in any of my prior 3 versions barring late-game adoption (back when that was a thing) and making it to this milestone without any real gaps. It makes me super proud.

What do you wish you could improve? Need to read more! That’s the answer, always. Also to be fearless but measured, that’s been a big test for me in this second SOTF run and it’s something I think I always need to try and focus on and improve with my writing!

What is your favorite V7 memory? Too many to count. Let’s go with me wanting to start V7 as a measured, reasonable and restrained as I could…and having my first thread be my character tripping on acid and making out/licking face with nearly all his threadmates. Also becoming staff and getting my final horcrux from lounge back.

What else would you like to share? Anything goes! Therapist says lead with love, might as well end the same! Love y’all, lookin’ forward to seeing how this ride goes!
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Grand Moff Hissa
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Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:37 am


Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

The Plastic Hammer Awards!

The Basics

Handler Name: MW

Your Trademark Character: Alton Gerow. The joke is I'm probably not kidding!

Current Status of Trademark Character: Probably filling out a statistical analysis of everyone dead so far due to hitting the halfway point.

Favorite Character: Putting this here now: I'm trying to give each character or scene only a single nod, so as to spread the love around, and also to keep each entry (where I can) to one nominee. Thus, my favorite character who does not tick any other box, is Julien Leblanc. Julien is a continually fascinating character with endless layers, who falls into one of my favorite zone of moral ambiguity. The gulf between what he says and what he does is vast, and the philosophy he's cultivated over the course of the game is unusual but always leads to interesting scenes and moments. He's a character who clearly has more sides to unveil, and I look forward to seeing them.

Favorite Weapon: There are a lot of good ones, but the forty pounds of marshmallows is just sublime. It's absurd enough to lend any scene a surreal edge, unwieldy enough to be a tremendous pain in the neck to drag around, and yet has just enough limited utility in a food scarcity situation that it's not easily discarded. Also, it can be divided up and the fun shared. This is basically the gold standard of what all joke weapons should aspire to and whoever came up with it should be very proud of themself.

Favorite Scene: Jonah and Arizona can't decide whether to fight, hook up, or just sort of sadly look at one another. Jonah and Arizona have really good chemistry and this scene, aside from having some really funny moments, does a great job of capturing their dynamic in a nutshell. Jonah is giving, but sometimes too giving, ready to sacrifice himself at a moment's notice and almost intending to. Arizona is assertive, confident, and not about to let Jonah throw himself away easily. This brings them into conflict at times, but also makes them a powerful force when working in tandem—as we see now that they've accomplished their ultimate goal.

Favorite Death: I left this for last and I still can't decide. It's just too close, so I'm passing on this category this time. Sorry!

Favorite Quote: Too many good ones, but one that sticks in my mind is the classic:

"Who the fuck are you!?"

"Who the fuck are you?"

"I'm Ron, fuck you!"

Ron and Christina hit a very nice bit of timing and escalation while also talking past each other in a very true to life way. Good stuff!

Favorite Post: Faith's shoe as metaphor tickled my fancy enough that I shoved it in a bookmark to shout out for this category when Hammers came around (though of course there are many very worthy posts). What makes this one particularly great is that it tackles a really mundane yet easily overlooked facet of the island experience and then uses it as microcosm for the whole thing. And of course, it's also a cooldown beat after a very intense (and excellent top to bottom) thread.

Favorite Location: The island is overall incredibly evocative and thematic (good job on it!) but I think my favorite single spot would be the Serenity Circle just because of how the little details suggest so much character regarding the previous inhabitants.


Best Character Development: I really really appreciate the way Marco Hart has evolved over the game. His grappling with dysphoria in Pregame (particularly in Prom) was pretty gripping, tragic stuff, and this led into a very nicely patient arc in-game. In fact, I'd say that's generally Marco's greatest asset as a character; his narrative is generally willing to take its time and soak up all the details, which leads to him having a particularly rich interiority and nuanced, fleshed-out relationship with Nick. There's the obvious point of development (coming out) but there's a lot of other stuff that's come along with that by virtue of the extreme situation, and I feel like Marco has simultaneously found the ability to be more confident and also more vulnerable. It's excellent development/progression.

Best Game Impact: Beryl Mahelona's ghost may be haunting at least one person, but I think her influence extends farther still. Beryl was one of the strangest, most quietly unfathomable characters in Pregame, and Cicada's decision to let her getting rolled first thing stand in many ways made true a promise that in some ways rarely has been on SOTF: anyone can die at any time. Beryl almost surely wasn't intended to go right away, but she did, and the void she left has been felt far and wide. She may be gone, but her presence as a character lingers.

Best Innovation: Willow O'Neal is quietly one of the weirdest characters we've seen in a long time, but wears it so well and naturally that it can slip under the radar. Willow's story includes a whole lot of sudden turns and odd details, but they're all inextricable parts of her Willow-ness so they don't stand out until you stop and think a bit. But who else can identify a classmate by smell? Who else thinks about someone who's just died and goes "Wow, I guess it was a waste helping paint her nails"? Willow's narrative also isn't afraid to make you read between the lines some (a recent very casual revelation touched on a mysterious plot element of hers and I'm not gonna spoil it) or to get funny in dark ways (I had this post bookmarked to shout out for that, filled with good beats—the "marinated" on one end, the aforementioned nail polish musings as the sandwich meat, and a politically-incorrect but darkly hilarious musing about Nathan, Roxie, and a bag of skittles to close it off.

Best Realism: Justin Greene gets my vote. I've talked about it a bit, but one of the biggest pitfalls villains often fall into is that they're spun to be cool and awesome and clever and just generally have themselves together, the better to be a major threat. But that can very easily turn their own stuff against them, keeping them from making mistakes or even making their play patterns feel wrong. Justin dodges all that stuff. He does not have his stuff together even a little. His gameplan sucks. And that's exactly what makes him really believable, surprisingly sympathetic, and legitimately scary. Justin's a guy who made some bad conclusions early on and is now way too committed to his course to even consider letting himself shift it. And that desperation and forced certainty make him capable of the most alarming moments of cunning and violence.

Best Heroic Character: Ace Ortega isn't perfect. At all. In fact, you could make a pretty good case that he hasn't accomplished a whole lot, but a thing that's consistent start to present is that he's trying. He wants to do the right thing, but he's a guy with a bunch of flaws—flaws which are very nicely established in Pregame and carry through in a wonderfully consistent way—and sometimes they lead to him doing bad stuff. Ace has this impulsive side with a heavy fear of missing out, and it gets him into trouble a lot, but I think at his core he still has a powerful protagonist energy permeating his stuff, and any good hero has to get in a little atoning somewhere.

Best Villainous Character: My nod here goes to Erika Stieglitz for being a major, major force who is at the same time decidedly still a particularly human character who's acting based on relatable, sympathetic motivations. At the core of everything Erika does is a fear of death—but, I at least believe, there's another fear floating underneath: being out of control. Erika knows her way around guns, and uses them to great effect, but at times it feels like she's killing not solely to improve her chances, but because she can convince herself that it's a proactive way to make her survival more likely. Erika is at her core a person who has a lot of empathy and a desire to be someone good, and that's hard to square with doing anything needed for the win, so she forces herself as hard as she can into the role of killer to push away any ambiguity. It's fascinating on a psychological level, and it leaves her—while certainly a pretty morally terrible person on any sort of removed level—almost a protagonist in her own right if you're following her story, but without falling back on any of the more unfortunate trappings to such a role that were more common in earlier versions.

Best Tragic Character: Lucas Brady's entire life was ruined by one bad day... and, uncommonly for SOTF, it wasn't the one where he got kidnapped (though that was no cheerful walk in the park either). The thing that's striking about Lucas is he really is one of the few characters you can say was pushed into his misdeeds. He's a flawed guy—sometimes too assertive, a bit full of himself, unfortunate in his choice of words—but fundamentally he wants to help and do right by his classmates. He just also wants to be the main character while doing it, the one who praise and gratitude is showered upon, and this is so obvious that everyone else recoils and shoves him away and mocks him. Time and again, Lucas holds it together actually a whole lot better than many of his peers in the face of heavy and widespread mockery and humiliation, and even when he finally does snap it's half-intentional at best. He's driven, but in the end the only purpose he can put that unending drive towards with any success is self destruction.

Best Humorous Character: Lots of good humor this time around, but I must specifically nominate Arjen Kramer for a particularly dark, realistic shade of funny. Arjen's best beats aren't slapstick or absurdity, but when he does particularly relatable, uncool things. I was howling when he baited Marco into a discussion of movies only to, when the question was turned back on him, wail that it didn't matter because they'd never see another one. It had me in stitches when he came back to talk at the tree, and ultimately the final thing that cost Arjen his life was that he wanted some Cheetos. Comedy has many facets, and in a lot of ways, Arjen is actually the straight man for much of V7, a role he plays to the hilt for maximum impact.

Best Tactics: It's Survival Of The Fittest, not Survival Of The Killiest or Survival Of The Prominent Action Scenes, and so I give the nod to Connor Lorenzen. Connor's path is certainly not without bumps—he spends much of the early days convinced that rescue will come for him at any moment—but in an odd way, this delusion prepares him for the path ahead far better than most of his classmates. See, Connor treats his survival as a foregone conclusion and acts accordingly, trying to brace himself emotionally for the losses and the weight of being alone, avoiding conflict wherever he can, and at the same time trying to stay in the good graces of his peers lest an unfortunate accident occur. There are few better ways to slide through much of the early and middle part of the game, and Connor remains a physical presence with good social and mental faculties as well. Ironically, however, his figuring out the truth has made him just a bit sloppier, and may ultimately be what costs him.

The Sympathy Award: Diego Larrosa has been dealt a bad hand even outside the game, and the way it's played out—even as it drives him to do, shall we say, less than purely noble deeds (allying with Lorenzo, finishing off Mike)—makes me feel awful for him. There are shades of Erika and Justin to Diego's actions, but there's also something strong and unique and fascinating: Diego is always driven by and grappling with identity, and while he can look at himself and know who he is, he still can't bring himself to express it. Old habits die hard, and Diego shows that the island isn't quite the life-reboot-button some treat it as. I just want to see him get to a place where he doesn't have to hide who he is, where he finally feels free.

The Empathy Award: Many characters experience SOTF, but how many truly think about it while they do? Michael Froese sure does. I've mentioned it a time or two, but he hits so many of my favorite themes and motifs that it's incredible. Michael is always analyzing the game and his own role within it, and who he is and what he is, and I find that particularly relatable. I frequently find myself nodding along to some tangent or other he's on and going, yeah, I get it. Good point! I didn't think of it quite like that, but now that you mention it... Michael's incredibly rounded and incredibly, incredibly complex and that makes it easy to delve deep in his story, where there are many things just waiting to be uncovered. And, of course, his musical tastes often align with mine and I find myself wondering about things (and okay, I've sat on it this long, I can ask here: When Michael sings the entirety of "The Past Is A Grotesque Animal" verbatim but gets two words right in the middle wrong, was that on purpose? I love that that's a question that's been lingering for so long. That's the level we're working on here.)

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: My rule for this one was only kids who died unwillingly (that is, nobody who got Swapped or Heroed in). Let's take a recent one and say Roxie Borowski. Roxie had a sort of quiet run in terms of big stuff happening, but throughout it her posts were often understated highlights. I felt like she was hitting her stride some with her latest group, and while her death is good stuff I also can't help but feel she could've gone even more interesting places with a little more time. Still, what we did get is good, and I really appreciate and want to especially shout out her posthumous memory thread, which casts her fate in an even more tragic light retrospectively.

The He-Had-It-Coming Award: I nominate Reuben Walters, not in a grand karmic backlash sort of way, but a "Play with fire and you're gonna get burned" sense. Reuben was, before the game, a nice guy. I think I gave him props for that in the Pregame Hammers. For that, his turn to villainy and violence was exceptionally well-handled, especially in how it never felt like a natural fit for him. Reuben was grounded and goal-oriented; he hated what he was doing but saw it as necessary. His partner, Teresa, was... not that stuff. And Reuben made the classic villainous-henchman mistake of assuming that the really scary person would never, ever turn on him.

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: When Demetri died alone, that hurt. Cicada is clearly some kind of wizard, because Demetri managed to take being someone who's pretty objectively loathsome in a lot of ways and turn that into a funny, wrenching, emotional core of a character I cared about. Demetri wasn't a bad person, ultimately, just a woefully misguided and scared one. When the chips were down, he usually found himself led by his better instincts... and of course, that was what killed him. But while, in most stories, that would lead to some beautiful tragic moment of redemption, Demetri doesn't get that. He just dies, unnoticed, unappreciated, tossed aside just like he's always been. And as always, he greets it with self-hatred. He deserved better, but never would've admitted it.

The Stomach-Churner: Quinn kills Stepney and makes a scarecrow. A few things play into this. It's obviously a really brutal and gross thing in its own right, but Quinn's detached, curious/inspired mentality makes it a lot creepier—we the audience are majorly grossed out by what's going on but she's like "Huh, interesting"—and Stepney as victim makes it particularly painful, because Stepney, for all he can be a jerk at times, is a charming, funny, very human character. It's someone decent who really doesn't deserve it suffering a particularly gruesome fate just because he happened to be there.

Best Impact: Paloma_Salt]Paloma Salt kills Abel Zelenovic. First deaths always pack some good oomph and set the tone for a version to some extent, but Paloma's killing of Abel stands as the best opening salvo I've seen on Main so far. The thread itself is masterfully executed, but a lot of it's also in the setup. While many first deaths have been more secondary characters, Abel was everywhere in Pregame—one of the big iconic faces, involved in a lot of legitimately memorable, often hilarious scenes. This meant that everyone knew Abel, and most of the cast cared about and liked him. Abel's death is still being mourned and still getting Paloma in trouble here at the halfway point, when people who have done way worse stuff are still trucking on largely unchallenged, just because the guy she killed was that well-known and beloved. It's anything but a throwaway death, from the guy who has probably the shortest island journey ever depending on how you count. People could be yelling at each other and/or angsting to themselves about Abel in the final ten and I would be not a bit surprised.

Best Comedy: Lucas Diaz's continuing adventures with Kyle's corpse. This is very very dark humor, but also very very funny humor. Lucas is quirky in a charming way, especially when it manifests in this slightly slimy or needy or entitled manner. At the same time, I believe he's fundamentally a pretty good person. Both these traits come into play as he tries to rid the temple of Kyle's corpse—ideally in the least gross manner possible, even if that means other people get the gross part of the job, but by golly he's gonna do it, even if he has to do it alone. The awkwardness of this mission, and its slow and ultimately bungled execution, may not appeal to all comic tastes but they had Irene asking what I was cackling about from the next room.

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: Marco's final, fiery defenestration is probably the closest we've come to directly translating a scene from an action movie to SOTF. I'm absolutely awestruck by the specifics of visual detail and the way the writing is able to pull a slow motion death in a medium where pace is dictated partially by reading speed. It's a very fitting sendoff for one of the version's most unique characters, perfectly in keeping with his aesthetic and very well executed indeed. It gave me a lot to think about in regards to perspective and beats, and I think is worthy of a second read if it's been a bit.

Best Feeling-Inducer: Most stuff involving Axel, Hel, Abe, and Andy fits here, but I'm going to shout out the fallout spent processing the latter's death. It's great because each of the three survivors has their own stuff going on, their own ways of grieving or rationalizing or denying, and yet their group as a collective and their dynamic also gets heavy focus and center stage. They're a hard-hitting group overall on an emotional level, containing probably my favorite of each handler's cast, and I think they continuously do a really great job telling a story that's emotionally complex and nuanced and fresh.

Best Drama: Emmett and Cecil fight and then make up. What I particularly love about this squabble is how true to life it is. The fight isn't really exactly about what they say it's about. Rather, it's a manifestation of the stress and horror and hard decisions both boys have been forced to go through since the game began, finding a relatively safe outlet in each other. This is why the fight burns so bright but tapers out so quickly, and why it leaves them, if anything, closer than they were before—it's an outlet, and from that it becomes a shared moment, a bonding thing.

Best Surprise: Very very recent, but I'm going to go with the abrupt pivot from mortal combat to pillow fight by Ty and Lorenzo. It was exactly the emotional curveball the scene needed, a perfectly natural execution that made total thematic sense, and yet for that I would've never seen it coming or come up with it myself. It took a scene that's been building for a very long time and turned it in a new direction, and it was definitely a risk, but I think a calculated one—the thread's title ultimately tells what it's about, a story not of the big crazy bombastic moments, but of the quiet, silly, humans ones.

Best Meanwhile: Everyone who's worked on Meanwhile in V7 has rocked it super hard. Each scene and thread is deserving of praise in its own right. That said, I'm going to specifically call out the "MSMU"—MS' series of interlocking and thematically-connected threads harkening back to V6—as an absolute highlight. It's probably one of the most ambitious projects the site has seen, but goes about it in a nice understated way, with each thread perfectly enjoyable in its own self-contained way while also building into a bigger picture of families and lives torn apart and pulled together, the little interlocking gears that make the world turn. I strongly recommend combing through it; it has everything: humor, poignancy, drama, twists.

Also, I want to give another shout-out to Cactus' Life; As It Happens series, which is a wonderful look back and forward and steeped in site history and personal closure. Its powerful and I credit it with a certain measure of renewed interest in both the Meanwhile section and earlier versions. It's not done yet, and I know it's a busy time at the moment, but I eagerly await the eventual next installment.

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change? This comes with a caveat. I actually think that, on the whole, the site has done really well with adoptions in V7. Most characters who have changed hands I have enjoyed at least as much under new management, and in some cases I've even preferred the newer iteration. That said, if I could wave my magic wand, I would keep as many characters as I could with their original handlers and not have people leave. It's nothing to do with the quality, more... on a narrative level, it'll never be quite the same when someone new is in the driver's seat. I'm always interested in what handlers have planned, in how they view their characters and how they live in their heads and what they expect and hope and imagine for them, and even in the smoothest adoption that stuff is going to change. It makes me sad to lose the original version, even as I welcome the new one.

V7 Final Four: List them! This can either be an ideal list, or IC or OOC predictions. As is tradition, I fed the rolling list to Random.org. My crystal ball says your Endgamers will be: Marco Hart, Tirzah Foss, Michael Froese, and Faith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie

Who of the surviving characters are you cheering on to win V7? V7 is special in that I could get behind fully half the remaining cast as potential winners (and I like a bunch of characters I don't see as good winner material too—people have done well this time around)! It's way too early to make a call on this for me. Just keep on rocking, y'all.

How do you predict the ending of V7 is going to turn out? Predict? Dunno. Hope? I want to see Endgame do something fresh and interesting with the format. SOTF is a wide and wild thing but I feel like Endgame has conceptually become a bit ritualized and I'd like to see that challenged somehow. The exact execution doesn't matter—just something interesting and different.

How much did you enjoy/not enjoy V7? I have enjoyed V7 an incredible amount. Both as a player and a reader it's the best time I've had with Main in years, possibly ever.

What do you like the most about V7? The writing quality is exceptional. I legitimately enjoy the vast majority of the characters in the version, and even the ones I'm lukewarm on are typically hitting above what I've seen in the past. Almost every thread is a joy to read and keeping up with the version is not the slog that it has been at times in the past.

What do you think could have been better about the version? I feel like V7 is kind of knives-out in a way that hasn't been seen since V4 and it's a shame because it makes the OOC/community aspect a whole lot rougher in what should be a moment of celebration. A lot of the time, discourse turns tense at the drop of a hat or conflict bubbles over. This also comes paired with an unfortunate hesitance around even constructive criticism, which shoves a lot of views into the back alleys to seethe and ferment. This should be fun, and people should be able to share opinions and enjoy the game without tiptoeing around stuff.

Also IMO private threads and heavy planning are getting used a wee bit too casually/often, sometimes to the detriment of scenes.

How do you feel about V7 compared to prior versions? In a lot of ways, V7 is the best we've had yet by a mile. Good writing, strong cast, meaningful Pregame, payoff and twists aplenty.

In other ways? V7 has spent a good bit of time patting itself on the back for being the best version yet, and while it's true so far it's best not to count chickens before they hatch. Specifically, there's this slightly pernicious vibe of V7 being past the mistakes of old versions, when in fact I feel like a lot of the V4-era cultural issues and starting to sneak back into the culture unchecked because it's been so long since they've been seen.

What do you think of the overall 'SOTF' story? This is the part where I realize the one chunk of V7 I haven't read is the announcement fluff (whoops). That said, my general philosophy is that the overall SOTF story, such as it exists, is mostly scaffolding to hold up the important bits (the island and the story of the kids on it). Ideally, it should be intriguing, tantalizing, but only to a point. It should feel like it's moving but not actually go much of anywhere, because it can't really resolve. And that's okay. That's why we're here! If anything major does happen, it should be due to handler actions in-game prompting it. And I think staff has a good handle on these points of philosophy and I trust them to execute the story well.

How do you think V8 will differ from/compare to V7 and prior versions? I hope V8 will continue the upwards trajectory and be even more awesome than V7! I have some wider-scale musings but maybe another time. Plus, it's still so early.

Talk About Yourself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V7? Thing? Singular? Whatever made me laugh. I've been laughing a lot (especially last night :P ).

Which of your V7 characters was your favorite to write? Actually, literally all seven (including Pregame) have held the favored seat at one point or another. In-game it's traded off moment by moment. Usually it's whoever I posted with last or am going to post with next.

What are you proudest of in V7? ^Basically the above. All my kids have a purpose and are interesting to me and I'm getting what I want out of them.

What do you wish you could improve? My Pregame activity flagged a good bit and I wish I could've done more before the game proper hit. I also wish I was able to hit up more threads/characters in-game—there's so much to do and so little time!

What is your favorite V7 memory? There are so many good ones, but what tickles me the most is whenever I get to drop something without warning, then sit back and cackle as people discover it.

What else would you like to share? Anything goes!

V7 is so full of good characters deserving of shout-outs that I didn't get to hit up nearly as many as I wanted. As such I am adding some addendum awards of my own devising. Even with these I'm still missing nods to worthy characters I like. Please pardon the omissions.

The "You Shall Not Pass!" Award for heroic sacrifice to save an ally: Danny Chamnanma holds off Quinn. Danny wasn't too long for this world, but in that time he managed to make a strong impression as one of the real good people in the game—this despite suffering an abrupt and unfortunate concussion. His loyalty eventually caused him to go head to head with Quinn on behalf of somehow he barely knew, which cost him his life but was a factor in Shauna's continuing survival. It's a great piece of early heroism against all odds.

The "Good Doesn't Mean Dumb Or Passive" Award for intelligent benevolence in the face of tragedy: Declyn Grayson-Anthis. Declyn is nice, a class sweetheart, someone who does right by his friends... but also someone with a surprising amount of cleverness and steel when the time comes that he has to use it. He fascinates me as a character who on some levels looks like a team morale officer but can then shift when he has to and put down a suffering friend, or pull some sneaky tricks to try to escape another gone bad. He's a great character with a lot of heart and charm, but also a lot of wit and courage.

The "I Would've Never Expected This In Character Concept Stage" Award for best group: The Gardening Club (which really needs its own wiki page)! Of all the things to unite one of the strongest groups of characters in the version, horticulture is a pretty wild option. The Gardening Club has managed, however, to make all the character fit naturally together and feel close to one another in this super believable way, and I'm invested in each and every one of them and their progress through the game.

The "Thug Life Chooses You" award for burgeoning an ice-cold unflappability : Zachary Beck has made an art of ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time, but as it's gone he has more and more proven a survivor with some nice psychological defense mechanisms. Zach's mental and emotional shift is a bit understated because he wasn't exactly Mr. Empathy before the game began, but I appreciate that we've seen mostly an escalation of his established traits and that he's still walking a middle path... just one that happens to include "Well, I stared shooting him so I guess I better take responsibility and do it some more" as a logical turn of events.

The "I Sure Am Glad Someone Good And Responsible Was Behind This Concept" Award for doing an amazing job with something that could've so easily been a hideous trainwreck: Nathan Coleman, aka El Presidente, was in many ways the heart and soul of the V7 cast. He has a very reasonable claim to feeling-inducer, tragedy, sympathy, realism, and innovation, but what makes him special is the combination of all this stuff so he goes here. Nathan's story is full of empathy and insight and sensitively and intelligently tackles something that in less capable hands could've been cruel and offensive even without that intent. He's very good, and I'm glad we got to know him.

The "Choking-On-A-Boot" Award for excellence in dialogue: Matthew Hunt. Oh my goodness does Matthew know the wrong thing to say at just about any time. It's a character trait that has held from his earliest Pregame threads through the present (where he's just been beaten by his longest-running ally over saying precisely the worst possible things). It's also a really endearing flaw for a character who is, I believe, at his core one of our protagonists. Matthew wants to do the right thing, to help, but sometimes his temper gets away from him and other times he just doesn't quite understand that the unvarnished truth is not always what a situation calls for.

The "Sneaky Sneaky Sneak" Award for best non-murderous shenanigans: Parker Green, who has made a mountain of trouble for others while keeping his name continuously and tactically off the announcements. From robbing allies in their sleep (but leaving just enough for them to fight over) to trying to bluff someone out of extra supplies to musing in front of a helpless third party about the relative merits of shooting vs. robbing her, Parker is always up to something and that something is usually to his benefit alone. A lot of people talk about playing a tactical game in terms of killing, but in my opinion Parker is what a truly strategic player looks like, eyes on the prize and everything else is secondary.

The "Martyr Approach" Award for best obnoxiously-long largely self-contained oneshot: Cabin Fever, in which Nikki Nelson-Kelly is adopted, tries to stick it out in a house, and slowly but surely loses her marbles. Full of voice and psychological twists and overall weirdness, this post does a great job of resolving lingering questions, catching Nikki up to the present, and exploring and warping her mental state to lead on to the future.

The "Buddy Film" Award for unexpected chemistry: Emmett Bunnell and Emil Van Zandt. Emmett and Emil didn't get as much time together as they (or I) would've liked, but they sure made the most of it. I loved the continuity from Pregame dislike through to becoming close as possible in the game, as they bonded in the face of adversity, found mutual respect, and went to bat for each other time and again. Shout-out also to Prim and Toxie as handlers, who have worked together a lot and always bring something interesting and unique to the table.

The "Feel The Weight!" Award for physicality in action scenes: Aurelien Valter and the spiked mace. Originally, the mace was on my shortlist for favorite weapon, but I decided to break this out here because it's not really anything special about the weapon itself that makes it so cool, but rather how Pip writes Aurelien's use of and relationship with it. It's a really cool and incredibly use of imagery and detail to make the thing come alive as a barely-controlled, massive implement of destruction, every swing carrying crushing weight behind it that feels like it could bring buildings down. It hasn't even really been used effectively for all that much so far, but in Aurelien's grasp it feels like the most dangerous weapon on the entire island.

The "Bad Dude Gone Good" Award for seeming pretty scary but ultimately being cool: Richard Smith, my most favorite misanthrope, who seemed all set to do bad stuff, even in his own mind, and then just... didn't. In fact, if anything, I'd put Richard in a mildly heroic (or at least vaguely altruistic) spot. Ultimately, he tried to stick up for those he thought were being taken advantage of, did alright by his friends, turned smack talk into a morale-boosting art, and died throwing down with one of the big threats to others. This from someone many had pegged as an obvious player!

The "Last Stand" Award for going down swinging: Ariana explores the various meanings of "disarmed". The line between cinematic and brutally realistic can be difficult to walk, but Ariana's death does so with panache. She was a great character, and it was cool to see her go out on a moment of determination—beaten and broken, she still gets up one more time and chases Marco off.

The "Pedant's Choice" Award for being a very particular sort of jerk: Aoi asks to punch Garren in the face, gets permission, declines, but swears he was gonna do it at one point. I have such affection for this scene, for a bunch of reasons, but Aoi specifically hits this pitch perfect sort of halfhearted unpleasantness, where he puts someone else in a bad position, pushes that to its limit, taps out at the last second, and then tries to convince all involved not to give him too much credit for the attack of better sense.

The "It Was A Good Try" Award for getting exploded for breaking the rules: Aditi Sharma tries to mask a signal fire behind a murder ploy, gets caught out and executed for it. Aditi was clever and driven, hellbent on attempting escape, but at some points that drove her to rash decisions. In this specific case, she ultimately suffered for trying to have her cake and eat it too—in attempting to avoid sacrificing anyone in the group, she constructed an overly-complicated ploy that cost both her and Charelle their lives. While it doesn't seem to borne fruit, however, that attempt is a lot more than many have to show for their resistance, so she gets a nod.

The "Newlyweds" Award for being a really charming couple and a general joy to read: Sakurako Jackson and Thomas Buckley, both of whom are truly wonderful characters in their own rights and who also work really well together. They have great chemistry, as characters and as people, and they bring moments of lightness to the gloom of the game not just through pure comedy (though this hits well too) but through the way they find genuine moments of happiness even on the islad.

The "Best Third Wheel" Award for also being a vital member of the team: Sean Leibowitz who has been there with Thomas since the word go and Sakurako for a nice long while too and is a grounding presence, a well-developed character, and a blast to read. Even if he has a wee bit less luck in the love department. Hey, at least he made the effort!

The "Call Me Daddy" Award for most magnificent beard and romantic history: Nick Ogilvie who would probably be very grateful indeed that I didn't go with the "Choke Me Daddy" Award like I mulled at first. Aside from an unfortunate interest and history with throats, Nick remains the dashing illusionist of Pregame, finding new ways to worm his way into hearts and souls. Nick has a great arc as... let's call him an antihero, shall we? He's done bad, selfish things, yes, but mostly as reaction or due to circumstances, and I don't think anyone has been harder on Nick about his mistakes than he himself.

The "Gordon Ramsey Disapproves" Award for poor culinary showing: Kelly serves up a nice big helping of arsenic. It's slipped a bit under the radar since, but Kelly's mass poisoning was an event when it went down, and it still stands as one of the most distressing, best-executed kills of the version. It's full of little character-building details, especially as Kelly coldly feeds Mercy extra poison but in a moment of kindness spares Nathan the suffering.

The "I've Got My Eye On You!" Award for subtly-ominous thought progression: Katrina quietly drops a "when I get home." I'm watching you, Katrina! That wasn't an "if" there. You're planning something. I know it! 0_o

The "Say His Name" Memorial Award for remembering the fallen: Meka Gibson, whose process of listing the dead was a fascinating and more practical alternative to some of the island funerals of versions past. Meka was dealt a bad hand throughout, and lost basically everyone close to him, but he kept them in his heart and his voice.

The "Bad Stuff (TM) Just Happened" Award for emotional response to something really horrible: Lucas Abernathy shuts down, freaks out, and pulls himself together over the death of his girlfriend. Lucas goes through a whole lot in a short span of time, and I really appreciate the way his emotions flow from one beat to the next, how he flips between sadness and rage but always feels like himself, always stays true to what we know of him, and always has that better side of himself shining through.

The "PG-13" Award for tasteful stealth cropping mid-coitus: Morgan and Lizzie were definitely hooking up in this thread, or like seconds before it. That said, it's pushed into the subtext enough that it's, like, obviously there but isn't being played for sex appeal at all. It's just what they're doing because of who they are and where they are, seizing a last bit of happiness (with slightly fewer interruptions than during the trip).

The "Wait, YOU'RE The Hero?" Award for unexpected valor: Garren Mortimer resident noxious troll, has acquitted himself with shocking kindness, empathy, humility, and regret over his past. His actions have shown that, while change is not always easy and is in fact at many times unrewarding, if it's truly what you want for yourself it's never too late to pursue it. And I especially appreciate that he's not magically a new person—the old impulses are still there, he still struggles with his habits and prejudices. He just also overcomes those things.

The "Invalid Ward" Award for gutsiest non-fatal injury: Tony Acardi gets impaled, survives. I really like the way Tony's story has played with his injury, how it hasn't shied away from the horrific and probably-imminently-fatal nature of it but has also let him stick around and stay an active force in the game. Getting hurt works in strange ways sometimes. It can take an awful long time to die from something, and Tony's story has done a great job using his wound to slow him down and make the already-inevitable an even more pressing force while not wallowing in it or belaboring the point.

The "Ready For My Big Debut" Award for character I expect to suddenly come into the spotlight: Billy Trevino has spent the version just sort of being quietly consistently a really strong character. He's jumped from group to group and scene to scene, and has never quite felt like he's found his ultimate trajectory, but for that he has a well established voice and a good sense of who he is as a person and I feel like he's in a really good spot to take the back half of the game by storm.

The "Underrated Strategist" Award for having it more figured out than you get credit for: Christina Rennes is like a more passive Parker or a less entitled Connor, quietly building up her mental defenses and trying to keep the horrors of her situation at bay while setting herself on a path towards hopeful survival. I'm very curious to see what happens as the quieter places to slip between the cracks dry up, and she's forced to get involved more directly.

The "Poker Face" Award for best bluff: Theo Walterson keeps everyone at bay with a wooden rifle. Theo's a really nice example of a character who adds a lot to scenes and groups without necessarily being in the driver's seat that often (and he's gotten his dues to an extent as part of the much-lauded Gardening Club), but I think it's important to remember that he had a more active moment in the early game when he got people to listen to him with a fake gun. That side of Theo is still there, and I think when the time comes he may well surprise by stepping up and taking charge once more.

The "With One Hand Tied Behind My Back" Award for doing what you can while down a limb: Forrest QUin has sort of quietly coasted through the game on the back of a whole lot of other people's work, while skewing ever more ominous in this understated fashion. It's fascinating and a very nice slow burn, and I'm just waiting for Endgame to come and Forrest to laugh and slide the cast off her arm and club everyone else to death with it.

The "Soon You Will Be A Beautiful Butterfly" Award for best character Development (ongoing): Shauna Cooke is getting there, piece by piece. She's not entirely there yet, but that's part of what's cool about her. Her story has been one of degrees, as she moves from helplessly calling out for aid and sheltering behind Danny to setting out to track down a killer because it's what her departed ally deserves. I think she'll reach her destination in the end, too.

The "He's Just Not That Into You" Award for being way too good for your romantic partner: Meilin Zhou was too good for Ace to such a degree that everyone knew it. The readers knew it. Meilin's family knew it. Ace knew it. Even Meilin herself knew it. But by virtue of being too good, she stayed and did her best, even though it cost her her life. She went out one of the most loyal characters in the version, and at the end of the day, she satyed because she wanted to and felt it was right.

The "When All You Have Is A Hammer..." Award for consistency in methodology: Lori Martin dresses like an owl and drugs people. It's her thing! And you know what? It's worked out pretty well for her so far. Lori brings the party to every scene she's in, and if her particular tactics stay the same, her voice and impact are varied and always a joy to read. I'm very curious to see where she goes from here, especially given her recent penchant for bonding with the morally dubious and her ever-so-slight culpability in a very recent killing.

The "Secret Heart Of Tarnished Gold" Award for being not half as bad as everyone thinks: Madison Springer is one of the top public enemies of the class. That's true now that she has Nathan's killing hanging around her neck, but it was true back beforehand, too. Her volatile attitude and extreme reactions made others shy away from her, but Madison has always had another side too, a kind side that would throw herself in front of others to shield them. Even her currently most infamous act ultimately came from a place of love, as she couldn't think of anything else to do, and it has lingered over her since.

The "God Of Art" Award for version beautification: In alphabetical order, Fenris, Kotorikun, Mimi, Ryuki, and Yugi. All of y'all have done some amazing work in your various chosen mediums, from sprites to digital to traditional pen and paper, and each of you rocks. I'm pretty sure V7 is the most visually represented version yet, and it's all thanks to your incredible talents and generous volunteering of your time and effort. You all deserve praise and thanks, and I hope you know how appreciated you are.

I know I'm forgetting stuff, and this took long enough so I'm not proofing it so the grammar probably sucks. It is what it is and what it is is "getting posted now." Now I can read other people's Hammers. Yay.
I bid you all dark greetings!
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Post by Tonyksin »

The Plastic Hammer Awards!

The Basics

Handler Name: Tonyksin

Your Trademark Character: Would have been Lorenzo, but since he’s dead, Amelia Fischer steps up to the plate

Current Status of Trademark Character: Making new friends

Favorite Character: Too hard to narrow down to a single kid, so I’m just going to mention some kids I have personally enjoyed in no particular order. Ivy, Madison, Nathan, Tyrell, Lori, Julien, Faith, Marco V, Emmett, Declyn, Andy, Bret, Wyatt, Axel, Hel, Henry, Tirzah, Arizona, Ace, Yuka, Camilla, Violet S, Emil, Demetri, Cecil, Michael, Aurelien, Darlene, Kelly, Claudeson, and many more but if i do this any longer I’ll end up naming most of V7

Favorite Weapon: I really enjoyed all the weapons from past winners. I thought it was a cool continuity nod.

Favorite Scene: Even though it’s pretty recent, the Arizona/Jonah vs Quinn fight was really fun to read, and really felt like the final fight of a slasher film. Another great scene was Cammy Walker-Grimsley’s death after her fall, made me shed more than a few tears.

Favorite Death: This is hard because there’ve been so many good ones. Two that really stick out to me especially are Abel Zelenovic’s , for being a really interesting and awesome way to start the game, and Mercy Ames’, because poison is never not sneaky and cool.

Favorite Quote: There’ve been a lot of really quoteable things, so I’m gonna leave this blank.

Favorite Post: Lori makes me laugh so hard.

Favorite Location: The Nature’s Lookout is really gorgeous to imagine.


Best Character Development: I'll give this one to frog boy. You can really feel how the game is slowly but surely changing Michael. It feels very natural and real and understandable.

Best Game Impact: Beryl's death affected so many kids and sent them down wildly different paths than indeed they would have taken had she survived longer.

Best Innovation: Nia's way of communicating and how Fenris got that across in posts was awesome and interesting.

Best Realism: All these kids feel human. Cant choose.

Best Heroic Character: Ace is doing his best. Even though he’s made very bad decisions and messed up a ton, I still think he’s the best example of a hero in these circumstances.

Best Villainous Character: Quinn really knew how to make your skin crawl. Her total lack of empathy and simplistic reasoning for everything she does completely exemplifies a true villain.

Best Tragic Character: Nathan wins this easily. If anyone deserved better, it was him.

Best Humorous Character: We stan an owl queen. Lori is in my heart forever.

Best Tactics: Ivy is good at using people around her until their usefulness depreciates. She started on the wrong foot, but has been able to survive this long because she knows how to use people to her advantage. Including people she actually cares about.

The Sympathy Award: I feel so bad for Madison. Mimi has done an incredible job writing her, and her attempts to protect Nathan while simultaneously getting frustrated with him and lashing out at him were so real and so human. When she finally made the decision to kill him it was so raw and real and I understood it was just another way of protecting him but it hit me in the damn chest. Just incredible writing.

The Empathy Award: On the other hand, Erika is someone I understand, but I don’t feel bad for her at all. She’s digging herself deeper and deeper into her hole and eventually she’s going to reach a point where she can't crawl out. Honestly, she may even be at that point already. But still, for all the atrocities she’s committed, I understand her reasoning. And she gets that too. She doesn’t expect anyone to feel bad for her. She’s just doing what she thinks she needs to do to survive.

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: The Carters. I wanted so much more from both of these characters. What we got was good, but I wanted so much more of their stories.

The He-Had-It-Coming Award: Marco Volker deserved everything he got. He went from comic relief to full on comic book villain and watching him get obliterated was absolutely satisfying.

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: Yuka having to watch he sister die in front of her after already losing the other days before. Angie/Ramsey, and Wyatt/Bret get this too. Siblings having to lose each other is always tragic.

The Stomach-Churner: Dante getting executed by Blaise made me feel all types of bad feelings.

Best Impact: Red Of Tooth And Claw really cemented Erika as a very real and very dangerous entity on the island.

Best Comedy: Sakurako just asking Sean who he was attracted to in school feels so mundane and normal it made me snort.

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: I didn’t want to use a scene I was in, but the entirety of Our Mutual Friend is like a fucking action movie.

Best Feeling-Inducer: Demetri dying all alone made me feel feelings. Very sad feelings. Same with Cammy.

Best Drama: Party Like It's 1999 has been VERY full of drama. Also Unicorn on the Gallows kept me on the edge of my seat.

Best Surprise: Lucas Brady’s suicide was out of left field. And yet it was so masterfully done and completely on brand with the character. Unrolled deaths are always a shock, but this one was especially jarring and fantastic.

Best Meanwhile: The Other Student Roster. It’s just such a good insight and gives you a little bit of what’s going on with each kid even if you’re not following them.

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change? nothing, tbh.

V7 Final Four: List them! This can either be an ideal list, or IC or OOC predictions.
Arizona, Erika, Connor and Parker Idk, first four names to come to mind.

Who of the surviving characters are you cheering on to win V7? I kind of want to see a villain come out on top.

How do you predict the ending of V7 is going to turn out? Tragic, Violent, and Tearjerking.

How much did you enjoy/not enjoy V7? I’ve been blessed to be able to return here. I’ve had a fantastic time.

What do you like the most about V7? The kids. All of them feel like living, breathing people and it makes the immersion so easy.

What do you think could have been better about the version? The island could have been a tad bigger, i guess.

How do you feel about V7 compared to prior versions? Far and away better than last I was here at least.

What do you think of the overall 'SOTF' story? It’s a fun backdrop.

How do you think V8 will differ from/compare to V7 and prior versions? I’m sure it’ll be even better.

Talk About Yourself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V7? I really enjoyed writing Lorenzo’s death thread with Shiola.

Which of your V7 characters was your favorite to write? As much as I love Lorenzo, Amelia is just so pure and fun that writing her is always a good time.

What are you proudest of in V7? That I haven’t gone inactive, lmao.

What do you wish you could improve? I want to keep working on my writing, and my cohesiveness. Sometimes I feel like my characterizations can get a bit messy.

What is your favorite V7 memory? I can’t really choose just one. Everything about being a part of this community again has made my everyday life better.

What else would you like to share? Anything goes! Just that I’m happy to be back and think all of you are exceptional writers and storytellers.
V8 Relationship Chart
[+] V8 Kids Lined Up To Die
Sebastian Odegaard - Playing The Leading Man
Yoona Lee - Rejecting Society
Chanel Andersson-Joseph - Changing Her Aesthetic
Marc Hines - Lazer-Focused on the Future
[+] V7 Kiddos
Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

ImageLorenzo Tavares B03 - DEAD
Pregame:1 2 3 4 5 Memories:1 2 3 4 Prom: 1 2 3 4 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ImageGina Petrov G43 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 Memories: 1 2 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3
ImageJackson Sullivan B36 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 5 Memories: 1 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ImageAmelia Fischer G34 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 Memories: 1 2 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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Latin For Dragula
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Post by Latin For Dragula »

The Plastic Hammer Awards!

The Basics

Handler Name: Emprexx Plush/Latin For Dragula

Your Trademark Character: It's hard to say, I haven't picked one myself and I hear about as much about all my kids. Let's go with Marco though!

Current Status of Trademark Character: Sticky.

Favorite Character: I've been stanning Justin Greene since Day One and I haven't regretted it yet. Keep fucking 'em up my sad guy.

Favorite Weapon: I think narratively the legacy weapons are getting some interesting use this version. Min-Jae's Crossbow and Adam Dodd's Ballester-Molina have been used especially effectively as set pieces by their recipients.

Favorite Scene: We're starting a theme here because this is really, really hard to narrow down. For my money it's got to go too Unicorn on the Gallows though. What a ride, you kinda figure you know what's going on but there are seeds planted all over the place leading up to it. There's at least three culprits before who did what becomes explicit, and even once that mystery is obvious you're on the edge of your seat because Mercy's rolled but Ramsey and Madison are taking it really hard too. Mimi and Jilly are exactly the kind of Mad Lads to drop an unrolled triple kill here. Once the dust clears the effects ripple outward in some major ways that I don't think are anywhere close to settled yet. Solid work from everybody involved!

Favorite Death: I think about Cammy's death a lot. It's one of the SotF deaths that haunts me most out of every version I've read. There are so many good deaths that have been put down so far, but nothing gets the hair going up the back of my neck like imagining Cammy's final futile pleas.

Favorite Quote: "How do you feel about feet?" Tirzah blowing out Ron's brains and gliding into negotiating sexual favors for survival with The Carters is the most Rugga Energy play of the version.

Favorite Post: I'm going to be very selfish for a moment and say this one. Frozen and I are playing these two esoteric assholes full of double talk and veiled motives who are so completely full of shit on both sides, so when he joked while we were planning about doing a two word exit I laughed. I laughed even harder when he went through with it, it's such an excellent little fuck you capstone to the first time we get to see Blaise and Parker playing their unspoken game in detail, and I don't know if the 4D Chess Move translates in appeal if you haven't spent as much time behind the scenes with these kids as we have but I applaud him for going for it.

Favorite Location: The Rice Paddies don't get enough love!


Best Character Development: Julien Leblanc is an interesting study in character development in that I don't think internally he's changed all that much from where he was on Day One, but the island has eroded away some of his polish. Don't get me wrong, beating up a defenseless person 'cuz they pissed you off isn't exactly a Paragon 'Til I Die move, but she's ripping wings off of butterflies has elements of comeuppance to it. There are edges of regret when he discusses the incident going forward, but by the time we get to C'est La Vie dude has graduated to "well, I didn't rape or murder her so I couldn't have really meant any harm right?" There's such a huge gulf between those two mindsets, but when you put the way he carries himself side by side between points where he's at hasn't changed all that much. I'm very intrigued by the unspoken compromises Julien has absorbed and where it will end up landing him in the end.

Best Game Impact: I dunno whether Beryl's death or Abel's death kicked more people into vigilante mode once you sort through all the transitive properties, but it's got to be one of them. Two of the most beloved characters both IC and OOC bit it super early and the island's been on fire ever since, don't get much more impactful than that.

Best Innovation: Let's fuckin' talk about Sven Vee. Sven is innovative in a couple different ways for me. The first is that one of my clients had an accident and resulting injuries very similar to Sven's, and while Sven is more verbose than he is the mannerisms surrounding his character are so, so familiar to me. It messes me up sometimes how close the two of them are and I've shouted out MurderWeasel for his presentation on this bit a number of times. The other way that takes him over the top is the extreme meta bullshit he gets up to; it's there the whole way through, but particularly prominent in the sequence of his death. MW pushed this element farther than I think anyone has before and deserves to be recognized for the effort, what an A+ job.

Best Realism: Ace Ortega is about as grounded as they come. I've gushed about this already a number of times but Buko really kills it in the presentation, warts and all. Ace catches a lot of flack for his decisions and especially for cheating with Ivy, and I think a certain amount of that backlash comes from how real those fuck ups are outside the game. Ace's mistakes are disappointing. We want him to be better, and y'know I think he'd tell us to join the fucking club. Dude doesn't know what he's doing. Even in success he drowns because he doesn't understand the next move. He's a kid. The worst things he's done probably would have happened whether he got dropped in a murder game or not, and I think that's captivating.

Best Heroic Character: Colin McCabe stepped to any and all comers in defense of his fellow students until it lost him his head. I never thought the guy had it in him, but every time he started throwing hands I found myself cheering for him and it devastated me when he went down.

Best Villainous Character: Quinn Abert, we stan a goth slasher villain.

Best Tragic Character: Justin Greene. My guy is for sure a villain but I find myself feeling for him a lot. The way he breaks down after attacking Benny is a prelude to the sorrow that's coming with every confrontation. Justin knows what he's gotta do, and he's desperate to do it, but he hates it. He's one of the realest embodiments of the SotF spirit we've had in a minute.

Best Humorous Character: I really struggle to connect with the humor in this version, not because it's not good or anything but because I feel like there have been very few lulls for humorous characters to breathe? It's hard for me to look at any character and think of them as The Funny one like I could easily point to say, Michael in V5 or Gene in TV2. The jokes are a lot more spread out and layered between a lot of trauma, so I don't think I have a good pick for someone who consistently makes me laugh.

Best Tactics: My nod goes to Nia Karahalios, since she had the investment and the implementation for a winning strategy. Her thoughts on how to survive are dense and she had a pretty good run going for herself before circumstances spun beyond her control.

The Sympathy Award: I just wanted Saffron and Katie to be happy. They didn't deserve this. SotF is homophobic actually.

The Empathy Award: I feel Dolly's rage and also her self-destructive attraction to the things that will hurt her most.

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: A long, long list here, some of whom I've already shouted out. Christine Bright is a very early loss I would have been interested in seeing more of though, with more time I think her gimmick would have worked more for me.

The He-Had-It-Coming Award: Lorenzo Tavares had this pretty much locked when he raped Artem at prom but wow did he sure double down on it by becoming a spiteful murderous asshole. Ain't no amount of montages gonna erase all that my dude.

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: we really out here burying some gays huh

The Stomach-Churner: Emil went out roooouuugh

Best Impact: The bat against Abel

Best Comedy: The Other Student Roster gasses me up something fierce.

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: The entire lighthouse sequence

Best Feeling-Inducer: Yuka coming to grips with All The Death

Best Drama: Arizona and Jonah putting the boots to Quinn has been a wild ride

Best Surprise: Amber flipping on Abel would make an excellent Great Moments For A Heel Turn strip

Best Meanwhile: y'all are sleeping on this section if you don't put like they say in Missouri, I ain't goin' back to Missouri in contention.

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change? in retrospect the island design could have used some retooling as there are not enough locations accessible by heelies

V7 Final Four: List them! This can either be an ideal list, or IC or OOC predictions. Justin, Cecil, Garnet, Sakurako

Who of the surviving characters are you cheering on to win V7? Hey if it's not super obvious by now, it's Justin XD

How do you predict the ending of V7 is going to turn out? Brutal.

How much did you enjoy/not enjoy V7? badabababa i'm lovin' it!

What do you like the most about V7? There's been a ton of buy in from Day One, everyone's pushed each other really well and development is hard to track. There are a lot of kids where I have no idea where they're going but I'm sure along for the ride.

What do you think could have been better about the version? I think there's been a push conscious or unconscious to put a lot of stress on what's supposed to be a fun hobby among friends. There are a lot of times I don't realize folks are having some Serious Argument until we're already about five layers deep and I've just been shooting the breeze. I've been on the other side of it a couple times as well where I'm really upset about something and it is just not connecting because text is a tricky medium. Taking a few breaths to relax both our expectations and assumptions when things start heating up can't hurt.

How do you feel about V7 compared to prior versions? wait there were other versions???

What do you think of the overall 'SOTF' story? Gonna say my lips are sealed on this one.

How do you think V8 will differ from/compare to V7 and prior versions? Dunno! My inclination is that it's going to be even weirder after the stew SCDos and V7 got brewing, but maybe we'll swing hard the other way and make a super grounded version for the memes. Y'all are wild, I can't predict you.

Talk About Yourself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V7? This is pretty hard to say. Nikki's death, any of Hel's family shots, gloss for Jeremiah, That Real Queer Shit with Marco, Blaise and Tonya chewing scenery in their own ways, it's all been a delight. I can't narrow it down.

Which of your V7 characters was your favorite to write? This is a lot easier. I love all of my kids equally, but Marco and Hel are rarely fun to write. There are days where I put something down with them and I'm like, I'm done not just as a writer but as a person for today, please do not expect anything of me I'm going to go to bed and debate not getting up. Jeremiah and Tonya don't hit me that bad when they're in their feelings, but they can still be a lot. Blaise fucks me up in a whole different way because they exist purely as an outlet for shitty impulses that disgust and terrify me and boy is that not a great headspace to be in sometimes?? So I gotta give it to Nikki. From start to finish Nikki was a breath of fresh air that I would have loved to explored farther, and if it wasn't for the fact that all my other kids had promises to keep and she didn't she'd still be among us. Gods do I miss her.

What are you proudest of in V7? V7 is the closest I've gotten to venting my vulnerabilities directly in a public medium. All my kids touch on places that I'm raw, but this is the deepest I've gotten on letting art heal the things I bottle up. It's been a huge step for my mental health.

What do you wish you could improve? I wish I hadn't let depression get the best of me and blow most of pre-game. I wish I was better at reaching out to people both to plan with them and to express how grateful I am to all of y'all. It's getting better but there's still a lot I don't say that I should.

What is your favorite V7 memory? Too many to count.

What else would you like to share? Anything goes! i've got a concept gallery for v8 going come check it out
[+] SotF Characters
[+] V5 Characters
ImageG056, Alda Abbate(Adopted)
It was difficult to nail down exactly when the anger started. Remembering a time when it wasn't there, coiled up and waiting to strike or alive and thrashing, was growing more and more challenging. It'd been with her for so long that it no longer felt like an intruder in her mind. It felt like a part of her.
ImageB062, Garrett Wilde
I multiplied. Then I subtracted. That's what we do now. That's how we keep the most people around.
ImageB014, Joachim Lovelace(Adopted)
Your turn.
[+] V6 Characters

ImageG037, Abby Floyd:This place was vile. Overwhelmingly, terribly vile. Character Theme: Everything's Alright-Emily Scholz
ImageB016, Ty Yazzie: You ever wonder if you still got a home to go back to? Character Theme: Warrior People-Medicine For The People
ImageIsaac Brea(Adopted from Espi): Isaac's well of fucks was bone-dry. Character Theme: The Whiskey, The Liar, The Thief-Patent Pending
ImageG011, Caedyn Miller:So...how did you wanna do this? Feeling an open casket? Or is that dumb? Nah, don't say it, that's dumb. We'll be soup by the time they send us home anyway. Character Theme: Sleep-My Chemical Romance
ImageG032, Irene Djezari(Adopted from CicadaDays): Death was not worse than Meme Hell. Character Theme: A Beautiful Lie-30 Seconds To Mars
[+] V7 Characters
ImageB066, Blaise d'Aramitz: I am not fucking dabbing on a corpse, Carl. Character Theme: The Nurse Who Loved Me-A Perfect Circle
ImageG032, Helena 'Hel" Fury: I hope my family’s waiting. The one I made out here. I hope you’ll be a part of it again. Character Theme: Fix Me-10 YearsImage
ImageB073, Jeremiah Anderson: "GO--GO--GO." Character theme: The Big Sleep-Murder By Death
ImageG066, Marco Hart: I'm not satisfied anymore. I don't think I'd want to be if I could. Character theme: Maurice's Monsters-Small Leaks Sink Ships
ImageG080, Nikki Nelson-Kelly: The fools. The morons. The aBsOlUtE cReTiNs. Character Theme: Movement-The Whip
ImageG062, Tonya Collins: The girl, the person, the thing, the shape on the screen, that wasn't her. Character Theme: Get Down-Isador
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Post by Jilly »

The Plastic Hammer Awards!

The Basics

Handler Name: Jilly

Your Trademark Character: Abel Zelenovic

Current Status of Trademark Character: Waterlogged and rotting in the rice fields

Favorite Character: Too many to list so I won't.

Favorite Weapon: The potted ivy plant. I'm also glad the poison weapons have really been utilized this go round.

Favorite Scene: It's been long past day 1, but the drug house scene is still on my mind a lot and I think it's gonna go down as one of the most iconic early-game scenes on Main.

Favorite Death: Nikki Nelson-Kelly extremely well thought out and big brain heist

Favorite Quote: It was already posted with MW's hammers, but the short exchange between Ron/Christina is absolute gold.

Favorite Post: "Quinn Abert continued from One Final Embrace."

Favorite Location: The Serenity Circle is probably one of the most creative but logical set designs I've seen in anything and I wish it was utilized more. The Manor also plays into my personal aesthetic of spooky houses, so I gotta note that as well.


Best Character Development: Lots of picks for this category, but I gotta give it to Princess both IC and as a concept for being such an extremely late addition to the V7 cast but Cicada has been doing a real good job with her and I am emotionally invested in where she goes in her narrative.

Best Game Impact: Beryl, probably.

Best Innovation: I think Sven Vee speaks for himself.

Best Realism: A lot of people have been really nailing it despite the inherent absurdity of the situation, but I think Jonah and Arizona both separated on their own and as a unit are probably the most realistically portrayed awkward teenage couple in V7.

Best Heroic Character: Good joke.

Best Villainous Character: Also gonna say Frozen Smoke's been doing a really good job with Parker Green as a character who's totally out for themselves and invested in the long game, but also is lowkey and purposefully stays off the radar versus characters who have been much more loud. He's a good study in how a character can be a villain without getting a single kill.

Best Tragic Character: Nia Karahalios. Poor girl's so cursed with all of her friends dying in front of her eyes.

Best Humorous Character: Queen Lori. We stan.

Best Tactics: Parker Green, for the same reason given above.

The Sympathy Award: Nathan Coleman, goes without saying.

The Empathy Award: I really like Sean Leibowitz. He's probably the most lowkey/ the designated "straight man" of all the incarnations of the Clout Gang, but there's something so relatable about him and the subtle humor in his posts that he's one of the characters I try to still keep up with.

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: Ron :(. Also wish we could've seen more with Stepney.

The He-Had-It-Coming Award: Lorenzo. I also have a feeling we'll be seeing Lori's downfall soon enough, though she will always be a queen in my heart.

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: The infirmary massacre in general but also ending with Yuka watching her other sister die in front of her and being the sole survivor of her close family gives me a lot of feels.

The Stomach-Churner: Quinn and the Stepney scarecrow. I think it's gonna be one of the most iconic post-death sequences out of V7, or at least out of the first half.

Best Impact: Beryl's death I believe has probably shifted and set a whole bunch of characters on a different path than expected right out the gate.

Best Comedy: The brawl with Paloma/Amber/Aliya/Tony/Colin in the lake was so weirdly comical I felt like I was watching a Jerry Springer rerun.

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: Marco V. at the shoe tree. Though honestly, anything with Marco V. in it I could probably vouch for with being over the top but in a fun way.

Best Feeling-Inducer: Cammy falling off the lookout platforn and crying out for help, but no one being around.

Best Drama: Forrest learning about Andy's death and breaking down in the menagerie is a good one. Lots of picks for this category, though.

Best Surprise: Sven Vee's death, bar none. Felt like I was reading a let's play of a SUDA51 game.

Best Meanwhile: I'd be lying if I didn't say Alton's little black book as well.

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change? Also gonna agree that seeing so many people drop out and adopt characters off was a bummer, along with the few inactive deaths we've had so far. Although I realize it's just the nature of the game, but still.

V7 Final Four: List them! This can either be an ideal list, or IC or OOC predictions. Any combination of kids would be interesting let's be real here.

Who of the surviving characters are you cheering on to win V7? Still in the Arizona wins fan club but there's a lot of second choices I would absolutely be happy with.

How do you predict the ending of V7 is going to turn out? I have a feeling with how V7 has gone down as a whole we will all be rather surprised.

How much did you enjoy/not enjoy V7? Had a better time than I did during my other run for sure.

What do you like the most about V7? I'm glad there's been a lot of experimentation even if sometimes it doesn't stick the landing as strong as expected. I'm also glad people have let their kids be wrong or get injured or "take an L", as it were.

What do you think could have been better about the version? OOC discourse has a tendency to be very tense. I'm not sure of a way to really rectify that other than reminding everyone including myself to take a step back sometimes and not get your own emotions worked up into a communication breakdown.

How do you feel about V7 compared to prior versions? From what I've seen of the other versions, I think V7 has been absolutely nailing quality control and consistency. There's always gonna be highs and lows, but I feel like for V7 the highs have been smashing ceilings and the lows have been on par or maybe only slightly worse than what would've passed as a high in one of the older games.

What do you think of the overall 'SOTF' story? I think it's fine as the excuse plot it needs to be.

How do you think V8 will differ from/compare to V7 and prior versions? I have high hopes that V8 will be a general refinement of V7's strengths, much like V5 was for V4 and the second half of V3 was for the first half.

Talk About Yourself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V7? A lot. Abel's death, the poker game, hiding from Quinn, skipping stones at the waterfall are probably the highlights but I'm being honest when I've said I've had a good time with all of my kids.

Which of your V7 characters was your favorite to write? It's ebbed and flowed with posts and threads but I'll be honest and admit I've had fun getting to adopt and write with Teresa.

What are you proudest of in V7? Abel's death and the repercussions of it leading into the lighthouse massacre, Paloma's continued downfall, and emotionally devastating Amber and the baseball team kids. One of my biggest fears of pulling that off was to make a death that would be forgotten or "meme'd" about in a nasty way but such an early scene being considered iconic by several people but OOC and IC really does give me a lot of pride.

What do you wish you could improve? Patience, I'll just leave it at that.

What is your favorite V7 memory? My DMs and mentions blowing up as people gradually learned about Paloma and Abel.

What else would you like to share? Anything goes! ✅ Read at 12:38 AM
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Post by Cactus »

The Plastic Hammer Awards!

The Basics

Handler Name: Cactus

Your Trademark Character: For the first time, I honestly don't think I have one.

Current Status of Trademark Character: They're all doing various things. At this juncture I think they're all between threads. Livin' in the void. Awww, yea.

Favorite Character: Aurelien Valter, Declyn Grayson-Anthis, Madison Springer, Matthew Hunt, Sven Vee, Henry Sparks, Jackson Sullivan, Alton Gerow, most of Michael Froese, Jeff Greene before I adopted him, Wyatt Carter, Lori Martin, Lizzie Lebowski. Yeah, it's a lot, but... it's a lot.

Favorite Weapon: The Teddy Bear with too many eyes, Adam Dodd's Ballester-Molina (come on, obviously), the Fire Ant Terrarium.

Favorite Scene: Kelly poisons her friends seemingly out of nowhere, Madison fights back and the whole thread is just *chef's kiss*, so well done.

Favorite Death: Madison tries to kill Nathan quickly and painlessly and fucks it up so badly that she has to savagely beat him to death instead. Oof.

Favorite Quote: I'll be honest, I can't remember any right now.

Favorite Post: My favourite post in the entirety of V7 is Starlight, because it contains a cute cat and a reference to Star Trek: The Next Generation, and you can consider this audience pandered to.

Favorite Location: There are some neat places this time around, but as we've discussed, I would be lost without the Woods. I post a lot in the Woods. The Woods are my favourite spot to goooooo.


Best Character Development: I actually want to shout Kermit out here, but not the character you'd think. Valerija Bogdanovich has been intriguing for me, because she started out very insistent that not killing anyone was the way to go, but in order to try and accomplish her goals, after failing a few times, she actually murdered someone herself to try and find a weapon, thus invalidating her entire initial motivation. I think she's got some intriguing places to go and I look forward to reading her spiral.

Best Game Impact: Tyrell Lahti choosing to hang himself at the very beginning of the game had a domino effect that impacted the trajectories of at least twenty or thirty different kids by influencing their killers, their victims, and those who were left behind. I know that Abel or Beryl are the popular answers here, but I'm looking at biggest, and I feel this one might be it.

Best Innovation: I stumbled upon the treasure trove that was Sven Vee early on in the version, and I sent many a PM to MurderWeasel yelling at him for sending me to Tapatalk, or to a pastebin, or to any of any number of damn places. Watching everyone realize once he'd died what Toben had done was a blast, and I don't think he can be replicated again. I hope he's not.

Best Realism: Nathan Coleman was realistic and really well done. In prior versions, this is a character that wouldn't have been done well at all, and so I think MK really excelled at bringing him to life. Really nice work and we were all pretty sad to see him go. I know that Ricky will often boast about how good he is in fight scenes - and I agree, he's pretty money, but I actually think that his real #1 strength as a writer is in how he shifts his narrative voice depending on the character he's writing. Between Justin, Cheridene, Nathan and Wyatt, each of these characters felt unique and read uniquely, and Nathan's simple and very basic understanding of the world was a joy to read.

Best Heroic Character: This one's a nice toss-up for me, so I'll shout two of my favourite characters out — Aurelien Valter and Henry Sparks. I think these two have real hero duo potential. They're two guys who don't really know one another, are both very different, but who have banded together and suffered a great deal of loss in a short amount of time. Thanks to that, the two of them have come together and started to develop a really strong bond, with goals of trying to make some sort of difference in the time they have left. I think these guys, rolls permitting, are going to be two to watch as the game goes forth.

Best Villainous Character: Ivy Langley is a shitty person, and while she isn't a killer, she's still a villain. It's easy to say that Blaise/Erika/Quinn as the big killers would be most villainous, but I think it's almost more effective when your villain doesn't kill anyone. Ivy is looking out for herself and herself alone, and I look forward to her doing something that in SOTF or not, people would look upon and go "oh man, that's low".

Best Tragic Character: Okay, so here's where I like, totally differ on all of you, I think. SO MANY people are putting Lori Martin under the category below this one, but I would posit that she actually is one of the most tragic characters in the version. Here's a girl who suffers from obviously low self-confidence, who just wants to be seen and wanted, and lashes out when she feels excluded. Her self-effacing and severe manner can sometimes be humorous, but when you think about it, the only people who have expressed a desire to have her around are both half-insane, and she's just become a mostly unwilling accomplice in a murder. I really think she's a tragic character and I think Rugga's doing such a phenomenal job in obfuscating that with the humour of her personality.

Best Humorous Character: Lizzie Lebowski's narrative makes me laugh sometimes, as does Sakurako's. Slam and Sunny are doing excellent work with both of them, and while I think the jokes are fewer and further between than they may have been in the past, turns of phrase are more what makes me grin or chuckle these days. Additionally, Matthew Hunt is often really funny with how often he says the wrong thing.

Best Tactics: It's weird, but I'm not entirely sure what's going on with Forrest Quin. She has some sort of a plan, some sort of a strange energy to her, and she's been strangely divorced from all that's been happening so far. Maybe it's a tactic and maybe it's just the way that she is, but I'm curious to see where she ends up next.

The Sympathy Award: I am pulling for my misunderstood queen Madison Springer to finally get some understanding and some reprieve from the personal hell that she must be feeling. I know Mimi's been dealing with RL health issues but I look forward to seeing how Madison reconciles with what she's done.

The Empathy Award: I felt a ton for Aurelien's anger and his helplessness when he found Dante, and it made me want to see good things happen to him.

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: Wyatt Carter is someone that I would have really liked to see stick around a bit longer, to see him try and enact a little bit of the vengeance that was promised.

The He-Had-It-Coming Award: Like everyone else, I cheered when Lorenzo Tavares met his end, but I thought it was done poignantly and with a measure of respect to the fact that he was a fairly realized character throughout pregame. The abuse storyline was a definite choice, and while it was a bit risky in that it pigeonholed him a bit, I think we all liked where it ended.

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: I thought it was kind of sad seeing the Hayashibara sisters die one by one and watching the survivors reconcile that has been interesting. Similarly, the Ramsey Cortez/Angie Cortez scene was a sad one, and of course - Wyatt finding his brother's body was a tough one too. Soft spot for the siblings, okay?

The Stomach-Churner: I don't get queasy reading gore, but it's probably the Stepney death, by default. Most of the other deaths have been pretty standard. Maybe the Kyle death, too.

Best Impact: I honestly don't know. Ask me once we get to the final twenty and I can probably have a better answer for you.

Best Comedy: It's recent, but Matthew Hunt getting booted in the nuts is always gonna get both a chuckle and a grimace out of me; it's about time someone did that to him.

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: Marco Volker was a ride from start to finish, so pick literally any scene he was in.

Best Feeling-Inducer: Meilin's death and the impact that it had on Ace - the guilt, primarily, I thought this one really got me in a good way. Feelings ahoy!

Best Drama: I'll still go with Kelly poisoning the crew in the mansion. Everyone in that thread killed it, and I was hooked the entire time.

Best Surprise: Abel's death IMMEDIATELY starting the game. I don't think anyone saw it coming at all and it was done real well. As far as first deaths go, that one's in the upper echelon.

Best Meanwhile: Easy answer is the Other Student Roster. It's excellent — but that's the thing. EVERYTHING in Meanwhile is excellent. But I'd also like to shout out one that I really enjoyed - I Forgot My House was Also Gray. It's a quiet, intimate sort of piece but I think Blizzard is doing a really wonderful job with it.

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change?

V7 Final Four: List them! This can either be an ideal list, or IC or OOC predictions. Myles Roux, Juliette Sargent, Lori Martin and Morgan Dragosavich. If only because I want to watch the world burn.

In all seriousness though, I'd like to see Henry and Aurelien, maybe Declyn and Camilla. The nicest F4 ever. They'd probably have a good cry before the killin', and it's four handlers who I don't believe have ever seen a main endgame (Pippi sees like, all of the mini ones but I digress :P)

Who of the surviving characters are you cheering on to win V7? Personally, I'm driving the Aurelien Valter or Henry Sparks bandwagon. Jump on while the seats are available, folks.

How do you predict the ending of V7 is going to turn out? I want to somehow see a hopeful ending. I don't want to see a villain win, I don't want to see someone who's been jaded or destroyed by it all. I want to see someone come out of the end who still has some sense of idealism or hope that their future can be something.

How much did you enjoy/not enjoy V7? I have been having a blast, for the most part. My interest has waned a few times, but I think that's more been cyclical of other factors in my own life rather than anything going on here.

What do you like the most about V7? I enjoy the fact that we haven't really had all that many short or very evident fodder characters; there's been a lot of kids who have been fleshed out and activity has been really strong all the way around.

What do you think could have been better about the version? I think the island setup at the beginning could have been planned a little better, and I think since things have started there's been a bit of a 'knives-out' sort of approach to how we're looking at one another's stuff that wasn't there in pregame. It's only natural since it becomes gamified, but it's always sad when it happens.

How do you feel about V7 compared to prior versions? Most fun I've had writing in an SOTF since v1.

What do you think of the overall 'SOTF' story? I like the way that it's gone and I look forward to seeing in what ways the AT changes their tactics as they move forward. The trip was a cool wrinkle that I think was a home run.

How do you think V8 will differ from/compare to V7 and prior versions? I think V7 has likely started a trend of pregame becoming more important and more expansive, and I suspect activity will be high once more.

Talk About Yourself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V7? There's been a lot that I'm incredibly proud of that I've put down in V7. I've basically taken the approach that I wanted to let my own work speak for itself and try and avoid chat pimping, but I'm going to break my own rule for a moment so I can shout out some of the stuff I'm proud of.

In pregame, I loved exploring the Mystery of Love, and writing Reveries made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Conversely, the Echoes of Silence broke my heart to put to page, and being part of Gifts was great fun. Naturally, the Facebook thread. I really dug the mundane slice of life part of Five Crooked Lines. Morgan and Lizzie's whole trip experience was a ton of fun, but Connor and Erika taking A Minute to Breathe put a really nice bow on pregame for me.

In-game, I'm especially proud of Ariana's demise, Bryan's demise, the Unavoidable Sun as a thread was a treat, and Claudeson's fucked up dream in I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream was a thing that still unsettles me. Also, my part in Sven's demise. A lot of aiding in demises for me.

Meanwhile-wise, I'm proud of it all. I have a lot more to come, too, but it's on hold for the time being.

Which of your V7 characters was your favorite to write? Wade Wilson. Yep. That's the most fun I've had writing anything this version, which says a lot because it's been fun. All of my core four have been most fun at some point or another.

What are you proudest of in V7? I'm proudest of the fact that I had four characters who are all equally as strong and barring rolls, any of whom could have ended up being my longest-lasting kid.

What do you wish you could improve? I know I'm still going with it but I would love to do a better job with the adoption that I've gotten. I don't feel I've necessarily lived up to what Blast was doing with Jeff and while I'm trying, I don't necessarily think adoption is my thing.

What is your favorite V7 memory? This one's SUPER easy. My favourite V7 memory is on launch day, when Shiola drove over to my apartment, we picked up beer and had nachos and pizza, watched Battle Royale, while we took turns posting and freaking out about the launch of the version. GOT MY POST UP, FIRST. Abel's dead? WHAT? HE IS? HOW? And so on and so forth. Maybe a bit of an OOC memory but it's easily my favourite. :)

What else would you like to share? Anything goes! Go Leafs Go.
-Sorry for being a prickly cactus sometimes. You know it's mostly always love.
-I haven't read everything yet, and I'm trying but it's hard, so I apologize if I missed some really great stuff of yours. Yes, yours.
-Finally, in June I will have joined this site fifteen years ago. What the fuck.
[+] V7

B027 - Morgan Dragosavich: "Now come on, you have a flight to catch."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - P7 - M1 - PPr1 - PPr2 - T1 - T2 - T3

B042 - Connor Lorenzen: "You— you're gonna have to live with this for— for a long time. A long time, and I hope you do, brother. Really."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - Pr1 - PoPr1 - T1

B005 - Claudeson Bademosi: "May you see your Redeemer face to face and enjoy the vision of God forever."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 -M1 - VPS - T1

B062 - Jeff Greene: "Wait a minute, you're not Palom—"
Status: DECEASED (adopted from Blastinus)
V7: 9 - 10 - 11

G042 - Ariana Moretti: "You were always here."
V7: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Pregame: P1 - P2 - P3 - P4 - P5 - P6 - M1 - M2 - M3 - T1 - T2 - T3
[+] Meanwhile...

V7 (2018):

Life; As It Happens

1: The Essay; June 2, 2015
2: The Pizza; June 6, 2015
3: The Leak; June 7, 2015
4: The Safe; June 4, 2018
5: The Call; September 19, 2015

6: Coda
7: The Secret; June 4, 2018
8: ???; June 9, 2018
9: ???; June 10, 2018
10: ???; June 10, 2018
11: ???; September 13, 2018

Ross Miller

1: Shatterday; June 9, 2018
2: I Wait on You Inside the Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea; July 13, 2018 - ongoing

3: ???
4: ???
5: ???

Pregame: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - M1 - M2 - SP - Snapchat

Carl Fredericks/Steven Lorenzen: The Needs of the Many

V6 (2015)
Mrs. Ritch: Sweet Billy
[+] The Past

The Creme de la Creme

V3: B007 - Keith Jackson: At the end of the road he's running, looking back to survey where he's been.
V1/3: B077 - Adam Dodd: You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain. The truth lies somewhere in between.
V1: B087 - Sidney Crosby: It's only cowardice if other people are around to tell you so. Otherwise, it's survival.
V1: B092 - Eddie Serjeantson: Fully in charge, but not much of an arborist.
V2: B013 - Andrew Ponikarovsky: Probably could have used a proper license and a driving lesson.
V1: G005 - Amanda Jones: A breath of fresh air, and in the end, that was all it took.
V3: B099 - John Sheppard: Went out with a bang.
V3: B122 - Ryan Atwell: Couldn't help but write a "Dear John" letter.
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Post by Sunnybunny »

The Plastic Hammer Awards!

The Basics

Handler Name: Sunnydere and/or Sunny Dee

Your Trademark Character: Sakurako A. Jackson, my only gal

raodCurrent Status of Trademark Character: Trying to get her road dawgs to give peace a chance in The Special Special Special!

Favorite Character: Let hit you with a top six: Marcus "Marco" Volker, Demetri Futscher, Ivy Langley, Princess McQuillan, Ace "Beats" Ortega, Teresa Rojas... oh my gosh I could go on forever! V7 is really an all-star cast and I know that even the people I haven't read in their entirety yet are bomb as hell!

Favorite Weapon: The shopping cart because it has utility but is also inherently hilarious. Supermarket Sweep, anyone?

Favorite Scene: The entirety of the cat and mouse game that was Malice Aforethought. It's a scene that really shows off what the game can be, and if it doesn't end on on the pregame highlight reel for v8 I'm going to riot! I mean, cry. Criot.

Favorite Death: I think everyone knows how I feel about Dolly's final scene but now but if you don't please read and enjoy! It's like, even though she's gotten shot, she's running this narrative no matter who likes it.

Favorite Quote: "Your company would be delightful if it comes with, uh, benefits, yaknowwhatI'msayin'?" I basically spent his whole game going Wyatt please, and he never stops being his "Da Carters" self.

Favorite Post: Quinn has entered the chat.

Favorite Location: The waterfall! I had my first scene there, and it has such yeeting potential!


Best Character Development: Lucas D! He's gone from someone that was completely ready to give up, to a man on a mission with a team. Also Garren Mortimer, who is just doing his best in the worst situation imaginable.

Best Game Impact: Hmmmm, I guess I'll have to copy other people, Beryl's death sent a ton of people spiraling into roles they probably wouldn't have been in quite so quickly otherwise.

Best Innovation: I don't know what Mikey Freeze is on, but I love reading every post even if I want to take a shot afterwards.

Best Realism: Ace Beats has shuffled back and forth on the development path, and that's the most believable thing to me. He wants to be better, but can't seem to get past his own nature to get there.

Best Heroic Character: Garren, because the willingness and ability to change to change is the bravest thing. Or Aditi Sharma, for taking charge and playing the ultimate price for it.

Best Villainous Character: SHINY AND CHROME! Marco Volker, my wild hash slinging slasher who died how he wanted and got shot in the ass. I like how buck wild he is, but at the core of that wildness was something human, still. Just a ton of fun.Aside: Blaise is mean and I love to hate them for it.

Best Tragic Character: Damn, Lucas B. Better things have been said about fatal flaws, but I really wanted him to run into something to stop his sad trajectory. Yuka Hayashibara has gone down a slide of tragedy, and I don't see it stopping anytime soon, especially considering her last encounter.

Best Humorous Character: Teresa is on my favorite list because she's so damn funny. She's been awful from the start and not taken even a bit of it seriously, and I predict hilarious things from the Gucci Gang.

Best Tactics: Ivy is going to find someone to be by her side no matter what it takes, and it's working out pretty well for her so far.

The Sympathy Award: Cammy Walker-Grimsley's fate just got to me. Dying alone and begging for anyone to help? Shit is brutal.

The Empathy Award: Charelle Chernyshyova is relatable as hell to me. A regular girl caught up in something bigger than her, being over her head but doing her best. Can I get an F in the chat?

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: I thought Arjen made it! I miss Da Carters! And I think all our kids are gone too soon. :cry:

The She-Had-It-Coming Award: Quinn, you did Too Much, too cruelly.

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: [/url] - Beryl's death and everything surrounding it made me cry, in all honest.

The Stomach-Churner: Don’t look away.

Best Impact: I'd say Claudeson saving Tyrell from committing suicide. It leads to a lot of tragic occurrences, and sends them both spiraling on paths that lead to ugliness.

Best Comedy: That's showbiz, kid. and/or Marco Tries to Take a Bath also Lori in general.

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: Arizona and Jonah take down a big killer! Bonus spot for the Wyatt/Marco fight...

Best Feeling-Inducer: Caroline and Regina's accidental tragic ends. Emil's death. I'm deffo missing things, I've had a lot of feelings in this game.

Best Drama: Lorenzo breaks up with Diego harshly. Ace cheats on Meilin with Ivy! Whatever the eff is going on with Kelly, Lucas A, and Tonya. Julien... just Julien. The Lighthouse Incident.

Best Surprise: I can't believe Abel died like, an hour after we started the game.

Best Meanwhile: The Student Roster! I also like The Games We Used to Play and also Connor's daddy being a rich asshole.

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change? People getting done so dirty by the dice.

V7 Final Four: List them! This can either be an ideal list, or IC or OOC predictions. I'm going to do two sets! Final Four A: Wyatt Carter, Dane Lennox, Adele Jones, Beryl Mahelona; Final Four B: Diego Larrosa, Myles Roux, Erika Stieglitz, Faith Clementine Marshal-Mackenzie

Who of the surviving characters are you cheering on to win V7? Yuka! Ace! Any member of the whole Clout Gang! Willow! Tirzah!

How do you predict the ending of V7 is going to turn out? Different than the others, somehow. V7 has been innovative af.

How much did you enjoy/not enjoy V7? I love it! I want to show my friends! I want to see it grow up healthy!

What do you like the most about V7? The tone being very... wiggly. It's hard to put words to the blend of vibes we've got here and that's dope to me.

What do you think could have been better about the version? People not taking different opinions in chat so harshly. We are all sensitive but I think we're all pretty cool, so maybe take a few breaths before you blast your fellow handler. :shock:

How do you feel about V7 compared to prior versions? I'm glad I came back in time, missing out would have been a bummer summer indeed.

What do you think of the overall 'SOTF' story? Danya being hot now is disturbing, lol. RIP S.T.A.R.R.

How do you think V8 will differ from/compare to V7 and prior versions? I think we're gonna go balls to the walls.

Talk About Yourself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V7? Adele and Sakurako's budding friendship. Random cheek chus. The Sakurako/Thomas confession scene. Sakurako wiggles her way in clout gang... fuck, I just love this girl.

Which of your V7 characters was your favorite to write? [/puts on "Sakurako Fan Club shirt]

What are you proudest of in V7? I'm proud I got a character in right at the buzzer, and that she seems to be pretty well liked I guess! I'm also proud of helping Ricky get Cheridene's death in on time, and the writing we did there. And most of all, not idling out.

What do you wish you could improve? So many things, but one step at a time.

What is your favorite V7 memory? Chat screaming about everything going down is always a good time.

What else would you like to share? Anything goes! I love you guys, thank you for having me! Take care of yourselves and each other!
G071 - Sakurako Adina Jackson - i'll be ready every day / for as long as i can say / here I am in the future with my friends

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Post by Deamon »

The Plastic Hammer Awards!

The Basics

Handler Name: Deamon

Your Trademark Character: Whoever people know best I guess

Current Status of Trademark Character: Probably not doing great.

Favorite Character: To cover a handful: Ace, Juliette, Quinn, Faith, Garren, Justin, Jonah, K8lynne, Abe

Favorite Weapon: Lobster

Favorite Scene: As always the more built-up residential areas have held a lot of action but no single scene has created such an atmosphere and mood as Kids Run Through The City

Favorite Death: Currently it’s a tie between Abel’s death in Gristle & Mud or Nathan’s in ... A Smooth Criminal which are both super effective and shocking for opposite reasons. HM to Mercy.

Favorite Quote: “What is up, my miserable bastards?” – Abe

Favorite Post: Julien going hard at Ashlynn in The Flawed Architect was a good time.

Favorite Location: The Nature Lookout is my personal favourite spot. Just walking the plank over a drop to the trees below. That or the Shoe Tree.


Best Character Development: The work Pip has done with Garren Mortimer is top-notch, even with the knowledge that he was probably going to go good it’s been great to watch that journey and the pathos that she's been able to give him throughout his journey as he tries to be a good person. Meanwhile, most people treat him as the same piece of shit he was back in his regular life.

Best Game Impact: Abel dying when he did and how kicked off a lot of plots straight away. Beryl Mahelona also caused a lot of drams with her death, as groups fractured and people reacted. Finally Quinn and Erika killed a lot which is always a good way to cause game impact.

Best Innovation: Toben taking the concept of the fourth wall and meta-textual writing and going all in with Vee Seven...I mean Sven Vee is something that I’m not sure has been done to that degree before.

Best Realism: There is something about how Justin Greene’s thought process works that strikes me as very relatable and real. He’s just a dumb kid who made a bad decision and is spiraling further down a rabbit hole he can’t escape from.

Best Heroic Character: To go a bit more left-field—and to try and give it to someone who doesn't come up in this conversation much—Lucas D is trying really hard to be a hero, unfortunately, he’s kinda bad at it. Despite that though he keeps trying to do the right thing and that’s heroic in and of itself.

Best Villainous Character: Michael Froese is a bad person trying to justify his actions through a layer of detachment, irony and surface-level logical arguments. He reminds me of Jordan Peterson when he starts theorising about the nature of the game, also he’s probably sexist.

Best Tragic Character: Sucks to be Ramsey, that shits rough.

Best Humorous Character: Abe Watanabe and Sakurako both make laugh pretty consistently.

Best Tactics: Parker has currently shown a good understanding of his situation and how to work encounters to his advantage while staying out of trouble. Right up until he died.

The Sympathy Award: K8lynne has been through some shit purely via being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The Empathy Award: Ace and Matthew Hunt both seem like ordinary people put into an extraordinary situation that they’re trying to make the best of and fucking up along the way.

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: I’m interested by what could have become of Alexander Brooke and Meilin Zhou and their stories if they didn't get rolled when they did.

The He-Had-It-Coming Award: I mean, we all saw what Lorenzo did.

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: Katie and Saffron finding each other only to be gunned down within the same span of time was pretty tragic.

The Stomach-Churner: The mansion poisoning was pretty not great but I’m hard to gross out so I don’t know really.

Best Impact: The fracturing of Henry's group in ][ caused a lot of different storylines and events to occur.

Best Comedy: Let's do drugs

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: The general mayhem that occurs during the beginning of this thread captures the feel of the game so perfectly for me.

Best Feeling-Inducer: It's probably just the recency effect but currently the most emotional scene has to go to Axel's death, just good work all around by Fen, Paige and boogie to create a really sad scene of two people who have to watch their friend die and can't do anything to prevent it. It's the second good death Fen and Paige have produced together with each this version but Abe just ties the room together.

Best Drama: Even though I knew what the end result was going to be Aditi and Charelle's deaths still managed to do a great job of working with posts, content and pacing to produce a tense thread. Mara and Poly do a create job to set up the situation, give us that twist at the halfway point and then the tragic conclusion and it's all timed to perfection over the space of twelve posts.

Best Surprise: The first death being a kill was a shock at the time.

Best Meanwhile: Rats By Moonlight. That's it, that's the tweet.

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change? The adoptions and hand-offs all dropped in the space of about a week and a half which was a bit of a bookkeeping headache. Also, we made Chad staff for some reason?

V7 Final Four: List them! This can either be an ideal list, or IC or OOC predictions. Picking the first four that come into my head: Ace, Justin, K8lynne, Abe. HM - Juliette

Who of the surviving characters are you cheering on to win V7? Ask again later.

How do you predict the ending of V7 is going to turn out? this

How much did you enjoy/not enjoy V7? Well, I'm still in it and still having fun, so I'd say I'm enjoying myself.

What do you like the most about V7? A good chunk of the writing is very good in quality and there's just a lot more writing happening what with the game size being bigger compared to V6. People also aren't afraid to try new things with how they put their scenes together which is always good to see.

What do you think could have been better about the version? Pretty simple really and can be broken down into three main points: less private threads, people need to stop pimping in chat and people need to learn to take constructive criticism. It's felt like private threads have been everywhere in V7 to a detrimental degree in terms of characters' stories. Pimping has seen a big comeback in chat this version in a really blatant and spammy way and there seems to be this pushback against the idea of being able to critique writing put out on the site to be read which always comes across as very weird and detrimental to me.

How do you feel about V7 compared to prior versions?I think when V7 is complete it may go down as one of the strongest versions we've had. I think it really has made the best use of pregame to set-up arcs, storylines and relationships going into the game of all the other versions at a bare minimum.

What do you think of the overall 'SOTF' story? [REDACTED]

How do you think V8 will differ from/compare to V7 and prior versions? We'll need to see how V7 finishes off but hopefully the writing quality will continue to rise and some of the more negative aspects of V7 get looked back on and worked to improve going into V8.

Talk About Yourself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V7? The Quinn vs Jonah/Arizona fight has been my main highlight although I also enjoyed writing Aliya and Tony.

Which of your V7 characters was your favorite to write? Still ongoing.

What are you proudest of in V7? Forrest having a breakdown due to grief might be the most emotionally raw thing I've put to paper.

What do you wish you could improve? How much time we got? Because there's a lot of ways of framing scenes or word choices or just sentence structure I'd probably love to go back and fix up once this version is over not even getting into scenes I'd wish I'd done in pregame/main game.

What is your favorite V7 memory? Entering the slenderman rave with Vicky and Ricky

What else would you like to share? Anything goes! i don't know why i wrote all of this, none of you can read anyway
Aracelis Fuentes
California “Cali” Fox
Darryl Smith Jr.
Jessica Romero
[+] V7
G047 - Aliya Kimia Nemati - Blowgun w/ 10 Poison Darts - you're nobody till somebody kills you - "I just wanted to talk." - DEAD
G001 - Arizona Butler - Camping Stove - Dead Bxdies in the Lake Part II - ""We got there eventually." - DEAD
B046 - Bret Carter - Weighted Net - Swerve - "I'll just be on my way and we can all continue with our evenings." - DEAD
G022 - Forrest Quin - Ball-gag and handcuffs - DRUGS SAV3D MY LIF3 - "Abe-" - DEAD
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Post by MK Kilmarnock »

The Plastic Hammer Awards!

The Basics

Handler Name: MK Kilmarnock

Your Trademark Character: I am probably most widely known this version for Wyatt, but Justin's darkhorsed himself out from under him... somehow.

Current Status of Trademark Character: Taking a siesta underneath a tree and eating chili while staring at Tirzah's panties, respectively.

Favorite Character: Madison Springer

Favorite Weapon: Shameless self-indulgence, but it's the 40 pound bag of Lucky Charms marshmallows. You're welcome.

Favorite Scene: This is REALLY broad. Because I can't pick one, I'll put forth a few and say that they're all definitely in contention for a top pick: Tirzah kills Toby, Ace and Ivy making some really bad decisions for short-term pleasure in the infirmary, Lori pretending to be high to try and fool the people she poisoned.

Favorite Death: Mercy!

Favorite Quote: "Lobsters are just the mermaid versions of scorpions! I'M GOING FOR A WALK!"

Favorite Post: I normally don't have an answer for this one, but there was a clear winner this time, and it's a Madison one-shot. Young Robot

Favorite Location: Oh, definitely the Infirmary with the manor running a close second. When the island was in its earliest days of conception though, originally drifted up by Mimi and pitched to staff, I latched on to the shoe tree and the serenity circle right away as iconic and memorable locations, so they deserve honorable mention.


Best Character Development: I feel like this has to go to Garren Mortimer; Garren in pregame was a different beast entirely to what he's become now and I was blind to these changes until I had read other people's thoughts on him, went 'wait what?' and actually checked in to see what he'd been up to. He's somebody really striving to make a change even if he can still be judgmental of people around and abrasive at times... in other words, he's still Garren and he still FEELS like Garren. "He guessed some people really didn’t wanna do that whole ‘self-reflection and improvement’ thing he was trying to do, huh?"

Best Game Impact: Hard to deny the impact Arizona and Jonah made recently.

Best Innovation: I'm actually giving this to Garren again because we so rarely see what he is, done well.

Best Realism: Aceito! I'm able to get into his head really quickly, Chad's very good at that.

Best Heroic Character: The are no heroes on this island. Not anymore.

Best Villainous Character: Claude is one of the only villains this version I've been able to get behind. Called this motherfucker being villainous from day 1- screw that, day 0. I really hate him, but in the way that I acknowledge he's pulling exactly the sort of reaction he's supposed to out of me. I can't wait for somebody to murder this smug prick but I hope it takes a while, because the more nefarious shit he does is just going to make his demise that much more sweeter.

Best Tragic Character: Mikey "the sad hollow laughter of a crying clown" Freeze.

Best Humorous Character: I find Lori super funny, but my sources tell me I'm not supposed to. Honorable mention goes to Darlene who will, it has been said, accidentally murder half the remaining roster in a Mr. Magoo montage if that's what it comes down to.

Best Tactics: Connor's been living smart and, so far, living long. Bonus props to, again, Arizona and Jonah, who had a plan that actually made me nod and verbalize an 'aaaaaah'.

The Sympathy Award: Until about 10 seconds ago I wasn't sure what my answer was going to be, but now I realize it's Charelle's death. Part of a well-meaning plan gone horribly wrong, an entirely unnecessary death that never should have happened the way it did (in-universe, I mean).

The Empathy Award: I wanted to give poor sweet Mackenzie a hug.

The Gone-Too-Soon Award: Bret Carter.

The He-Had-It-Coming Award: Caroline, sweetheart? We were very clear when we said not to tamper with the cameras.

Scenes and Deaths

Best Tragedy: Bringing it back to Charelle's, and by extension Aditi's, deaths as a meaningless plot that got people killed for naught.

The Stomach-Churner: The fact that Ace and Ivy chose to get it on atop one of those musty old dust-mite packed mattresses. Guys, you don't know where that's been.

Best Impact: Paloma got the ball rolling with a running start and we've been picking up speed ever since. Can't believe you went out like a bitch, Abel.

Best Comedy: It's Lori.

The Sunglasses-and-Explosions Award: You know what? The Marco/Wyatt fight. Why you booin' me, I'm right.

Best Feeling-Inducer: You have to have feelings first.

Best Drama: All that shit going down with Ace and Meilin.

Best Surprise: Our first death was a kill this version!

Best Meanwhile: I'm actually going to give this one to Connor's dad being a real dickwad on television, but second place goes to the grand adventures of Disassociating Dipshit McGee and Mr. White.

Predictions, Preferences, and Positions

If you could change ANYTHING that has happened thus far, what would you change? Sigh... a lot of things, but I think the one I feel safest mentioning is I would have put a lot more time into retooling and vamping Cheridene's character so she wasn't such a blatant extra.

V7 Final Four: List them! This can either be an ideal list, or IC or OOC predictions. Ace, Arizona, Garren and Tirzah.

Who of the surviving characters are you cheering on to win V7? Let's slap Ivy in there too, I just think the poor girl's doomed.

How do you predict the ending of V7 is going to turn out? Somebody is going to win.

How much did you enjoy/not enjoy V7? Probably my second favorite version to date.

What do you like the most about V7? The site feels more alive than it has in years.

What do you think could have been better about the version? We could have been more careful as staff with the thread limits per area and doing some better math to take things into account in order to avoid overcrowding. That's an oopsie poopsie on us, sorry.

How do you feel about V7 compared to prior versions? Second. Best. Version.

What do you think of the overall 'SOTF' story? It's got pacing like G.R.R.M. but shit, I've been here so long I have to love it.

How do you think V8 will differ from/compare to V7 and prior versions? I'M GOING TO FUCKING WIN IT.

Talk About Yourself

What has been your favorite thing to write in V7? Alt-right shit-head rantings.

Which of your V7 characters was your favorite to write? Wyatt or Nathan, both for vastly different reasons.

What are you proudest of in V7? Making people sad. Twice.

What do you wish you could improve? Everything about Cheridene. She's not Jessica, but she's probably my second-flattest character.

What is your favorite V7 memory? Having a rotation of schmucks crash in our living room, or at least pay a visit.

What else would you like to share? Anything goes! Sadly Justin looked at the orange. It was such a sad orange, just like him.
V8 Characters:
Hades Thompson: Scary on the outside, dying on the inside
Ruth Flanagan: Never talk to me or my brother or my brother or my brother or my brother ever again
Vladimir Tepes: Not a vampire, so invite him in
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