Starting place for B#54

the begining....

A large, and old warehouse. The corners are covered with cobwebs, and there are a few cracks in the flooring showing its old age. This would make a great meeting place for any group, because of the table, chairs, random knickknacks, and all the tools.
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Post by Chase* »

What's happening? Umi couldn't help the thought that surfaced,I... it's all slipping away, so far away. What happened to the plans?

On the outside, Umi was livid. She could deal with the stress the only way she knew how.

"You," she pointed to Peri, "outside, now."
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"Me?" he said with a brow rising and a head tilt.Why was she snapping at him? what did he do so wrong now? With a shrug of shoulders he would drop the boys bag to the floor as he would head out through the broad old doors out into the sunlight.

He found a place by the wall his back pressed against it as one leg was brought up to support himself,Colt still in hand he would wait.She was going to throw a hissy fit for him being a nice guy and letting someone inside? More the merrier and all that stuff.
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Post by Chase* »

((LadyMakaze will RP as Umi for the death sequence... She has my permission and is doing it for me as a favor))
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

((Alrighty, now I'm a bit rusty on my research with Umi, but I've got an idea of what you two have planned. So I'll do my best, okay? :) ))

((sorry, for that, post edited))

Umi's form nearly shook with anger and tension as she kept her eyes on Peri as he moved outside, though thoughts raced back and forth in her mind, clouding it with anger and tension.

What in the world is happening? Until now...we had a chance, now it's all slipping from our reach...until now....until that boy barged in...

She gritted her teeth, no longer unable to prevent herself from being overcome by the pressure of the current situation. Everything...everything was falling apart. How could she take care of her friends now?

Still keeping a fixed, though slightly trembling aim on Peri, she moved outside with him, gazing at him with cold, yet livid eyes. "Look, I'm here to take care of my friends, and I don't need anybody causing trouble, and endangering them. However, since you've joined us, you've done nothing but just that."

She took a deep breath, struggling to steady herself but to no avail. She continued in a harsher voice.

"I want you out of the group. Now."
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

His grip had tightened as he had noticed her aim had risen to him,she was going to shoot him now? Finish what the crazy foreign girl hadnt managed to do? Oh gods this just got better and better.He listened to her little speech with a small smile on his face nodding occasionally to a word or two.

"So what now? Get my shit together and walk out into the game alone..Fuck that.This place is big and it is safe.It has locks on it doors and it has a good sturdy roof and besides I thought you were all for surviving the game and helping people out thats all I was doing" he said with a little colour rising to his pale face as that moist muscle in his mouth began running over his teeth.He had relied on his ability to draw quicker than the other person before but he had barely survived would he do the same again?

"...I made a mistake,Im Sorry but I thought you were all for family fun and helping people Umi..Guess not...You mind lowering that pea shooter? Its a little un-nerving especially where we are" he said as his arms rose from his sides to motion to there surroundings.A Step was taken forward, a little distance covered.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Umi could feel her anger gradually getting the best of her, though she struggled as best she could to contain it. The nerve of this boy! Just who the hell did he think he was? Did he realize what he was doing? Endangering her friends, no less. There was no way she could rely on him, no way she could trust him at all.

Her grip on the gun tightened in unsteady aim. She snapped at him, almost on the verge of shouting now. "What the hell do you know? ...Just who the hell do you think you are?!"

The tension was almost enough to crush her mind. Everything that she and her group had worked so hard to string together...coming undone...and now, all she could do...

..was put the blame on this boy.

She had to protect her friends...there was no way this person was going to get in the way. She had to.... whatever it took, she had to...

As he stepped forward, Umi finally snapped, her mind recklessly registering as a threat, and convulsively, her shaking finger pulled on the trigger while her aim was still fixed on Peri.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

Oh shit.Things were going out of controll very quickly.Someone aiming at a gun at him was fine..he had it happenign more than enough on this stupid island and so he had kept his cool but it was when she started to raise her voice and her eyes just lit up as if something behind them had just shattered and it was at this point his hands were raised.

His colt hung by the trigger from one finger as his held his palms upto her "Alright..I Said Im Sorry,Chill..Im Sorry" he said as a weak smile was placed upon his lips.

He saw the movment just a little of her hand as he would try to dive towards the side his face contorting as her handgun burst into life,eyes closing as he sailed through the air before he hit the ground with a nasty thud sound.His hand cannon sliding from his grip and clattering to the ground near her feet

That crimson life blood very slowely began coming through his white shirt on the top right side.His left hand would be forced into the dirt pushing down as he tried to push himself back up onto his feet.Knees would rise as his hand slid in the dirt and once again his body slammed into the dirty ground underneath him.A Small dust cloud rising from the impact of his weight being slammed against it for the second time.

There he lay..Still as a corpse,unarmed and fired upon becuase he had tried to do a good deed.Nice guys finish last.

( The speaking bit is assuming he had a second or two before she fired or maybe he walked towards her speaking..Whatevers good for you two )
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

Umi watched in stunned silence as Peri fell to the ground upon being shot, unable to take in what was happening, what she had just done, all at once. A cold wave rendered both her mind and body numb with shock. Her weakening stance shook slightly, as her arm fell against her side limply, pale fingers loosening their grip on the gun. Her anger seemed to have left her completely, lost and forgotten.

What have I done...

The gun finally slipped from her fingers, falling to the ground with a clatter. Umi's trembling form soon followed as she sank to her knees, staring wide-eyed with a blank, stunned look at Peri's motionless form.

No way....I never meant for this to happen...

She continued to stare at Peri, inwardly begging for him to get up, or at least move. Breathe. In her mind, she pleaded for him to at least show some sign of life. But he remained motionless.

At first, she was in a state of denial. But it was not long until the realization struck her like a slap delivered to the face. She had shot at him, killed him, ended a life long before its time. And what did that make her?

A killer.

Unable to accept this, she finally broke down, hunching her shoulders over, letting out uncontrollable sobs. Though her hands covered her face, tears flowed freely, burning her cheeks as though shaming her for the horrendous act.

"No...I didn't....this wasn't supposed to..." she uttered between gasping, painful sobs, descending deeper into the state she was currently in.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

A silent breath was sucked in,his lungs were screaming for oxygen so very slowely and very quietly he would breath some in.He tried to keep the movment of his chest inhaling the oxygen to a minimum.Very slowely he would tilt his head to look at the crying form of Umi.That sharp red grinn of his rose and wasting no time that six shot revolver would be drawn form the back of his jeans and levelled towards the crying girls chest.

He never rose from his position of lying on the floor,he might get away with small movments but bringing his whole body up to its full height was far to risky and so just that one arm pulled that concealed weapon out into open view and levelled it towards her chest.

The trigger was pulled twice and the hand cannon shook as the heavy rounds exsploded out of the barrel of the gun.His eyes narrowing as he fired the two shots as he lay watching the bullets fly through the rounds.

This was far to easy and to think he had the girl down as anything but an easy kill.

Nice guys finish last,luckily for Peri he wasnt one of them.
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Post by LadyMakaze* »

The tears never stopped falling. Even as Umi lifted her tear-stained face, gasping for breath as the bullets tore into her chest, sending a warm liquid gushing up her throat, the tears kept on coming. Stunned, her head tilted slightly towards the sky, eyes open wide, staring out in shock, just before her body gave way to collapse against the ground.

She crumpled over, gasping for air, but only taking in blood through her lungs. A red, flower shape of blood bloomed from the gun shot wounds in her chest.

Umi knew that she was dying. With barely a few seconds left to live, everything that had happened since her awakening upon this island relayed back to her in full force, meeting her friends, witnessing death...falling under pressure, and then...losing her temper. And she lay dying, now on her back, with tears continuing to fall out of her eyes, she felt strange. She felt as though a burden was gradually...just gradually being lifted away from her, releasing her, setting her free.

Now that she thought about it...dying was not so bad, besides the intense pain from her wounds. If anything...she felt as though she were being saved. She was escaping at last, escaping trouble...escaping pain.

She choked quietly, gasping as she struggled to focus her eyes on Peri. Tears continued to fall as she murmured to him in a voice barely a whisper.

"Th-thank you..."

Thank you for setting me free.

It was all that she could manage, but to her, that was enough. She continued to stare at the sky, her body lying cold and almost motionless in a pool of blood. Breathing was almost painful now...but somehow, her last felt wonderful. It would finally end soon.

Everything suddenly faded to black, ending it all. Ending torment, ending pain.

G02 - Umi Martin - DEAD
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The weapon stayed trained on her in those last final moments as the bullet wound flourished it was only when she toppled that he would lower his weapon and very slowely rise to his feet with teeth clenching in pain.Fingertips touched the fresh patch of red on his shirt and very hesitantly he would pull his shirt forward so he could look at the wound.A Graze, a nasty looking one but it didnt seem to serious although with the blood being freed from the skin it hung on his mind for a second or two before he hissed out "fucker" and then slowely moved over towards the corpse of Umi.

The Six shot was slid in the back of his jeans oncemore as he would crouch down and pick up the Colt.The auburn stock now a little tainted by the blood freed from the nearby body would be gripped tightly in his hand as his other hand would pry her handgun from her lifeless digits.

"If you are so thankful then what was the need to try and kill me?" he whispered before he would slide her handgun into the front of his jeans sliding his shirt down over it.He really needed out of here now and fast.Those gunshots would have alerted people,with a grunt he would pull the corpse of Umi up onto his shoulder.

A Glance was thrown over the unoccupied shoulder towars the doors as he began heading to into the nearby bushes.Colt in one hand and the other hand holding the body on his shoulder.Why did she have to ruin everything? He could have played the saint..No Killing..No pain and most importantly no people with weapons trying to kill him.

After a few minutes of walking the body would be placed in the centre of a group of bushes,her body pressed down into the lush green plantlife till she was out of sight.Hands and feet tucked in,she wouldnt be visible that was for sure.A Couple kicks from his boots would push the last of her feminine features of sight before he turned back towards the warehouse and began walking.

What could he do? Run..Yes but his ammo was inside along with his map food and supplies.Go in guns ablazing? Well half the group were in shock so that should be easy enough kills but no,they hadnt done antyhing to deserve that.

His lungs would be filled before his fingertips would be pressed to the doors of the warehouse as he would enter.His head kept down as his fingertips would brush numerous supplies back into his bag,he was heading out as quick as possible and as unharmful as can be although that Colt was held very tightly still."Umi ran off..Not sure why but I dont think she is going to get far without any spare ammo or food..Im going after her.." he would let out a sigh as he slung the bag onto his back while mumbling quietly to himself "I Should have gone with her when she first asked me.."
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Post by Sephy* »

Daisuke's thoughts were racing, everything was happening so fast, ~what? Umi ran off? no, she wouldn't..we're a team, she said so~ Daisuke was about to question Peri, when he saw the boy was halfway through the door ~whats going on here? everything's fucking up~ he looked down at the gun that Umi had given him...~If she was gonna run away why did she give me this?~
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Post by MooCow* »

Aiden was walking down a dark hallway. He could barely see where he was going. The only thing offering him any sense of himself was a light at the end of the hall. Suddenly it hit Aiden. The 'light at the end of the tunnel'. He was dead. He turned around. He didn't want to die yet. However turning around, he found himself in the same place he started. Staring at the faint light. This didn't make sense. It had been darkenss before. Then again in death the rules they had to learn about in science didn't have to apply... he couldn't stay, in the darkness forever. He went towards the light, not wanting it, not accepting it, but dealing with it.


Aiden was slipping away fast. There was no telling how much londer he would last.

CONTINUED IN 'The Afterlife': http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...291&st=60&#last
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"Ill be back with Umi as soon as I can..I guess its up to you" he said raising a finger to Daisuke while he continued his steps towars the door."The pressure of protecting you all I guess got to her and youre the replacment..maybe thats why she gave you the gun? She wanted you all to survive but she didnt want to take care of you..I Dont know her reasons Ill ask her when I catch up with her.She cant have gotten far I just hope I get to her before.." he let the sentence trail off before he raised a hand and gave a wave to the group and a feeble smile.

"Guess its upto you to keep everyone breathing till Umi pops back up..I just hope youve got a better head for stress than she did...Do you know where the ammo for her weapon is? She had it with her when she run off and if thats all she has with her to fight with those bullets are going to run out pretty quickly..I need to move..Im wasting to much time..I Should have gone with her" he said as he released a sigh.
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Daisuke noticed something..different about Aiden ~fuck! is he breathing?!~ he forgot all about the gun in his hand, it dropped to the floor as he quickly scrabbled over to Aiden to check on him ~he's still alive...Kami-sama, please make him wake up soon~
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