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Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:08 am
by Poptart*
He was persistent and it weakened her mental resolve.
His face, his lips, they were close… so close and so real-- her dark blue eyes, deepened by the burnt dark look of her skin peppered with even darker freckles flickering downward to the bottle, and brushing across his lips, his eyes.
She searched for something more than permission-- she knew she had that much-- but she wanted to see the future in his eyes. She didn't want him to regret anything. Because she would rather live a life without ever touching him, knowing that he was safe and happy than taking what she had always thought might be some key, some trigger to something grander and all at the same time shattering his life.

But her lips moved in, as though she were going for the bottle-- and in fact her tongue did brush out to take a few drops from the rim of it. She moved slowly, and her deliberate hesitation at the bottle might've brought about a moment of disappointment.
But as she lingered she took note of how close they were, how near her lips were to his and the feeling of his breathing.

In a moment carried on quick wings of… Fate?… if not fate, it was something… she moved in closer still, brushing her lips to his, unsure of herself for this half-beat as she reached up to grab his hand holding the bottle, pulling it out from between them and just holding it to the side a ways-- eyes to his again as her lips moved less from the lightest of brushes to a soft kiss.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:08 am
by Zabriel*
It was all very sensual. He couldn't remember feeling desire like that in all his life. Then again, he hadn't ever had quite as much to drink as he had that night. Drinking straight from the bottle tended to have that effect on most people. He knew that if he drank too much, he would probably pass out on the beach, which wouldn't be too bad except for the sand everywhere.

He touched her cheek gently as her lips moved from the bottle to his own. He kissed her softly and tenderly, caressing her face as he did. The moment could easily be described as being cute. The bottle stopped it from being beautiful in a traditional sense, but her shyness was adorable. He smiled against her lips and slowly reached his hand towards hers that he might take the bottle and set it aside. He didn't want it to get in the way.

He hugged her gently as they kissed. He felt warm and happy. Like he could stay like that forever. Or at the very least, until the alcohol exited his system.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:08 am
by Poptart*
When he reached to remove the bottle from her grasp, her long fingers easily and distractedly released it. In a moment of half registration, she realized that in those few minutes of drinking the pair of them had depleted a fair bit of the contents-- making it light and slosh easily. Much more than half of it was gone to now feed their bizarre passions.
Her arms, both now freed, went up to rest easily upon his shoulders, hand on the sides of his face to hold him close and firmly-- releasing her inhibitions as she kissed him with all the love she possessed, soft lips moving against his. Parting and closing, moving in slow succession with each other.

Her hands slipped into his hair as she stood close, so close to him.
She didn't know the party around her. She just felt his arms around her, his lips, and the day-heat of the sand working up through her silk slipper-bottoms.
They were in amongst all of these people. But she didn't care. She didn't even pause to consider what they were thinking; hippie bitch and the little fag boy? Locked in passions, intoxicated on the beach?
It hardly seemed important enough to her for her mind to let her register it.

Let the girl have this moment with her boy…

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:08 am
by Zabriel*
Their bodies moved together as they kissed. For that moment, it was like they were an extension of each other. He was vaguely aware of the people around him, but the only things that his mind registered were the girl, and the fire. The heat and light from the flame seemed much more intense than they did moments ago. As he caressed her lips very gently with his, he wondered for a brief moment what would happen if he threw the remaining liquor on the fire. It would probably look awesome. He made a soft sound as he thought about it, smiling against the girl's lips.

On some other day he might feel slightly bad about how much his mind was wandering. He was enjoying himself, and doing his best to make sure that Blossom was enjoying it too, but he was distracted by his own silly thoughts. He managed not to show that, but he felt that he should probably be more mentally involved in kissing her than he was. He thought about her and realized that he was kissing a girl. He wasn't sure how he felt about that anymore. He did enjoy it, but the fact that Blossom was a girl and a very old friend still remained.

He let himself lose that line of thinking. He could reason and figure things out when he was sober. He would just let things be as they would and think about the rest in the morning, which seemed an awfully long time away.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:08 am
by Poptart*
She felt rather than heard the sound that Nick had made, and her since closed eyes opened to him-- deep blue orbs flickering to his eyes. She knew something in his mind was distracted through this; she had all of her past knowledge of him, their deep rooted connection, and now this physical connection to aid her in almost seeming to read his very thoughts.
She tasted his lips, her tongue to his flesh, lips parting to brush against his lower lip-- realizing that she was going to allow herself to be greedy for a moment in her loving of him. She considered stopping-- as his distraction unnerved her-- but couldn't do it, her hands slipping to the back of his neck, one spilling further down and onto his back.

Her body continued a sort of slow grinding dance to the music, she couldn't help it, lips tongue and teeth to his…

After this long moment, however, she broke the contact of their mouths, looking to him, holding against him-- her expression moderately dazed, smiling, mirthful. But she questioned him with her full lips and soft eyes.
She debated a million and once different things in her head in this fleeting instant-- to stay or to go the biggest.
But his touch, his breath, his lips… it was Nick and she almost considered herself in a dream.
In fact, that's how she justified it to herself as she let her lips back to his, kissing a little more firmly, passionately and deeply… giving her all for she never knew when she was destined to awake from this.

In this moment, from her random bored and awkward wanderings, Khris herself found herself meandering towards the fire.
She had seen Nick's car parked out with the others and she'd wanted to give her greetings-- it'd been a few days since she'd last seen him. First few weeks of school and the wrestling team already wanted to drag you off to tournaments. She'd only gotten back the day before.
Coming up to the fire she saw his profile first; his back and his shape etched out behind the bonfire, "Hey Ni--" She started to call out but clamped her mouth shut as she walked about the fire pit to see Blossom holding his desperately, her eyes closed, lips and body speaking of passion and milking in the feeling of him against her.
Khris wanted to scream upon seeing this, all hopes shattering about her, anguish at what seemed to be her inadequacies and her loss making the girl grit her teeth and take a few steps back…
Her breath seemed knocked clear from her gut.

The gay boy could kiss her, could touch her… but what about me?

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:08 am
by Zabriel*
He slowly pulled his lips away from her and smiled sheepishly. He admitted that he was slightly distracted and that it wasn't fair to her for him to be kissing her while his mind was someplace else. He hugged her gently and went to claim the bottle. He grinned and walked back towards the fire, tossing the bottle on and watching the flame go insane. He roared with laughter and stumbled back towards Blossom.

"Sorry," he started to say, "I've been wondering what would happen if I did that for like two minutes, I had to know." He grinned and out of the corner of his eye saw a familiar looking lesbian. He flailed his arms and shouted at her, insisting that she come join them.

"Khriiiiiiis! Come! Dance with us!" He started attempting to do a jig, although he wasn't very good at it. He tripped in the middle of it and barely caught himself before getting a mouthful of sand. He was pretty good at jigs while sober and on solid ground, but after that much Grey Goose, and being on the sand, he wasn't nearly as graceful as he usually was. He laughed and rolled to his back, deciding to just lay there for a while. He waved up at Blossom and laughed a little more. Nick was crazy when he was drunk. That was one of the reasons he got along so well at these events. Everybody loved Nick when he had too much to drink. He provided hours of entertainment.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:08 am
by Poptart*
With his lips moved from hers, and the sheepish smile on his face, Blossom nodded somberly, a little whimsically. She understood his position, she knew she wasn't being fair in her expectations of the kiss-- delightful as it was. She knew she was a lost one, and the kiss meant nothing other than hormones kick up when Nick's had too much to drink.
Enough to make him forget his inhibitions and his… standards of love.

But she convinced herself it didn't matter, eyes going wide in awe of the expanding of the flame-- so grateful the glass hadn't exploded and done anyone harm. She appreciated the magnificence of the flame in that bursting moment until it calmed, crackling and sputtering around the droplets clinging to the shards of glass, sparking merrily.
She allowed herself to take a laugh, crouching in the sand a little, sitting back on her heels-- looking up when attention was called to Khris, who looked bemused and struck by something painful. Blossom felt a moment of shame, knowing exactly what the pain in the girl's dark eye was all about.
Khris's hand ran pitifully over her red spiked hair, teeth fiddling with the ball on her tongue, looking directly at Blossom who turned her head in embarrassment.

Khris would've walked away, ignoring Nick's request, but she was compelled closer despite, and chuckled at Nick's stumblings. "Little drunk, man?" She asked, peering over Nick as Blossom smiled at Nick in return to his look, patted his stomach and stood abruptly.
"Since you threw the last of that bottle into the fire, I'm going to find that cooler of yours and hope there's another bottle in it."

Blossom easily found the tub of ice, but of course her luck was such that all the bottles had been retrieved by others peppered throughout the party. But she needed to get a little drunker, and would find a way ot retrieve one.
Sucking it up, she spotted someone with a mostly full bottle and approached him, knowing she'd regret her methods in the morning… if, that is, she remembered it.
So she had a goal in mind…

While Blossom gained access to another drop of alcohol, Khris leaned against the rock face that shielding against the fire.
"So, what was all that Nick?" Her gaze was not on him, but on the sand where the two had been standing. She knew not to expect much of an answer, but she couldn't help the question.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 3:09 am
by Zabriel*
He sat up a little as Blossom left, cocking his head and smiling at Khris. He laughed and nodded. He honestly wasn't sure how much he had but between himself and Blossom half the bottle had been downed before he had gotten the bright idea to throw it on the fire. It was fortunate for him that the glass hadn't exploded, If he had thrown something with a screwing top, it probably would have hurt somebody pretty badly.

He watched as Blossom walked off and felt himself lose a little of his joviality at Khris's question. He hung his head a little and crawled over to her, hugging her leg. He looked up at her apologetically.

"She looked so pretty, all lit up by the fire. I forgot myself for a little while." He let his head rest on her leg, looking up at her still. He knew, everybody knew that Khris liked Blossom. Nick also knew that Blossom liked him. Few people, if any, knew that Nick really wanted to be able to like Blossom. He loved her, he honestly did, but he wished that he didn't have to be drunk to be attracted to her. He let his gaze shift away from Khris's face and sighed a little.

"Why do I have to be gay?"