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Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:47 am
by watcher in night*
Meera was rather disappointed Rosemary hadn't seen anything of Bella on the island. Another swim girl, one they could trust. And she and Garrett were close, making her a perfect ally.

Still, the fact they were hunting down someone with a gun probably meant Bella was safer elsewhere. Meera considered for a moment exactly how many of her friends and classmates had been on this trip and almost grimaced.

If he doesn't turn up here, I think we should search for more allies, rather than chase after someone who might not want to be found. Who knows, we might find Theo along the way, she thought.

"You said something about trying to reason with players, but doesn't that sound risky?" Said Rosemary. "I heard you talking about Theo... did he do something?"

"He might have done something by now," Meera broke in. "I haven't seen him. Joey did earlier today, and we think he might be playing the game. He was around here, and carrying a gun."

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:49 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
Joey nodded. He really didn't know if Theo might be playing the game, but if his group wanted to find him and make sure he was fine, then that was their goal.

"D'you see him on your way over here?"

Joey turned his bag forward and unzipped it. The power bars were sickeningly soft, but would at least be edible, even if messy. He wished he'd grabbed a tank top from his overnight bag to use as a towel. Hell, there actually might have been a beach towel in there. He found the map and opened it up, trying to hold it somewhere in the middle of the group. Rosemary's position in the car complicated this, but she hadn't confirmed her membership yet anyway.

Theo wasn't here. He wasn't between here and the woods. Maybe they'd scoop up some more members along the way. Maybe they could combine the "weapons" the kids had been assigned and plan some kind of escape. Maybe they'd find a group that already had a plan of escape. Moving around was better than staying. The more students they found, the better. There was no way in hell anybody had decided to play this game, not already.

"We should probs keep movin'. You wanna come along? The bigger the pack the safer for all of us."

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:49 am
by Latin For Dragula
Doesn't that sound risky?

Rosemary had hit the nail on the head. His plan was very foolish, and while he wasn't afraid of risking his own life with it, he was growing less comfortable with bringing the others along.

Joey mentioned looking for more people, and Garrett nodded. "I think we should split up. You three should find more friendly people and try to wait things out. The more people you keep together, the safer you'll all be. I'm going to go looking for people who might be playing."

He held up a hand to stop any protests. "I'm going alone. They'll feel less threatened that way, and you'll be safer without me. I know it's stupid, but I need to try and buy us some time. People are killing each other out there right now. It sounds crazy, but I've seen them. Somebody has to stop it. I don't fight, and I won't kill, but I can talk. Maybe that'll be enough to make them hesitate."

He looked back and forth between the three of them. "Rosemary, I'm going to guess since you were hiding you've already run into someone worth hiding from. You'll be safer with Joey and Meera, if you'd like to go with them. They're a lot smarter than I am. Or you can stay here, if you'd prefer that. I can't speak for them, but I won't tell anyone I saw you."

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:50 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
"I've only seen Kat so far, nobody else until you three came along." Rosemary replied to Joey. The girl's face twisted into a frown, looking at Garrett closely. At the start her goal was not towards making a group, but right now after almost peeing herself in the car some extra eyes to watch her back sounded like a nice idea for the moment. She didn't think there was a good chance of escape, however if a miracle did occur wanted to be included in it.

But Garrett wanted to go off on his own. Though she didn't know what weapon he had, chances are the reason because he wanted to gather up the players and stop them was because he didn't get a lucky draw. It was obvious that he was worried about Bella, with how desperate he sounded to find her, but how would he even get to her without getting killed?

"I've read enough novels to understand splitting up from the group is never a good idea," She replied after Garrett finished his spiel about why he needed to be a lone wolf. "And I don't know about you, Meera, but- I'm sorry Joey but I tutored you long enough to know how much you care about academics."

She grimaced, not enjoying telling the boy this but trying to make a point. "I consider myself to be book smart, but honestly don't think my chances are good whenever someone bigger than me or packing heat comes along. The bottom line is though it might matter if you are smart and going off on your own could be considered a stupid idea, that doesn't really matter in the end because... well, figuratively we all have our necks bared and we're bracing for the blade to fall."

"You could be right about them not feeling as intimidated by one person, but if they knew there were other people nearby wouldn't it be more likely they would risk trying to kill you if it meant retaliation soon after? There is safety in numbers."

"All of you made the choice to join together; I don't know for what reasons but it seems that you guys get along alright. And that's why I want to join. And how can we tell if people are friendly or not? As you pointed out, I had been hiding in the car. I was afraid of you all, but then I saw your faces and recognized you and thought it was okay to come out. Not everyone will react like that- they'll think you're bluffing them. It's the "flight or fight" response. If they flee that doesn't do any good since we want to gather people together, and if they don't... a cornered animal is always more desperate than one that feels they're in control."

Rosemary moved to rub her neck but instead her fingernails bumped against the collar, causing her to jump. She looked at the other three. "It's horrible, but it's happened before. I don't want to think of any other human being like this, much less my own classmates. But I think with how I wanted to hide when you guys came in, it's already happening."

She wanted to apologize badly for saying hurtful things, but that would make everything she just said wrong, and she didn't think she was. "So there are pros and cons to splitting up or staying in a group, but I'd rather have all of us together. If it makes people feel better we can look for specific people on our way. Unless someone got a homing device on every collar, we're all running in this place blind to whoever comes across us."

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:51 am
by watcher in night*
Meera found herself agreeing with what Rosemary was saying. Garrett's plan was dangerous, and probably foolhardy, but going alone without the rest of the group was even more dangerous.

It's the "flight or fight" response. If they flee that doesn't do any good since we want to gather people together, and if they don't... a cornered animal is always more desperate than one that feels they're in control," Rosemary finished.

Meera was impressed. The other girl had clearly thought a lot about this, either that or she was really good at phrasing an argument on the spot. Either way, she'd summed up Meera's feelings about the game in a faster and more articulate way than Meera herself could.

What was more, Rosemary's persuasive words had shaken her more than she cared to show. The girl had summed up all of Meera's fears about her fellow classmates on the island. How could anyone trust another person in this situation? She'd been lucky to find Garrett and Joey, but for all she knew everyone else was hiding out alone. Or playing the game. Garrett's plan to talk the players out of it could lead to his untimely death.

Meera found herself looking at Garett, and for a moment the sheer absurdity of the situation struck her. Here was a person from her school, a fixture from her past life, and she was worried about him being murdered. Murdered by a fellow classmate. A day ago, such thoughts would have been inconceivable. But now, on this frighteningly real island, death could come for any of them at any moment. At least the group offered comparative safety.

We should all go search for allies, Meera thought. Chasing after a killer was probably not the best way to go about surviving this game, and she couldn't shake the feeling that if Garrett went off on his own, he was consigning himself to death. Meera found that she didn't want him to leave. He was the closest thing their group had to a leader, the one with the plan.

One thing Meera was sure of, though. It was best that their group find other allies, and quickly. Allies who could defend themselves against attack, who might have greater resources. Garrett obviously wanted to pursue this plan of talking to the other players, and their two goals were opposed. She wanted Garrett to come with them, to find allies they could trust.

Ultimately it was Garrett's decision, not hers. Their paths were slowly and steadily beginning to diverge. Meera desperately wanted to keep Garrett from leaving the group, but if Rosemary's words wouldn't sway Garrett, Meera knew hers wouldn't.

"She's right," said Meera to Garrett. "We should all go together, and look for other allies. Allies who aren't playing. But if you have to do this, I understand."

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:51 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
Garret's praise Joey's of intellect and nobility was shot down by Maryrose's hard fact. And now they were arguing.

Garret was being heroic and stupid. Maryrose was being rational and rude. Meera at least somewhere between kind and practical.

Two to one... What? Should he go with the majority? Garret had seemed to be the leader, was this mutiny? Could they force him to let them follow him?

Both sides had points. Was Joey supposed to break the tie? Was there a way they all could have what they want?

Joey could stay with Meera and Maryrose while Garret left, and then what? Garret was the one with the plan, and they all needed some kind of direction right now. Even if Garret's number one goal wasn't building a team, maybe Meera and Maryrose had been able to convince him.

"So... erm... What are we doing, Garret?"

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:51 am
by Latin For Dragula
Garrett weighed Rosemary's words carefully. He needed to get out of here alone, and he needed to do it without any of them following him. He needed to find a way to convey the tactical realities of the situation to them plainly.

"Your logic only works out if you assume everyone is an equal threat. We're not. Unless you're hiding a gun in that bag, four people at a distance stand about the same chance as one. The only difference is a few more seconds, a few more bullets, and, most importantly, a few more bodies."

His mouth was pressed into a firm line as he looked back into Rosemary's eyes. "I said I wouldn't kill. That includes dragging people along with me on what is almost definitely a suicide mission. I'm fully aware dangerous this is, but it's the only thing I can do. I'm more useful to you all out there alone than I am hiding with you. I don't have a weapon, and in a group running is a better option than negotiating. I'd only give you another person to worry about."

He turned to look at Meera and Joey. "I'm sorry. But this isn't up for debate. I'm not putting anyone else at risk with this. So please, go and find more allies. Preferably smart ones who aren't completely out of their minds like I am. Ride this thing out, and if I'm lucky I'll see you when help arrives. And..."

He hesitated for a moment. There was a final thought caught in his throat.

"If you see Bella before I do...tell her I'm sorry."

He threw his bag over his shoulder and quickly strode out of the building.

((Garrett Wilde Continued In A Few More Bullets))

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:51 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
Rosemary was inwardly freaking out. This is a bad idea, this is a bad idea and I know it. Just, oh goddammit , Garrett why are you leaving now?! Just this point you decided 'oh, I'm going to go off by myself because it'll be easier for you all to hide',- in case you didn't notice, hiding didn't particularly work for me in this situation!

Garrett in her head was not only deserting the group of what she believed to be their leader, but since he said he wouldn't kill anyone that made his decision sound even more idiotic. And he was fully aware that didn't mean anyone would think twice about killing him. Maybe he was right about not everyone acting equally, but not everyone was a saint or a devil. And they were all scared. Scared little kids.

Rosemary outwardly let out another sneeze, sniffled a bit and rubbed her face. She couldn't yell all those things, it wouldn't change the fact that Garrett had left. "...Guys, if you still want to be a group, I'll join you. I don't have much to contribute,"

She moved her free hand to bring out the knife, flicking it open to show the other two. "But I would still like to."

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:52 am
by watcher in night*
"I'm sorry. But this isn't up for debate. I'm not putting anyone else at risk with this. So please, go and find more allies. Preferably smart ones who aren't completely out of their minds like I am. Ride this thing out, and if I'm lucky I'll see you when help arrives," said Garrett, his voice firm.

Meera knew then his mind was made up. There would be no convincing him to stay, and as much as she didn't want him going off by himself, he was leaving.

She forced a smile. "If we find help, we'll find a way to let you know."

Meera had no idea how she planned to accomplish this, but she was determined to. If by some miracle rescuers did arrive and saved them, they couldn't abandon Garrett.

"Good luck," she added. "And stay alive."

"If you see Bella before I do...tell her I'm sorry."

Meera watched as Garrett left the building, head held high. He had no regrets. She wanted to call out to him, tell him to come back. Tell him he was risking his life for no reason.

But by the time the words came, he was already gone.

For a moment, she stood there, staring blankly after Garrett.

"...Guys, if you still want to be a group, I'll join you. I don't have much to contribute," Rosemary's voice snapped Meera back to the present. She turned to look at the other girl. Rosemary pulled a sharp-edged knife from her pocket, causing Meera to instinctively take a step back. "But I would still like to," she said.

Meera had taken for granted she'd come with them. Obviously they couldn't just leave Rosemary here by herself. She was a friend, a classmate. And the knife would be useful, though if it came to a fight against a competitor with a good weapon Meera knew they didn't have a chance.

"Hey, it's better than what I drew as a weapon. I have some crappy car manual. You're with us," she said to Rosemary.

Silence fell. Meera felt momentarily lost. With Garrett gone, the sense of purpose she'd had for a time had dissipated. She didn't quite know what she should say, but knew it had to be something. We can't afford to wait around here much longer.

"We can't just hide out around here," she finally said. "We saw how well that worked for you, Rosemary. Talking about escape or rescue is all well and good, but people are already playing this game. We could easily be dead by the time people figure out where this island is.

"Fact is, we don't have enough resources to survive on our own. Sure, we might be able to hold off an attack by some moron with a knife, but if it comes to a killer with a gun? We're screwed.

"There must be some people on this island who would never consider playing the game. We should go find them."

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:52 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
Garret continued on his admittedly nonsensical rant and took off. Joey opened his mouth to object, but the guy seemed too determined. Garret had listed the reasons why leaving was stupid, and then left. He must have convinced himself he had some kind of bullshit duty here. How about not getting killed, and not abandoning a group, dipshit?

Rosemary was a quick replacement. Alright, they had somebody smart, maybe that could help. Joey grunted as Garret walked away. If he saw Bella, he'd tell her he was stupid.

"Hey Rosemary, what was that bio word... Mental Dar-van-ism or somethin'?"

Garret was that. Whatever it was. He couldn't remember the exact definition, just as he couldn't remember the word, but the general idea seemed like it fit what had just happened.

Meera and Rosemary seemed ready to continue the recruit job. That was all fine and good, but what were they going to do once they had collected the entire school? Sit around? Build up an island society? Kill one person every sunrise like some kind of... Maybe Rosemary could name a culture that would do that.

"Ight, I'm down to find more peeps, but we need to think about getting outta here too."

He turned to Rosemary, who was probably the brains here.

"Any ideas?" He itched at his collar nervously.

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:52 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
"Darwinism, you're right." Rosemary nodded. "It's a theory that in a group of beings only the strong survive. The irony is that the term "Survival of the Fittest" was coined to explain evolution, and natural adaptation."

"That's- that's what I think the terrorists want us to believe, maybe. That we're just a step on the part of their evolutionary chain. But they're wrong." Rosemary looked down at her knife and she flicked the blade back in, giving the handle a tight squeeze before putting it back in her pocket.

"Like you said, Meera, we need to keep moving. Maybe if we can find some place else that's easier to defend before it gets too dark..." Rosemary looked at the other two. "I know you said hiding is a bad idea, but there's also the need for resting. If we don't sleep for at least a few hours our senses will dull later. We can try to find people along the way, but unless it's necessary or someone you feel you can trust, I don't think we should look for other classmates after dark. Without any light to see people will be even more scared."

After Rosemary said her piece she turned to grab her duffle bag that was still in the car. She wanted to move out of the garage now, but she held herself back. They had to be a team now, and her just moving forward without anyone's consent would be almost a repeat of Garrett's walk out. She slung the shoulder strap over her shoulders, looking at the other two. "Um, does that sound like a plan?"

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:53 am
by watcher in night*
"Sounds good to me," said Meera.

Even though they hadn't run into Theo or anyone here, he or another player could be lurking out here somewhere, and was waiting to make his attack under the cover of darkness.

It was time to leave, that much was certain. Rosemary quickly grabbed her duffel bag, and Meera shouldered her pack.

"It's bets we get on the move now, then, since I'd like to cover as much ground as possible before it gets too late."

((Meera Stele continued elsewhere))

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:53 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
"I'm down to rest." Joey nodded at Rosemary. Meera seemed to agree as well. He followed her towards the parking garage exit, ready to leave the place that had caused him so much confusion on so many occasions. Rest would be good, he needed refreshing of himself. With Rosemary making the plans, and Meera leading the way, all he had to do was stay alert and be ready to defend his group.

He drew the knife from his bag and quickened his pace to walk at Meera's side.

((Joey Caputo continued in Drip Drop.))

Re: Where on the island is Carmen Sandiego?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 2:53 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
Rosemary looked at the two's backs in front of her for a moment. She had been threatened today, but had also connected to a group. One who was a member of the swim team, and another a student she had tutored. She knew them, and they knew her. And with that they had all decided not to hurt each other.

Mom, Dad; I'll try my best to get home to you. She thought, before jogging after the other two.

(Rosemary Michaels continued to Drip drop.)