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Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:12 pm
by NyteDarkness*
(Continued from LookOUT)

Cassandra was following only so she could just see Kiyoko. She felt much safer in the back, she could keep watch behind and she would know if there were any problems in the warehouse before she even got inside. Kiyoko was taking a while to reach the warehouse, for a while she thought that the other girl may have gotten lost and seperated from the group. She was relieved when she saw the warehouse come into view and went in after. She did, however, notice that a conversation seemed to have already began.

"Sorry I'm late," she said, panting a little, "What'd I miss?"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:12 pm
by MooCow*
Aiden was happy to see Kiyoko and Cassandra. They had both made it.

"So Umi," Aiden said, "what do you think we should do next? Rest? Wait for the fourth announcement? Gather the supplies?"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:12 pm
by Chase*
Umi felt it hit her suddenly, the exhaustion piled on from the few days without rest. When Aiden asked her what to do she just blinked a few times, and couldn't help but stumble whilst standing.

"Uhh," she said, trying to grasp on to something, "I can't decide... I'm so tired right now."

She squatted slowly to the floor of the warehouse, looking up at Aiden, "You guys seemed to get just a bit more rest, I suppose," she smiled.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:12 pm
by MooCow*
Aiden decided Umi was right. It might be best to rest up for the time being. He walked through the factory to find an empty room. He found an office with a couch. Aiden lay on it and fell to sleep faster than he would have thought.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:12 pm
by Kuze*
Kiyoko slowly walked over to a nearby chair and sat down, leaning back staring at the ceiling.


Kiyoko muttered as she focused at a small hole in the ceiling. Everyone could fall asleep but her, Thanks to her drunkard of a father She has no sleeping pills.

"chikushou.... raifu suiageru foodo (Damn.... Life sucks for me)"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:12 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
((Continued from: G#30: Awakening))

The dog end of his cigarette would be tossed into a nearby green brush as he arrived at the warehouse,the place looked..worn down that was for sure.Broken windows scattered around and the bright red brickwork made it look like a sweatshop.Colt in his hand he would slowely start towards the doors of the warehouse.Back pressed to the wall for a few moments as he waited for something.Gunshots,some yelling,anything at all but as far as he could tell the place was abandoned and all for the better.Fingertips pushed the doors open as he would bring that Colt up infront of him,the door gave off a low creak.Old place,Old joints,Old doors..old places had a sea of traps around them.One wrong step and everyone in a mile could know where you are.

His tongue would run over his teeth in that annoying habit of his.Slow cautious steps would be taken as he would start to move through the warehouse.This place was undoubtdly far older than he was but was it as reliable? The silver of the colt seemed to glow against the dirtyness and dankness of the warehouse.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:12 pm
by Chase*
Though exhausted, Umi heard the sound of the warehouse door creaking. She moved towards the side of the door, away from eyesight. And aimed the MAC-10.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:12 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
No sounds..Nothing this place was a little to dead even for his liking.A Bronze door knob would be turned revealing a small room that came equipt with a vending machine and a leather couch that was dust laden.This place really was dead,one window at the end of the room.The couch against one wall and the vending machine in the corner of the room.Finally something worth eating.

Stepping inside of the room he would slowely close the door with a faint click as he let his aim fall to the floor.One hand now free while the other grasped that stolen silver weapon.Careful steps would take him to the vending machine,no creaks given from the floorboards yet.He had found something worth eating but he didnt have any cash.His teeth would gritt and he gave off a couple silent "Fucking cuntsucking son of a ---" before he sucked in a breath and tried to calm himself.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:13 pm
by Chase*
"Well, that's a real nice introduction," Umi said as her aim followed him through the warehouse, "Put your hands up, and don't move. Drop the gun too."

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:13 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
He would raise his hands into the air never releasing that Colt but what he did do would be release the weaopn from his grip so it would dangling by the metal around the trigger,upside down and harmless and with his hands raised he really wasnt that much of a throat but did she even care? A Target was a target..

"What would you prefer? My names peri my turn ons are moonlightwalks..cartoons and lubricant and my turn offs are boring people who point FUCKING guns at my head?!" he yelled with little more than a growl.He had managed to look at her when she called out,at least he knew she had a gun.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:13 pm
by Chase*
Umi faked a disappointed look, not like the boy saw anyway. "Oh, and I was so into trying to get a date in this game! Give me a break, you're a new arrival aren't you?"

She walked closer to him, her gun still aimed. This boy seemed to already be a little bloody, did he manage to get away from an attack? Or was he just one from a group?

"Well, Peri, it's a pleasure, really, but I've got to check you and make sure you're not a threat. So, are you playing the game?"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:13 pm
by MooCow*
Aiden opened his eyes. He was in his own bed. He didn't think anything of it... then the memories came flooding back. The plane. The SotF Act. Danya... meeting Umi and Dai and the others and then... Minase... Andrew. It was all a dream. He scratched his head and sighed. It had all seemed so real. He got out of his bed and walked to his private bath. The door was closed... that was funny. he opened it.

Aiden screamed. Instead of his bathroom, the door led to a cemetary... and not any normal cemetary. There were corpses rising from the graves... familiar faces no less. Minase's bullet ridden body, Tayli Vreeland with a glazed look in her eyes and her head hanging sideways... half attached to her neck. Jon Tognetti had been sliced to unregonizable bits... and there were others. James Kelecks came hobbling forewards with no clothes on and numerous stab wounds in his chest.

Aiden turned to run. A boy he didn't recognize (Sydney Morvran) grabbed him.

"Come play with Aiden," he droned, the others joining in, "forever and ever and ever..."


Aiden jolted awake. It was only a dream. He was still on the couch in the Warehouse. Still in the SotF game. But God it had felt so real... when the dead boy grabbed him it had felt so real. He felt feverish. Feeling his wet brow, it felt very hot. Aiden couldn't go back to sleep. He got up and went to find the others... he was spooked. Had he missed the announcement?

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:13 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
"Play youre cards right and maybe just maybe I can fit you into my busy Schedule of getting shot up and running the hell away from crazy idiots..Did I just run into another one? Im not playing,Id never..This is fucked up majorly fucked" he said as his eyes seemed to glaze over a little as he thought back to the hospital.

"Im not a threat to you or anyone..Ive got another gun,some kid got smart to the game blew his face off.Turn of luck I guess finding him but no matter how many guns I get in the end I still need to live through this shit" he would very slowely reach into the back of his jeans and pull out that magnum.Once again the weapon hanging upside down.

He wanted to live and him living on would revolve around those two shiney silver weapons in his hands."As much of a cutie as you are Im not going to put these down so you can tear me up with that machinegun"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:13 pm
by Chase*
"I'm not playing either, put the guns in your bag, and I'll move my gun away from you. And you might want to hurry, 'cause not everyone here is so trusting with someone who has 2 guns."

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:13 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
"Im not going anywhere..This place is big and I could do with the cover.Thanks for the advice,Ill keep it in mind" with a flick of his wrists the weapons were in his hands once again in the blink of an eye.The six shot would be concealed once again and the Colt was just aimed down at the ground.He turned to face the vending machine oncemore,that moist pink muscle exstending as he trailed it over his lips.

He would bring one arm up to protect himself as the butt of the colt would be slammed against the plastic of the vending machine protector window a couple times before it crashed down to the floor in tiny plastic shards.He looked over to her and then tilted his head before flashing those pearly whites "You want something? Not much but it beats bread and water".