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Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:18 am
by orangeflamingo*
She gave a small sniff, raising her head with a short nod. Adjusting her bag on her shoulder as she brought out the water she had been drinking from earilar out. Breathing in somewhat with a sigh, "I'm sorry about my breakdown just then.." August muttered, voice regaining some strength to it.

"This is all just a little much..." She said weakly, moving a few paces away from the door. Finally taking a good look about the room, gulping at the sight of the blood and such. Taking a rather large sip of water before moving to sit against the ground, not caring about cobwebs, or dust. Looks, and the state of her clothes where the least of her worries at the moment.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:18 am
by batspleenfriend*
"N-no it's understandable," he said, "this whole thing isn't exactly the school trip we all had planned."

"I'm going to go get your bat and barricade the door again," he said calmly leaving the house without waiting for a reply. He returned a moment later, the metal bat in hand and slid it over towards the opposite end of the house. He set about moving the table back in front of the door. When Terry had finished he brushed some sweat off of his forehead and opened his own bag, drinking his water for the first time.

"So," he said dragging two chairs over to her. He turned one around and sat backwards on it. "I have a bit of a confession to make. I don't have a gun, I got stuck with a lousy box cutter. If someone with a gun finds us we're in deep shit, Bat Girl."

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:18 am
by orangeflamingo*
She nodded at his words, taking another long sip of her water as she sat there in the silence of the building for a moment. August sat in her thoughts till the noise from Terry brought her back, she watching mildly as he moved to push the table against the door once again. Turning away toward another window though turned back when she looked at the chairs brought forward.

Legs shaking somewhat, she pushed herself up onto her feet and moved into sitting on the chair. Resting the bottle of water clutched tightly in her hands in her lap. Listening somewhat as he explained to her that he didn’t have a gun, hen. Fooled her pretty well into believing it… “Suppose so, if worst comes to worst. Let’s hope we can both run fast, or the person shooting has horrible aim.”

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:18 am
by batspleenfriend*
He took a swig of his water and swallowed smiling at her, "Yeah we can only hope."

He continued sipping for a while before looking up again. "I couldn't play even if I wanted to with this," he said pulling the box cutter from his pocket and staring at it. "I'm going to put off playing for as long as I can too. But I have to say I don't really want to die either," he added putting his weapon back into his pocket. Terry had always had a problem with being too honest, that's what had gotten him into all his fights in the first place.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:18 am
by orangeflamingo*
August gave a light smile, happy to see the person she found still had his sanity. Reaching over into the bag at her feet with one hand. Digging through some of the stuff in there, pulling out the map and manual in hand. Unfolding the map, eyes slowly went over it… “Though I’m on the swim team, it’s doubtful anyone could swim to safety… it doesn’t say how far we’re out and they’re watching this place 24/7 so that’s out…” She said taking a slow sip of her water again.

Well if escape by water was out, then escape all together was out. Not like any of them could fly, or build something to fly off of this place. Making a low sound of annoyance under her breath, she sighed some. “That man said this is being board-casted back home… maybe, seeing this has been going on long before we came… maybe the government will come?”

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:19 am
by batspleenfriend*
Terry was still thirsty but he only had three bottles of water, two and a quarter now, to last him so he screwed the lit back on and mournfully slipped it back into his sack.

Escape? The though hadn't even crossed his mind before, but she was right there was no way it was going to happen if they couldn't escape by water. The government?

He didn't want to burst her bubble but the chances of that happening weren't very likely in his mind. Even if the government did find them their captors would probably still have enough time to detonate their collars first. He reached up and rubbed the metal collar, it made him feel like a dog on it's way to be putdown in the pound.

Terry glanced back up at August and shrugged. "There is a chance of that happening," he said his voice betraying the fact that he didn't think it likely. He glanced at the girl's reaction and noticed her bandage for the first time. "Did you get in a fight already?" he asked indicating it.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:19 am
by orangeflamingo*
August sighed some again, capping the water and placing it against the ground. If she lasted long enough to worry about the treat of running out of water, the map did indicate a river, a waterfall, and a well. Three likely sources of fresh water…

“Then again,” she started as he responded to her statement. “These bastards have probably done something to keep the government away. That and they could kill all of us with the press of a button, which is probably their excuse… Come close to us and we’ll kill them all. Doesn’t help we’ll end up doing that all in the end.” She said, voice hard and betraying any thoughts of safety finally.

At his question, her head rose to meet the look he had on her arm. She glancing down to the bandaged arm lightly, as the other arm moved, hand clutching at the fabric some as she pulled it back somewhat. Least enough to expose the scarred flesh under it, “No… I was in a fire when I was little. This arm got pretty messed up.” She explained, moving the part of the bandage back in place.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:19 am
by batspleenfriend*
At her statement about their rescue he couldn't help but smile a bit. Well, she's not stupid.

But then she pulled off her bandage and exposed the scarred skin underneath. "Ouch," he said, "how'd that happen?"

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:19 am
by orangeflamingo*
“My mum owns a bakery in town… well before she got the bakery, she used to work out of the home. I was six at the time, and I decided I wanted to help her. She had stepped out of the kitchen to go and take care of a phone call, and I went into the kitchen.” She began, glancing off to the side somewhat before looking back over at Terry.

“I opened the oven, and I did something… put something in there that shouldn’t have been. Whatever it was it exploded, knocking me to the ground and catching the arm of the shirt I was wearing on fire. The whole kitchen started going up after that… I didn’t even notice my arm was on fire till my mother came in screaming and I started feeling the flames licking at my face.” August muttered, running a hand up and down the bandages some as she continued. “By then, my whole arm expect my fingers had third-degree burns on them, that’s why I hate it when people mistake me for some stupid, spoiled, rich brat. that’s never felt the pain of life! But I have… I have. I wanted to become a doctor when we left school; I wanted to save lives. And I can’t even save myself now.”

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:19 am
by batspleenfriend*
Terry couldn't help but feel angry at her comment. "That’s why I hate it when people mistake me for some stupid, spoiled, rich brat, that's never felt the pain of life! But I have… I have." He had felt sorry for her a moment before but what was that? So she burned her arm? It was probably her own fault anyway! At least her mother had the decency to help her put it out! If that had happened to me, my mother would have just left me there and worried about own stupid mobile home going up it flames. Like it would even have been a loss. Social services might finally take me away from her if we were homeless. It would probably be a trade up to my life now. But it wasn't his life any more, he reminded himself.

He glanced back up at August knowing he probably looked ready to kill, but he was still far from it even if the girl had pissed him off. "I'll keep watch," he said stiffly moving his chair towards one of the windows.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:19 am
by orangeflamingo*
"My sister died in that fire... We didn't know she had been playing in the back room. I should be happy that I didn't lose my arm, but I can't be. I would have rather lost it because it was my damn mistake, someone who had nothing to do if it shouldn't have been the biggest victim." She continued lightly, leaning back in the chair a little. "Maybe then mama wouldn't look at me the way she does."

She didn't question he'd wanting to keep watch, just nodding softly.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:19 am
by batspleenfriend*
His anger deflated completely and he stopped brooding and glanced back over at her. "Oh," he said flatly adding on lamely, "I'm sorry about your sister." He rubbed his shoe against the floor uncomfortably tracing patterns in the dust. He couldn't let his anger get away with him again. They were allies for the time being and getting moody wasn't going to help anyone. He stared over at her again, she obviously hadn't noticed how angry he had been a moment before. That was good, he was embarassed about it.

"So you wanted to--want to be a doctor?" he repeated, "It's nice that you know that at least. I have absolutely no idea what I want to be." How about alive in a week? he thought to himself. That's all he wanted at the moment.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:19 am
by orangeflamingo*
“Well… wanted might be the better term to use at this moment in time.” She smiled, sitting upright in her chair as she looked over at him. “Don’t know how long I’ll last here, I might not make it long enough to get to medical school. But I have been studying on the subject some, so maybe I’d be able to help if one of us gets hurt.”

Standing, August pulled her arms over her head stretching some. “You don’t mind if I take a look around, maybe there’s something we can use for food, or supplies.”

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:19 am
by batspleenfriend*
"No, not at all, you're not a hostage," he said with a smile. "I did have a go at it before you came though and I didn't find much but maybe you will have better luck," he said watching her head towards the cupboards. He kept watch out the window but his gaze did subconsciously flicker towards the bat several times. He wanted to trust her completely, but they really had only just met. Maybe she's waiting for her friends to find her and bump me off, he started to think and then shook his head to himself. No, that's what Mr. Danya wants us to think. I highly doubt she's capable of murder. But he kept glancing back over anyway.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:20 am
by orangeflamingo*
August paused a few times in her search, taking a look over her should at her ally for the moment. She knew she shouldn’t be scared, he felt the same about killing as her. He’d refuse for as long as he could… but why did the worse thought of him using that box cutter to kill her.

Frowning she shook her head, opening another cabinet. She trusted him; hopefully he felt the same… she made it a mental note to keep away from her bat. ‘Give him no reasons to think you’re not trustworthy.’ August told herself, and decided on staying away from that side of the room for the moment. Besides there wasn’t anything over there besides a blood-stained box, and personally she didn’t want to look in it to begin with.

After another few minutes, she gave a hard look over what she had discovered in her search. “A thing of salt, a drawer full of pasta... and a rusty can of peaches, least I think it's peaches.” She said lightly, sighing some. “There’s a lot of boxes of different things, but they're all empty…”