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Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:05 am
by Shula*
(@ laZ: Slang. That's why I couldn't find it. I assumed it was just a form of marica.)

What was she thinking, that they would suddenly see the error of their ways, make up and be friends or something? She should have just stayed out of it, as she had been until that damn boy pulled her into it. And now that other damn boy was doing the same thing! He didn't need to insult her on top of it, either. Don't drag me into this. Just because one can't jeapordize his precious popularity and the other isn't comfortable enough with his sexuality to laugh it off...

Andy motioned at her to follow him like some puppy. Well forget that. She certainly wasn't going to follow around at the heels of someone who just wanted her as a way to win the argument. "You wouldn't want some souring mess following you around, anyway, would you?" She really didn't care if he'd heard that or not.

To make matters worse, Eduardo didn't leave. She'd counted on both of them heading off, and then she could continue on to the party. Instead he just fell back to the ground and yelled at the sky, or at least in its direction. She wasn't sure who exactly it was aimed at, but she was still upset enough to let it upset her further. She hit the sand with open hands and stood up about as gracefully as she had sat down. Kicking sand in the lying boy's general direction, she snapped: "It's close enough!"

She hesitated for a moment, not sure which direction to go in, towards the party, or just leave and go back home. With some awkward, frustrated sound, she spun around and headed down to the water's edge again and just sat there. Nobody would miss her; they didn't even know she'd shown up, after all. Although a tiny voice in the back of her head corrected her: even if nobody knew or cared that she had arrived, she did hope someone would happen across an say hey.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:05 am
by laZardo*
Eduardo's little moment of glee had faded away when reality set in again. It didn't matter how much he'd insulted Andy, he could have pretty much raped him with impunity. After all, the blonde was one of the popular kids and a male cheerleader to boot. What sort of fabulous career awaited him was anyone's guess.

After a few moments, Eduardo finally decided to sit up, brushing the sand from his hair. His headphones had slid down to his neck and wrapped around them, and as he picked one of the earpieces to adjust them...he stopped to "appreciate" the little coincidence of the moment.

Around his neck like that, he felt like the headphones had become a collar from that "Survival of the Fittest" reality show where he had last seen...


Maybe it was the cold, but he shuddered quite a bit before quickly and reflexively putting the headphones back around his ears where they belonged. He'd had enough unsettling encounters for one night. Of course, it wasn't so unsettling when he looked around to find that the girl who had tagged along with Andy had decided to sit near the water.

"Now what..." he grumbled as he got to his feet. The cooler was just beyond her, and hopefully he could replace his dropped-and-tainted beer before the night was up.


"Fine. If y'all wanna bust, then go on. I'll see you soon," Troy replied angrily as Bobby stormed off. He breathed a frustrated sigh that was half of relief, as he didn't get his ass kicked (yet.) He turned again to Tyson.

"Yo, you sure y'all right? I'ma go see if I can score something."

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:05 am
by Namira
Tyson brushed himself off again, inwardly seething that his meticulous plan had failed. Bloody Darnell Butler. Bloody Erick Rischio. Fucking Bobby Jacks. It just went to show that even the best plans never quite worked out the way you wanted them to. Tyson would just have to plan more discretely next time; maybe it was the drink talking when he roped Troy in.

"I'm fine man, just a little pissed at Bobby," he moved close to Troy and reached up to put a friendly arm around his shoulder then attempted to speak in his ear quietly. "And Butler," he quickly leant back down and away. "Hey good luck with that Mac," Maybe Troy wasn't such a bad guy after all, for all the posturing and 'gangsta' talk Troy would stick up for his... well 'homies', which was something when Bobby Jacks was facing you down. "Catch you later, I'm gonna go find Sean and see how he's handling himself,"

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:05 am
by laZardo*
"Aight cool, I'll catch ya' later," Troy replied. He was actually starting to respect Tyson...if only because he could earn a mutual and similar attitude from Tyson. Of course now that this opportunity had been concluded, it was time for the Mac to seek out better prospects as Tyson and the others left. It didn't take long for him to notice what appeared to be a girl being left behind by the football team's lead male cheerleader. That was definitely Eduardo not too far from her, and he appeared to be emo as always.

"Heh. Guess girls aren't Andy's thing," he muttered to himself, clearly conscious of pronouncing "thing" with the i, not the a. He straightened out his clothing and took a deep breath before starting to trudge across the sand toward her. He didn't seem to notice that Eduardo appeared to be converging on his path, but he wasn't going to bump into the guy now.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:05 am
by Lacus*
Lacus came to the bonfire late as usual. The fire was already burning bright. She made her way past the crowd . She was looking for her friends. She screamed their names. she gave up hoping she would fined some one to talk to. She puled out her dvd player with Gundam Seed on it and waited for some one to care, anyone.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:05 am
by Poptart*
How the fuck had she gotten talked into driving all the way down to this? Khris fumed silently to herself, swearing and swerving around some asshole who cut out in front of her father's little pickup-- thrusting her hand out of the open window, flicking him off.
She was one of the few people on this road, he could've let her past and gone five seconds later. Asshole.

Khris muttered to herself as the little dark-skinned girl beside her laid a light hand on her shoulder. "It's not to worry-- no one was hurt right?"
Blossom's smile was so light, so charming, it made Khris smile. Oh yes, now she remembered how she'd gotten talked into this. Krystal had something of a crush on this little hippie, though she'd never outwardly admit it. No, not in a hundred years. She could be the big dyke, but she couldn't tell this straight girl how she felt.

She just took a quick mental overview of the girl;
Deeply naturally tanned, broad native nose, long black hair. Tonight the girl was dressed in a light flowy layered forest green skirt with lace, silk and soft cotton that danced about her ankles, which were both adorned with little silver chains. On her feet were brown, green and gold embroidered silk slippers, her gracefully crossed legs showing off the worn silk dark bottoms. Her top was a homemade rich green bikini top adorned with a braided knit long gold scarf that was wrapped about her shoulders and across her breast, loosely wrapped in the back to hold it in place, showing off her smooth dark stomach and sides-- dark hair teased into dark knotted braids pulled up onto the back of her head, showing off the gold painted shells dangling from her ears.

"No, not a problem." She saw the turn-off and switched on the blinker, pulling in and heading down the short drive and parking to the side a bit. "Looks like we're here."

Khris, in her long tan shorts with the baggy legs and large pockets, white wife beater tank and sandals that used to be her father‘s, scuttled out of the truck (locking the door) and opened it on the other side for her passenger
"M'lady." She said with a grin and a bow as the lithe little native girl stepped out and spun about on the sand.

"Wonderful Krystal, thank you for driving me up. I want to drink tonight…" She trailed off and smiled at Khris who gave a forced smile back. ‘Krystal'-- there were very few people who could call her that without Khris flinching. Blossom was just lucky.
Or unlucky, whichever.

Shoving her hands in her pocket, Khris started down the beach towards the music that was deafeningly loud even from this distance.

Blossom, who was called that on occasion, Blossom-Mae-Starshine on other occasions, and just Mae a lot of the time, skipped down the beach far ahead of her chaperone towards the music and immediately into the fray of people, despite her natural state as the outsider, the odd little hippie girl with the strange name.

She announced with a loud vigor that she was looking for something to drink, and that if anyone had anything a little harder she could do with it.
Though of course, it must be stressed, that noone knew she had ever tasted anything harder than pot.

Khris lost sight of Blossom quickly and surged about the edges of the party, hands deep in her pockets.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:05 am
by Zabriel*
Nick was tearing up the road in a little red Corvette named Jesse. His car was his most prized possession. He cared about his car more than anything. He cared about his car more than he cared about most people. To be perfectly frank, if blood would help his car keep its shine, he would gladly wash it in the blood of infants twice a week. He often joked about that sort of thing to frighten fundamentalist Christians. It was kind of cute how literally they took everything. When he didn't want to throw up from listening to one speak, he wanted to giggle and give him or her an uncomfortably affectionate hug.

He had his windows rolled down all the way, and his stereo was blaring Madonna. He had to be going at least thirty over the speed limit, and he was probably in violation of several county ordinances. Not to mention the fact that he had several bottles of Grey Goose in the backseat of his car. That was Nick's idea of drinking responsibly; making sure that it was premium liquor.

It was about halfway through Ray of Light that he arrived at the beach. He turned off his car and hid the keys in a safe place. He knew that after about two hours he would probably end up wearing nothing but a cowboy hat that nobody would be able to figure out where he got it. He grinned and grabbed the bottles (stored in a large styrofoam cooler filled with ice) from the back of the car, laughing as he made his way down to the fire. Setting it down in a somewhat central location, he placed his foot upon the chest and declared in a loud voice, "The God of Grey Goose is here!"

He waited for people to look at him before grinning and flipping the top off of the cooler and taking a bottle for his own consumption before the commoners depleted the stash. He grinned and pulled the cork out with his teeth, taking a swig from it before sashaying over to somebody who looked familiar.

"Hey Starblossom! Good to see you!" Nick loved that crazy hippie. He made a point of mixing up her name in some way. Starblossom was the only one that really stuck. He thought it fit well enough. He passed her the bottle and winked at her.

"How's my favorite girl today?" He wasn't lying. She was his favorite. On more than one occasion he told her that "if it weren't for that whole vagina thing, I would totally date you."

That was pretty good coming from Nick.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:05 am
by Poptart*
Blossom-Mae-Starshine turned about quickly with a wide smile on her face, recognizing the voice of her savior behind her. She grabbed the offered bottle and she also grabbed the boy into a hug, forcing his hand so that he couldn't've quite let go (the hands and the bottle pinned between them both).
"My hero!" She said with a laugh, giving him a quick peck on the cheek, taking an eager sip from the bottle as she backed up a little. "How am I? I'm absolutely fantastic, now that you've come-- you and your delectable Gray Goose."
She tossed back another swig, spinning about in place as she did, the ends of the cloth about her breasts swing out in a dance as well as her skirt, both paired in a beautifully comical dance before she stopped, handing the bottle back with another quick stolen sip.
"Damn my vagina!" She frowned briefly in a flickering movement that only the most observant might catch before she continued on, "I didn't expect to be seeing you here, quite honestly. I didn't remember you showing much interest, despite all of my pleading, begging and groveling for you to show your pretty little face here on the beach tonight. Khris didn't want to come either." She tossed a look around, looking for the she-man thing. Shrugging when she didn't see the girl, she looked back to Nick, "But she's going to be grumpy tonight; she's my D.D. so that I don't get terribly drunk, strip naked and molest the locals who will then proceed to chase the naked heathen into a vehicle with shotguns-- they'll have the shotguns, the vehicle wont-- that I will proceed to drive straight into the ocean." She paused with her characteristic and charming laugh… if one didn‘t know better they might assume she was already drunk, "I don't think she would appreciate that; because she'd miss the naked part."

Blossom was well aware of all of Khris's feelings for her, but unfortunately Blossom was straight-- not that she didn't occasionally wish she wasn't, but she just wasn't attracted to girls, much to Khris's obvious dismay. Of course, everyone had to chase something they couldn't have.
She smiled calmly at Nick, the calm as she took a breath from her quick way of speaking was something only he ever saw. She was naturally rather flighty, and only took the time to really appreciate many of the people around her when she especially cared for their reactions and to observe them. People were not her strong suit.
"And how are you? What made you decide to come tonight?-- Praises to whatever changed your mind really."

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:05 am
by Zabriel*
He smirked at her and gave her a small kiss on each cheek. He knew she was very happy to see him. She had spent all week begging him to come, and in the end he did decide to come, because it meant so much to his sweet little Starblossom. If he were straight, he really would go with her. Occasionally he considered trying just to see if he could make it work. She wasn't unattractive, and she was fun to be with. There was still the matter of the vagina however. That was a pretty big thing to overlook.

"I couldn't let you drink the same swill as the commoners. Cheap skunky beer and whatever else they managed to bribe a drifter into buying for them. My benefactor would be shocked to even look at such drink. If one of these oafs asked him to purchase a case of Budweiser or whatever is popular among white-trash these days, he would turn them into the police, simply for having atrocious taste."

He threw his head back laughing and took the bottle back from her, taking a deep drought from it and smiling. Grey Goose was easily the best vodka ever produced, and quite possibly the best liquor that wasn't illegal in the United States. Absinthe was of course amazing, but it was hard to get it imported. It was illegal to buy, sell, produce, or import, but possessing and drinking it were perfectly legal. He had always found the laws of his silly country to be quite quaint.

"I'd best stay around you so that nobody takes advantage of you. I'm sure these heterosexuals will want to be all over you." He laughed and hugged her around the middle. He was slightly protective of Blossom, but he knew he'd feel terrible if something happened to her.

Besides, he enjoyed her company.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:05 am
by Poptart*
"I‘m so glad you thought of me. I would‘ve have to settle; you know my love for fine liquors, Nick, but if I‘m at a party I‘m going to drink even if I have to hold my nose to do so." She gave a haughty look around her, amused that she had shown up late and was therefore one of few people who remained sober.
She'd have to fix that.
"And who is you benefactor, my dear? Who, besides you, do I have to thank for the heavenly bounty?" She laughed at her playfully sincere tone, pulling off a beautifully crystalline sound as her lips pouted softly in a grin.

"Take advantage of me?" She said with a shocked little expression, discreetly taking the vodka back from Nick and putting the bottle to her lips with a smirk, "How absurd." She tipped the thing back, taking a mouthful of the drought, appreciating both the liquor itself and its source.
"I'm a big tough girl Nick." She gave a playful arm crook to show off her mildly toned arm, "I can tie my own…" She paused, looking down to point out her toe, examining the silken embroidered slipper covering her dark skin then back at Nick. "Oh, nevermind that then."

"Fine then, you keep me safe and protect me from these big bad heathen folks who will tear our great Mother Earth limb from limb-- raping our resources. And pitiful little me along with it." She turned into his half hug, falling weakly into his arms with a feigned amount of weak frailty, bottle quickly to her lips again before draping a dainty arm across her face with puckering lips and weak feminine bravado as she quoted in a feathery southern accent; "For I have always relied on the kindness of strangers."
Beautifully absurd coming from the burnt cream completion of the half Native girl, but she knew the part inside and out-- since that had been one of her later parts in a drama production. Toned down nicely for an early high-school production-- it was her freshman year, and she'd just been introduced to public school life, even if she'd been a part of the same drama troupe since grade-school. Blossom and Nick always.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:05 am
by Zabriel*
He knew that it was absolutely true. Nick wouldn't even think about it, but Blossom would drink the foulest drinks on the planet if that's where the alcohol was at. Nick refused to stoop that low. He always had to have premium liquor, and if it wasn't supplied, he went out and got his own. Unless he was just planning to mix it, then he wasn't as picky.

He chuckled and kissed her forehead before taking the bottle from her and corking it back up and setting it on a rock. He smirked and lifted her up, spinning her around and winking. He touched her face and his eyes glinted a little bit.

"Dance with me!"

He giggled and started to swivel his hips, raising his hands above his head and grinning at the girl. Nick loved to dance. He would dance with anybody, but he always had the most fun with Blossom. Maybe it was because they were always overtly sexual when they danced together. They could make anything sexual. Nick had ruined several semi-innocent songs for people by either dancing to them, or acting out a scene with them going on. His favorite stuff to ruin was Disney songs. Disney used to be the last safe place for the silly Christian kids from conservative families. Nick made sure to ruin that for them. He frequently applauded himself for that feat.

Yes, I am fabulous.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:05 am
by Poptart*
Blossom's hand reached out in protest, opening and closing her mouth as the cool bottle was removed easily from her grasp, corked, and set easily aside. But she was given hardly an instant to feel sorry for her loss as she was caught up in his actions.
Oh how she loved his little affections, kisses and easy caresses, his smile made her feel at home and his kiss reminded her that life was worth living. In certain moments she almost could've sworn, if she didn't know better, that they boy was straight. And she lamented in the reminders of how wrong she was in those half hopeful moments.

If he could love her, maybe she could clean up, maybe she could straighten out and be the hippie in the sun, rather than half hidden in shadow-- though no one really knew. No one was any the wiser.
But she brushed it aside, beautiful smile in place as he forced her into his dance routine. Sure, he ‘invited' her, but she knew she couldn't refuse, and he knew that too.

So she was easily swayed as she smiled upon him, moving against him, pivoting and grinding her hips to his in even rolling motions, dipping her knees slightly, a hand dancing above her head, the other tracing down his front and over his side. She tipped her head up to brush her pursed lips past his cheek as she straightened, lifting both arms now above her head, weaving them in and out and turning-- meshing herself against him, back to his front in a slow pivoting grind.
In a moment of sheer despair and yearning she bent far over, her butt still grinding against his crotch as she reached for the bottle of Grey Goose, holding it by the neck for a moment, straightening slowly, leaning her back against him as she squirmed and moved against him-- decorcking the bottle and taking a long gulp, moving a light hand across his cheek and holding the bottle up to offer him a drink with a small laugh.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:05 am
by Zabriel*
He found himself enjoying her grinding more than usual. He normally was rather indifferent to having girls rub their bodies against his, but that night felt different. Maybe it was moon, or possibly the vodka. He felt a strong desire to blame it on Mercury Retrograde even though it wasn't. He didn't care much for astrology anyhow. He just liked bringing it up to see what people would say. Always good for a bit of a laugh among the knowledgeable, whether it be from the mention itself, or the confused looks they got from the masses.

The way she was grinding against him as she bent over had gotten him half-hard. It wasn't until she had straightened that he noticed her intent. She wanted the bottle. He wasn't sure how to categorize it, but it made him laugh. He accepted the bottle from her when she was done with it and took a deep drink from it. He smiled at her, the spirits already starting to get to him. Grey Goose was pretty potent, and drinking the way they had been was the quickest route to getting really hammered. Not that it would be a terribly bad thing. It might be kind of fun.

He put the bottle to his lips again, intentionally spilling a bit of the vodka on them and around his mouth. He grinned invitingly at her, not quite sure why he was doing it, and not quite caring why either. Whatever the reason, he was fairly certain that she would take him up on it. Nick and Vodka were an excellent mix.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:06 am
by Poptart*
Blossom's smile was fraught with the aspects of sobriety that she attempted to wash away with a hold on Nick's hand on the bottle, forcing it to her mouth to drink heavily-- hardly caring how hard it hit her stomach or the fuzzy feeling already creeping around her senses.
She wanted to forget that his half pressure against her as she moved was less a direct correlation with her and more a result of the liquor. She wanted to forget that if he got drunk on the vodka and inadvertently got drunk on a little something more that he might regret it and the headache in the morning.
Mostly, she wanted to forget the boy was gay as she tipped her mouth to his, soft pink tongue tracing the corners of his mouth and enjoying the taste of the alcohol on his lips.

They had always been physical, they'd often danced close and been outrageously overt in their sexual chemistry. But the obvious invitation to his lips made her hesitate after removing the first initial trail of liquid from his mouth, letting another run down the corner of his mouth and create a highly tempting trail down over his jaw as it slipped down the side of his neck.
She loved him and had always wanted to kiss him. Sure, they had often kissed playfully on lips, cheeks, hands and faces. But she wanted something a little more real. However, she was afraid as her arms went up and round, looping behind Nick's head as she danced to the music playing from some car or cheap battery operated stereo. She was afraid he might resent her later-- a drunk and a druggie she might be, but also a hippie of standards and morals.
She didn't want him to hate her for anything.

And so, instead of completing his invitation she shook her head, moving a hand to let the fingers trace lightly over the Gray Goose on his neck, tenderly wiping it from his skin.
"Mr. Jones, I'm not entirely sure that I've had enough vodka to allow that kind of behavior." She grinned, in a forlorn way, as she altered the quote to her purposes, kissing his cheek gently.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:06 am
by Zabriel*
To be perfectly honest, he was a little disappointed. He had really wanted her to take him up on his invitation. Her tongue on his lips had teased and incensed him. He found himself in the strange position of wanting more. Her touches made him feel a strange desire, and for a moment, he thought that he might be able to be with a woman. He had always loved her, even since they were children, but he had never thought that he could love her in that way. He'd wanted to be able to. There were days when he swore he would give anything to be able to love her the way that she loved him. He looked in her eyes and for a fleeting instant, he thought he could see himself with her.

What do I know? It's just the vodka talking. It wouldn't work. Even as he told himself that, he doubted himself. He was sure that part of it was the vodka, but it would occur to him later that part of it might have also been fear. He was afraid to love a woman, because even though nobody wanted to be homosexual, he had become accustomed to it. Loving her would become a crisis for him, even though part of him wanted it, because it would confuse him, and he feared that he would lose some of his identity. He'd always been Nick the crazy gay boy. Who would he be if he lost that?

He smiled and nodded. "I know exactly what you mean..." he tipped the bottle towards his own lips and drank before leaning close to her, the neck of the bottle between them, his lips at the opening, smirking a little bit at her, offering the bottle, and something more if she cared to take it.