Starting Place for Boy 09

Terry Woodard

An old and tiny house. If not for the many cobwebs, and the slightly bloodstained floor, the house would look rather out of place. This is the perfect place for the folk that would much rather hide under a table than partake in such a terrible game.
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Post by Chase* »

Kichiro saw the metal object twitch. It was a bat. A bat! A small smile appeared on his lips.

"Fine," he bowed down, his hands back in the air, "We'll play it your way. The weapon's in the bag on your doorstep. Happy Birthday!"
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

"Throw it through the window," he said indicating for August to move back.
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Post by orangeflamingo* »

August obeyed, nodding as she backed up toward the where she had been sitting. Watching lightly from her new spot to see if he would follow orders...
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Post by Chase* »

Kichiro nodded, jogged a few steps to the door, and grasped the bag.

He chucked it through the window.

I better get in there, or this was a lot of work for nothing, I could have just beat them down already.
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

Terry moved back as the bag flew, very violently, through the window. He picked it up and kicked it over to where August was sitting. "Make sure his weapon's in there," he said pointing to the bag. He gripped the bat tighter and peeked back through the curtain at the boy who looked ready to kill.
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Post by Chase* »

He could do nothing but wait, so he sat down on the doorstep cross-legged. It was almost as if he reverted back to his old self.

Of course this only happened when he thought of his parents. His mom... he was the only one she had left....

Unless, this girl. But how would he find her stuck in this screwed game?
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Post by orangeflamingo* »

August nodded, moving toward the fallen bag. Dropping the boxcutter to her side, she moved her hands to unzip the bag and begun digging through. After a moment of searching she gripped something in the darkness, bringing it out into the low light still within the home. Eyes overlooking the object in a slow manner.

A stun gun?

"His weapon's here." She muttered, holding it up somewhat to show to Terry.
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

Terry glanced over in her direction and saw her holding up the stun gun. "All right, keep a tight hold on it gorgeous while I open the door. If he tries anything you can use that and I have the bat," Terry said moving towards the table. He gave picked it up and moved it slightly away from the door so that it opened barely enough for someone to squeeze in. "All right kid, what exactly do you want now?" Terry said looking down at him with a very annoyed look on his face although he noticed that the boy's angry demeanor had become a lot more somber.
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Post by Chase* »

He looked up at the boy, and nodded slightly.

"Just some place to stay for awhile, then I'm gone," he replied, still on the floor.

"Oh, and I want my stuff back."
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Post by orangeflamingo* »

August nodded once more, pushing herself up onto her feet as she moved back, placing the stun gun on the chair she had been sitting in. Leaving the bag where it lay, while the slightly held the box cutter out before her.

Listening lightly to the exchanged words going on between the two males.
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

"All right, but if you try anything don't you think that my partner and I aren't prepared to defend ourselves," Terry said moving away from the door and letting him in. It's not like he could kill anyone with a stun gun anyway.

"This is August," he said pointing to the girl who had the box cutter held out in front of her, "I'm Terry and you are?"
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Post by Chase* »

He stared blankly at the two, walking into the house. It was dark, but his eyes adjusted, and he could see the girl with something in her hand.

The tough guy persona left him drained, he never had to keep it up longer than a few minutes most of the time. Why he did it, he could never figure out.

"Kichiro, nice to meet you both," he said quietly, "Where's my stuff?"
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Post by orangeflamingo* »

August smiled lightly, "Hello." She said dropping the arm that held the box cutter some, moving it behind her back. At the mention of his stuff, she pointed off to where it lay somewhat in the middle of the room.
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Post by batspleenfriend* »

"Yes, charmed I'm sure," said Terry moving back towards his chair, still holding the bat.

"Want to sit?" he asked his manner turning friendly as he indicated a third chair, the forth one lying in smithereens near the cabinets.
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Post by Chase* »

He looked at his bag, and stood there. It was finally hitting him how awful this was going to be.

People are going to die. People are going to kill! And these kids here, they're terrified.

Congratulations, Kichiro, you probably scared the wits out of them by being a cold jackass. You could've got yourself killed!

He took a step towards the girl, then turned around to face them both. His mouth trembled a bit, and he was the old Kichiro again, for good.

"I-I," he managed to get out, "I'm sorry, guys. It's not often you get stuck in a game where losing is death."
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