Onslaught Redux

Return to the Warehouse

A large, and old warehouse. The corners are covered with cobwebs, and there are a few cracks in the flooring showing its old age. This would make a great meeting place for any group, because of the table, chairs, random knickknacks, and all the tools.
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Martyn allowed a small look to pass over his features as Jill spoke, giving off a plan of sorts to throw Danya off hopefully. “Mahh, I like the way you think.” He mused lightly, chewing at his lower lip thoughtfully before lightly sighing. “If Adam is playing, let ‘im take care of the rest of those that are left… sooner or later get ‘im to come ‘ere. Though the only thing I see as a problem is our terrorists, they could take care of dear Dodd before we get the chance. But, killing those bastards is also a way of the island. So if we work this right, we can work this all in to our favor. And each of us could off this island…”

He glanced back at the others lightly, in truth he had almost forgot what Danya had offered up in exchange for killing one of those bastards was a one-way ticket off the island for anyone that could do it. If worst came to worst, and the plan with his laptop didn’t work they could very well try and take care of those three, but then again… they hadn’t an idea of what those three carried with them.

A frown pressed against his lips in end, pressing his form back against the wall of the building. Rubbing along his chin in a thinking manner, trying to form some ideas in his head if this work with his laptop didn’t work in the end after all.
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"The plan sound solid in theory, Jill," Jack said, breaking his silence at last. "There's a few problems with it though, namely the danger zones. We can't really hide out here through the whole game, since Danya would most likely make this place a DZ again to root us out. Then there's the possibility that Dodd won't make it to the final four, making your plan useless. It's also possible we won't. Then there's the terrorists. Just like Martyn said, killing one is a free ticket home, but they're most likely going to be too tough for us with our current weapons. Then taking the low student number and amount of players into account, it would be difficult to just wait the game out, nigh on impossible. Really there are so many ways it can go pear-shaped that it's almost not worth the risk." he stopped momentarily and looked around. It was only then that he realized Michael had still not rejoined the group.
"Hey, where's Mike? I thought he was right behind me." he asked, taking out his gun (which had once been Gilberts before Jason killed him). Michael had seperated from the group and had not returned, and Jack had not checked the whereabouts of his fellow baseball player on the map when he had hacked the system, so he was understandably confused.
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Listening to Jack speak, she pondered over his words. Yet again, the terrorists were brought up, and she could not help but dwell over the idea in her mind. I know Adam's right, I know it's just a ploy to get us all to run to our deaths but somehow, there's a way to defeat them. I know it. Because, well, because they're human, just like us. Just... like... us. Jack's questions regarding Michael Suarez fell on deaf ears as Jill continued in her silent contemplation. Jack was right in the sense that she, himself, and Martyn were not properly armed to go up against the terrorists, but...

Adam was.

She had said so herself only moments before, and Adam had even told her himself how well armed he was in their brief encounter outside of the warehouse. In theory, all four of them could escape. She, Jack, Martyn, and Adam. They could all go home. All they had to do... was beat Danya at his own game. Three students could get a one way express ticket home by gunning down Danya's former colleagues, and one of them... well, one of them had to win. Just deliver the final blow...

Sighing somewhat, Jill shook her head and cast a glance in the direction of her two allies. Was it worth bringing up to them? Jack had formulated this brilliant plan to hack into Danya's systems and remove the collars. Thing was, and Jill had not asked questions when Jack had emerged from the warehouse, but if he could have done it in one go around, why didn't he? If Jack had made himself known in Danya's systems, he had probably blown any chance the trio might have had to begin with.

The more they conversed about their ficticious plans of playing the game and winning, the more it weighed on Jill's mind. Not long ago, she had been resigned to the fact that her fate was to die by the hand of some deranged student on this island. However, thoughts of winning and going home, especially while slaying Danya's minions in the process, seemed very tantalizing given their current situation.

Not voicing her thoughts at present, however, Jill's attention returned to her allies, and to the thoughts of where Michael Suarez may have gone.

"You know," she stated quietly, "I don't remember him being around since... well, since we left the waterfall. You don't think maybe... someone attacked him, do you?"

It was a cold and harsh fact of life now, their numbers truly were being picked off one by one, but it still sounded such a surreal thing to say. It was almost like they were playing a video game, like they were in Resident Evil or something, where their allies were getting eaten by zombies. Thing was, it was practically what was happening in this place.

They fought for their survival, and all the while, their numbers kept dwindling down as the island was taken over by crazies, who were then killed by other crazies. Casting a wary look at the two young men, Jill felt her grip tighten on the gun Martyn had handed her moments before.
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The question of Michael brought him to notice that the other boy indeed wasn’t around, and he hadn’t seen him since they had left the waterfall. Martyn eyeing the area lightly, he had all but forgotten the other boy when they had arrived at the warehouse. Having to deal with the whole fact that three people where killed in a span of about two minutes, then working on getting on the computer and first steps in this whole escape plan, that might not even work to start with, up and trying to run.

The rather loud boy that also had been a member of the Barry Coleson kids that seemed to be in a large number on this island had all but dissapered from his thought… till now at least. “Perhaps ‘e lost ‘is way… that or maybe ‘e got attacked.” Martyn shrugged lightly, really… he didn’t know the boy, and thus in the end didn’t really care to much about the other. “But when it comes to the terrorists, I’m sure in the end… if certain things don’t work out.” He mentioned lightly, eyeing back toward the inside.

“If worse to comes worse, finding a way to kill the terrorists should be thought of as some sort of backup, perhaps. Their just ‘umans like us, just older and trained military soldiers. But, ‘ey… everyone screws up sooner or later, everyone 'as a weakness. We just got to find thier's."
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OOC: Okay, this thing with Mismatched is getting ridiculous...
"As much as I hate to admit it, that's quite possible." Jack said in response to the thoughts that Mike may have been attacked and killed on the way. The death of yet another teammate was a hard possibility to swallow down, but he had been on the island long enough to know just how possible it was. He was silent through the rest of the conversation, but suddenly picked the notepad back up (securing the gun in his pocket) and wrote,
"Actually, I do have a plan to get us off the island. It doesn't even involve playing. Unfortunately, it won't work unless we're the only ones left. We'd have to let the others die." before grimly passing it around and taking the gun back out. What exactly his plan was, he left unsaid, but he had one nonetheless. If he pulled it off, he was sure he could get at least himself and the two people in front of him (if they found Michael alive, he could be a factor, but it seemed unlikely) off the island, but it was risky.
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"It's a shame..." Jill muttered quietly, momentarily turning her thoughts to Michael Suarez. "I suppose we'll know come the next announcement, won't we? Shouldn't... shouldn't be long now."

It was true, day nine was right around the corner. Nine days... nine days that they had spent in hell. They had been here nearly two weeks, and had somehow managed to survive. That in itself was quite a feat. But, as Danya had proclaimed in the announcements, the numbers were dwindling quickly. No matter what they did, they had to do it fast. Could I kill them if it came down to the three of us? After everything?

Her grip on the gun tightened somewhat as the thought passed through her mind. There was no way. No way Jill could make herself do it. She would not even have the weapon she did now if not for Martyn. She would be stuck with the nail gun Danya had expected her to survive with. Glancing at Jack's scribbling on the notepad, Jill's eyebrows raised with curiosity. Just the three of us?

Another hard thought to swallow. She had promised Adam Dodd that if they found a way out, she would include him. But to escape, it had to be just the three of them. Could she abandon Dodd? After all, he seemed to have no trouble abandoning her and Martyn to chase down the murderer of some girl who didn't give him the time of day in school. Glancing down toward the ground, Jill bit her lower lip slightly, a little bitter at the thought. Friends don't abandon one another.

She wanted to inquire further into Jack's plan, but was almost afraid to ask what it entailed. Instead, she simply cast the two boys an inquisitive glance, hoping to get more out of them than the vague information Jack had provided. At this point, she was willing to do whatever it took to get out of this hellhole alive. But... even if she could return, would life really be the same?
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"Looks like we're getting close to day 9." Jack said, looking at the sky briefly before turning to the warehouse. By now the Street Fighter video had most likely ended (Ryu won, since Jack had been playing as him in the video), so the cameras were back, but if his estimates were right the satellite map was still covered by the flag and marquee. It was a bitter display of his skill really, Jack was a hacker, true, but he didn't want to have to work like this. If he hacked, he wanted it to be for fun, not to save his life. He didn't deserve this. Sighing, he went back into the warehouse.
"Well, looks like I might as well check the stuff." he called out, still going with the charade. He didn't check anything though, he simply plopped back onto the box/chair and hung his head down, letting his glasses slide to the edge of his nose and for all the world looking depressed.
Almost nine days... he thought, Nearly nine days since we were taken from out normal lives and forced into this...hell, for lack of a better term. This isn't fair! We should be worrying about grades, girls and what college to go to right now, not about how to survive another day! Why is Danya doing this?! We should all be alive, enjoying a vacation! Those girls shouldn't be dead, none of us! Not David, not Jason, not Jacob, not Aaron, not Amanda or Lucinda, nobody! We don't deserve this...nobody does. it was too much for him. The cool facade he'd been keeping up for so long broke like the walls of a besieged castle and he allowed tears to slide down his dirty cheeks, dropping on the filthy ground and occasionally wetting his glasses. His hands shook and he put his gun on the table to avoid shooting himself, trying to regain his composure. He did not know how long he silently wept, but he eventually calmed down, wiping his face with the sleeve of his jersey and leaning back, once again lost in thought after pulling out the photo of the team after the State Championships and looking at it.

What the hell happened, guys? he thought again, addressing his teammates on the picture mentally. We were a team, a band of brothers. We were friends, damnit! Now look at us. Aaron sliced open from throat to heart; Jason shotgunned in the face, his head exploding; David and Ian dead, I have no idea how; and who knows where Scott and Mike got off to? Mark and Brian got off lucky, missing the bus and all. God I hope they're not watching. It's amazing really. Back when we took this picture, we felt like we could take on the world and win. Elation turned to fear real damn fast, didn't it? Most of us dead, can't speak for Mike or Scott but I'm scared shitless right now. Fuck, I want to go home.
OOC: Yeah, thought I'd go for more characterization this time.
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"Oright." Martyn said lightly, watching as Jack turned and moved away from the two of them as he returned inside the warehouse. Back to working on the, hopefully, go through-plan he had going through in his mind. Sighing a bit, Martyn allowed himself to lean back against the wall of the building, folding his arms about his chest lightly as turned his attention forward at the view of forest that pretty much surrounded the warehouse by all sides.

'Sorta reminds you of Belenus, doesn't it.' He mused lightly, the forest-like area reminded him greatly of the campus that his school laid on. Middle of no-where Scotland, surround by forest with a small lake him and the others would sneak of too whenever they got bored with thier studies. 'Maybe so, but as this rate it seems you'll never be getting back to Belenus. Let alone off this island and back to Scotland...'

Lifting a hand and rubbing an area of rawish, red skin (all in thanks to his collar) he eyed Jill lightly. "About someone taking watch, um, I'll do it. With Jack busy, and you worse for wear... It'll probably be better if I just 'andle it."
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"Alright..." Jill agreed quietly. She had not paid much attention when Jack had re-entered the warehouse. However, his exit had given her an idea to help throw off the terrorists... more so, anyway. Clearing her throat somewhat, she leaned up against the side of the warehouse wall, and sighed after a moment. "It's probably better anyway, because... well..."

At that moment, she looked up toward Martyn and winked, hoping he would take the hint that everything she was about to spout out was a pure lie, designed purely to throw anyone off their trail who might currently suspect them of the hacking. Distrust... if they think we don't trust one another, they'll almost certainly look right past us. I mean, if we don't trust one another, why would we work together to hack into their computer programs... why would we try to survive together? After a second, she spoke, her voice low and solemn in tone.

"I don't trust Jack. Not one bit. In school, he was smart... real smart. Kind of quiet, too. Didn't really talk to anybody except the baseball boys... well, from what I know, anyway. He's just always struck me as kind of... weird, you know? He could be in there plotting to kill us right now, and truth be told, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest."

Jill had to pause a moment. Acting certainly was not her forte, and it was all she could do to keep her solemn tone and not burst out in a fit of giggles at the random fallacies she was spouting off.

"We need to keep an eye on him, Martyn. There's something a little off about him. And I assure you, if I become anymore suspicious of him, I'll take him out myself... before he gets to me... to us. I hope you've got my back on that."

Shaking her head slightly, she smiled somewhat. Everything she had just said was a pure lie, but how could Danya and his little crew know that? To them, it must have just sounded like another group going to pieces. But, Jill knew differently, and she hoped that Martyn had picked up on the facade as well. Turning to head inside the warehouse, Jill once again stopped and turned back to Martyn momentarily.

"Oh, and Martyn... don't say anything about this to Jack."

Turning her back to Martyn once again, Jill proceeded inside the warehouse, where Jack set, looking almost heartbroken. Poor guy's lost a lot, and it's only getting worse... The original plan had been to play "instigator"... at least, over the audio uplinks, being as the cameras in the warehouse had all but been successfully destroyed or covered by now. However, right now just was not the time. Instead, she took a seat in the corner of the warehouse, leaning her head up against the cold wall slightly.
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OOC: Fuckin' A, sorry about taking so long to post.
IC: Looking up as Jill walked in, Jack adjusted his glasses again (the things seemed to have a problem with staying on his face, he'd look into it if and when he got home) and flashed her the thumbs up, meaning the same thing as her wink-that everything he was about to say was a lie (well, except for one thing)- and spoke.
"I heard everything, you know." he said, trying to sound acidic and distrustful, "And for your information, I don't trust you all that much either. The game's coming to the home stretch and people's true characters will show soon if they haven't already. For all I know you're about to take that gun and put one in my face. Just know I've got a gun too," he puncuated this statement by pulling out the revolver that belonged to the late Gilbert Archambault. "Try anything, and it would only take one twitch of my finger." Seeing as he generally wasn't that trustful of anyone except his fellow baseball players (most of whom were dead) he sounded far more convincing than Jill had when she spoke to Martyn just outside the door (well, more like hole in the wall, but it was an improvised door).
Fuck, that could actually be true. How do I know she won't try to kill me? No, they want to get out as much as I do, Luca was an accident. But how do I know that? Jill could've actually killed her and lied to us. It's really hard to trust someone. he thought, shaking his head.
"We can't trust anyone in this game, not even each other. Remember that."
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Martyn eyed Jill lightly as she spoke of not trusting Jack, a musing smirk crossing his features as she talked due to it being yet another play Danya’s way that they weren’t currently doing something they shouldn’t be doing that could get them a one way ticket to getting there collars exploded. But hopefully all this talk of distrust would throw him off, though he wondered if it might bring more attention to them how much they where going on about it. But throwing the what ifs away, he lightly nodded as Jill finished about how ‘un-trustworthy’ Jack was and began to head back inside. “Don’t worry there, I won’t tell ‘im.” He returned lightly, glancing forward once more off into the area of forest that surround the warehouse. Glancing lightly at his nails a bit, before returning to his watch. Pushing himself off the wall somewhat, he shouldn’t walk away from the opening. Then again, this was the only way into the warehouse… and the windows where a bit to high for a single person to get in. So he probably wouldn’t have to worry about walking about the warehouse and keeping watch that way. So sighing lightly, he fell back against the wall again and focused forward, the gun he had got from Luca’s dead body still gripped in right hand.

As the days stuck on this island continued to go on, the more Lucinda was starting to hating the wooded areas that where in plenty about this island. Pulling at her shirt a bit as it became caught on a branch, frowning somewhat as she fixed her daypack against her shoulders. Brushing a hand over the knife that she had placed along her belt loops, as a holder of sort for it, making sure it hadn’t fallen in the time she had left the woods some time ago. Having checked her map some time ago, it seemed she was starting to get closer to the warehouse. A large building she had seen on her map many times, but had never wanted to go there because of the fact that it was a large building and no doubt people would love to use it as a hide-out of sorts and thus meant she could easily have been killed having even come close to the place. But the place had been a danger zone, so perhaps no one had came back yet. And even if they had, she could simply take herself someplace elsewhere.

But as the looming building came into view through the trees, Luci found herself gulping at the sight somewhat. If this didn’t scream horror-movie killer hideout, she didn’t know what did. Looking over it lightly, she glanced about. Noting the door along the side of the building, racing forward a bit out of the brush and toward the door. Placing a hand on the handle, she tried twisting it but found that it seemed to be locked from the inside. Sighing in light defeat, she glanced up, noting that the windows where far to high to climb up and get into the warehouse it self. Glancing to her side before ways, she wondered if perhaps there were another door… well usually there would be… or at least should be. So frowning a bit, wondering if this could end up bad she pushed off, wondering off to the side and heading along the building. Peering about the first corner before heading down the pathway, keeping close the buildings wall as she continued along coming to another corner as she silently peeked along. Though she time quickly returned to her position pressed up against the wall.

Peering around silently once more, she took a look at the boy standing there. She didn’t notice him from school, and probably figuring, and also by the he was dressed in what seemed to be part of a school uniform seemed to be one of the students that where from another part of the country, or even the world. Breathing in lightly, she took note of the gun in his hand… remembering back at the woods when she had been unable to get one of Adam’s fallen guns, but now she had the chance to get a decent weapon now as well as a chance to bring this game one step closer to ending. Mind racing, she found herself questioning if what she wanted to do was in all what was really right. If she killed him, she’d be no better than Jacob Starr, or any of the killers on this island. But that was it… she already was like the rest of them. Sven was her proof of it…glancing about, she noted a rock along her feet… reaching down and taking a hold of it. Lucinda bent out a bit, throwing the rock amongst the bushes he was focused on. Watching as it caught his attention quickly, raising his gun and moving toward the bushes. She taking the knife from her belt, and moving out and toward the other.

Standing amongst the brush, Martyn blinked a bit, unsure of what he had heard… nothing seemed to be moving anymore. Whatever it was of course, frowning a bit he begun to turn and head back toward the building. Though before he able to turn full way, he noted the sounded of hurried footsteps against the ground. Confusion spreading as he wondered if Jill had came back out, though before he had a chance to think anymore, a sharp pain spread throughout his lower back. "Bloody 'ell!" The yell escaped him as he pained caused him to drop onto his knees. The pain returning as the knife was removed, another gasp escaping him as whoever the attacker was took a hold of his chin pulling his head back, he taking his a chance to raise his weapon and upward.

A scream escaped Lucinda’s throat as the bullet was fired off, though in thanks to the awkward way it was fired luckily missed the path it would have taken if he had fried able to see. And instead the bullet trailed along her right eye, everything being covered in darkness as it happened. She raising the hand that held the knife against her face as a trail of tears, blood, and something else trailed down her face from where the bullet had done damage. Moving the hand away from her face, she brought the knife down along the area of skin right above his the metal collar, pressing the blade against his throat until blood was drawn and then pulled it along from one side to the next.

Martyn could feel something cool against his throat, but he couldn’t tell what it was… and didn’t outside the pain that came over once again as after a moment he could feel something trailing his chest and damping his shirt. It wasn’t until the person released his chin was he able to look down and notice that the cause of feeling as he came to notice that his white shirt was slowly becoming red as he reached up at felt at his throat. Pain flashing through his form as he touched a cut, as well as the warm blood coming from it as he gulped a bit, eyes growing heavy as he felt himself fall forward. Head bouncing against the ground, as he fought to stay awake… lucky for Martyn the pain going through Lucinda allowed her to deliver only a flesh wound to his throat, meaning that he wasn't anything enough to be fatal.

Though the failure to kill him as unbeknownst to Luci she was quickly returned her knife to her belt, and pressed a hand against her eye. Tears breaking through as she moved toward the fallen form, reaching down and removing the weapon from his hand… patting down along his pockets, and taking out the small case of bullets that where there. Looking around with her good eye, she didn’t she a day pack of any sorts… so standing upright again she swayed a bit before moving forward away from the body and away from the warehouse. She’d have to find another place to hideout for the time being… and somewhere to fix her eye now. Gripping the new weapon in hand she pushed forward, not daring to look back.

((Continued in, TBA))

Martyn lifted his head a bit as he watched through unfocused eyes as the attacker moved away, his gun now in her hand. He wanting to do something, anything… but found that he felt much to sleepy to do much of anything. And instead let his head fall back against the ground not even caring about the small pool of blood starting to form, a soft wheezing escaping him as he finally allowed his eyes to close. Breathing still coming, but at slow and shallow pace.
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Casting Jack a faint smile to signify that she understood everything he was saying was false, she listened intently to his words. She had to give credit where it was due, Jack O'Connor was a far better actor than she could ever be. Even knowing the words he was spouting off were all lies, she almost found herself believing him anyway. Shrugging her shoulders somewhat, she shook her head lightly before speaking, only bothering to counter his snide remark at the end.

"Oh believe me, O'Connor... I know no one here's to be trusted. But, I'm just looking out for my best interests... I'm sure you understand, because you're doing the same thing. Some people here are weak-hearted... they're naive. They don't have what it takes to win. You do, and that's why I don't trust you. Call it a strategic thing, if you will... but I'm just covering my tail, when it comes down to it. It's what we all have got to do, you know?"

Actually, it was almost true. She hadn't meant to portray it in the spiteful, matter-of-fact manner she had just conveyed the words in, but in a way, what she spoke was the truth. Though, she hadn't been covering her own tail end, she'd never had any intention whatsoever of betraying their alliance... right? Jill's focus was quickly jolted away from her thoughts as Martyn cried out from his position outside of the warehouse. Casting a quick look at Jack, Jill swooped up the handgun Martyn had given her earlier and took off in as much of a dash as she could muster outside.

Coming to a hault, she exited the door of the warehouse just in time to see the back of what appeared to be a girl Jill thought she vaguely recognized disappear into the wooded area around the warehouse... and then Martyn hit the ground. Skidding down to her knees beside her fallen friend, Jill let out an almost audible sigh of relief at the fact that Martyn was still breathing... barely.

"Oh my God, Martyn... MARTYN!"

Becoming somewhat panicked, Jill turned to glance toward the warehouse, hoping Jack was right behind her in exiting the building. Seeing the large gash across Martyn's back and the pool of blood underneath him, she could only assume that he had been attacked with a sharp weapon, probably a knife or something.

"Hey..." she mumbled quietly, not sure what to say in the situation, "You're... you're going to be okay, alright? Just... hang in there."

It was then, in that brief moment, that Jill remembered the tiniest piece of insignificant conversation she'd had with the boy lying in the pool of his own blood on the ground. For some reason, that brief exchange came back to her, and she clenched her fists together somewhat, completely at a loss for what to do.

"Are you feeling alright?"
"I'm not. But... it's fine. I'll be fine." ... "You followed me. I didn't think anyone would. I hope you understand why I left..."
“You ‘ave your reasons why you didn’t want to stay and ‘elp bury them. Your ‘eart is in the right place, none the less… I won’t judge you.”

Somehow, Jill found her right hand, which was holding the gun, tightening its grip somewhat. You can't die. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here. We have to stay to gether... me and you... and Jack. We've all got to stay together.
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Hearing the sounds outside, Jack nearly jumped in surprise, his eyes suddenly wide and alert as he seized his revolver and stood up, heading to the "door".

Fuck, there's a player here! he thought, nearly panicking while running after Jill to outside. There he saw Martyn on the ground without his weapon and injured and a girl running away, obviously his attacker, with small drops of blood behind her. Raising his gun, he aimed it at her retreating figure and closed one eye for accuracy before moving his finger to the trigger and getting ready to fire. Just as he was about to, though, his hand temporarily shook.

No, I can't fire!, he thought, But I have to. She's a threat. If I don't shoot, there's no guarantee she won't come back and attack again. That still doesn't justify anything! Than look at it this way, if you shoot, it'll make you look more willing to kill and make Danya less suspicious. his internal debate only lasted a few seconds, and he eventually squeezed the trigger, letting out the thunderous crack of a gun and sending a bullet towards the girl's back. He wouldn't know if it hit or not, because by then she had disappered from view. Grimacing as he put the still hot gun back in his pocket (he had no other place to put it), he turned his attentions to Jill and Martyn. Kneeling down near Martyn's pack, he got out the medical supplies and took some bandages.
"Fuck, that bitch messed him up. Try to hold him up Jill, check to see if there's any dirt or shit like that in the wounds."
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Post by riserugu* »

Martyn was faintly aware that there was someone near him, and that there where voices about. He tilting his head a bit, and blinking as trying to focus his eyesight on whomever it was closet to him. “You… guys…” He managed to wheeze out, coughing a bit following it. “Are far to… to bloody loud.” He said, sighing a bit as he let himself rest a bit back against the ground. Noting Jack’s voice was near by as well, seemly giving instructions to the other as she breathed in a bit, regretting it a bit as more pain shot through his lower back. Closing his eyes briefly as it passed over, before looking back up toward Jill forcing a shaky smile on his lips.

“I think I’ll be okay…” Martyn muttered lightly in response to Jill’s question, he sure that they knew of the wound on his back. But unsure if they could see the one along his throat lying the way he was, he shaking a bit as he tried to push himself onto his knees. Though as he placed his arms against the ground, he quickly felt them give out from under him and he once again collapse against the ground. Martyn instead managing to tilt his head somewhat, reaching a hand up and pointing at the area where the cut was.

“She… sh—she got my neck… ‘aving… a bit… trouble…” He said, pausing in order to breathe in a bit more before continuing. “Bre—brething.”
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Post by Megami* »

Biting down on her lower lip somewhat at the two spoke, Jill found herself at quite the loss for words. Jack had just instructed her to attempt to hold Martyn up so he could examine his wounds. She had no qualms about doing so, but it could prove to be quite a feat with her injured shoulder. As Martyn announced that the girl... she looked so familiar, but Jill just couldn't quite put her finger on it... had sliced him across the throat, Jill felt even more panicked.

After all, it was enough that she'd left quite a large gash across the back majority of his back, but now that Jill had learned she'd gotten his throat, she was even more surprised that Martyn was still breathing, let alone talking. Finally nodding and doing as Jack instructed, Jill did her best to prop Martyn up facing Jack, maneuvering herself behind him as some sort of support. The fact that the blood seeping down its back was quickly soaking in to her teal tanktop was no longer of much consequence to her.

Eyeing the wound along Martyn's neck somewhat, Jill found herself frowning. While it didn't appear to be very deep, and that was most certainly a good thing, it looked excruciatingly painful. Shaking her head, she turned her attention back to Jack, casting him a troubled smile. After all, at this point, a smile was pretty much all Jill had to offer. She'd always had quite a mouth on her, and back in school, she could have easily talked the ear off of a brick wall, but this situation had absolutely put her at a loss for words.

It took a moment, but she finally spoke up, addressing Jack first.

"I hope you can take care of this, because I don't know the first thing about... these... kinds of wounds..."

Lowering her voice somewhat, she shook her head and let out what almost sounded like a quiet chuckle.

"And you..." she addressed Martyn casually as if nothing was wrong in an attempt to calm the mood a bit, "Man, she really did a number on you. I hope you hurt her, at least a little."
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