Star Light, Star Bright

Day 10, Night. Private.

The waterfall overlook presents one of the best views of the island and its surrounding area if one isn't afraid of heights or slipping. The area around the waterfall itself is very rocky as a result of constant erosion from the river. Despite this, the land on either side of the river is home to lush vegetation as this area has remained mostly untouched by the actions of the community, who saw it as a place of natural beauty that was to be preserved.
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Star Light, Star Bright


Post by Tonyksin »


That was how she felt, sort of.

High above most of the island, the sound of the rushing waters of the falls and the night breeze her only companions. The sky full of glittering lights, dots of the brightest white painted all across it’s expansive canvas. The grass beneath her as she lay on her back staring upwards was like a soft cushion, cradling her in her isolation. Peaceful was a good word. It was the only one she could think of, at least. The only feeling she could relate to the one she currently felt.

If she let her mind drift far enough, it was hard to remember how she even got here. What she was even doing. Why she was holding a gun in her hand. It all seemed to melt away. That was better though. She didn’t want to remember. Every time she tried her chest grew tight and her breaths became harsh.

Forgetting was best.

[Amelia Fischer Continued From What Do I Hear, What Do I Hear?]

“Twinkle twinkle, little star…” She murmured to herself softly as she gazed upwards.

“How I wonder where you are.”

Her Grandpa would probably have loved this view. You didn’t even need a telescope. It was all so full. So visible. Like if she reached out her hand far enough she could pluck one from the sky and hold it in her hands for a while. It would probably feel so warm. So comforting. Like a hug from a friend. Or maybe when you got tucked in at night when you were young. But you couldn’t hold stars. Their beauty was in how unreachable and free they were. Amelia knew that much, at least. Still, she always hoped one day she could reach one.

Selfish, wasn’t it?

Then again, you could find stars all over, not just in the sky.

Dolly, and Declyn, and Artem, and Dean.

Violet, and Marcy, and Yuka, and Sapphire.

Grandma, and Grandpa.

Yeah… those were like stars, too. Made her feel warm. Made her feel safe. She wondered if she could find them again someday. The stars she could reach. The ones she could hold in her hands. That would be good. That would be all she needed. She could stay with them forever and never feel forgotten again.

She sat up after a while. She looked down at her right hand. The metal of the pistol looked so strange among all the nature around her. It didn’t belong here. Like her, maybe. She didn’t belong. Not once. She never minded so much though. It was better to do what she liked. If she focused enough, she could pretend the rest of the world didn’t exist. Like she was the only one there.

But then Dolly found her.

And all of a sudden, everything was so good. Dolly never looked at her like the others did. They didn’t think she saw, but she did. Amelia knew they all stared and whispered. That’s why she liked to look up. Nothing up there told her she was wrong. That she didn’t fit. But Dolly changed that. Dolly looked at her and didn’t question anything.

She just accepted her without a thought. Without pausing for a second.

Amelia never realised before that how much she needed that feeling.

And for the first time, she didn’t only look up. Things around her sparkled just like the stars.

Amelia pulled her knees to her chest and laid her head down on them.

“Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky.” She mumbled again, the lullaby giving her some measure of comfort as she sat atop the world, waiting for the sky to fall.
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((The sun had set at some point during Marceline's dazed wandering through the jungle's vegetation.))

The distinctive, persistent crashing sound of water hitting rocks below greeted her some distance away, the noise getting louder as she slowly moved in the direction of the source. She had apparently wandered back to the waterfall, not far from where she had run into Nick and Marco and had truly set herself down her current, destructive course. It felt like that had transpired so long ago, and yet it had been a little less than a week. So much had changed since then, all of it for the worse. Worse still, remembering it all, it didn't feel like it had happened to her at all. It felt like she had watched it happen to someone else. Someone that definitely wasn't her.

A greasy lock of hair fell down in front of her face as her head scraped past a low-lying branch. She gently, mindlessly, watched herself brush it out of her eyes, continuing her advance towards the sound of the waterfall. Was anything happening right now really happening to her? Her legs moved forward, the crunch of the leaves and vegetation being heard underneath them, but they felt alien, driven by something unseen and unknown to her. Her hands clutched the strap to her bag, but the rough texture of the strap felt so very far away, rather than right here with her. Everything felt that way. How could anything feel any other way, when she was now doomed to die, alone and unloved?

She watched herself stop, before her gaze drifted skywards, towards the stars peaking through the canopy. She had to admit, it looked beautiful here, underneath the crescent moon and stars staring down at her from above. If nothing else, the stars felt real to her. They sparkled in the sky, just like they had the night after prom, when she had been stargazing in the park with Dolly. They had always enjoyed doing that together, pointing out shapes and patterns they saw, appreciating the natural beauty of the cosmos above. Even here, the last activity she had shared with Dolly, and the last moment of real peace she had felt, had been underneath the stars, by her girlfriend's side.

Eventually, she started moving again of someone else's volition, still closing in upon the sound of the rushing water going over the cliff. As she approached, another noise broke through the downpour. A far gentler sound, that of someone's voice. It sounded almost like singing. Entranced by it, Marceline continued to watch herself approach.

Maybe whoever the voice belonged to didn't want to be disturbed. Maybe she'd die.

Except, now that she was close enough for the voice to be clear, she realized that she recognized it. It sounded quite a lot like Amelia, a friend that Marceline had last seen on the trip along with everyone else, a bit over a week ago. She had almost forgotten that Amelia was here as well, given that her name had not yet been uttered on the morning announcements, the same as Marceline herself.

With little hesitation, Marceline watched her pace quicken, tumbling through vines and vegetation before finally arriving at the rocky clearing around the waterfall. There Amelia was, clear as the night sky. A friendly face that Marceline did not deserve to see. When she finally spoke to get the other girl's attention, she did so plainly, not a hint of emotion betrayed by her voice.

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A voice cutting through the silence around her caused her head to perk up.

They said her name. Her head slowly turned to see the source of the voice. All of a sudden her skin was crawling with goosebumps. Her bloodshot eyes settled on the person, and she sat slack-jawed as she stared at the girl. Marceline. A friend. Someone whom she’d almost given up hope of seeing again. She didn’t think there was anyone left here to find her. Amelia didn’t move at all at first. She just stared at the other girl in a mixture of disbelief and awe. A shaky breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding in shuddered past her lips.

It took her few moments, but Amelia slowly rose to her feet. Her legs were unsteady, and trembling. The heavy gun in her hand felt like it was weighing her off balance. She turned to face Marceline, still in stunned silence. First one step towards her. Then another. Amelia felt numb all over. Her vision began to blur, as her eyes began to moisten. Another shaky step forward. Amelia took a deep breath. Her body was screaming at her. She wanted to run to her friend, smother her with affection. But she felt nervous. Unsure. Her eyes broke away and stared at the ground.

‘Go to her.’ Dolly’s voice whispered from behind her.

Did Dolly bring her here? Was Marcy here to make it all better? If so, then she really was the est friend in the whole cosmos. Amelia’s free hand shot up to her face and covered her mouth to stifle the choked sob that spilled out. Before she could stop herself, she charged forwards, wrapping the other girl in her arms and burying her face in her shoulder. Amelia’s body shook as she pulled the girl in tight, as if she’d fly away if she ever let her go. They stayed like that for a bit. Who knew how long. Maybe a minute, maybe a lifetime. Amelia wasn’t sure.

Eventually she released her and took a step back. Her eyes locked onto Marceline’s.

“Hi.” She did her best to smile, but it was hard. It vanished almost as soon as it came.

“I missed you. Lots.”
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Amelia's touch felt warm and distant in equal measure, but Marceline welcomed the sensation, feeling all the colder when it finally ended.

"Yeah. I missed you too," she heard herself reply to Amelia.

That was a lie of course, Marceline had barely thought of Amelia prior to this exact moment. She had been too focused on her own struggles to spare the time to consider each and every friend who was potentially stuck here with her besides Dolly and the members of her band. Despite that, she still appreciated the friendly face, having yearned desperately for someone to be there for her in the wake of her colossal failures. Amelia would presumably make for good company on Marceline's slow march towards oblivion.

Now that Amelia had taken a step back, Marceline finally had the chance to look over the girl in more detail, her gaze scanning slowly upwards from the ground to Amelia's face. It was dark now that night had fallen, but the moon and stars above them provided barely enough light for her to make out some features. Most noticeable by far, Amelia seemed to be unsteady, her movements appearing ataxic and generally abnormal. There was also something she was clutching tightly in one of her hands, but it was too dark to discern what it was, and ultimately Marceline did not care to find out.

Amelia additionally appeared to be in far worse physical condition than Marceline herself. Her head had clearly been bleeding and bandaged up, and her outfit was ripped and torn in various places all the way from head to toe. When compared to Amelia, Marceline seemed almost completely untouched, having endured only a few minor abrasions from trekking through the wilderness. Marceline's own suffering had instead been mental rather than physical, much of it entirely self-inflicted by her careless actions.

Though, thinking upon it, Marceline recognized that Amelia must have suffered much of the same torment as well, given how much she had treasured Dolly's friendship. Perhaps Amelia could serve as a kindred spirit to Marceline in a way that Roxanne and Juliette never could have. Maybe discussing their respective grieving processes might even give Marceline the closure she needed to accept her impending demise and inevitable failure to keep the promise she had made.

It was then that Marceline's gaze finally made its way up to Amelia's eyes, and she noticed for the first time how awful they looked up close. The low light conditions didn't allow for color to be made out, but the darkened circles around Amelia's eyes and their generally swollen appearance made it obvious that something was clearly wrong. Marceline herself had only ever seen her own eyes in a state remotely similar to how Amelia's eyes looked when she had been staying up far too late, far too many days in a row.

She watched herself turn her attention to her bag before she began to slowly unzip it, fumbling through its contents in search of her flashlight, presumably so that she could actually survey her surroundings in any kind of appreciable detail. While she did so, she heard herself ask Amelia a question as she continued to scrutinize the contents of her bag.

"Hey, if you don't mind me asking, have you been sleeping okay?"
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If her smile had faded before, now it flipped completely into a look of disdain. Amelia didn’t know how to answer her friend. If she told her the truth… What if she went away? What if she ended up alone again? What if all she could do was look up? She… she didn’t want that! It was bad, she wanted to be good. She couldn’t say she didn’t remember the last time she slept. She couldn’t say how terrifying the nights became when she tried to close her eyes. She couldn’t tell her how she was so confused now and how much her head felt like it was spinning all the time.


“U-um, I…” She began, stepping back another step, and hugging her body with her free hand. It locked tightly on the bicep on the opposite arm. Her eyes broke away from Marcy’s face and slid down to her feet.

“S-sometimes…” She lied. The words tasted bad in her mouth, but she said them anyway.

“I’ve just been alone for a while, so…” That much was true, at least. Well, in a way. Her eyes began to dart around. Where was the voice? It would tell her what to say, right? Dolly would. She would know. She couldn’t find her though.

“Scary… alone…” It slipped. Her mind was screaming. She closed her mouth and pulled her lips in tight. She felt like she could hear her heart beating. Could Marcy hear it too? Her legs were trembling again. Her palms were all sweaty. She let out a small cough.

“B-but um… you, have you been… y’know?” It was hard to get words out.

“Good? No… okay?”
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"No, I can't say that I have," Marceline heard herself reply, still watching herself run her hands through her bag for the flashlight.

It was abundantly clear that something was wrong with Amelia. The combination of her appearance, confused speech, and unbalanced movements revealed the story that she was seemingly unwilling to tell loud and clear. Why wasn't Amelia just admitting that she was having issues? It wasn't like Marceline would be bothered, she was buried in too many of her own troubles to let the problems of others concern her. Regardless, she could tell that Amelia wasn't keen on discussing the topic, and decided not to push the issue, for now.

Whatever the problem really was, the desperation in Amelia's words clearly signaled that she needed support just as much as Marceline did. Perhaps she could pass on the kindness that Roxanne had done for her, and honor the friendship that she destroyed with her actions one last time.

"It's alright, though, I'm not going to leave you alone," she heard herself say to Amelia, presumably in an attempt to reassure the other girl.

Eventually, she watched herself finally locate the flashlight that was buried at the bottom of her bag, seeing herself pluck it out and flick the switch to turn it on. She had been blindly stumbling through the jungle in the dark up to this point, but now that she had company she needed to be able to actually see.

She watched herself scan the rocky turf around the two of them with the flashlight beam, her eyes somewhat painfully adjusting to the sudden increase in brightness. Her whole body ached with exhaustion despite how far away it all felt, and more than anything Marceline wanted a place to just sit for a little while. Amelia's company gave her a good enough reason to finally cease her wandering, so it only made sense to look for somewhere to sit down.

Eventually, Marceline watched as the flashlight beam settled on a large, mostly smooth rock sticking out from the more gravelly surroundings. It looked to be comfortable enough compared to the rest of the locale, and while it was nearer to the waterfall than they were at the moment, the roar of the rushing water would more than likely still not be loud enough drown out their voices. Presumably the two of them could sit and rest there, together.

Marceline watched as she turned her gaze back to Amelia, seeing herself gesture towards the illuminated rock. "My legs are a bit sore," she heard herself say. "Wanna sit? We can talk, if you'd like."
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Ameia almost wanted to cry. Those words were the exact ones she desperately wanted to hear. Yes, she didn’t want to be alone for another second. Her grip loosened on her bicep, and her eyes found their way back to Marcy’s face. For the first time in a while, smiling didn’t seem so hard, or strenuous. Her friend was with her. They would be together till the end, right? Whatever that meant. She wouldn’t have to wander in solitude anymore. Thank you, Dolly. Dolly brought Marcy here to take care of her.

That made all the sense in the world.

Marceline started to walk over to the large stone, and Amelia followed, sitting beside the other girl on the makeshift bench. Marcy had said they could talk, but Amelia barely knew what to say. There were so many things to let out. So many thoughts jumbled in her head. She couldn’t lock down a single one and turn it into words. So she sat there quietly for a bit, struggling with what to say.

She sat stiffly at first, but tried to will her body to relax somewhat. This wasn’t a stranger after all. It was Marceline. Dolly’s girlfriend. They ate lunch together regularly. They spent time together. They were friends. She didn’t have to be nervous or uncomfortable. Right? Dolly wouldn’t have brought her here if she couldn’t trust her. Dolly always knew best. That was proven. That was a fact. Still… she wished she was here. She wished she would tell her what to say so that she didn’t mess this up. Amelia turned to look at Marceline, and did her best to smile.

The gun in her left hand hung down at her side, away from Marcy, her grip so tight her knuckles were white.

“M’sorry…” she said with a pained look.

“I dunno what to say.” That much was honest at least. She reached out her right hand and placed it atop Marcy’s hand, giving it a small squeeze.

“You can talk tho. Bout anything.” She let out a small sigh.

“I miss hearing people talking.”
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An active invitation to speak was appreciated, but not entirely necessary. It wasn't like Marceline ever stopped herself from talking her peers' ears off whenever she gained the opportunity, even before she arrived in this place. She was a naturally chatty person, and her silence was the exception rather than the norm. For once, she wasn't entirely sure what to say to Amelia, struggling to come up with topics that wouldn't further unbalance the clearly struggling girl.

Marceline watched as she stared outwards, her flashlight beam resting its observant eye on the waterfall itself, light dancing and scattering in the cloud of mist coming from it. The stars above were even more beautiful now, the combination of the glowing mist and the Milky Way creating an almost painterly visage for her to gaze upon. The combination of the view and Amelia's hand resting on her own was comforting in a way, helping her feel safer than she had in a long time. Perhaps she could use the opportunity of her relaxed nerves to talk about the misfortune she had endured, and maybe help spur Amelia towards discussing her own problems.

"I'm not feeling so good, right now," she heard herself say, quietly. "I've made a lot of mistakes in these last few days. I've hurt a lot of the people I cared about, without really meaning to. Dolly's gone because of me, because I wasn't good enough to keep her safe, or save her when she needed me."

Marceline knew that she wouldn't be able to talk about more of the specifics. How she had failed to protect Dolly was enough all on its own, let alone how she had betrayed Roxanne, how she had left so many people behind in her wake only to hear of their deaths, or how she had failed so utterly to keep the promise she had made. Amelia didn't need to know about all of that, and it wasn't like it mattered. Soon enough, Marceline would be nothing but dust in the wind, having completely failed to leave behind any kind of impact on the world around her.

"If anything," she heard herself continue, "I wish I was able to turn back time and fix all of it, but I know I can't do that. I have to live with everything that's happened, and everything I've screwed up most of all."

She watched herself scoot closer to Amelia on the rock, leaning over just a little bit and resting some of her body weight on the other girl. Amelia was just as warm this time as when they had embraced moments ago, only now everything felt just a little bit closer, and a little bit less impersonal.
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Amelia felt herself stiffen again.

Marceline talking about Dolly felt wrong, somehow. Why did she say she was gone? That didn’t make sense. Wasn’t Dolly the one who brought her here? Hadn’t Dolly been with her the last few days, telling her what to do and keeping her safe? Somewhere deep in her heart she of course knew the truth. She knew her friend was dead, but right here and now, her mind refuted those claims. After all, she’d seen her, right? She’d been hearing her voice everywhere. Dolly was still here. Marceline moved closer and began to lean on her a bit. Amelia stayed stiff as a board.

The physical contact that a few minutes ago felt so good and so comforting now felt wrong and upsetting. Marcy wasn’t making any sense. Amelia’s left hand started to tremble. What did she mean? How had she failed to save Dolly? Amelia didn’t get it at all. If she was the Marceline she knew, that would never happen. Marcy loved Dolly. Dolly loved Marcy. Marcy wouldn’t have let bad things happen to her.

No way.

This person next to her didn’t feel like Marcy anymore.

“Why are you saying that…?” she whispered harshly.

Abruptly, Amelia stood, and took a few shaky paces away from the rock. She wasn’t looking back at Marcy. She stared forward, her eyes dancing over the area, searching desperately for a way to call the other girl’s bluff. If Dolly came back, then she could prove her wrong, after all. If Marcy saw, then she’d understand that Dolly being gone was impossible.


“Dolly… she… n-no!” Her voice raised a bit. Her hands were shaking again.

“D-don’t… it’s not…” She couldn’t say all her thoughts. They were swirling. Her breathing was picking up.

“Marcy… why? Dolly is…”

Ah! She figured it out. It made perfect sense. She almost wanted to laugh out loud. It made so much sense it was crazy. She spun back around to face the other girl. Her eyes were wild and narrow. The grin on her face was unsettling and wide. She stepped forward and laughed a small laugh.

“It’s okay! She’ll be here soon!” she laughed again and knelt down where she stood. She began to clear the area between them. Pulling the grass and dusting off the rocks. All the while smiling so much her chapped lips were splitting.

“Dolly went to get Artem. They’re always late to lunch. She sits by you, and he sits by me, and we’re gonna eat and be happy, right?” She looked up suddenly and locked her eyes on the other girl. She didn’t even register the look on Marcy’s face.

“It’s just like always. Like…” her lips trembled a bit, and suddenly she felt her face begin to feel wet.

Why was she crying again?

She… she couldn’t remember.

“We’re all together… right, Marcy?”
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Oh dear, perhaps Marceline had said too much.

She watched herself stare at Amelia, wide-eyed, the corners of her mouth turned ever so slightly downward. She thought that she had been dealing with her grief poorly, but it seemed that the stress caused by their shared circumstances had completely broken Amelia's mind. Dolly was long dead, and Artem had not been a part of their doomed class trip to begin with. Yet, here Amelia was, acting as if they were back in the cafeteria of George Hunter, waiting for the two of them to arrive.

Marceline couldn't blame Amelia for losing it—she had been tempted to do so herself after witnessing her beloved girlfriend die in her arms—but seeing Amelia as she was now was pathetic. She looked so small and pitiful, crouched down and curled up like that. She looked almost like a fragile flower, petals ready to be torn away by the slightest breeze. Was that how Marceline had looked, after Dolly died? Was it how she had looked, after Roxanne left her behind? It made Marceline sad, seeing Amelia in the state she was in, especially compared to how she had been before all of this. She was a mere shell of her former self, her mind long gone away. She might as well already be dead.

It was then that Marceline's gaze finally drifted away from Amelia's face and towards her left hand, now finally illuminated by the flashlight beam. The mystery object that she had been clutching all this time was finally revealed to be nothing other than a handgun. Marceline felt her heart skip a beat when she finally saw it, retroactively recognizing the danger that she had been in this whole time. She took a deep breath, calming herself immediately, not allowing panic to set in, recognizing that despite Amelia's apparent instability, her friend's name had yet to appear on the announcements, and she had yet to fire a shot thus far. Evidence suggested that those facts were unlikely to change, so long as Marceline didn't continue to aggravate her further.

If anything, instead of being a sign of danger, the firearm signaled an opportunity. Marceline had thought that it was all over, that by failing to secure Roxanne's shotgun, she had irrevocably doomed herself to death. Now, on the same day, she was presented with the same situation: another of her friends who trusted her, holding another gun, the only difference being that the spark of life had clearly left Amelia long ago, unlike Roxanne.

As Marceline sat there, contemplating what to do and what to say, she felt the distance between her body and mind begin to disappear. The dream wasn't dead. This was her second—and possibly last—chance to keep the promise she had made, and survive all the way to the end. All she would have to do is what she couldn't manage to do before. Take the gun and kill its owner, in either order.

It would be awful, surely, but if Marceline were to live, then Amelia had to die, regardless of who specifically did the deed. Roxanne had been right when she had said that Marceline wanted her to die. Marceline wanted Amelia to die too. She wanted all of them to die. That was the inherent price that she would have to pay to be the last man standing.

Roxanne had called her a hypocrite for not being able to stomach that reality, and she had been right then, too. Marceline had been a hypocrite then, but she wouldn't allow herself to be one now. She would summon up the courage to do the deed herself, rather than let Amelia be picked off by someone else. If anything, death by her hands would be a mercy compared to what the other monsters roaming the island would do to poor, sweet Amelia, because at least she would make sure the girl's end would be quick.

Whatever happened next, it would be bloody, and it would hurt them both, but she knew that it wouldn't be her fault. Nobody on this island was truly culpable for what happened here. The blame laid squarely on the terrorists, none of this would be happening if it weren't for their actions. In the end, all of her peers were the victims of a terrorist attack, not each other. They were all already dead, and they just didn't know it yet. Poor, fragile, sweet Amelia especially.

She had the power to decide both Amelia's fate and her own, right here, right now. Power was nothing without the will to use it, that was what Juliette had said to her during the stand-off that morning. She had wasted the power she had before, but she wasn't about to waste it all again. She would give Amelia her wish. She would stay with her friend until the bitter end. Then, in the aftermath, she would be on her way towards a brighter, bloodier future.

It would be easy. Amelia was already dead, this spot marked her grave in all but name. It would be simple, all she had to do now was get Amelia's guard down, pull out her knife, and end Amelia's life in the same way that she had ended the life of that goat all those days ago. She would have to press down very hard to cut through everything that needed severing, but it would be quick. It would be a mercy.

"Yeah, actually, you're right, Amelia," she said, her expression relaxing, patting the spot where Amelia had just been sitting, right next to her. "We're together. Come, sit with me until until they get here."

Was it cruel, for her to validate her friend's obvious delusions, right before she was about to die? Perhaps, but there was no point in making someone so clearly troubled suffer even more, especially when they were holding such a dangerous weapon.

Besides, Marceline would make all her pain go away, soon enough.
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Yes. Yesyesyesyesyes. She’d been right. Everything was like always. Marcy was here. Dolly would be here soon. Nothing had to change. Nothing had to be sad. It could all go back. Back to the way it should have stayed forever. No more fear. No more crying. She could be safe and that warm feeling could come back. The stars could shine all around her again. She could be home. That was all she wanted. She just wanted to eat lunch again. To laugh and smile and feel full. To let all the things that happened be just a bad dream.

And it could be.

It was.

Amelia stood again, her legs attempting to give out on her. But she could keep going. She could make it to the place she was supposed to be. Not here. On this island. But at a table surrounded by happiness. Marcy could see. She knew it was what was important. Amelia took her steps forward, almost collapsing into the seat beside her friend. She looked at her, the desperation in her eyes apparant. Her smile was still wide and unbroken. The tears still fell down her face not unlike the waterfall beside them.

They could stay like this forever now.

Amelia leaned down and rested her head on Marcy’s lap. She let out a contented sigh. All she needed. All she ever needed her whole life. The sounds were disappearing. All her senses were focused on Marcy. Her hand wrapped around the other girl’s waist, clinging to her. If she let go, it might be over. It might be the end. She didn’t want to remember. If she pretended long enough, the rest of the world would go away. She could stay in her imagination forever.

“Together, forever.” She spoke softly.
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"Until the bitter end," Marceline replied softly, soothingly.

She placed the flashlight down next to her, pointing it away from herself and her daypack in particular. She still needed to bring out her knife, and the last thing she wanted was for Amelia to see it and panic. It would be better for the both of them if she didn't know what was coming next. In the meantime, perhaps it would be best for Marceline to give her friend one final bit of comfort, and allow Amelia to drift off into oblivion as content as possible.

Slowly, Marceline moved her newly freed hand over to the side of Amelia's head, gently resting it there, before beginning to stroke Amelia's hair. She would allow Amelia to stay like this for some time, give her friend the time to relax and take comfort in the intimacy shared between them. Amelia deserved this one last moment of peace, after all that she had been through. It would be Marceline's final gift, her last act of kindness to one of her friends, before what was about to come next, and what would then come after.

She really did feel bad about what was about to happen, even if she wouldn't bear the blame. Amelia didn't deserve any of what had happened or what was going to happen to her. None of her classmates did, really, but she had to stay true to the oath she made. She was going to be the one to survive all of this, just like she promised. Amelia, Roxanne, Juliette, and all of her other peers were already gone. The terrorists had slaughtered them all on day one. Reality just hadn't caught up to them yet. It was an utter tragedy, what had been done to them all. Once all of this was over, Marceline would help make them pay for their crimes, in any way she was able.

A few minutes passed, or maybe a few hours, Marceline wasn't sure. Regardless of how long it was, she felt that it was time enough, she couldn't keep Amelia waiting. Taking advantage of the shadows she had created, she began to slowly slip the hand that had been hovering over her bag inside, rooting around and through its contents as quietly as she could manage. Her fingers ran over the items within, before eventually arriving at the familiar, smooth texture of the hilt of Dolly's knife. Silently, she took hold and slowly brought it out, before slipping it behind her back, hiding the glint of dim light on smooth metal. Amelia didn't seem to notice, exactly as Marceline had anticipated.

She continued to gently caress Amelia's hair, trying to soothe her own nerves just as much as she was trying to soothe Amelia's. Now that the knife was out and Amelia's final hour was fast approaching, her heart began to race, her hidden hand beginning to tremble as she stared down at her friend's neck, mentally tracing the shape of the cut she would need to make. It would be easy. All she had to do was use Amelia's collar to guide her blade, and it would be over before it truly even started.

She tried to move to get the knife into position, but she soon found her muscles refusing to cooperate. She was freezing up again, hesitating to do the deed, just like she had before with Kelly and Roxanne. Amelia was her friend, and she knew the poor girl so well. As she stared down at Amelia's dry eyes and chapped lips, memories of their lunchtime conversations swam through her head, forcing her to reminisce about the time they had spent together. She remembered it all; all the laughter they had shared, all the harmless pranks she had played, all the endearing, unique little quirks that only Amelia had. That lovely, unique girl she had known for so long was about to be gone forever.

But that was then and this was now, she reminded herself. The Amelia that she had known was already long gone. All that was left behind was a shell, a mere fragment of a whole person, clinging to life long past the point of no return. Every moment that her body continued to persist in spite of that was one where what was left of her mind continued to suffer.

This would help her. This was good. This was an act of mercy. Marceline just had to do it. Force herself, if she had to.

It was then that Amelia began to close her eyes, before she let out a seemingly relaxed sigh. This was Marceline's chance. Coercing her muscles into obeying, she brought the knife up and around, positioning it just above and behind Amelia's head. The blade hovered there, presented to Amelia's throat like an adder preparing to strike. Marceline's free hand slid down, off of Amelia's head and towards the girl's waist, clearing the way for what was about to come.

Marceline's breathing began to speed up, her whole body starting to feel jittery. She imagined the knife tearing through Amelia's neck, all of the blood spilling out of her, the ensuing, desperate struggle to keep her still as her life seeped out of her and onto Marceline's lap. She might not be the one to blame, but that didn't make the act any less visceral and brutal. She wasn't sure if she could handle it, but this would likely be her last opportunity. She couldn't allow herself to make the same mistake twice. She had to do it for Dolly, she reminded herself. She was doing this for her, always for her.

She didn't have another choice, it was now or never, her or Amelia.

Her whole body tensed.

She took a deep breath in.

Do it.

In a flash of sudden movement, Marceline brought the knife down, sinking the blade into and tearing open the soft flesh of Amelia's neck, the sensation of which feeling quite similar to how it had felt to slice apart the goat all those days ago. She was committed now, there was no going back. She had to be quick, she had to be efficient, she had to make sure that Amelia suffered as little as possible. She gripped Amelia's waist as hard as she could with her other hand, doing her best to keep the other girl from struggling as a tidal wave of crimson spilled out of her neck.

The sickening, choked, panicked scream that Amelia began to emit was a sound that Marceline would not soon forget.
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It felt good.

Marcy petting her head like that.

It reminded her of when she was a little girl. Funny. Remembering was so hard lately, but this she could remember so easily. Someone’s hand caressing her face while she napped. It was so warm. So full of love. The best feeling in the world. A feeling she was chasing after the rest of her life. Maybe everyone was. The feeling of someone looking down on you and protecting you. Making sure no one in the whole world would ever hurt you.

Moms and Dads are supposed to give you those feelings. Hold you like this. Look at you and think, ‘look at this beautiful thing I created’. They should look at you and all of a sudden have a need to make you happy. To make sure you’re safe. To hope for greatness in your life. Yeah…

Amelia wondered why hers never did.

Maybe she’d been wondering that her whole life.

But if she asked it out loud, it would hurt.

Because she knew she’d never get an answer.

That was alright though. At least, it would be, one day. Her grandparents were the only real parents she needed. They looked at her with so much love. Amelia sometimes wondered if behind all that there was hurt. Did she remind them of her mom at all? Did that make them sad? If so, they never showed it. They never looked at her like she was a burden. She closed her eyes, as more tears spilled out. Marcy’s hand on her head was all she wanted to focus on.

She could pretend it was her Grandma’s.

Or Dolly’s.

Or, if she tried really hard, her Mom’s.

She let loose a shaky sigh. Yes. She could pretend. She was always good at pretending. She could trap herself in this moment. Feeling good. Feeling wanted. Safe. Loved.

Forever and ever.

But nothing ever lasted, did it?

All of a sudden, a white hot pain in her neck shot her eyes open. Before she even knew what was happening, a terrible scream of pain flew out of her mouth and echoed in her brain. The hand holding her hip got tighter, and suddenly all Amelia could think of was to push away. To run. To get away from the pain. Her hand released from around Marcy’s waist and started to shove at the other girl. To push herself away. Her whole body was twisting and screaming and struggling with every ounce of strength she had left inside her. The gun fell from her other hand as it joined the first in trying to get away. In her panic, she barely heard the metal clatter to the rocky ground.


Why was this happening?!

Finally her struggles bore fruit, and she tumbled off Marcy’s lap and onto the ground below. She was still screaming, still confused. Her hand shot up to where the pain was, and felt the warm wet river spilling from her neck. Her eyes looked down at the ground, and at the small pool of blood leaking out of her. Her eyes went wild in panic. Nononononononono! Why was she… why was Marcy… WHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY?!

Her eyes shot up to the other girl, and narrowed in fear and despair. The bloody knife in her hand. The look on her face. She’d never seen that face before. She’d never… Her hand pressed against the wound, and she futilely tried to crawl away. Her head looking left and right, searching desperately.

Where was Dolly?!

She needed help!

She needed her, now more than ever!

“Help!” She started to call out, her voice rough and desperate.

“Dolly! Help me!” She wailed into the night, still trying to crawl away, but unable to do more than keep slipping because her arm continued to give out.

“Help me Dolly! Dolly! Help me!”

A lone figure not far away. Her eyes locked onto it.

There she was. Staring her down. Not moving.

“Please! Help! DOLLY!” she cried, before going into a coughing fit, specks of red flying out of her mouth.

“Save me…! Help…” She mumbled into the ground as she tried to drag herself away.
V8 Relationship Chart
[+] V8 Kids Lined Up To Die
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Chanel Andersson-Joseph - Changing Her Aesthetic
Marc Hines - Lazer-Focused on the Future
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ImageJackson Sullivan B36 - DEAD
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Post by VoltTurtle »

Oh no.

No, no this wasn't...

This wasn't what she...

Marceline had messed it all up. It was supposed to have been quick and easy. Amelia wasn't supposed to still be alive, she was supposed to have bled out in just a few seconds. Now she had dropped her gun, knocked the flashlight away, and was trying desperately to crawl away, bleeding everywhere, screaming for help...

Screaming for help from Dolly.

Marceline stood up off the rock, stone-faced, breathing fast, doing her best to ignore the disquietingly warm fluid soaking into her sweatpants. There was no going back for either of them, now. Amelia wasn't going to recover from a wound like that, even if she did somehow manage to get away. Meanwhile, Marceline had botched the initial attack, and she'd only make it even worse for Amelia if she were to back out now. If she couldn't manage to make it quick, then she at least shouldn't drag it out.

She had heard the gun hit the ground, and while that would be the quickest, most painless way for her to end it, her eyes had adjusted to the light of the flashlight, and now it was too dark to make out where the gun had landed. She could look for it, but she didn't have time for that. Amelia needed to die as soon as possible, by whatever means possible. Marceline owed her that much.

She approached the clawing, begging, pitiable girl on the ground, before dropping her weight onto her and sitting on her to stop her from moving. She wrapped both of her hands around the hilt of the knife and raised it high into the air, before plunging it down as hard as she could into Amelia's back. Then she yanked it out, and then she did it again, and again. Amelia continued to struggle in spite of it, still desperately trying to crawl away, and that made aiming for her vital organs difficult. She was making this so much worse for herself, and she didn't even realize.

The overwhelming, metallic smell of blood filling Marceline's nostrils made her want to vomit. The pained cries that Amelia was emitting made her want to join in out of sympathy. Nonetheless, she persisted, in spite of it all. She was in too deep, she had already killed Amelia, and now she had to finish the job, no matter what it took. By committing to this, she wanted to prove to Roxanne that she wasn't a hypocrite, prove to herself that she had what it took to go all the way, and prove to Amelia that she wasn't trying to make her suffer more than necessary.

More than that, though, she also really wanted Amelia to stop screaming her girlfriend's name.

So she stabbed Amelia again.

And again.

Over, and over again.

Until her friend finally stopped trying to escape to somewhere she couldn't. Until she finally stopped screaming for someone who could never come to her rescue. Until her suffering finally came to an end.
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There was so much pain. She’d never hurt so much before. Her knees were bruising on the rocky ground as she still tried to drag her body away. The hand on her neck had become so wet with blood that it was slipping back and forth over the wound. Her other hand grasped at the stones and rocks littering the ground, trying to use them to pull herself forward. Towards Dolly. Still standing there at the edge of her field of vision. Staring her down.

“Help me! Please! Dolly, please!” She begged and screamed as the tears continued to run down her face. Why wasn’t she saving her? She didn’t understand!

A grunt of pain cut off her scream as a weight dropped on her lower back. She was stuck, trapped! She tried in vain to crawl forwards, but the weight atop her kept her firmly in place. She didn’t want this! She just wanted to go home! She was scared! She was in pain! Why was no one saving her?! Why was Dolly just staring at her?! Why was Marcy hurting her?! Amelia wanted it to stop. Please, please, please. No more, no more.

A sharp hot pain in her upper back sent another scream of absolute pain and terror out of her.

“DOLLY!” Another pain!

“HELP!” More sharp pains over and over and over.

“MAKE IT STOP! DOLLY!” suddenly her chest felt like it was on fire, and her mouth flooded with a metallic warm fluid. Harsh coughs sent the sticky red fluid all over as she struggled under her attacker. Her eyes were getting blurry. She wasn’t sure if that was from her tears or something entirely different. Dolly was still in the distance. But now… now she started to turn away.



“DOLLY! DOLLY! STOOOPPP!” More and more blood spilled out her mouth as she screamed, her voice getting raspier and harsher with every word.

More pain. More sharp stabs of pain all over.

Until she couldn’t struggle anymore.

Until she couldn’t scream anymore.

She lay there, in the dirt, in so much pain.

She tried to turn her head. She wanted to see.

To look up.

Her eyes strained to see them.


She couldn’t.

It was too blurry.

There were no stars.


V8 Relationship Chart
[+] V8 Kids Lined Up To Die
Sebastian Odegaard - Playing The Leading Man
Yoona Lee - Rejecting Society
Chanel Andersson-Joseph - Changing Her Aesthetic
Marc Hines - Lazer-Focused on the Future
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ImageJackson Sullivan B36 - DEAD
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