Vice Presidential Election Speeches

The gym and auditorium for John Endecott Memorial are one combined space. A stage is present along one wall of the room and a set of bleachers sit opposite for seating during any assemblies or announcements, although the curtains are kept drawn unless there is a performance occurring, additional floor seating is also put out for these occasions. The main floor of the gym has markings set up for basketball, volleyball, soccer as well as some other sports. The hall itself is high-ceiling and has basketball pairs of basketball hoops situated at either end.
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Vice Presidential Election Speeches


Post by SOTF_Help »

John Endecott Memorial Academy's senior class had all been herded into the auditorium in order to hear the speeches from their candidates for class president and vice president. Vice presidential speeches would be given first, followed by presidential speeches. Candidates spoke in alphabetical order by last name. After the conclusion of all speeches, the voting students would all cast their ballots together.
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Post by SOTF_Help »

“First of all, I’d like to thank everybody participating in this election. It’s been a crazy few months hasn’t it? Not just for me and not just for the student body but for the whole world. I’ve had the opportunity to think a lot. I know I’m not alone there. Watch a lotta Netflix. Procrastinate and persevere and create projects with no sense of progress. I’ve had glory and pain and have experienced suffering and success.

That doesn’t make me special. If life’s a highway than that’s just toll.

I know what you thinking: That’s all well and good Dicky but what’s this gotta do with student government? I guess it depends on what student government means to you. To some it’s a note on an application. To others it’s a symbol of status and self-esteem…

For me?

We were down 32-14. I was a freshman, plucky and passionate. Filled with dreams and plans and schemes. And this was a situation that I had planned for but feared nonetheless—the situation where everything goes wrong. That situation created a feeling so powerful and intoxicating that try as I might I could not help but lose my breath and my ground. It provoked fear and respect the way that feelings do only to the ones that feel ‘em. It had me down bad. Our whole team down bad.

That feeling? That feeling was pressure. And for the good? Pressure makes ‘em fold. For us the great? Pressure makes us focus. On that day, something came over me and I made a promise. A promise to my teammates and to my classmates and to my Mom and Dad and everyone else…

That promise has been something that has stayed with me in the years that followed and I try my best to weave it into everything I do. It’s a very simple one and I make it to you, as a man of the people, not above but equal…

I will get my job done.

What is student government? To some it’s a note on an application, to others it’s a symbol of status and a boost for self-esteem. For me? Student government is about hope and about the youthful idea that we can be the ones to institute change in the world we live in. The halls of this school is our world. The cafeteria our congress. I want to be a voice for hope—not just my own hopes and dreams but those of my classmates. I want to make this year that has been filled with so much tragedy—one filled with triumph. I’m here to do not all I want…but all I can.

We were down 32-14 and I was just a freshman. Five three pointers later—we were all winners. Vote for Big Rich and I can promise that in the journey for a senior year filled with hope and victory and fun…

I will get my job done.

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Post by SOTF_Help »

Abhishek had dressed to impress, with a gray tweed suit vest and matching pants, sleek black shoes, and a white dress shirt. He adjusted the forty-dollar red-and-gold Apollo Soyuz tie he had ordered online and tugged at his collar. A notably cheerful air followed him as he practically skipped his way onto the stage, which signaled his distinctly dramatic style was here even in such a momentous occasion.

The campaign trail wasn't his style, to be honest. He'd never sought to court public opinion and had as much political intrigue as a brick thrown right through an Overton Window. Sure, he was good at getting people fired up, but only when he wanted them furious.

In this case, he felt he'd do just fine.

He stepped towards the microphone and tapped it once, twice, then thrice, to ensure he had the attention of the crowd.

All eyes were on him, now. Not one step back.

"In the interest of brevity," he said with a smirk, "I'll keep this brief for all of you."

He paused and took a quick, momentary glance at the staff lined up in the auditorium. A playful, delinquent smile took shape on his face.

"See, my message is pretty simple. I'm running for unity. We, as a student body, now more than ever before, need to stand together. We need to link arms and march, side-by-side, towards a brighter future for all of our school. I think I can speak for every single one of us when I say..."

He took a deep breath and filled his lungs with air.

"Fuck you, McArthur!"

And so, Abhishek found himself unceremoniously escorted from the stage straight into detention, snickering all the way.

He may not have won the race, but he considered it a victory in his heart.

This candidate was disqualified from the running by school faculty, due to rudeness and inappropriate behavior. Any votes in their favor will not be counted.
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Post by SOTF_Help »

"Hi dudes and dudettes and dudems, Connie here to talk about vice presidency.

"Whoever becomes pres will do a good job, I'm sure, but the way that you go from good to great is having somebody else there that sense checks you and is willing to call out when maybe you're missing the wood for the trees. I'm not afraid to speak up and be that balance, and I'm not afraid to speak up for my own ideas either. Am I promising they'd all be good ideas? Nope, but they'd be laterally thought ideas. Sometimes that's exactly what you need.

"As VP, I'd represent your interests one hundred percent of the time and make sure we've always got a voice in the room. The pres has got the short end of the stick, they've got to be diplomatic, bridge student and teacher and all. I don't care about that. If something needs to be said, I'll say it. Guaranteed. If we get promises, I'll rattle cages asking about those promises. If we get an unfair rule or policy, I'm there. I am pretty damn good at making myself hard to ignore. Just ask people about horror story night.

"Speaking of, I love horror, right? If I get VP, I'm not gonna rest - like the living dead - until I get an awesome Halloween event onto the cards for the year. Guaranteed.

"Stay awesome, Connie out."

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