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Re: Introduction Thread

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 2:35 pm
by backslash
Welcome! We've seen you around a bit on the Discord, and it sounds like you've been finding your way around the site. If you have any questions, feel free to ask the staff. We have the purple usernames and will be happy to help you out.

Re: Introduction Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 1:19 pm
by Malloon

Wishing me a happy birthday over on Discord is most definitely a surefire way to get my attention. Thank you for that, @Dogs231.

Some of you might remember me. I dropped off the map a few years back, during the prelude to V7, I believe. I had a good reason for it at the time - I was ill for several months (this was long before Covid, btw). After that, though... well, long story short, the more time passed since I posted last, the more uncomfortable I felt with sheepishly popping my head up and saying "...hey guys, I'm, uh, I'm not dead." That's a semi-regular occurrence with me - turns I can physically put myself between two people fighting or perform on stage in front of crowds no problem, but initiate a conversation that might be awkward and I NOPE the f**k out of there. Though the elapsed time between my intending to write and my actually writing this time is a new record for me.

Part of the reason, at first, was that I was treating participating here as an obligation. This was quite intentional, since I suck at forcing myself to practice on my own the things I want to get better at, so I join or create groups where I have an obligation to do so, which helps a lot. In this case it was for me to improve my writing. But the fact it was an obligation meant I was somewhat relieved when I was freed from it, so I decided to append a short break to my sick time, just to recover and to get the rest of my neglected affairs in order, and, well, then it spiralled out of control.

So yeah, I'm not dead. I guess some of you already knew that, or else Discord would have deleted my account for inactivity some time ago - as I learned just today. So much for my subtle attempt to hide.

Some of you reading this must be thinking "Dude, you need therapy". I am aware and am getting it, for much more than is outlined here.

I'm not sure what I plan to do now. I'll probably read V7 and follow V8. I might join V9, I might take part in a mini. If you'll have me, that is. Heck, I might even look into running a mini - I was workshopping a few rules in my head back when I was active last. In any case me posting this will significantly lower the hurdle of me showing up and participating again.

I think, at least. Unless I manage to psych myself out over the possible replies to this post.

Re: Introduction Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 3:04 pm
by Yonagoda
Malloon wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 1:19 pm
I'm not sure what I plan to do now. I'll probably read V7 and follow V8. I might join V9, I might take part in a mini. If you'll have me, that is. Heck, I might even look into running a mini - I was workshopping a few rules in my head back when I was active last. In any case me posting this will significantly lower the hurdle of me showing up and participating again..
Welcome back, Malloon! Glad to have you again! Sometimes I keep on wondering where the 'lost" members went... Good to know you're OK and also very not dead.

Re: Introduction Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 7:00 pm
by Dogs231
Malloon wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 1:19 pm Welp.

Wishing me a happy birthday over on Discord is most definitely a surefire way to get my attention. Thank you for that, @Dogs231.

Some of you might remember me. I dropped off the map a few years back, during the prelude to V7, I believe. I had a good reason for it at the time - I was ill for several months (this was long before Covid, btw). After that, though... well, long story short, the more time passed since I posted last, the more uncomfortable I felt with sheepishly popping my head up and saying "...hey guys, I'm, uh, I'm not dead." That's a semi-regular occurrence with me - turns I can physically put myself between two people fighting or perform on stage in front of crowds no problem, but initiate a conversation that might be awkward and I NOPE the f**k out of there. Though the elapsed time between my intending to write and my actually writing this time is a new record for me.

Part of the reason, at first, was that I was treating participating here as an obligation. This was quite intentional, since I suck at forcing myself to practice on my own the things I want to get better at, so I join or create groups where I have an obligation to do so, which helps a lot. In this case it was for me to improve my writing. But the fact it was an obligation meant I was somewhat relieved when I was freed from it, so I decided to append a short break to my sick time, just to recover and to get the rest of my neglected affairs in order, and, well, then it spiralled out of control.

So yeah, I'm not dead. I guess some of you already knew that, or else Discord would have deleted my account for inactivity some time ago - as I learned just today. So much for my subtle attempt to hide.

Some of you reading this must be thinking "Dude, you need therapy". I am aware and am getting it, for much more than is outlined here.

I'm not sure what I plan to do now. I'll probably read V7 and follow V8. I might join V9, I might take part in a mini. If you'll have me, that is. Heck, I might even look into running a mini - I was workshopping a few rules in my head back when I was active last. In any case me posting this will significantly lower the hurdle of me showing up and participating again.

I think, at least. Unless I manage to psych myself out over the possible replies to this post.
Hello! Welcome back to the site. It's always neat to see people come back around.

Re: Introduction Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:12 pm
by Ahab9

My account name is Ahab9 (but Ahab is just fine), and I just joined.

I wanted to seriously try roleplaying and I liked battle royale (the site showed up while Googling) (it's a word apparently) (Does it show that I like brackets?) so hello everyone!

Re: Introduction Thread

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 11:49 pm
by Ruggahissy
Ahab9 wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:12 pm Hi!

My account name is Ahab9 (but Ahab is just fine), and I just joined.

I wanted to seriously try roleplaying and I liked battle royale (the site showed up while Googling) (it's a word apparently) (Does it show that I like brackets?) so hello everyone!
Hello and welcome!

We spoke briefly on Discord (I'm Ultra Despair Girl). You have a cool avatar here too.

Please let us know if you need help with anything at all and please enjoy your stay.

Re: Introduction Thread

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 8:53 am
by Deamon
Ahab9 wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:12 pm Hi!

My account name is Ahab9 (but Ahab is just fine), and I just joined.

I wanted to seriously try roleplaying and I liked battle royale (the site showed up while Googling) (it's a word apparently) (Does it show that I like brackets?) so hello everyone!
Welcome aboard Ahab!

We’re currently partway through V8, our latest version but feel free to hang out, read and socialise with folks in the discord.

If you have any questions feel free to ask someone with a purple name as they’re the staff here and will be happy to help!

Re: Introduction Thread

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 3:39 am
by JacobAllTradez
Hello everyone! My name is Jacob. I’ve been an active roleplayer on Discord for the past five years or so, been roleplaying on and off in general for over a decade. Have never done a forum RP, so this looks to be an interesting experience. I’ve got a ton of characters in my disposal already, so hopefully, I’ll get to showcase some of them or make new ones exclusively for here as well enjoy all the characters you’ve made!

Re: Introduction Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 7:04 pm
by cob

Re: Introduction Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2023 8:54 pm
by Ohm

Re: Introduction Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2023 4:32 pm
by RetroVenus
hewwo uwu

Re: Introduction Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 7:55 am
by Magnum 0pus
Howdy, I'm Magnum 0pus but most call me Magnum.

I'm new to SOTF and found out about it while- oddly enough- on the TV TROPES wiki. The name "Survival of the Fittest" appeared and piqued my interest. So, I checked out the page and my interest for the role play only became stronger, and when I saw that it joinable and open to most, I decided to apply!

I intend to role play here with my upmost effort put into it, and hopefully experience something new and have fun overall.

Re: Introduction Thread

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:32 pm
by Dr Adjective
New friend! Welcome aboard!

The most recent version is just about wrapped up, pending some epilogue things, and the earliest of planning for the next one is underway if you wanna get stuck in with character concepts right away! I also recommend joining the discord server and saying hi!

Re: Introduction Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 8:59 am
by Dogs231
Magnum 0pus wrote: Sun Jan 28, 2024 7:55 am Howdy, I'm Magnum 0pus but most call me Magnum.

I'm new to SOTF and found out about it while- oddly enough- on the TV TROPES wiki. The name "Survival of the Fittest" appeared and piqued my interest. So, I checked out the page and my interest for the role play only became stronger, and when I saw that it joinable and open to most, I decided to apply!

I intend to role play here with my upmost effort put into it, and hopefully experience something new and have fun overall.
Hello! Welcome to SOTF! And, don't worry, joining through TVTropes isn't too odd—heck, most of us came from there! I hope you enjoy your time here and I'm excited to see what you do on the site!

Re: Introduction Thread

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 12:12 am
by BlightLupus
Hi hi! Call me Blight! Wanted to see how posting works so I figured where better to make my first post than the introduction thread. Nice to meet y'all~!