S084 - Kilgore, Jack [DECEASED]

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S084 - Kilgore, Jack [DECEASED]


Post by Ruggahissy »

Name: Jack Kilgore
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Grade: Senior
School: John Endecott Memorial Academy
Hobbies and Interests: Video games, true crime, business, movies, socializing

Appearance: Jack is 5’9” and weighs 137 pounds, though the fact that he slouches makes him appear to be a tad bit shorter. Jack is lacking in muscle due to his lifestyle and is thin and unassuming, looking bony underneath the baggy clothing. He is of Caucasian descent and has a lighter skin tone which is kept clean.

Jack has cinnamon brown hair which is medium-length and styled into a mop top, making it longer on the top and short on the sides and back. His hair is combed to the left on the front. Outside of that, he has little to no facial hair. His eyes are hooded and are an emerald color.

Jack has little preference when it comes to fashion but has a notable preference for clothing he finds odd or comedic. He also leans towards wearing things that are more comfortable over things that look good. On the day of the abduction, he was wearing a plain black t-shirt with the word “shirt” on it with a red plaid flannel jacket over it, some loose-fitting jeans with a belt, and some dark-gray winter boots with a large black stripe on the lower half.

He tends to prolong the ends of his sentences as he speaks, though this goes away when he is not in more casual situations. His voice is high for his age, and he is known to swear quite a bit, letting out a flurry of cuss words when emotions are rather high.

Biography: Jack was born on April 2 to Craig and Adella Kilgore, both co-owners of a small restaurant. The two of them met at college and had quickly fallen in love, their relationship still going strong to this day. Jack’s name came off lazy to him considering his older brother’s name was Jackson. Their parents found it endearing while the brothers found it annoying. Him and his sibling have an age difference of two years, but they keep separate from each other and they’re rather distant, this fact aided by their differing personalities. Jack was a lot more carefree and talkative than his brother. This fact never bothered them, and they were okay with just having the occasional conversation. Financially the family is getting by just fine, albeit being somewhat frugal. Overall, they received much love from their parents and the two were doing their best to make sure that their kids had a good life.

As a child, Jack was sociable and found it easy to keep good relationships with others, though in school he had trouble keeping an indoor voice and would blurt out things while the teacher was talking in varying attempts to say something funny in class. He got bored quickly and from an early age he was already having trouble getting his work done. Any reminders from the teachers or his parents to get his work done would mostly fall onto deaf ears. These would work for a short period of time before he fell back into old habits. Jack would have to be promised rewards before he put work into something.

In middle school his attention issues didn’t seem to improve at all, and he was still struggling with school as he opted to do things that was more fun or interesting instead. Daydreaming in class was common and he wasn’t too focused on paying attention, only trying to get through the day. His grades were not exactly failing, but he was just barely passing sometimes. His parents would lecture him on his habits and tell him that he needed to start paying attention more, but it did very little. Socially, things were starting to get weird for him too, with more people started finding him annoying than anything. He moved through school with a laid-back attitude and did not let it affect him, taking some sort of joy in the fact. Despite that, there were still a couple of people he had become good friends with, and he still spends time together with as of now.

At one of his friend’s houses, they’d use the Xbox they had and start playing games for a while, which quickly got him hooked and started his fascination with video games. The two of them would hang out a lot, and that’s what they’d do most of the time. First person shooters and real-time strategy games taking up most of his interest. At home he’d buy and install games on the family computer and when no one else was using it, he probably was. He was getting good, and his skill level was rapidly increasing.

High school rolled around, and most things stayed the same for him. Some things got slightly better. He was putting more work into schooling and his grades weren’t suffering as much. These troubles were based more on motivation than anything, he was learning enough to do a lot better if he wanted to, but he just simply found it hard to do so. Though he was still draining to be around, more people found him tolerable, and people were generally favorable towards him. By this point he started to have a bit more fun with the fact that some people found him insufferable and whenever he was near those people, he’d start purposefully annoying them just because it was funny to him. He would actively go up to them and start talking even though it was clear they wouldn’t want to see him and start causing unwanted attention. Jack knew that this was a rude thing to do and that he wasn’t helping the problem at all but given that he saw it more as harmless fun instead of bullying, he thought it was fine anyway. There had been an incident sophomore year where this had escalated into a fight, and he was suspended as a result. Since that, he’s been careful not to let it happen again.

Freshman year, his parents decided to help him and his brother get some experience and hired them as workers at the restaurant. Jack found himself useless in the kitchen but otherwise, didn’t find it too annoying to work in. He started to garner an interest in the family restaurant and decided that he could continue to help here when he grew up, or at the very least start his own business, though these were just ideas, and his future is still very much undecided. After freshman year, he started taking electives to support this end goal and so far, hasn’t been straying from this at all. Outside of school, he’d take his work shifts with pride and willingly goes there sometimes to help out even if he didn’t need to be there. Jack had questioned the possibility in his mind whether higher positions could be possible, but nothing has been done regarding these thoughts as he constantly puts off doing anything until later.

Jack got his own laptop around his 16th birthday, and that’s when he started exploring the internet a little bit more. He found that when doing homework, he would start listening to long videos detailing old crimes and criminals and eventually found himself interested in true crime. He’d subscribe himself to loads of YouTube channels discussing these incidents and watch a lot of these videos. There was a sense of morbid curiosity to what he was seeing here, and while he wouldn’t go on and show this interest to most people since he assumed it was pretty niche, it was still something he thoroughly enjoyed. He hadn’t done much else when it came to this interest in true crime, he had known that some people discussed this in more detail, but he kept it all to himself.

Outside of school, he and his friends would frequently visit a movie theater or buy movies to watch. Jack preferred obscure foreign films, but he found himself enjoying action movies quite a bit and would watch those a lot. Some of his favorite films include Edge of Tomorrow, The Raid: Redemption and its sequel, and Die Hard. A good amount of discussion he had with his friends about these movies ended up being mostly about visual effects or how good he thought the acting was, the plot wasn’t as important to him, which made his opinions more or less not worth listening to for some people. Jack would go online and get his thoughts out about certain films, whether it be comments under a video or writing reviews, most of the time he wasn’t expecting any sort of response from someone, he just felt the need to get his word in. Sometimes there’d be people who’d argue with his opinion, if that happened, he’d go on a lengthy debate about his beliefs.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Jack’s grades tanked. He found himself paying less attention in online classes and sometimes skipped them entirely, blaming it on poor internet or power issues. Naturally, this caught the attention of his parents and they tried to take measures to make sure he stayed in class, namely watching him to make sure he actually went. They threatened to limit his internet access or control his game time whenever it was obvious he wasn’t doing his work, and it worked to some extent. It was something that needed constant reminders before it got into his head. Outside of class he took his interest in gaming a lot further and became consistently good enough to be seen as a professional. He had started a YouTube channel of his own to upload his own gameplay, but these videos hadn’t gained a lot of traction, and his channel only has a couple of subscribers. He also spent a lot of time binging a lot of true-crime podcasts and pirating some movies to watch, which he gone ahead to stream on Discord with a couple of other people.

Jack continues to have retained some of his habits from the pandemic and is having trouble senior year, his grades wildly fluctuating between diligently passing to horribly failing. English class is his best subject, though he tends to procrastinate heavily, he still manages to do very well in that class.

Jack is someone who doesn’t like to take things too seriously. He goes with whatever's happening and just accepts most things thrown at him. He has little to no impulse control and likes to make his thoughts known, not caring whether he’s being rude or not. He puts little energy into what doesn’t interest him; once something catches his eye though he’ll start to give it his all and show some effort. He’s sociable and finds no trouble in talking to others, though that doesn’t make him the easiest guy to talk to in return.

His future is filled with uncertainties as he’s still only got vague notions as to what he wants to do. Running a business still is his number one pick. Although he’s still got little clue how to do that and has little ideas on what specifically he’d like this business to be. Being a lawyer had come up occasionally as an alternative idea, though it’s only because he finds it cool to argue with people. He is completely unaware about how much work it’d take to do either of those two things, and odds are he probably wouldn’t be able to handle doing either.

Advantages: His general demeanor will lessen the mental toll that this game could have on him. Determination could shine through if he finds a goal to keep in mind. Jack will have an easier time being around people and could help getting him some allies. His hand-eye coordination is better than average, and his exposure to reading and watching violent things can desensitize him to certain things on the island, albeit to a lesser extent to some other students.
Disadvantages: Jack’s planning skills are subpar and getting out of tough situations would be hard for him. His laid-back attitude would be a problem for him as he could easily accidentally anger someone, and if something goes wrong, he’ll probably be the last person to realize just how bad it is until it’s already too late. Physically he’s lacking in every category. He’s easy to overpower and he isn’t someone who’s fast. His endurance isn’t that good either, or he will easily tire out.

Designated Number: Student No. 084


Designated Weapon: Throwing axe

Conclusion: Alright, so he could use a sandwich, but he's got kill and gore right in his name! He's got to be able to do something. - Cecily Lacoste

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