Starting place for B#54

the begining....

A large, and old warehouse. The corners are covered with cobwebs, and there are a few cracks in the flooring showing its old age. This would make a great meeting place for any group, because of the table, chairs, random knickknacks, and all the tools.
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Post by Theseus* »

Looking up at the boy Max wiped away the tears and said, "Let me take my bag with me, I need everything in it. If I was planning on hurting you I would have done it sooner, I wouldn't be here crying in front of you." He looked at his bag then said, "Let me get my bag then I'll leave."

Max still didn't faulter, he didn't plan on killing just to kill, or to win. He planned to do what he had to to become famous. He needed his bag for that.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"You dont have to leave you jus need to kick the bag over here..Ill check it then check you then you can head inside and meet the gang or you can try and get the bag and Ill show you how good shot I am with this hand cannon..Im really not that bad guy its just..Nobody wants to play here.You will be safe with us I just dont want to let you in there so you can kill my " he would pause for a second in thought "friends..fair enough? Same situation youd do something diffrent?" he said before concluding with a head tilt to the right.
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Post by Theseus* »

Standing up Max nodded and said, "I guess your right. Your just making sure." He kicked the bg to the studetn and said, "Friends, my name is Max McNeal."

((sorry its so short)
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"Smart Boy...Nice to meet you max.Id name the people inside but Im not to friendly with them I arrived a couple minutes ago theres a bit of situation inside..Someguy was wounded I think.Whatever happened he is on the floor at current.You stay still and my trigger finger will to..You twitch and it will" he said with a shrug of his shoulders.He didnt look to friendly in his blood splattered shirt but that was to be exspected after what he had been through and where he was.

The bag would be emptied upside down on the floor with one hand as the other held his gun.

( Whats in the pack? And the Post is fine..Quality not quantity )
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Post by Chase* »

No no no, we don't need more people. He has to leave, I have to make him more people in here or I'll snap

Watching the new kid, Peri, let this boy in made her blood boil. Who was this guy to think he could risk the lives of everyone else by adding another body? And Aiden was still unconcious without medication.

"I guess you do need to take care of him," she pointed at Aiden as she spoke bitterly.

She handed the MAC-10 to Daisuke as she grabbed out her handgun, aiming for a chest shot on the new boy. Eyes narrowed, Umi almost growled as she began to speak.

"This place is full, get out. Peri-boy here is the last one allowed in our little club. Anyone else is considered an enemy."

With that she moved the aim to the boy's head, taking a deep breath. Just before she pulled the trigger, she twitched to the right, looking at that side of the door he was next to.

"Get. Out. Now. No exceptions."
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"You heard the la--" her gun went off and he didnt bother wasting precious air trying to speak over gunfire.His aim was still held on the male who had just had a burst of rounds fired towards his head but now he was looking over to the crazy girl with the handgun.One thin brow risen while his lips were beant into a intrested grinn.So much for the "everyone come join us we dont have to play this stupid game" vibe he had been getting.

"Nice Shooting...oh and Kid? Turns out we are robbing you.Hit the Road..Her House Her rules and the girl seems to be very willing to enforce them so run along now Kiddie" he said giving a nod and a shrug of hsi shoulders.
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Post by Sephy* »

Daisuke watched as shots were fired, he really didn't care what happened to the new kid, his primary concern was Aiden
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Post by Theseus* »

((haha wow I just created this character oh and in the bag is the normal stuff and my weapon, camoflauge. Also I'm confused as to the shooting, when i read ebony's post she never said she pulled the trigger, she just explained before she pulled the trigger then told me to leave but then mismatched made it so she did pull the trigger and I'm confused....and I don't really want t post until I understand this because as much as I hate it if she shot a shotgunn at that close range then I'm kind of dead...which stinks haha but if she didnt then I get to live :P))
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

( Lol Okay but I think that she aimed towards youre chest then head then pulled the trigger at youre head but twitched right so she would intentionally miss it was a warning shot..Hopefully thats right if not then Ill take the problems? Postnes..oh and Umi fired her handgun as she posted )
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Post by Theseus* »

((oh ok thanks))

Max was stunned, he jumped when the new arrival shot but it had been to the side. He listened to what she had to say and he said, "Ok, I'm out of here." Looking to the boy he had became 'friends' with he nodded and said, "Sorry, I guess I got to go." Max turned around to leave then remembered his bag. He then said, "I guess I don't get to take my bag with me?"
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Post by OnceForgotten* »

"This is too much of a party for me."
Garrett stated, watching the turmoil unfold yet again.
"I did not expect a Days of Our Lives rerun when I came here. You guys all wanted me to stay to help you with your so called "plan," but all we have done so far is bitch and moan whenever someone new gets here. I have some buisness to attend to, and If I see you, I see you." He gave them all a nod, and abruptly grabbed his pack and walked to the door. In the doorway, he stopped and turned around.
"He-" Nodding at Aiden "-needs some asprin, and use the waterbottle on his head as an icepack. If the fever gets any worse, give him some morphine, it will slow down his heart and decrease bloodflow, which will drop his body temperature."
Garrett smiled
"My Dad's in the army. You can believe that or not."

With that, Garrett slung his daypack over his shoulder and walked out into the sunshine of another beautiful day in paradise. (assuming its daytime)

((Continued in: A Moment's Pause))
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Post by Sephy* »

((hehe, nice Kawada paraphrase guitarjack :P))

Daisuke mumbled a few choice words in Japanese, this was stupid, everyone was arguing, Umi would probably end up firing and then they'd be in a mess, like they weren't already...that shot Umi fired could have been heard and attracted some more unwelcome guests, Dai shifted himself so that he could reach the gun easier, if this came down to a fight he'd not hesitate to protect Aiden
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"No chance,buddy boy..Sorry but see you around I guess" he said and raised two fingers to his forehead giving a salute to the boy and a lopsided grinn.So now he had yet another weapon and some more supplies,his pack was starting to get heavy he should start to share more he thought to himself as he shoved the camoflauge back into the bag.

Rising to his feet he would sling the bag over his shoulder,his own bag sitting inside of the warehouse with the others now a little less worse than ware as the medical supplies had been no raided he had "volunteered them".

Colt still grasped he would lower his aim to the ground as he looked over to Umi."Waste not want not eh?"
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Post by Theseus* »

"Ok...see you around then." He nodded to the group and ran off into the forest wondering what had just happened. He had been 'robbed' but he was grateful he was still alive. That's all that matters.

((Continued in: Starting Place for B#100))
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

" See you around..Good luck" he said with a small Smile and a nod as he watched the guy diseppear out of sight knowing fully well that more than likely the next time he saw the boy,max,would be when he was a corpse he just hoped it wasnt him who had to kill the boy.Things got more and more fucked up.The kid seemed nice enough but who could really tell? Everyone was acting on this island including himself..they acted or very emotional in some cases.Everyone had a plan.

"Camoflauge..What a shitty weapon and I was hoping for yet another firearm well we cant have everything we want?" he said glancing over to umi as the aim of his magnum fell to her feet as he released his tight grip on the gun.
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