Starting place for B#54

the begining....

A large, and old warehouse. The corners are covered with cobwebs, and there are a few cracks in the flooring showing its old age. This would make a great meeting place for any group, because of the table, chairs, random knickknacks, and all the tools.
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

( Sorry to say he loaded it and the Shotgun too..He was about to set off with all the weaponry )
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

( Posted edited thanks to the aid of Kuze )
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Post by Sephy* »

~kuso! what do I do now?~ Daisuke really missed his group right now, normally there'd be at least 2 other people with weapons to help him..but they were all dead now..Aiden was just recovering, he could hardly be expected to use a weapon. ~ what do I do? I could dive for cover...but Aiden's a sitting duck, jsut stay calm Daisuke, you know what happens when you panic~ In fact, Dai had already begun a mental battle with his less friendly side
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

"No?..Ive seen that look before so I guess its time to take my leave" with the strap of the Ingram around his arm already he gave a sideward glance to the shotgun on the table next to him.It would be swept up in his grasp and tossed to Daisuke`s feet with a clattering sound as the black metal scraped.The Look he had recognised in Daisuke`s eyes was the same look Elise and Umi had in theirs and he didnt see the point in adding another person to the list of students he had hurt in this game.

Ingram gripped he would nodd down to the large black weapon at the boys feet."Its Locked and loaded,Be careful the thing looks like the recoil could dislocate youre weapon with one shot....Make sure you and youre friend block the doors after I go.Keep the Medicine" a finger was brought to his head as he would give the boy a salute before the grip on his bag tightened and then he would turn towards the doors.

The bag could be put on properly when he got outside for now he was more concerned with leaving the place without a couple bulletholes and so he would push the door open and head out into the sunlight.That bag being swung of his back as he would put slide the bag on properly,the bag hanging down on his lower back.No Gunshots,So Far So good.
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Post by Bloody_Fists* »

((Continued from: Jason's Choice))

Stevan was walking for a short time, maybe 10 - 15 minutes before he saw a large building poking out the top of the trees. Looks good, maybe he could find some 'reliable' people in there? no harm in finding out right?

As stevan grew ever closer to the building he got his shotgun at the ready. taking it from laying on his shoulder and held it in a firing position.

The building was now in total veiw. It was an old worn down warehouse by the looks of things. He started walking slowlytowards it, almost out of the brush, then suddenly he kciked something hard while walking. "The fuck" would be mouthed as he looked down to see a hand flop from the leaves and branches. A eyebrow would be raised as he leant down to investigate. Branches and leaves would be brushed aside as the torso of a corpse would be revealed. His hand slowly lowered to the face of the young girl. he felt it was awarm as he stroked the soft smooth skin of the dead girl. obviously some guy around here fancied himself as a psycho round here?

He looked over at the warehouse. Time to join the party! he slowly moved out of the brush and into the daylight once again. He was moving steathly. Moving with haste towards the side of the building before pressing himself to the wall. He sood there for a while, Pressed up against the wall praying that the people in there didnt feel the need to threaten him.

Suddenly...the door shook. He looked down as the doorknob twisted quickly. Stevan Held up his shotgun, hopefully aiming the end of the barrell at who was coming out then....BOOM!
The stuck door gave way as it burst open. the door opened away from him and slammed hard against the wall, vibrating through the old shakey building. "Peri?"
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He would have his teeth gritted as he left the warehouse,fucking babysitter he would have been if he had stayed but he knew he most likely should have.Neither of the two seemed as if they would be able to handle themselves when it came to it but why was he so sure he could? Because ha he had killed? Its not exsactly a talent.He was plucked from his thought as his name would be called.

Fingers very slowely curled around the handle of the Ingram.He could see out the corner of his eye,the way it was being held it was either someone who knew how to use a gun and make a pole look like a gun or an actual gun.

The name was his and the voice was familiar and so he would stare straight ahead and slowely raise his hands above his hands."Fuck a Doole Doo"
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Stevan smirked as he saw his old friend walk through the door, And now he seemed more copable in the game? "No need for the hands fucko" he would saw as he walked by peri, shotgun still aimed in his face. As he turned to face the longhaired boy the spas 12 would be dropped by his legs before being brought up and the strap placed around his shoulder. Was this an act of trust or just another plan? For stevans sake he hoped peri wouldent take his disarming himself as an invitation to fire.

"Long time no see" he said. His hair laying over his green eyes. "your handy work?" Would be said as he raised his arm and pointed into the bushes.

Finally. Finally he had someone who was reliable too watch his back. Things could only go up from here? he had his trusty spas 12 and now peri had an ingram. He's been a busy little bastard that peri.
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A breath would be released slowely as his friend would come into lowering his weapon and slinging it over his shoulder.He just lowered his arms and gave a shake of his head as he took a couple steps towards his friend."If you aim that weapon make sure youre ready to use it You have two friends me and that weapon.Itd be shame if one diseppeared" he said with a shake of his head as he tightened the strap of his bag over his arm.

His head gave a couple nodds before his hand raised and gave a little wave as he moved past Stevan towards the treeline.If this conversation was overheard he would be running from buckshot and that shotgun had looked pretty fucking evil.So they were back together eh? How long would it last this time? For some reason he wasnt surprised at all that Freak wasnt dead.Not at all.
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"Oh i was ready! You'd rather i shot you?" he asked with a questioning tone and a smile on his face. He stretched his leg out behind him beofre stretching the other one. All the walking and next to no rest had left him aching somewhat. He was actually begining to feel tired and now he could take that great chance and rest.

"So what happened in to you since we last met? And is that yours?" he was reffering to the corpse he had just doscovered. it was still warm so it had to either peri or another person in that warehouse.

Time was ticking and they needed too find good shelter. Last time the two went for shelter they found good ol preacher...the backstabber.
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He nodded his head once again in annoyance it wasnt that smart to kill someone from a group and then tell another person how he did it when the remainder of the group were a meter? Maybe two metres away from him? Maybe if Freak thought a little more.He just kept walking into the bushes.

"We head out of here Im not sure where but we will end up somewhere..We just need to keep moving.We stop and then people can flank us..When we Stop I got you a nice little present" he gave a glance over his shoulder towards the large looming figure that was the warehouse.That situation could have exsploded at any second and took his face with it and he was silently counting his blessings.

((Continued in: On My Own))
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Stevan just stood their staring at peri for a moment. His head slowly turning to the corpse then to the warehouse. So his victems friends are still in their? surprised there not dead too.

'I really should of put a bullet through his head' stevan thought to himself before he started walking. To where was uncertain yet but that hadnt stopped him yet. That gun of his dangling by his side and bumping every couple of steps. His left hand would be brought up to adjust the metallic collar around his neck. At present it was slightly uncomfortable but like all things it would become natural to him or at the least bearable.

Stevan couldent help but think he knew peri from somewhere, it was like they knew each other from somewhere. Stevan couldent quite place his finger on it and it bugged him. What chance was it that an old friend would meet up with you here?...of all the fucking places.

((Continued in: On My Own))
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Post by MooCow* »

"Dai... what the hell happened here?" Aiden looked into the boy's eyes. In fact they seemed like a man's eyes now... Aiden knew that no one came out of this game a child... innocence could never be retained in Battle Royale... it was only a matter of time before Aiden lost his own innocence... hell maybe he already had. Dai didn't speak.

"God damnit Dai answer me! What the hell happened... Umi..." Aiden was beyond tears.
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Daisuke sighed, he knew he'd have to tell Aiden what happened, he failed in keeping his friends alive, and he didn't even know wether Umi was dead or alive "Umi..Umi went outside and never came back, that guy said she ran off" Daisuke bent down and picked up the shotgun, eyes squinting as he exmained it, hoping he wouldn't accidentally fire it in his own face "Kiyoko and Cassandra are dead" he said plainly.
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"Dai... when I was out, something happened. I damn near died. I saw Cassandra and Kiyoko... and Umi... they told me to come back because you needed me... that it wasn't my time to go."

Aiden knew how crazy he must be sounding... "you think I'm crazy now don't you? I'm not half unconvinced of that myself, but in my dream... if it was a dream... they were all dead... all the victems of this game gathered in one place... Dai I think Umi's dead... I think that bastard killed her."
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Daisuke was worried about Aiden now, he had his own suspicions that Umi was dead, but claiming to have been to the afterlife? It looked like the game was taking its toll on Aiden, but he wanted, no, he needed Aiden to trust him "I don't think your crazy, but either way, our friends are gone now, its just us two, I think we should get out of this place soon, bad karma"
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