
The one-on-one treatment rooms are a set of four rooms used mainly for the purpose of treating the higher-risk patients and conducting initial interviews with new patients. Two chairs, a desk and a two way mirror on the wall are the only furniture within each room and they are laid out for maximum efficiency, with the same observation room being able to see into two interview chambers at once, allowing for a fully separated appraisal. While three of the two-way mirrors have survived (although one is badly cracked), the fourth has been completely smashed, allowing a clear view into the observation room.
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Post by CondorTalon »

((Sandra Dyer continued from Last Days.))

It was a short exodus from the room, but Sandra was worried for Alice more than anything. So, it wasn't long before she decided to stop, still holding on to Alice's arm.

"Sorry about that," Sandra said, looking to the smaller girl, "Are you okay?"

Sandra felt the need to explain herself. After all, she'd come at Alice without warning, and without any explanation. In hindsight, it was a pretty reckless move, all things considered.

"I..." she started, "We needed to get away from that."

At least here, with just the two of them, it was calm. It gave her time to think.

What was Keith thinking, using that kind of tone?

"Fucking idiot..." she muttered.
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Post by Espi »

((Alice Baker continued from Last Days))

Gently tugging at her captured arm, Alice looked up at Sandra.

A small part of her wanted to go back and apologize. But she knew better; Sandra had been concerned for her safety, and it wasn't worth it to throw that back in the other girl's face. She meant well, after all, and hadn't Alice been thinking better safe than sorry?

"It's okay. Thanks."

Alice looked around. The room smelled foul, and Alice didn't think she wanted to know why. But then, without thinking about it, she looked over at the dark shape by the wall, and realized it was a dead body.

She gasped and pointed. "Sandra!"
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Post by Zetsu »

((Alan Banks continued from Elapsam Semel Occasionem Non Ipse Potest Iuppiter Reprehendere))

Alan's shadow looked ominous on the wall, the silhouette of a metal pipe swinging back and forth in his hands.

Oh my well would you just look at the time.

For those not in on the joke, it was lunchtime. Geddit? And the big, bad wolf was hungry as fuck and ready to lock you up in your little tower and there wasn't no fucking fairy godmother to save you. Yeah, Alan was conflating his villains together. That was the point. He was an amalgamation, a mash-up, every fairy-tale villain combined until he had become some platonic ideal of villainy.

Cuz guess what? He was really fucking good at playing this role. And it was hella fun.

You keep telling yourself that, Alan. Maybe someday you'd actually live up to your bark and do something.

So he ends up going to the asylum, because of course he does. That's where you go if you're psycho, and that's where the psychos go to do their psycho stuff. It's like, y'know. Just how the scene's supposed to look. And he'd be damned if the scene doesn't look right.

Platonic ideal. Yeah.

So when he hears a couple voices from inside one of the therapy rooms, he doesn't just go in and attack them. He needs to get a good monologue in. A motive rant. A-- something.

"My, would you look at all these spare souls just sitting around. And here I thought I'd just been sent to collect the one."

It would've been nice to have a scythe or something. Even if he didn't care about the effect it would have, he was still...less than well-armed. But if this turned out bad, he always had the option of pretending it was macabre humor or something. Just a coping mechanism. Which come to think of it, this was.

What was it they said? Villains always lose in the end? So what if the narrative was against him? Alan didn't fucking care. If he was gonna die, he was gonna have the time of his life before he bit it.
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Post by CondorTalon »

Sandra hadn't seen a dead body yet this entire time on the island. And as Alice pointed one out to her, she wished that that streak had continued... but alas...

She'd noticed the foul smell, of course, but it hadn't registered to her what it could be. She wanted to look away, but found herself unable to. It was a macabre sight, but she took in all the details of the body despite her own mind's protests.

"We shouldn't... we should probably get out of here," Sandra said, taking a step toward the door, only to find someone standing there, in their way.

He said something about souls, but Sandra didn't really pay attention to his words. She was too focused on his tone, his movements. If this were anywhere else, she'd have some sort of witty retort for him, but the sight of the dead body was fresh on her mind, so...

"F-Fuck off," she said.
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Post by Espi »

Alice was having a bad day, it seemed. She kept running into stressful situations, and this was no exception. As soon as she turned her wide eyes to Sandra, a voice echoed menacingly into the room.

For a deranged moment, Alice thought she was being accosted by some form of malevolent psychopomp. She dismissed it quickly, of course; the boy in the doorway was clearly normal and not supernatural, and what kind of absurd spirit guide wielded a lead pipe?

Unfortunately, that left the other option irrefutable. He was a student, but clearly not a friendly one. And Alice and Sandra were more-or-less unarmed. If he wanted, he could probably beat them to death, especially if he killed Sandra first and Alice couldn't fight himoffandhe-

Sandra spoke again and startled Alice out of her panic. She stared forward at Alan, holding his makeshift weapon, and briefly contemplated trying to blitz past him, knock him aside and run with Sandra in tow.

But she didn't. She froze. As was quickly becoming her modus operandi. She continued looking at him like a startled deer and wondered if he was going to attack or not.
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Post by Zetsu »

"Mmm. But this all looks so very interesting."

The words didn't come naturally, though they were easy enough to come up with. It wasn't easy to make them good, mind. Alan was a work in progress on that front. But, well. Saying stuff that terrified the shit out of them regardless of how lame it was? That was easy enough.

Yeah, he was totally terrifying to a bunch of unarmed teenage girls. Ooh, scary. Such a boogeyman, that Alan.

He was tempted to just cut the chit-chat and go straight for it. He'd never done something like this before, obviously. Was kind of impatient to try it out. But he needed to practice doing the witty banter thing for next time. So.

Alan rolled his eyes. Planted the end of the pipe in the ground. "Okay, fine. I'll admit it, I'm just a psychopomp in training. So, uh. Tell you what. Help me out with playing the role right, striking the right image, and I'll give you a..."

He shrugged.

"20 second head start. Do it really well, I might just let you go, if that gives you an incentive to not fuck up. Or should I give you a stick too? I guess it goes without saying that the crazy guy with a pipe attacks the second you start pissing him off."

Not exactly the greatest intimidation speech. But I guess that's just how it goes.
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Post by CondorTalon »

"Alice," Sandra said, "I'll be right behind you, alright?"

The pipe was planted on the ground, and not pointed at them. It was clear that they weren't walking out of this situation without someone getting hurt. Maybe what Sandra was about to do was stupid, but then...

There was no more time to think, was there?

So Sandra charged at Alan, with the intent to bring him full force into the wall.
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Post by Espi »

Alice had no idea what he was talking about, but he was terrifying nonetheless.

She shrunk back from him as he spoke. Was this for real? Did a boy like this really exist in school, waiting for a moment where he could menace two innocent girls in a dark, isolated corridor? It was bizarre, how he spoke, with casual nonchalance. Alice was frightened.

Sandra spoke, and it took Alice a split second to understand. It was only when the other girl charged at the boy that her companion's direction made sense. She was providing a distraction.

Alice reacted quickly, bolting towards the room, keeping along the edge of the wall to expand the gap between her and her assailant.
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Post by Zetsu »

So...what you're supposed to do here is clobber the one in front of you, torture her until her screams draw the other one in and...fuck, he didn't have time to think this through. For now it's simple. Boot plus butt, or whatever. Right?

Alan didn't really have any kind of fighting style worked out. Hadn't had the time to figure out what kind of approach would best fit him, or to learn it. So he does the first thing that comes to mind.

One swing upward with the pipe. Followed up with a kick to the crotch.

Figures that he's the kind to fight dirty.
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Post by CondorTalon »

Sandra anticipated the pipe. She didn't anticipate the follow up kick. She sidestepped the pipe, but Alan's foot caught her in the knee. She yelled as she fell, landing with both hands on the floor.

She felt the sting on her hands as the debris on the ground made tiny cuts on her palms. She looked up before lunging at Alan from her position on the floor, aiming for his shirt collar.

She wouldn't have the leverage to get back on her feet in time. Then she'd settle for bringing him down to her level.

She roared as she lunged, a guttural, hoarse yell that surprised even her.
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Post by Espi »

She glanced back. A mistake.

She saw Sandra get hit, get back up and keep going. After that, she closed her eyes and ran, but the image burned into her mind. Just keep going. Sandra was right behind her. A white lie, what people in movies tell children when they know they won't make it out but don't want to hold the kid back with regret.

Alice wasn't a kid. She knew Sandra might die. But she ran. She ran with the hope that in a few moments, minutes or longer they could meet up and Alice could breathe a sigh of relief that she wasn't abandoning someone to their death. Like she had left Scarlett, only for the other girl to die maybe minutes later. She hoped that didn't happen again. But it probably would, somewhere on this island.

The sounds of savagery and conflict followed Alice even as she fled.

((Alice Baker continued in The Latest Story That I Know is the One I'm Supposed to Go Out With))
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Post by Zetsu »

And then Alan was on his back. It'll take him a second to get his bearings.

He swung the pipe around wildly, bringing it down on his own leg. Stupid of him. Epic fail. Heh. Epic flail.

Alan was good at thinking on his feet, but apparently this didn't translate very well to, like, a real fight. What does he lack? Why is he having this conversation in his head instead of, like, fighting?

That's simple. He doesn't rely on his instincts.

Alan let his mind blank out. Grabbed the hand clutching his shirt and brought it up to his mouth. Was he fighting dirty? Who the hell ever said anything about fighting dirty? He's being an animal, plain and simple, and animals bite.

Okay, so he's not that much an animal yet. But he didn't need to be, didn't want to be. A couple seconds of brutality, and then he can go back to civilized...sinister-ness? Something like that.
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Post by CondorTalon »

Pain shot through her hand as Alan sunk his teeth into it.

"Fuck off!" she cried, swinging her hand at his face. It wouldn't do that much. It was already next to his face. There would be no power behind it. But none of that mattered. All she needed was that second to get her bearings. Because Alice was running out of the room.


But she couldn't... she couldn't lose her. Because they had a common goal...

Well, a common short-term goal.

So Sandra got up, as quickly as she could. She didn't stick around to see what would follow. To find out what Alan would do next.

She simply sprinted out of the room. She had to catch up to Alice. She didn't look back.

((Sandra Dyer continued in The Latest Story That I Know is the One That I'm Supposed to Go Out With.))
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Post by Zetsu »

And...she's gone. Motherfucker. Get back here, dammit. Show some sense of priorities. You're gonna die anyways. Why shouldn't your death be memorable and grandiose?

Did he not impress her enough?

Heh. Yeah. Even he can't take his own thoughts seriously. Way to go, Alan. You set out to be all operatic and now you're a joke even to yourself. Go fuck yourself.

That feel better now? No? Well, that's okay. The villain always loses, after all. And Alan's okay with that. Just give him his place in the sun. Just give him a time to shine, fifteen minutes to bask in the glory of...gloriousness, and everything will be okay.

Alan out.

((Alan Banks continued elsewhere))
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