B113 - Ashlen, Isaac

Throughout V4, several characters were withdrawn or else failed to be confirmed for the roll-call. This board includes withdrawn characters who were at one point approved, as well as all characters who were assigned a number and weapon but did not actually enter the game (some of these double-up from the Pregame roster). By and large, unless these characters had appearances in Pregame, they should be considered non-canon.
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Grand Moff Hissa
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Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:37 am

B113 - Ashlen, Isaac


Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Name: Isaac Ashlen
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: 12
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Drama, video games, and reading

Appearance: Isaac is an exact 6” tall, not a height to be too proud of yet nothing to be a ashamed of either. His weight is very much the same way, Isaac weighs in at about 165 pounds, leaving him just short of what is medically considered in the range of a light frame. At an early age he considered himself as the type not cut out for athletics and has very little muscle to prove it. However he is not a complete weakling as days of moving heavy stage pieces and props helped build some upper body muscle. Most of the time, when it comes to looks, Isaac completely neglects his appearance, preferring a look which gives the impression that he just rolled out of bed. His dark brown, almost black, hair is constantly in a disheveled state and is kept short. His eyes are a cold green and give off the feeling that they analyzing whatever they are looking at with a mere glance. His face is rather expressive, generally bringing the emotions Isaac cannot voice a whole new life. Other than that his face matches with his average height and weight, high cheekbones, no sign of dimples or freckles, and a slightly small nose. His ears are also somewhat small and Isaac swears they are almost pointed at the ends, but this could just be an attempt to redeem his otherwise plain face.

For clothing Isaac chooses not wear what he likes, but what, in his opinion, others will like. His normal dress includes things such as band t-shirts for people he’s never heard of, jeans, and a jacket when it’s cold.

Biography: Isaac lived a fairly normal life. His parents divorced at a young age, leaving Isaac with his mother, who never remarried. The only mementos of his father are an old coat and the drunken ramblings of his mother telling him how much his father loved to travel. His mother intent on raising him to be different from his “no-good dreamer of father” taught him independence from a young age and made sure he kept his grades up, however other than that his mother really left him to his own devices.

Isaac found his passion at young age, about 7 or so, and the passion was the stage. Since then he has been a constant in school and community plays. His plans for college were to become acting major and later some form of acting as a job or hobby. Fueling the fire of his acting dream was his avid love for reading. He would sometimes act out scenes in a book while in the privacy of his room, and other times Isaac has been known to lock himself away for hours at a time to finish books. His third hobby comes as more of a way to deal with stress and get away life for awhile, and that would be video games. A particular fan of Japanese Role-playing games, Isaac seeks a way add some color to his life through something other than acting. As a result of long hours alone due to his hobbies Isaac tends to talk to himself, as if he was narrating his life, referring to himself using second person.

However his obsession with acting and reading was a constant source of bulling when Isaac was younger. To respond to such bullies Isaac grew a hard exterior, losing a lot of faith in humanity as whole. However such experiences never made Isaac lose all faith and he can be quite nice to people he knows and feels comfortable with.

Originally coming from Southern California Isaac’s mother had been planning to move ever since the divorce and finally got around to it when she noticed how Isaac was being bullied. Isaac has memories of California but is pretty sure he likes Minnesota more, although if pressed he would probably would not be able to give an explanation of why. As it was Isaac moved around during what would be considered middle school, around eighth grade, and then graduated on to Bayview Secondary.

His cold exterior made it hard for him to fit in anywhere but the one place he liked being, the drama class, and thus outside of it he has little to no friends. Without too many social connections to worry about Isaac strived to make at least a minor role in every play while keeping the grades to make his mother happy, which wasn’t saying much, but he strived for ‘A’s anyways and gets around 90’s in every class.
Isaac could be easily found during his time at Bayview, always either being in the drama room or the library and sometimes, once in a blue moon, at the school pool just staring out at the water trying to clear his mind. However these times were both rare and brief, usually to clear his head of a bad day or something. Isaac’s patterns may be fairly predictable, yet he tends to be very silent while doing anything, so much so that one may forget he’s even there. Also not everything Isaac enjoys included drama, his favorite class is Science, whether it is Biology or Chemistry.

Isaac tends to avoid those who seem to be too nice or those who think everyone is good deep-down, thinking them either to be naive fools or those who have another angle. He also tends to avoid large groups, but does not always like to be alone, finding his preferred group size to be about 2-4 people including himself.

Advantages: Isaac is a skilled actor, making him a skilled liar which may aid him in tricking the completion. Also he has little connections making it so no-one should have any justification to hunt him down specifically.
Disadvantages:  His lack of human contacts hurts the same way it helps, with little to no friends Isaac will have to make any allies on the spot and his detached nature may just get the wrong person angered.

Designated Number: Male student no. 113


Designated Weapon: M15 General Officers (.45 ACP) [x3 magazines (7 round capacity)]
Conclusion: Well, this has some promise. B113 can act his way into a group, get their guards down, and kill them all as they sleep, or something equally-delightful. I see some serious player potential here. Don't die too soon, B113. You can go places.
I bid you all dark greetings!
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