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Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:10 pm
by riserugu*
Hawley smirked at Adam’s voice as he quickly sidestepped the charging the girl taking the chance to remove the pistol from his back pocket, “Really Adam, is that needed? Just allow me to handle this, she wants my life… let’s see how well she does.”

And with those words said, he remembered having watched Adam check the gun earlier. He more than sure it was loaded, and as he took aim he held nothing back when he pulled the trigger.

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:10 pm
by orangeflamingo*
( Just so everyone's know, if it seems if riserugu is doing any form on godmoding. Not mind it, I've given her premission to do it so this can go quicker, because my time is running short. ))

August's eyes widened at the new voice booming through the area, she hardly noting that Hawley had moved out of the way intill she found herself falling face first against the ground.

The taser launching out of her grip and landing some distance from her form, letting out a small whimper she tried to push herself onto her knees to try and get to the weapon.

But her eyes caught sight of the weapon that the other male was holding... a shotgun. Then... then what did Hawley have?

He question was soon answered when a sound of thunder pierced her mind and when shot of pain entered along her collarbone, and shoulder soon spreading as she collasped against the ground again holding a hand to the bleeding wound as she body begun to shiver from both the pain and the fear that was coming back.

Moving somewhat, she rolled onto her backside, glaring toward Hawley as she fought to get to her feet.

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:10 pm
by batspleenfriend*
Terry had watched the whole scene unfold with wide eyes, but he couldn't stand still any more. Once the shot rang out he ran at Hawley from behind and tackled him trying to knock the weapon out of his hand as he dropped his own weapon to the ground.

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:10 pm
by riserugu*
Hawley watched the scene in slight amusement; the scene reminded him somewhat of when he had killed Helena. Though at least August had tried to fight… tried being the keyword there. She hadn’t been that good of a job so far, though his next actions of putting a bullet through her head where halted when he felt something crash into his back. Knocking his form to the ground and the air out of his lungs, though the gun did fall from hands he was able to reach out and reclaim it quickly though now the problem was trying to get Terry off him.

Unable to fire without probably getting himself shot, he instead wrestled his other arm out from under him and gripped at the hacksaw on his belt and pulled it out. Blindly trying to cut into any flesh he could get at, without getting himself.

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:10 pm
by Cactus
Adam watched August drop to the ground, and his mouth dropped as blood started to flow. Hawley was doing what he had to, which Adam understood, but was shocked as the other boy tackled him. Adam pointed at them both with the shotgun, but it was useless, he wouldn't be able to squeeze off a shot without hitting Hawley...

"I can't help you here, Hawley! If I shoot I'll get you too!"

...not that he wanted to shoot. He wished that there could have been something of a solution to work out, but alas, it just didn't seem bloody likely.

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:10 pm
by batspleenfriend*
Terry yelled loudly as the saw made contact with his side and skin was ripped off along with part of his shirt. "Damn," he hissed aloud keeping tight on top of Hawley knowing that if he rolled off he would be shot for sure. "Just trying to pick off all the girls first eh," he said kicking his arm that was holding the hacksaw, "think it makes you tough?"

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:11 pm
by orangeflamingo*
August blinked in surpised when Hawley was knocked to the ground, Terry pinning him there, and she noting he didn't seem to be able to use the gun from his current spot.

Though hearing the other boy, Adam was it? Shout at him that he wouldn't be able to be shoot at Terry, without getting him. August made her far over a foot or so and grasping ahold of the taser, pointing it at the shotgun weilder. "Then don't shoot, this has nothing to do if you!"

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:11 pm
by riserugu*
Hawley let out a yelp as the kick came in contact with his arm, happening to be the one that had been burned earilar that day. The hacksaw didn't drop from his hand, but the attack did stop for the moment. Growling lightly as Terry questioned him, "Helena came to me, August came here... It's their own fault. It doesn't help either of them that they made my life at school hell. I never did anything to them, I never said a word yet still..."

Moving a little, he tried to throw the other boy off by ramming the gun-holding arm into his side, not caring if the attack worked or not he still lifted the gun up and pointed off to the side, and pulled the trigger another fire sounding off. "Yet still they did what they did to me without any remose."

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:11 pm
by Cactus
Looking calmly at August pointing the taser at him, he smiled kindly and looked into her eyes as he spoke, never once dropping the shotgun.

"Look, August, is it? This may have nothing to do with me, but I'd have to be an idiot to think that if you two do kill Hawley, you won't hesitate to come after me next. So if you think I'm going to let that happen,'re wrong. I plan on surviving, getting the hell off of this hellhole...and I'm sorry, but I won't let some personal vendetta you may have get in the way of that. I don't want to shoot you; fact is, that's the last thing I want to do. But you think that I'm going to let you kill my ally,'re mistaken. Sorely mistaken."

He smiled, but inwardly, he couldn't believe this was happening.

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:11 pm
by orangeflamingo*
August was still pointing the taser at Adam listening to his words, "How can you be his ally!?" She questioned when she heard the gun go off again, and she felt herself breathing in deeply. Though as she breathed in, she soon found herself breathing in pints of blood as well.

This bullet having made it's way through the black screen of the collar, and into her throat. The taser once again dropping from her hand, as she fell onto her knees grasping at her throat.

At that point an odd beeping sound also filled the air, panic rushing through her... someone must have figured her for trying to do something with the collar.

And she couldn't help but smile, she couldn't do what she wanted but at least she tried... maybe Helena would forgive her.

As the beeping, and lights on the collar became louder and faster she took another glance at Terry and smiled. "I'm... sorry I couldn't keep my promise." She wheezed, her vision finally blacking out and breaths halting in thanks to the gun shot, just as the beeping stopped and the collar exploded. Blowing the area of her throat apart, and cascade of blood spewing forth as she fell against the ground.

G16 - August Masbeth - Dead

ll ooc: Well toodles everyone, it's been fun. :D ll

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:11 pm
by batspleenfriend*
Terry flinched as his elbow made contact with his new wound. He rolled off with a groan and held his side for a moment before jumping up again at the sound of gunshots. Terry punched Hawley violently in the ribs. He had sat next to this kid in Lit class and now he was wielding a deadly weapon and was fully prepared to use it. Terry couldn't imagine school being fun for anyone but it didn't give and excuse for murder.

He sat up on his knees and clutched his side with one arm while throwing a strong right hook at Hawley with the other. His fist made contact but just as he did August looked over and was suddenly blown to bits. Terry had never been prone to fits of rage but for once he could simply not control himself. He had not kept his promise either. He had failed. He turned towards Hawley and grasped at his neck trying to strangle him.

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:11 pm
by Cactus
Still standing in the doorway, Adam flinched as he, mouth agape, watched August's throat explode in a mist of blood and gore. The fact that the blood spatter managed to splatter against his ankles and black Nike running shoes didn't help the matter any, either. Adam tensed up. Two bodies in one day? That just wasn't cool. Wasn't exactly something Adam had wanted to see. Absentmindedly, as his body tensed up, he was sent sprawling backwards, as his shotgun accidentally discharged into the room.

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:11 pm
by riserugu*
Hawley flinched as both punches came in contact, he only catching a quick look as Masbeth’s throat as blown apart in thanks to where he had managed to fire. His attention begin caught off guard as he heard the familiar sound of the shotgun going off, just as hands wrapped around his throat.

Coughing in the attack, he rose the gun once more. Smirking somewhat, as he took note that he could die here or kill Terry. And the second option was looking rather good at this moment, and as he lifted the hacksaw slashing at the bigger man’s arms that where against him, he also found himself firing off a third shot.

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:11 pm
by batspleenfriend*
Terry's hands dropped from Hawley's windpipe as the hacksaw ripped through the skin on his arm. He fell back and barely had time to think before he heard a gunshot and sudden sharp pain in his chest. He stared down at the wound a bit shocked for a moment as blood poured out of it. He clutched his chest and fell off, his anger emptying out of him along with his blood. He wasn't the first to die on this island, and he wouldn't be the last. And he probably wouldn't be the last to die at Hawley's hands either. But he shivered slightly as cold and a strange sense of calm swept over him. Blurred images pasted through his mind; Hawley asking to borrow a pen in class, his mom kissing him goodnight when he was seven, Angelo and him chatting about school after Terry had sent him to the hospital, and August and him talking in the house just mere hours before.

And suddenly the thoughts ended as Terry gasped for his last breath.

Boy 09 - Terry Woodard - Dead

Re: Lighthouse Ambush

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:11 pm
by Cactus
Having been sent sprawling by the shotgun blast fired from his own hands, Adam had smacked his head on a rock near to the door of the lighthouse. Rubbing his head, he pulled himself to his feet as a gunshot sounded off. He looked into the lighthouse only to see the other boy (Terry, as he finally remembered), slump to the ground, blood pouring out of a wound that looked to have punctured his heart. Adam watched Terry shudder and then just as suddenly, stop moving.

As he grabbed the shotgun from its place on the floor, he looked at Hawley, wondering what kind of condition he must have been in. As he opened his mouth to question Hawley's well being, the world pitched around him. Stumbling, he put his hand to the back of his head. There didn't seem to be any blood, so why...?

Adam's thoughts were cut off as his psyche shut itself down, and Adam collapsed to the ground unconscious, the victim of a mild concussion.