The Fool was her


The garages are very simplistic and built solely for the purpose of holding the station's fleet of vehicles. They feature two roll-up sheet metal doors, one rolled up enough for some to crouch under it and the other closed, along with a side door that has been frozen shut. Inside sit three vehicles: one all-terrain jeep that lacks a full set of tires and two snowmobiles.
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Post by Gundham »

Juanita saw Eden stumble.

this - A charging bull, skewering a matador with one of its long, curved horns.
V8 Characters:

Juanita Reid
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Post by Primrosette »

Eden had messed up badly. She had no one to blame for this, but herself.

She felt like someone had rammed into her with a huge trunk. She felt like she had stopped breathing for a split second. It felt like her insides were getting twisted like a rotting, diseased heart.

The haladie had gotten right into her gut...

The pain was completely overwhelming.

The naginata fell out of her grasp and it landed right into the snow by Juanita's right side.

She managed to pulled herself backwards, feeling the weapon being torn from her gut and she let out a small, strangled noise.

She could taste some blood in her mouth, realizing that she bit down on her tongue too hard.

She tried to cover her wounded area with her hands as best as she could and then she collapsed onto her side in the white snow, staring to soak it with her slow, pooling red blood.
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by Laurels »

Timothy threw something at Ellis. He failed to catch the can. It brushed the tips of his fingers and clattered to the ground. Ellis moved over to try and pick it up, not actually sure what it was. He grabbed the can and then heard more chaos happening.

Jack was being attacked by Juanita, while Eden was knocked down by Ashlyn. Ashlyn was now heading for Timothy. Ellis panicked and dropped the can again.

"Stay away!" he shouted at Ashlyn.

He grabbed the dagger from Marian out of his pocket and rushed towards her, swinging wildly, hoping some part of it would hit her.
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Post by Jilly »

Timothy ran out of time to think. Ashlyn was barreling right for him.

He pulled the pin out of the tear gas cannister and blindly lobbed it at Juanita before he tensed up and closed his eyes, accepting his fate for whatever came next.
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Post by NoLife »

Fear, Panic, Pain, Death looking him in the face, and The frigid winter air. All played a part in what Teddie was doing.

N O T H I N G. They always say Fight or Flight. But people tend to forget the third option. Freeze. Juanita, like an unstoppable force was coming to deliver a fatal wound to him, and he saw no way to stop it. Right when it was all coming to a head.

A familiar blade blocked his view. Juanita stopped the killing plunge and jumped back. Eden had saved his life, and in that instant, millions of words and thousands of fates entered his mind and fought for power.

His instincts told him to run like hell. Jack told him to use this as an opportunity to help Eden turn the tide on Juanita. The smart part of him told him to put some distance between himself and the action while also checking up on that wound.

Too much information too quickly. It fried his brain, but the thing that stayed at the forefront of his mind. Eden had put her life at risk to save him.

And just as quickly it all came crashing down. Like a bull, Juanita had charged just like before. But this time the blade was ahead of her.

When Juanita stabbed Eden, Teddie's brain practically froze. Then his heartrate spiked, his breathing became difficult, his vision blurred, he couldn't stop shaking. Yet even as he began to have a panic attack, the pain his his calf flared ever present. Then he heard a dull thud that sounded like it was miles away. Teddie was panicking but he couldn't see and could barely hear, which only made it worse. Eden's lifeforce was spilling all over her shirt, Teddie saw her mouth open but couldn't hear it.

Teddie tried to shut his eyes, and calm himself even as tears and snot ran down his face. Then there was once again a dull thump similar to when he dropped his bread not even 10 minutes ago, however this had more weight. It was hard to see, his panic attack, his warm breath and the frigid air combining into steam, and a deep wishing to not see it. Eden had falling to the ground.

Once again in an instant several actions he could take ran through his mind. His instincts told him to run to the other end of the island leaving all of it behind. Jack told him to grab Eden's falling weapon and make Juanita P A Y. The actions even began to combine. Take Eden's weapon then run, tell the others to take care of Eden while he took her stuff and ran.

However, he did none of those. Teddie felt like he was moving through five feet of mud, as he ran to Eden's side. The Soul nectar was beginning to paint the snow, Teddie tried to cover the wound with his hands covering them with a deep red. He could barely see, tears and snot began to fall from his cheeks to Eden below him. There was so much... Blood to much Blood it was all over his hands now he was trying to apply pressure but his hands shook and contrary to the cold his body shivered. "JUANITA! WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE!?" It should have been him. He should be the one bleeding out into the cold.

Before he continued to throw himself into self loathing there was another dull thump, and the sound of hissing gas.
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Post by Gundham »

It was supposed to be easy.

Juanita had practiced the stabbing thrust a hundred times yesterday, figuring out how to angle the blade just so, so that she wouldn't wind up impaling herself along with whoever was on the other end. In and out. Push, retract. Repeat. She'd gone over and over it, so that when the time came it'd be automatic. But she hadn't known, couldn't have known, how it would actually feel. How jarring it'd be when the blade went in and in and in, and stopped. How warm the blood on her hands would be.

She'd pictured the big dagger going in and out cleanly, like a kitchen knife carving up a watermelon. That trite, naïve image gave way to the reality of a blade pinched tight by flesh and bone. The shaft was slippery now, and when Eden pulled away it nearly ripped the back blade through her palms. Juanita tightened her grip and yanked, hard, to tear it free. A small crescent of rubies hit the snow.

For a half second Eden stood there, clutching herself, and Juanita could almost imagine that everything was fine; but then she saw the look on her face, the way her eyes changed just before her legs gave out. The instant when Eden recognized her not as a target or an enemy, but as her murderer. That look cut through all of her justifications and excuses, and it shattered her.

Oh God...

She wanted to throw down the haladie, or run, or puke her guts out, or some unholy combination of all three. Then Teddie ran over, bypassing her, and tried to do something, tried to fix this, tried to make it better. Did all the things that she herself would have done three days ago.

"JUANITA! WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE?" Teddie screamed at her, through snot and tears.

Guilt and shame kept her rooted to the spot, and hot tears beaded in the corners of her eyes. She couldn't answer him.

This could have been the moment where everything changed. The moment where she gave in to the condemnation and dropped her haladie, abandoned her cause and told herself that living couldn't possibly be worth all of this. It really could have been.

But then she saw Ellis rush at Ash with a dagger outstretched, and all of the alarm bells went off, and suddenly there was no more room for guilt and condemnation.

"Ash! Look out!"

She bent down to grab Eden's weapon - to throw it to Ash, or javelin it at Ellis' back, or something - and there was a tinny sound as a small canister hit the ground in front of her. Juanita looked up, just in time to see it erupt into a billowing cloud of white smoke. And all she knew was agony.


She tried to shout the flight word, warn Ash to run, but her throat convulsed and she fell to the ground, retching and choking. Tears flooded her eyes, and the sounds of her own agonized coughing drowned out everything else. She tried to move, to get away from the gas, but her leg was stiff and every muscle in her body was being yanked towards her lungs. She was blind and deaf, paralyzed with rictus. All she could feel was pain.
V8 Characters:

Juanita Reid
Rebekah Hayes
Karin Han
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Post by Cicada »

No time to think.

Whatever he'd thrown it was headed Juanita's way. A threat to her ally that Ash had failed to prevent. But she couldn't prevent herself from slamming into him, no more than she could prevent herself from taking another breath. She wasn't too keen on staying alive but she had no choice, and a moment frozen in time, Ash painfully conscious of everything that could go wrong in a million scenarios playing before her eyes in an instant, everything evaporated as the blur of momentum coalesced back into reality.

She'd knocked him down. All she saw of the twisted shape pinned under her knees was soft flesh. All she needed to do was raise her hand and dig in, and all the delicate bits would peel away.

Someone was moving behind her. Someone was screaming at her, and they sounded like Juanita but she wasn't sure, and then the world was silent. One noise, echoing in her ears times a thousand. The butter supple whistle of metal became the next thing she could focus on with eyes all too wide open.

She jumped off the still living and breathing thing she'd trapped, and dodged the knife aimed for the back of her neck just in time.

Teddie crying, pathetic. Juanita hacking up both her lungs through a windpipe too small. She could only imply what was happening from the sounds- they'd been covered by an almost opaque white column of what looked like thick dust. Dissipating rapidly but still clinging onto the two within and... and a third, crumpled to the ground.

They'd done it. Just in time to both nearly die themselves.

"Back off," Ash snarled. Small boy was desperate and wild, but Ash had shrugged off guys twice his size. No element of surprise, no problem. The problem was Juanita- sounding like she'd been the one stabbed, and not the gutted, writhing fish on the ground Ash had once had a crush on some eternity prior. Dude in front of her was nothing, and Ash treated him as such. He made a move at her- maybe, hard to tell. She rushed past him, only as cautious with her footwork as she needed to dodge his non-presence.

She shoved her forearm and the thick fabric on top of it right up against her arm. Eyes almost shut, just enough to zero in onto the human shapes in the cloud of tear gas. Improv- best she could do. She could feel water and sting right along the bits of membrane still exposed, but she powered through, taking two steps at a time and forcing herself to Juanita's side.

"We've gotta move. We've done enough."

She was used to carrying Juanita around already- doing it with both eyes shut was a bit of a risk but she just needed to get far enough away. Juanita's legs dangled over one of her arms, her back rested atop the flat of the other. Ash propped up what she was pretty sure was two weapons in an overtaxed grip that would definitely give the moment the adrenaline was spent- something like a sword and something like a pole both barely stuffed between her fingers, though she was sure she'd almost grabbed the blade of something and chopped her own palm open. Everything passed in an instant- no time to think, after all. She worked coldly, callously, grabbed everything that was important and ran.

Left the rest behind, condemning it. She'd been prepared to do that, and she didn't look back. Her one regret was that she couldn't end it quickly for Eden. She was sure the horror would be paid forward and onto her when her time came, but that was a worry for a future Ash who had the time to die slowly. Still too alive for that. For now.

- Ashlyn, Juanita continued elsewhere -
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Post by NoLife »

"JUANI-!" Teddie wanted to scream. At Juanita, at himself, at the terrible people who put them in this game.

But just like all of their lives. He was cut off.

Teddie had already found it hard to see, breathe, and Think. But that gas made it worse, he heard Juanita, the murderer, yell something and then descend into heavy coughing. Teddie swung his head over to see the gas had swallowed her.

Then came the pain. Everything he was finding hard became almost impossible, it felt like he was chopping onions with his, mom, again except 100 times worse. He kept coughing but couldn't clear his throat, he even almost threw up. It was hell.

And yet Eden still came to mind, sitting in a turbulent sea of pain and panic. Others were moving but Teddie could barely save the thinking space for his thoughts. Teddie Grabbed some part of Eden and then tried to drag her with him out of the cloud of gas. Coughing and wheezing and crying and once taking a second just to scream in pain, which only made it worse. Collapsing on the snow just to dry heave and trying to force air into his lungs, Teddie didn't know how far he made it but he couldn't keep going, he squirmed on the ground gripping his throat and clawing at the ground.
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Post by Laurels »

Ellis had tried to attack Ashlyn, swinging the knife at her vague form. Ellis hadn't really thought much about what it would take to stab someone in the three days they've been here, so his moves were graceless and erratic.

They only got worse when white smoke started to fill the area.

"Oh fuck! Shit!" Ellis screamed as the tear gas began to sting his eyes.

Ashlyn had managed to get away from him and run to her buddy. Ellis coughed and continued to rub his eyes and curse to himself. His mouth felt absolutely disgusting having breathed in some iof the smoke, as if he had personally licked a rusted pole. This would have been an easy place to kill him, but it looked like Timothy's cans had done the work to drive those hateful witches out.

Ellis began to look around.

"Is everyone okay? Is-"

That's when Ellis made a shape nearby. Jack was dragging something. It was when he suddenly recognized a form emerging from the smoke he realized what had happened.

"EDEN!!!" he shouted.

Ellis hurried over to Jack and Eden, continuing to cough and blink to deal with the tears in his eyes. He had to get over and see if she was okay. She had to be okay.
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Post by Primrosette »

Everything felt like it was a blur to her.

Eden could still hear Jack crying and some coughing here and there. She felt like she couldn't breathe herself. She closed her eyes as tightly as she could as her eyes felt like they were getting assaulted and she could feel some tears squeezing out of the corners. She could felt herself coughing and wheezing a little, feeling some splatters of blood coming out of her mouth. She was starting to feel numb...

She felt someone trying to drag her against the cold, wet snow that she could feel soaking through her clothing. She could felt herself wanting to scream out in complete pain. Her body wanted to battle against her severe wound. But she could already feel her body and mind starting to shut down. All she could do was a few grunts and whimpers while the boy was dragging her to a possible safety net.

She heard Ellis' yell even if it felt like it was getting a bit muffled.

God, she really was dying and there was nothing that they could do.

"C....Cold.... G-Garage... s-s-sorry.... sorry." Was all that she could stutter out of her mouth, still getting the metallically taste of blood going down her throat. "Too... too.... c-cold...."
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by NoLife »

Teddie's mind was a mess, he felt like scratching at his throat to let air in. Yet when he gripped his neck he was reminded of the cold metal, how if in his panic he did something that counted as "tampering" his collar would blow and there would be two dead bodies in the snow. Teddie instead planted his face in the cold snow, using his hands to bring more snow.

It was kind of working, at least enough for him to hear Ellis yell. "ELLIS!" Teddie fell into another swarm of coughs punctuated by him shoving snow into his mouth. Once the burning eased enough, he spits it back out. "HELP EDEN!"

Ever so faintly he heard Eden speak, and while he couldn't catch the first part he did hear cold. Without the snow in his face to ease the pain it came back, Jack yelped like a wounded dog and planted his face back into the snow. "PLEASE! Help me move her!" He was finding it easier to bring air into his lungs, but it was still difficult. But there was one thing keeping him going through the pain, it was the same thing that fueled him to move her out of the gas. Shame, it was shame and guilt that made Teddie grab Eden by her shoulders and try to lift/drag her to the garage. Even if he could barely see, or breathe, even if he wanted to curl up into a ball and wait until everything stopped hurting.

Even when he wanted to grab his scissors out of the snow, chase down Juanita and Ashlyn and yell why they did it, or hurt them, or even kill them. He couldn't because Eden didn't leave him to die and now she was dying in his place and he would never be able to forgive himself if he left the only person who would risk their life for him, to bleed out into the cold.
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Post by Laurels »

Ellis finally made it through the haze and saw the damage. He gasped when he saw Eden on the ground, bleeding from her gut. He felt like he was going to puke. That was a lot of blood, and that didn't look like the sort of thing you could easily treat.

Jack asked him to help move her.

"Right, yeah, we gotta..." he muttered.

Ellis crouched down to the ground near Eden.

"Hey, it's gonna be fine, Eden," he said to the girl. "You've helped us out a lot over the last few days and now I'm gonna pay it back tenfold."
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Post by Primrosette »

Eden opened her eyes briefly when Ellis was suddenly crouching down near her and she tried to move her hand over his. She wasn't sure if she had touched his hand as she was sure that she was getting her blood on him and she kind of felt bad about it. Her vision was becoming more and more of a blur for her. She felt like it was getting harder to breathe, but she couldn't die without getting out some words.

"E....Ellis...." She choked out softly as she felt like she was getting lifted somewhere and she wasn't sure if she was going up to a higher place or not. She felt like her mind was getting fuzzier. "...I... I had to pro.... protect Teddie from her.... I-I don't have any regrets...."

It was kind of a lie. She wished that she could have survived with the boys for a bit longer. She wished that she could have seen her family again. But she didn't want to be that selfish of a person. Even if she had wanted to live longer.

"...You.... You're going to be okay, E-Ellis." She felt her eyes starting to droop slowly and her hand was starting to feel like there was nothing that she was touching. "I'm glad... to have some f-friends with me-me.... in the end."

She felt her eyes closing and she was slowly starting to drift off into an eerie darkness.

"You.... all should... t-t-try to survive for as long as.... you c-can..."

Her voice was getting quieter and quieter as she felt like her everything was fading away.

Eden could see a small light starting to shine through the darkness that she was trapped in.

If she had one card on her person to describe her.... It would have been The Fool card.

Eden Glass - Deceased
[+] V7
ImageG006 - Violet Quinn: "T-Thank you.... Ned...."
ImageB033 - Adonis Cohen: "Thank.... T-Thank you, E-Emmett..."
ImageB045 - Emmett Bunnell: "Just.... breathe, you idiot...."(Adopted to Toxie!)
ImageB054 - Drew Woods: "D-Declyn, I love you..."
ImageB051 - Jonathan Meyers: “...that’s louder than bombs and eternity…” (Adopted from Yugikun!)
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Post by NoLife »

Ellis came to help, he told Eden she would be fine. Then she spoke, and Teddie stopped. He stopped moving, he shut his eyes, and he even held back his coughs.

Because some deep and primal part of him knew. That these were Eden's last moments, her last words. So he held her, keeping her head from laying in the snow and even slightly hugging her. She spoke to Ellis, about Teddie, about how Ellis could survive, about how she was glad to have people with her. Like he had done many times since waking up on the island, he cried. Teddie held back sobs as she told them to survive. And then-

She went limp in his arms.

Teddi-k resumed dragging her to the Garage, It was hard to see. It was hard to breathe. Not just from the gas but because of how much it hurt. 'The Bod-EDEN!' He snapped at himself. Eden was heavier now, much heavier. But Tedd-ck kept going because to stop meant to admit. It meant to admit that someone died because of him...He always knew that this was going to happen, from the very moment he woke up in that chair and was told that he was in SOTF. He KNEW! That someone would end up dead because of him! The tears were coming stronger than when he was hit with the gas, Ted-ack moved his arm to wipe them, to clear up his vision. Then he went back to dragging, but when he looked there was red on his arm. He looked harder at it, then came to a realization.

When Teddie tried and failed to stop Eden's bleeding his hands were covered in her blood. Then he was shoveling snow into his face with those same hands. "ah." It was almost comedic in nature. "Ah." If the situation wasn't so morbid. "AH." Perhaps Te-ack would have laughed. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" He screamed. No that wouldn't be accurate it was more like a howl, a howl of anguish, and while even that couldn't do it service, it was the closest thing to describe how his mind was breaking. He dropped Eden's body. This only made it worse.

It was his fault. Like a mantra, it came being repeated as he stared at Eden's lifeless body. He should have died, not her. She died for nothing, she died so that a pathetic burden could continue to be carried around. It hurt in a way he had never felt before, it was the most painful thing he had ever experienced. More painful than the cut on his leg, or the gas, even when he first woke up on the island with an explosive collar strapped around his neck and certainty of his death. It wasn't mental or physical pain. It was the pain of his entire existence, and he wasn't built to be able to handle it. Juanita may have been the one to stab her but it was his fault that she died.

Then there was a single drop on Eden's face. T-ack stopped screaming, his mind stopped breaking, and a second drop of blood landed on her face. Then a third and a fourth, and when the fifth landed it trailed down her face and right to her collar.

Teddie's world with black. He felt his world shift like he was falling. Jack sat back up and looked at Ellis. This was a different person, his posture and his gaze were ever so slightly different. The look of misery was replaced with an almost neutral expression, or as neutral you could get with someone else's blood covering your face and a bloodied nose.
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Post by Jilly »

For a while, Timothy couldn't get up. Rather, he wouldn't. He didn't want to. His whole being hurt from Ashlyn's tackle, like he got hurled at a stone wall.

But he was still alive.

He heard it all, from the screams and cries.

He failed. He didn't need to see the body.

He failed again. God laughed at him, and there was nothing he could do about it.

The heat in his eyes could melt the snow, but he held back from crying as much as he could as he lay there in the snow.

"That boy's a fuckup," Dad's words that Timothy overheard one night when his folks were fighting again while he should've been asleep kept playing in his head. It grew louder and relentless until it blew out his eardrums.

Fuckup... Fuckup...

The tears welled up in his eyes anyway, and now he felt like even more of a narcissist crying about his own issues when someone fucking just died.

He couldn't get up.
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