One Room


Back when the research base was in use, the correctional facility would be used in case someone broke any laws or, more likely, needed a place to sober up. The correctional facility is a small building that holds one cell with metal bars and a fully-furnished cot. The rest of the room features one desk and a chair.
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One Room


Post by Laurels »

((Micah Flanagan continued from You can't fight crime if you ain't cute))

Micah pushed the door of the correctional facility open. He looked at the one-room building with its single cell and minimal furniture.

"Great. This will do."

Micah took his jacket off and threw it onto the chair. He then moved over to the desk and began to lift it up by one side. He began to move the desk by alternating rotating one end of it until it lined up with the door to the room. He then pushed it until it collided with the door. He made his way over and fiddled with the door. The door wouldn't be able to open now.


Micah let out a sigh and moved over to the chair. He plopped himself down in it and leaned back. He tilted his head to the ceiling and let out a long sigh. He had been walking from the mountain for a while now, having gotten down from the path and into the forest. He continued to walk, not really caring if the mole trio followed. By the time he reached the research station, he was completely alone. Fortunately, he found the correctional facility and was able to lock himself in.

Now he at least had some time to himself. Perhaps others would think it was locked and would avoid trying to get in for fear of breaking the lock. If so, he would at least be able to rest a bit and prolong his life.

He reached into his bag and took a sip of some water.

"Maybe I can nap a bit..." he muttered to himself.
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

((Dani Bird continued from Mean Time To Breakdown))

As the cold of the outside air bit at her, Dani could feel her jaw threaten to chatter. After her less than great social encounter with the wheelchair girl, Dani had decided to look around the Research Facility. Why? She wasn’t too sure. Maybe to look for someone she knew that wasn’t the wheelchair girl or maybe find something useful? Turned out that was a massive waste of time that she was now sorely regretting, but kept at in the paranoid hope she would just miss somebody. She wasn’t sure what time it was or how much had passed since those assholes running this operation took her sole means of telling time.

She was frustrated and cold, but here she was, checking the last place she hadn’t looked at in this god forsaken series of buildings.

She lamented not having just walked towards town already. She could have maybe run into Molly, or Matt, or Kaede, but no! Instead she put herself in the role of explorer and it was awful! If not for the lack of progress, then it was the sheer loneliness. Part of her regret not sticking with the wheelchair girl since at least THEN she’d have somebody, anybody, to talk to.

She approached the door to the correctional facility, took the doorknob in hand, turned to open-

Immediately she felt the door collide with something on the inside, barring it from being opened in any way.

She blinked, tried it again.

Same result.

Wiggled the doorknob, despite knowing full well the result wouldn’t change.

Sure enough, same result.

“Are you fucking kidding me, right now?!” She swore, trying to push the door open forcefully as her temper started to boil over.

It took her a moment to realize that the way the door wasn’t opening was because someone was probably inside right now. She let go of the doorknob, took a few breaths to calm herself down before changing her approach.

“Hey, is anyone in there?!” She called. “Can you let me in, please?! It is freaking cold out here!”
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Post by Laurels »

Micah shut his eyes and leaned back in the seat. He wasn't expecting to get plenty of sleep while he was here. He wasn't quite ready to settle into the bed in the cell, which looked like someone had rustled it up a bit recently. He just wanted to doze in his seat and pretend he was back on the porch at his home. He couldn't rock like he would in his grandfather's rocking chair, but he could at least pretend that there was some peace around him.

That didn't last long, as Micah was soon startled by the sound of someone at the door.

He watched as the door rattled and someone tried to push their way in. The desk was doing a good job at keeping them out though. He could hear from their profanity and desperation that they were a girl. He couldn't make out who it was though. Just that she was pleading to get out of the cold.

Micah reached to his side and pulled out the pugio. He slowly stood up out of his chair. He sure wasn't going to respond or open the door right away, so he figured the best thing he could do would be to wait to see if what she did next.
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Few seconds passed and no response. Dani groaned in irritance, folding her arms under her chest and tapping her foot on the ground impatiently. While she had no firm evidence someone was inside, it was a pretty good certainty judging by how the door was being kept shut from the inside. It annoyed her that the first sign of a person after the wheelchair girl and they weren’t even bothering to respond to her!

She inhaled deeply, holding it, then exhaling. She needed to calm herself, she didn’t want to do anything rash to scare them from letting her in.

She raised her hand and gave a few raps to the door with her knuckles.

“Helloooo!” She called again. “Hot girl in distress out here! C’mon, I know someone is in there!” She knocked a few more times. “At least say something! Even a ‘go away’ would be fine!”
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Post by Laurels »

Boy, this girl really picked the wrong guy to play the hot girl card against. Micah could appreciate female beauty, but that wasn't going to be a reason to let a potential killer into his safe space.

Micah knew he should keep the girl out. But of course, now guilt was starting to come in. If this girl died because he didn't let her in, then his siblings would never let it down. They'd be the Flanagan Quadruplets because all trace of Micah would be removed from the family history. Even he wouldn't be surprised to be disowned.

Still, altruism had its place, and he could at least vet the girl first.

"How distressed?" he shouted.
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

“Oh thank God…” She muttered under her breath.

When a reply finally did come, Dani both wanted to sigh in relief and scoff in disbelief. “How distress”? That was seriously a question he — and she at least knew it was a he by the voice — asked? How did he expect her to answer? Scale from one to ten? A list of awful events, up to including the whole kidnapping situation and put in a death game? If she were to guess it was just him being cautious, but it really seemed like an incredibly dumb question to ask.

“Pretty distressed!” She answered, her hands rubbing the sides of her arms in an attempt to warm them. “I’ve been wandering around for… some time now looking for someone else!”

It was true. She figured she’d try being somewhat honest to gain his trust.

“I’m a little freaked out being on my own out here,” She said. “I don’t even have a weapon to protect myself!”
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Post by Laurels »

"Okay, pretty distressed," Micah replied. "So not 'currently-running-from-an-axe-murderer' distressed. Got it."

Micah had to once again ponder what to do. This girl was clearly not in immediate danger and was just hoping for shelter. She also claimed to be unarmed. Micah knew he had to take that with a shaker's worth of salt grains. Everyone knew that people would start playing the game immediately out of fear, paranoia, or undiagnosed personality disorders. This girl could easily be one or all of those at once.

He could at least continue to vet her before deciding if it was worth letting her in or sending her on her way.

"Alright, before I let you in," Micah said. "First things first: Your name, weapon you had before you lost it, and the names of everyone you've seen so far."

He awaited her survey results.
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

Dani grimaced and rolled her eyes in annoyance. What is with these questions? This was taking far longer than she wanted or what she hoped. It hadn’t even been that long and already with the trust issues. She supposed she can’t be too upset given everything, but she couldn’t help but be somewhat irritated at how long this interaction was taking. The cold and the snow also definitely did not help matters either!

“Well, to answer in order,” she said, annoyance seeping into her tone slightly. “I’m Danielle Bird, I didn’t lose my ‘weapon’, they gave me fucking braclets of all things, and I don’t know. Some girl in a wheelchair whose name I didn’t bother to ask.”

She sighed, rubbing her brow. She hoped that satisfied his questions. Hopefully he didn’t have anything else. She sarcastically thought of asking if he wanted to know her bra size or social security number, but she had to remind herself that — though it annoyed her — his caution was probably warranted.
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Post by Salic »

Noise attracted attention. That's been a perpetual rule of nature that was established ever since the first sentient organisms swam in the ocean. Sometimes, the noise attracted members of their own species, either to mate or to aid them in times of distress.

More often than not, however, noise attracted predators.

Lara had been sneaking around the research facility for a while now, trying to find a place, any place at all, that wasn't too jam-packed with other people. Everywhere she went, though, seemed to have been packed to the gills. She needed somewhere that was empty. Anywhere that had an excessive amount of people was probably stripped of anything good.

When she saw one Danielle Bird, alone and focused pretty squarely on the building in front of her, she saw an opportunity arise.

After all, good things came to those who were proactive in their aims.

She crouched, flashlight in hand, consciously stepping as lightly as possible. She knew how loud she could be stomping around in her boots. She advanced slowly, so slowly, inch by precious inch, gradually making her way out of the shadows of the corner she was in. She got closer and closer and-

"...I didn't lose my weapon, they gave me fucking bracelets of all things..."

Lara stopped dead in her tracks.

Son of a bitch.

She had nothing of value. Figures. Maybe it was for the best. Maybe she didn't need to escalate anything. Maybe she didn't need to go that far. Yeah. Yeah, she didn't need to go that far.

Not yet, anyhow.

Lara stood up, a little faster than she'd been honing in on Dani. Eventually, she reached her full height. Her hand still retained a firm grip on the flashlight.

[+] V8 Kids
John Davis- ”Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger men." - John F. Kennedy
Constance Blanchet- "The end of hope is the beginning of death." - Charles De Gaulle
Lara 'Spuds' Bullock- "You can never substitute emotion for reason." - Robert McNamara (Adopted from Slam!)
[+] V9 Concepts
Lightning Adcock
Ariel Montserrat "For God's sake, bring me a large scotch. What a bloody awful country." - Reginald Maudling
Tammy Swann - "Do not fear death so much as an inadequate life." - Bertolt Brecht
Roberto Aguerrondo - "I will not kneel on the ground, Allowing the executioners to look tall, The better to obstruct the wind of freedom." - Zhou Zhenkai
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Post by Ruggahissy »

Noise attracted predators.

((Josh James continued from Ursa Major Meltdown ))

Josh ventured out of the building, blood streaming down his face and gun in hand. His panting breath was slightly visible in front of him as delicate vapor clouds. He walked and before long, he heard some shouting and banging.

Another girl gradually walked up, but it didn't look like either was in possession of anything that could pose a threat. This was confirmed when the first girl loudly announced that she'd been given bracelets as a "weapon."

He looked between the two of them as he approached from behind and grimaced from what felt like a particularly bad headache. Two blood droplets pattered onto the snow.

Josh walked up to Dani and grabbed her by the crook of the arm. It was rude and something he would never do. Ordinarily he'd have had to come up, ask for some help, explain that he needed help with his injury, and then hope she (1) noticed and (2) agreed. But neither was necessary here and he was annoyed and didn't feel like going through the appropriate steps.

He made sure they both saw the gun he held.

"Don't follow. I only need one," he said to Lara.

And pulled Dani along elsewhere.

((Josh James continued elsewhere))
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Post by TheLordOfAwesome »

((OOC: Skipping turn order to exit))


Dani quickly spun around with a short, startled cry and pressed herself up against the door. Where the hell did she come from?! More importantly, how did she not hear her?! The girl in front of her was a few inches taller, but good lord was she JACKED compared to Dani’s more delicate physique! Her eyes looked to the girl’s hand and saw a flashlight, which gave Dani the impression she was just moments away from being clocked across the head by it.

She would have said something, but then ANOTHER person emerged from the ether and hooked around her arm. Her head snapped in their direction, eyes widening even more. He was bleeding from the head and, oh, he had a fucking gun.

She would have screamed more, but she was so terrified at this point that she locked up in place.

She wondered why this was happening to her. Did the world just decided she needed to get fucked over today? Just one goddamn issue after another.

"Don't follow. I only need one."

Need one for WHAT?! That was the thought that went through her mind. Then he started pulling her away, and as she was pried away from her spot at the door she quickly knocked on the door before she was pulled too far out of the way.

“HEY!” She called back towards the door. “DO I SOUND DISTRESSED NOW, ASSHOLE?!”

And she was pulled away from the scene.

((Dani Bird continued in A Curse, A First…))
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Post by Laurels »

Micah listened as the girl responded. Her name was Danielle Bird. He vaguely remembered her as a popular cheerleader girl. She was armed with bracelets and had only seen a girl in a wheelchair. Micah winced a bit at that. To be kidnapped was bad enough, but to do the whole game in a wheelchair? It was like life wasn't quite done being unfair to that girl.

Before Micah could respond, he heard more movement outside and the girl banging on the door.


"Shit!" Micah grunted.

Before he knew it, he was already starting to move the desk out from the door. So much for safety. He fucked around, and now this girl was probably going to die.

Micah tightened his grip on the pugio as he threw the door open and stepped out into the cold air. His eyes started darting around the area. Danielle wasn't around, but another girl was.

"What happened?" he asked her.
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Post by Salic »

Lara could only stare in total astonishment as Joshua, from the lacrosse team, who had a gun, just strode in and took Danielle away. She made no attempt to intervene on her behalf. All she did was watch as Danielle was whisked away as a hostage into lands unknown on the island. Her jaw hung slightly, not really comprehending what she was seeing. She couldn't believe that Josh, a member of her own damn team, had just kidnapped someone right in front of her. It took a long while for that information to really embed itself into her mind.

It was then that another man came out of the building she was standing in front of, who demanded to know what just happened. It was a reasonable demand, she supposed.

"Uh, Joshua James, from lacrosse, he just... he just took Danielle. Wrapped his arm around her, held out a gun so no one would intervene, and then just walked off with her. He came out of the blue in a second, and in that same amount of time, he was gone."

While she was giving her explanation, she silently sized the boy up. He was tall, taller than her, and muscular. She thought that he may have been one of the Flanagan kids, but she couldn't be sure.

"Also, I have a question of my own. What were you doing in the building? Wouldn't you have come out sooner if you heard Danielle screaming too?"
[+] V8 Kids
John Davis- ”Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger men." - John F. Kennedy
Constance Blanchet- "The end of hope is the beginning of death." - Charles De Gaulle
Lara 'Spuds' Bullock- "You can never substitute emotion for reason." - Robert McNamara (Adopted from Slam!)
[+] V9 Concepts
Lightning Adcock
Ariel Montserrat "For God's sake, bring me a large scotch. What a bloody awful country." - Reginald Maudling
Tammy Swann - "Do not fear death so much as an inadequate life." - Bertolt Brecht
Roberto Aguerrondo - "I will not kneel on the ground, Allowing the executioners to look tall, The better to obstruct the wind of freedom." - Zhou Zhenkai
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Post by Laurels »

Micah listened as the girl spoke. Some lacrosse boy had just waltzed in with a gun and walked off with Danielle. He looked down at the ground and saw tracks that would affirm that statement. It was hard to believe it had happened so quickly.

The girl then asked why Micah hadn't come out. Micah sighed.

"I blocked the door with a desk," Micah said. "I couldn't just swing the door open until it was sufficiently out of the way. Believe me, you can see the scratch marks on the floor for proof."

He then exhaled a bit. He didn't like how this girl was questioning him, but to be fair, if he had let Danielle in, she probably wouldn't have been abducted.

Then again, some psycho with a gun would have gotten in and that probably have been worse.

"As for what I was doing in there...hiding. I mean, who wouldn't want to barricade themselves somewhere safe on this island?"

Maybe that was rude, and maybe he did fuck up, but it wasn't a crime to want to protect oneself here.
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Post by Salic »

Ah, so the perhaps-Flanagan boy had been hiding in the building, and apparently had a barricade to keep other people out. It wasn't a bad strategy in the short term, especially since physical stature and musculature could be negated by a bullet from long range. Unfortunately, that kind of survival strategy wasn't viable long term. He would run out of food eventually and would have to leave his safe haven, running the risk of being robbed or worse. No, that kind of thing wouldn't work in the long run, not at all.

"Barricading yourself for protection? Fair enough, I suppose," Lara responded, keeping her tone and face as neutral as possible. "There is barely any protection from a bullet out here."

Lara shuffled her feet, moving ever so slightly towards him. Maybe she could copy what Danielle was doing before she was taken by Joshua. It would give her a place to settle down, and it would give her enough time to rebuild her house of cards so that maybe she could survive this place.

"Could I... join you? I don't have anything to defend myself with. They gave me a vacuum cleaner, of all things. Please, there's nowhere else for me to go. Everywhere else is packed to the brim with people who may be hostile and I have nothing to stop them. You don't even have to host me for that long if you don't want to. I just need somewhere safe to stay."

Lara had added flecks of emotion here and there, peppered it like one seasons a steak to give it that little bit that of spice that it needed. Of course, she didn't want to stay with the boy for the whole length of Version Eight. Maybe she would only end up spending the upcoming night with him. Hell, she had already deconstructed his strategy in her mind, but maybe all she needed was one night in this building to make it worthwhile.

"Oh, and, uh, what is your name? Mine is Lara. Lara Bullock."
[+] V8 Kids
John Davis- ”Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger men." - John F. Kennedy
Constance Blanchet- "The end of hope is the beginning of death." - Charles De Gaulle
Lara 'Spuds' Bullock- "You can never substitute emotion for reason." - Robert McNamara (Adopted from Slam!)
[+] V9 Concepts
Lightning Adcock
Ariel Montserrat "For God's sake, bring me a large scotch. What a bloody awful country." - Reginald Maudling
Tammy Swann - "Do not fear death so much as an inadequate life." - Bertolt Brecht
Roberto Aguerrondo - "I will not kneel on the ground, Allowing the executioners to look tall, The better to obstruct the wind of freedom." - Zhou Zhenkai
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