B002 - Klitou, Chad

Throughout V4, several characters were withdrawn or else failed to be confirmed for the roll-call. This board includes withdrawn characters who were at one point approved, as well as all characters who were assigned a number and weapon but did not actually enter the game (some of these double-up from the Pregame roster). By and large, unless these characters had appearances in Pregame, they should be considered non-canon.
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B002 - Klitou, Chad


Post by Namira »

Name: Chad Klitou
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Film making, art, watching low-budget horror movies, protesting, going to metal concerts

Appearance: Chad Klitou stands at an average height of 5’8 and is underweight for an eighteen-year old at 108 pounds. He’s scraggly and thin – very noticeably so – and it is quite easy on any day to count all six of his ribs through his shirt. People often say that it looks like a strong gust of wind would knock him to the ground. They also say that he looks like a stoner, especially because of the greasy-black hair that falls just past his shoulders and the acrid smell of marijuana that lingers around him. Because of his shaggy hair hiding his face, very few know that his eyes are actually a light hazel. Chad suffered from severe acne at one point in his teenage years, but many different ointments and antibiotics have now only left him with mild scarring.  The aforementioned scars, luckily, are difficult to see because of the bronzed, tan skin that he inherited from his Greek father. Chad’s face structure is almost identical to that of his mother with a round face and a stone jaw, and they share the fact they both needed braces in their childhood. His teeth have mainly been fixed, but there is a small but noticeable gap between the front ones on top. Chad attempted to grow a beard in his sophomore year, but with a lack of facial hair being hereditary, he ended up only with mild peach fuzz that he shaves occasionally.

Chad regularly wears baggy sweatshirts – often advertising obscure film festivals, peace rallies, and metal bands – and always wears his prized video camera in a bag that he straps around his waist. His choice in clothing can best be described as sloppy, often throwing together the clothes he finds lying around on his bedroom floor for his daily wardrobe. Chad also wears a signature skater beanie – a Christmas present from his childhood that still miraculously fits.

On the day of his abduction, Chad was wearing an anti-war shirt tye-dyed in blue splotches, his signature hat, and dark jeans with a pair of worn-out old Nikes.

Biography: Chad Michael Klitou is the first and only son of Eliza Lombardi and Agatone Klitou. His parents met in their twenties when they crossed paths in New York City. At the time, Eliza was trying to keep her head above water in art school while Agatone was a recent Greek immigrant who had come to the country in a desire to study human anatomy and become a surgeon. Meeting at a local art museum after going on a tour together, they bonded quickly and dated for a year before Agatone finally proposed to her. Shortly after their honeymoon – a trip back to Agatone’s home country -- Eliza became pregnant with what would be their first and only child.

Chad Klitou was born on May 2nd, 1990 in Claire-Donovan’s Hospital. Carrying a noticible amount of baby fat in the early years of his life, infant Chad was never without a cherubic smile on his pudgy face. At a very early age, he showed signs of inheriting his mother’s talent in art: he was never far from a large box of Crayolas – the sixty-four set complete with a sharpener -- always ready to scribble down whatever bizarre ideas came to his mind. Even to the day of his abduction on the senior trip, Chad still has a painting he created when he was four called, “Tornado Purple”. By the age of five, he was already an impressive artist who shocked his peers in kindergarten by how realistic his drawings were for his age. Although he wasn’t very social among his classmates, he wasn’t necessarily unpopular and was never without a partner to work with in class. Everyone just seemed to accept him as, “that quiet kid over there”.

Instead of playing soccer or hopscotch at recess like the other students, he was often found walking around the playground aimlessly, occasionally joining in on a ragtag game of four-square if his classmates asked for an extra player. Chad, even at that age, was obviously someone who would do whatever you told him. He was impressionable, especially when it came to other people. Half of it was because he was horribly unathletic and couldn’t kick a soccer ball to save his life, but the other half was because he just didn’t see the need to play. From his point-of-view, things usually turned out much better when you were by yourself and left to your own thoughts.

Upon his entrance into fourth grade, the one obsession that would define who Chad was came into the picture: horror movies. The obsession came around on a late summer day at his fourteen-year old cousin Ricky’s house. Sitting in his basement, they’d been flipping through the television guide when they realized that there was a marathon of slasher flicks on one of the pay-per-view channels. Ricky had told Chad with a smile not to tell his parents what he was about to show him. Then his cousin had ordered the channel and that was it. Chad watched as chainsaw-wielding maniacs tore teenagers apart with blood and gore splattering everywhere. Although the ten-year old boy watched the movies with horrified eyes, he also realized that he’d never been more entertained in his life. There seemed to be a fascinating nature in them that he’d never seen anywhere else. The obsession took over. At the age of only eight, Chad became a proud horror junkie with a DVD cabinet to rival anyone in the entire state. Slasher flicks eventually developed into low-budget creature fests from the 50’s. If there’s any obscure movie – whether it be, “The Giant Claw”, or, “Ghouls At the Slumber Party”, the odds are that Chad’s seen it.

Chad was inspired by film and decided to become a director/screenwriter. He often sat in his living room and wrote down lists of characters and stories, never really committing himself far enough to actually write down an actual script. He had numerous ideas floating around in his head -- among them being, “Autumn Reef”, “Upside Dead”, and, “The Salamar” -- but could never really figure out the direction he wanted to take with his film. Chad received a video camera for his eleventh birthday and still carries it around to this very day.

When Chad arrived in middle school, life got better for the Klitou family. His father finally achieved his dream of becoming a surgeon and was able to put more bread on the table, even deciding to move the family into a new home in the nicer area of St.Paul. On the other hand, things did turn out rather bad socially. With more of his classmates concerned about being popular, Chad – always shy and secluded -- found himself withdrawn from the social scene. Although he struggled to talk, he just didn’t find it easy to have a converse with other people about. He smiled a lot, but it didn’t seem to do much other than get people to smile back. He joined the school’s art club in an effort to make friends, but eventually quit when he realized that he just couldn’t get himself to relate to anyone. There was also the added bonus that everyone thought his drawings were weird.

The summer between eighth grade and freshman year was a rough transition. Chad’s cousin Ricky died in a drunk driving accident in July. The incident weighed in hard on the whole family. Chad reflects back on the funeral often, bemused by the idea that for some reason he wasn’t able to cry as they lowered Ricky’s white coffin down under the earth. In his own mind, he was met with the bizarre idea that Ricky would come back from the dead – after all, for the person that had got him into horror movies in the first place, it only seemed like the best option. In the end though, it wasn’t. Ricky Lombardi stayed buried and no one felt worse about it afterwards than Chad Klitou.

Upon entering high school, and after going through family counseling to cope with his grief, Chad was overwhelmed with emotion and became even more withdrawn. Too dillusioned to care about his art anymore, and rather annoyed with the world in general, he became a proud activist and joined nearly half the peace-oriented clubs the school had to offer. It started out on a once-a-week kind of thing where they would discuss organizing student protests and stopping the war in Iraq, but in due time, Chad quickly realized that he was going to need more to deal with how he was feeling. He left the student protests behind and delved into more serious territory, often riding his bicycle for hours to get to where fliers advertised some kind of riot. The topic of his protests varied -- the most prominent being abortion, legalization of marijuana, and gay rights -- but eventually realizing he cared very little about any of them, Chad ended up stopping his protesting stint. He wasn’t doing it because he was an advocate for change. He was just doing it because he didn’t know what to do with himself.

Quitting the protests left Chad with very little to do besides filmmaking and doodling in his sketchpad. Bored out of his mind with life, Chad was intrigued by drugs. He’d already done them on-and-off throughout his life -- never as frequently as his cousin -- but he believed firmly that it would help him a perspective on things. Within time, Chad became a heavy marijuana user, getting the pot secretly from the family’s cleaning lady. Seeing him clearly as a drug addict when he arrived back in school, his classmates distanced from him even more. Quiet before, Chad now became completely silent, only talking in school when the teacher asked him an offhand question to get him to participate. His grades, which before had been almost perfect, dropped to Ds in a matter of months. Rumors about him in school ran rampant. Somebody at school must have reported him, because the guidance counselor office eventually called him down on a Monday morning. When Chad walked into the office, he was frightened to find a police officer standing beside the counselor along with his parents. The counselor looked at him solemnly and said, “I’ll make this simple, Chad. You’re going in for a drug test”. After going to the station, nobody was surprised when the test came back positive. His parents collected him and took him home, sitting him down and giving him a tearful epiphany about how he was ruining his life. Finally seeing the truth, Chad made a vow to finally straighten his life out, or at least get a better view on things. That being said, he still wasn’t entirely motivated to give up pot.

Upon his arrival in high school with a desire to fix his life, Chad had trouble fitting in because of his shyness. He felt that hanging out with any labeled clique of people would make people stereotype him. Wanting to be as far away from the social ladder as possible, he tried to go unnoticed and spent most of his time painting after school and filming bizarre movies with his camcorder. Most of his homemade films consisted of different shots of fruits sitting on counters or videotaping squirrels in his backyard. Despite the mixed reaction he got for his art, Chad aspired to be an independent filmmaker when he got older. He always had a sense of safety behind a video camera, feeling like a passing observer to everything he saw filming in front of him. He frequented various film festivals -- the majority of them showing low-budget 50’s creature flicks -- and even submitted his work several times to various studios. If he was lucky, he got back a rejection letter; most of the time he just didn’t hear back from them at all. Chad took every rejection letter he got back and taped them on his fridge.

The only time when he really broke out of his shell was when he attended concerts. Always a fan of almost every genre of music he listened to, his favorite was the hard metal that made his ear drums feel like they were about to burst. He frequently went into mosh pits at the concerts, only stopping when the music ceased or his head started bleeding. His love for music went to the point where he half-heartedly tried to form a band, but his reputation as a loner resulted in almost no other auditions whatsoever. This led to another reason for people to gossip about him to no end. Still, trying to remain an optimist, he smiled whenever he got the chance and tried as hard as he could to tell himself that he was happy.

Surprisingly enough, Chad‘s life got better throughout senior year. Formally humiliated by his strange movies, he ended up showing one to his entire class at an assembly near the end of the year. To his surprise, they actually understood the message of it and gave him a standing ovation. Slowly gaining a sense of who he was, Chad slowly began to break out of his shell and became content with the idea of going to film school shortly after graduation. He also made several friends throughout senior year, the list including Andrea Raymer, Patrick Fischer, and Fiona Sparki.

Despite being rather antisocial, Chad can be very good at reasoning with other people when the time comes and chooses his words very carefully. Usually he is able to talk himself out of tight spots. Also, his father, along with being a surgeon, taught a first-aid class at the local YMCA where Chad occasionally stopped by to help out. Because of this, he has some medical expertise.
Disadvantages: Chad suffers from a negative body image because of how underweight he is and isn’t very athletic. Not carrying a very high opinion of himself, he often finds it hard to feel motivated to get something done. Despite his obsession with horror movies and violence, he has never fired a gun in his life and only has half of an idea of how one works.

Designated Number: Male Student no. 2


Designated Weapon: Caffiene Pills (x4)
Conclusion: Those pills might keep B002 going for a little longer, but just look at this weed. He's got 'easy out' written all over him! I've been wrong before, but unless Mr. Klitou descends into a hyperactive rage, he's on course to getting snapped in half.
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