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Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:07 am
by Namira
And there it was. Rosa had to stop herself from smiling outwardly as Felicia decided to haul her off towards the bathroom. Unless she was very much mistaken and in these contexts she very rarely was, Rosa had a great idea of what Felicia was doing. Perhaps she wasn't making a move, but she was getting the two of them away from Quincy - her date. Undoubtedly, that meant that Felicia wanted to say something... best not said in front of a guy she was on a night out with. If it were somewhere else other than the bathrooms, there would have been some doubt in Rosa's mind. But... who dragged somebody else to the toilet unless it looked like they were about to puke? Jackpot.

When the other girl had pulled her all the way into the little room, that hidden smile became full and unreserved. It only widened when Felicia asked her the question. Bang on the money. The tone said it all. If 'Licia had demanded to know or sounded a little disgusted, this whole thing would have been completely abortive. The fact was though, Felicia sounded more confused than anything else (perhaps a little intruiged? That may have just been Rosa's over-active imagination). The hooks were in firmly and Felicia had just made her job a hell of a lot easier by moving them away from prying eyes.

In lieu of answering, Rosa simply slowly and deliberately approached Felicia, her grin turning slightly predatory. Though she'd changed in some ways, this... well this was vintage Rosa. Back to how she'd been earlier in the year when she'd first taken up this slight fascination (or was that infatuation?) with the other girl. Rosa forced herself to stop before touching Felicia, though she was thoroughly within her personal space bubble. She very much wanted to go in for a kiss, but thought better of it. Going too quickly was a bad thing to do and at this stage, she didn't want to push too hard.

"Well..." Rosa breathed, her face a matter of inches away from Felicia's. "Why don't you tell me what it looks like I'm doing?"

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:07 am
by MK Kilmarnock
The trepidation in Felicia's heart was rather clear, yet in her mind, she wouldn't even have a guess as to what the hell 'trepidation' meant. She probably wouldn't even know what it meant with a clear mind, but the fact that she had anything BUT one of those at the moment certainly guaranteed her lack of understanding of the word. All that mattered right now, though, was the fact that it was now beating rapidly, powerfully, and she could swear by it going erratically.

Rosa was so close, so very close, even too close... no, not too close, or Felicia would've pushed her away. As it was, she took half a step back and gulped. The step was so she could see more of Rosa than just her face, but the gulp still made her apprehension (among other things) apparent; this was sudden. Maybe not entirely unexpected, not with Rosa, but deeeeeefinitely sudden.

The two of them were still so very close, closer than just about anybody else at school had gotten to Felicia. Even given the fact that she was such an extrovert, so outgoing and 'huggy' with people, they very rarely played such an intense game of aura with her in return. Yet, Rosa had been so close that a few bacteria could've formed a rope bridge between the two of them and opened up a 'twin girl park' attraction. While this was, to be frank, uncomfortable, Felicia had come to realize over the course of the night... no, from the very beginning of this school year, that uncomfortable did not equal bad. This was... this was actually quite good.

The question Rosa had asked popped up in Felicia's mind, which was struggling for attention with the thought of Quincy waiting outside near the punch. The question won out for now in the metaphorical sumo contest, the force of which sent a shiver down her spine. What DID it look like Rosa was doing? Well... Felicia was no Phoenix Wright, no matter how much she loved the games, nor was she a regular Professor Layton, but she had a guess as to what was up by now. Did she have the bravery to outright say it, that was the que-

"Do you... I mean, it looks like... um... you're h-hitting on me?"

Okay, she did have the bravery. Felicia trembled a little right after she said it, but she immediately realized that it was from... excitement! What on earth had she gotten herself into!?

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:07 am
by Pigeon Army*
((Rachel Gettys continued from Every Girl's Dream))

Rachel glided into the rec hall, taking the lights and the music and the dancefloor and all the other glittery, shiny things that screamed 'high school prom'. She hadn't been expecting an event at the quality of the cocktail socials her parents took her to every now and again - the school probably couldn't afford the kind of people those events had, let alone the event itself - but what the school had been able to muster up certainly wasn't anything to turn one's nose up at. And, if anything, it would mean more to dazzle her fellow students than it would to dazzle daddy's business partners.

She turned to Robert Barron, who flashed that smile and said, all class and no lasciviousness, "It's official. You are the most gorgeous girl here tonight." Rachel's laugh was good-humoured, but as she scoped out the dancefloor for a second time, it was quite clear that Robert's statement was nothing less than 100% factually accurate. Not one of the girls at the prom had presented themselves as immaculately as she had. That wasn't cattiness. That was the truth.

Robert suddenly coughed in Rachel's direction, and Rachel flung herself back as though a single drop of saliva from that cough could potentially ruin her night. Getting back into position, she straightened down her dress as Robert offered to retrieve her a drink. She wasn't sure how much she could trust the beverages here, but she nodded her approval, and then said, very matter-of-factly, "I'll be over there when you get it." She pointed to a spot a few metres from the dancefloor on the other side of the rec hall, and started to move over there. Were she a weaker girl, she would be quivering with excitement. But she was Rachel Gettys, and as she moved over to the other side of the hall, she allowed only a slight satisfied smirk to crack her perfectly calm composure.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:07 am
by JamesRenard*
((Allen Birkman continued from Let the Dance Begin!))

Allen had been dancing for quite some time now with Isabel, and contrary to how he felt at the start, he felt that he was getting the hang of it. He hadn't fallen over again ('thank God!'), and he was feeling a lot less self-conscious. However, after what seemed like an hour of non-stop stepping, jiving and moving to the music, he was beginning to feel thirsty. Very thirsty, now that he thought about it. Allen waited for the current song to die down before attempting to talk to his prom date.

'Meh, this song is so-so. Reminds me, I should put a request down after I get a drink. Maybe something with some sax in it, that would be pretty good to listen to.' A short while later, the music got quieter as the song came to an end.

"Hey, Isabel, I'm just going to get a drink, do you want me to grab you anything from the table while I'm over there?" he offered, thumbing back to the refreshment table behind him. "I'm pretty sure there's stuff other than punch to drink, if you don't want to risk it." He grinned at the last sentence.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:07 am
by Ruggahissy
Isabel was surprised to find that she was actually having a good time. Who would have thought? She loved to dance and she was happy to find that Allen was willing to go along and dance with her. Even better, there hadn't been any further incidents after the problem with his shoes.

As the song came to an end she stopped moving. She grabbed the top of her strapless dress and tried to yank both it and her strapless bra upward. Isabel fanned herself with her hands and tried to move some of the hair away from her face. Now that Allen had mentioned punch she realized she was very thirsty.

I suppose I've been having so much fun I forgot about hydration.

She nodded her head and moved in closer so that he would be able to hear her over all of the conversation in the room.

"Yeah, water would be great. Thanks! I'm going to run to the girl's room for a second, I'll be right back."

Isabel walked over to a table with a pile of purses and dug around until she found her little clutch. Since they were taking a breather, she figured now would be a good time to see if her make-up was holding up.

She walked into the bathroom and put her purse down by the mirror. Her vision briefly darted over to two girls in the bathroom who looked to be having a private conversation. Thinking it would be rude to intrude, she turned her eyes away from them and started touching up her gloss as best she could.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:07 am
by Namira
Rosa's lips curled into a smile.

"Got it one," she cocked her head to one side, curious as to what reaction Felicia would give when her intentions were finally confirmed. "You can do a lot better than Mr. Jones, not that I'm saying you have poor tastes, but..." the smile turned into more of a smirk. "There are prettier fish in the sea."

Of course, Rosa had something of an ego about all of this, but she figured hey, wasn't she at least somewhat entitled to it? Rosa might not have been the most secure person in the world, but she wasn't an idiot and knew what she had, her looks.

Alright. Cards on the table. You gonna raise or fold?

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:08 am
by JamesRenard*
The refreshment table was only a short distance away, perhaps only ten to fifteen yards from where he and Isabel had been dancing, but Allen found himself having to change course or turn back on himself many times to avoid bumping into some of the students dancing to the next song. After what seemed like ages (but was in fact just over a minute), Allen finally reached the stand and looked over for what drinks were on offer.

'Let's see... staying well clear of the punch tonight, don't want to risk it for when I'm driving. Cola, maybe. There's water, need to grab some for Isabel. Oh they have lemonade? Perfect!'

Allen grabbed two plastic cups from a stack standing beside the many bottles and poured himself the two beverages, being careful not to let the lemonade fizz up over the sides and leave a sticky mess everywhere. He glanced back at where he'd walked from, and saw no sign of Isabel. 'Must still be in the bathroom,' he thought, taking a sip of the carbonated drink. It tasted rather sweet and took the edge off his thirst.

Now came the more difficult part; walking back to his original spot, cups in hands without spilling a drop. Sure, it sounded easy enough, but with the other prom-goers crossing his path and getting in his way, it made the journey just that much harder. It was a miracle though that nobody collided with him as he made his way back, and he was extremely thankful for that. He finally reached the wall and leant against it, downing his lemonade in just a couple of gulps. 'Much better,' he thought, then frowned. 'I could do with another though.'

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:08 am
by MK Kilmarnock
If there was ever actually any doubt in Felicia's mind as to what Rosa was up to, it as aaaaaaall gone now. Truth be told, there WAS some hope that it wasn't what it looked like. It wasn't that Felicia didn't want Rosa... hell no, ever since the first day of freshmen year, Rosa became a fixture of that annoying place known as 'the back of one's head', where Felicia could be doing anything... anything, ranging from scrubbing down in the shower to blasting off the heads of zombine in Half Life when she'd begin thinking about Rosa.

The reasons for wishing against reality was more about complication. Being a teenager was hard enough, figuring out what she was going to do from day to day, balancing her social life with her schoolwork, staying on top of all that homework in general, and most importantly, keeping herself at the top of the game of whatever she happened to be playing recently. The addition of a love triangle was a bit... well, cliched. There wasn't a single notable RPG where something like this hadn't been done before, not to mention all those drab teenage sitcoms where it happened (but who gives a damn about Watson's Stream or whatever that stupid show was called?).

Her own wandering mind couldn't keep her from the girl directly in front of her, the very same girl who was flirting a hole right through her. As Felicia thought that she could really need a moment to chew it over with a twix, the bathroom door opened. She froze up, allowing the girl to walk by and get out of Felicia's field of vision while trying to think. Had she been not so distracted and actually looked at the girl, she would've recognized Isabel, and maybe even ADD'd herself into a conversation with her.

There was no chance for that, though. Rosa had captured all of Felicia's attention, what with her forceful, roguish demeanor... Wait, roguish? Oh man, I really need to lay off the Kevin Costner films! Her pausing finally came to an end as she opened her mouth to say something, then shut it. Her head lowered slightly, her eyes dipping to the side as a blush tried to work through her dark skin. Sure, she hadn't actually said anything, but knowing Rosa, Felicia figured that she might as well have screamed out what her heart (or hormones, at least) was saying, and damned be to her brain!

She wouldn't rather have it any other way.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:08 am
by Ruggahissy
Isabel leaned in to the mirror to get a good look at her face. With her index finger she carefully traced a line around her lips to wipe away any gloss that might have strayed from her mouth. The reflection of the painted and manicured nail looked strange to Isabel. She almost never painted her nails but it seemed like something one should do for a fancy occasion such as prom. After looked at herself for a few moments the background of the reflection suddenly caught her attention; her eyes drifted to the right side of the mirror to the image of the girls.

Pretty girl, she thought to herself. Wait, I know her. Rosalia, that's her name. Well, I don't know her, but know of her. I wonder…and I know the other one too. Felicia! I think maybe we've had a couple classes. But what's a nice girl like Felicia doing chatting it up with Rosalia?

Isabel discretely leaned in to look at the reflections closer. One was girl blushing and nervous and the other….somewhat predatory looking

Oh man, she thought with sudden realization. I have to get the hell out of here. Is Felicia alright, though? Okay. I'll make eye contact. If it's anything other than ‘Please God, help me' I'll run out of here like I left the stove on.

Isabel turned around and started pretending to rummage around inside of her clutch. Slowly she lifted her eyes from her bag up to Felicia.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:08 am
by JamesRenard*
Deciding against grabbing another lemonade from the table, Allen continued to lean against the wall, one empty cup in his right hand and one full of bottled mineral water in his left. He tapped his foot and bobbed his head along to the song currently playing, enjoying the rhythm and the melody while he waited patiently for Isabel to return. 'Shame that she's not here, I would've loved to dance with her to this,' he thought.

Looking over to his side, he saw a male hanging around nearby. Like Allen, he was standing against the wall all by himself, holding a drink and looking around the place. Allen immediately tried to put a name to the person's face, but couldn't recognise him at all (if he had, he would have known him to be Quincy Jones). 'Did he come here without a date, or is he waiting for someone like I am?' he wondered, deciding to walk on over and have a brief chat with him. Not only would it be sociable of him, it would sure help pass the time while he waited for Isabel to get back. He had a quick look behind him to see if she was returning, but couldn't see her, so he guessed she was still busy in the bathroom. 'She should still be able to find me here, it's not like I crossed to the other side of the hall.'

"Hi, you enjoying the Prom so far?" Allen asked the other boy once he got within a few feet of him, though he wasn't sure if his voice was loud enough over the blaring music to be heard properly.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:08 am
by Namira
((Lame net cafe dashedoff post go!)

Aw, the blush. Rosa had only seen it on Felicia's face a couple of times in truth, but each look only made her want to provoke it again. It made her look really cute, particularly because it wasn't too easy to raise. Itmade the challenge more enticing.

Rosa was about to take another step forward when she realised that somebody else had entered the room. Dammit, that wasn't convenient at all... At least that it was a bathroom meant it was exceedingly unlikely that Quincy would come to check what was going on. Sure enough, it wasn't Jones but some girl that was slightly familiar. Isabel, that name sounded about right. Rosa said nothing and froze, a slight look of irritation coming and going on her face. Patience. The prize was close, it could wait another couple of minutes.

Come oon. Talk about your bad timing...

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:08 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Rosa was still staring a hole right through her... and getting even closer! Felicia forced her throat to swallow, squeezing down the lump that had formed there, and a lot of her spit as well. That hot feeling that had been welling up inside her was still there, growing in intensity even now. Rosa had made it quite clear what she wanted, with no ambiguity left in the matter. Much to the horror of Felicia's conscience, she was pretty sure she knew what SHE wanted by this point as well.

If Rosa wanted her that badly, then Felicia would let her take her. She couldn't take it upon herself to make the first kiss, to take Rosa's hand and bring it to her own body like she desperately wanted at this point (to even her shock), but she was sure the more... predatory girl would take that upon herself quite readily.

But Rosa had seemed to pause for a moment. Was it second thoughts? Was there somethign in Felicia's teeth? The girl actually worried for a moment that she wouldn't be stolen away, that they WOULDN'T ensue in the breaking of Quincy's heart. Some of the fear was quelled when Isabel walked into Felicia's peripheral view. Her again? Oh... okay... man, it really isn't too private in here... and being in a stall would just be TOO weird. It's not like we're doing much else... r-.. right?

She could manage a weak smile to Isabel but not much else, looking back to Rosa in the manner that she was before, minus the blush. Confusion, a smidgen of anxiety... some lust, even.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:08 am
by Ruggahissy
Isabel's finger stopped their movement inside her purse. A creeping feeling of fear washed over her as the different emotions of Felicia's smile and Rosalia's glance sunk into her mind.

Behind her, Isabel griped the cold, smooth sink, though her hands began to slip as soon as she gripped the lip. Her face became somewhat pink and she looked down. The intimacy of the situation was wrapping itself around her and making her claustrophobic.

I can't breathe. I can't stay here for this. I've got to get out of here.

Just seeing two people that close was making her skin crawl. However, Isabel didn't think her natural reaction, so run out of the room screaming, would be socially acceptable. Slowly she let go of the sink and plastered on an uneasy smile. She walked across the bathroom to the stalls and shuffled awkwardly until she reached the closest thing; a stall door.

"Err, ladies," she said with a nod of her head.

Isabel grasped the door handle a little too quickly and shoved herself into the small stall. She leaned against the door, trying to collect herself.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:08 am
by Namira
Rosa paused briefly when maybe-Isabel wandered over to the bathroom stalls and went inside. That wasn't exactly ideal, she'd have preferred if the interloper had left altogether, but it gave her a slight window. Besides, it was probably best to have somebody there as a reminder not to spend too long about all of this. This was pretty much a public place, after all. It would be too easy to get caught at it. There'd definitely be talk if somebody else walked into the bathroom and saw them, well...

All traces of irritation slipped away as Rosa's smile returned, sly and deliberate. This was way beyond reeling Felicia in. The other girl was thoroughly ensnared and not about to go anywhere soon. Now it was just a matter of seizing the reward for all of the work she'd spent getting to this point.

Well... it wasn't like Felicia needed too much... persuasion.

Oh enough waiting. Enough subtlety. She wanted this. She was sick of having to dance around things. No more thinking.

Rosa cleared the distance between her and Felicia in the blink of an eye, pressing her body tightly up against the other, loving the warmth and feeling of closeness, the difference in height and build making her feel small... yet protected at the same time. The Fiametta's arms wrapped around Felicia's back before sliding down its length until both of Rosa's hands rested on her rear. Rosa smiled again then, this far less of a smirk and far more geniune. It had affection, it had real emotion. It had perhaps a little hint of sadness. She looked up into Felicia's face and then leaned forward, head tilting slightly to one side. No hesitation, she laid a gentle kiss on Felicia's lips.

You understand, right?

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:08 am
by MK Kilmarnock
A certain feeling that had been creeping through Felicia's body, ever since they were outside with Quincy, then in the bathroom, then through that interruption, well... it had erupted into a wave that coursed through her entire body with no signs of crashing. Whether she could best describe it is a blazing fire in her heart or a bone-breaking chill in her spine, Felicia didn't really know. As whatever it was had also done its best to ravage the hell out of her brain, she wasn't in any shape to find out any time soon.

That was Rosa. Literally inches away... no, now with no distance between them, their bodies literally making contact, touching one another. Yup. Definitely her, no mistaking it. Those were her hands on her back. Okay, on her lower back. No... now they rested right on her rear. The slight blush that Felicia held to her countenance earlier had returned, and had beefed up since its last apperance, giving her face a more sienna look than anything. She did her best to try and keep the change in her breathing subtle. Failure being the only option, though, she let out some of the extra pressure with a ragged sigh, allowing her heart to beat faster, which Rosa could possibly even feel.

There was no use in denying or fighting what she thought she knew she wanted; Felicia's heart and body had made the decision her brain clearly couldn't. Her hands were already bringing themselves back with a sensual touch Felicia didn't even realize she was capable of, resting with her fingertips precariously positioned just an inch away on either side of the other girl's spine. Whatever the reason, even as wrong as this might have been, the smoother shape and feminine embrace with Rosa just felt... right.

She had caught Rosa's look, too. That same piercing gaze that she was so used to, one that had been given to her from the beginning of the year. Yet, this time, there was something different. Felicia couldn't peg just what had changed, or why it made her feel better, but damn did it ever. The rush was amazing, coursing through every part of her body from head to toe, and then back. Then, in a moment that Felicia hoped might last forever, Rosa leaned forward.

God... what the hell am I doing? Felicia thought numbly, but she didn't need the answer as she waited for Rosa's approach. Just as they were ready to meet, Felicia offered the last centimeter, her own lips parting to take Rosa in the kiss.

She understood perfectly.