All of my children!!!

last one I swear XD

V9 Pregame is in development! So while you wait for it’s arrival this is the place where you can look for friends, enemies, romances, hobby groups, school clubs and much more! You can start planning threads of your own in this forum to sort out any specific relationships you want for your characters, or you can look through what others' are looking for to find something that would work for your character. Please note that V9 Pregame is still in the future; this forum is merely to allow for more direct and focused planning now that class and location details have been revealed.
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All of my children!!!


Post by FlockOfHens »

I've finally decided to make updated sheets for all of my characters in use, here they are!:
[+] Beau Larkfin - The Sightseer
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Hobbies and Interests: Rock climbing, camping, plants, nature, campfire cooking, exercise
About: The short club leader of the Outdoor Rattlers! His enthusiasm for camping and his extraordinary rock-climbing skills are well-known in school. He often gets teased about being a "twunk," although he doesn't know what that word means...
He'll likely kill his classmates as a last-ditch option to protect his friends and club-mates.
Looking for:
  • Club Members & Friends: Anyone in the club is a friend to Beau! Otherwise, he'd love to chat about almost anything with you!
  • Acquaintances: This means you are not a friend of his... yet...
  • Dislikes: It may be pretty hard to get on his bad side or to determine if he has one in the first place.
  • Possible Love Interests: Bisexual Baby!!!
Current Relations:
  • Club Members & Friends:
    Wade Colter / "What horror stories do you have today??"
    Ginger "Gigi" Peck / "Her family looks like they would have a taxidermied bear in their house..."
    Bailey Gema / "OK so normally what you want to protect yourself around bears is to curl up into a ball and-"
    Ash Montoya / "Ash, do you think it's a good idea to feed Murray a bunch of rocks?"
    Murray Miller / "Murray wait doN'T EAT THAT-"
    Maggie Wilfred / "I found her in a tree!!!"
    Alice Robinson / "I wonder if we can find a fossilized T-rex while hiking!!!"
    Artemis Cavallo / "She knows a lot of birds!"
    Mercy Myers-Colman / "I've seen her play music outside of school this one time!"
    Claude O'Neil Porter / "I love the 70's vibe he's going with!"
    Taylor Olson-Chen / "Dang they're flexible!!!"
    Keyshawn Sanders / "He's like a big ol' fluffy bear!"
    "Charlie Girl" / "Quick, take a picture of this cliff behind me!!"
    Raya Loux / "She knows a lot about her cars!"
    Sylvie Rattray / "SHORTIE SQUAD!!!"
  • Acquaintances:
    Tyson Peraday / "I may have talked my ear off to him, like, one or two hundred times..."
    Kaden "K.K" Kirabo / "SHORTIES UNITE!!!"
    BEELZEBUB Smith / "Is it true you're a demon?!"
    Grace Wills / "Oh wow she's tall!"
    Lily Kemp / "Wooaaahh! A silent type, I see!"
    Asamura Sōma / "I met him while running!"
    Manuel "Mañana" Hernández / "He does tease me about me being a twunk!"
  • Dislikes:
    Heather Klein / "I feel like she could kill me with one punch..."
  • Possible Love Interests:
    Mercy Myers-Colman / "I think she's cool! Does she think the same..?"
[+] Inessa Highman-Roberts - The Anime Love Intrest
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Hobbies and Interests: Photography, insects, fashion, manga, anime, "Boy's Love" genre, Student Yearbook
About: One of the many members of the Student Yearbook! She has to take pictures of any event, party, or activity around school as part of her job. She's then seen around taking pictures in the city.
She'll likely kill her classmates, but only if they try to kill her Stormy.
Looking for:
  • Co-workers: Those who work alongside her in the Student Yearbook.
  • Friends: She tries her best to make as many friends as possible! Just as long as they don't make fun of her mom's surname.
  • Acquaintances: Nothing special, but you'd know about her bullying.
  • Enemies: ey bullies I got u dog
  • Romantic (Flings): Taken by Storm Stryder! Buuuuut...
Current Relations:
  • Co-workers:
    "Charlie Girl" / Although we work in different positions, it's still nice to talk about camera angles with her!"
  • Friends:
    Wade Colter / "At least he understands my name..."
    Maggie Wilfred / "She a fellow bug lover, like me!"
    Keiko Thompson / "If you like, I have a few manga books that you can borrow!"
    Hope Hynes / "...did you read My Hero Academia yet?"
    Claude O'Neil Porter / "Really, it's fine! I'm fine taking care of it myself! Although Stormy does most of the work..."
    Taylor Olsen-Chen / "I just looove hearing stories about their circus adventures!"
    Wally Whitaker / "I feel like Spice & Wolf has a wonderful story while also including topics about economics! Thoughts?"
    Flick Franklin / "Wow, I never knew these kinds of deals existed!!"
  • Acquaintances:
    Ginger "Gigi" Peck / "That's NOT what my last name means, that's what it sounds like!!"
    Heather Klein / "So what if my boyfriend's training to become a soldier soon? I still love Stormy all the same."
    Mercy Myers-Coleman / "I hate that she's right, my dad's surname would've been better than my mother's..."
    Grace Wills / "I guess I'll accept her apology..."
    Lily Kemp / "She looks intimidating..."
  • Enemies:
    BEELZEBUB Smith / "Look, I'm trying to be nice h-" gets shoved into the ground
    Edwin Castellaneta / "I hope one day Stormy catches you in the act."
    LK Mitchell / "If only you'd know what you're doing..."
  • Romantic:
    Storm Stryder / "My big Stormy cloud!!! <3"
    Taylor Olson-Chen / "Before you say anything, it happened one time! And then another... and another...
[+] Marino Jaivira - The Desperado
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Hobbies and Interests: Baseball, horses, cowboy aesthetics, marijuana, fighting, devious licks, baking
About: Everyone's favorite baseball batter/delinquent! On the surface, he's a team player who would pose the stereotype of any sports jock. In reality, he's a rebellious troublemaker who would often get into fights with his favorite metal bat named "Bree."
He'll likely kill his classmates. After all, it's a good way to vent his stress.
Looking for:
  • Fellow Delinqunets: People in this category would note that he always has weed on hand.
  • Teammates/Friends: Whether on the baseball team or not, you're both pretty chill.
  • Acquaintances: A bit of a grey space here.
  • Victims: You'd be considered nothing more than a punching bag to him.
  • Possible Love Interests/Romantic Flings: Ever wanted to date someone who can breathe in smoke like a dragon? Now you can!
Current Relations:
  • Fellow Delinqunets:
    BEELZEBUB Smith / "Yo, in the mood for some edibles?"
    Skyla Monroe / "C'mon, you've got a reputation to destroy and parents to piss off!!!"
    Maggie Wilfred / "You should try and do something reckless, that'll get you some thrills!"
    Lily Kemp / "Girl knows how to throw punches, but I can keep up!"
    Manuel "Mañana" Hernández / "Now this guy, him I can relate to!!"
  • Teammates/Friends:
    Mercy Myers-Colman / "Keep rockin' and rollin'!"
    LK Mitchell / "Up for some Poker?"
    Grace Wills / "Knock 'em dead, Grace!"
    Hope Hynes / "You gotta try swinging a few pitches next time!"
    Claude O'Neil Porter / "Batter up, big guy!"
    Asamura Sōma / "He could bat better than I can!"
    Sylvie Rattray / "It's almost impressive how she's in the cheer squad!"
  • Acquaintances:
    Heather Klein / "You need to chill every once in a while..."
    Artemis Cavallo / "...what the fuck's an Aboleth???"
    Taylor Turner / "Why's she so skittish?"
  • Victims:
    Wade Colter / "Bro, you serious? It was just a joke."
    Edwin Castellaneta / "You could've just given me the money, man. Oh well, it's easier stealing it off you anyways."
    Céline Sharpe / "Predict THIS, dumbass!"
  • Possible Love Interests/Romantic Flings:
    Mercy Myers-Colman / "Never took her to be into bad boys~~"
    Hope Hynes / "She's fun to flirt with~~"
    Taylor Olsen-Chen / "They're something else, a shame that it was only one time..."
[+] Remi Dayfree - The Former Swim Star
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Hobbies and Interests: Swimming, apocalyptic movies, drawing, water coloring, fitness, dieting
About: The former tomboy swimmer! She could've been a professional swimmer after graduation if she didn't quit her team. She now walks around the school halls worried for her future.
She'll likely kill her classmates if it means getting out of this shitty game and accomplishing her own goals.
Looking for:
  • Former Teammates: You would recognize her as the best freestyle swimmer until she had to quit.
  • Friends: Either teammate or not, she considers you as someone who truly understands her.
  • Acquaintances: No negative feelings here, but she would still act harshly around you.
  • Enemies: She'll likely tell you to piss off.
  • Possible Love Interests: You would personally know why she had to quit, and boy the reason isn't pretty. You better know how to keep your lips sealed!!
Current Relations:
  • Former Teammates:
    Taylor Turner / "I know she's more into tennis, but still a teammate nonetheless..."
    "Charlie Girl" / "Keep swimming as much as you can, ok?"
    Sylvie Rattray / "She stuck by me even when I've hit my lowest..."
  • Friends:
    Hope Hynes / "You think my drawings are good?"
    Maggie Wilfred / "At least she's someone I can talk to..."
    Taylor Olsen-Shen / "Man, they'd probably do backflips for days..."
    Simon Smith / "Honestly, I kinda feel like the Terminator franchise is predicting everything..."
    Raya Loux / "It's nice to talk to someone from school."
  • Acquaintances:
    Wade Colter / "That joke was a bit hilarious..."
    Heather Klein / "How the heck did she get swole?"
    Grace Wills / Sarcasticly "Yeah... Go Grace..."
    Lily Kemp / "It's like she's asking for a fight..."
  • Enemies:
    Claude O'Neil Porter / "Why would I even talk to a giant dipshit like you?"
    Skyla Monroe / "It's just sad seeing her waste all that talent, but gee, who am I to judge?"
    Edwin Castellaneta / "I feel like he's the main antagonist from 'Would You Rather,' and he gets off by forcing people to do unspeakable acts for money..."
    Manuel "Mañana" Hernández / "Basketball-hooping cocksucker."
  • Possible Love Interests:
    Wade Colter / "There's something about him that... umm..."
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Post by FlockOfHens »

Also gonna add Storm's sheet to build connections for the person handling him, just in case!:
[+] Storm Stryder
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Hobbies and Interests: JROTC, knife collecting, his pet snake “Canoodle,” Aikido, Video Games
About: The ROTC Nerd/Jock! He comes from a military family with his father serving the US Air Force. Inspired by what his father does, he plans to join the military once he graduates from school. On his off time, he likes to collect knives and train in Aikido. Personality-wise, I would probably say that he would be trained, disciplined, and overall just a nice guy.
He's against killing his classmates, but it's what he's trained to do.
Looking for:
  • Friends: You'd quickly learn that he likes to talk about his snake Canoodle too much.
  • Rivals: He needs a fighting buddy!
  • Acquaintances: Nothing special here.
  • Enemies: Anyone who bullies his girlfriend or is just being a nuisance.
  • Love Interests (& Flings): Taken by Inessa Roberts! Buuuuuut...
Current Relations:
  • Friends:
    Wade Colter / "A wonderful guy with impressive wrestling techniques; I just hope he can socialize more."
    Maggie Wilfred / "If you feed Canoodle enough, they'll let you pet them. That's how I got to trust them to slither up my arm! It took a long time however because at first, I didn't know if Canoodle preferred mealworms or crickets, then it turned out it was both-"
    Artemis Cavallo / "Canoodle sure is adorable! It's a funny story about how I got him though; a long time ago I asked my dad if I could get a pet dog on my birthday, and he told me I could get a pet if I did well in school, so I did. And by the time my thirteenth birthday rolled around, I got excited to see my dog but then realized he got me a snake-"
    Murray Miller / "Never thought his father was in the military as well!"
    Lily Kemp / "She looks intimidating, but she's very outgoing when you get to know her!"
  • Rivals:
    Murray Miller / "So Aikido is a combination of Japanese Jujitsu and Judo, it's just that you get to learn how to throw someone to the ground. In self-defense that is."
    Lily Kemp / "She knows how to punch her enemies hard!"
  • Acquaintances:
    Skyla Monroe / "It's nice to hear people who respect what my family does."
  • Enemies:
    Ch BEELZEBUB Smith / "Anarchist."
    Edwin Castellaneta / "For some reason, he always avoids me when I show up, and for some reason, I get pissed when he's near Inessa..."
    Heather Klein / "Oh look, the Anarchist found herself a little counterpart."
  • Love Interests:
    Inessa Highman-Roberts / "My little Raindrop. <3"
    Taylor Olsen-Chen / "...please don't tell anyone about this..."
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Post by FlockOfHens »


Meet the school's TikTok kid!
[+] Londyn Mackred
Gender: Non-Binary
Age: 17
Hobbies and Interests: Online Trends/Challenges, gaming, TikTok, dancing, filming videos, DIY Crafts, Furry Fandom
About: The wannabe influencer! They’ve secretly been using their power as the school’s mascot, Ronnie Rattlesnake, to gain views for the school’s social media by doing fun dances with a few others. If that’s the closest for them in fame, then that’s perfectly fine!
They'll likely kill their classmates. For the views, am I right?
Looking for:
  • Fans: Limited to people who admire Ronnie’s dance moves.
  • Friends: If you can bear with his antics, then good for you! XD
  • Acquaintances: Rarely anybody knows them.
  • Enemies: Are you one of their bullies? A friend who got traded off for fame? Or a victim in one of his antics during his “prankster phase?” You decide!
  • Love Interests: Pfffft yea right XD
Current Relations:
  • Fans:
  • Friends:
    LK Mitchell / "Heeeyyy! Thanks for the collab!"
  • Acquaintances:
    Wade Colter / "He's gonna know too much..."
    Mercy Myers-Colman / "C'mooon! At least give me one good shout-out!"
  • Enemies:
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Post by EllisWilson »

Wades relationships with Beau, Inessa, and Storm are already established, so onto the other three!


Wade would absolutely hate this guy. On top of his overall issues with delinquents, Wade would probably take a particular umbrage with his devious licks, and would one hundred percent snitch on him if he saw him stealing a toilet or something. I don’t imagine Marino would treat him very well either.


I’m tempted to offer Wade as a love interest to Remi, but that’s mainly because I OOC really wanna know why she quit the swim team. I don’t have much justification for them interacting all that much though, so acquaintances, if nothing else.


Wade probably doesn’t have much interaction with Londyn, but I have an idea that Wade doesn’t actually know who Ronnie Rattlesnake is under the costume and trying to find out, which would make for some amusing pregame Hijinx.

If not that, I might want to adopt them actually, they seem like they’d be a fun character.
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Post by FlockOfHens »

EllisWilson wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 3:41 am Wade's relationships with Beau, Inessa, and Storm are already established, so onto the other three!
Hello again! Thank you so much for making more connections with some of my fellow children! Now then, here's some of their reactions to Wade:

Oh yeah, Wade would absolutely hate Marino. It'd be rare if any of Marino's licks were to get noticed, but if they did, Wade would be the first to know. However, Marino would do everything to get back at him if he were to snitch. And by that, I mean just stealing everyday stuff off of Wade and seeing how long it will take him to notice.

I am interested in seeing Remi and Wade in a romantic relationship!! Although, I do wonder how the two would first meet. However, I'd imagine Wade managing Remi to smile for the first time with a slapstick joke. I'll also DM you a possible reason why Remi left the swim team if you like!

Londyn wouldn't get along with Wade due to his curiosity. I might have an idea of Londyn (as Ronnie) trying to distract him by doing small dances or anything else to confuse the heck out of Wade. If you do decide to adopt them, I would still like to see some interactions with Londyn and Wade!

(I've also put you down as possible adopters for Storm & Londyn. Thanks again!)
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Post by Magnum 0pus »

Howdy, it's me!

Since one of your oc's, Marino, is on the baseball team, I've come to give suggestions on as to what Claude could be with your characters in terms of relationships!


Like I said, since the both of them are on the baseball team, I think they could both be on friendly terms with one another. It could be something of a little fun rivalry between the two baseball players, and because Claude is really easy to get along with due to how friendly he is, I don't see how they couldn't be close friends- if not best friends.


Beau is a character who I see instantly becoming great friends with Claude simply because they both are chill and friendly dudes looking to make friends. So it would make sense in my opinion.


Just like Beau, Inessa is a character who I see as being good friends with Claude and as someone who she could rely on since he seems to be nice with just about everyone and willing to help with whatever it is anyone has a problem with. The reason I say this is because, although she is being bullied, Claude couldn't really do much since he doesn't know how to confront her bully without causing any sort of major trouble for everyone involved.

However, if that is something that makes it so that they are both on neutral talking terms, then I'm fine with that as well!


Last but not least, Remi. She is an interesting case in my opinion because I believe she would probably be dislike or even hate Claude simply because she wouldn't buy into the fact that he is a caring and nice jock, and the fact that he's a friend of Marino (who is Wade's bully) could be another reason for that.

In the end, I'm open for suggestions and compromise for what you think would work best!
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Post by FlockOfHens »

Magnum 0pus wrote: Tue Jan 30, 2024 3:54 pm Howdy, it's me!
Hey there! I am just going to jot down a few of these real quick:

Beau will totally hang out with Claude! Just picture him as a small golden retriever because that's mostly Beau's personality. XD

Inessa would be against confronting her bullies, but she loves that Claude looks out for her! You would also know that she has a slightly over-protective boyfriend!

Marino seems like a nice guy for Claude! But their friendship might change if Claude ever finds out about Marino's delinquency.

Remi is indeed an interesting case because of Marino! She would verbally trash-talk Claude, thinking he's also a bully under his 'gentle giant' personality.
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Post by Magnum 0pus »

FlockOfHens wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 4:22 pm
Magnum 0pus wrote: Tue Jan 30, 2024 3:54 pm Howdy, it's me!
Hey there! I am just going to jot down a few of these real quick:

Beau will totally hang out with Claude! Just picture him as a small golden retriever because that's mostly Beau's personality. XD

Inessa would be against confronting her bullies, but she loves that Claude looks out for her! You would also know that she has a slightly over-protective boyfriend!

Marino seems like a nice guy for Claude! But their friendship might change if Claude ever finds out about Marino's delinquency.

Remi is indeed an interesting case because of Marino! She would verbally trash-talk Claude, thinking he's also a bully under his 'gentle giant' personality.
Hello again, while I'm glad you agree withe everything I suggested, I forgot to ask if it was possible for Claude to already know about Marino's delinquency, but just decides not to involve himself in it since he doesn't actually mind or even care about that, if that's fine by you!
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Post by FlockOfHens »

FlockOfHens wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2023 7:33 am NEW CHARACTER ALERT
I'm proud to say that EllisWilson is now the handler of Londyn Mackred! Reminder that Storm is still up for grabs!
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Post by FlockOfHens »


I promised myself I wouldn't make another character, but I did it anyway!
Name: Judas "Jude" Langsbury
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Hobbies and Interests: Psychology, mythology, cryptids, D&D/Tabletop board games
About: The chill catholic/goth girl! Her classmates know her for her strange interest in the unknown, such as cryptids, aliens, mythological creatures, and powerful deities. She's seen hanging out with the Board Game club and any D&D group available.
She's reluctant to kill her classmates, but if you give her a good enough argument, she'll comply.
Looking for:
  • Fellow Weirdos/Friends: She's a good conversationalist when you look past her interests.
  • Acquaintances: Despite her appearance & weirdness, she's surprisingly nice to everyone!
  • Enemies: She doesn't get into arguments with the people who hate her, but she actively ignores them.
  • Love Interests: The world's a mysterious place filled with secrets, and she'll need help!
Current Relations:
  • Friends:
    Maggie Wilfred / "It's interesting to know about different political parties with her!"
    Murray Miller / "He seems totally chill!"
    Lily Kemp / "At least she's fighting just for fun..."
    Taylor Olson-Chen / "A friend who's an acrobat AND works in a circus? That's gotta be a friendship bundle!"
  • Acquaintances:
  • Enemies:
    Edwin Castellaneta / "Hahaha, no!"
  • Love Interests:

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Post by FlockOfHens »

FlockOfHens wrote: Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:13 am Also gonna add Storm's sheet to build connections for the person handling him, just in case!:
Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary Pals, Storm Stryder is now in the hands of NOLIFE!!! Let's see what kinds of trouble they'll get into!!
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Post by NoLife »

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Post by Ryuki »

Remi: I'll bet Simon and her would chat a bit about apocalypse movies. Also, Taylor might recognize her as a swim team member, even though she's a tennis team member.

Marino: Taylor won't be afraid to defend herself if he starts picking a fight with her.

Inessa: Wally is also an anime and manga fan, so they might have talked. Does she shop at Ross? Because Flick could show her how to get the best deals.
[+] V9
Felicity "Flick" Franklin- Aspiring Chef
Wallace "Wally" Whitaker- Theater Guy
Donald "Don" Douglas- Gamer Geek
Taylor Turner- Tennis Tomboy
Simon Smith- Horror Nerd
[+] Past Characters
Dominiqua Ashmore
Gwendolyn "Wendy" Kennedy
Karen Nguyen
Chester Folk

Image Ned Jackson
Image Yuki Hayashibara
Image Zachary Beck
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Post by FlockOfHens »

Ryuki wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 3:44 pm Remi: I'll bet Simon and her would chat a bit about apocalypse movies. Also, Taylor might recognize her as a swim team member, even though she's a tennis team member.

Marino: Taylor won't be afraid to defend herself if he starts picking a fight with her.

Inessa: Wally is also an anime and manga fan, so they might have talked. Does she shop at Ross? Because Flick could show her how to get the best deals.
For Wally, bonus points if he's in the Anime Club!

Inessa would also be interested to hear Flick talk about what sweet deals Ross can offer!

For Taylor, that depends if she starts bothering him first, so acquaintances would be a better spot if said otherwise!

Remi would've seen several movies to talk to Simon about, from 2012 to Geostorm, even The Day After Tomorrow!

I'd also like to see how Remi and Taylor's friendship plays out! Maybe she's heard about rumors of why Remi quit?
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Post by FlockOfHens »

FlockOfHens wrote: Sat Mar 09, 2024 6:23 am NEW CHARACTER ALERT
I promised myself I wouldn't make another character, but I did it anyway!
As to finally seal the deal, Jude will finally be in the hands of OHM!!! Time to see what wonders Jude will find on the island!

(And with that, I've finally given away all of my character adopts. Cheers again to the new handlers!!!)
  • EllisWilson - Londyn Mackred "The Wannabe"
  • NoLife - Storm Stryder "The Soldier"
  • Ohm - Jude Langsbury "The Inquisitive"
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