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Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:09 pm
by riserugu*
Hawley nodded walking away from the table and to his bag, to kneeling down before his bag grabbing at one of the still clean shirts in there. Though stopped when he eyed the medicine he had brought with him, the medicine and the syringes in there.

Picking up one, he grinned to himself undoing the top from the object the grin growing at the sight that the needle was still connected. “I got us a needle…” He mused somewhat though grabbed one of the bottles as he stood, standing up as he took part of the shirt into his mouth and pulling, after a moment a small rip opening down the middle.

Sitting down in the chair next to Alan, as he placed everything down on the table. “Alright, first I’m going to give you some of the morphine I found. That should dull the pain…” He muttered as another fit of coughs came through he turning and coughing into his forearm, recovering he went about sticking the syringe into the bottle and filling it somewhat with the clear liquid. “Hope you don’t mind that you’re stitches are going to be bright pink, only shirt that I had left that wasn’t already covered in blood.” He mused, pushing against the end of the needle smiling as a small amount of it came out.

“Alright, turn to me so I can do this.”

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:09 pm
by Slayer*
"I don't mind, I can just say the sticthes have blood on them." with that, Alan turned to Hawley and released his hand, quickening the flow of blood immensely.

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:09 pm
by riserugu*
Hawley wasted no time, as his left hand lifted up pushing against Alan’s neck lightly. Once finding what was needed, Alan's jugular vein in this case, the redhead lifted the syringe and quickly jabbed it into the vein and pushing the dose of morphine into it. Quickly bringing it back out, and starting to work on undoing the needle from the tube.

“Alright, against popular belief. Morphine isn’t a numbing agent, what morphine is… is an agent that quickly flows through you’re blood stream telling all your nerves to tell your brain that what it says is hurting, well it isn’t hurting me anymore. And when this stuff kicks in, because this is the good stuff much more than I should be given someone your age, so you’re going to feel a hell of a lot better. Anywho, when the stuff kicks in I need you to remain perfectly still, because knowing you you’ll probably want to take on the island when in it happens.” Hawley muttered as he moved to tear the shirt in half, pressing one half to the wound and cleaning it rather quickly of the blood.

Once finished he dropped the blood-soaked shirt half and moved back to the other half, looking about quickly till he removed a rather long piece of bright thread. Turning back in his chair, and working quickly to where the piece of thread remained on when he was sewing the wound.

Sitting up somewhat, he leaned over some and placed the needle under the tore flesh. Gulping down a little as he pushed it in through the skin, pulling it through the thread’s end, tying that part off so it wouldn’t come loose and pushing the upper part of the wound. Pulling somewhat hard, least hard enough so the two pieces of skin would come together to a degree.

He smirking at his work already, and continued along starting on another one.

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:09 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: You know the drill, let's wait for d0ddi0slave again.

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:09 pm
by orangeflamingo*
(( Coming from Starting Place for Boy 09 ))

They had been walking for well over an hour when she had spotted the lighthouse, her eyes casting downward onto the map in her hands. It was some distance from the house, and a little while from the clinic, which was found to be empty upon arriving at the location.

August had suggested the lighthouse in remembering what Hawley had said about his knee, if his knee truly had been injured he probably wouldn’t have walked that far. And even if he wasn’t at the lighthouse, and someone else was maybe they where also not playing and be able to question them if they had seen him.

And if their was someone there, and they where playing. August could only hoped she ran fast…

Glancing back at Terry out of the corner of her eye, she bent down and picked up a small rock and pulling her arm back launched it forward. Though instead of it rapping against the window, it instead went through the window a rather crash. August flinching in place as she watched this happen.

(( Finally got here ducks, well make this quick I still have to get the rest of my crap out of your basement. >> ))

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:09 pm
by Slayer*
Alan's eyes gained an almost steely quality as he switched from calm look, to glare. "What the hell was that?!" he asked/shouted in reaction to the rock going through one of the downstairs windows and almost going down there bfore remembering the stitch job.

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:09 pm
by batspleenfriend*
(Coming from: Starting Place for Boy 09)

Terry flinched at the crashing noise and glanced back over at August as he clutched his bat tighter. At the last minute they had decided to go to the Lighthouse instead of the clinic and Terry wondered if this decision was a fatal mistake. But during their short walk Terry had again resigned himself to the fact that he was probably going to die on this island, and it might as well be for a good reason. Hiding in the house had made him feel useless and wimpy anyway and thoughts had kept dancing through his head of the boys back home laughing at him as he hid out while people died around him.

"Ready when you are," he said turning back to August and nodding towards the building.

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:09 pm
by orangeflamingo*
August glanced back to Terry once more with a light grin, reaching in and grasping ahold of the stun gun and bringing it. Pushing the trigger button, and watching a flash of power come through it.

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:09 pm
by riserugu*
Hawley glanced up from his work at the sound of glass shattering sliced through the air. Blinking lightly he turned back to Alan, he was already more than halfway finished with his work. No blood was currently seeping through, which was more than a good sign.

“I’m going to check out what that was,” he muttered, gathering himself onto his feet. Taking the bloodstained shirt into his hand, he pushed it up against the half sewed wound. “Keep this against it till I get back.”

Taking the pistol, and the taking a few pieces of extra ammo he placed them in his back pocket. His hacksaw was still connected to his belt, so who ever or whatever was out at least he’d be prepared for it.Passing by one of the windows, he glanced out over the people there.

It was that Terry guy from before when he had passed by the house yesterday, the girl with him must be the one that had been in there with him. Narrowing his eyes, he smirked somewhat as he took note of who it was; Miss. August Masbeth.

Moving toward the door, he pulled it open lifting a hand in a light wave. “Oi, Nice to see you again.” He mused, moving out from the open door. "So, what can I do to help you two today?"

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:10 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: I knew that. anyway, I don't mind.

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:10 pm
by orangeflamingo*
August found herself admitting a low sound of anger as the red head came forth, she was surpised that they had been this lucky and had found him in the second place they had looked.

Stepping forward a little, hazel eyes narrowed in sheer anger. "You bastard..." She said weakly, holding the stun gun out in front of her. Taking note that he didn't have his shotgun in hand, that and the burn on his arm. Not to mention the flushed look on his face... he looked sick.

Still, it didn't matter. "I'm here to pay you back what you did Helena!"

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:10 pm
by batspleenfriend*
((ooc: That's all right. No problem. :D ))

Terry glanced back over at August. So this was it was it? Someone was going to die. He glanced back over at Hawley and couldn't find it in him to manage a smile. He couldn't let August die now, but he couldn't kill anyone either. He had never gone back on a promise, and even though August had basically voided their agreement, he didn't intend to do so now. He clutched his bat tighter and turned towards the lighthouse getting the distinct feeling that Hawley had not been alone in there.

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:10 pm
by riserugu*
Hawley couldn’t help but smile at her words, pulling his arms above his head somewhat. So she was here for revenge, how sweet… course he couldn’t understand why she found wanted to get revenge on someone like Helena Van Garret.

“I see… so you’re going to kill me then?” He questioned, flashing a another smile. “Are you even capable of killing me Masbeth?” He finished, taking a few more steps away from the lighthouse and toward the two. Eyes flashing between the two, Terry with his bat that he tightly clutched in his hands. And August with her stun gun… knowing how this was going August would probably make the first move, the anger in her eyes where clear that either he was would by her hands or she would die trying…

And he wasn’t going to allow the first to happen.

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:10 pm
by orangeflamingo*
She felt her body wanting to back down when he begun walking closer toward them, the arm holding onto the stun gun shaking lightly in the fear that was now starting to run through her mind.


Tensing up, the shaking stopped. August couldn’t allow herself to be afraid… she couldn’t. She had to do this, to do this for Helena. Breathing in deeply she moved forward quickly, sandals making running somewhat hard though still she pushed forward. Pushing the trigger of the stun gun and jolting it alive she rammed it out before her, and at the redhead that she was closing in on.

ll ooc: Ah. Blind rage, quick death. :3 ll

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:10 pm
by Cactus
Having seen Hawley stitching up Alan's wounds had; for lack of a better description, made Adam a little sick to his stomach. As such, he figured that the easiest thing to do would be to step outside and get some air. He had been leaning the shotgun against the outside of the lighthouse, near the back door, and had been bent up against the lighthouse, trying to keep his meager lunch in. When he heard the glass shatter, however, he snapped to his senses - that probably wasn't Hawley, nor Alan. Picking up the shotgun, he attempted ignoring the pain in his stomach, and figured that if anything, a friendly face might help diffuse any situation that was going on. As he peeked into the front door of the lighthouse, he saw the two new arrivals. The boy he couldn't immediately tell who it was, but he recognized August Masbeth immediately. She didn't hang out with the nicest crowd; one of whom being the late Helena Van Garrett, but Adam didn't have a personal issue with her. Apparently though, she had some form of issue with Hawley, as she ran towards him with a taser, or something to that effect. Filling the doorway with his frame, he raised the shotgun in a defensive posture, and couldn't help but putting on a sarcastic tone as he boomed out:

"What's going on here, who's making a ruckus?! What have I told you kids about making a ruckus?"