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Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 11:59 am
by Buko
Goin to be in Miami from December 12th - December 17th, will likely still have my laptop and be able to post, but I may not be as rapid fire as I usually am!

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 10:45 pm
by Cactus
Been sick the last few days; probably get something up tomorrow if I'm able to think again

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2019 2:52 pm
by Namira
I'm still big time broken up. I'll be doing my best, ym best just may not always be super good.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2019 12:34 am
by Shiola
I'm hosting an New Years Eve shindig at my house so assume my activity will be at least a bit spotty till after the 1st.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 12:43 am
by Laurels
I'm going to be in California from the 10th-19th, and while I'll have access to WiFi and the website, I don't know how much time I'll have to post. Will try to keep up on everything if I can.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 12:57 am
by KamiKaze
Argh, I'm sick!

Dunno when I'll get better, just know that I'm leaking from my nose.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 3:17 am
by Shiola
I am also sick at the moment. Gonna try and post soon as I can but I have a headache and it's hard to focus on words right now.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 7:33 pm
by backslash
My work schedule is changing again and I'm going back to overnights, so I'll be around less during the day (US time) and will probably be a bit of a zombie when I am around for a bit.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:35 am
by Melusine
I've started my final internship as of today and I will be doing it for the next four weeks. So alongside with homework and shit, I'll be working around 40 hours a week so I will be unable to produce as many posts. I just wanted to give you guys an headsup!

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 8:11 am
by Pippi
Stuff happened around where I live, and I really do not think I'm in the right state to be writing for SOTF currently. I'm sorry.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 9:24 am
by General Goose
Should be able to post with Nick as usual, but yeah, have a hectic couple of weeks with real life stuff, so won't be around to do much else.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 6:51 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
I may or may not be vanishing partially or wholly at some point in the next couple weeks for a few days to attend a funeral. I'm fine and it's a case of going to support other people and it may not even happen but if it does it will be decidedly abrupt and whirlwind. Putting this here as advance notice but will post Away properly if and when the time comes.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 5:53 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
Something's been really wrong with me lately. The last four days have been really bad for my sense of motivation, both on this site and in my personal life. I might get spotty with posting.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 1:40 pm
by Cactus
Outside of a bit of Saturday I'm likely not going to have constant access to a computer til Monday.

Re: V7 Reduced Activity Notices

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2020 4:15 pm
by Shiola
I'm gonna be up north with spotty data access so my activity may be limited until Sunday night.