The Sixth Announcement

And a *contest*

Here, the announcements that Mr. Danya made over the course of SOTF Version 1 have been archived for your reading pleasure. Please note that segments of these announcements not directly pertaining to Version 1 have been removed.
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The Sixth Announcement


Post by Kaishi* »

Hello folks, and happy holidays (& New Year)! Danya wishes you all well, so you can continue to raise the bodycount.


There was slight crackling noise as the intercom system turned on.

"Hey kids. Well rested for the next surprise attack? I sure hope not.

This announcement will be done a little differently than others. You can chalk it up to laziness if you want, but I think that this brings a more fun element into the game. More stealth, harder situations, and more crimson...

Cleo Barston, Cydni Pullman, Andrew Mutaeneau, Callum Hadley, and the infamous Jacob Starr have all died to a variety of killers. Ken Mendel, Ian Hargrave, David Jackson, Madelaine Shirohara, and Amanda Jones have died, aswell. Shame, too, about Madelaine. Wouldn't've minded to seen a little more pink. Heh.

The list continues on, to include Fredrik Hughes, Sven Kekule, Kousaka Takeda, Glenn Hughes, and Vince Samsa. Oh, how tragic! Two brothers dead in the same announcement. I may have to shed a tear for that.

We can't forget Jake Driggers, Aaron Bourdon, Satomi Madison, and Shinya Motomura. The last boy had a rather...tasty suicide, if I do say so myself. Take a page out of his book, kiddies.

Now, how much does that leave us with? About forty of you still alive, and around seventy of you dead? You're disappointing me... Let's get this show on the road. You want to meet your families, don't you? There's only one way off the island, and that is to kill the competition! Don't hide like a whiney little coward. That's your ticket to stay on the island, so kill everyone you can! There are awards at the end, I do promise.

The Old Warehouse and the Makeshift Hospital are no longer danger zones. The new ones are the Lookout Point and the River.

Over and out, ducks."


It's all terribly out of order, I know, and I probably forgot some people (when don't I? :P). I pulled the names off of the roster forum, so, chances are, if you weren't updated as deceased then you pro'lly aren't on the announcement. ^_^

As the subline for the topic says, there's a contest. I can't keep slowing everyone down with this terrorist crap. It's starting to become lame. You shouldn't have to wait so long, so...

Terrorist Intro Challenge!

That's right. You could be the one to write up the introduction for the terrorists. How do they get onto the island? Is it via plane, helicopter? How are they feeling without vocal chords? Any flashbacks to the surgery? Were they even awake for the surgery? You could be the one who decides the terrorists' overall actions!

They say that first impressions spell everything else out. It may not be perfectly true, but it's great to think that you could be the one to have a part in the terrorists, isn't it?

There are some catches and suggestions, though.
* Amber Phillips has to be killed in the introduction.
* The introduction has to be in the Open Field.
* The terrorists could arrive on a helicopter. It's a suggestion.
* I suggest a helicopter crash.
* The staff can not take part in the competition. Sorry, but I'd really like to see the normal members shine without having to listen to people swooning over some of the staffmembers.
* I'll be the one to post the topic in the Open Field, with the winner's name written at the bottom of it. You could request to remain anonymous if you want.

But, there's gotta be a prize. The winner can take his/her pick of -

1. A special viewing of *top secret* SOTF v2 information! Learn somethings and prepare before anyone else can. And you won't be skimped on details with oneliners. You may even get paragraphs of information!

2. A free dice roll exemption pass! These are a little hard to come by, and with another pass, you'll be able to save a worthy character. If you don't use this pass, you can have an EXTRA for SOTF v2. Imagine that, starting out with an one-up on the competition with one more pass than the others.

3. Your own weapon pick! Well, sort of. You can request one of four weapon groups for your first character to have. Shotgun, Pistol, Melee, and Miscellaneous. Your weapon will still be random, but you'll know your category.

The winner can only pick one out of these three.
PM me, do not post them here or anywhere else, your introductory thread. Contest ends January 5th! Expect the winner's post up by the 7th!

Best of luck, and remember to have fun with it. ^_^ The winner isn't going to be picked just for roleplaying/writing skill, but rather for the most creative and interesting topic. So, good luck, again, and lot's of fun to you.

Dice rolls are going to be happening later on. And this time, no one's getting an extension to start getting killed.
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Post by Kaishi* »

"Dirty filths of all ages, direct your attention over to the Open Field. Seems like your good friends have arrived. Give them a warm welcoming, just for me, okay? They're just like you kids, only a half step up on the dirt scale. They've been thrown onto the island, forced to kill who knows how many other people. Boo hoo...

"Their arms are a little better, I must say that, but they're following all of your same rules. Except for this little one...

"Kill one of them, and you just may have a ticket off of the island. Yes, you heard me right. Killing one of them is like killing all the rest of the kids here. A possible way off the island! Awesome, no?

"Talk to you tomorrow!"

~ Danya
Founder of SOTF - 2005.
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Sydney avatar by Kermit.

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