S070 - Adams, Timothy [DECEASED]

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S070 - Adams, Timothy [DECEASED]


Post by backslash »

Name: Timothy Adams
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: John Endecott Memorial Academy
Hobbies and Interests: Skateboarding, jogging, MMA, punk rock and black metal, communism, firearms

Appearance: Timothy stands at 5'7'' and weighs 140 lbs. His build is thin and on the lean side. His brown hair is unruly and messy that reaches to the base of his neck, Timothy not being one for grooming his hair. His eyes are round and hazel-colored underneath a pair of straight eyebrows. His face is round with an aquiline nose and he has a piercing through his bottom lip on the left side that is known as a side labret. Timothy is Caucasian, but his skin is tanned from being out in the sun skating and jogging. His forearms and legs are covered in small scrapes and cuts from accidents that he has had while on the board.

Timothy wears various kinds of shirts, many of them being punk band shirts with a variety of jackets and hoodies he cycles through, along with either a pair of jeans, cargo pants or shorts depending on the weather and if he is skating that day, preferring to wear cargo or shorts when doing so.

On abduction day, Timothy wore a white Bad Religion t-shirt with the image from the cover of their third album, a light gray zip-up jacket with black patches on the shoulders, a red scarf along with dark green cargo pants and black Adidas sneakers.

Biography: Timothy was born to Sandra and Ben Adams on January 24. Sandra and Ben had met frequently throughout their lives, living in the same neighborhood for most of their lives and going to school together, but not having much contact outside the occasional greeting or group project until High School where by chance they met on a blind date and connected through their shared religious and political beliefs. Shortly afterwards, the two went on more dates before officially getting together with the blessing of their parents. After high school, Ben joined the military and served in the U.S. army for three years whilst Sandra worked for a time as a waitress.

Once Ben’s service was done, he returned home to Sandra, and the two got married together. He started work as a mechanic using his experience from the army to help make ends meet. The two had a child together that died shortly after her birth from complications, shocking both of them. Sandra in particular was shaken by this, and it would take years before they would try for another child, which resulted in Timothy being born.

As an only child, Timothy got full attention from his parents growing up, for better and for worse. His relationship with both of his parents was at first warm as the two doted on him, especially after what happened with his sister, but their relations became rather strained due to ideological differences and their expectations of him, which were high and not what he wanted out of his life.

Timothy was an active child growing up, in the classroom and on the playground. Teachers struggled getting him to pay attention and stay quiet during class and he was equally energized during recess, particularly when playing soccer with the other children. Due to this, his parents had him signed up for soccer so he could do something with this energy. He became noted for his aggressive play on the field and how he’d go for goals frequently if he had the shot, with a struggle to pass the ball at times. He continued with this for years until he suddenly quit nearing the end of elementary, shocking both of his parents who had hopes he’d continue with it.

Timothy first became interested in skateboarding when he walked by the skate park and watched the older teens in his neighborhood messing around on their boards and performing tricks. Timothy was transfixed by this and would often come by to watch. Using his own money he had saved up, he bought himself a skateboard along with pads and a helmet and started skating on the regular. He would practice over the years to become proficient at performing tricks, particularly those involving the board going on it’s side.

Timothy discovered his interest in punk rock around the same time he first found himself skateboarding. Songs by bands such as Bad Religion and The Offspring blared out across the park. The mix of the music along with the act of skating around made him feel exhilarated, even after he would crash and hurt himself. His parents' growing notice of this musical trend and their attempts to curb it in their household only furthered Timothy’s interest in it. Sandra, seeing that there was no stopping his interest in it reluctantly convinced Ben at Timothy’s insistence that it wasn’t dangerous.

Timothy’s time in middle school was mixed, it was here he fully started rebelling against his parents his style of dress, which was overwhelmingly black and goth-like at the time and with his conduct. His grades started slipping, and his interest for school was waning, which resulted in frequent arguments between him and his father before his mother would step in to stop them.

Timothy became interested in black metal when he stumbled upon the history of the band known as Mayhem, an infamous band within the genre of black metal. His interest piqued, Timothy read up on their dark history and listened to their music which he found himself enjoying. Timothy went on to listen to other bands within the genre and has a few favorites such as Schammasch that he listens to regularly. His interest in the genre is something he’s kept hidden from his parents since he found out about it and, therefore, hasn’t bought any band apparel in contrast to his plethora of punk shirts. His parents have an intense dislike for the genre. His father in particular considers it only noise. Whilst Timothy doesn’t care much for his opinion on it, his mother’s feelings on it he considers more, which is why he keeps it a secret.

One of the few things Timothy and his father agree on are firearms, Ben believing in everyone’s right to own one. As such, it’s one of the few topics they discuss with one another that doesn’t devolve into political arguments. As such Timothy grew up playing with airsoft guns, plinking away at bottles he’d find and use it as a way to unwind after bad arguments with his father or a bad day at school. He wants to learn how a gun works and hopes to get to try one at a range.

By the time Timothy reached high school, his disagreements with his parents started to take a full hold at their home politically. One day on his Facebook dashboard he found a link to an article about a recent case involving a corporation and their misuse of their workers rights. Politically Timothy started to disagree with capitalism and the practices people would tout with it, reading up on various articles and cases regarding laws being abused for profit. He was open about his opinions on this at school which would get him in arguments with other students, at times espousing about Stalin and the era of communism in Russia that would earn him reprimands and tongue lashings from his father.

The extent of Timothy’s activism has been a few events he has been to without his parents’ knowledge and sharing memes on the internet. He parrots a lot of the talking points of his more extreme fellows without as much conviction as they do, a combination of peer pressure and a worry of losing his friends if he isn’t as spirited.

Sandra would attempt to gently convince Timothy that his mindset was bad for him, but he wouldn’t budge and it would not be long before Timothy would find a group of like-minded individuals that shared similar feelings on capitalism and communism, making friends with them.

Timothy learned about MMA by chance, catching a UFC match on TV whilst at a friend’s house and was entrenched by the intensity of it. Matches were short but to the point, with clear physicality and at times were surprising. He frequents sites online to keep himself up to date with MMA events and hopes to catch one live in person one day.

Once Timothy reached 18, he decided to get his own piercing. Putting his money together, he went out to a shop and had a side labret set on the left side under his bottom lip. It became another point of contention between him and his father who was furious that he would do this and refused to look at him after seeing it whilst his mother was shocked and tried to convince him to get it removed. Timothy refused and she relented but asked that he would tell them if he went and did this again.

Socially around school, Timothy is a very loud and active individual, open to conversation to a lot of people regarding different subjects such as skating, and he tries to keep an open mind to new things people like to talk about. However, he is known for preaching his politics, in particular in regards to the ills of capitalism and the favors of communism which has put him at odds with people who won’t put up with it.

Timothy’s grades are not good, many of which are below average. He has a lack of interest in biology, he finds mathematics to be confusing and struggles with foreign languages. He enjoys classes such as gym for the opportunity to use his energy and enjoys running for the sake of it along with social studies, as he wants to learn more about the U.S. government and U.S. history, resulting in higher than average grades in those classes.

His relationship with his parents is frosty, moreso towards his father than mother. Whilst she doesn’t agree with Timothy politically and would rather that he stopped with the things that he does, due to her first child’s death, she’s not willing to lose another and is more forgiving as a result.

Timothy is unsure of what to do after high school. His parents want him to go to college and work towards a law degree or an accounting degree, but Timothy does not want to be either, resulting in further disagreements between him and his parents.

Advantages: Timothy has good cardio and balance from years spent jogging and skating. Timothy has experience and trigger discipline from using airsoft guns which could be useful if he gets his hands on a gun.
Disadvantages: Due to the influence of his social circle, Timothy has made a number of enemies amongst the student body which could hinder him in the game. He struggles to keep his opinions to himself and could speak up at the wrong moment.

Designated Number: Student No. 070


Designated Weapon: Tear gas grenades x3

Conclusion: Your chance to forge your own path, make your voice heard, and make yourself understood is now. Don't waste it. - Tracen Danya
"Art enriches the community, Steve, no less than a pulsing fire hose, or a fireman beating down a blazing door. So what if we're drawing a nude man? So what if all we ever draw is a nude man, or the same nude man over and over in all sorts of provocative positions? Context, not content! Process, not subject! Don't be so gauche, Steve, it's beneath you."

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