Onslaught Redux

Return to the Warehouse

A large, and old warehouse. The corners are covered with cobwebs, and there are a few cracks in the flooring showing its old age. This would make a great meeting place for any group, because of the table, chairs, random knickknacks, and all the tools.
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Post by Slayer* »

OOC: I never fired. I threatened to fire, but I didn't actually do it.
IC: There were a few tense seconds of silence as Jack contemplated Sydney's words.
He's right. Jack thought. There were people in the warehouse who were depending on his plan, trying to keep up hope, and what was he doing? Putting a gun in someone's face just because he got a bad vibe from him. Finally, he did something that was probably surprising to all in earshot. He laughed. Putting the gun away, he allowed himself to laugh as if the greatest joke in the world had been told to him. Finally gaining control of himself, he looked Sydney straight in the eye, but not with the cold stare of a predator.
"You're right." he said, dead serious. "The people in there are putting a lot on the line, because I promised that I had a plan to help them survive. You could almost say they're putting their lives in my hands. I should be down there helping them stay alive, not up here threatening to kill you. But I am not going to let you get us killed. I won't take that risk. I've been through too much shit trying to keep some of the people down there alive to have you go bleeding heart and give Danya a reason to blow our fucking collars!" Jack seemed genuinely angry as he said this, temporarily glaring at Sydney but returning to normal quickly.
"As for the barricade, it's risky, but necessary right now. We have a whole day before Danya's next announcement, and that vending machine was the only thing I could find durable enough to stop gunshots. I'd rather risk a danger zone than risk some player barging in and blasting us to shit. Now come down." he had none of the threatening air he had had previously, now seemingly back to his old self at the moment. "I've got no problem with you leaving as long as you promise not to spill the beans about what I've got under my sleeve, but you won't be able to move too well if you jump from here."
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Martyn’s eyes trailed the line of trees that surrounded the warehouse where the first boy had run off too after a few select words Jill’s way, the ‘attacker’ soon appearing within a short moment, Martyn watching this with slight interest. The area that the hurt one had run off too, the attacker appeared moments later… and there hadn’t been a confrontation of sorts between them? And the way this attacker was acting, wanting the other kid to be brought forward, there was something going on amongst all this but he found that he wasn’t able to pinpoint what was happening.

Yes, it did seem to be a bit silly for someone armed with a shotgun to be chasing after someone that only had a sickle, a small one at that, for a weapon. But truth be told, at this point in the game – he wasn’t too surprised, at this point in the game with only a handful of kids left, it wasn’t just about weapons. It had come down to the point where these players just wanted the numbers down, because the less there was, the closer to the end game they found themselves at.

Knitting his brows together, he gave the scene a thoughtful look – watching as the attacker ran off at Jack’s words, though oddly enough soon the voices of both him and Sidney where echoing off from atop the roof. Martyn moving closer to the window he was near, pushing it open and leaning outward somewhat, looking toward the roof itself in hopes of seeing something – anything that was happening a top the building, leaning back in and glancing toward Jill at the question.

“Couldn’t say… I don’t think 'e would go to that far of measures, unless ‘e’s trying to keep Sid from leaving, ‘e doesn’t want our… plan getting out, ‘e knows if it does it’ll be the death of all of us.” He muttered lightly with a shrug, eyeing the area once more along the ground level of the warehouse for any sign of the attacker before glancing off again.

If Jack was busy taking care of Sid on the roof, that left Hannah all alone on the ground floor, weaponless at that… what if that attacker managed to get in? She’d be dead before any of them could do anything, and though the trust for the girl wasn’t the highest, that didn’t mean she had to be a senseless death. “I’m going back downstairs to watch the doors.” He muttered, “There’s a chance they probably won’t get in, but ‘e still ‘as a bleeding shotgun… there’s more than one way to get into through a door than using the doorknob.”
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Post by ZigZaggerty* »

Hannah watched as everyone left, they were all upstairs and she was now alone. She had listened as the two people outside ran off to somewhere, she had seen Martyn hobble up the steps, she had seen Jack furiously climb the ladder, and she had seen Jill go up to shoot at the people below.

Hannah held her bag close as she huddled into the side of a box, she had to get out. Kurt would’ve wanted that.

“I’m going back downstairs to watch the doors.” Martyn muttered, “There’s a chance they probably won’t get in, but ‘e still ‘as a bleeding shotgun… there’s more than one way to get into through a door than using the doorknob.”

Hannah quickly turned her head to the stairs as Martyn descended, she quickly wiped the small amount of tears she had shed. She turned to face him and tried a weak attempt at a smile.

“So, is everything going good up there?”
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Post by Abel Nox* »

((contiued from Clockworks little happiness))

Nevera trailed into the woods surrounding the warehouse. Her chesnut brown eyes looked saredly about. She felt uneasy here. Especially at the fact that she was alone now. Anything could happen to her and she wan't even sure where to begin. Her unbraisded hair flowed in a small breeze. She shivered and knelt behind a tree. Her jacket sleeves had been ripped by the various branches that caught onto them. She rubbed the cold spots of her arms with her slightly warmer hands. Then she began to think to herself, What if Jeremy is dead, or what if this crazy program thing has gotten the best of him? I couldn't possibly be around him then, but I would like to make sure he is alive before anything else happens to him or me. With that, she sank lower into the shadows of the tree and kept a close ear and eye on the surroundings.
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"As could as it could be." He answered, rubbing the back of his head a bit as he reached the ground floor. Eyeing about the large area, before turning to glance toward the open window and the ladder leading toward the building's roof with a bit of a sigh. "So I suppose that's how Sidney and Jack got their selves up there, brilliant I say. Nothing like putting yourself up on a roof to give yourself away to whomever the 'ell is out there."

Sighing again, he made his way slowly toward the laptop sitting on the table; looking it over. Sending his parents and friends goodbye messages seemed nice, though he wondered if it would be best. Nothing like getting a letter from your missing son telling you how death was knocking on his back door.

"So... 'annah, what's those two morons doing up there anyway?"
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Post by ZigZaggerty* »

Hannah looked up to the hole in the roof before turning to face Martyn again.

"Well, Sidney and me wanted to leave. He went up to the roof to see if we could get down from there, Jack saw this and went up after him, and the last thing I heard was them fighting then silence" Hannah explained.

"We weren't going to tell anybody about..." Hannah quickly muted herself and pointed at the laptop.

"I just didn't want to die, and now I'm not sure what I really want to do. I want to protect people, but not at the cost of my own life. But when it really boils down to it, I'm going to die on this island. So I might as well go out with a bang" Hannah whimpered. Memories of Kurt and the life she had before the island raced through her head.

She lifted herself up along with her bag and went towards the ladder, she grabbed the first wrung and slowly pulled herself up.

I'm want to see you again, Kurt.
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Post by Megami* »

In the short time that Martyn had begun interrogating Hannah about the current circumstances surrounding the duo who had made their way onto the rooftop a short while ago, Jill had abandoned her position at the window sill and had walked the short distance down the narrow hallway that lead to the stairs and down into the warehouse lobby, which had been their base of operations prior to the Mexican standoff of a firefight that was now ensuing outside. Jill's sneakers clinked quietly against the metal steps of the staircase just as Hannah began ascending the ladder leading to the rooftop, but the brunette could only watch with some disinterest as Hannah left the safety of the building, preaching about going out with a "bang".

Shrugging slightly, Jill descended the stairwell and cast Martyn a glance as she looked up toward the open hatch that lead to the rooftop once again. By now, Hannah was gone from view. Tracing her finger around the cold metal collar that bound her neck, Jill frowned somewhat. Things were going downhill in the warehouse, and they were doing so quickly. Nothing good was going to come of this place. And then there was the escape plan. If there really was one, anyway. It had been a thought that had run through her mind a thousand times... if Jack could've deactivated the collars, why didn't he do it the first time. After a brief moment she approached Martyn, getting as close to him as possible so that her voice wouldn't travel through the warehouse.

"I think Hannah and Sid had the right idea, Martyn. We need to get out of here, and fast, or this place is going to become our grave. If Jack could've done it, don't you think he would've already?"

Of course, she was talking about removing the collars and escaping from the island. That had been their plan all along, but Jack had done no more than screw with Danya's systems a bit. In truth, Jill figured that was all he could do.

"I... I almost feel bad abandoning them here, but I've got to save my own ass, you know? I'm no martyr, I'm not going out for their cause. I say we take the pack we loaded Hannah's supplies into, the guns, and... that."

As she said the word, Jill nudged toward the laptop Martyn was standing near, making sure she got her point across to him.

"And... we get out of here. But... we can't just go out the front door, not right now. And... we don't want them to follow us. There has to be another way out, right? This is a big building, there can't be that many of them outside. I'm willing to risk it if you are. We can escape through one of the second story windows or something. There's got to be a way. What do you think?"

Without waiting for a response from the Scotsman, Jill headed toward the back of the warehouse in a jog and snatched the pack lying in the floor up. A pang of guilt ran up her side as she considered abandoning Jack and the others, but they were nothing more than deadweight at this point. Besides, Danya seemed to have a thing for placing danger zones where a lot of people gathered, and at this point, it was simply a matter of time before the warehouse became one and they were all doomed to death in this place. Heading back into the main room, Jill zipped the bag to ensure all of its contents were secured inside and then cast another questioning look toward Martyn, hoping he would once again follow her lead and escape the warehouse while everyone else was distracted on the rooftop.
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Post by Slayer* »

OOC: I take it you haven't taken the laptop yet?
IC: Jack had eventually elected to go down back into the warehouse first and quickly descended the ladder. Halfway down, he fingered his metal collar.
Bloody hell, I forgot all about that plan. he thought, going down the rest of the way and ignoring everyone except to move around them while going into the main room.
It's time I got back into the game. Danya better hope he hasn't let down his guard in the wait, because I'm comin'...
Seeing Jill in the room, packing a bag, he ignored her and walked to the crate/table where the laptop was, powering it back on.
"Hey Jill," he said after a second, "you remember where Martyn put the notebook?" if she answered, she'd find he had stopped paying attention as soon as he finished talking, now with an open internet window and one of the downloaded hacking programs up.
Here goes nothing. Not exactly the bottom of the ninth with a full count and bases loaded, but it's fuckin' close. More like the top of the eighth. he had avoided making a second strike up until now for a reason; Danya would most likely be on high alert after the first hit, and his security would be up, so he waited until Danya lowered his guard. No point leading a cavalry charge against a platoon of pikemen, you'd only suffer pointless casualties and lose a potent weapon.
"All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near." he said aloud as he typed away, occasionally pausing. It may have seemed like a random quote to most, but anyone who went to Barry Coleson High knew the signifigance of what Jack just said. It was a known fact there that he would start quoting Sun Tzu's The Art of War in an attempt to calm down whenever he was stressed out. He was an avid reader of the great Chinese military treatise, and some classmates claimed he could apply it to just about everything. Of course, there was also a hidden message to Jill in this quotation; he was basically saying that his seeming inability to do any more after the initial attack had been a ruse.
I am sure you'd be proud of me, Sun Tzu. he thought, typing away. Realizing Danya might realize a connection between the quotes and what he was about to do, he stopped to open a word document and typed out the following quote before resuming his efforts:
"If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected." the security was a bit tougher than when he last tried, as was expected, but he was eventually able to get through. Stopping at the familiar map screen from before, he noticed nothing new except that two more were marked as "dead" at the Bathroom Facility area and, oddly enough, the two dots marked "B50" and "B77" (Cody Jenson and Adam Dodd, according to the student database to the right of the map) were immediately adjacent to each other, and yet were both marked "alive". Confused, he moved on, not wishing to be caught on third base. Despite quite an effort, he was unable to find the collar schematics (his prime objective), and sighed a bit. Bringing the Word Document window back up, he made sure it was within sight of Jill and typed.
"No go. Can't find the schematics. I suppose a royal flush will do when you don't have a full house, huh?" not explaining, he moved the laptop back in front of him and continued to work. Growing wary of the system security, he moved on.
First rule of hacking: never stay in too long or the security will get you. Just go in, do what you meant to do, and go out. was what his brother told him all those years ago, when Jack was barely learning how to program. Bringing up the "documents" screen, he looked through some of the viruses he had downloaded into the laptop from his home PC, trying to select the right one for the job. He had made some of them himself, and they were all good for their respective functions. Finally choosing one, he closed the window and went back to work. After a brief attempt to shake system security, he uploaded the virus and exited, severing the connection quickly. Powering off the laptop, he rose in a satisfied manner. The virus he had uploaded wouldn’t do much at first, maybe cause the cameras to turn off and on randomly, make the map glitch (something like making it appear everyone was alive again, then all dead, then normal) or mess with the camera speakers’ reception, but if he had done it right that would probably be amounted to a computer glitch or error, nothing was certain. As time went on, it would do more and more damage, and it would spread. Essentially, unless the virus was discovered and disposed of, he didn’t have to worry about any more hacking, because that virus would have done it all for him.
All war is deception…even this one.
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Martyn hardly a moment to answer Jill’s question before Jack returned from the roof, his lips pursing somewhat, the reason the notebook not being where it had been was because as soon as Jack re-entered the room… Martyn decided on a quick idea, and taken the notebook, making quick work of writing a note against the paper,

Because I fear a serious pistol whipping will be in order if Jack comes along, I figure it'll be best if I go on and leave. And then, perhaps you leave later, say you're going back to check on those crazies outside and take your chance then. I remember when I first got here, Adam pointed out a window that leads from the ground to the roof, meaning it's got to pass the second floor. I figure that ladder is our best bet to getting out of here without annoucing it to the world, and those freaks with the shotgun outside. So just wait awhile, and then leave, and go to let's say; the ravine oright?

Though he’d been around Jack for awhile now; he found trusting the boy hard at best. He was a lose cannon, and because there was no doubt that this whole hacking idea wouldn’t work, he wasn’t going to take his chance getting shot by the other boy. Ripping the note from the note book, he made his way back into the main room, looking off toward Jill with a brief look before tossing the notebook on the table-crate, moving off toward the back room, taking his own bag and moving back into the main room as Jack was powering off his laptop.

“Done there I ‘ope.” He said shrugging his bag off his shoulder somewhat, throwing it on the table and opening it. “Good, because I’m out of ‘ere.” That said, he reached out, taking his laptop into his hand and pushing it into his bag with the rest of his contents. “Sorry to say, but this place is confining, and I’d rather take my chances out there, then waiting in ‘ere to rot for a plan that probably isn’t going to work in the end, because truth be told – if something could be done don’t you think someone might have down it. You’re supposed to be from the greatest bleeding country in the world, and if they aren’t doing anything, what makes you think a bunch of sixteen-year-olds can?” He muttered, saying so that he didn’t make mention of the laptop or anything else, just make it seem like it was another escape plan that the terrorists probably had heard a million times over. “Sorry mates, but that bleeding far-fetched, and further more I’m not going to wait for those people outside to bleeding rush this place, that thought isn’t too tempting.”

Zipping the bag, he mused a small smirk. “And anyway, it’s becoming a save your own ass kind of situation, and I’m not going to stick around for us to turn on one another.” Fixing his bag over his shoulder, he moved away from Jack, moving to where Jill was standing off. Musing a smile, “Sorry ‘bout this Jill, but you got to admit, I’m right. I’d rather be killed out there, than need up being killed by one of you. Maybe we’ll get to see one another again, maybe…” He said, lifting a hand to rub his head, flashing the note in his hand to her, and her alone as best he could – hoping she caught sight of it before dropping his hand back along his side. “Too much to ask for a hug goodbye?”

[[Edited because Riser is lazy and is easily distracted by pretty things, like pictures and bottle caps.]]
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Post by Megami* »

As a shadow covered the top of the hatch leading to the rooftop and an all too familiar clanking sound echoed from the figure descending the ladder, Jill swore inwardly. Martyn hadn't even been given the chance to answer her proposition before Jack O'Connor had once again descended into their sanctuary... more like their prison... from his location atop the roof. Letting Hannah's issued dufflebag fall from her shoulder and clamber to the floor, Jill cast an offhand glance at the baseball player. Jack seemed to pay the brunette no mind as he went about his business, powering on the laptop she had once had hopes of carrying off and began to type away on the object. As he inquired on the location of the notebook, Jill just shook her head.

"Where's Sid?" she inquired, "... And Hannah?"

Naturally, her question fell upon deaf ears. By this point, Jack had begun ranting and raving as his keys simultaneously fell upon random keystrokes on the computer, the typing sound seeming to echo throughout the warehouse lobby. Shaking her head slightly as she listened to Jack cite what may have been a quote or may have been insane ramblings on his part, she wasn't quite sure which, Jill frowned once again. Sid and Hannah hadn't come back down, and it had been rather quiet up there lately. What if he'd pushed them off the roof or something? On her end, Jack appeared to have been deteriorating mentally for quite some time now, and now Jill felt as though she were stuck in a locked cell with a raving lunatic. It was then that Jack swirled the monitor of the laptop around to face her direction.

[font=Courier]No go. Can't find the schematics. I suppose a royal flush will do when you don't have a full house, huh?[/font]

Jill's eyebrows raised at the bad news, the last part piquing her curiosity but not enough to quell the anger that had risen up inside her. After everything they had gone through to get this far, after all the work she and Martyn had put into getting the laptop into working order and securing a base of operations, after everything... Jack O'Connor blew it. But then, I already knew it would come to this... that's why I wanted to get out of here. The fact that Jack seemed to have another plan up his sleeve didn't phase Jill in the slightest. In fact, she shot him a somewhat sarcastic glance, and although she still feared speaking outrightly of their plan, she couldn't help but comment to herself. What're you gonna do Mr. Hacker? You gonna put some more Street Fighter on the screen, huh?

What happened next completely stunned Jill, and was the last thing she would ever expect. As Jack stood up and disengaged himself from the laptop, Martyn approached him and in one fell swoop nabbed the laptop and tucked it into his bag, causing Jill to knit her eyebrows together in a questioning manner. Just what in the hell did he think he was doing? As Martyn openly announced he was leaving, Jill's jaw was practically agape as she stood in the corner of the room, not believing what had just been said. Martyn was abandoning them, and he was announcing it openly. The fact that Martyn was practically reciting what she'd just stated to him wasn't what flustered her, it was the fact that he seemed to have every intention of simply taking the laptop and walking out the door, leaving all of them there in the process.

"You're... you're kidding, right?" she inquired lightly, although knowing the comment was falling on deaf ears. Something told her Martyn wasn't kidding, though. He'd fucked them over through and through.

I guess I shouldn't be so surprised though. I was just mulling over the thought a matter of minutes ago, and I had every intention of abandoning Jack and those two on the roof. But... I didn't think he'd abandon us like this... not without me. Just leave me here to die with these people... how dare he.

It was at that moment that Martyn approached her and she caught a fleeting glimpse of the note he held in the palm of his hand. The thoughts of betrayal and distrust that she had only previously been having all but vanished from thought in that instant. He wasn't leaving her behind, he had a plan. Obviously, Martyn was adamant about Jack not knowing where they were going, or following behind. That much had been a given when she had brought the topic of abandoning them up in the first place. Suddenly, she realized what was happening.

“Too much to ask for a hug goodbye?”

As he spoke the word, Jill found a cynical look forming on her face. She pursed her lips lightly, knowing that if she acted too chummy Jack might shoot them both in the back. There was already a good possibility that he'd aim to take Martyn out. What then? She hadn't thought that far ahead, and she doubted he had either. Despite everything, Martyn had a plan, and on that piece of paper that was concealed in the palm of his hand was critical information that could most certainly save Jill's life. Or at least, prolong it a bit longer. Shaking her head somewhat, Jill cast a stone-cold glare at the Scotsman, hoping he knew enough to know that this was just another act.

"Actually Martyn, yeah... it's far too much to ask."

Moving to walk past him, Jill all but smacked into him with her shoulder, effectively retrieving the note in one fell swoop. Sliding her hand into her pocket and disposing of the piece of paper inside in one quick movement, Jill turned to face him and she shook her head slightly as if disappointed. What to say? Jill agreed with him wholeheartedly, and she had every intention of escaping this prison cell of a warehouse as well, but she couldn't make it known to the others around her without endangering herself. She'd seen firsthand how Jack had acted when Sidney attempted to leave, and truth be told, Jack had probably pushed him off the roof or something by now. Therefore, getting on his bad side just wasn't an option quite yet. Besides all that, it wasn't a sure bet that Martyn would get out of the warehouse alive anyway. Jack might attempt to dispose of him as well.

Not having had the chance to read the note due to the fact that Jack had been hovering in the room, Jill simply clung to blind faith that Martyn did indeed have a plan for both of them escaping the warehouse. But when push came to shove, could she really trust him, either? Jill tried to shake the paranoid thoughts from her head and backed out of the way, bracing herself for what could indeed prove to be an intense standoff between the two young men in the room. Martyn wanted to leave. With the laptop. Jack probably wouldn't go for that... so then, what happens next?
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He's...taking the laptop? Jack thought, dumbfounded for a second. After all the effort on his part, his chance was being taken away? Suddenly angered, he grabbed his gun.
No! I won't let that happen! Swinging the gun out of his pocket, he cocked the hammer and aimed it right at Martyn's head when Jill moved out of the way.
She has nothing to do with this...no point in harming the innocent.
"Just where the hell do you think you're going?!" he snarled, taking no notice of the irony of echoing Jill. The virus he implanted would likely spread enough to do most of what he planned to do, given enough time, but Martyn's laptop was likely the only computer on the island, and Jack would not allow the means of his crusade against Danya to disappear that easily.
"Now either you give back that computer, or I bloody up this warehouse even more than it already is!" he shouted, waving his gun to puncutate the statement. Then he suddenly changed his tone to answer Jill's question.
"Syd's still up on the roof. I asked him to come down but he hasn't moved. As for Hannah...haven't seen her." he had gone too far to let Martyn back out, too far to have the human equivalent of a deus ex machina take everything away. Glaring and still aiming at Martyn's head, he spoke again, his voice finally showing the paranoia that was starting to take his brilliant mind.
"Don't think I will hesitate to kill you if you disobey me."
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Post by riserugu* »

He mused a bit as Jill walked passed, taking the note, as he glanced back. “Ah, breaking my ‘eart ‘ere Jill.” Martyn said lightly, continuing to play along, turning fully and fixing his bag again on his shoulder, though as he turned Jack’s yelling voice boomed through the warehouse, the Scotsman lifting a brow in a questioning manner at the statement, and the gun he now found pointing in his direction. This guy was a bleeding loony, no doubt about it, though standing there he found himself pursing his lips bit, “Where am I going? Well if you ‘ad bothered to listen, I believe I said I was leaving, as in not staying ‘ere, meaning I’m taking myself and moving elsewhere.”

Martyn knew he get shot at any moment, he wouldn’t hold it against the other male, but when he all but announced the fact that they had the bleeding computer – something they had been doing a chipper job of not announcing to the whole world and the terrorist that could listen through their collars – well that just seemed to blow the rest of everything out of the water. “Jesus, Mary and Joseph – what good are you doing announcing that we ‘ave the thing, surely not keeping the secret, and what are you going to do if I give you it back Jack? Amuse the terrorist with some ‘ore games – please, the chances of this plan of yours working is about as good as me trying to fly my arse of this island.”

Getting smart with him probably wasn’t to good either, though with a sigh – twisted his bag around, unzipping it and bringing the orange and black laptop worth, glancing upward somewhat. “The thing is – this is mine, I can do with it as I please. Now put the bleeding gun away, or this thing will be in a million pieces, and then we won’t have to worry about you blooding up anything mate.”
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Post by Swoosh* »

((*arrives on horseback and swoops up Ryan*))

"So what do you guys think? Worth a shot?"

Whether it was just the particular use of the word 'shot' or because of his situation in general, Ryan felt he was unable to give a verbal response, and so just nodded.

He'd been so close to death, and while the exhileration of his situation meant that he had just flown along with the fact that a bullet had come very close to killing him. Perhaps it was just starting to sink in now.

This, the game, their whole situation- it was ridiculous. He knew that whoever it was who had shot at him wasn't really a killer. Give her a gun in a normal situation, and she'd probably have a hard time finding the trigger.

But this wasn't a normal situation, was it? Like Jeremy had said, she was just scared. Everyone was. Everyone was scared of dying.

Ryan bit his lip, glancing back towards the warehouse. Everyone was scared, and fear was making them all irrational. He knew that if someone just calmed them down, talked sense to them... they'd put down their guns. No one here was really a killer.

But Neville...

Shaking his head to snap out of his thoughts, he glanced at his cousin. He knew Jeremy wasn't a killer by any means, and while he felt the need to speak, he knew deep down that there was really no need.

"I'm for it. But we only ambush, we don't kill."

((Gyaaaaaah. I'm actually terrified about this. I'm worried I'm going to mess him up, which is why it's so rubbish, I don't wanna do too much until I get into him, if you know what I mean. Anyway, tag, you're it!))
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Post by Theseus* »

(haha it's ok, I thought it was actually a very nice post, haha poor Ryan, he has had like so many handlers, created by my brother, started to RP by Kai, and now you, let's just hope your the last one to RP him :D )

Jeremy nodded and looked at the wounded girl and his cousin. Jeremy didn't hear Nev approach a tree, which wasn't too entirely far from where Jeremy and his group was hiding. Jeremy looked at his new found group intently, deep in thought, before he said, "I know my actions this past hour have been pretty intense."

Jeremy thought back to his plan to assault the warehouse, Jeremy thought about his running from cover and firing at the warehouse, only to be stopped by two kids on the roof, one with a gun.

"But Ryan, Clare, I am just trying to help us survive." Jeremy wasn't sure where he was going with this, but the thought of him changing, was he becoming one of them? A killer?

"I refuse to give in to this game. 5, 6 days ago whenever I started this adventure, I knew that I would not give in. I saw killers, I even fought some, even if indirectly."

Jeremy trailed off and just said, "What I'm trying to say I guess is, I am not a killer. I am afraid that our little operation here may have went too far, and those people in that warehouse think I am a murderer. For all we know they could all be good people. They could even know a way off this island for all I know."

The thought of escape made Jeremy remember the closest time he came to actually believe there was a way off. He couldn't remember the kids name, but he swore he had a plan, and was going to have everyone sign a piece of paper if they were in, that was back when Fred was alive. When Glenn was alive. When Mallory and Heather were still alive.

Jeremy turned his head looking through the brush to see what little of the warehouse he could. Jeremy then said, "Ok then, I guess the best plan of action would be to cover all the vantage points. Make it so that if anyone leaves that warehouse we'll see it. From there we can just ambush whoever comes out, secure them, and find out who is inside."

ha Jeremy, you would have never did anything this severe at the begining of the game. You were a follower of Fred the whole time, you were willing to fight if needed, but is this really needed?

Jeremy looked down at the shotgun in his hands, and at the revolver tucked in his pants. Jeremy sat there, shirtless, a bloody bandage wrapped around his left arm and scratches and cuts covering his entire body. Jeremy looked at the two bags by his side, one empty, one full of ammo for his weapons.

Jeremy had gotten used to the pain, the injures he succumbed on the island. They were more superficial, sure he had been shot, and it slowed him some, but he would live right? Well, surely without medical treatment he would die of them eventually. Nev had worked hard to clean out and stitch up Jeremy's biggest concern on his arm. But what about his foot? Was it shot? Jeremy didn't want to check, and his shoulder and taken quite a beating by that one kid who he had betrayed at the school.

Jeremy just shrugged it off, wondering how much he had left, but he just kept saying to himself that he was a wrestler and that practice was harder than this. Except at practice it wasn't life or death...

So, this is how the game has changed you huh? Losing Fred, Glenn, Mallory, Heather and possible Scott and Nev. Having to keep an eye on your cousin and Clare. This has changed you to a shot gun wielding boy who is more than willing to kill if at risk? But am I in the wrong here? Those people in the warehouse are probably just trying to survive and me and my group are threatening them. Should we leave?

But Jeremy knew the answer to that, and his answer was releasing the clip to his shotgun and placing it in the bag. He knew enough from his dad's cop stories to never wait until the clip gets emtpy. Jeremy placed the clip into his bag and pulled a fresh one out and put in his shotgun.

Jeremy looked at the group and decided that this was who he was. He was not a killer, he was just another student on this island trying to protect his friends and family. But with that responsibility came choices, important ones, and the choice to keep the warehouse under watch and ambush anyone inside was Jeremy's choice. He knew that did not make him a killer, for he wasn't killing anyone. It was drove by his instint to survive, and to protect those around him.

Jeremy just slowly said, "Alright bonnie and clyde, I think it's time we get this show on the road."

(haha most of this is just trying to re-cap Jeremy's existence, sorry if most of it is irrelavent to what is currently going down but ya know I got bored and wanted to write a lot)
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Post by Megami* »

Jill's eyes widened considerably as Jack did almost what she had expected him to do: raised the gun and pointed it at Martyn's head. The angry words the bespectacled boy spit from his mouth didn't really startle Jill, rather it was the fact that he seemed to have absolutely no qualms about killing someone who had been his ally for what had been the better part of their time on the island. Things were certainly starting to turn south in a hurry, and now more than ever, Jill wanted to escape from this dungeon that she had all but become a captive in.

"Jack..." the word was said in a pleading tone, "Put the gun down. Please."

As Jack all but announced the fact that they had the computer, Jill's eyes were suddenly as round as saucers. In that instant, Jill lost all hope in their escape plan. Shaking her head in a distraught manner, she cast an unbelieving glare at Jack.

"Oh no... I can't believe you just... you just ruined everything! Now they know. Oh God."

The thoughts quickly raced through her mind as she halfway expected that infamous beeping noise they had all come to know as an oncoming collar explosion erupt from the metal clasped tightly around her neck. It didn't. Sighing in an almost relieved manner, Jill's mind went back to the situation at hand. Maybe the terrorists had known all along? Maybe it was all some big joke to them. Maybe they all got off on the fact that the trio had been trying to escape in the first place.

Almost as quickly, her mind flashed back to the situation at hand. Jack was threatening to shoot Martyn. Martyn was holding the computer up, threatening to shatter it to pieces before Jack had the chance to fire. As expected, one very ugly standoff was underway. Part of her wanted to hang back and just let the two have it out. After all, it really was getting down to the point where you had to save your own ass. Despite that, Jill's conscience nagged at her. After everything they'd gone through, she couldn't simply stand back and let the two destroy one another. She had to do something, anything. Finally deciding on a course of action, Jill stepped right in the path of the two fighting boys, extending her arms so that she blocked them from one another.

"Stop it! Just stop it!"

Casting wary looks between the two young men, Jill couldn't decide who to address first. This whole thing had escalated way too far, and now someone was in serious danger of getting hurt. There were so much bigger fish to fry, but these two were now having a standoff over the damned laptop that had caused all this trouble in the first place.

"What's the big deal anyway, Jack? If he wants to leave then let him, you've already announced it to the world. Now they all know, so what's the fucking point? It's all just a game to them anyway."

Turning toward Martyn, she shook her head slightly, annoyed by the entire mess. She should've run. She should've used their argument and fled the area while they were fighting to the death. But... she didn't. Instead, she'd thrown herself right into the middle of the conflict.

"That damned thing is pointless anyway. It's not worth all this. Don't you see what it's doing to everyone? We're fighting over it. That's what they want us to do! They want us to fight over a way out... they want us to kill one another over it. It saves them the trouble."

Continuing to act as a human meatshield between the two, Jill couldn't help but feel a foreboding sense come over her. Within the blink of an eye, Jack could waste her with the gun that was now pointed in her direction. Then again... there was always her gun. They could leave now, if they tried hard enough. It'd hardly be worth it in the end, though. As soon as they set foot out the doors, they'd have the crazies outside to contend with. They were certainly getting nowhere fast.

(OOC: I've got to get out of this topic soon. No offense to any of you, but 10 people in one thread is WAY too many. I'm getting... I dunno, claustrophobic or something. Well that and... this storyline isn't really going anywhere.)
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