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Re: Real Housewives of Mafia: Game Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 3:23 am
by Ruggahissy


[Locks Jersey in the bathroom, weeping]

Real talk I am sad. Kermit was putting so much into his performance. You will be missed.

Re: Real Housewives of Mafia: Game Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 3:24 am
by Kermit
JOAnNA yOU FucKiNg bItCh I'lL kIll YOu aaAaaAaAAAAAAaaaAAAAaaAAaaAaAAAAaaaAaaAaAaaAaaaaaAAAaAaaaAaAaaAAaaaAaAaaaaaAaAAAAaaAaaAaaaaaaaaAaaAAaAAaAaAaAAAaaAAaaAAaaaAaaAaAaaaAAaAAAAAaAAAAAAAAaAaaAAAaAaaAaAAaAAAaaAAAAaAaAAaaaaAaaaAAAAAAaaAaaaAaaaaAAAaAAaAAAaaaAAAaaAAaaAAaaaAaaaaaaaAAAaAaAAaAaaAaaAAAAaaAaaaAaAAAAaaaAAAAaaaAaaaAaAaAaAAAAAaAAaaaaAAaAAAaAaAaaAAAAaaAAaaaaAaAAAAaAAaaaaaAaAAAAAaaaAaAAaaAaAaAAaAaAaaaaAaaAaaaAaAAAAAaaaaaAaAAAAAAAaAAAAaaAaAAAaaAaaaaaaaaAAaaAAAaaAAAaaaaAaAaAaAAaAAAaAaAAaaaaaAaAaaaAaaaAAAaAAAaAAAAAaAAaaAAAAAaaAAAaAaAAAaAaAAaAAaaaAAAaAaAaAaaAAAAAaAaAAaaAaAaaAAaAaAAaAaaAaAaaAaAAAaAAaaaaAAaaaAAAaAaaAaAaaaaAaAAAAaAaAAaaAAAaaAAAaAAAaAaaAaaaaAaaaAaaaAaaaaaAAAaAAaAaaAAaaAaaAaAaAAaaaAaAAAaaaAa im dead now goodbye

Re: Real Housewives of Mafia: Game Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 3:24 am
by Ruggahissy
Also I didn’t realize until it was too late that the round was over because Ricky and I were out late Saturday

Re: Real Housewives of Mafia: Game Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 3:25 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
NK analysis: Kermit was very active, and paid specific attention to trying to make sure something got done yesterday. He was dissuading coasting and trying to rally the troops, as it were. At the same time, he's less of a high-profile target than some of the other options, making him a potentially safe shot.

I'm town-reading Rugga solidly now because from what I know of her she doesn't really like popping people who are playing well with/highly into the flavor.

I think our scum is either someone who tends to be lower-profile or someone who's experienced enough to take a shot aimed at a good player who's also a bit under the radar in terms of protection options. As such, I'll offer the obligatory advice that we keep Boogie in the hotseat to some degree. I actually don't really think Skraal gains a lot from shooting Kermit and doing so draws some unwanted heat. That said, Skraal, if/when you get a chance, reads and thoughts so far, especially on the end of the phase?

More thoughts in a bit.

Re: Real Housewives of Mafia: Game Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 3:32 am
by Ruggahissy
I’ll try to be analyzing when my heart stops being broken come morning after a few cases of wine and cocaine

Re: Real Housewives of Mafia: Game Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 3:35 am
by Fenris
good morning??? i guess

i agree that if skraal Is mafia offing kermit would be a weird move. i also sympathize with spacing out because all the messing around with flavor was kind of hard to follow. >_>

i'm less sure about town-reading rugga because she doesn't like offing people playing in flavor because that seems like an easy way to deflect suspicion, but i'm not particularly suspicious of her or anything? i'd just stay more neutral there, i guess.

more reads when i'm less hungry and tired. quiet people speak up more the usual stuff etc etc

Re: Real Housewives of Mafia: Game Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 4:25 am
by dmboogie
rip our premium flavor player

apologies for not hopping on the execution train yesterday, but im willing to buy skraal's apology so maybe it's a good thing i flaked??????

probably not. feeling good townfeels from MW and Rugga, no one really jumps out as suspicious

Re: Real Housewives of Mafia: Game Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 4:34 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Ruggahissy wrote: Tue Sep 25, 2018 3:24 am Also I didn’t realize until it was too late that the round was over because Ricky and I were out late Saturday
I was... uh... out pretty late with Victoria Saturday. Guess that checks out. I also went to a ren faire Sunday and left my phone in the car because I didn't want anybody at the faire to call me a warlock. Got home, was fucking dead. Sorry for not really saying much at the end there. Before I go off to do actual work, I should give my thoughts on the Kermit death:

Somebody clearly hates fun because he was one of the things actually making this game worth playing >:(

Not sure I agree with him being a super low profile target and a safe bet for a kill. He was, as Toben says, 'rallying the troops' or at least trying to inspire discussion in... his own unique way, but it was actually working. Plus his dedication to the flavor shows he was willing to do some research which highlights potential risk. Places him at a mid-high tier target status, below somebody with the familiarity of, say, Iktor, but above like... I'unno, pick somebody at random. Boogie?

Re: Real Housewives of Mafia: Game Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 8:44 am
by jimmydalad
Nooooooooo, not my girl, Kermit! That bites :(.

My read is that from yesterday, Kermit was probably one of the higher profile targets considering he was the one of the people alongside Toben really driving discussions and pushing hard for a lynch. Plus, as pointed out by Ricky, he was one of more flavourful girls and having knowledge of the series could be seen as dangerous.

As for suspicious people, it almost seems too obvious for Skraal to be a Mafia considering how Kermit shined a light on him as a potential lynch. While it can be something to keep at the back of our minds, maybe we should look down over avenues.

As Toben mentioned, Boogie could be seen as suspicious considering that Kermit sorta semi-targeted him but played it off as just trying to get him to talk. There’s not really much else to go off from suspecting him apart from being quiet yesterday, but that could be chocked to how how flavourful the shining day of yesterday as.

One thing I am thinking about is Blizzard. Kermit was the one yesterday who gave a pro-town reading to her actions when she was slightly in the spotlight. It could be possible that Kermit was killed so that the Mafia could profit out of Blizzard’s new-ness and attribute her naive actions to being Mafia or some clever gambit on Blizzard’s part to get suspicion off her something. At the moment, I’m leaning possibly towards the former as the latter seems really shaky and relies on assumptions.

I’m happy for more thoughts. Haven’t played Mafia in ages so my skills are rusty as hell.

Re: Real Housewives of Mafia: Game Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 4:39 pm
by Skraal
I disagree with Toben's strong town read of Rugga here. Though it may be true that she typically doesn't like to kill off good flavour players early, the scum team is comprised of multiple people, and kermit was a fairly good target for them to take out, all things considered. I don't think Rugga would be able to convince the rest of the scum team away from taking out a decently high value target just because the player is fun to play with. Plus, her post right after kermit's death reveal strikes me as either stealth gloating, or perhaps frustration due to her team having to kill someone that she'd rather not have targeted.

In any case, I don't think this is enough evidence for a lynch train, but I think that it's rather premature to read anyone as "solid town".

Re: Real Housewives of Mafia: Game Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 6:57 pm
by Ruggahissy
It’s fine to be suspicious of me as it’s fairly early on and I think everyone is somewhat suspicious of everyone else but your reasoning is bunk.

Either my post is gloating or it’s legit sad but either reading (and they are two totally opposite ones) = scum by your analysis. If you say “hey I don’t think just because Rugga likes flavor players isn’t enough reason to count her as town” that is one thing but your scum either way reading of my post reads a bit as laying foundation that I’m scum, to me.

Re: Real Housewives of Mafia: Game Thread

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2018 8:30 pm
by Skraal
I'm not saying that those are the only two explanations, just that those are possible explanations that contradict Toben's thesis. He asked me for my thoughts, and I didn't want to waste everyone's time by repeating other people's reads, so I put forward an idea that hadn't been much considered at that point. This early in the game, we don't have much to go on, so the majority of reads are nearly all speculation anyway.

Re: Real Housewives of Mafia: Game Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 12:34 am
by BlizzardeyeWonder
Oh wow, Kermit got fired. I guess for the reasons other players have posted he'd make a good target, though I didn't really expect that. I thought the mafia would at least spare him for the fun factor. :/

As for reads on this, I dunno yet. Though the thing about this mafia is that it's small, so there's a bit less uncertainty, in a way? At least there are less people to read. Speaking of those, I ought to search through the posts and get some reads on people eventually, but maybe on a day I have less math homework.

Re: Real Housewives of Mafia: Game Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 1:21 am
by Ruggahissy
Mmmm fair @skraal

Let it be known this mafia hates fun.

Re: Real Housewives of Mafia: Game Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 8:56 am
by Brackie
No votes.


8 alive means 5 to lynch.