Family Reunion

The art therapy room is located close to the entrance of the hospital itself. This was a considered decision; a large window provides a view of the hospital's front grounds, creating an atmosphere suited to one of the more peaceful therapy rooms. Only the most calm and trusted of patients were allowed to take part in these treatments. Given its location and nature, this would be one of the first things visitors and inspectors saw when they arrived. Now, though, the view of the grounds has turned against the room, with a fallen tree having destroyed the window and its branches breaking into the room, scattering easels along with the drawings and paintings produced by patients across the floor.
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Post by KamiKaze »

Alba went clattering to the ground. With it, a loud cracking noise filled the air, and-

Emma felt her left knee give way. She let go of the gurney, and fell to the ground.

At first, she thought that the gunshot had made her limbs go weak. That the reason why it hurt was because she fell on it funny. But she had to look down, and saw it. At first, Emma wasn't sure what it was, but it took a few seconds to realize. Those few seconds made her heart pound more and more.

The first thing she saw was that streaks of red were pouring down her leg, staining her jeans. The next was the source: two pieces of tile, puncturing her knee. Emma gasped at the sight.

She looked back up. Alba was still sitting on the ground, staring at her. Emma growled, and grabbed for the sword. Her hands shook, and the usual fatigue was replaced by nausea.

She didn't want to die, not like this. Hopefully she could deal with the wound later, but for no-

Another crack. More debris flew in the air. Emma flinched, but that wasn't enough. It felt like something cut across her cheek.

It was enough to stop her in her tracks.
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Post by Laurels »

Alba scrambled to get the rifle back into her hands and held it towards Emma. Emma was bleeding and rushing towards them with a sword. Fiyori had fired, but missed. Alba gulped as she stared down the girl.

She screwed up. She didn't realize this girl was on edge and that approaching her would turn out so badly. They were so late in the game that she should have realized it. She should have also realized how dumb it was to walk around with the safety off. Honestly, Alba had a lot to kick herself for, but not a lot of time.

What she did have to deal with was this girl charging at her with a sword. There was nothing else to do. This girl was going to kill her, and probably Fiyori as well. Fiyori realized it when she shot at the girl, and now Alba knew it was true.

She was making a lot of promises these last few days, and it was her turn to live up to them, as much as she hated it.

She grimaced as she raised the rifle to Emma.

"Sorry," she said.

She pulled the trigger and closed her eyes as she heard a burst of gunfire. There was no going back.
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Post by KamiKaze »

A long time ago, Emma had hopes and dreams.

She'd always been somewhat ambitious, so she knew what she wanted ever since she was little. She wanted to be a doctor, she wanted to help her community, and live a good life. So, she pushed hard for it. She'd kept her grades up, she ran for class president, she tried to improve the school any way she could.

However, the truth was, as determined as Emma was, she also suspected her life would be normal. She'd graduate Cochise, go to college and then medical school, maybe meet someone, maybe start a family with them, maybe go back to living on the Luz compound with her relatives. And then she'd grow old, and eventually die. Of course, there'd been a few times she wondered how much of that was still possible, even back home. Her illness, for example, probably made a lot of that trickier.

It was funny what you think about when you've fallen to the floor from a gunshot wound to the torso.

Emma tried to lift her head up, her vision blurring even with her glasses. Her entire body throbbed with a kind of numbness. However, she'd knew what'd happened. She'd been shot, she'd fallen on her back, she was… bleeding. From multiple places. Her face was probably scratched up, or perhaps worse. Her leg still had debris sticking out.

She tried to pull herself back up. Put her hands on the floor underneath her, try to sit up. Try to get away. She knew it'd make her injuries worse, but she had to get back up, try to escape. Fiyori and Alba were likely planning on finishing her off-

She was done for.

No, she wasn't. She still had hopes, things to do, even here. She was supposed to bury Sabrina, she was supposed to live. She still had things to do, things she wanted to do, things she was supposed to do. People could survive all kinds of things, right? Right? People could live through anything if they just knew what to do, had the drive to-

But could she live through injuries like this?

Emma kept trying to push herself up. She sobbed, she breathed, she gasped. Each time, her arms were weak, too weak, to pull her into a sitting position. It wasn't even like the usual numbness. It was cold-

It was cold. Her heart was pounding impossibly fast. Her skin felt sweaty. She knew her chances were low, even with her racing thoughts.

But she had to keep trying.

A few more tries of getting back up. She dripped blood onto the floor as she did, a puddle forming around her torso and leg. But a few seconds later, her limbs didn't respond at all. She was left looking at the cold gray ceiling, her vision fading in and out. One second it was pure darkness, only for the ceiling to fade back in. She heard her own sobs, felt her own tears.

She had no idea what Fiyori and Alba were doing. If they were going to kill her, if they'd run away, or what. But she had to stay awake, keep going. She had to stay awake, she absolutely had to stay awake. Please let her stay awake.

A few more seconds later, and Emma went silent. She stopped struggling. Her eyes, once filled with desperation, slowly dimmed. Emma lay still, her sister's body laying just a few feet away on a gurney.

If you saw the look on her face alone, you'd think she'd just woken up from a nightmare.

Female Student #022 Emma Luz- ELIMINATED
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Post by Riki »

In the brief window of time that followed, Fiyori's thoughts and feelings were scattered all across the room. They pulled and pushed her to all sides, but there was no single path she could take. For a moment, Fiyori wanted to scream. Scream at Alba, tell her that Emma needed to die. That she needed to finish what she started. That she needed to act, and do so with resolution.

By then, Alba had already taken another shot.

By then, Emma was dead.

Fiyori remained in her position. Her eyes were fixated on the fresh corpse in front of her. It took her some time to let go.

The depth and width of her feelings, once again, surprised her. But standing out among them all was a sense of relief. There was pressure, and then there was none.

"Alba... everything alright?"
[+] Version 6
[+] Version 5
O B014 Joachim Lovelace - Ballistic Knife, MP 18, Obsidian Knife - "It doesn't matter. They lost, he lost, I'll lose. That's the nature of the game."
O G042 Aileen Aurora Abdallah - Pair of MMA Gloves, Golf Club & Table Leg -
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Alba remained in place as she watched the gunfire tear apart Emma, sending her to the ground. She stared at the girl as she slowly stopped moving, leaving a look of horror on her face. Alba's mouth slowly opened, but nothing came out. She felt the rifle shaking in her hands, the barrel still pointing towards Emma.

Fiyori broke the silence and asked if Alba was alright.


Alba moved her hand down the rifle, turning the safety back on.


She slowly pushed herself off the ground and stood up. She kept her gaze on Emma's body.

"I... I don't have an excuse for this one, do I?"

Alba put her had to her forehead. She could feel her eyes starting to well up.

"This is all my fault, isn't it?"
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"You don't need an excuse."

Fiyori said, partly to reassure Alba. There was a bit of annoyance in her voice, but it didn't grew to be an important part. Fiyori looked back at Emma's broken body once more, her arm reaching out to the side. Almost, her hand would have pat Alba's shoulders but then she reconsidered.

She turned around and went for her bag. It was an unpleasant episode, that thing that just happened. But it did, and there was no 'undo' function here. Still, whether Fiyori or Alba would've struck the killing blow, the end result would be the same.

One step closer to Jae. One step closer to Kimiko.

One step closer to life.

"If you want we can think of one, might be fun."
[+] Version 6
[+] Version 5
O B014 Joachim Lovelace - Ballistic Knife, MP 18, Obsidian Knife - "It doesn't matter. They lost, he lost, I'll lose. That's the nature of the game."
O G042 Aileen Aurora Abdallah - Pair of MMA Gloves, Golf Club & Table Leg -
B059 David Zimmer - Sabre -
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"No, there's no point," Alba said. "I got too close to someone who didn't want our help, and I ended up killing her because of it. I should have just left her alone."

Alba wiped her eyes. Fiyori was looking through her bag for something. Alba knew that this was going to probably come back to haunt them. Tomorrow morning, they'd announce that she killed Emma. They would probably phrase it in a way that would make her look bad, and people would try to come for her. People like Bryony and Jon may no longer want to come near her or ally with her because of it. Alba now had two kills to her name, and at this point in the game, that was a sign that she wanted to go home no matter what.

But how could she not want to go home? To be away from this place? To see the killings stop? Did Alba even have a chance to go home? Would her family accept her now that she's killed two people?

Alba let out a long sigh. This was what they wanted her to do. This is what she knew she had become the minute she killed Kaitlyn. This is what the majority of her peers had decided upon when they found themselves in this game. She was a killer.

Alba grit her teeth and clenched her fist. She didn't want to give in like this. Yes, she was a double-killer who ripped two girls from their families forever, but she needed to be better than what the terrorists wanted. With how many people were left, she needed to be one of the better ones. She needed to be for the sake of everyone who died, everyone she killed, and for those she promised she'd do right by.

"Fi, I don't know if I can forgive myself for this. I don't know if I deserve to go home now. But you know what? I'm not going to give in to those doubts. I'm not going to act like this makes me more worthy to go home, or that I don't deserve to live because of it. I want to believe there's some reason for me to keep going."

Alba swallowed a lump in her throat and slowly breathed out her nose.

"Fiyori, I promised we'd make it to tomorrow night, and I'm going to make sure of it. I'm not going to be the aggressor, but if I'm somehow alive by sunset tomorrow, I'll know it's because I was meant to make it, and that there's still a chance for me to do right in the world. If I don't make it, then I was truly past the point of no return, or that I'll have to answer for my sins much sooner than I thought."

She stepped a bit closer to Fiyori.

"I'll be more careful, but I'll make sure that someone comes out of this okay. If I'm going to die here, I'm going to die ensuring the right person goes home. If I'm all that's left, I'll spend the rest of my life making penance."


Alba reached her free hand out for Fiyori to shake.

"Will you give me a chance to prove myself?"
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Post by Riki »

The thing Fiyori went for was, in fact, a water bottle. As she put the gun away, and pulled the water bottle out, she could hear Alba start talking. Fiyori opened the bottle and drank from it, but she did not turn around to face Alba. She drank, she listened, but she did not look.

After a few chugs, this bottle was empty as well. This would be fine. There was rain, after all. And there was - maybe - some of Emma's water left. Stuff Emma wouldn't need anymore, and as such was okay for Fiyori to take.

She turned around, and faced Alba.

Alba offered her own hand.

Fiyori looked at the hand, then met Alba's eyes. A grin formed on Fiyori's lips and a weak chuckle escaped her bared teeth.

"That's more like it."

Fiyori accepted Alba's hand, and clapped into it with due enthusiasm. Now, Alba was finally starting to act. To show resolve. If this was how she felt, if this was how she really wanted to act, Fiyori knew that perhaps Alba would soon enough understand.

"Let's make the best of our futures."
[+] Version 6
[+] Version 5
O B014 Joachim Lovelace - Ballistic Knife, MP 18, Obsidian Knife - "It doesn't matter. They lost, he lost, I'll lose. That's the nature of the game."
O G042 Aileen Aurora Abdallah - Pair of MMA Gloves, Golf Club & Table Leg -
B059 David Zimmer - Sabre -
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Fiyori shook Alba's hand. Alba was glad Fiyori was agreeing with her on that statement she made. Alba couldn't remember being so declarative in the past. This island had changed her a lot in the last ten days. It was really forcing her to examine herself and her actions, and she wondered if that would make her a better person if she made it home. At the very least, it had to make her more serious when she had to be, so she would settle for that.

Alba broke the handshake to look back at the bodies of Emma and her sister.

"Um, before we go back to looking for everyone," Alba said. "We should do something for them. I mean, I don't know if we can bury them, but we ought to do something proper for them since that opportunity was taken."
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Post by Riki »

Hm, something proper then.

Fiyori's grin faded slowly, but she kept looking at Alba. There was a momentary jerk of her head, but she eventually didn't want to look at the dead Luzi again.

Well, if Alba wanted to do 'something proper' with their bodies, Fiyori would be the very last person to stop her. She herself wasn't quite sold on the thing, yet. Tactical calculations or maybe thinking about saving energy might have played a role, but Fiyori didn't care too much about that. She knew she wasn't feeling it. But there was a small part in her that urged her to help Alba somehow.

She would allow herself to be convinced, then.

"Well, what're ya thinking about?"
[+] Version 6
[+] Version 5
O B014 Joachim Lovelace - Ballistic Knife, MP 18, Obsidian Knife - "It doesn't matter. They lost, he lost, I'll lose. That's the nature of the game."
O G042 Aileen Aurora Abdallah - Pair of MMA Gloves, Golf Club & Table Leg -
B059 David Zimmer - Sabre -
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"Well, we could bury them, like she was intending too," Alba said. "Or we could do something else."

Alba rubbed her head.

"I mean, I don't know where we're going to get shovels, and it'd be hard to cremate them with this weather."

Alba looked back at Emma's body.

"I just think I should do something for them. I owe them that at least."
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Post by Riki »

Fiyori scratched her chin. So Alba thought she owed them that. That, a burial, or some kind of ceremony to celebrate their passing with the due respect. Well, Fiyori couldn't exactly say she agreed, but she would also not say she disagreed.

Regardless, she would not partake in a burial. There was a shovel, of course, of which Fiyori knew. Georgia Lee had one in her bag, but Fiyori didn't know where that one was now. Well, she supposed it was a way to keep them busy. Search for the shovel, perhaps the whole evening, and then bury the Luz sisters.

She really didn't feel like that, though.

"I think all we can do is, maybe, place them somewhere more out of the way. Cover them with a blanket, and then..." She shrugged. "Build a shrine or something, and..." Fiyori looked over to the nearest camera, it's lens staring back. "Say a prayer to the god of your choosing."
[+] Version 6
[+] Version 5
O B014 Joachim Lovelace - Ballistic Knife, MP 18, Obsidian Knife - "It doesn't matter. They lost, he lost, I'll lose. That's the nature of the game."
O G042 Aileen Aurora Abdallah - Pair of MMA Gloves, Golf Club & Table Leg -
B059 David Zimmer - Sabre -
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Post by Laurels »

"Yeah, that might work..." Alba said.

She looked around the area. She then caught the door to the Art Therapy room. There were three bodies in there already, so maybe it wouldn't be so weird to put two more in there.

"How about in here?" she said, pointing at the Art Therapy room. "There's got to be tarps or smocks or something to cover their bodies. And hey, maybe there's some paints that are still good to use. Maybe that could help with the shrine part."

Alba gave a small smile to Fiyori.

"Want to try it?"
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Post by Riki »

With the bag tightly held against her back, Fiyori nodded once. Of the people in the art room, she only recognized one face with certain conviction. Perhaps, had the other faces been more intact than they were, she would have known who they were.

Either way, she was glad. Glad, as morbid as it was, that Emma had done half the work. With her sister on the gurney, and the sheet already covering her, it should've been the easiest one to 'prepare'.

Fiyori went to her part of the gurney, grabbed it tightly and nodded at Alba once again.


Fiyori did not know how much time passed as Alba and she moved the two bodies into the art room. There was no clock on her person, and Fiyori couldn't tell if there was a working one anywhere nearby. Certainly, it was getting dark, and that would have to do.

They had shifted the five corpses around. They wouldn't be scattered around the room anymore, no, they finally were put in a neat row, their heads facing the wall. Sheets of various quality - some tattered and blood-stained and some as if they just had not been used for fifty years - were covering all five of them.

Fortunately, Alba managed to find a supple amount of art supplies. Even if some of the stuff was unusable, they managed to gather enough colors and pens and shit to pay their due respects. Fiyori only knew the names of three of the bodies, and for those three she painted their names on the wall.

For the other two, she took the best colors she could. And there, at the wall where their lifeless bodies now rested she tried her best to draw a rose for each one.

"...that's actually kinda fun, you know?"
[+] Version 6
[+] Version 5
O B014 Joachim Lovelace - Ballistic Knife, MP 18, Obsidian Knife - "It doesn't matter. They lost, he lost, I'll lose. That's the nature of the game."
O G042 Aileen Aurora Abdallah - Pair of MMA Gloves, Golf Club & Table Leg -
B059 David Zimmer - Sabre -
[+] One Day
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Post by Laurels »

After some time, it was complete. Alba and Fiyori moved Emma and her sister into the Art Therapy Room and began to use whatever they could to make a memorial to them. They also dragged the other three bodies in the room over as well. It only seemed fair to offer the same courtesy to them as well. After all, they were victims too.

While Fiyori covered them with whatever tarps and smocks she could find, Alba rummaged for any art supplies. A lot had gone dry or had worsened in the time since the island was abandoned, but they found some that could still be used.

Fiyori identified three of the bodies: Emma Luz, Sabrina Luz, and Keith Bauer, and had their names painted above their bodies. For the other two, they didn't know who they were. Alba had the idea to write "A Son" and "A Daughter" for them on the wall. If someone came by and knew who they were, they could write their names on the wall. They still had some materials, and they could be added.

Alba also made sure to paint crosses on the wall near their names. She had no idea whether or not any of the dead kids were Christian or not, but it seemed like a good symbol to pay respect to them. It's not like the terrorists were going to pay respect to any of the dead kids here. The bodies could be taken away, but the memorial would remain their until the asylum completely collapsed and the island sank into the sea. This was as much a marker for the game as they could make.

Fiyori noted how fun this was. Alba shrugged a bit.

"Well, 'fun' might not be the right word," Alba said, "but it feels nice to take a break from the game and do something good for these people. We could do better, and maybe this is being done out of guilt, but it doesn't feel like we're on Survival of the Fittest. Thank you for helping me with this."

Alba stepped back a bit and looked over everything. She felt quite solemn right now. These were five kids like her who were much less fortunate than she was. Maybe there were bad things in store for her because she killed Emma, but she had to hope that this would alleviate some of the guilt. If not, there was something else she could do.

"Okay, give me a moment to say a prayer, and then we could move on."

Alba made the signs of the cross, clasped her hands together, and hung her head low. She had to say something to God, and she hoped Fiyori wouldn't mind if she took the moment to do so.
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