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Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:05 am
by Kuze*
Heather took the Assault Rifle shaped Buckshot cannon (just a fancy term for shotgun) in her hands as the announcements rung out listing a good 20 people dead, but something that made her regester a mental"Oh shit".

All existing Danger Zones have been wiped. The new Danger Zones are the Old Warehouse and the Makeshift Hospital. Run for your lives, lads and lassies! And, remember to keep in there and never give up! That's when they strike you hardest.

"Oh...Shit, We have to get out of here as of 5 minutes ago"

Heather said as she put her left hand on the windowsill attempting to pull herself up.

"Fuck...I say we head to the well or if anyone else has any bright ideas care to discuss now before we all go boom"

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:05 am
by Sephy*
"Kuso" Daisuke swore as he heard the announcement, he was sure the terrorists picked the zones that were most crowded on purpose.
He half-stood and peeked out of the window as the girl spoke.

"I think he's gone. She's right we need to hurry"

He glanced around the room, The girl who had spoken certainly wouldn't be able to walk, neither would the other girl who'd just had a sickle pulled out of her knee, and he wasn't sure wether Aiden had recovered yet. ~I could run and leave them behind...~

He quickly pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind, Daisuke didn't like where his thought processes were taking him.

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:05 am
by MooCow*
"Alright let's get out of here," Aiden said as he watched the figure disappear into the distance, "opposite direction of that psycho."

Without a moment's hesitation Aiden grabbed the antibiotics, stuffed them into his bag and walked swiftly out of the clinic, hoping his comrades would follow him. As he gripped the gun Heather had given him he knew he didn't want to have to use it, but he was prepared.

Calling back he responded to Heather's suggestion, "I'm going to the school to see what we can salvage for the plan, you can go to the well if you want, but I can't do this alone and I'd really like it if you came along, all of you."

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:06 am
by Swoosh*
Mallory's eyes widened at Danya's voice ringing out for all to hear. This place was to become a danger zone, meaning... her hand reached up to touch her collar. Collar go boom. She had to get out of there... but how? She wanted to avoid looking at her leg again, but she knew she was in no position to stand, let alone run, without a lot of help.

Looking around wildly, she saw that some of the others had already begun to flee, and the lack of gunshots signalled that even the killer had gone elsewhere.

"Oh my God..." Mallory began to once again panic at the prospect of dying. She turned to face Glenn and Jeremy, who had not moved since the latest announcement.

"Please don't leave me here!!" There was a hint of a shriek in her voice, and her eyes, which had been drained dry of tears, were now looking at the two boys with a mixture of horror and desperation.

((and not to be a party pooper, guys, but could we maybe put a cap on posting here until either Thesus or Riserugu posts? With more emphasis on the latter, seeing as Glenn has just been sat solidly doing nothing since the beginning of the gunfight, at this point Riser's going to post and we'll have all gone...))

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:06 am
by riserugu*
((It seems every time I take a leave of absence, there’s always from big gunfight happening. Heh, sorry about my lack of posting I really haven’t been feeling well these past two weeks.))

As the person outside the hospital continued to fire, Glenn found himself flinching as he snapped his eyes shut, trying to block out all the sounds currently surrounding him. Only opening them likely when as for a second he felt as something tugged at his hand. Glancing down to the girl that had gotten Jeremy’s sickle stuck in her leg…

His attention quickly changed when her hand left his, he glancing off to the other as gunfire began to be returned toward whoever was out there. Frowning a little, all thoughts where cut short when a scream admitted from the other girl as Jeremy removed the sickle. He lightly remembering that he had said something to him about his shirt, something to stop the blood flow.

Instead though, because of the fact this was his only shirt, he clawed over to where Fred had dropped Eddie’s bag… grabbing it and dragging it back over to them. Unzipping it and removing the first aid from in there. Bringing out one of the larger pieces of gauze and pressing it, and holding it against the wound in her leg with his hand.

Though everything seemed to freeze when another announcement came on over, the death list long and quite lengthy compared to the others before it. But what was worse was when the newest danger zones where called forth, his heart dropping as his free hand went to touch the collar bound about his throat when it became clear there current location was the one of the newest danger zones.

Gulping he watched as panic began to set in about the group, he breathing in slowly as he once again closed his eyes and tried to clam his thinking, at this point he had to remain clam. Fred had been the voice of reason when he was here, but now he wasn’t… that didn’t mean he had the right to start panicking…

“The school sounds good.” He voiced, “If we’re going to try and find a way off this island, we have to figure out how where going to do this. The school’s a building, so if we can fortify it we could be safe.” Glenn finished, looking back to the wound in the Mallory’s leg. Removing a roll of bandaging, and the one hand holding the gauze before he started wrapping it. It wasn’t the best, but it hold till he had a better chance to sit down and wrap it better.

When Mallory spoke, begging them both not to leave her. He placed a hand on her shoulder, glancing off toward the other to await their answers before speaking to her. “Don’t worry, I won't leave you…”

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:06 am
by Swoosh*
((ok, guys, you can post again ^__^))

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:06 am
by Sephy*
((yes mam, *salutes* :P ))

Daisuke picked up his pack, he knew they needed to get out of there as fast as possible.

He saw 2 of the boys taking care of the girl with the sickle in her leg, it looked like she would be ok, glancing to his right he saw the other girl struggling to pull herself up on the window ledge, someone had to carry her..

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:07 am
by MooCow*
"Fuck fuck fuck," Aiden hissed turning around, "just grab them already and lets book it! If we keep messing around here we are all going to die."

Wasting no time he stormed forwards back into the building and proceeded to drag the injured Heather out of the building, although his progress was slow having an arm injury.

CONTINUED IN 'Survival of the Fittest': http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...p?showtopic=603

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:07 am
by Theseus*
Jeremy was now holding the bloody sickle, he listened to the announcements, the gunfire, it all seemed to unreal to him. None of this was working out well. The hospital was now a danger zone. Jeremy stood up and ran to his bag, shouldered it, and looked at everyone else, "School then? Ok." Jeremy walked over to Glenn and listened in as Glenn said he wouldnt leave the girl. Jeremy said to Glenn, "Ok man, I promised your brother I'd stick with him until the end, I don't know where he ran off to, so I guess I'm with you, and since apparantly your with Mallory I guess we're all in the same boat now"

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:08 am
by MooCow*
COMING FROM 'Survival of the Fittest': http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...=0&#entry844996

Aiden ran towards the clinic.

"Dai come on! You guys get Mallory and let's high tail it outta here. Can you manage do you need help?"

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:08 am
by Theseus*
Jeremy say Aiden and then looked back at Glenn and Mallory and nodded to them and said, "Take care of yourselves, see you later." He winked to Glenn and ran to Aiden and said, "I'm coming with you to the school man, we got to get out of here before these collars blow."

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:08 am
by MooCow*
Hoping that Glenn could handle Mallory Aiden ran with Jeremy to where Heather was positioned. He prayed that Dai and the other two would follow.

((Continued in: Survival of the Fittest))

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:08 am
by Sephy*
Dai quickly followed Aiden out of the clinic ~heh..Democracy just almsot killed us...why am I laughing at that?~ Dai was beginning to worry about his alreayd less-then-perfect mental state.

((Continued in: Survival of the Fittest))

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:09 am
by Theseus*
Jeremy gave one last glance back at Glenn and Mallory and left with the rest of the group, his bag shouldered and his bloody sickle in hand. Following the group he could only wonder what was coming up next.

((continued in 'Survival of the Fittest': http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfTheF...?showtopic=603)

Re: arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:09 am
by Swoosh*
((Hahaha, FINE, leave me here to DIE why don't you Theseus! XDDD))

Mallory's eyes widened as Jeremy followed everyone else out of the hospital. It would appear that there was only her Glenn left now, and the panic inside her increased dramatically. She had to get out of there... why hadn't anyone else tried to help her?

That's rich, coming from me. Why didn't I stop and try and help that boy who tried to save me back at the coppice? Was he one of the names that was read out? He tried to save me... and I let him die.

Well, she wasn't going to die. If anything, that would mean her saviour's sacrifice would have been all for nothing. She had to get out of there. Glancing over at Glenn, she pushed herself up so she was in an awkward crab position.

"Please..." she said, looking at Glenn with serious, if not frightened eyes. "I need help... we need to get of here. Help me..."