As Fierce as My Morning Cornflakes


The recreation room was a larger room where the residents of the base would go to relax during downtime. The room has a collection of sofas and armchairs arranged facing a large grey CRT TV with built in VCR player that was usually used to play a variety of movies, a collection of VHS that can be found arranged on a bookshelf. The room also contains a ping-pong and pool table in its centre and a homemade bar along the far wall that was clearly added in later, even featuring a dusty neon sign for Coors.
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As Fierce as My Morning Cornflakes


Post by Laurels »

((Letitia May continued from Take a long last look at this filet mignon))

"Hmmmm," Letitia muttered to herself.

She took in the rec room. She had made her way to the research station after that boy in the snowfield ran off and had managed to find her way to the rec room. She looked at the outdated furniture, collection of dusty VHS tapes, and the game furniture.

"It'll do, even if it's below my standards," she said to herself.

Letitia made her way over to one of the sofas and sat down. She kept her rifle on her side as she began to look through her issued bag. She had gotten to look over it a bit while she was in the field, but now that she was indoors and in a relatively safer space, she could actually check to see what they had for her to survive with.

She found one of the meal bars in the bag and looked it over, trying to find the ingredients label.

"God, this is probably made from insects or something, isn't it?" she asked herself.
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Post by Cicada »

"It's not bad. It's the Chips Ahoy at home."

- Salem Fox -

Salem, yes, had sought out the one place on this island that most likely had blind corners perfect for ambushes, and skinny bitches of walls that gossiped his footsteps to anybody in earshot. He'd vaguely heard the indistinct murmur of someone talking to themselves echoing through the tunnel he'd been cautiously exploring and had followed it to this very doorway he was standing in.

Bad idea trying to explore an area this risky aside... It was warm in here, simple as. He could even take off his coat and let the femboy swag breathe a little.

He knew Letitia from his partyboy life and didn't like her much, he imagined the feeling was mutual. Good student, lame and sometimes kinda vindictive sense of anti-humor. If anything he didn't feel like it was the wisest idea to crack jokes in her presence- his eyes immediately found the gun by her side. Looked a good deal more muscular than his own, like her gun beat up his gun and stole its lunch money. But. He was Salem Fox and brainless quips were his home field advantage, his modus operandi and social status in JEM. No point in pretending to not pretend.

He raised his hand to his brow in a salute. That hand was clasped around his own gun, and he briefly entertained the hilarious intrusive thought of accidentally blowing his own brains out when the muzzle kissed his slightly ice-crusted forehead.

He put the gun back down in a neutral position at his side, barrel pointed at the floor. Half a second and he could raise it to fire (and definitely miss), if need be.

"Like what you've done with the place." He nodded at the wreckage of a television, screen caved in and half scattered over the ground, spilling onto the ground by the far side of the couch. "But yeah, the food's decent. High calories for sure, pretty much put on two pounds straight after eating my first. That I'll burn off in another thirty minutes of trying to keep my body heat stable, of course." Homeostasis was going to be a luxury on this island. No homeo, apparently.
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Post by Laurels »

Letitia didn't even get the chance to enjoy the bad food before someone came to sour it. She glanced up and saw Salem Fox there. He was a party boy back home with a really dumb name and the stupidity to but a gun barrel to his head. Even Letitia knew what happened to Marvin when people were reckless with their guns.

Of course that meant Letitia was sitting there without a gun in her hand. Already she was at the reverse of her last encounter with the boy in the field. Still she could probably play around with him to the point where she could get out alive.

"That was like that when I got here," she explained, gesturing with her foot to the TV. "Clearly someone else is taking this worse than we are."

Letitia set the food bar down and brushed some hair back before crossing one leg over the other.

"Anyways," she said. "Feel free to take a seat. Take your shoes off if you want. Just keep your foot sweat to yourself."
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Post by Cicada »

"Reminds me of that one time in Dani's house. Last year, right? Someone had a panic attack and tried to topple that tacky ass cupid statue by her pool." Many such stories, day in the life of the JEM socialite upper crust. Of which Salem wasn't even really a part of probably.

"I dunno about taking off my shoes. Like, tadaima and all that, but I don't think I'll be staying long."

He cleared the doorframe, at least. There was a calculatedly neutral distance where he was hovering close enough to the couch to lunge for the gun if she went for it- in case he lost his nerve and couldn't pull the trigger on his own gun. About three steps deep into the room. Decidedly not taking a seat anywhere in particular. He'd learned the asian squat from Penny way back in the day, and he figured now was as good a time as any. Probably made his ass pop for the camera, the one that was still there above both their heads, blinking in countermelody to the gentle electronic pulse of their collars.

"Just need to get my circulation going again, you know? I'm a couple minutes short of losing my hands to frostbite."

He held one up, the one not currently clinging onto his gun for dear life, and breathed a bit of stale-scented life onto it. That hit the spot.

"By the way," casual as any small talk ever, "someone's already dead. Janice, if you remember her-" who the fuck did though- "merked someone named Tana. Did you know corpses still bleed after they're already dead? Weird shit."

He omitted Kitty. Salem couldn't say he cared that much about Kitty per say, but it was an order of magnitude more than he cared about Janice... or Letitia... or anybody else, really, he guessed. Kitty had a runner up medal in terms of people he could consciously conjure up feelings of sentiment for- not a big one, and it was made of plastic, but it was there.
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Post by Deamon »

((Darryl Smith Jr. continued from All Alone))

It would have been perfectly acceptable for Darryl to have taken a hit to his morale from his encounter with Daenerys, and while that had dampened his mood somewhat he was still enthusiastic. At least, as enthusiastic as you could reasonably be while in Survival of the Fittest. He wasn't going to let a bad start deter him from getting things done. So coconut in hand he'd made his way over to another building in the station compound he had found himself in. As he made his way inside he shook his head and used his free hand to bat snow from his hair.

He wasn't as much of a fan of the weather they were dealing with. He much preferred the weather in Paris, both compared to the island and Salem if he was being honest. The whole place just had a way of catching the light and an appeal about it. An appeal that was notably lacking from the rundown steel and concrete buildings he found himself surrounded by. The interiors of the buildings also weren't up to much, although if he was to give them some credit they'd held up better than expected given the elements they'd been exposed to.

Upon stepping inside the new building—and stepping over a pile of snow that had built up by the door—Darryl heard distant voices passing through. He couldn't make out what the words were, it was muffled like he was in a queue for the club, except here he was most likely in the queue for a bullet. As such his steps became more careful and deliberate as he stepped closer to the source. The last thing he wanted was to get his shit pushed in on day one.

His eyes narrowed as he got closer and heard the murder bulletin. That was information he could work with, although it would only stay useful for around a day. After that, it would hit the airwaves and everyone would be in the loop. So there was a shelf life on the exclusivity of what he now knew. Either way, Darryl didn't want to get caught hanging out eavesdropping so he put on his best face and made his way to the doorway.

He regretted that choice as soon as he saw the pair of guns and the people who held them.

"Hey there," He said, as he leaned on the door frame, bouncing the coconut in one hand. "Where'd this deal happen?"
Aracelis Fuentes
California “Cali” Fox
Darryl Smith Jr.
Jessica Romero
[+] V7
G047 - Aliya Kimia Nemati - Blowgun w/ 10 Poison Darts - you're nobody till somebody kills you - "I just wanted to talk." - DEAD
G001 - Arizona Butler - Camping Stove - Dead Bxdies in the Lake Part II - ""We got there eventually." - DEAD
B046 - Bret Carter - Weighted Net - Swerve - "I'll just be on my way and we can all continue with our evenings." - DEAD
G022 - Forrest Quin - Ball-gag and handcuffs - DRUGS SAV3D MY LIF3 - "Abe-" - DEAD
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Post by Laurels »

Letitia kept a neutral expression as Salem rambled. She did remember the story he was talking about about Dani Bird's party. She was there and had watched that fool try to tip the statue with all the enthusiasm of someone watching a tennis match. She also didn't have a reaction to him saying "tadaima," whatever that meant.

Salem squatted nearby her, which threw Letitia off a bit. Was he trying to show her his junk, or was he trying to defecate on the floor? Both sickened her and made her want to scoot closer to her rifle. He was still in a prime position to blow her brains out, so she wasn't going to try and make any noticeable movements.

It was then Salem finally said something of actual value. Some girl named Janice murdered another named Tana. Not that Letitia really knew either girl. Still, it was good to know that she couldn't trust someone named Janice. She already couldn't in life considering how dumpy and lame the name "Janice" was to begin with, but now she knew she had to kill any she came across since they were stabbing other girls.

"Good to know," she said of Salem's report. "And of course bodies would keep bleeding after death. All that blood has to go somewhere."

It was then there was another voice at the doorway. One of the basketball players, Darryl had appeared. She knew he was buddies with that guy with the stupid nickname. She did use the distraction to seamlessly shift in her seat, putting her rifle much closer to her hand.

"Darryl. Are you alone?" she asked.

She prayed Cock Blaster or whatever that fucker's name was wasn't there.
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Post by Cicada »

"I know but it's weird to see." Salem was not being especially facetious with this one, he was actually still pretty off put by the stark image his brain saved because of course his long hours of studying policy enforced the exact same neurons that worked to remember images of death and decay. "Like the way it flows she almost seems alive but sleeping I guess. You can only tell she's dead because the angles and color are all wrong and the wound is in a place it shouldn't be."

Someone else joined them. He recognized one of Big Dick (for president)'s closest friends as an acquaintance. Darryl was cool and seemed like he knew what he was doing, which was a bar most zoomers failed to clear. Salem might've regretted having not been more open about his life in political activism outside of JEM with folks like Darryl and Big D, if only because they were probably the reasonable sorts who could actually accomplish meaningful things with their efforts, unlike an Amaryllis or a Natasha. But of course, such regrets could no longer be had. Salem would be dying, he didn't have enough lifespan left on his mortal clock to have time to ferment the regrets anymore.

"Happened... third house down the street that leads up to the church hill." Salem paused for effect, as if he was actually trying to remember.

"Something like that. She's up on the second floor in the master bedroom, stuffed into a closet."

He glanced Letitia's way. If she was going to start shooting because of anti Big D prejudice (r/bigdickproblems... not that Salem went there, as far as he was willing to admit to anyone who wasn't Ash) he was well prepared to start shooting too. Maybe.
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Post by Deamon »

Two people, two guns, two meetings where Darryl didn't like the vibes. But he could hardly turn around and leave after making a whole entrance. It wouldn't have been a good impression and he needed to inspire confidence and a feeling of knowing what he was doing. He also didn't want to get shot, which was more than a minor consideration.

"Yeah, I pulled up with the whole crew," Darryl said with a grin as he took some steps into the room, spreading out his free arm to show off the empty hallway behind him. It was where his homies would have been, if he had any. "And my coconut mascot." He held up the coconut for emphasis. The coconut was an evergreen joke, and honestly, if he got desperate he could crack that sucker open. Although, no one needed to know that he had the sharp-bladed pick in possession yet.

He slightly cocked his head from side to side as he considered Salem's statements, thought etching its way across his face. He was calculating how much he wanted to know the answer versus how much of a potential issue it could cause. At the same time though, he was very curious.

"Did you see it happen?"
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Post by Laurels »

Letitia listened carefully as Salem explained what happened to Tana. He was going into specifics about the location of her body. Darryl had also made it clear he was accompanied by Wilson the Coconut. Letitia had to smirk a bit at the thought that the terrorists would put a coconut in someone's bag to mock them for being on some frozen island. Either way, that at least made Letitia one step up from Darryl in case Salem's story had a twist ending that he was Tana's killer after all.

Darryl asked if Salem had seen Tana die. Letitia rolled her eyes a bit. Salem's story was a bit specific, and unless he came in after the death blow, he had to have seen it happen.

"I think what I want to know is if you were the one to stuff her body in a closet," Letitia commented.

She didn't expect an answer to that question. But still, she could imagine awkwardly trying to stuff a corpse in a closet, and that amused her a bit.

"No, scratch that. I want to know if you saw Janice heading this way, if that's why you're here."
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Post by Cicada »

"TIFU," Salem offered the precise moment the coconut came up. A legendary and cultured story for legendary and cultured men.

From his position getting schwifty and shitting on the floor Salem probably didn't have the best read on the mood of his compatriots. Usually something he didn't care that much about even when party was on and secrets were being spilled, other people's secrets were their business and interest, not his own. Here and now his attempting to understand human motivation remained mercenary. If anyone was going to start shooting and or start dying (toss up as to which was better) he wanted the inside track. He was a journalist, after all. Knowing shit was his cope.

Darryl seemed cautious and calculated. If he had a weapon he was probably willing to use it. Letitia seemed suspicious in a fairly relaxed way. Likely to shoot and then diss the body and walk away. Pretty respectable.

"Got there after the fact, was talking to Janice before she absconded the scene of the crime." He was a Homestuck fan, absconded was allowed to be in his vocabulary.

"Like, I'm on one side of the door, asking if she's cool, she's on the other being weird and suspicious. I get out of there and check out the room when she's gone. Don't know where she is now." A thoughtful pause. "In the walls, probably. Watching us." Something Ash would unironically believe for the bantz.
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Post by Deamon »

Darryl saw Letitia's eye roll but didn't acknowledge it. He was only trying to gather more information than had been initially offered. If she thought that was stupid that was her problem. It never hurt to have a full understanding of what was happening. Although Darryl had to admit he'd gone into his interactions with Roberta and Daenerys with all the information he could have possibly gathered and had walked away with one entire can of beer. So he hadn't managed to get a good return on his information gathering.

He gave a half-shrug as Salem explained the events as they'd happened. In the meantime, he moved deeper into the room and looked for a place to perch and put down the coconut. As he did so he made note of the wrecked TV and caught sight of the VHS sitting on the bookshelf. Despite his better instincts Darryl was taken with the unexpected presence of analog media and made his way over to browse the collection, a small smile forming as he momentarily forgot exactly where he was. He picked up one of the videos at random, a couple of cases lay discarded on the floor and looked at the cover. The fallen head of the statue of liberty looked back. Escape from New York certainly felt thematically appropriate based on first impressions.

"Yeah," He replied, turning the case over the read the synopsis for the movie. "Being weird and suspicious makes sense if you just killed someone I guess."

Damn, Kurt Russell could really rock an eyepatch.

"Uhhhh," He took his eyes off the VHS and turned his attention back to Salem and Letitia as he thought. "Sorry for all the questions, but do you know what she used to kill her?"
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Post by Laurels »

Letitia kept her eyes on Darryl as he moved into the room and began to check out the VHS tapes. Salem's story had told them that Janice wasn't nearby. Well, as far as he knew. Bitches could be quite slippery, so perhaps Janice was stuffed inside a cabinet listening to them talk about her. Either way, Letitia tried to divide her gaze between the two men.

Darryl had asked Salem what Janice used to kill Tana.

"I'd like to know that too," Letitia said.

She slowly moved a hand over to her rifle and gripped it around the barrel.

"Mainly, could we take her on as we are now, if it comes to blows?"
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Post by Cicada »

Whoa. What were those weird plastic-y boxes Darryl was rummaging through?

Salem knew what they were in spite of his handsomely girlish youth, actually, but only because Mom and Dad had been that pretentious about entertainment around the home. Salem's embarrassing baby videos, for example, took the form of floppy discs.

"I didn't see since the corpse was already there when she ran off."

Salem had never needed to know much about ballistics. Cute popular boys didn't demand much in the way of True Crime reps. Neither did ambitious political boys (who were cute).

"Uh... huh. It looked like a clean wound? So probably a gun and not a knife. I mean, if Letitia or I wanna test out how it might work?" Give a bitch a bullet, etc. "But the corpse was wadded up in a bunch of bed sheets that were really bloody so maybe she was caught still sleeping off the terrorist's gas or something. Then the kill could've been like, clean even with a knife."

Salem paused as if he were capable of thoughtfulness. Perish the thought. Much as Tana had perished.

"My guess is we have guns and at worst its even if its us versus her, but also I doubt either of us are crack shots so chances are fifty fifty and those are odds I'd rather not take if the cost of losing the coin toss is bleeding out to death." Salem shrugged. Started to settle into a comfortable position, his squat being rolling-pined out into a lazy legs-out sit on the floor. He felt a bit of something sharp under one thigh and hoped that wasn't TV shards that were about to give him tetanus.
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Post by Deamon »

"Makes sense I guess," Darryl said with a sigh. If Janice had woken up first and found a still unconscious Tana it was easy math to reach the decision to kill her there and then. Darryl understood that logic. After all, you only needed the one to be able to go home.

Salem's comment about the guns was also true enough, but only for him and Letitia. Darryl himself wasn't strapped and if he did need to engage someone at range didn't think he could throw the coconut at lethal velocity. So if it was all the same to the other two he was going to try and avoid that. But the word we was certainly doing a lot of heavy lifting as Salem spoke. Darryl made a mental note to loop back around to that. He didn't need to go into it straight away.

"You're right though," He said, setting the VHS down. "I'd rather not get caught in the middle of a shootout if I can help it."

He moved over to where the TV had been discarded on the floor and tested its stability with his foot before taking a seat on it.

He opened his bag and took out a bottle of water, being careful to avoid catching it on his coconut pick. As he opened it and took a drink he looked at the other two.

"I saw Roberta and Daenerys just so you know," He took another sip. "Let Daenerys out of a cell in the correctional building. They both seemed safe enough but they left and went their own ways."

He paused for a second as he thought.

"Actually, not entirely true, Roberta was going to leave Daenerys trapped in the cell."
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Post by Laurels »

Letitia listened as Salem explained the status of Tana's body. He seemed a bit uncertain about the cause of death and backtracked a bit. Either way, it was a death that produced a lot of blood. Letitia wasn't thrilled with the thought, but even she knew she'd have to get used to it. Tana would be the first of many deaths here, especially with bitches like Janice running around. Then again, Letitia couldn't help but admire the pragmatism of Janice. You only had to kill one person and be the last person alive to go home, so Janice was already fulfilling one half of the requirements. Letitia could have been the same had she just killed that boy in the field.

But then again, like the boys now were saying, they weren't crack shots with their guns yet. Letitia couldn't guarantee she would have succeeded anyways. If she had time and more bullets, she could at least practice. Still, she'd have to merely understand the fundamentals before she even attempted to fire it at a living person.

Darryl also mentioned seeing Roberta and Daenerys elsewhere. Apparently there was a correctional center and Daenerys was nearly locked in there. Letitia smiled.

"Good to know there's places to corral the really crazy ones here," Letitia remarked. "Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to throw the Janices in there if we get the chance."
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