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Re: "Though we may not survive it..."

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:02 pm
by Swoosh*
((Aaaaiyah! I go out to celebrate my AS results and hilarity and high jinxs ensue in my absence! Teach me not to have a real life ^_^))

Callum watched this all unfold from where he was stood. It was with a mixture of amusement and confusion, with a little bit of shock added for extra flavour, that he watched Adam babble on unwittingly. He wasn't sure whether to feel amused or insulted that he wasn't mentioned in his little round up of the current company ((DAMNIT CALLUM'S STILL HERE ^_^)), but watched quietly anyway. It wasn't really his place to interrupt or reprimand, seeing as he'd just attacked another member of the group, any sudden movements could result in him with a gaping bullet hole.

But any more of this, and someone else would end up hurt, or worse, killed... "Hey, guys, give him a break... he's been through a lot..." Callum called out. "I'm sure he doesn't mean it..."

Re: "Though we may not survive it..."

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:02 pm
by OnceForgotten*
Marcus stood/leaned/teetered with his mouth hanging open, listening to Adam's drug induced rant. It was actually quite hilarious, partly because Marcus agreed with most of it, and partly because Adam was completly blown out.

Seriously though, what good is crying going to do in this situation besides attract unwanted attention?

Marcus thought to himself while surveying the different responses of the group. He did feel sorry for the girl though. She seemed so...pitiful, and small.

There you go again Marcus the protector, savior of all things weak and insignificant. Let people handle their own fucking problems.

Marcus' amused expression faded in the confused quietness of the moments after, and when Madelaine approached Adam, the slap echoed in the silence.

Seems kind of like an overreaction to me...She was sobbing, that is an easy way to get you killed...all it shows is weakness, and their is no room for that here.

Re: "Though we may not survive it..."

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:02 pm
by riserugu
His hand holding the water bottle dropped a little when the new girl began sobbing, and how she couldn’t trust the group that was standing before her now. How if she left… Madelaine would most likely go with her. And to his surpise she seemed to be conflicted on the matter…

But though he had no room to step in an suggest otherwise, Madelaine was wounded… and the other one didn’t seem to of much use in a fighting unless who was attacking them had a weakness for small crying girls. But, no matter what his thoughts were he kept silent, and continued to think of how bad them leaving could turn.

As the odd silence that had fallen upon them besides that of the girl’s sobs when Adam began to speak, the arm holding the water bottle dropped even more. As an amused yet confused expression spread across his face, listening to the words just spilling from the other’s mouth.

And oddly enough, he couldn’t help but agree to them.

As the finished when Amanda more or less demanded it of him, he glanced toward to the other two girls watching the reactions of them. The new one seemed just horrified of the words that Adam spoke, and Madelaine, as usual he wasn’t able to read her at all.

But as she stood, coming at the Adam, he watched carefully from his stop not that far away and as the slap she gave echoed off into the air he flinched lightly at the sight.

And as the boy who had attacked him spoke, if he had told them his name or not escaped him at the moment, he nodded lightly looking toward Madelaine. “He’s right, it’s just the medicine talking… there’s no need to get violent.”

And still though he said these words, he was still drawn to believe some of Adam’s morphine-induced rant about Madelaine’s friend.

… All expect the whole knitting thing of course.

Re: "Though we may not survive it..."

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:02 pm
by LadyMakaze*
Slightly disgusted, Madelaine turned away from Adam to look at those who reprimanded her with her arms crossed, casting towards each of them cold, disdainful expressions. Slowly, she took in a deep breath to soothe the irritation that churned up inside her, letting herself relax, if only slightly. She did not seem the least bit ashamed of her actions, but though it seemed as though she was deliberating on letting the whole thing go....for now, at least.

"Sorry," she said coldly to no one in particular, though she looked towards the rest of the company, her proud chin tilted upwards. "I just got sick of all that nonsense. But really, once is enough I would think." She absently rubbed her sore fingers together. "In any case, we should be careful about causing a scene."

Her tone seemed final, subtly yet firmly hinting an end to the discussion overall. With a calm expression on her face, she walked past the others over towards where Nanami was sitting, rather detached from the group.

Remembering something suddenly, Madelaine stopped and turned towards the ground, standing beside Nanami.

"Oh right..." she addressed everyone, in a mild, calm tone, as though nothing had happened. "Everyone, this is Nanami Nishida, my friend and former schoolmate from Kyoto. We go a ways back. Say hello to them, Nanami."

Nanami looked up, startled as Madelaine asked her to request the group. Biting her lip reluctantly, she looked towards the group, though her eye contact wavered for a moment. Timidly, she bowed her head politely, though without smiling.

"Nice to meet you all..." Nanami said quietly, though without a sense of sincerity behind it. In truth, she was concerned with her own thoughts.

Even now she keeps telling me what to do, she thought disgustedly. I thought those days were long gone. How wrong I was. How pathetic.

Indeed, she did feel pathetic. She had seen the way some of these strangers looked at her with pity, a small, plain girl who cried a lot. Someone insignificant, someone weak. Someone pitiful.

That's right, she thought bitterly. Look at me, crying like a scared little girl, wanting to run away, wanting to hold onto someone's hand. Yes, that's right. I am pitiful. I'm pathetic.

You should all pity me.

To be pitied...It made her weak, yet it gave her a sense of power, that ability to influence other people's views and feelings towards her. And so...As much as she hated being pited, at the same time she revelled in it.

She looked towards Shirohara-san, who was gazing at her now with a serious expression on her face. Immediately, Nanami realized irritably that Shirohara-san wanted to talk.

"Look..." Shirohara-san said to her in a calm voice. "I know you don't feel like trusting this group, but we have no choice. There are too many people out there, and who knows whether or not they could be playing this sick game. As for these people...everyone here... I trust them with my life. They're my friends, and I know that if we can stick together, we can protect eachother. So leaving is out of the question, alright? This is best for the two of us. Please understand. You'll probably trust them too if you were a little more open to them."

Nanami looked back at her, taking in fully all that Shirohara-san was saying. Inside, that familiar feeling of disgusted welled up inside her. As always, Shirohara was deciding what was best for the two of them. She was always the one to took care of both of them, she always made all the big decisions. She always tries to make the most reasonable of descisions.

What disgusted Nanami the most that for all that she was reluctant to admit it, Shirohara-san was right, as always. Leaving now could only mean death. But now, all Nanami could think about was how much she resented Shirohara-san at that moment, just because she was right. She was always right.

But all she could do was nod slowly in agreement and say in a small voice, "Y-you're right... We're safer like this.... I'll try to be nice to them..."

Only because you told me to, she added silently.

Shirohara-san looked relieved now, for she smiled and said a gentle, "Thank you." Nanami watched as she wordlessly returned to the group of strangers to help out the huge, giant of a man with cuts decorating his form. It annoyed her slightly, that she was able to make friends and allies so quickly. But that was Shirohara-san...she was always like that. No matter how cold or scary she may seem at times, she always managed to make friends with others. She always seemed to possess something special that Nanami did not.

Whatever it was...Nanami had no idea even now, and it made her feel envious. As she crawled to her feet, hugging her daypack and keeping to herself a bit, pacing around. She began wondering if there was anything at all that was special about herself, and if anybody saw it at all.

Madelaine returned to the group, deciding to continue helping out with Marcus' injuries. She was silent in deep thought for a few moments, and it seemed as though her prior irritation towards Adam had faded. But that was Madelaine after all, she was not one to hold grudges against others, no matter what they did. There was just no point to it, after all.

She spoke up after a while, speaking to no one in particular, in a quiet voice so that the somewhat distant Nanami could not hear. "Nanami is like that at times...but she's a good person, really. Just please, be patient with her."

Re: "Though we may not survive it..."

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:02 pm
by Cactus
Oddly enough, Adam Dodd felt that as the hand slapped his face - and HARD, too, he didn't feel any pain. As such, when Madelaine glared at him and demanded an apology from him, his only response was simply to look at her and giggle. The giggle turned into a full-fledged laugh, and before long, Adam was red in the face and wincing as his arm shot pain even through the morphine.

"Ah, fuck...heh...did you just...heh...did you just slap me in the face?"

Adam watched Madelaine introduce her friend to the group, and now the crybaby has a name, Nanami, he thought.

It wasn't that Adam disliked people who cried easily - he himself could get emotional at times, a side of himself that he didn't often show, yet people who cried all the time for what appeared to be no particular reason? THAT was the type of people that he found absolutely irritating, and it seemed that up to now, Nanami was one of the latter.

Looking down at his arm, he rubbed the bandage that surrounded it. It was a little itchy, and Adam couldn't help but scratch a little, something that he vaugely remembered Hawley telling him not to do.

Kinda funny, actually. Hawley's sounding like someone's mother. Don't pick at it! But he's right. I don't just have a scab, I have a full fledged mouth in my arm. I pick at this and I've got an opening that someone could hide walnuts in for safe-keeping. I pick at this ugly mother and sooner or later my arm's going to go around biting people. Jeez.

Shaking his head as he felt his perception swim around a little, Adam blinked twice. The morphine was making him feel definitely a little dulled, and it wasn't exactly the most enjoyable feeling in the world. He did, however, steady himself and then looked at his group, as an uneasy silence had fallen over the river. Attempting to gather his thoughts, he opened his mouth and began to try and figure out what was to be done.

"Okay, so...what's the I mean, we can sit here, just relaxing and stuff, nursing our little wounds, and listening to the calming river music. We can wait around until Danya sends his super-soldiers to come get us, either that or we can go and make something of ourselves - like a royal pain in the ass to those motherfuckers running the game. So...what do you say...that we decide on a place to go...and then after much debation, we ...go there. And yes, I'm aware that debation isn't a word....but the way that I look at it - I'm on morphine. I can make up my own fucking words if I want to. And if you don't like it, you can shmozle yourself. You got that?"

Adam's slurred words obvious indicator of his current state but he did have a point. They needed to get moving soon, before the area became a danger zone or Danya's soldiers - or anyone else, for that matter, happened upon them.

((Sorry there's not been much of Amanda development as of late...I've kinda neglected her. She'll get a big post next time around, dont' worry.))

Re: "Though we may not survive it..."

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:03 pm
by Slayer*
David finally stood up from his position on a nearby rock as Adam spoke.

"He's right, we'll have to move sooner or later. Preferably sooner." he said, clearly wanting to leave the area but not wanting to leave the group. In other circumstances, his insistence on leaving would be annoying, but now it had a ring of common sense to it, something his words didn't always have.

Re: "Though we may not survive it..."

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:03 pm
by OnceForgotten*
Marcus had an Idea. It was his first idea in a while, and it was the first that seemed to be able to benefit the group. He began furiously writing on his piece of paper.

What if..when those super bad guys come...what if we ambush them? I dont mean we as in the whole group though, I mean we as in the healthy ones, or the semi healthy ones...I think with the firepower we have, if we could isolate one of them at a time, we could get rid of them! Im certian that they are not expecting anyone to attack them, and they probobly wont know what to do if people are tracking them, since they are used to tracking others. First, though, we need to find a base of some kind, a place to set up the attack. And to avoid any unwanted company, we could set up traps. I have some rough ideas based on the one I got snared in...Anyways, I digress. But above all, we need to move. Too many people in one place for too long = bad news.

Re: "Though we may not survive it..."

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:03 pm
by Swoosh*
Phew. Well, they had averted a small disaster, it would appear. Callum sighed. It wouldn't have been the most tactically promising idea if they all started shooting at each other...

He listened to Adam's mini speech intently. It was true; although Adam was morphine-happy, he did make an excellent point in that staying here after all that was happening would be like suicide. They really should be moving on.

But where did Callum fit into the 'we'? These people (with the exception of the new girl) seemed like they had been going around together since they got here, and Callum was just a random outsider who attacked one of their group. He was fairly certain he would not be welcome as a part of their travelling company.

Oh well. It's not like I've been welcomed anywhere else.

He made to say goodbye to the people surrounding him, when he heard a scream in the distance.


"Beth..." Callum listened as he heard the cry out for help. "BETH!"

He pelted off in the direction of the scream, not bothering to say goodbye to his friends.

((This is kind of out of time, there has been no scream yet, but I basically need Callum gone for when there is... so yeah, Callum will end up in the Bamboo Coppice, when the story catches up over there.))

((Continued in: G50 - Let it Bleed))

Re: "Though we may not survive it..."

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:03 pm
by riserugu
Hawley couldn’t help the sigh that escaped his lips at the noticeable drop in tension in the air amongst the group members; the last thing they all needed was a fight amongst allies. He had already experienced a breakdown of his own will to trust he couldn’t allow it to happen to the others.

The others that deserved to get off this island –

As introduction where made between the others and the new girl, he casted a brief glance to where she sat separated from everyone but herself, and her own little world of thoughts. Frowning lightly still he gave a brief nod told Nanami before reaching over and taking a hold of his bag as planned before the little fall-in of Madelaine’s friend.

He begun moving back toward Marcus as Madelaine spoke once more, with his thoughts clouded by both thoughts and the sounds of the river’s rushing water he didn’t quite catch what was said, so instead shrugged a went about glancing over Marcus’s, now less, bleeding wounds.

Dropping his bag he crouched, digging through trying to get all the antibacterial and bandages he had left finding not that much, but probably more than enough to clean and dress the wounds covering his back. Eyeing Madelaine, he found himself frowning once more with a light nod toward the wounds, “Wouldn’t mind helping me pour this stuff on would you?”

Keeping one of the bottles in hand, he placed the rest against the riverbed, uncapping the small bottle and cocking his head off to the side somewhat as he begun talking again. “I’m not going to lie to you Marcus, this is going to hurt… a lot, so try to stay as clam the best you can alright?”

Stepping toward him, he cleaned away blood from a few of the wounds before tilting the bottle and pouring the contents of it over onto the wound. Listening now as Adam began speaking of them moving to a new location instead of just sitting about licking their wounds… “Question is where to we go now?”

Seeing Marcus begin writing, he tilted himself so he could see the paper, frowning once more. “It’s an interesting idea, but that’s the thing… our group isn’t in the most tip-top of shape, everyone here’s been injured some worse than others. And we have no idea where we could set up a base, more than likely all the building locations have been taken. But above all we do need to move, let us finish up here and we’ll be ready.”

Uncapping another bottle he went about, cleaning and then dressing wounds though he found himself pressing against one wound a bit to far when the one guy that had attacked him suddenly screamed and took off…

Re: "Though we may not survive it..."

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:03 pm
by LadyMakaze*
Madelaine considered what morphine-high Adam had suggested to them for a moment, wondering on where exactly the group should head to next. It would definately be difficult, she realized, getting a whole group moving from one place to another without making themselves an obvious target as a whole. Then again, they were probably more vulnerable if they were split up, her encounter with the now fallen Blaine Eno had proved that much at least.

Her attention was averted when Hawley looked towards her now, asking her to help him out in applying the disinfectant to the wounds. She nodded a bit, slightly dazed from being jolted out of her thoughts.

"Sure thing," she replied, taking a hold of one of the containers and unfastening the lid, applying the anti-bacterial solution onto Marcus' wounds. As she worked, she looked over at what Marcus had written, and bit her lip in thought. Perhaps she reasoned too much when it came to certain things...but in a situation like this, it could mean life or death.

"Hmm....I don't...really like the idea of confronting one of the players," she murmured a bit. "Its rather obvious that they're killers who would most likely be more than ready to kill again, so they've gotten some experience in that area. For all we know, they could have an ingram or something that could wipe us all out or at least injure us severely..."

She shuddered at the thought, looking around at the group. A painful majority of the group were already injured to a degree, some to a larger extend than others. Who knew who could attack them next, and with what.

"But...." she continued, choosing her words carefully. "If it comes down to it, maybe that's what we'll have to do. Even if it means killing someone, I suppose..."

She was startled from her work as she suddenly looked up just in time to see the strange boy who seemed detached from the group, running off screaming. She raised an eyebrow. Deliberating for a moment, she decided it was best to simply stick with the group, though she hoped in her mind that the boy would be alright, wherever he was off to. Perhaps he would find what he was looking for. At least, Madelaine hoped that much.

She suddenly recalled something in her memory. "Oh right. That person...who attacked Amanda and I earlier..." For a moment she supposed that she was being disrespectful towards the dead, but continued, "Is anyone without a weapon? I suppose the hand axe would be useful, and the wire as well. Speaking of which, we could use it to make a trap..."


By this time, Nanami had taken to sitting along the ground, somewhat isolating herself from the group out of discomfort and distrust towards them. It appalled her how quickly Madelaine had come to trust them, perhaps to an extent to which she considered them friends. Once again, Nanami was envious. How was it that Madelaine had all the luck when it came to people? What was it that was so good about her anyways.

For sure...I must be better than her.

Yeah...I am better than her. But nobody knows...that's the damn problem. To everyone else, I'm just a pathetic little runt next to the strong and oh-so-wonderful Madelaine.

Gotta prove myself...somehow...

But how...? Perhaps... It might be a wrong thing to do, but...

She continued to hug her pack with her arms, looking around silently and quietly, minding her own business. She kept a mild expression on her face, never letting anyone know of the plan she had hatched in her mind.

Re: "Though we may not survive it..."

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:03 pm
by Cactus
Amanda Jones looked over what any casual observer would probably note as a 'motley crew', and she couldn't say she would blame them. In what would have been an odd twist of fate if she'd even been aware, the deceased Andrew Lipson was making the exact same remark to one of the other bar patrons as he watched the group think and react. Casually, she looked over each of the group. On the far side of the enclosure, Hawley Faust sat, attempting to tend to the wounds of Marcus Roddy. From what she'd observed of him, Hawley had seemingly opened up the closed doors of the person he'd been before. She had remembered when he had taken a prolonged absence from school - he sat in front of her in chemistry, and when he had returned, the quiet boy had aquired a long scar across his neck, and an almost sour demeanor. Many people had heard rumors about Hawley's attempted suicide, and hardly anyone, if anyone at all had tried to talk to him, but it seemed that here - in the deadly game, when facing atrocious odds of survival, the embittered boy had seemingly done an about-face, thanks in a large part; although why she was surprised, she didn't know, to Adam Dodd. Now, Hawley was kind, compassionate, and articulate, a side that she had never known him to have. She wouldn't go as far to call him chatty, but...he had spoken more in the last ten minutes than she'd ever known him to before.

Marcus Roddy, the large, intimidating yet silent youth sat - quite bloodied up, evidently by another boy and some traps that he'd set. Marcus was someone she didn't know from school, and his silence had only added to his intimidation factor. Yet from his notes, he was an articulate, intelligent youth who would undoubtedly be a great help if they were to get off of the island. Yet he was badly wounded, and Amanda couldn't help but worry that with all of the blood loss, Marcus might not last all that much longer.

A little further to the left, stood David Jackson, arms folded, looking severe. David had also been one who hadn't spoken frequently, and seemed to her to be the silent, strong, yet impulsive type. David had been one of the three (that she knew of) among the present group who had killed someone - back in the field when she had first met up with him and Madelaine. She vaugely remembered that it was Andrew Klock that had gone down with a single bullet wound to the face. The boy would have undoubtedly killed them, so she supposed that she owed David that much, anyways. The boy had also sworn that he would protect her no matter what - mainly due to who her father was. Amanda couldn't help but wonder if her dad had been anyone else, if David would have even given two shits about her. What she gathered that David's 'tragic flaw' happened to be, was the fact that he was always serious, all of the time. The boy never seemed to show much emotion at all - something that Amanda found worrysome. Suppose he decided that protecting her was too much effort and just tried to kill her instead?

I can take care of myself, but David's obviously not one to be trifled with. I just hope it doesn't come to that.

A little further over sat Adam Dodd, rubbing his eyes and his temples, trying to come down from his morphine high. She looked at Adam and she felt a warmness in her chest. If only things had been different... Amanda almost wished that she'd gone ahead and just told him how she felt when she started to feel that was just his way that he had about him. Adam was a constant optimist, he had been from the first day she met him, and she gathered that he likely would until the day he died.


Amanda frowned to herself. Adam hadn't been the same since he had shot Blaine in cold blood. It seemed that even though the morphine had brought back a bit of a high (and a bit was truly an understatement), she couldn't forget holding him in her arms with him sobbing on her shoulder. She had never known Adam to lose his temper, to break down - to her, he'd always been a pillar of strength, of happiness, and of optimism. Amanda couldn't possibly see how his optimism could shine through the dark cloud that had descended over him. She really couldn't.

And yet, I love him. I love him more than anything else, and he feels the same. So shouldn't those feelings bring out the best in him - which to be honest, he pretty much has shown every damned day I've known him?

Adam had broken down - although with the type of person that he was, she couldn't help but have expected it. He had saved her life - a detail that she couldn't help but remember over and over again, which only attracted her more to him. If he had not shot Blaine, there was a very good, and very real possibility that she might not be standing here right now. In fact, she guessed that it was almost a certainty. Adam had saved her life, he had saved Madelaines, and had come at a price. Adam had - as she saw it, traded his soul for hers, and now, he was paying the price - eternal damnation from himself.

Perhaps it's my turn to save him. It's the least I can do.

She couldn't help but frown. She, and likely she alone would be the only one who'd be able to pull Adam from his pit of despair. Then again, after having killed another human, and after feeling the remorse that she KNEW he felt, she couldn't help but wonder if it was even possible.

As always, however - she decided - fuck possibility. Nothing's impossible, and if anyone can do it, it's me.

Away from the entire group itself sat the new arrival, Nanami. Amanda had mixed feelings about the girl - as close to Madelaine as she seemed, and as much as Madelaine appeared to care for the girl, something...something struck Amanda as off-putting. Nanami appeared to be a very distraught individual, and even perhaps a little overemotional.

I just don't understand what all of the crying is about. It just doesn't seem like she's crying for any reason at all. When I cry, you damn well know I have a reason. Yet...neither Madelaine nor anyone else has given her a reason to much as Adam's little outburst was rude as just doesn't seem right. I would bet fifty dollars she's hiding something, and maybe because she doesn't know anyone she's passing herself off as someone that she's not.

Nanami obviously had secrets, and Amanda knew that eventually, one way or another, those secrets would probably come out in the open. If that proved to be a positive or a negatve thing...time would be the only indicator.

Which then led her to the final member of her little crew - Madelaine Shirohara. Amanda couldn't help but smile. In the past few days, she had grown incredibly close to Madelaine. Even thought of her as a close friend. It was amazing, really. The fact that she'd barely spoken a word to the girl in math class the year before - when they had sat next to each other for most of the semester, and now...and now Amanda trusted Madelaine, relied on her.

God, so many regrets. I wish I had taken the time to get to know this girl. As many close friends as I don't have, in the real world...she could have been a good one.

Moving around from city to city wasn't exactly a great way to keep in touch with people and develop friendships, and she couldn't help but find it odd that in this near-death situation, in what would likely be the end of her all-too-short life, she was making friendships in a quicker time than she had ever anticipated she would be able to before.

Madelaine's part of the glue that holds this group together. I don't know if we'd be able to make it out of this without her. We're all focusing on escaping but we haven't put through any plans yet...but when we do...I think Madelaine's going to be important. I dont' know if we can do it without her.

And so it came, to the last member of the group - Amanda herself. Not one to do much self-analysis, Amanda couldn't help but feel unimportant. The majority of the other members of the group had an almost self-determined role. Hawley was the Medic. Marcus was the muscle. David was the bodyguard. Madelaine was the voice of reason. Nanami...she appeared to be the worrier - at least, that's how she had seen her at this point. Adam...Adam was the heart and soul of the group. He wasn't a leader, at least, he hadn't shown to be one yet, and Amanda couldn't seem him as anything else. Her boyfriend, sure, but that was beside the point.

And yet...her place...? She was the vice-president's daughter.

What the fuck kind of a position is that? Determined by the fact that my dad's a VIP, just like matter what, that's always how it's been. 'Senator Jones' daughter'. 'Vice-President Jones' daughter'. Well fuck...maybe if we get out of this game...maybe if we beat the system...people won't just see me as someone's daughter.

Maybe it'll be 'Amanda Jones, the one who beat the system.'

It was almost too much to ask for, in a way. Getting out of the island and beating the system while staying alive wasn't exactly an easy task. It woudln't be easy. There were guards, guns, and those godforsaken collars. And yet, Amanda knew that within every fraction of her being, she would not rest until she had either escaped or was dead.

It just wasn't who she was.

The problem she found was that at this time, as much as she could rule things out, she just didn't know. And yet...her musings had stirred thoughts in her head - the realization that it wasn't what they were doing that was wrong, it was what they WEREN'T doing...

"Guys...I just had a thought."

At the words of Amanda, the group turned and looked at her, almost continuously.

Well, here goes nothing...

"Maybe we've been going about things the wrong way. We've been aiming at eliminating the threats and then finding a way off. And yet...we haven't even tried to find if there are any weak spots, any blemishes in the cameras, anything like that. If we're going to get off of this island, we need to start thinking about escape, and not thinking about anything else. It's like an old analogy that my dad always used to say. don't score if you, uhh..."

Amanda frowned. Her memory was generally pretty good, but for some reason, she just couldn't remember it. To her surprise, it was Adam who chimed in from his rock.

" you mean 'You miss 100% of the shots that you don't take?' It's an old hockey analogy. Mainly used when your team isn't shooting enough, and you're down. Players get frustrated, and down on themselves. But all they need to do is shoot the puck at the net. Anything can happen. All you need's a lucky bounce, a deflection, and you're back in the game."

Amanda smiled widely.

"Exactly! And you can apply that here. If we don't look for a way out, we won't get out. So we need to look. If we get lucky, we could find something that's been completely overlooked, and then..."

She looked at Adam and smiled.

"...then the puck's in the net, and we get the fuck out of dodge."

She smiled a determined smile, and looked at the rest of her group - her friends. Wondering what, if anything they might say. She couldn't help but think of an old song that came to mind - and for the life of her, and for the rest of her life, she'd never know why.

Here's to the night we felt alive
Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry
Here's to goodbye
Tomorrow's gonna come too soon

Re: "Though we may not survive it..."

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:03 pm
by Slayer*
"Amanda's got a point." David said, looking up and his cold and cynical demeanor seeming more positive than before.

"All we have to do is find a vehicle, get the collars off, and defeat those three terrorists on the island. Disabling the cameras is a plus too. Once we do that, we can leave this island to the nearest landmass, depending on the island's location. Fortunately, not only have we figured out they don't care if we disable the cameras and I almost figured out the collars earlier, but there are surely other escape groups that can help. It's not like we're the only group that wants to get off. Unfortunately, most of that is easier said than done."

Re: "Though we may not survive it..."

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:04 pm
by riserugu
Hawley Faust kept quiet and continued cleaning and bandaging wounds as those around him talked about their next plan of action should be, though each had a point he just simply kept his mouth shut. He’d never been one to make up plans to help out; then again, he’d never truly been part of a group before.

Yes, in the few months leading up to this game he had grown closer to his older half-brothers, he could never say he felt as if he was welcomed amongst them. They where so much older, and because of so each of their interests all differed.

Sighing softly he allowed a faint smile to cross his lips as his thoughts once begun to take over… all this time on the island he hardly had time to wonder about the thoughts of his family. Did they know? Did they even care…? Abigail probably not, but he felt that death would be the only good thing he could ever do for his stepmother.

His father… he didn’t know what to think, what was there to think of a man who was hardly there to raise him, or do anything that a dad is supposed to with a son. Now, Hawley understood that his job was important, knowing that his dad was one of the head doctors he knew that he would be busy.

But, still, maybe he was just kidding himself. Though he supposed his family life rubbed off on his personality as he entered school. Awkward, that was the only word he could think of that he and probably the other children thought of him. The joking didn’t even stop after middle school, he had always figured that high school would allow him to change and be able to make friends.

Looking over it now, the fear of being alone was both a sensible and overall silly fear. Everyone, good and evil fears that dark alone feeling, knowing no one is there for you… no one would be there to grab your hand when you started falling further into the darkness, and you could do nothing but fall forever.

And finally… when he found himself falling he figured that everything would be better my just spilling his life out through the cuts he forced first into his arm, and then to his wrists but something always kept him from cutting for it to be fatal. And instead now, he found himself covered in constant reminders of those failed acts on his own self.

As he finished the last area on his side of wounds he brought the back of his hand to his neck, lightly rubbing the red area where the collar had been rubbing against the skin. Though as he did he found himself also rubbing along the large scar there… his other reminder, his reminder of his death that should have been.

Pulling his hand away, he tilted them upward looking over the blood that covered them. Both his own from the cut he took in his fall, and that of Marcus’s…

‘I took innocent lives, my hands are stained with so much blood… I’ll never be able to go back our old reality. No matter how much I wash them... they'll always look red to me.' He frowned in thought, closing his eyes lightly. ‘It’s been awhile since I last slept, but it's every time I try and close my eyes to drift off to sleep. It’s every time… I keep losing myself over and over again.’

Hawley found himself stepping back a little, a slight shiver passing over him and he quickly brushed his hands along his shirt trying to rid them of the blood as he glanced out of the group, frowning more.

‘My old self almost came out… I almost killed someone who I considered a friend; I was going to kill him. My mind is such a mess; everything is giving away to fog…’ Thoughts seemed to slip away, as David’s voice broke through saying something about Amanda having a point about something.

Of course what that would be he didn’t know and instead moved away from the now decently patched up Marcus to where the Callum boy had dropped his gun, picking it up and looking it over a little.

How tempting it was right now about pressing this gun to his forehead, and pulling the trigger would be all he needed to get him out of this nightmare.

Shaking his head he moved up toward the river, moving and sitting down as he breathed out closing his eyes somewhat… he was so tried, all his medic mess running through his mind along with his thoughts. Had he done something wrong, what if he had given Adam too much morphine, or done something wrong with the stitch job…?

Whatever be… he glanced over his shoulder lightly, toward the group again as he opened his eyes a little. ‘Whatever be… I could never betray these people, how ever corny it sounds, at least to me. I’d give my life for them… I promise that much. Those who deserve it, I will help them get off this hell, and out of this nightmare.’

Re: "Though we may not survive it..."

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:04 pm
by LadyMakaze*
At last, Madelaine had emptied out the contents of the bottle of antiseptic, all the while hoping that it would be enough to prevent the wounds from becoming infected, at least for the time being. In any case, it seemed that Marcus was going to be fine, though Madelaine herself still worried over the fact that someone had inflicted these wounds, possibly for the sheer sake of fun. She shuddered at the fact, somewhat admiring Marcus for undergoing all of this without so much of a complaint. Then again, he never spoke much to begin with...but still, it was clear that he had a lot to think about, and contemplated carefully whenever he did. Madelaine also supposed that even though he seemed intimidating at first, he seemed like a nice guy after all. Although he seemed determined to put a stop to the atrocious act of killing by going after the killers themselves, Madelaine knew that he meant well after all, and felt like she could trust him.

She looked over towards Amanda automatically. Upon meeting her eyes, Madelaine could not help but smile back. No matter what Madelaine was feeling at the time, she would always feel at ease as long as Amanda was around. Somehow, it made her recall the moment she had awoke to dire circumstances, alone and vulnerable, yet struggling to keep her composure even as there was death all around her. It was Amanda whom she had first met. It was Amanda whom she had first trusted, and even now, it was Amanda whom she trusted the most. Not only that...but somehow, being around her made everything seem easier, somehow. But what would happen to her, should anything happen to the one she loved?

Her eyes wandered over towards Adam, who was still in a bit of a morphine-high, curiously enough. At least he seemed to be enjoying it, though it did not take Madelaine to remember how he had ranted out criticisms directed towards Nanami. At this, she became slightly annoyed, but then pushed it away. She understood after all...Nanami was like that at times. Even Madelaine herself could not understand her at times, but at least she was the patient type. Either way, Adam was definately not a bad person, Madelaine could tell... he actually seemed like a nice guy, full of life, open, cheerful. But what will happen to him now, and to Amanda, now that he has had to pay the ultimate price in her place...?

Madelaine let out a sigh, discarding the empty bottle and cleaning her hands using one of the shirts she had taken out. What was it like anyways, to kill someone? It seemed horrible enough, just the thought of killing another being...but what of the consequences? Surely it was something that one would have to live with all their life. But how exactly did one deal with it? She looked over at David. It seemed as though he was not making such a big deal out of the life he took and the injuries he had delivered... Madelaine thought it cold, but perhaps David was trying to deal with it his own way. Perhaps...but it was something Madelaine could never understand.

She looked at Hawley now, meeting his eyes for a moment as he had looked over the group for some reason. When Madelaine had first met him, it was almost hard to believe that this seemingly quiet and rather ordinary-looking boy was now plagued with the fact that he had four murders to his name, one out of cold blood, the rest by accident or by self-defense. Looking closer though at the darkness that fell over his face whenever he was lost in thought, Madelaine could sense trouble churning within. For sure he must be dealing with it his own way, though he seemed deeply conflicted at times. But at least he has something to look for, Madelaine thought to herself, trying to cheer up a bit.

She smiled a bit more as Adam and Amanda contributed to the plan in their own way, subconciously amazed at the resilence of her friends. They were all so strong, each of them, despite what may be happening to them, and around them. Pursing her lips in thought, she let out a worried sigh. Everyone here was dealing with their own conflicts, that much she knew. Everyone had their circumstances. Everyone had their reasons for doing what they do. This much she kept telling herself. But she could not help but wonder...what were her reasons? What were her circumstances? All I know is that I just want to stand protect someone.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Nanami suddenly spoke up towards her.

"S-Shirohara-san...?" her friend spoke in a rather quiet voice. "I want to talk...two of us, alone...."

Madelaine blinked in surprised, looking at Nanami now. She had stood up, holding onto her pack. All evidence of tears had suddenly faded, and now she was wearing a rather calm, serious expression on her face. This in itself was unusual, usually Nanami always had some sort of timid, fearful look about her. But Madelaine thought nothing of this.

"Hmm....Right now?" Madelaine asked, looking towards the group. "Well...I suppose...something the matter, Nanami?"

Nanami hesitated for a moment before replying, "Not really...I just wanted for us to talk a know, as friends." She let out a timid smile. "...Okay?"

Looking at her now, Madelaine smiled back and stood up, dusting off the hems of her skirt. Of course, despite all that was happening, Madelaine and Nanami were still best friends. No matter what was troubling each of them, they would always have time to talk and relax together. "Well, alright then." Looking back towards the group, she walked towards Nanami. "I'll just be back in a few, okay?"

She was startled suddenly when Nanami gently, though fimly grabbed ahold of her arm, gradually urging her away from the group. Surprised slightly, though not thinking much of this, Madelaine let herself be led along by Nanami into a surrounding clump of trees. From here, they were just out of listening range from the group. In fact, from where the two girls were standing, Madelaine could just barely see them at all.


And all this time, as she was leading Madelaine further and further away from the group, Nanami only looked ahead wordlessly, gazing away from the group, a small smile on her face.

Don't think you'll be back so soon....if at all....

Re: "Though we may not survive it..."

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:04 pm
by Cactus
Fuck, I just want this damned morphine high to'm just fuckin' spinning...

Adam sat on his rock, only vaugley aware of Madelaine and Nanami wandering off. Giving his head a half-shake, he closed his eyes and began to think. It seemed that his mind was the only thing he had some semblance of control over - at least now.

He couldn't help but look back on his life before the island. He'd been an optimistic, almost happy-go-lucky kid who told it like it was. He was a nice guy and he found it easy to find friends. Girls were another story, but that was just kind of how it was. Adam liked to live every day as much as he possibly could, just savouring the fact that he was alive and not in a worse condition.

Of course, had he known that he'd likely be in that 'worse condition' very soon, he probably would have done things a little differently. The school trip had been something he'd looked forward to for months - it was a way to relax, a time in which Adam; who'd just written a couple essays in the days leading up to the trip, figured he'd be able to just relax, hang out, and party with his peers. Although he didn't swim, he figured he'd go on the trip simply to see the sights and to have a good time.

And then, the terrorists came. Seeing Mr. Danya and his cohorts execute their teachers had been an almost chilling event, one that had caused Adam's mouth to go dry and, truth be told, he'd almost thrown up. When Danya explained what would be to happen, Adam remembered thinking that there would be no way that any of this would be able to happen - there were agencies that could protect against this kind of thing.

He was worried, but he had some form of hope that no matter what, he'd end up okay. The gas had then put him to sleep, his last conscious memory was looking around the plane, making out the faces of River Garraty, Eddie Serjeantson, Helena van Garrett, and one of the Hughes brothers before he finally lost consciousness.

Waking up on a strange island with a pistol in his knapsack and a collar around his neck wasn't the most wonderful feeling in the world, and the headache that came along with the gas wasn't quite welcome either. Fuckin' thing felt like I'd downed a whole two-four in a couple hours...damn...

It wouldn't be long before he'd have his first experience with other classmates, when he ran into Edward Rommel and Alan Shinwrath - both of whom were now dead. The thought ran a chill down his spine that he only half-felt. Edward and Alan had been so alive, so real...and now, it was like they had gone away and would never be seen again.

It was then that he finally realized how real the game was - when he'd discovered the body of Helena van Garrett. A disturbing discovery, for certain - one that had shaken Adam enough to fire at the individual in the house beside the body; Hawley Faust. Adam had been shaken enough to realize - this game was real - it was ACTUALLY happening as he stood there. He had later joined up in an uneasy alliance with Hawley and Alan, and the trio had made their way to the lighthouse.

On the way to the lighthouse, it was there that they all engaged in meaningful discussion - almost trying to forget the fact that they were supposed to kill one another. Hawley had revealed to him many revealing facts about him and his family life, and Adam had almost understood why the boy attempted suicide many months before. No one in school had understood, but Adam felt that he did.

It was then that Adam began to trust Hawley, even moreso when they got to the lighthouse and were attacked by Uriel Hunter and Jacob Starr. The first encounter had left his allies wounded, and through a stroke of luck, Adam had been able to escape unscathed. As the trio rested, though, they were soon attacked by Terry Woodward and August Masbeth, both clearly seeking revenge on Hawley.

Both clearly ended up dead.

That was a fact that Adam had regret on, and was almost necessary. It truly was kill or be killed, and though Hawley and Alan both didn't seem to have an issue with it, well...Adam still did, and he kept his inner feelings locked away tightly. He had a HUGE problem with the killing and secretly, he couldn't help but feel a disdain for those who had done it. No matter if it were their fault or not.

When they ended up at the Bamboo Coppice, Uriel and Jacob had ambushed them again, and this time Alan ended up dead because of it. With the Bamboo Coppice burning around them, Hawley and Adam had regretfully left Alan's corpse and headed off to the schoolhouse - hoping to escape the two madmen.

Of course, at the schoolhouse, they saw that they had been followed, and Adam, now carrying a shotgun, had unloaded at both of them several times. Of course, the boys, armed with molotov cocktails, had tried to burn Adam and Hawley to the ground, and yet had failed miserably. It was there that they'd run into a scared River Garraty, who had accompanied them when they decided it was time to get the hell out of the area. Adam didn't know what had ended up happening later, but apparently Uriel had ended up dead by Jacob's hand. Another phantom, another spook.

When they got to the Small House that would occupy much of their time, Adam would proceed to lose his temper. It was at this point, he realized, that the game was getting to him, getting under his skin - it was changing him, rewriting him. He snapped at this point because he just felt that none of this was fucking fair, at all.

Of course, I was right, but what the fuck did that change?

Trying to stop the game getting to him was tough, but by quieting down for awhile, he managed. It was then when Marcus Roddy, the intimidating wrestler had sauntered up and literally smashed in their door. Thankfully, Marcus had ended up to be a very intelligent, if not silent individual, and Adam was personally happy to have him. After that, the four of them had hung around, resting, and Adam had gone outside when he ran into Madelaine Shirohara, David Jackson, and Amanda Jones. That was a stroke of luck, for certain.

He'd been wondering where Amanda had been, and since he hadn't heard her name on any announcement, he had been hoping that she'd be able to find him, so that they could at least make up a plan of escape together.

Fate, it seemed, had other ideas.

They had wandered into a shed and perhaps it had been the heat of the moment, but he had kissed her, and when his cell phone rang and surprised the hell out of him in more than one way, he had been surprised at himself.

Yeah, as much as I'd always wanted to do it, I never thought I actually would.

Hearing from his best friend Andrew Lipson had given him a beacon of hope, and he had run back into the house just as River Garraty had committed suicide - a crushing blow to his optimism, that left him stunned, and shocked. River had been a friend, and to lose control like that meant that he'd basically given up all hope of even attempting to get off the island. Adam knew that no matter what, he'd never give up hope.

At least, he thought so.

In his daze, he had ended up wandering off and getting completely lost, seperated from his group. In his attempts to find them, he had found an empty washroom facility, and had opted for the risky route of taking a shower when he'd been walked in on by a girl who he'd never seen before, that basically stayed long enough to make a couple jokes and then ran off. The experience had left Adam's ego bruised, and most certainly embarrassed him. At this point, the happy-go-luckiness had been replaced by pure logical thinking, trying to figure out a plausible solution to getting the fuck off of the island.

It was at this point in which he snapped for the second time in the game, when he found the corpse of his best friend, Andrew Lipson, washed up on shore. Adam had felt such agony, such grief, at the loss of his friend, that he had turned into a white-hot rage that he had destroyed a camera, after screaming into it for five minuutes.

I hope Danya got my fucking message, that fucking pansy won't know what hit him when I get to him.

After that, he had calmed down, although definitely a little deflated from the death of his friend, and met up with the Hughes brothers, although that had been short-lived when he had seen Jacob Starr start shooting at someone, and had fled. He had decided that he needed to find his group, and had run into the woods.

Adam would never be able, for the rest of his natural life, to explain what had happened as he ran through the woods. All of a sudden, he had stopped, and ran off in a completely different direction - a direction that had brought him to a clearing...where the first thing he saw was a boy who looked like Blaine Eno standing over Amanda Jones, the girl he was in love with - and he'd known it for months, choosing to do nothing, holding an axe about ready to plunge it into her neck.

So I shot him. I shot him in the back, and when he attacked me, I hit him in the head with the baseball bat I had, and as he fell down crying and not seeming to understand what he was doing, I put my shotgun up to his face and told him to goto hell, and then I fucking murdered him in cold blood.

So that was that.

A happy-go-lucky optimist, a nice guy who'd never hurt a fly.

And now...he was losing his hope, his innocence, and his morality. Perhaps even his sanity. He'd murdered someone in cold blood. Sure, you could call it defending Amanda, but the fact remained that Adam had killed him without a second thought.

I didn't even think I was capable of such a thing.

I guess I was wrong.

It's kind of concerning though. If I'm capable of murdering someone in cold blood, then what else could I possibly be capable of? I don't see how anyone could trust me, knowing that, yet...

It's the game. It does fucked-up things to your head, it messes with your mind. It gets under your skin, and it changes your fucking personality. I know...because it sure changed me.

Problem is, I'm not sure I like the person I changed into, and I'll do anything...anything in the fucking world, to change back.

As he raised his head - a lot clearer than before, he sighed, and mumbled aloud to himself.

"Maybe I'll just have to settle for killing Mr. Danya."