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Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:15 pm
by Abel Nox*
Nevera sighed heavily and held her bo staff close to her chest. She pulled her knees in and looked about with scared eyes. Sweat trickled down in a fast pace as she panicked.

"You've done it this time, Nev.... out of the frying pan and into the freezer." She said to herself. She didn't think that anyone was around to here her, but she spoke only loud enough to where people within a 8 foot radius could hear. A normal speaking voice so to speak.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:15 pm
by Theseus*
Jeremy was about to start making plans with his group on how to keep a lookout on the warehouse, to ensure that no one could escape without their presence being known, when he heard a voice.

It was a faint sound in the distance, but it was a voice nonetheless. Jeremy wasn't about to lose now, he wasn't going to work this hard to protect Ryan and Clare to be brought down this late in the game. He left his bags on the ground so he could travel faster and he sped through the forest towards the voice.

He wasn't sure wether it was a murderer, maybe the person who even killed Glenn, or wether it was just some unarmed person who was scared. Or maybe a combination of the both, but he was going to find out.

Jeremy saw the figure rolled up in a ball by a tree. Jeremy appeared aiming his shotgun at the girl and said silently, "Don't scream or talk loudly or you'll give our position away. Throw that staff my way, and if you have any other weapons tell me now or I will not hesitate to kill you."

In all honesty Jeremy would never shoot the girl unless she threatened him, but through his adrenaline which was slightly pumping Jeremy failed to recognize the face on the girl, and the staff she carried. It was Nev.

Jeremy lowered his shotgun immediately and ran to the girl who was balled up and hugged her. Once he was done he said quietly, "Nev, I thought, I thought I lost you. Where's Scott? Is he ok? I'm so sorry I didn't know it was you or I wouldn't have pointed my gun at you."

Way to go Jeremy, you pointed your weapon at one of your allies, someone who helped you clean up your gunshot wound, and you threatened to shoot her? What have you become...?

Jeremy just looked at Nev, maybe it was all coming together now, sure Jeremy may have lost Fred, Glenn, Mallory, Heather, but now he had Ryan, Clare, and Nev. Now all he needed was Scott, what happened to him? Jeremy just hoped they got seperated....he didn't want another friend to be dead.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:15 pm
by LadyMakaze*
Red....for a long, hard half-hour of walking blindly, stumbling along an endless path, all she could see was red. It flowed down like a waterfall over her eyelids and along her cheeks, which were also red and streaming. Red flowed down her arms in thick, winding veins, brushing across the cloth of her shirt in smear over smear over smear, building up layers of red. Like brushstrokes.

Eh-Sun didn't think she'd ever see this much red come out of her. Ever. Now, it was a part of her. Everything she saw was red. In her mouth, she tasted red. In her mind, there was red. Just her soul was a few shades to dark to be called red.

It had been half an hour since her flesh was peppered and embedded with shrapnel, sending her into a world of red. It had been half an hour since she lost all sense of direction while following those two boys. However, it had been years since she lost all sense of feeling. She had always been this numb, apathetic shell that lacked much regard for life, despite having so demonstrated so much will to live during these last few days.

By now, all pain had faded, and all that was left was a dull, bland numbness that crawled across her skin. All that was left was red.

But that was okay. Red meant that she was human. Red meant that she was still living. Every human being had red inside them, which meant their lives could be snuffed out in a half-second by the pull of the trigger.

Humans are just moving mounds of flesh, sacks of red. That's all. There's nothing beautiful about them. Emotional and physical pain are just minor inconveniences that became irrelevant with death.

And now, Eh-sun wanted to see more red. Red that wasn't her own. Why should she be the one to feel all the pain? As long as she was still alive, though she did not have long left, she would see to it that the next human she met would also see red.

Just like that person in front of her would soon see. A young boy, clutching a shotgun and standing in front of a huddled figure against the tree. Eh-Sun couldn't see the large group behind her. Neither did she register whether or not anybody had seen her yet.

With a mechanical, automatic movement, a red-lipped, red-toothed grin on her face, she lifted her handgun with a blood-covered arm. It trembled slightly with an unsteady aim. The handle was also stained with red under her blood-stained grip.


Red faded into a world of grey as she pulled the trigger.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:16 pm
by Cactus
((Continued from...wherever it was that I killed Lyndi))

Moving with haste, Angelina Kaige had been trying her damndest not to be seen by anyone. Stealth was the one advantage that she had in this game, especially over any grade school student. She was a trailed military officer, and while her career hadn't exactly lent her any favours, especially dealing with the company that she'd opted to keep, she knew that when push came to shove, she'd be a lot better off than most of the kids on this island. Most of whom were getting a crash course in military operations; she used the term loosely, but most of whom were only firing a gun for the first time very recently. Angelina had been firing guns for her entire life. Since she'd been a teenager, growing up with her perfectionist parents that had wanted her to become a perfect woman, who would be successful and wealthy. Of course, thanks to that kind of mentality, coupled with the beatings that they'd give her whenever she messed up, or made any kind of mistake, she quickly knew that she'd have to learn to fend for herself.

Looking back on it, joining the army hadn't been the hardest decision that she'd ever had to make. It gave her a much-needed reprieve from her strict, authoritarian parents, and while the army had attempted to instill upon her a sense of duty, and a sense of honour, she'd only really gained the necessary skills that she'd needed before the little 'dishonourable discharge' incident.

Guy was a total fucker, anyways. Granted, snapping his wrist in six places and breaking his jaw might've been a little overkill, but it sure showed anyone else who felt the compulsive need to touch my ass.

And of course, then it had come to floating around, doing odd mercenary jobs. Never feeling guilty about the kind of thing that she'd do for money, never feeling any sense of remorse. Sometimes, she kept herself awake at night, disturbed at the almost lack of morality that she possessed. It wasn't that she was soulless, unable to feel bad. No, she felt bad enough of the time. Her childhood had reminded her of that. Shivering as she moved through the bushes, she let out what would have been a small sigh, of course, if she'd been able to in the first place.

Fucking Danya. Removing my vocal chords was seriously the one thing that he could have done to completely dehumanize us moreso than he already did. It wasn't enough that he ordered us around like his little slaves, but he seemed to have absolute power. Fuck around with him, and everyone else turned on you as if you'd just murdered their grandmother.

Coming up to a large clearing in the bushes she was travelling through, Angelina stopped herself just short of emerging from the bushes. Hearing voices coming from all around made her wary. The truth was, Angelina had always had very good ears. It was why on most of her early military missions, she'd acted as the group scout. She'd never minded getting stuck with that particular assignment, though she always wondered if they stuck her as the scout to begin with because they just plain didn't like her. Nonetheless, in the end, it hadn't mattered. It was odd, how often in her life she'd seemed to say that. In the end, things just didn't seem to matter, because she was always able to move on.

Not this time, Ang. This time, you can't exactly move on from being dead.

The voices that she heard from the outside of the large structure (must be the warehouse, it has to be) weren't the ones that concerned her. They were sitting ducks, as far as being open to attack. It was the voices that she heard from inside of the building that concerned her. The fact that the warehouse was not a danger zone was likely because Danya had assumed that whomever was inside would have a distinct tactical advantage over whomever was outside, and once everyone outside was dealt with, the people inside would probably collapse onto any form of group that they had formed.

The fact that people were already inside, and from the looks of things, had barricaded the place relatively well concerned her. From the looks of the outside, the door that faced somewhat away from her looked as though it'd sustained a gunshot wound, and thus would be impossible to open. The windows had been slightly boarded up from the inside, though there was, in the one closest to her, a large crack where gunfire had torn off one of the boards. Glancing out towards the group that stood outside, and then taking a look up to the roof, where she could have sworn she saw some movement, Angelina crept as quietly as she could towards the window. Out of sight for the moment, she crouched underneath it, and listened to the tense voices inside.

"Now you give me back the computer, or I bloody up this warehouse even more than it already is!"

Mouth dropping, Angelina shook her head to herself and mouthed 'well, fuck me'. A computer! Danya would have shat himself if he knew that they had a computer. Likely, whomever inside of the warehouse must have made some form of effort to block the microphones and cameras inside, or they'd never have gotten very far. Of course, if Danya did know, he might not know who was in on any potential 'escape plan' and he might detonate the collars of everyone in the area.

That'd be fucking bad for business, especially my looks like, whether I like it or not, I'm going to have to put a stop to it.

Grimacing, Angelina planned out what she was going to do. To her count, she still had four grenades, and almost all of her ammunition for her two weapons. Glancing up at the roof again, she saw nothing. Quietly removing her pack from her back, she ruffled through it, looking for something specific. It was an item that she'd snagged from the first dead girl whose clothes she'd stolen, and it was something she thought might come in handy, especially if she didn't feel like sticking her neck out to take a look. Finally finding a small, circular mirror, she grinned, and held it up to the crack at such an angle that she could see inside of the warehouse.

Jesus, it's a Mexican standoff!

The mirror showed at least three kids, one holding a computer as though he was going to smash it. The other held a pistol towards the kid's face, and a girl stood a ways away, talking back and forth between both. Putting the mirror down and back in her pocket, Angelina thought for a moment.

As much as I'd love to get my hands on that computer and reprogram everything...there's no way they'd trust me. Ah, well.

Grabbing one of the grenades from her pack, she closed the pack, removed her pistol, and slung it back around her back. Looking once again at the roof, Angelina pulled the pin from the grenade, and tossed it HARD through the hole in the window, then in one fluid movement, took two long steps towards the woods, and dove behind a tree stump that she'd crouched behind moments ago. Not satisfied, she took another two steps towards a small stream that trickled through the woods. Crouching in the stream and feeling the cold water soak through her pant leg and onto her skin, she braced herself for the inevitable explosion that was undoubtedly going to follow.


Up on the roof, Sidney Crosby had been debating whether or not it would be a good time to climb down the ladder on the side of the building, being as the group outside seemed to have stopped shooting at the warehouse, for the time being at least. As soon as Sid took a breath to make the long trek down the ladder, he saw a bloody figure burst out of the woods beside the group that he'd been watching from a crack in the roof and aim a gun right at one of their members.

"Aw, fuck..." Sidney threw himself to the ground, hoping to avoid being seen as he heard the gunshot. Weaponless, he didn't stand a chance in hell, at this point.

What ELSE could go wrong?

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:16 pm
by ZigZaggerty*
Hannah had pulled herself onto the roof, the world blurring itself to her. She looked up into the sky as the bright rays warmed her face. She smiled and looked off the roof of the warehouse, a strangely familiar sight greeted her.

It was Kurt standing just a few feet away from her, sparkles of light fell around him. He smiled at her and moved his hand to motion her to come to him.

“Oh Kurt, I knew I’d see you again!” She said to him, she reached her hand out towards him.

It’s okay Hannah, come to me for one last kiss. Kurt mouthed the words, but no sound came out. But she could hear him so clearly in his head.

“I will Kurt, we never got to kiss before you...died.” Hannah whispered, she stepped forward and reached for him.

See you soon, Hannah. Kurt said, and he smiled as he dissolved in her arms.

Hannah felt the ground fall out beneath her feat as she began her descent to the earth below. Her scream resounded throughout the area as she realized what happened. She reached her hand into the sky in a desperate attempt to save herself. Her hand passed by the edge of the roof while her sleeve caught on a nail two feet below the edge.

Hannah could hear the fabric slowly begin to rip as she looked longingly into the sky.

“Help me, somebody...” Hannah whimpered.

((OOC: I had a good run with Hannah, with delusions of grandeur in the guise of Hannah winning SotF. In the next post or two Hannah will die, taking the count down to Pre-RP by one. Was fun Rping in the first SoTF, I made it by a hair!))

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:16 pm
by Slayer*
Man, I always thought Mexican Standoffs only happened in movies, and always involved more than one gun.

A lot had happened to Jack in his sixteen years, but he had never thought he would be in a situation that seemed to be reserved for Quentin Tarantino movies. Ignoring Jill's comments, he kept his eyes (which were starting to look beady due to sheer concentration) on Martyn and the computer, his hands still tightly gripping the gun. A cold sweat started to run down his head as he assessed the situation.
You idiots! If only you had had patience. Patience was all we needed! If you had been patient, I could've worked out where to find the schematics and brought the system down! Idiots! his thoughts were shattered by a thunderous gunshot outside at that moment, causing him to jerk in surprise.
"What the hell was..." he was lucky he turned around to face the wall when he did, because he saw what came through the open window first. It was a cylindrical, pinapple like object that headed towards the group in an arcing motion. Jack recognized it immediately: a fragmentation grenade.
"Shit!" surprised, his arm accidentally jerked and fired the gun, sending a round to Martyn's right as Jack jumped in that direction, hitting the ground and rolling before crawling behind another crate.
It's times like this I'm glad I have an O.44 second reaction time. a few seconds after he thought this, he heard the roaring explosion. It felt like his ears would burst from the sheer sound of the blast, and he felt the heat even from his postion, hearing the metallic shrapnel whizzing through the air. He did not know where it had landed, or if the others had seen it.
Are they even alive?

"Hey, are you guys alright?!"
What am I thinking, asking if they're okay? It's every man for himself now! No, have to fight it. I won't play this game!

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:16 pm
by Theseus*
What happened next surprised Jeremy even more than finding Nev. But it wasn't as bad as is could have started out, maybe by fate, maybe by luck, or maybe a little of both, Jeremy crouched down to look at Nev eye level when the shot rang out. Instead of a shot to the back it hit his left shoulder, which was already wounded and Jeremy could only manage to yell.

Spinning around fastly he aimed the shotgun in the general direction of the girl who was facing him. It all happened so fast as Jeremy felt himself pull the trigger once, twice, then a third time. Jeremy's heart was beating and his adrenaline was kicking in, and he had no idea what was going to happen next. All he knew was that on instinct when he was firing at the girl who had appeared he had shouted, "Ryan, Clare, get down here!"

Jeremy didn't hear the fight at the warehouse, he wasn't paying attention, Jeremy didn't know what to make of the situation, just that it needed to be figured out, and Jeremy didn't know if he could do it alone.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:16 pm
by Abel Nox*
Nevera hugged Jeremy back in that time frame. "Jeremy!" She whispered loudly. "Scott, he practically lost trust in me and I felt confused, so I ran from him. He's out there somewhere. We were looking everywhere for you!"

She looked at him with tears in her eyes. "I felt betrayed and lost until now. I hope that you won't leave my side... I had to leave Scott. He just scared me." Slowly, Nevera stood shakily as Jaremey pointed his gun at a target.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:16 pm
by Cactus
As Sidney tossed himself to the ground he was shocked to see Hannah pitch over the side of the roof and begin to fall to the ground below. It was something completely unexpected, and while Sidney let it process in his mind, he heard her shriek and call out for help.

Where the hell did she even come from, anyways? Jeez!

Scrambling to a crouch, in order to keep his head down, Sidney scrambled over to where Hannah had pitched over the side and made a grab for her hand.

"Hannah! Give me your hand!"

In the back of his mind, though, something nagged at him. An impulse, a thought. Shaking his head, he brushed it away and focused on the flailing girl.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:16 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: Just to clarify the previous post of mine so everyone doesn't scream "Godmoder!" at me in one hundred different languages, Jack didn't do all of that in .44 seconds (that would be silly), he just noticed the grenade, shouted "Shit" and jumped out of the way in that time. The rest took a bit longer.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:16 pm
by Megami*
If there was one thing that Jill Gatling could never tolerate, it was being ignored. As her pleas to put the gun down and end the nonsense that had unfolded in the warehouse fell on deaf ears, Jill found herself becoming more and more angry and frustrated at Jack O'Connor... almost to the point that she was tampted and nearly ready to withdraw her pistol from its stowed away position in the back of her jeans and end the standoff once and for all. Unfortunately, somebody else seemed to have ideas of ending the standoff as well, and they got to it much faster than Jill.

Outside, the crack of another gunshot echoed throughout the area, effectively startling Jill. Had her gun been in hand, she probably would've accidentally discharged it. Thankfully enough, it wasn't. Instead, Jill's line of vision followed Jack's and in that brief instant she saw the cyllindrical device come hurdling through the window toward the trio. Somebody outside had definitely wanted to break up their little party, and they'd picked one hell of a way to do it. The next few seconds would be criticial for all of them, and it was in those few seconds that Jill found herself freezing up. Her vision fixated on the round object hurdling toward her momentarily, but finally, that good ole' "fight or flight" instinct kicked in.

Almost before she knew what she was doing, Jill took off in a full sprint in the direction opposite the way the grenade was heading. It was at that moment that her position on Barry Coleson High School's star track and field team quite possibly saved her life. Jill half ran, half rolled as far away from the grenade as she could've made it in the few seconds between the grenade's landing and its explosion. The sheer force of the explosion was enough to throw the brunette onto the cold concrete floor of the warehouse, and she could feel the heat from the explosion all over her body.

It was in that brief second that her hesitation only seconds before would come back to haunt her as a few stray pieces of shrapnel embedded themselves in the girl's back, causing her to let out a pained shriek that was all but inaudible over the ungodly sound of the explosion that had ensued. The sheer agony of her newly inflicted wounds caused hot tears to roll down the girl's face, but the fact remained... she was still alive. The could feel the warm liquid ooze from her back and begin to trickle down her sides in an almost chilling effect, but despite sustaining shrapnel wounds from the grenade, Jill had survived. For now, at least.

She couldn't hear Jack's cries over the explosion. In fact, she couldn't hear anything after the explosion, either. Had she been thinking rationally, she might've wondered if perhaps her eardrums had exploded due to the sheer loudness of the blast. Of course, this thought didn't pass through her head. In a haphazard attempt to locate her allies, Jill forced her head up momentarily but could see nothing. Instead, all she could muster was to roll onto her side and continue to writhe on the floor in sheer agony.


"Where're you going? You can't go yet!"

Despite the protestations of the small and lanky black haired boy, the young brown haired girl turned to him with an almost mischievious look on her face, which quickly turned into a frown as she saw the condition of the young man, sprawled out on the sidewalk, his entire leg bleeding badly.

"I gotta go though, I gotta go get help," the girl protested with a raised eyebrow.

The boy wasn't having it, however. Pulling his bloody leg up to his chest, he fought back the tears that were starting to trickle down his cheeks and cast a sideways glance at the toppled over bicycle that lay in an awkward manner beside him.

"No, I don't need help. Really. I don't want 'em to see that I hurt myself again. Mom'll just make me stay inside, then I won't ever get to come out and play."

Casting a matter-of-fact glance toward her playmate, Jill shook her head and actually laughed at the boy's insistance upon her not going to get help. As she meandered back toward her injured companion, she took another glance at his knee. It looked pretty gross, there was no argument to that. Even from the distance she was standing at, she could see the rocks and pebbles imbedded in the wound and the skin that hung limply around the newly opened gash.

"So if you don't need help, then why d'ya need me to stay?" she inquired playfully.

"B-because..." the boy started, his lip beginning to tremble at the thought of his playmate simply leaving him on the sidewalk alone, "What if... what if somethin' bad happened while you were gone?"

"Like what?" Jill mused, "You gonna die of a scraped knee while I'm away?"

Casting her a hurtfilled glance, the boy's vision trailed from the brown haired girl to his bloodied and battered knee, and tears began to fill to the brim in his eyes once again. His lip still trembling, he forced himself to his feet, more tears billowing out of the corners of his eye as he applied pressure on his knee and attempted to walk. Seeing the pitiful site, Jill wrapped her friend's arm around her shoulder in an attempt to help him walk. Shaking her head as if she were annoyed, she looked to the boy matter-of-factly once again.

"Well fine. Don't worry, my mom'll fix it. We don't have to tell your mom, okay?"

The boy's face lit up a bit and he nodded energetically. Apparently, that sounded like a much better idea. And so, the two of them ambled slowly down the sidewalk toward the Gatling residence, hoping Jill's mom would doctor her friend's wound without calling his parents.


A faint smile crossed Jill's lips as she recalled the memory that popped into her head out of nowhere. A laugh almost escaped her lips, but for the lack of energy she had, it never fully made its way out. Still, she remembered that moment well. That particular friend... his accidents seemed to be an everyday occurance, and his mom, she worried so much. It seemed he was constantly coming home covered in blood, and his mother always swore he'd never see the light of day again. Another smile form on her lips as she came to a realization.

Somebody... stole that bike...

Her eyes shut momentarily, and the world around her turned gray for just a moment. Things slowly wavered in and out of focus until Jill let out an explosive cough, noting the red substance that had emerged from the confides of her throat. Was she... dying? Trying to force the thought from her mind, Jill refused to let it be true. They were so close. She couldn't die yet. None of them could. She had to stay alive, had to stay... awake. Jill's eyes started to close once again, but she all but forced them open. She couldn't die like this, of some trivial wounds, not after everything she'd been through.

Though the immense pain that she found herself in was almost unbearable, Jill all but forced herself into a sitting position and then slowly, using the wall behind her as support, forced herself onto her feet. Staggering a moment, Jill fell back against the wall, causing even more pain in her back as she landed on the oozing shrapnel wounds. After a moment she leaned against the wall, her breathing slow and heavy, trying to regain herself. It wasn't her time to go, not yet. She wouldn't let it be... wouldn't let it end this way.


It was barely audible as it escaped her throat, but Jill scowered the area around her for any sign of her allies. Jack, Martyn, Hannah, Sid... where were they? Were they all... dead? Surely at least Sid and Hannah were safe, surely they hadn't come down from the roof as the explosion occurred, right? Unable to move any further than she had, Jill simply scanned the area in search of the two who had only been inches from her moments before. They couldn't be dead, they were just there. Was she the only one that had survived?

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:16 pm
by riserugu*
Martyn watched the scene fold out before him with light interest, frowning somewhat at the words leaving either’s mouth, tempted to reach for his weapon with each pressing word, but keep his position. A sigh leaving his lips, as he glanced down at the machine with a light glances,

“If he’s willing to kill over something like this, then I could care less… either way I’m leaving.” He stated, turning where he stood and moving toward one of the other crates that laid about the area of the ground floor, placing the machine down a top it as the crack of a gunshot rang from outside, Martyn attention lightly glancing off toward where the sound echoed from.

Paying little heed to it as he went about turning, frowning a bit, though as he turned another gunshot echoed through the area but from within the building, and soon a sharp pain spreading through the right side of his chest.

Focused on the gunshot wound currently bleeding freely from his chest, he had no time to react to the grenade until the explosion rocked the building, the sheer force knocking him into the wall behind – knocking the air from his lungs, the heat following the explosion almost overwhelming as he the whizzing sounds of flying sharpnels began to fill the air, he unsure of what was happening until he felt sharp pains entering his legs, stomach, as well as arms as he lifted them in an attempt to block his face,

Though a pain entering his jaw was enough to tell him he hadn’t done a well enough job. A choked back, half yell – half sob escaping him as he allowed his body to fall to the side. Hands moving to clutch at new wounds, though the fact he only had two, limited what he could do.

Jack and Jill’s voices almost went unheard, everything sounding as if it was underwater, his ears buzzing from the explosion as he let himself cough, it racking his whole body another sharp yell leaving him, usually not one to cry but at this point he could care less, letting all the pain that was building up go.

Fighting back more pained sounds, he managed to move onto his back, though either way it didn’t matter – everything was a covered white it seemed, though a few quick blinks, everything seemed to fade to a gray and finally return to its normal colors – hearing, at least in his left ear, returning within a few moments as well. Eyes casting off briefly, eyeing about -- finding them landing on where his computer had been, though now lay against the ground; having fallen from the crate he had placed it on a large piece of sharpnel and several smaller pieces embedded into into the machine, while the piece that held the screen that became partly dislodged from the bottom part. A smirk pressing over his lips, well that took care of that problem -- he turning off looking for his teammates again.

Though something bothered him, a sharp metallic taste currently filling in the back of his throat and mouth, biting back the pain again as he forced himself to sit up against with support from the wall.

His jaw was killing him, and bringing a hand up, he lightly traced the area where the pain was admitting from, the wound having entered along his lower jaw not able to feel an exit wound he supposed it still remain embedded within his jaw.

Blinking against the sleepiness that was setting in, glancing about as he heard a voice speak above the silence that had set in, opening his mouth but regretting it soon after as a pain, and taste of metal washed through.

Coughing the liquid up, and out against his hand – gulping a bit at the sight of the red substance, though pushed the harsh thought of death back and out of his mind as he tried to make some short of sound indicting he was indeed alive, though hardly it felt.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:17 pm
by Megami*
As her hearing and vision slowly returned from the blinding white light that had all but engulfed her, Jill could just barely make out Martyn's muffled coughs from her position on the warehouse. Pushing herself off the wall, she swaggered around for a moment before finally regaining her balance. Every step she took sent a shooting pain up her injured leg and into her back, which was now completely stained a rich red crimson in color from all the blood she'd lost over the past few moments.

"Hey... guys?"

The sound of her voice was almost inaudible to even her own ears, be it because her hearing still hadn't fully returned or because it had indeed only come out as a whisper, Jill was unsure. In the distance she could see the slumped over figure of what appeared to be Martyn, though Jack was nowhere to be found. Casting a glance around the room, Jill shakily made her way a few more feet across the warehouse floor, slowly approaching the figure on the floor in front of her. At that moment, however, the entire world began spinning, and Jill once again hit the cold concrete floor with a resounding thud.

"A-are you okay?"

Even a quick glance could tell Martyn was probably in about the same shape as she was, but with the world seemingly spinning around her, Jill couldn't catch a quick glance of anything except for the floor in front of her. Her fingers ran across the sounds to her lower back as she removed the gun from where it had been holstered. The entire gun was stained a crimson color, as was the hand with which she had retrieved it. Laying it down beside her, though still clutching it with her hand, Jill attempted to situate herself into some form of sitting position, though all but failed.

Where're you going?

Was the warehouse getting darker? The room stopped spinning briefly as she stayed situated in one spot, her vision fading in and out repeatedly. Another cough escaped her lips, and a spray of blood once again followed it, splattering the floor before her before she attempted to wipe of the remainder that had been left in the corners of her mouth. Closing her eyes once again, Jill tried to regain herself, clearly not an easy task after all she'd just undergone. Looking down at her hand, she noticed it was shaking slightly.

You can't go yet.

"You guys... you guys are alright, right? You have to be alright. Have to... to escape. To get off the island... and... and take down this whole damned game... right?"

What if... what if somethin' bad happened while you were gone?

Only half expecting an answer, Jill was unsure of what to even say given the dire circumstances. Their plan for escape, their alliance, everything, it had all but been crushed underneath them when that grenade had detonated. Whoever had thrown that thing inside had ruined every chance they ever had, and now more than ever, they were doomed. A sad smile formed on her face as Jill thought over the incident before once again closing her eyes. Her breaths were becoming short and rapid, but still she refused to accept the fact that loomed before her: she was dying.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:17 pm
by riserugu*
Martyn was aware someone was speaking, he just couldn’t tell who it was, or where it was coming from at that moment, the smoke that was kicked up from the explosion still filtered about the air making it difficult to see through his cracked glasses. Though as he continued to focus, and the smoke and dirt began to drift giving a decent view of the warehouse… least what hadn’t been messed up in the explosion, Martyn turned his attention on trying to locate his allies –

Jack was no where to be seen, or heard… though slow movements to his right caused him to turn his head a bit, blinking lightly as sight of the slow moving figure who he figured to be Jill, though before he could speak up to her, the figure collapsed in a heap against the ground with a grounding thud.

He made a small noise, pushing upward somewhat, bending his right leg under his body and pushing upward somewhat – trying to force his left leg under in an attempt to bring himself up in to a standing position, though as he went to move the leg, found himself instead falling over onto his side once again. Pain racing up through his body, biting back another pained yelp, his eyes turning down on his the leg trying to see what had happened and discovering it rather quickly, being in the form of a large shrapnel that had lodge itself into his upper thigh.

The large, bleeding gash visible through his torn pants, blood oozing and pooling about where he had been sitting and now lying, breathing turning shallow at the sheer sight of the blood spilling out from the wound… the muscles in his arms seeming to give out at that moment, grounding him against the cold floor, admitting a choked sound as nothing seemed to want to stop burning.

The pain seemed to leave his limbs where the shrapnel had imbedded themselves, though all that remained was a cold numbing sensation – nothing at all, he couldn’t feel a thing, though he knew that blood was still spilling, he could feel his body jerk to a degree, the feverish heat he had been feeling begin replaced by a cold, clammy feeling… his throat was burning, becoming so thirsty, though he glanced off again at the sound of Jill’s voice slurring up again through the buzzing, his eyes trying to focus in on where she was.

She was questioning them on there current status, and how tempted he was to joke around – pretend everything was fine like what had happened when he had been attacked, he couldn’t bring himself to do it, and instead found a choked sound, a cough of red liquid, leaving his throat before words would come.

“I – I’m not okay…” He managed to get out, breathing back and tasting metal again, trying to cough it out again. “I can’t feel my legs… I can’t – can’t feel my arms, bleeding so… s – so much.”

Martyn could feel something hot running down his cheeks, though at this point he couldn’t tell if it was tears or blood, closing his eyes as a the world seemed to fall on it’s side and he closed his eyes with a sigh – reopening them after a minute, but everything still seemed to remain spinning and starting to fade. The cold sensation setting in harder as he felt his body once again jerked, slightly moving the tips of his fingers about where they rested, feeling only the chilling blood that had pooled – a sick feeling passing over him, as he gulped back more of the blood pushing up. Though found a fleeting smile pressing against his lips as Jill’s voice caught his ears again…

“Beat the game – b-beat the terrorists? That’s right… go home – that – that would be nice.”

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 6:17 pm
by Megami*
A faint smile formed on the paling lips of Jill Gatling as she all but saw her life flash before her eyes. For nine days she had survived on this hell incarnate of an island. For nine days she had fought under kill or be killed circumstances, and for nine days she hadn't given up the hope that somehow, some way, she would go back home. That idea was looking rather bleak at the moment, and Jill's eyes once again closed, sending the room into a spiral of darkness. Never in a thousand years would she have expected two weeks ago that now she would be fighting and losing a battle with death. Hell, nine days ago, Jill Gatling all but thought she was immortal.

You can't go yet!

Another fit of coughing overtook the brunette, with more blood all but spilling out of her lips. Jill virtually sat in a pool of her own blood now, the multiple pieces of shrapnel that had embedded themselves inside her certainly doing their work in a slow and painful manner, but somehow, Jill was almost at peace. Even with the immense pain racking every crevice of her body, Jill couldn't help but smile. It'd all be over soon. Oddly enough, Jill's fleeting final moments weren't spent thinking of family and the home that she would never return to. Oddly enough, Jill's last few moments were filled with thoughts of the game, and how differently she could've and in retrospect, probably should've played.

"If you're the only one left... make sure you kill that motherfucker."

Oddly enough, the phrase rang through her ears and a faint smile crawled across her quickly fading features once again. Jill had all but resigned to the fact that she had lost the game, and within mere moments she'd be just another corpse lying on the warehouse floor. Despite everything, she was happy, because somewhere out there, they still had hope, in the form of Adam Dodd. And if there was anyone out there strong enough and with enough willpower to take down this whole corrupted game, it was him.

"Jack..." the words were all but choked out, Jill barely able to speak above a whisper in her current condition, "I... I don't know if you're out there, or if you're even still alive, but if you are... you've got to go on, and you've got to get out of this fucked up game. And when you do, you've got to hunt that motherfucker down, and he's got to pay for all of this. For... for me. For everyone."

Not even caring if her words fell upon deaf ears, Jill coughed up another fit of blood, her entire body going limp and starting to feel cold and clammy all over as she did so. Her eyes scanned the quickly dulling room and fixated on Martyn for a moment. She was sure she looked bad, but given his current appearance, he'd probably be right behind her knocking at the pearly gates. Clearing her throat and straining to speak once again, she couldn't help but utter the words.

"Martyn... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

We should've left, should've escaped. Then we wouldn't be... be dying right now. It wouldn't be over. Somebody has to survive, somebody has to take the fight to Danya, and somebody's got to kick that motherfucker's ass for all of us.

At that precise moment, Jill's body all but gave up on itself, causing her to topple over from her crouched position and all but bounce off of the concrete floor with a resounding thud. As she fell, the pistol was thrown from her hand, but Jill no longer cared about that. The world faded in and out of view once again as her cheek rested against the cool concrete floor, and a gurgling,, rasping noise escaped her throat as she tried to speak once again but found herself unable to do so.

It wasn't... supposed to end like this.


Once again, the dark headed young man seemed to appear before her, though now he was much older, probably around fifteen or sixteen. A sad expression crossed his features before he looked at her and shook his head. Jill couldn't help but look at him in a confused manner, not fully grasping the situation in its entirety.

"What's wrong?"

"You told me you wouldn't leave me."

"But I... I didn't leave you. I'm right here..."

"You just left me here... what am I supposed to do now?"

"I'm right--"

Almost immediately, Jill once again saw herself, exept this time she was standing outside the warehouse, assuring Adam Dodd that if their escape plan was successful, she'd contact him before they left. Almost immediately thereafter, she saw the plane. She looked on as the Jill Gatling of nearly two weeks prior boarded the plan to death island, completely unaware of what would befall her over the course of the next few days.

"You can't leave yet!"

"But... but I'm not going anywhere..."

"Come back, Jill! Come back!"


The pleading voice of a child echoed throughout her head, and at that moment, the world around her went black for what would be the last time. For nine days, she had fought for her life on the island, and now, with the game so close to its end, Jill Gatling had lost. Her last breath escaped her lungs and all of a sudden, all the pain and torture that she had endured over the past two weeks ended in one abrupt movement, and Jill Gatling disappeared from that torn, tattered shell of a body forever.