Starting place for B#54

the begining....

A large, and old warehouse. The corners are covered with cobwebs, and there are a few cracks in the flooring showing its old age. This would make a great meeting place for any group, because of the table, chairs, random knickknacks, and all the tools.
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"Before this? I suppose I was normal as well, I played on the hockey and soccer team at school. I had a great family life, my dad... he wasn't around to much usually just home on the weekends because his job kept him busy. But my mother was always there, I have three older siblings who'd visit from time to time, and then there's Glenn."

Sighing Fred tilted back on the legs of the chair, glancing lightly toward the floor, before looking back up. Allowing the legs to hit the ground, he stood again and made his way toward his bag, grabbing it and bringing back over and sitting. Unzipping it, and bringing one of the water bottles out. Uncapping it and downing some of its contents.
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Jeremy said, "Hockey, that's cool. I was on my school's wrestling team. That's not cool your dad wasn't dad was the one who was always there for me."

Jeremy then said, " that your brother on this island? The one we're going to find?"
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"Well, he worked in New York City for some magazine company. So he'd stay up there during the week, and then come home on the weekends, or for holidays and birthdays. Though I didn't get to see him much, he was still good to us." He said lightly, frowning somewhat before drinking more of his water.

Glancing up again, he nodded at the mention of his brother opening his wallet again to the picture of his twin and himself and pushing it across the table. "That's him on the left with the sour look on his face, though I suppose it wouldn't matter if I had a picture or not. I could have just told you where looking for a guy that looks just like me."
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Jeremy picked up the picture and looked at it. He looked at both of them and said, "Yeah you guys do look a lot a like. But your twins so..." He handed the picture back to Fred then said, "We're going to find you brother man."

Jeremy then said, "So are you guys identical twins or um..." Jeremy forget the name of the kind of twins.
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"Yeah, we're indentical." Fred mused, "He's my little brother, I have to at least find him. You know..."

Fred ran a hand through his still damp hair, smirking softly. "Thanks. Yeah, thanks for wanting to help me."
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Jeremy nodded and said, "no problem...I can understand, hes your brother, more than that, hes your twin. Well find him, then find a way off the island."

Jeremy looked once again to the camera then said, "Theres a camera up there watching us."
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At the mention of the camera Fred's eyes followed to where Jeremy was looking, trying to see through the darkness of the building as to where he was looking.

So they really are showing this all to everyone... He thought bitterly, wondering what about his family. What would thier reactions of his family and friends be when they saw this. What would they say? What would they do?
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Jeremy looked at the camera and said, "So this is their reality game show. They watch us kill each other. Interesting....I just hope my dad never has to watch this..."

Jeremy waved to the camera and said, "I wonder if we'd be penalized if we did something to the risky..." Jeremy wasn't going to die over a camera.
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"Probably set off these collars." Fred muttered keeping his eyes on the camera lightly, as he leaned over toward his bag. Bringing out his weapon, the nunchakus and resting them atop the table before bending back over and digging out the manual in there.

He hadn't the chance to truly read this before, having to busy worrying for his life with gunshots, and scream filling the air every-so-often had begun to worry him to no end of who was begin killed while he sat there hiding within the underbrush of the woods.

When the last announcement had came on and the woods became a danger zone he had found himself rushing to find cover for the rain and those who would kill without any emotion that they where something wrong.

And know Fredrik found himself here in the company of this Jeremy guy, sighing and raking fingers through his hair once more he returned to reading his manual wishing the rain end would come soon.
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Jeremy nodded and said, "Yeah probably. Dumb camera." Jeremy went back to pick up the sickle he had put down on the ground to show Fred he wasn't dangerous. He also put the Sickle on the table and looked at Fred's nunchakus.

Sighing he sat back and closed his eyes. Thinking about what had happened, all of this, this game, everything. None of it was right. He was done thinking about all of that though and oepend his eyes and glanced at Fred.

Jeremy wondered who else was on this island, who was playing the game, who was using it to become famous, and who was just like him and weren't playing at all. He wondered where Fred's brother was, and wondered if they would find him. He stopped thinking and just closed his eyes again and tried to calm down, put everything behind him.
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Finishing the manual Fred allowed it to fall back into his bag, he moving to grab his nunchaku and place them back within the bag as well. Glancing upward toward the window lining the upper-half of the building, taking note that the rain had begun falling at a much smaller pattern.

Sitting up right, he opened his map looking it over lightly. There were many other locations marked across the map, many other buildings as well. But where would Glenn go? Being a twin he figured he could try and figure where his brother would go off to… but neither had ever been forced into a situation like this.

Standing he grabbed a hold of his map and walked over to another of the table pushed against a wall, pulling himself on top of it to glance out one of the lower windows. The warehouse was surround by lush trees, and bushes. A large cliff visible in the rainy distance, pushing himself onto his tip-toes he fought to get a better look at anything else but finding nothing, sighed and fell back down onto the balls of his feet. “The rain’s about done it seems… where do you suppose we should go next? If we stay here, someone's bound to come by -- And they might not be as nice as us. It would probably be best to just keep moving...” He commented lightly, jumping down from the table and back toward the other still lightly looking over his map.
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Jeremy took out his map and said, "You've been here longer than me. I'll follow you, you should know where your brother might be. So if you think it's better to keep running then I'm in."

He listened to the rain slowing down and he sighed. CLosing his eyes he listened to it. He always enjoyed the rain...even now he found some small comfort in it. The sound it made as it hit the ground, hit the top of the old warehouse.

Slowly he left his dreamstate and looked at his map once again. He said again, "I'm going wherever your going."
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"Know where my brother is..." He repeated the words lightly, glancing down onto his map as he lightly began folding it. Placing it back into the pocket of his jeans, as he glanced back up toward Jeremy smiling sadly. "Yeah, I should know where he is... But have no idea where Glenn could be at this moment, I don't even know if he's alive."

Glancing down at the ground once more, he sighed. "But, I've got to try." He mused, lifting his arms above his head somewhat. Sitting down once more, as he leaned back in his seat. Thinking over the areas that they could head toward...
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He fell silent and looked at the map, studying all the locations...he had to make sure he knew them incase he lost his map, or lost his bag.

Sitting there he wondered exactly how much Fred had seen. 2 days would seem like a lot on this island...and jeremy wondered who was playing this game for sport. he wondered what could drive another human being to kill.

The answer was simple...the will to live. Jeremy once again tried to force these thoughts away and focus on something useful. He wondered where he and Fred would go to next.
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Fred sighed some, rubbing his chin taking note of the light stubble starting to set in there as he went over in all the locations in his head. “There’s a hospital some way from there… we could head toward there. There might be some stuff we could use if someone hasn’t already picked it clean, but what do you think?” He asked lightly, taking a glance at the young man he now called his ally.

It was odd, when he was thrown into this he told himself he couldn’t trust anyone but his own brother – trusting no one including his own classmates, but here he was with Jeremy. Someone he hadn’t known for more than hour and already they had became allies, but for how long would that alliance last. He wondered taking a light look to the sickle resting on the table before looking back to Jeremy to await his answer.
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