B110 - Fielding, Daryl

Throughout V4, several characters were withdrawn or else failed to be confirmed for the roll-call. This board includes withdrawn characters who were at one point approved, as well as all characters who were assigned a number and weapon but did not actually enter the game (some of these double-up from the Pregame roster). By and large, unless these characters had appearances in Pregame, they should be considered non-canon.
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B110 - Fielding, Daryl


Post by ifnotwinter* »

Name: Daryl Fielding
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: History, Antiques, Classical Music.

Appearance: Daryl stands at about 5’11”, though this can easily become 6’, depending on who happens to be measuring his height and what shoes he’s wearing. He tends to lean forward whether standing or sitting, often to the point of slouching. His weight often hovers around the 140-pound mark, lending a bit of bulk to his otherwise reedy frame. His light brown hair is most often uncombed, though he sometimes makes a half hearted effort and combs it to the side. Thick eyebrows hang over ice-blue eyes, which used to hide behind glasses before Daryl discovered contact lenses. Daryl often sports a light 5 o’clock shadow, but if he’s just as likely to appear clean-shaven. Either way, a small, scar can easily be identified on his left cheek, the result of a bicycle accident when Daryl was six. His complexion could best be described as “pale, but not overtly so”, evident of a life spent mostly indoors. He’s also in fairly good shape for someone so devoted to their studies, with broader shoulders than one would expect.

Daryl prefers to dress semi-formally, often sporting polo shirts that are usually a blue color. These are usually paired with khaki pants or dark jeans, and finished off with sensible tennis shoes or, if he’s feeling particularly formal that day, loafers. Daryl is also never seen in public without a brass pocket-watch (he removes the chain, if it’s during school hours).

Biography: The son of a former policeman-turned pawn-shop owner and a high-priced corporate lawyer, both originally from New York City, Daryl Fielding could be said to be a fairly normal student. His mother, due to her occupation, is almost never home, save for about once or twice a month. This leaves his father to take care of both Daryl and his eight-year-old sister, Lilly. While his father’s complete lack of skill at anything domestic often makes for awkward occurrences in the Fielding household, things are fairly stable. His childhood was mostly unremarkable, with the only thing that was even slightly traumatic being a minor vehicular collision when he was twelve.

Daryl became interested in history when he was nine or ten. After reading some fantasy story, he became intrigued about what inspired writing such as this. After a quick trip to the local library, he was pleasantly surprised that the real thing was even better than the fiction people wrote about it. In a few years, he had devoured everything he could find about mankind’s history, from the Sumerians to the Crusades. The more Daryl learned about history, the greater his interest became. He began to collect antiques of all kinds. Nothing major: a clock here, a book there, along with other assorted trinkets.

Daryl, as a student at Bayview, excels. His grades are, at the least, in the low 90s, and in all of his high school history classes he’s maintained a perfect score. Daryl is a fairly amiable fellow, not belonging to any club or clique, but preferring a small circle of friends. He’s a polite and soft-spoken individual, and generally gets along well with most people, or has a sort of “non-aggression pact” with them, at the very least.  But while he can be considered a good person, his love for history houses a somewhat dark viewpoint. Daryl has come to the conclusion that the story of mankind is the story of a downward spiral, that every change that is made, no matter how small, will somehow affect things for the worse. This reflects itself in his antique collection, in his MP3 player crammed with classical music, and in his use of anachronistic terms: Daryl misses a time that he has never and will never see.

It is because of this view that Daryl dislikes two things: change, and being late. While he realizes that change is necessary, punctuality is very important to Daryl, and as such, he has odd habits regarding time. He tends to do things far earlier than most people, such as waking up at 4:00 AM every school day. This is to make absolutely sure that he has everything he will need for the coming day, and thus avoid having to waste time back-tracking. He also has little tolerance for those who are tardy. In fact, the first and only time he has ever been sent to detention is when, his freshman year, he got into an argument with his first-period teacher, who had overslept and come into class twenty minutes late.

Advantages: Daryl has a vast intellect and a prodigious memory, often making A’s on tests by simply glancing over the study material. Daryl also has an immense knowledge of history.
Disadvantages: Daryl might know a lot about a lot of things, but he has very little practical experience. So while he might know the proper way to do something, he’s probably never actually done so. This lack of hands-on experience could easily lead to him over-estimating his ability, which would in all likelihood be his death.


Designated Number: Male student no. 110

Designated Weapon: Wooden Baseball Bat with Nail
Conclusion: You don't need to know a lot of about history to use a baseball bat, but I somehow doubt our little academic will ever get that far. If only he'd remembered the first rule of survival...don't get caught in the first place!
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