The V1 Read-A-Thon

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Post by Jilly »

Slap me with another V1 kid.
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Post by Ohm »

Tonyksin = Drew Lynn

Jill = Ryan Torres
[+] V6
G019 Serena Waters
The Past:
B037 William "Will" McKinley
Image(Adopted from Dannyrulx)
Sadie Hawkins Dance:
[+] V7
B026 Sean Leibowitz
Image Image
B071 Sal Bonaventura (Adopted from Skraal)
B085 Brandon Murphy (adopted from Rattlesnake)
[+] V8
Timothy Adams
Andrew Lapson
William "Bill" Taylor
Amos Flanigan
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Post by Tonyksin »

Alrighty then, this is the start of my review of Drew Lynn from V1. This is the first V1 kid i’m reading, so lets hope its a good one. From what I’ve heard V1 was a bit more lax in the Quality department, so I’m going in with an open mind.

First Off we have his profile.

Already I can see how much shorter it is than anything in V7. His only Hobby is reading. Appearance wise, the tone seems kind of off? It seems almost TOO informal. Also:
His hair is a bit on the curly side, much like Tobs',
I don’t know what a Tobs is. I’m gonna assume it’s another character? But just reading drew alone I wouldn’t necessarily know that. But, continuing with the appearance. His eyes apparently convey his feelings, that’s a neat trick. He wears glasses but doesn’t know why.
because that's his style, y'know?
Fair enough.

Lots of ellipses in this appearance. Also, contradiction; his eyes shine with happiness but he doesn’t look happy? I’m confused.
Drew tends to scratch his hair at random; rather funny when you think of it,
Yes. Scratching your hair is hilarious. On to the bio.

It almost reads as if the handler is jotting down bullet points instead of writing paragraphs. It’s sort of disjointed, but i can get the jist of what they’re trying to say. Ahh there we go, Tobs is obviously Toby Valerik, his best friend who moved away. (He’s also in the game im assuming.) The handler keeps referencing how alike he is to Tobs, so i feel like i should read his profile to get a better idea of who Drew is. I won't, but that the feeling this bio gives out. He rolled a good weapon at least. A Colt 7.65mm Pistol.. Also he’s apparently boy 120? How many kinds were IN this version damn.

Profile is done. I'm still keeping an open mind, so i'm ready for thread 1 of 8.

First off we have a guy named Arsenio Thanodeus (Is that a real last name?) waking up. Apparently he hit his head when they placed him. The terrorists were not gentle this version. Drew comes in next post. Drew still has his Cell phone on the island and apparently turned it off. That seems silly. Why not try and call someone?
He wasn't about to play the game, for the same basic reason as Tobs.
Again i feel like i need to read Toby to know what he’s talking about here. Drew is sitting here worrying about the legal ramifications of playing the game and surviving? I mean sure, but aren't there more pressing things? He found a grave by the river apparently. Is this day one? I'm assuming so since the other guy just woke up, but maybe i'm wrong. I love that he’s basing what stance he should crouch around in off the splinter cell games. That’s actually funny. There's some typos here and there, but they aren’t too glaring. Also apparently he hasn’t been assigned a weapon yet? Interesting.

Drew is now called Drwe. lol Typos are fun. Drew and Arsenio start to chat a bit, and find out they aren't from the same school. Thats fun. Arsenio is a true feminist apparently. And now there's a teamup maybe? I kind of like this duo. Big guy and scaredy cat. Also apparently ARSENIO’S MOM WAS MURDERED?! Wtf V1. And to top it off she was murdered by a rapist. Jesus.
This was how Drew worked. He tended to over think or over analyze; much of the time, he'd analyze very odd parts of the problem. Such as the legal issues of SOTF.
I agree that this is an odd thought process, but at least the he’s calling himself out on it.

SO MANY OOC COMMENTS. I guess they didn’t have the chat back then, but still. It kind of breaks the immersion.

Apparently our duo is gonna head to the warehouse. And now there's an Announcement! Apparently 50 people are dead already, so i'm gonna assume this is NOT day 1. Oh and now Drew has his gun. Yay! Oh no Arsenio’s getting a little suicide-y. :(

Oh we have some newcomers in the thread! We have Ryan and Cassie crashing the party. Cassie knows Arsenio, so that's fun. Still a bunch of OOC posting. Now even in the middle of character posts. It’s really annoying, kinda. Oh and now a third newcomer. Lyndi appears, and is handled by the same Handler as Ryan. Their POVs are seperated in the post tho so it’s almost like two seperate posts. Im ok with this. Also she’s apparently on a motorcycle with someone named Cody. That’s pretty interesting.

Oh shit the Motorcycle is blasting onto the scene. Cody is officially here now. He does NOT seem very friendly. Oh fuck shit’s about to go down. Lyndi and Ryan’s POVs are mixing together now, and it’s a bit jarring. Oh fuck Cody is shooting Arsenio! And now the flashbang is in play, this is a pretty fun action scene. Drew hasn’t done too much yet, but i am enjoying his reactions to the chaos around him. Oh no Aresnio’s been shot! Drew’s abandoning him! Oh nooooo. I lowkey really wanna know what happens here, but as i’m following Drew and not the others, I leave when he does.

Wow, that was only Thread 1 and so much happened. On to thread #2

We open this thread in the Caves with Cassie and Drew.
I have to hand it to Drew. His thoughts were amazingly coherent, if a bit random.
WHO has to hand it to drew? Is his handler breaking the fourth wall by talking about drew in drew’s post without drew being aware? I feel like im over complicating it but it’s still super jarring.

The two start thinking about what they’re going to do from here, but before we get that sorted out two new faces show up in the thread. Scott (Which his entire post his name is only mentioned once at the end) and Nev (Three sentence post). Drew and Cassie don’t seem like they’re in the welcoming mood, tbh. Cassie gets a flashback, i guess she was in an accident or something. It seems out of place, but whatever. Drew starts freaking out and debating whether he should shoot the two who just showed up, and apparently Drew starts to hallucinate/imagine Toby talking him down from that course of action. Ok, i’ll roll with it i guess. He calls out to the newcomers and tells them to put down their weapons, he won't hurt them, ect, ect.

Also, it doesn’t seem like post order is a thing.

Oh shit Cassie’s going off the deep end talking to herself and shit in the caves. I feel like thats not gonna end well.

Now someone named Kouji appears. But he’s not really anywhere near the other characters, apparently just wandering the caves. Ok, sure.

Okayyyyy so apparently Kouji CANT be here because HE'S ALREADY DEAD. LMAO WTF. There's a little OOC argument about it. V1 was a trip, huh?

Announcements again, and the caves are a danger zone. All four of our ALIVE characters flee to the eastern shore where the next thread takes place.

On to Thread 3 of 8

Our four kids arrive sprinting onto the shore from the previous thread and threat of collar detonation. They’re all trying to figure out their next move.
Unlike Toby's theories, Drew was none too keen on staying anywhere near a place that had seen bloodshed
These Toby references are getting old.

Cassie is still hearing voices in her head so that’s reassuring. Drew decides to follow Scott and Nev in finding their friend Jeremey, and that’s it for this thread. That was quick and painless.

On to Thread 4 of 8

The group moves on to the Helicopter Crash Site. That sounds pretty cool. Apparently the chopper crash-landed on a person? That’s pretty rad/gross. Our ragtag group reacts to the scene in awe/disgust/fear. Drew is still towing the line of killing vs refusing to kill in his head. He suggests they get the hell out of dodge, which sounds about right when you come across a crashed helicopter. Cassie is STILL having flashbacks, and she’s declared herself group leader. She asks for a better weapon from one of the others. Sure cassie, whatever you say. Drew (Thankfully) doesn’t give up his gun to her and offers to take point protecting the others with his weapon. Way to step up Drew! Oh shit, cassie’s not taking no for an answer with the gun thing. She wants it. Plus she’s hearing those voices telling her to kill. She threatens to take the gun from him. DON'T GIVE IT TO HER DREW. Drew refuses her again. Scott and Nev beg everyone to calm down and trust each other. Yeahokaylikethatsgonnahappen.

Cassie’s off the deep end now. She’s decided to start playing. Well shit. Drew points the gun at her. Good decision I say, she’s obviously off her meds.
"If you want to play, you run." His voice was steady, calm, secure.

Nev runs off (bye felicia), and scott starts yelling at cassie, basically telling her to come get some. I mean whatever bro, weren't you just telling everyone to get along? Cassie realizes she’s out of her depth and agrees to leave without a fuss. Oh no. Drew went and flew off the deep end with her. He shot her in the shoulder. Oh shit, it’s about to go down methinks. Drew’s hearing voices now too, and they’re telling him to finish her off. And he fires again. Shit he empties the fucking clip on her. One of the bullets hits her collar and blows her fucking head up.

Cassie is fucking dead. Well, Fuck.

Scott is sitting here shooketh the fuck up too. Drew went from 0 to 100 real quick. Also apparently Nev teleported back? Whatever. Drew freaks out because he just KILLED A GIRL, and runs off. Time to follow him to the next thread.

That was alot, but im still enjoying Drew. I’m glad we’re seemingly abandoning Scott and Nev, they were not my favorite. On to thread 5.

Drew doesn’t enter this thread until page three, so there are already some other characters around. Drew runs all the way from the crash site where he killed cassie to the makeshift hospital, and there seems to be a standoff going on here already. Also Asano(the handler)’s other character Toby(YES that toby) is already in this thread, and it doesn’t seem like he’s doing too well. When drew enters the scene he sees a girl running at someone who has a gun in Toby’s back (though drew doesnt know it’s toby yet) and his first response is to fire. Realizing that that was probably dumb, he runs back into the forest and hides. Drew accidentally hits Takara (the girl on Toby’s side it seems) with the bullet in the shoulder (he has a knack for shoulder shots). Also ONE OF THE TERRORISTS ARE HERE. V1 was crazy man.

The terrorist, Elijah Rice, starts spraying bullets from his M-16 at the treeline where Drew is. That’s not good. Clemence is another character whose here, and is seemingly allied with Rice. Interesting. Takara now has a new handler and starts to fight Clemence. Lots going on here. Elijah gives up on hunting down Drew and goes to help Clemence deal with Takara and Toby. I know i'm supposed to focus on Drew but he hasn't had a post since his first one yet.

DREW HAS A NEW HANDLER. Omg i guess his original handler went inactive, i’m so sad.

Well the new handler does a good job staying true to Drew slowly losing his shit. He kinda bounces back and forth between wanting to play and wanting to help the other kids being attacked.

Wait. Drew’s original handler is still handling Toby. So i guess he adopted Drew off.

Toby recognises Drew, and starts freaking out that Drew could ever shoot anyone. Bro, you dont even know. Just ask Cassie. Drew finally realizes that Toby is here and is shocked to say the least. But the voices in his head try to convince him it's a trick. Rice fills Takara with bullets, and Toby Jumps up and sprints away telling Drew to follow him. Drew does, but he’s still listening to the voices in his head, so IDK what’s gonna happen. The two of them exit the thread, so on to Thread 6.

Drew and Toby end up at the Hillside Cliffs. Drew enters and immediately raises his gun, just in case Toby attacks him. He asks Toby if he is still his friend. Not a bad question on this island for sure. His inner monologue is going into super-crazy-town now tho. Toby says that he’s still his friend, and asks why he’s here on the island. Drew is over thinking the question and starts getting suspicious of Toby. Oh no, i feel like i know where this is going. Drew keeps on fighting with himself over whether Toby is a trick or if he’s real. And now they’re yelling at each other. Oh boy. Drew points his gun at Toby and demands to know why he’s on the island. And he decides that if the answer isn't good enough he’s gonna shoot him.

Fucking hell Drew pulls the trigger on him. He starts to rationalize that this must be an imposter. Yes, that’s obviously the most rational reason. He demands to know if Toby has killed anyone. Newsflash Drew, YOU killed cassie like 2 threads ago. Toby gets hit in the shoulder by the bullet (that’s 3 shoulder shots if you’re counting), and he swears he hasn’t touched another person on the island. Drew points the gun at him again and tells toby to calm down or he’ll shoot him again. Maybe YOU should calm down Drew. Drew is now blaming Toby for his being on the island? Where did THAT come from? Toby FINALLY gets through to Drew that he is indeed who he says he is, and Drew flips the script real quick, helping his friend(?) stand. Toby reflects on what’s happened in the last thread and this one, and without thinking punches Drew in the face. I say that’s pretty fair. Drew doesn’t take that in stride.
“Good bye you fucking fake, go to hell like Cassie!”
Damn Drew you crazy.

He empties a clip in Toby, just like he did with Cassie. How many bullets are IN this gun? Im pretty sure he hasn’t reloaded once. Toby gets shot the fuck up, and falls off the side of the cliff, plummeting to his death. His death post is actually kind of sad. Drew looks over the cliff at the broken body of his old friend, and that snaps him back to reality. The reality that he just murdered his best friend. He starts to freak out a bit, and decides he has to win for Toby. whatever you say bro. Drew leaves the thread and we head over to #7.

This thread is a one-shot AND a songpost. (It’s not even the GOOD Major Tom) Apparently Drew is in the final ten. Well shit. I wonder who’s left. On to his final thread.

We’re back at the Helicopter Crash site. The first character to enter is named Jack, who proceeds to lock himself inside the destroyed chopper. Next to appear is Angelina Kaige, and she’s armed to the teeth. Drew comes in next, and he sees Angelina. Instead of hiding like a good boy, he decides to take some shots at her. He hits HER in the shoulder too (what is up with this? That’s 4 now), but she’s not going down as easy as everyone else, and fired back with her rifle. Drew finally decides he’s in over his head and starts to run, but gets hit in the leg and hides behind the chopper’s wreckage. He fires a few more rounds at her as well.

This time he hits her in the leg, and in response she throws TWO GRENADES AT HIM. Holy hannah. Drew is able to drag himself out of the way of the grenades somehow, and starts hallucinating that Angelina is Cassie. I’ll accept it. Jack is still hiding in the chopper. This time DREW gets hit in the shoulder by a bullet. Karma’s a bitch Drew.
Drew knew this is the devils work. Her spirit has not yet been rested, she wants revenge...REVENGE!!!
Calm the fuck down Drew.

Apparently drew only has 4 bullets left. OH NOW WE CARE ABOUT REALISM. Oh shit drew shoots at her again and hits her in the chest. Is he about to win? She throws some more grenades at him. Drew shoots her again, and she decides to play dead. Drew shoots her in the stomach and starts to walk away. BIG MISTAKE DREW. She fucking sneaks up behind him and snaps his fucking neck!

In his final moments Drew hallucinates Toby and Cassie waiting for him on a cliff. The three join hands all all jump off the cliff together (I guess towards the afterlife?), and it’s kind of really sad and beautiful.

Drew’s story is over.

That was quite the ride. Drew's story started really strong, because there were other good characters surrounding him that made him better by proxy. His mid-game was a bit weak up until he kills Cassie, and then evens out a bit. His final few threads are pretty decent tho, even when he changes handlers. I feel like both handlers stayed true to the character, and all in all drew was a pretty fun read. I'd definitely recommend him with the warning that his mid game is pretty weak.
V8 Relationship Chart
[+] V8 Kids Lined Up To Die
Sebastian Odegaard - Playing The Leading Man
Yoona Lee - Rejecting Society
Chanel Andersson-Joseph - Changing Her Aesthetic
Marc Hines - Lazer-Focused on the Future
[+] V7 Kiddos
Relationship Thread
Appearance Tracker

ImageLorenzo Tavares B03 - DEAD
Pregame:1 2 3 4 5 Memories:1 2 3 4 Prom: 1 2 3 4 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
ImageGina Petrov G43 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 Memories: 1 2 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3
ImageJackson Sullivan B36 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 2 3 4 5 Memories: 1 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ImageAmelia Fischer G34 - DEAD
Pregame: 1 Memories: 1 2 Prom: 1 2 Trip: 1
Island: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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Post by Ohm »

Tonyksin - Scott Jameson
[+] V6
G019 Serena Waters
The Past:
B037 William "Will" McKinley
Image(Adopted from Dannyrulx)
Sadie Hawkins Dance:
[+] V7
B026 Sean Leibowitz
Image Image
B071 Sal Bonaventura (Adopted from Skraal)
B085 Brandon Murphy (adopted from Rattlesnake)
[+] V8
Timothy Adams
Andrew Lapson
William "Bill" Taylor
Amos Flanigan
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Post by Endellion »

So, since it's overdue, Shinya.

This will be short, since reading through him once made me incredibly reluctant to do so again and refresh my memory.

He's often compared to Sadako Yamamura, which I do find incredibly apt since he is scary. Just for all the wrong reasons. His only actual contribution to V1 as a character is to annoy, ineffectually threaten and shoot at others, with the few kills he gets (including his demise at his own hands) touting physically impossible gore like something out of a slasher Z-movie. It becomes most apparent in his death post, which is an utterly absurd songpost and ultimately serves only to give another of Kuze's kids a gun to use.

In summation for something incredibly short already, I do not recommend Shinya in the slightest.

I'm fully aware that there are some excellent characters on that island, but reading through him makes me lose that much faith in the whole thing. That out of the way, I would be willing to take Jill Gatling up since I've seen mention of her in this very thread that leads me to believe she'll be a much more worthwhile read and she's the only character left.
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Post by Ohm »

Here you go.

Endellion - Jill Gatling
[+] V6
G019 Serena Waters
The Past:
B037 William "Will" McKinley
Image(Adopted from Dannyrulx)
Sadie Hawkins Dance:
[+] V7
B026 Sean Leibowitz
Image Image
B071 Sal Bonaventura (Adopted from Skraal)
B085 Brandon Murphy (adopted from Rattlesnake)
[+] V8
Timothy Adams
Andrew Lapson
William "Bill" Taylor
Amos Flanigan
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Post by Ohm »

A year and half bump. Ruggahissy read through Toby a while ago and I forgot to note that down. No write-up.

Leaving these as the last few ones remaining.

43 - Hawley Faust - (CBP)
92 - Chance Burton - (Mimi)
99 - Jill Gatling - (Endellion)
106 - Takara Asano - ()
108 - Scott Jameson - (Tonyksin)
110 - Ryan Torres - (Mara)
123 - Adam Dodd - (RIP Zee)

For those left, let me know if you still want these characters or if you want to pull back. If that is the case, they will be put into queue for anyone else to take a gander at it.
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Post by Ohm »

Devi Satome is back on the board as per Yugi's request, next person that signs up gets her.
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Post by Ohm »

A character request change from Jilly granted. Devi Satome is now Jilly's.

Ryan Torres is now up for grabs.
[+] V6
G019 Serena Waters
The Past:
B037 William "Will" McKinley
Image(Adopted from Dannyrulx)
Sadie Hawkins Dance:
[+] V7
B026 Sean Leibowitz
Image Image
B071 Sal Bonaventura (Adopted from Skraal)
B085 Brandon Murphy (adopted from Rattlesnake)
[+] V8
Timothy Adams
Andrew Lapson
William "Bill" Taylor
Amos Flanigan
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Post by Jilly »

Finished Devi.

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Post by Jilly »

On a serious note, Devi Satome is..... Not good. I can meme hard with this, but I won't. If you really want to read her, by all means I will not stop you.

I think she's a product of her time, both as a character in the really bad wack of early SOTF but also as a character from an internet roleplay ran by a bunch of kids half my age in 2005 where the consensus was more about having fun without any sort of foresight and accountability for being read by a loser with nothing to do 15 years after the fact.

That's all I'll say. HARD NO as a recommendation.
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Post by Ohm »

Ryan Torrest has now gone to Mara. No kids without handlers attached remaining. Periodic check-ups with a cattle prod will ensue these upcoming weeks.
[+] V6
G019 Serena Waters
The Past:
B037 William "Will" McKinley
Image(Adopted from Dannyrulx)
Sadie Hawkins Dance:
[+] V7
B026 Sean Leibowitz
Image Image
B071 Sal Bonaventura (Adopted from Skraal)
B085 Brandon Murphy (adopted from Rattlesnake)
[+] V8
Timothy Adams
Andrew Lapson
William "Bill" Taylor
Amos Flanigan
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Post by Ohm »

Takara Asano is back in the pool, next handler to ask gets her.
[+] V6
G019 Serena Waters
The Past:
B037 William "Will" McKinley
Image(Adopted from Dannyrulx)
Sadie Hawkins Dance:
[+] V7
B026 Sean Leibowitz
Image Image
B071 Sal Bonaventura (Adopted from Skraal)
B085 Brandon Murphy (adopted from Rattlesnake)
[+] V8
Timothy Adams
Andrew Lapson
William "Bill" Taylor
Amos Flanigan
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Post by Ohm »

Blows away dust


Wow, it's been a while! So, uh, I've taken back all the kids distributed and will re-distribute them to whoever wants a kid.

43 - Hawley Faust - ()
92 - Chance Burton - (Brackie)
99 - Jill Gatling - (Zetsu)
106 - Takara Asano - ()
108 - Scott Jameson - (Yugikun)
110 - Ryan Torres - (NoLife)
123 - Adam Dodd - ()
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Post by Ohm »

Got four kids left here that needs to be read, we're almost there folks!
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