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Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:49 pm
by Slayer*
"I see...don't get me wrong, I'm just surprised. Frankly, I'm glad someone took that bi-" Jack's comment was cut off by the gunshot. Startled, he glared at Gilbert.

"You idiot!" he shouted, a bit angered, "Do you know how likely it is someone heard that?! Thanks to you, we'll pro-" his fear, stress, and anger induced rant was cut off just like his earlier comment as a familiar voice cried out in anger.


((Continued from: Cat and Mouse))

Jason had been watching the group for only a few seconds before Gilbert's gun accidentally discharged, sending a bullet not too far to his left. Not knowing it was an accident, Jason cried out in rage as Jack reprimanded the boy.

"You little prick! You tried to kill me!" he shouted, squeezing the trigger and sending a spray of five bullets at Gilbert. If this had happened earlier in the game, he would've had the sense to wait and analyze the situation, but the game had worn on his nerves, and the slightest thing could now set him off. The shot had been that "slightest thing".

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:49 pm
by Cactus
Idiot...that's always how it is...I'm the idiot who messes up, who makes all the mistakes...

Of course, that had been always how it'd been for Gilbert Archambault, he was the kid who couldn't catch a break. Be it with his family moving around, with getting bullied in school, or finding his way into Survival of the Fittest, he'd always had the worst luck. So of course, having his pistol go off had been probably the worst thing that would ever happen to him - along with one of the last. Hands in his pockets, Gilbert hadn't expected the outburst to come from the bushes, but when it did, he whirled to face the area that it had come from.

That would also prove to be yet another mistake on Gilbert's behalf. As the bullets came erupting from the bushes, Gilbert hardly had any time at all to react as all five tore through various places on his body. Three of the bullets buried themselves in his gut, one in his throat, and another plummetted straight through his coronary artery, severing it, cutting off the blood flow to his heart, and causing massive internal bleeding throughout his body. With a gurgle and a sad look at Jack, who was the person standing right next to him, Gilbert slowly toppled over backwards, a fresh corpse before he even was able to hit the ground.

As far as his last thoughts went, he hardly had any, for the surprise at the bullets had taken him completely off guard. Gilbert Archambault would go out of the game as quietly as he'd come into it, not making a single bit of impact upon it whatsoever.

Boy #76: Gilbert Archambault...DEAD


((Continued from: The (Untimely) End...))

Jason, of course, would never really know that he was not the only one doing the watching. For about five or six minutes, he'd been followed, as quietly as possible, by someone who was obsessed with finding a certain person on the island. This person had been watching Jason since he'd wandered into the warehouse area, and here, as he shot down Gilbert Archambault, a surge of grief thundered through his heart. Clenching the shotgun in his hands, Adam Dodd clenched his teeth and, from his position behind Jason, stood up, took the stock of the shotgun, and swung it quickly towards the neck of the boy who'd just killed Gilbert.

Adam, the usually nonviolent, friendly guy from Canada, knew that he'd become a killer. He knew that by doing this, he was likely going to end the lives of at least one of them. But he didn't care. He was chasing Cody Jenson for raping Madelaine and killing Amanda - they deserved justice. But Adam had saved Gilbert's life once before, just like he'd saved Madelaine and Amanda's, and yet...they had still died. For this, Adam felt guilty, and as he swung the gunstock down towards Jason's neck, he just hoped that it made contact and dropped the boy as well as he thought that it would.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:49 pm
by riserugu*
“I won’t tell you I wouldn’t – because I would have probably done the same thing.” Martyn said lightly, eyeing the girl through his glasses as he watched her slowly get herself back onto her feet. Frowning a bit at her state, he knew this would be one of the worst things that could happen amongst them. He didn’t know how Jill would handle the emotion in facing the truth that she had killed someone, if at all.

Though thoughts broke when new voices entered the area, he glancing at Jake lightly, before turning back to Jill just lightly watching the girl in some concern wondering how much this was really going to hurt her in the end. Though as he opened his mouth the speak, offering the idea of heading inside to get out of site, the sound of a single gunshot caused him to jump somewhat. Turning where he stood and glancing at both Jack, and Gilbert, the latter boy muttering lightly about it being an accident… Martyn was sighing somewhat.

Though when Jack started going off on the other boy, he couldn’t help but frown. “Oi, ‘e said it was a bloody accident, ‘e didn’t mean anything by it, and you’re not helping our matters much by yelling like that you bleeding –“ His words where quickly cut off as another voice broke through the air. Martyn blinking quickly as he went about trying to remove the pistol from the pocket of his pants. But before he had a chance to grip the handle, more shots where fired though this time not an accident, he turning his attention upward in time to watch as Gilbert hit the ground, no doubt dead.

“Fucking ‘ell in a bleeding ‘andbasket.” He muttered, turning toward the area where the shots had came from, now what the hell could they do?

Edit: Jack... Jake... Yeah. >>;; It's late here, oright. Happened to be watching a movie with a character named Jake, kind of stuck while I was writing this.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:49 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: Who's Jake?
Jason grinned in satisfaction when Gilbert went down, all five bullets piercing critical areas on his body. He'd acted out of self defense, but he had to admit he liked doing it. Hearing something behind him, he turned around in time to see the stock of a shotgun heading towards his face. He had no time to react before he was hit by the bludgeon, smashing his nose and twisting the beak-like appendage into an even more unnatural shape. Blood poured out of the area as he fell to the ground, the pain making his eyes tear up involuntarily and accidentally dropping the uzi to the side. Looking up at his assailant, he couldn't clearly make out who it was other than the red hair, and he knew of only one red haired student still alive: Adam Dodd. Formerly the school's "nice guy", and now killer of at least two people, and Jason was under attack from that same person. Realizing that he wouldn't reach his uzi in time with Adam standing over him, he pulled out the Arcus 94 he got at the well and squeezed off three shots, though the pain and the tears blurring his eyes meant his aim was thrown off quite a bit.

Jack didn't have time to respond to Martyn's remark before the voice called out and Gilbert was pummeled with bullets, killing him near instantly. With everything happening so quickly, Jack barely recognised the voice as Jason's before he heard the sound of a struggle and Martyn's shout, he had also seen a flash of what looked to be red hair, but he couldn't tell.

So Jason's really playing the game... without a second thought, he ran to the revolver Gilbert dropped and held it up, aiming it at the bush the recent gunshots had came from.

"Who's there? Come on out!" he shouted, the stress inhibiting one of the few things he was proud of (his common sense) as he held the trigger of the double action revolver.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:49 pm
by Cactus
Oh, SHIT...

While Adam's fixation with bashing the guy in the face with the butt of his shotgun had been an interesting one, that he probably never would be able to explain, it probably would have proven to be a very fatal mistake if the boy hadn't turned around and taken the hit right in the face. As such, when the boy went down and removed a pistol from what seemed like thin air, Adam had barely enough time to turn and brace himself for the impact. Thanks in part to the shoddy aim that the boy had with the gun, two of the bullets missed, the other one lodging itself in his backpack, sending him twirling around again. Staggering at the force of the bullet in his pack, and feeling water dripping down his back from what likely had been one of his canteens that had been ruptured, Adam lunged forward and attempted to stomp on the gun, trying to disarm the boy enough to get his shotgun forward. He was able to get the gun forward, and hoping that the spray of the blast would be enough to either disable or kill his assailant, he squeezed the trigger and braced himself from the kick.

Funny how he becomes my assailant, even though I'm the one who's attacking him...

Seconds before he squeezed the trigger, Adam heard a voice calling out 'who's there?' into the bushes. As he squeezed the trigger, he shouted out his own last name, not knowing if the person would be able to hear him over the blast or not.


Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:49 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: Heh, how ironic...
IC: Two out of his three shots missed, with one hitting Dodd's backpack and rupturing one of the water bottles, causing a silent curse to come from Jason's thoughts. He had prepared to shoot at Adam again, but the other boy stomping on the pistol's barrel caused the bullet to lodge itself into the earth. Jason had almost no time to react before he found himself staring down the barrel of Adam's shotgun.

No, I don't want to die! It can't end like this!

"Please...don't..." he started to beg for his life, but it was interrupted by the shotgun blast which hit him point blank in the face. His head practically disintegrated from the buckshot, exploding in a mass of blood, bone and brain matter that went all over the immediate area. Slumping backward, the top of his headless corpse disappeared into the bush.

Boy #42-Jason Andrews-DEAD.

Jack had heard everything, the gunshot, Jason begging for his life, then the attacker identifying himself just before blasting Jason's head to gorey bits. The killer was Adam Dodd, the last person Jack would think to be a player, but he had killed three people that Jack knew of already, one right in front of him. Pushing his glasses up on his face, he glared towards the bush.

"You bastard! You just shot him in cold blood!" he accused, the revolver starting to shake due to how hard he was gripping it. He had just seen a teammate shot (more like executed) in cold blood, even if Jason had been playing he found that inexcusable and was resonably pissed, considering the amount of comraderie he had with the other members of the baseball team.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:49 pm
by Cactus
Blinking in surprise as the shotgun essentially disintegrated Jason's head, Adam shook his head slightly and lightly mumbled "shit..." to himself as he surveyed the damage that he had just caused. Number six to die on the island by his hand had been messy, and hadn't exactly been intentional on his behalf. In his semi-delerious state, he'd really only intended to disable the boy, rather than kill him. Shrugging to himself, he leaned over and grabbed the Arcus out of the boy's hand, slipping it into his pocket, half-heartedly wondering on the status of the other items in his knapsack.

As he removed the Arcus, he flipped the boy over, wondering what items HE had in his pack. Grimacing a little at the blood coming from the corpse, he opened the pack and his eyes widened. What looked to be an uzi was in the pack. Reaching in, Adam removed the Uzi and all of the spare ammunition. Holding the Uzi in one hand, and the shotgun in his other, he shook his head in slight disdain.

I'm a fucking gun store, it'd seem. Fuck...

Blinking himself back into reality as Jack O'Connor screamed at him from the other side of the bushes, Adam looked through and wondered how many people were on the other side. Shrugging again, though not realizing Jack couldn't see him, Adam called back.

"Hey man, look...I killed him, maybe in cold blood, but if I recall correctly, and I know that I do, because it happened like, what, five seconds ago...well, this guy here, he was shooting at you. He shot five times into your general direction. I've been following him for awhile now, and...well, I guess I'm lucky that I did, because he was packing pretty heavily., you're Jack, right?"

Adam racked his brain from when he'd attended a few baseball games with Amanda and some of her friends. He hadn't payed much attention to the players, but Jack O'Connor was someone he recognized, though he couldn't remember if his name was Jack, or Jake.

"Now, dude...if I come through the bushes...can you, and whoever else you've got with you, like...not...light me up like a Christmas tree? I swear, I'm not gonna shoot you unless you shoot at d'ya say, man?"

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:49 pm
by Slayer*
"He was begging for his life! I heard it from over here!" Jack shouted back into the bush when Adam spoke of Jason having shot at the group. The part of his mind still thinking logically believed that Jason simply got scared and defended himself, then got murdered by Adam. Nodding at Adam's next questions (though neither party could see the other), Jack lowered the gun.
"Yeah, I'm Jack." he said, "I can't make any promises, but I'm willing to call a truce as long as you don't point a gun at me."
OOC: Sorry it's short, I'm getting tired.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:50 pm
by Cactus
Adam tilted his head, and figuring that he could deal with that, he lowered his guns at the ground, and stepped through the bushes, only raising his shotgun to push a branch out from his face. As he stepped out of the bushes, he surveyed the scene. His eyes blinked in surprise when he saw Martyn and Jill, both whom he'd left back at the river when he'd decided to follow Cody Jenson. Jill seemed as though she'd been shot, and Martyn looked none the worse for wear. Jack looked relatively unharmed, though both looked terrified. His eyes scanned the area and it wasn't too long before his eyes fell on the corpse of Gilbert Archambault. Shoulders sagging, he spit on the ground and swore, more of a disappointed sound than an angry one.

"Aw, fuck...damn, no...Gilbert..."

Shaking his head, he knelt down to the boy, put his shotgun down, and closed his eyes, still open in surprise from getting shot. He then picked his shotgun up and stood to his full height. Nodding slightly to Martyn, he guestured to Jill.

"Hey...Martyn, Jill. Shit, are you guys okay?"

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:50 pm
by Megami*
Jill had been silent throught the entire ordeal that had unfolded in the bushes near her, almost completely oblivious to the gunshots, the toppled over body of Gilbert Archambault, or the appearance of Adam Dodd. She had been far too caught up in her own predicament to have participated in the battle that had just ensued. As Adam spoke, her eyes peeled off the corpse and up toward him slowly. Once again clutching the shoulder that Luca's bullet had successfully torn through, she shook her head quietly.


The word was barely audible, and Jill's face twisted up in pain once again after the utterance. Over the course of the past few minutes, she had had two bullets tear through her, shot a girl in the forehead, and watched two others killed before her very eyes. Saying it had been an eventful day was the world's biggest understatement at that moment in time.

I am SO sorry, Adam. The thought passed through her mind suddenly, but Jill was unable to utter the words out of sheer pain and grief. The scenario from the river once again played in her mind. She vividly remembered the accusing looks she had cast him, and the interrogation she had given him upon hearing the announcement that he had killed someone. This time, watching him blow the skull of Jason Andrews to Kingdom Come did not phase her nearly as much. I understand so much better now... that you did what you had to do. To survive.

Shaking her head quietly, Jill nodded toward the two corpses lying out in the open, more specifically, to the one of Luca Donovan, the girl whe had just executed. Pulling her hand from her shoulder, her eyes fixated for a moment on the surprising amount of blood that had painted her entire hand a deep crimson in color.

"You missed quite the party," she muttered.

Removing the white overshirt she had been wearing, leaving herself in the teal tanktop she had adorned underneath, Jill proceeded to tear the shirt, then dropped to the ground, studying the bullet wound she had received in her thigh. Though she was almost in a state of disillusionment, she knew that tending to the bloody wounds that now adorned her body was a priority.

This'll work for now.

Wrapping part of the shirt around the crimson colored portion of her leg, she tied it tight, then began an almost feeble attempt at wrapping the more serious of the two wounds, the one in her shoulder, which by now stung like a bitch.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:50 pm
by riserugu*
Martyn couldn’t help but gulp at the sight of the boy that had shot at them fall toward the ground in an explosion of blood, bone and brain matter… leaving nothing in the wake. What color had been in his face, drained at that point, the young Scotsman breathing a hitched breath as he leaned back where he stood, watching lightly as the killer himself walked out of the bushes.

He couldn’t really think of anything at the sight of Adam, he knew that the other young man had killed – it was probably getting easy at this point, depending on how many people he had killed since he had last since him. Jack was yelling about the death of the other boy that had killed Gilbert, Martyn wanting to say something along the lines of;

“’Ello mate? I’m sorry, did you not notice the fact that loony was shooting at us? That ‘e ‘ad just killed someone, begged or not, the guy wouldn’t ‘ave probably killed us too.”

But he found his voice trapped in his throat, and instead just turned his attention along his feet letting a sigh out. Glancing back up briefly when he heard his name be spoke, followed by a question. “I’ve been better…” He said slowly, tugging at his daypack a bit. “A lot better.”

Turning a bit with that said, he glanced over the warehouse in all it’s horror-movie like glory, “I um, think I’m going to ‘ead on inside and get my laptop set up.” He muttered, turning in place and starting to walk toward the door in the back that they had to have used to get in the last time. Drawing his pistol from his pants once more as he made his way around, clutching at the strap of his daypack tightly with the other hand.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:50 pm
by Slayer*
Jack refused to talk to or even look at Adam, simply going through Gilbert's pack and pockets to get ammunition for the gun. Pocketing whatever ammo he could find, he simply listened to the conversation.

Shoot him now, you idiots! He's a killer! He's killed three people we know of! he thought, his pistol shaking as he got up and started to walk after Martyn into the warehouse. He had half a mind to shoot Adam right there and then, not only out of revenge for Jason, but because Adam was a known killer who would shoot them in an instant for all he knew. Of course, he knew as soon as he fired, he was a dead man with Adam's arsenal, so he simply walked after Martyn.

Now we can finally set our plan into motion...

Walking through the door, he looked around the room, trying to see any cameras. It wouldn't do to hack Danya's system only to have his collar blown because Danya saw him through a camera.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:50 pm
by Cactus
Sighing as Martyn and Jack wandered into the warehouse, Adam glanced down at Jill, who still seemed to be in pain. Using the sling on the shotgun, that he hadn't really noticed until now, he slung it over his shoulder, and extended his hand to Jill, who was still sitting on the ground.

As Danya's announcement thundered through the complex, Adam felt his blood drain at the final words of the announcement.

Thirty-six students remain...

Over seven days, and countless people had died. It was something that he couldn't begin to fathom. He'd personally killed six people himself, as far as he could tell, and Adam wasn't sure but that likely put him pretty high up there on the list. Sighing to himself, he looked to see if the wounded Jill would take him up on his offer, or if she, too, was upset at him for shooting Jason.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:50 pm
by Megami*
Reaching up, Jill grabbed ahold of Adam's hand, and using him as a form of assistance, pulled herself up off of the ground. It was odd, she had slaughtered someone only moments before, and the duo who had already gone inside had not seemed angry over that incident. However, the death of Jason Andrews seemed to be weighing heavily on the two, namely, on Jack. If Jill remembered correctly, the two had played baseball together back at Barry Coleson. Still... she was a little startled by Jack's complete disregard for the fact that Jason had just killed Gilbert in the fray that had ensued.

Smiling somewhat, she dusted off the dirt that had accumulated on her in the tussle with Luca. She probably looked a mess by this point, what with the dirt sticking to the sticky crimson substance that had oozed from her wounds, but by now, that was the last of her worries. Unsure of what to say, Jill simply shrugged her shoulders and glanced toward the warehouse. Shaking her head somewhat, she began tugging at the shoddy bandage she had wrapped around her now bare shoulder.

"He thinks he may have found a way out... Martyn, I mean," she stated quietly. "But, it all seems so futile. It's like they don't realize that Danya's probably watching us this very instant and laughing in our faces for even attempting it. I... I don't think we're going to get out of here, Adam. It's been eight days, and nothing. And..."

The announcement began ringing out from its broadcast location across the island, and Jill shook her head once again. The longer this game continued on, the less likely it was that they would ever see home again. At this point, they had very few options, and they just seemed to keep dwindling.

"I hope his plan works, you know. I really do. Thing is, it won't. I know we aren't the only ones who've tried to escape, and why would we succeed where they all failed? The numbers are dwindling, and people are getting desperate. As much as I hate to admit it, there's only one way out of this place."

Pacing around somewhat, Jill sighed audibly. Her verbal monologue was probably boring the hell out of the viewers back home. After all, it was as if she had just now come to a realization that virtually everyone else seemed to have decided long ago. Brushing a loose strand of hair from her face, she turned to face Adam again.

"You know, instead of trying to disable the collars or trace Danya's broadcasting signals or whatever the hell they're planning, we should be concentrating on getting rid of the terrorists. They're our ticket out."

Her eyes traced from Gilbert Archambault to Jason Andrews and finally rested on the corpse of Luca Donovan, and Jill silenced herself for a moment before finally continuing with her speech of sorts. Continuing to look at Luca, her voice began cracking and breaking as she spoke, a sheer sign of stress and aggravation.

"I don't want to kill anyone else, Adam. But... there's no other way. I just... I just want to go home. And it would be so much easier to go after the people who helped put us here in the first place, you know? I'd rather see them... die... than another one of our classmates. I just wonder if he'll really send us home. It's probably just another ploy, just something else to give us false hope."

Shaking her head once again, Jill cast another glance toward the warehouse. She was becoming rather curious as to what sort of scheme the boys were hatching inside. However, she also questioned how well Jack and Adam would get along if they headed inside, seeing as Jack did not seem to quite see eye-to-eye with the other young man. Rubbing her injured shoulder somewhat, she leaned up against the side of the building in silent contemplation.

Re: Onslaught Redux

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:50 pm
by Cactus
He's laughing in your faces...

As Adam Dodd stood and listened to Jill Gatling, a friend of his from back home, essentially begin (if begin was even the right word, the progression seemed to have already begun long before) to come apart at the seams, he couldn't help but form his own small little monologue. A week before, he probably would have opened up with a profanity-laced tirade, complete with sarcasm and biting comments towards Danya and all that he stood for and had done.


It seemed almost as though it were a different time, a different world that Adam was living in from the one that he'd been living in only a week prior. Now, instead of opening up with a tirade...he fell silent, thinking deeply about everything that'd happened in the past eight minutes, not to mention the past eight days. It seemed to be a cacaphony of different thoughts, and it seemed to him that in all likelihood, Jill was right - on all counts. Danya WAS probably laughing at them all right now. However...

"The terrorists...that's the wrong idea. That's what Danya wants everyone to think. He wants kids to rush them en masse, partially to punish them for reading that stupid fan-fic out loud, partially to punish us for being so stupid. In all likelihood, they're probably armed to the teeth, probably got hidden weapons all over. Probably have automatic rifles at best, and at worst, perhaps a shotgun, or an uzi, something like that. They have no alleigences here, if they see anyone, they won't be afraid to shoot 'em."

Adam thought carefully for a moment, and continued.

"I fully expect that a lot of people are gonna bum-rush the terrorists, and yeah, they'll get out, all right. They'll feel the sweet release of death, and Danya will come on and cackle some bullshit about how he had us so good, and how he sure had the last laugh on them, but hey, look, he's got the last laugh anyways, because most of us are supposed to die in this fucking death camp anyways!"

The sarcasm dripped through his voice, but it was a quiet brand, the type that one who's been through hell and lived to tell the tale would exhibit. Adam certainly felt that this was hell, it was just the living through it part that might be difficult.

"As far as any plan to get out goes...I hope that they can get something going before it's too late, but heard him - there're only 36 of us left. If my count's been correct, there must've been at least one hundred of us at the start. They'll be watching us more intently now than any other time. They think we're even getting close, and they blow the collars..."

Adam sighed softly to himself, and continued, looking down at himself.

"Jill, even if we do find a way to escape...who says that I even deserve to get out? I've killed six people already. SIX. I didn't think I'd kill one. You know me, you know how I am...but most everyone who I've killed, I like to think it was justified. Every single one, done protecting someone. Does that make me a player, though? Does that make me as guilty as anyone else who's killing to survive? I killed Jacob to protect myself, same with Lamika. It was the most selfish thing that I've done while I've been here. Does that make me evil? I don't know. I regret some of the actions I've made while being here, but at the same time, I don't...if I hadn't done what I needed to do, me, and others might be dead...or well, dead...sooner."

And if you hadn't fucked up and let Amanda out of your sight, she might be around, still, too...

"Look at me, Jill. I'm as armed as any one of those terrorists. I know that I could probably single-handedly take one of them on and win, just on sheer amount of armaments that I have. Five pistols, a shotgun, an uzi, and various melee weapons. I'd be shocked if anyone else on the island who wasn't playing to win was this armed. Here I am, going after the man who murdered my girlfriend, and raped my friend. Vigilante justice. But if I get to him, and kill him - does that make me just as bad as he is? It's such a confusing cluster-fuck of shit that's going on inside, and sometimes I just want to put the gun to my own head and say 'fuck it'. But...I can't. I love life too much for that. It's one of the reasons I actually contemplated playing the game. I did, I'm going to be honest with you. But...along with my love for life, my love for my friends is just as big. So...that's kind of how I justify going after Cody. He wronged my friends, and now I'm going to kill him."

Adam looked into the warehouse, the place he'd last been together with Amanda, Madelaine, and the rest of them. They'd all been so alive...

"I've got to I said, I have someone to kill. If you guys find a way me a favour, and wait around until the next announcement, listen up for if I'm gone or not...and well...if so, then...take off, and if not...I'll try and meet up with you, Cody Jenson or not. You've got my cell phone number...try giving me a call, I guess. Still, I'm not even sure if I deserve to escape with the rest of you all. But...I suppose time'll tell there, eh?

If we don't meet again, s'been nice knowing you, Jill. Really. You were always fun to chill with. Here's hoping we see each other alive again."

Adam nodded softly to the other girl.

((Continued in: You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best...))