Another Ending

If one was to travel just off the beaten track of the low mountain pass and through some rougher terrain, they would eventually come across a cave within the side of the mountain. While not particularly deep, it still goes far enough inside the mountain that one would need a light source to see. A quick investigation of the dark interior of the cave would quickly reveal a large collection of bones—mainly goat and deer—used by a predator of some kind that used to be present on the island but appears to have vanished.
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Another Ending


Post by DerArknight »

((Dawn Montogomery continued from Long Live The Void))

It was around noon when the lone figure approached her demise.

Ever since this area became a Danger Zone, activities had logically become sparse. Only animals and corpses remained.

As the girl walked forward, seemingly without a care in the world, her collar gave off a beep.

For just a moment, she paused.

Another beep.

Then she made one last step forward.

Judy Loxley
Ae-Cha Myo
Cynthia Jericho
Sarah Williams
S007 Derek Caldwell [65/134]
S026 Dawn Montogomery [34/134]
S076 Daenerys "D" Todd [72/134]
S106 Ethan Kemp [132/134]
S116 Quentin B. Skinner [94/134]
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