Starting place for B#54

the begining....

A large, and old warehouse. The corners are covered with cobwebs, and there are a few cracks in the flooring showing its old age. This would make a great meeting place for any group, because of the table, chairs, random knickknacks, and all the tools.
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Post by Kuze* »

Kiyoko slowly backed into the Office where Aiden was jerked out of his sleep in shock. Looking around the office for anything, she saw Aiden's gun laying on the ground.. Forgotten.

Kiyoko leaned down and scooped it up in her hands and felt the wooden handle in her hands. walking out of the office with the gun in her hands, She saw the the boy holding two guns in his hands, meaning that he killed.

In suprise Kiyoko fired a shot from the Magnum at the boy.
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Post by Chase* »

Umi yawned, if this guy was going to shoot he probably would've in those small moments. Real piece of work, just ignored what she told him to do.

"Nothing," She said, moving the gun down.

The shot rang out, and Umi turned to see Kiyoko, holding a gun. And she didn't speak english.

"Aiden!" Umi screamed, recognizing the weapon, "Why did you leave your gun alone?!"
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Post by MooCow* »

Aiden found who he was looking for, Umi, but he did not like what he saw.

"What the hell is going on Umi," Aiden looked nervously from his friend to the newcomer. They really needed to barricade this place before someone really dangerous slipped through.

Oh shit... his gun. How could he have been so stupid to leave it.

"... I had a nightmare."
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

His legs caused him to crouch in surprise as the shot slammed into the side of the vending machine infront of him.His pistol would snapp up towards the gun totign female,his face was stuck in surprise and for a few moments he just stood aiming at her with a ":O" face before finally it would contort it a rather pissed off face.She had fired upon him and he should have fired back.Sharp teeth had slammed against each other.

"Are you trying to get youreself shot up? Fucks sake..There is such a thing as a safety!" he yelled angrily down at the two at the end of the room.
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Post by Chase* »

"Aiden, get your gun back from her," Umi said as she walked over to Peri to check him.

"She doesn't speak english," she explained to the boy, "And that's not really her weapon. She stole it...."

Looking the boy over, she grabbed his shoulder to help her stand up again. "Looks like you're alright."
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Post by MooCow* »

Aiden looked at Kiyoko, unable to read her true intentions.

"Kiyoko, why'd you do it?"

He reached out gingerly to take the magnum back.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"I Dont give a flying fuck if she doesnt speak english! She shot at me..God fucking damn.I nearly take a bullet because I wanted some freakin skittles...God fucking damn" yes he had added a couple curses there but he had just been fired upon for trying to loot the vending machine.Colt still held at head level with the female his hand would reach into the vending machine tugging a pack of sour skittles from the metal coil that had held it in place.

"Help youreself" he said as he would lower his weapon and motion to the vending machine with his hand before he took a couple steps towards the Couch.Eyes still sitting on the couch while eying Kiyoko while murmurring curse words.
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Post by Kuze* »

Kiyoko handed Aiden back the gun and pointed to the newcomer and his two guns, Than Kiyoko put on a sceptical face to show that she didnt trust the newcomer.

Kiyoko placed her hands behind her back after giving the gun to Aiden and put on a remorseful look on her face.
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Post by Chase* »

Umi watched Kiyoko's movements. She did seem to feel sorry, but she stole Aiden's gun. She could be acting, and they could fall for it....

"Aiden, please keep better watch over your gun, and over her. Where's Dai anyway?"
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Post by MooCow* »

Aiden looked uncomfortable... "Dai, I-I'm not really sure. I haven't said a word to him since we left the lookout."
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"God I hate you..You son of a bi--" and then the thought struck him that cussing out one of the groups members would not be the best way to make friends.He simply sat there glaring at her and occasionally tossing a sour pebble into the back of his mouth.Blood stained,muddied and bullet hole clothing clung to him along with a little blood.The red gash underneath his eyes still freeing some blood now and then.Colt held tightly in his hand,the auburn stock diseppearing into the white of his palm and with the other hand he would be grabbing some Skittles and tossing them to the back of his mouth.

Other group members? While he chewed a skittle he would look between the three visible group members.These odds were turning real fast.
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Post by Sephy* »

((Continued from: LookOUT))

"she was just scared" Daisuke finally spoke up, moving into a place where he'd be visible to the others, he'd been lost in thought since they'd left he lookout and had been lost inside his head until the sound of a gun firing brought him back to reality, he knew he'd have to take charge of this situation if he didn't want Kiyoko, and possible Aidne and Umi, to end up dead.
"Kiyoko, daijoubu? nani?"
(Kiyoko are you ok? what is it?)
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"Everyone here is scared but that doesnt mean they go around firing guns off..If they did I would be dead by now and most likely so would at least two of you?" He said before shaking his head and smiling,this was not how it was meant to go.He was not meant to be insulting a group member especially since they outnumbered him and outarmed him.He was doing his best to look non threatening with his one visible weapon aimed at the floor while he used the other to transport skittles to his mouth.

Another group member? Damn..Four on one,Bad bad odds for him but his face never changed.He just smiled occasionally and popped a couple sour skittles in his mouth.His blood splattered shirt didnt exactly scream "Im not playing!".
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Post by OnceForgotten* »

Garrett rubbed his head. The fall that had accompanied his passing out in the corner was a large price to pay for such a short rest.
"What is going on?"
He said, slowly sauntering up to the standoff in what appeared to be a lobby area near the front of the warehouse.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

Another one? Christ,How many people were in this group? The urge to simply bring that colt up and try to make a run for it did rise in his head but for now he stayed comfortably sitting on the couch with his weapon aimed down and his jaw gently chewing down those sour tasting pebbles.

"Im Getting my sugar Fix.."
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