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Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:26 pm
by Ginsenshi*
Kouji dropped the blade and fell back, "What the damn helll!? You bitch!" Kouji cursed as he looked at her.

Kouji looked at her again, "You..."

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:26 pm
by Kuze*
Soon after the boy fell back, Eh-Sun reached out for the knife, securely grasping the grip, as well as sliding the cattle prod into her bag so she could pick up her gun that was inbetween her legs, Securing the gun in her right hand while the knife was in her left, she turned to the falled boy as she stood up.

" you have two choices leave or Die, I suggest you take the first choice."

With that said Eh-Sun jogged towards the path leading to the bottom of the waterfall.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:26 pm
by Ginsenshi*
"How about neither." Kouji said. But it was to late she had gone. "Damn it where'd she go?" Kouji asked himself.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:26 pm
by Megami*
Meanwhile, down below...

"I'm fine," Jill gasped lightly as Martyn showed up.

However, Jill's face was still paling, and it was not from the sight of the corpse floating down the river. Rather, she was still not feeling well, and it was becoming more and more apparent as time passed. A sudden noise echoed from atop the waterfall. It was a sound akin to that of a gunshot. Jill's head shot upward, looking in that direction.

"Hey Martyn..." she mumbled quietly, "There's... someone up there."

It was about that time that Jack had rejoined their entourage. Jill barely paid him any mind, instead continuing to stare upward, searching for where the noise came from.

"Do you think that's the person who... who killed that guy?"

If that was the person who had killed Aaron Bourdon, they were certainly in a world of trouble. Someone up there had a gun. How ironic it was, they had felt unsafe in the field, which had been completely deserted. Now, they had come here for shelter, only to find it the scene of yet another inexcusable crime. Perhaps they would be the next victims.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:26 pm
by riserugu*
Hearing Jill tell him that she was indeed fine, his attention drifted back onto the body as he gulped a bit. Maybe coming here wasn’t such a good island, least at the open field there weren’t any bodies lying around like at this place. He noticed they’re being two more, one having been dead longer than the other the decomposing skin and the frozen look of horror on the person face was enough to send Martyn turning away and focusing on his feet, and the ground.

Though at the question from Jill, he blinked glancing up to where she seemed to be focused. Tilting his head a bit as he glanced up to the area, frowning as he turned his attention forward once again. “I don’t know…” He muttered, gripping his pistol a bit harder as he noted movement.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:26 pm
by Ginsenshi*
Kouji followed Eh-Sun down the path, "WHere are you, you little jerk!?" Kouji shouted aloud. "WHERE!?" Kouji cpntinued on looking for the kid.
But to no hope Kouji could not find Eh-Sun, so he sat down and waited for some action.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:26 pm
by Kuze*
Eh-Sun meandered away from the start of the path and jogged to the left into the woods soon before the boy lunged at where she was before she turned and jogged off the path.

"Thanks for the Knifeish thing asshole."

Eh-Sun muttered to herself as she slowed to a walk heading towards another area.

((Continued in ????????))

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:26 pm
by Ginsenshi*
"You, you get back here!" Kouji shouts loudly, "Grr, damn fool. I want my weapon back." Kouji said as he still sat down.
An hour later, Kouji awake from his light sleep.
And begin to wander again.

((Continued in: ?????????))

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:27 pm
by Megami*
Bracing herself as the found of footsteps thudded along the pathway, Jill prepared herself for the worst. If whoever was running toward them had been the murderer of Aaron Bourdon, they could be in serious trouble. Much to her surprise, the foosteps ended before they reached the trio's location. Casting a weary glance at Martyn, Jill scanned the horizon, not seeing anyone come down the path.

She remained vigilant, silently praying that a miracle had just happened and the infamous individual who had taken Aaron's life had indeed vanished from the area. A loud noise rang out from some distant place beyond Jill's line of vision, it was the voice of a young man. I... want my weapon back? What in the world? Glancing at her two companions yet again, she silently tried to piece together what had gone on here.

So Jill, here's what you know. You walked up to find a fresh corpse going over the falls. After that, you heard noises up above, followed by gunfire... and now the shouting. Aaron's killer had to have been up there, it was just too recent. Was it the boy? If it was the boy, was someone actually brave enough to steal the weapon of a killer? Maybe the killer took his weapon and ran... either way, someone up there had a gun. Oh well, it... doesn't matter much anymore.

"I think they're gone," Jill said, her voice remaining somewhat hushed.

After a moment, Jill lowered herself onto the ground. She sat quietly, her face still quite pale, and glanced up at the two boys with whom she had been travelling. Shaking her head lightly, a faint smile formed on the girl's lips.

"I'm fine, I just need to rest a minute," she announced quickly to the two, hoping they would not feel the need to ask. "So what now? It seems the little duo that was up above has cleared out... things have certainly quieted down, anyway."

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:27 pm
by Slayer*
"Way I see it, we could stop here, or find another place. Personally, I'm good for either choice." Jack answered, adjusting his glasses which he had basically ignored his entire time on the island except to clean them occasionally. He was frustrated at Martyn's claimed lack of a computer, but you couldn't tell by looking at him.

Damn it, it's going to be impossible to escape without a computer. I have to find one!

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:27 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
How long had he been stuck up in that tree? it could have been hours it could have been days but finally in the end he did awake.The leaves of the tree had slapped at his face as he had been thrown from the chopper before he finally stopped his desent caught on a sea of thin brown branches that held him up.

"Damn..One to many beers" He said as his face would scrunch up as he would release a yawn as if he was just waking from a mid morning nap.It was only when his eyes opened that did the memories rush back to him flooding him for a few moments as he clutched tightly to the tree that was holding him.

"Hello?! Hello! Is there anyone there?!" he would give it a few moments before the tanned teenage male would slowely begin climbing down through the branches.His grip on branches intensifying as with each movment he made the whole tree seemed to give off a tremendous creak that echoed for a moment or two before being knocked away by the rushing sound of the waterfall.

Down at ground level his hands were cupped around his mouth and he gave off another couple of those loud "Hello!" yells in hope of someone coming to meet him.Maybe one of his friends if he were lucky.

A quick spin of the landscape would catch sight of a bagstrap and with a couple tuggs out came the green bag.Once freed from the bush he would toss it down and crouch down as he would begin going through its contents.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:27 pm
by riserugu*
Martyn nodded as Jill sat done, smiling a bit in a reassuring manner of sorts, sighing a bit as he thought over her question. What would they do now, more importantly, what could they now… Well… he still did have his plan, but there was still Jack. The kid seemed harmless, but really how many people on this island seemed that way but in the end turned out to be cold killers.

Running a hand through his hair, he removed his pack placing it against the ground and unzipping it a bit, least enough to remove the small notebook with the pen lodge into it’s rings. Removing it, and opening the notebook to a blank page before starting to write. After a moment, holding it out toward where Jack stood. Neat writing now lay over the paper, he figuring this the best way to go about his business without the terrorist hearing;

All right now, I’m not going to lie much anymore because I think I can trust you into helping find a way off this island. I too have one, but the more brainpower, the better, right? Well, I happen to have my laptop on me. I’m not quite sure why they let me have it… but they didn’t take it or the rest of the stuff in my carry-on away from me. So I’m counting my blessings, of course this thing was pain in the bloody ass to try and get working. But it does, and I sorta have a plan. Though personally, if you wouldn’t mind I’d like to hear yours as well.

Holding the pen out as well, he looked toward the other boy with a small grin though it left at the sounds of movement and another voice. Martyn gulping a bit… had the killer or killers already came back for more.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:27 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
The usual content of the bag would be found some food,some water, a map, a compass and there was his weapon.The kakri blade would be taken from his bag and he gave a few experimental swipes of the blade in the air.It looked like a knife but a sort of beant one? he had been give na second hand knife? what bad luck.

The map would be checked and the compass pocketed quickly before he gained his bearings.

He tossed all the stuff back in the bag while placing the blade down on the floor beside him as he sat down on his knees tieing the knots of the bag to keep its contents together.His arms moved into the straps and slowely he would stand holding that blade loosely in one hand as the other one ran through his hair.

True he was on the island where he would most likely die but the weather was good and the sun was shining and the surroundings looked pretty green and lush.His free hand would run through the mass of short hair on his head as he would just begin walking through the trees towards the waterfall calling out over and over "Hello?! Hello?!! Is there anyone out there?!"

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:27 pm
by Slayer*
Looking down at Martyn's writing, he tooj the pad and pencil and wrote a reply, making sure there were no cameras nearby. Grimacing, he handed the pad back.

I had a feeling that wasn't the truth. Those pricks took my laptop, so that's why I need one. What I'm planning to do is hack into their system and break open the operation from the inside. Preferably getting the schematics for these collars as well. the note said. Looking up when he heard the familiar voice, he saw one of his old teammates carrying a Kukri knife.
Well I'll be damned, it IS him.
Michael "Klepto" Suarez hadn't been as lucky as Brian or Mark, who had overslept and missed the bus and been sick (respectively), then again, none of them had.

"Hey, Mike! It's Jack!" he shouted back, waving to the Puerto Rican third baseman.

Re: Á×´Â ³²ÀÚ °È±âÀÇ »ó

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:28 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
He would jogg over to Jack holding that kukri blade in his hand as if it were just a paperweight not a deadly weapon that he may have to rely on into surprise.Arriving over at his friend and the girl, those pearly whites of his would be flashed towards the girl.

"Always making the best out of a bad situation eh jack?" he said before he would exstend his hand to the girl "The names Mike..Michael..Mikey,whatever you want...Its a real stroke of luck I bumped into you two.I just woke up and here you are"