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Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:39 pm
by OnceForgotten*
Cody tightened his grip over the much smaller girl's mouth, straining with the pressure. He saw her feeble attempts to access her pocket and he immediatly grabbed that wrist with his free hand and drew it up her back.

Her hands began feebly striking him, but there was not enough leverage to cause much damage from her position. He tightened his grip over her mouth, and then brought his other arm from its grip on her wrist and tightened it under her neck and around her throat.

You better not cry, bitch...this is just the beginning.

Cody finally felt her begin to weaken, and as her strength waned, Cody smiled again. She finally went limp in his arms. He let her drop roughly to the ground, liking the sickly *thud* that she made when he let go. He then grabbed her left foot, and began dragging her.

WE are gonna play a little game...hun, so enjoy your sleep while it lasts...

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:39 pm
by LadyMakaze*
Madelaine winced in pain as she felt her arm being twisted behind her, letting out a muffled scream as pain seared through her wrist, forcing her to let go of the pistol. It fell to the ground in a soft clatter, much too far away for her to even hope of reaching it. Desperate, she continued her defiant struggle against her captor. All this time, she was hoping that one of her friends would notice her...Amanda, Adam, Chance...anyone at all.

Not even noticing the tears streaming down her face, she continued to scream for help, only to find her voice being muffled by the hand clamped over her mouth. Her screams were interrupted as she felt something press against the sides of her neck like a vice. She gasped inwardly at the agonizing pressure against her neck, unable to move at all now, no matter how hard she struggled.

No! I can't give up! she thought in a panic as her mind began to cloud. Her vision began to blur and unfocus. Someone...someone help...

Almost immediately, her strength finally left her and she blacked out in place. The limp Madelaine fell lifelessly upon the ground, rapidly losing all sense of conciousness as the world swam and faded around her.

The last sensation she felt before falling into blackness completely was the feeling of sliding against the rough, filthy ground, staining her clothes and face with dirt and grime.

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:39 pm
by OnceForgotten*
Cody whistled cheerily as he worked. He had found a suitable clearing, and had placed the little girl right in the middle. He used his scarf to secure her hands behind her back, and then stepped away from her. He looked her over, taking in her fragile features. She was actually quite pritty, laying still in the clearing like that. She reminded Cody of some kind of princess.

Cody dropped his pack and shuffled around until he found what he needed. It was a waterbottle, still half full.

Gotta remember to fill this when I'm done...

He walked up to her prone form, giving her undisturbed body one last look. He then dropped his weight on to her chest, straddling her hips. He opened the water bottle and began dripping it on her face, all the while slapping it gently with his other hand.

Wake up princess...

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:39 pm
by LadyMakaze*
For a while, all that was in the unconcious Madelaine's mind was the feeling of being immersed in deep oblivion. Her mind was in a clouded daze, unable to register much of what was going on around her as she felt a cool liquid drip along her face. The next feeling knew, she felt her head being rocked from side to side as a hand struck her repeatedly.

Confused, she watched as everything began to came into focus again...her senses began to return to full function, and that was when she noticed a distinct weight on top of her, pinning her to the ground, preventing her from getting up.

What in the world...?

She groaned slightly, shaking her head a bit and opening her eyes wider now. Confusion turned to bewilderment, then sudden apprehension as she realized that a stranger, much larger than herself, was now on top of her. His face loomed over him, and as her apprehension intensified, the recognition suddenly hit her.

It was that boy from the warehouse...the one she protected Amanda from. She had hit him with the tire iron, knocked him out...but he was still alive. Everything that happened before she fell unconscious suddenly came back to her. He was the one who had found her, he was the one who knocked her out. And now...

Her first reaction was to struggle, to push him off of her, reach for any weapon she still had, and...

Her arms were locked in place, and now refused to move. The feeling of dread growing, she felt something wrapped around her wrists, binding them together. Madelaine gulped at this realization. Now, she felt truly helpless, at the mercy of this stranger.

She looked back towards the one on top of her, eyes wide, face tense and contorted with fear and apprehension. Defiance flared inside of her, and she suddenly began to struggle yet again, trying to push herself upwards, and release herself from her captor.

This can't be happening... she thought to herself, mind reeling.

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:40 pm
by OnceForgotten*
Cody dropped the waterbottle and placed his hand over her throat.

"Cool it princess" he hissed, accenting his words with a squeeze.

He placed his hand on her forehead and forced her head back, exposing her neck. He then brought his mouth down on it, kissing it hard. He trailed the kisses up her chin until he met her mouth and flicked his tounge over her lips. A smile appeared on Cody's face as he stared into Madelaine's frightened eyes.

"Ok, we are going to play a game, and here is how it works."

Cody brought the gun up from where he had placed it by her prone form. He ran the barrel up and down her cheek, letting her feel the cold metal against bare skin.

"If you scream, you die. If you bite, you die. If you poke, or squeeze, or claw, or don't cooperate, you die."

Cody then rammed the gun into the soft skin of her cheek.

"Sound fair?"

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:40 pm
by Cactus
As the boy that he now knew as Adam Dodd spoke to him and the rest of the people in the river area, and as Chance popped up and reared his head, making friends left and right, or so it seemed, Sidney Crosby had quite the opposite reaction from the relaxation that seemed to spread over the river area. In fact, Sidney's reaction was downright nausea. Adam had lowered his gun and walked over to shake his hand while everyone seemed to mingle a little, but Sidney hardly paid any attention. Sidney knew that again, something very bad was about to happen.

It had all started for Sidney when he was very young, in that he seemed to have a strange sense of perception, in that he seemed to know when things were going to happen, both good AND bad. He'd known about the time that his father had been in a car accident even before he'd left the house, that time that he was five. He'd begged his father not to go, but he had, and had broken his left arm in the ensuing crash. When he'd been drafted into the QMJHL, he'd known that he'd go first overall and he even knew that it'd be Rimouski who would select him. He'd had a foreboding sense of dread when he'd stepped out onto the ice the hours before he'd been kidnapped, and while he didn't know why, he figured that something like a trade was going to happen to him, and that perhaps his Pittsburgh days would be numbered.

Never, of course, would Sidney Crosby ever be prepared for something like this. Survival of the Fittest and Danya had been the biggest surprise that Sidney had ever experienced, and because of that, Sid was known on quite the defensive. He was wary, he was scared, and he really didn't know what to expect. Sure, he'd warned himself about what was going to happen, but the problem was that he hadn't really heeded the warning. Such a strong feeling should have had an equally strong reaction, but that was a mistake that he had promised himself he would never make again.

At this point in time, Sidney had been feeling a real disturbing feeling, and while he didn't know where it was coming from, or who would even be involved, he was pretty confident in that something bad was going to happen, and likely very soon.

Here's hoping it isn't that some crazy with a machine gun rolls through here shooting at everyone. That would just completely mess up everybody's day. It sure wouldn't be the highlight of mine, that's for certain. Now if on-

Sidney's ears poked up when he heard what sounded like a muffled squeak coming from somewhere else in the area. Blinking in surprise, he looked at Adam, who didn't seem to have heard anything. In fact, nobody seemed to have.

How odd...this can't just be a coincidence. It can't. Too bad I don't have any kind of formidable weapon. If only I had something like a hockey stick, even that would be better than this knife...

Stepping away, trying to silently shy away from the group, he began to wander the surrounding area, thinking that to find whatever had made the squeak would likely be a good idea.

Or could lead to my death, I suppose it's really up in the air...

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:40 pm
by LadyMakaze*
Letting a gasp emitting from her mouth, Madelaine winced in pain as Cody's hand met her throat and squeezed it sightly, partially cutting off her air supply. She let out a strangled cry, struggling madly against him, about to scream aloud, when suddenly his hand pressed against her forehead, forcing her head in incline backwards painfully.

A crawl of revulsion found its way underneath her skin as his lips pressed against the side of her exposed neck, sending a chill through her spine. She winced in horrified disgust as his mouth found its way upwards along her chin like some repulsive insect, feeling his tongue lightly making contact with her lips, leaving a stain upon her.

Somehow, in her bout of horror, his words managed to reach her, and register themselves in their reeling mind as she realized with dread what was going to happen to her. The feeling of cold metal running against her check, no doubt from a gun he had at the moment, was enough to make her freeze in fear.

She gritted her teeth, as though about to struggle yet again, but her face contorted itself in an expression of pain and helplessness. It was clear that she starting to give up.

I can't struggle, she thought, as tears began to cloud her vision. He'll kill me. If I do anything, he'll kill me. Tears fell freely down her face in thick streams as she gave a tense, slight, yet distinct nod, an anguished whimper escaping her lips.

This can't be happening.... Good girls don't go through this. Honour students are never raped. What did I do? Did I do something to deserve this...? Why is this happening?

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:40 pm
by Cactus
Amanda Jones had been silent for a long while. In fact, she'd been so silent mainly because of the fact that ever since all of the new arrivals had shown up and proven themselves to be friendly, not really anyone had addressed her or even spoken to her, likely because she was holding the biggest weapon in the area.

Don't piss off the girl with the shotgun, yeah, okay...

There were a lot of things going through her head at the time. Now that they were back at the place where Hawley had been lain to rest, Amanda couldn't help but wonder how much more death would occur, how much more blood would be spilled. If there truly was nobody coming for them, like she had began to think, the only way to get out of the game short of escaping was to play and be the sole survivor.

Well, that's it then. I'm sunk...

Her thoughts had turned glum at the thoughts. Could she kill so many others, could she make the final kill of this terrible game, in order to save herself...? She didn't know. What she did know was that she wanted to get out of here. Escape was first and foremost on her mind here, and truthfully, she didn't care if anyone else were to escape, aside from her, Adam, and Madelaine. Of course, the original plan had included David, Hawley, and Marcus, but thanks to some form of events, none of them were with her anymore. She didn't know where David had gone off to, he had just seemed to disappear and for all she knew, he could be lying in some ditch somewhere, dead. Marcus and Hawley had died, and now it was down to three of them. As she watched the new arrival, the one wearing a hockey jersey wander off, (Adam'll probably get along with him, especially if he's into hockey), she couldn't help but wonder...

Where is Madelaine...?

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:40 pm
by OnceForgotten*
OOC((might as well get on with it, sorry everyone))

FROM HERE ON OUT, content warning NC-17

Cody grabbed the girls blazer and ripped it open quickly. He struggled a bit with the tee shirt underneath, but soon her young breasts were exposed. He pressed down on her shoulders and began kissing her face and neck again, leaving small red marks of suction in all the areas of contact. He trailed his kisses down to her right nipple, and bit down hard, tasting the copper of blood in his mouth.

He flashed her a bloody smile, then began kissing her with a furvor he had never felt in himself. He left a red suction mark at every spot, and traced his kisses over her face and neck. He then brought his face up for a moment, looking her over again.

"You liked that, didn't you?"

Cody grimaced, rearing his hand back. He brought it down on her face several times, each time drawing more blood from her bandaged face and neck. He collapsed back down on her and began biting her face and neck and shoulders, drawing blood in some places, All the while trying to release himself from the confines of his jeans. He finally freed himself, and in a fluid motion he hiked her skirt up and tore off her panties underneath. As he drove himself into her, he let out a deep throated groan, and began thrusting faster.


Tears started running down Codys face, and his breath and pace quickened while emotions flooded him. He looked at her face. She was crying too.

As he got close, he began bucking even faster, causing even himself some pain. He then brought his teeth down into the soft tissue on the side of her neck, biting and tearing, all the while emitting soft grunts between his teeth.

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:40 pm
by LadyMakaze*
Madelaine trembled violently underneath the assault of Cody's lips upon her now exposed form, inclining her head sharply to the side and forcing her eyes tightly shut, simply wanting to cut herself off from all that was happening around her, everything that was happening to her now, this desecration he was inflicting upon her. But shutting out her vision seemed to amplify the rest of the senses, paining her further.

Feeling lashing burns upon her, she winced and cried out softly, biting her lips together until they drew blood, wanting to keep herself from screaming. Though the thought suddenly occurred to her, somehow coherent though her mind was in agony...

If I could just die....right now....

She opened her reddened eyes tentatively, letting out another onslaught of red-hot tears that ran down her face, burning into her skin. Looking up briefly to cast a terrified glance towards the face looming above her, she flinched in pain as a hand lashed her face, opening the wound that had been bandaged a long while back...

As the weight ontop of her pressed against her, forcing her against the ground underneath her, Madelaine let out a cry as she felt the sensation of something sharp sinking into the flesh of her shoulders, neck, and face, wanting to scream out loud, to curse him and everyone else for letting this happen to her...

And suddenly her body was in pain, her mind erupted in agony as he drove himself into her, ripping his way inside her, destroying the part of her she took for granted up until now. Her head snapped backwards against the filthy ground as she let out tortured cries, twin streams of tears merging with blood to run down her flushed cheeks.

It was then that she decided, that she didn't want this body anymore. It was stained, tained, defiled with the violence he had inflicted on her. She would give anything to trade places with anyone right let someone suffer in her place. Yes, she would rather let someone else suffer than go through something like this.

Someone help me.... she thought, her head reeling from the pain, both physical and mental. God, Devil, I don't care!

But of course, no one would help her. If anyone had the power to end it all right now, they did nothing to stop, or prevent this from happening to her. After all, who she was, what she had done, and how she felt right now held no relevency in any of this.

After all, may the worst even the good-hearted.

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:40 pm
by OnceForgotten*
The girl was screaming! Cody's face shrunk back from her now bleeding neck and he smacked her several times across the face. Hard.

Stupid bitch! I told you to stay quiet...Well, It doesn't matter...

"Just...Wanted to...let you...know..."
Cody panted between thrusts


Cody then buried his face into her neck once again, tearing, ripping, the tissue that was exposed. Blood began spurting as he tore into the large artery that ran up the side of her neck. He kept right on biting, though his face and hair were now drenched in her blood.

All at once he felt himself rising to climax and let out a loud moan.

Blood and semen, semen and blood...Everything mixing in a tortured whirlwind of devastating screams and animalistic moans to an agonizing pinnacle; and then there was silence.

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:41 pm
by Cactus
Sidney Crosby had been a lot of places in his young life, and he'd seen a lot of things. But as he had nearly tripped over what seemed to be a pistol as he made his way through the clearing, looking for the source of the noise, he had found himself with a sick feeling in his stomach as he picked up the pistol and looked it with a sense aof curious hesitation. As another weak sound came from somewhere that Sidney found was undoubtedly closer, he pocketed the pistol and kept on going.

What he stumbled upon as he pushed through a bush would be an image that would haunt him for the rest of his natural life. There was blood...everywhere, it seemed. And the boy on top seemed to be biting into the girl's neck, and the blood...the blood was all over, and...

Sidney shivered internally, and found himself unable to move, unable to draw out the pistol and shoot the boy. Much of this was because of the rape that he had stumbled upon, but the other half was the shock factor - he knew the assailant, he knew him pretty well, in fact. In fact, until a year ago, the assailant had been, behind him, the second best junior player in Ontario, only stopped by a serious knee injury.

The assailant was Cody Jensen.

Unable to believe his eyes, shivering from the pure horror and shock of it all, Sidney was unable to move; unable to do anything but squeak out a question of his own.

"...Cody? Cody, what...what are you doing? I..."

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:41 pm
by LadyMakaze*
By now, Madelaine was numb with trauma, almost paralyzed beneath the crushing weight of her captor, unable to feel much pain from her face being struck repeatedly over all else that was happening to her. A sickening wave of nausea smothered her mind, already recoiling from her overwhelmed senses. Still, she winced and cried out as she was struck again and again, the recoil causing her head to bend sharply towards the grimy floor of the clearing. Her neck and face burned now, stinging with the marks of his assault. Amidst the feeling of devastation he was yet still wracking upon her now desecrated form, she was still able to hear his words, and register them in her mind, making sense out of all that he was saying between ecstatic gasps.


Her pained eyes, burning red from tears and tension, suddenly widened at the sickening realization of what was to happen to her. Somehow, despite his relentlessness, she had expected him to release her once he felt that he was finished with her, to be done with it, and let it be over at last. But…if that wasn’t going to happen…

She trembled violently, feeling truly and utterly broken now. It was then that she felt like crying again. Her bleeding face distorted in an anguished expression. Wh…why…? She thought numbly, unable to utter coherent words instead of wracking sobs and screams that parted her lips. I did what you told me to do…I gave you what you wanted…I let you do this to me…So, why…?

Madelaine’s shuddering sobs were cut short as he suddenly drove his face into her neck. Immediately, a searing pain overwhelmed her as he tore into the flesh at the side of her neck, ripping it apart savagely. A strangled, choking noise emitted from her mouth as she recoiled in agony, feeling red-hot blood gushing from where his teeth had torn into her neck. The inside of her terrorized throat was suddenly burning, drenched in a warm liquid that caused her to gasp and choke painfully. She felt blood streaming down her neck in torrents, staining her paling flesh and torn clothes a deep crimson.

This is something that no one should have to go through.

She struggled as hard as she could to pull away from him, writhing helplessly beneath him, though the most she could do was powerlessly cringe in terror, while her hands were bound and useless. Pain and torment still continued to consume her as he continued his cruel assault upon her with renewed fervor. In her mind, she wished with all the torment that she was going through right now that someone would just end it all. And then, with all of that blood draining away profusely, uncontrollably, it was then that Madelaine’s tormented form began to run cold. Her cries were nothing more than desperate gasps for air. Her struggles began to subside as a shadow began to cloud her mind and sense of consciousness. The shadow that was suffocating her mind was now overwhelming her, clouding her senses and ability to think. As blood continued to spill relentlessly, Madelaine realized that she was dying.

Here she was, first being coerced into submission, then finding herself being violated and tortured in just about one of the worse ways imaginable. On top of that, death was now looming over her. She wouldn’t last another day on this island. She would never return home to her family. Her game was over.

A feeling of helplessness sent her mind reeling as she realized what was to be her fate: More than anything else, a fall from grace, and then death at the hands of the one who disgraced her. Inwardly, she cried out almost defiantly as the shadow in her mind continued to choke her.

There’s no hope…this is as far as it goes.

Her thoughts fell back to the last time she truly felt safe and whole. That time was merely a few moments ago, when she was among friends. Amanda was with her…Adam as well, and even Chance too… They were all her friends, they had stuck with her at several points. Then there was Nanami, Hawley, and Marcus, all dead now… But Madelaine remembered, that at several points she felt happy and safe with them as well. They were all with her, and because of that, she wasn’t alone. But now…what would happen to them? What would they do if they found her…like this?

Please don’t let them find me like this.

Regressing further into the refuge that was her own mind, Madelaine found her mother, father, and younger sister, all standing together happily, just like that picture she always held onto. But they were falling farther and farther away from her now, beyond her reach. She could never be with them again… It was then that Madelaine wondered faintly, her mind now in a clouded daze, if they were watching her back home. Did they realize as well as she did what was happening to her? To imagine their reactions if they saw what was being done to her now was enough to tear at Madelaine’s heart.

Sorry…I couldn’t survive it.

Come to think of it…what was happening to her now was probably on live broadcast, so that meant everyone in the nation was probably watching her. Everyone was taking in her torment, knowing fully as well as she did, what was to be her fate. Here she was, being victimized in front on the entire country, and yet not one person in the entire nation would stop any of this. Here she was, being tortured and about to die, all for the so-called sake of her country.

I wonder if they’re enjoying themselves, watching me like this…

At the very least, it would be over soon. Everything would simply end, all feeling of pain, torment, and fear would evaporate into nothingness. Even now, the last of her strength continued to leave her body. It was just as well…Madelaine didn’t feel as though she could possibly muster the strength to live even if she survived all of this. For the first time in her life, though now on the verge of dying, she wished she wasn’t Madelaine Shirohara, a sixteen-year-old girl raped and murdered at the hands of a stranger in the midst of a game for survival. She would have rather died or, if granted such a miracle, been someone else instead.

I can’t even kill myself now. But it will end soon…let everything end, let it be over. Then everything will be alright again.

Her mind regressed further, this time to a memory had burned itself only recently into her mind. Nanami was there, smiling at her. She was also aiming a pistol towards her. But what struck Madelaine the hardest was the words she had said at that time.

“But who will protect Shirohara-san? No one. No one will take care of her.”

You’re right. No one will save me.

Her breathing was now reduced to weakened, shallow gasps that emitted from the depths of her throat. As she lay dying beneath the large form of her impassioned captor, now at the peak of his fervor, her exposed body suddenly fell limp and motionless against the filthy ground. Blood was no longer coming out of her neck in gushing streams. Her head lolled to one side, tilting backwards slightly to direct her face towards the sky above. Though tears and blood continued to stain her face, she was no longer crying. In fact, she was no longer moving at all. She never even noticed the boy who had just walked in on the scene by a stroke of chance. As death proceeded to take over, mercifully, it allowed her just one more thought.

…I didn’t want to die like this.

And then, her blood-smeared, tear-stained face relaxed itself, falling from its anguished contortion in to a blank, listless expression that showed not the slightest sign of living. Her hair, having been loosened from the ribbon that tied it back, now fell about her face in free flowing strands. Pale fingers along her bound hands hung limply now, pale and lifeless. Though her reddened eyes were starting to glaze over, they continued to gaze in an oddly peaceful expression that disregarded anything and everything that was still happening to her, focused only towards the sky, as though looking towards something that was far beyond her reach. Her stained lips were slightly parted, though nothing came out of them now. No cries of pain emitted from the depths of her throat, for she no longer felt pain. No words came out, for there was nothing to be said.

There was no sign of life…for she was no longer living.


Along the flooded path of the river, where water ran freely over smooth, ice-cold stones, a small book floated along, swept away in an almost helpless manner along the rushing torrent. Its cover was missing, and most of its pages were waterlogged by now. By some miracle, despite the overwhelming currents of the river, it had managed to stay afloat, almost determinedly. Now, it was on the verge of sinking, or perhaps falling apart, due to the water's effect upon its fragile pages.

As though by his namesake, Chance caught sight of this book just along the edge of its vision. Curious, due to the fact that it struck him as oddly familiar, he began to approach it. Immediately, he quickly snatched it up before it sank beneath the surface. Looking at it, with a bewildered expression on his face, he extracted the photo hidden amongst its drenched pages, instantly recognizing the family he saw before him.

His tanned face looked upwards, and he gazed about with an anxious expression, as though he was looking for something.... or someone.


G21 - Madelaine Shirohara - DEAD

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:41 pm
by OnceForgotten*
Cody heard the intruder before he saw him. A man tromping through the woods, disturbing his revenge, disturbing his release.

Stay away!!! we are nearly done here...can't you wait?

It was not to be. The intruder continued to approach, and when he reached Cody, Cody heard the audible gasp from his form.

"...Cody? Cody, what...what are you doing? I..."

It was Him!! The dream was right, Danya had told Cody he would be here...

Cody let his hand smoothly snake down and grab the pistol by the princess' cheek. It was well camoflauged by the blood that had spurted so liberally from her neck, and he smeared some away as he flicked off the saftey. He removed his face from where it was, still buried in her neck, absentmindedly gnawing on the tough cartilage that separated the vertibre of her spine. He looked at Sydney, face still red and dripping with the girls blood, and flashed him his best Sunday smile.

"How are you doing, Sydney Crosby?"

"I'm glad we finally had the good fortunes to meet."

Re: Back to the scene of the crime...

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 7:42 pm
by Cactus
Good fortunes, what...?

Sidney's eyes couldn't help but move past Cody to the corpse that lay behind him. His blood ran ice-cold as he realized that it was that girl that he had only JUST met, lying before him, as dead as the rest of the corpses populating the island.

He raped her...and then he killed her...he ripped out her veins, with his teeth.

And I played hockey against this guy.

The eerie smile that was directed toward Sidney would haunt him until the day that he died, for it was now quite apparent that Cody Jensen was indeed the personification of evil that so many hockey coaches had said that he was. It had been true that Cody was apparently quite the locker room cancer, and as such it was why he'd been passed over for a few of the top teams; more notably the Canadian Junior team, Sidney had always held a respect for the boy. He was one of the better players in Canada, and Sidney knew that he'd likely be playing against Cody for years to come in the NHL. That, however, was not to be, as Cody had blown out his knee and ended his career. And now...

And now, he's a rapist and a murderer...

"How am I doing? How am I doing!?" Sidney's voice raised a few octaves at the question.

"Cody, you just raped and murdered the hell do you think I'm doing?"