S121 - Rawls, Calvin [DECEASED]

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S121 - Rawls, Calvin [DECEASED]


Post by Ruggahissy »

Name: Calvin Rawls
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: John Endecott Memorial Academy
Hobbies and Interests: Volleyball, chess, brazilian jiu jitsu, chemistry, Among Us, school newspaper, libertarianism

Appearance: Calvin is 5'3" tall, weighing 120 pounds with a lean frame. He has black, medium-length hair that he spikes, his face is oval, his lips are chapped and faded from the weather and his lack of taking care of them. He is of Taiwanese descent, and has brown eyes and slightly dark skin. He has a black, stubbly mustache. He wears braces to correct his teeth. He has a birthmark on his left cheek. He has a big, upturned nose.

Calvin usually dresses very casually, his wardrobe consisting of t-shirts and jeans. On the day of the abduction he wore a green moncler jacket, black jeans, and white sneakers. Underneath the jacket he wore a light-brown sweater and a plain white shirt.

Biography: Calvin Rawls was born to two second-generation Taiwanese American parents in Oakland, CA. Both were practising lawyers and were well-off due to that. Even though they had to hire babysitters or ask friends to take care of Calvin and his older brother Jordan of two years difference when they worked, they managed to be close to their two sons.

The marriage broke apart when Calvin was eight years old, arguments between the couple began to escalate and happen more frequently, and soon the two divorced. Calvin's mother won custody, so he and Jordan continued living with their mom while seeing their father every weekend. When Calvin was ten, his mother applied for a new job at a law firm across the States in Salem, MA, and the three of them moved to Salem.

Calvin didn't have any problem moving to the new city and connecting with the other kids there, as he wasn't socially awkward, and very open to new people. He could easily bond with new friends by attending hobbies, and started a new life in Salem.

His biggest hobby he occupied his free time with was chess. He began playing with his dad at an early age and joined a youth club in Oakland, and when he moved to Salem, he joined the school chess club. He finds chess relaxing as focusing purely on the game lets him forget all his daily life worries. He loves to win and hates to lose - even though he isn't always too angry when he loses, it motivates him to practise more and harder to achieve more victories so he can enjoy the feeling of being a winner. He tends to overestimate himself when playing games, though, and sometimes it causes him to lose.

Calvin is average in school. The class he is interested in the most was chemistry, because of its fascinating experiments and trivia he learns in these classes. He has always been a curious person who wants to learn and improve, and part of what made him so interested in learning chemistry was the magic behind all the complex reactions. He's a straight A student in chemistry, but gets Bs or Cs in the rest of the classes.

At the age of 14 Calvin picked up volleyball as a hobby, joining the school club. He has fond memories of having watched a beach volleyball tournament as a child back in California and decided to try it as a hobby based on that once he saw that JEMA offered it as a club. He immediately fell in love with it due to the competitive nature of it, combined with the rewarding experience of winning, the team spirit, the new friendships he built with that hobby, and the fact that his size is an advantage rather than a disadvantage.

Socially, he's a rather quiet individual, always trying to be nice, and trying to please other people. When he's comfortable around other people, he can be cocky and taunting in a friendly way. He wouldn't trashtalk anybody playing chess if he didn't know them, but with friends or colleagues he knows long enough he would occasionally brag or trash talk. He's also very comfortable and confident while playing volleyball, joining the rowdy behavior of his teammates, chanting when they lose or win and being cocky and confident there. Sometimes his cockiness can be misinterpreted as him being rude to outsiders. Outside of chess and volleyball he can be quite timid though.

He also joined the school newspaper club because he has a crush on a boy who also is in the club. He isn't really interested in journalism, but he enjoys spending time with the person he has feelings for. He doesn't intend to reveal his feelings to the other person, because he is fearful of being rejected and because he doesn't want to come out.

Due to being from a wealthy family and being rather tiny for his age, Calvin took up self-defense classes at age sixteen to avoid being robbed in the city. He chose to practise brazilian jiu jitsu, because of its effectiveness of self-defense and reputation of being hardcore. It's not his favorite hobby, but his mother pays for the classes so he regularly attends it. He's a blue belt.

Despite playing chess in his free time, Calvin wouldn't call himself a gamer, as he doesn't find video games interesting. During the pandemic, however, he began playing a lot of Among Us. He started out playing with friends but later on also got comfortable playing with strangers on the internet. He really got into the game, it could even count as an addiction, he had a blast playing it. He really likes the competitive nature of it and he always felt joy when he could trick other people.

Calvin is a practising Daoist due to being brought up as one by his parents. He's been vegan since he was thirteen. Politically, Calvin supports neither the Democrats nor the Republicans as he had been disappointed by the policies of both parties and is neither fan of the former nor the current president. Recently, he's been really getting into libertarianism and has attended some meetings and events with fellow Massachussettian libertarian and intends on joining the party soon. He really likes the idea of a small state and freedom, especially personal freedom.

Calvin aspires to study chemistry, and has been accepted to Salem State University.

Advantages: As he has practised BJJ, he might be able to defend himself against his classmates. Due to him being an Among Us fanatic he has learned to figure out cues to when other people are truthful or not, which might help him figure out if someone else can be trusted. He's also learned how to lie to other people due to his Among Us skills, making it easier for him to bluff.
Disadvantages: He's 5'3" tall, which could make him be perceived by other students as an easy target to pick off. Due to him loving competitiveness and being very confident in his intelligence, he might overestimate his own abilities to outsmart others.

Designated Number: Student No. 121


Designated Weapon: Tactical scythe

Conclusion: I'm not sure how much playing a video game about betrayal maps over to real betrayals. For example, when we've played as a group, I always seem to lose. - Abby Soto

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