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Re: The Guilty Ones

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:26 am
by Chib*
Still not comfortable. No, still miles from comfortable. So far away as to make comfortable a distant hazy dot on the horizon, an alien concept without any real meaning to Ema Ryan, whatsoever. Because no single piece of her situation was even slightly close to the norm, and pieced together, they all added up to one immensely unfamiliar, uncomfortable ball of oh God what am I doing.

And to top it all off, her panties had just been removed by her ex-girlfriend. Were there time to waste on such frivolous thoughts, Ema would probably be wondering if the ex- prefix was still accurate. As it stood, she was too busy trying not to have a heart attack.

And then Hayley giggled, and the awkwardness lessened. Her unpreparedness wasn't as bad as she thought, or at least, it was to be expected. It wasn't unreasonable, at the absolute minimum.

"You're cute,"

A poke in the nose. Of all the things to make Ema blush, it had to be that. Not the nudity, not the proximity to Hayley's likewise naked body, not that they were sort-of in public and probably on TV, no, being called cute.

"But...don't think. Feel."

Emphasis on the Feel . Ema took the hint, but not without first wondering briefly why it sounded familiar. Feel, don't think? Qui Gon Jinn? ...I guess Liam Neeson is kind of sexy, though. Irishman, too. Her hands slid downwards in unison, slowly, still awfully timidly. She knew female skin was soft, she had her own, after all, but Ema couldn't get over the sensation of Hayley's skin moving against hers, the warmth, the softness. She could get used to tOH SWEET CHRIST ON A BICYCLE.

Ema's palms had barely reached Hayley's chest, her wrists still not quite near the beginning of her breasts, and already the other girl had jumped straight ahead to her hand is on my--oh God she's touching--her fingers are on--Jesus what do what do--wait calm down calm down calm down...

Her first physical reaction was to squirm, to recoil weakly away from the source of what had so far only been identified as a surprising and unwelcome sensation. So squirm Ema did, closing her eyes, biting her lip tighter. Next was to actually realise what was happening, she soon remembered that Hayley was on top of her, that her other hand was still tracing teasing lines across her torso, that she was smiling. Ema managed to calm her breathing, slow down her racing heartbeat. She imagined it was herself, that she was at home by herself, that this was a normal evening, that there was nothing to be worried about.

And that took out the uncomfortable aspect almost altogether. All that remained was Whoa this feels really, really good. Ema opened her eyes. Hayley seemed to be quite enjoying the reaction she'd been met with, and had sped up. Slower or not, Ema was still breathing heavily. But she was back in some level of control of herself, and her ridiculously slow hands finished their journey, taking hold of the so-very-appealing flesh of Hayley's breasts. And now it feels even better somehow. She hadn't the heart nor the self-control to move them again for a short while.

Still, there wasn't much anxiety left, not tied to what was had happened so far, or what was happening at the present moment. As for the inevitable future, that would take some effort. But at least Ema was comfortable enough to form a breathless, semi-coherent sentence, for the moment.

"This feels... just," a pause, originally for breath, taken instead by an involuntary moan. "God yes."

She gave a half-hearted squeeze with her hands, not quite sure what she was supposed to be doing with them, now they were actually somewhere interesting. So much for the internet being educational.

"So, uh, what do I... Like, what should I be... uh..."

Still pathetic, but at least it's progress.

Re: The Guilty Ones

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:26 am
by Hollyquin*
That 'strategy' segment of, segment, the difficult part, that was long since over, at least for Hayley. Really, the only things you needed to be good at this were to be comfortable and to be confident in your own abilities, both qualities she possessed in spades, at least where sex was concerned. Hell, the only reason this hadn't worked out earlier with her dead ex?boyfriend was because she'd been lacking in the comfortable part and that was because she wasn't drunk. And guess what she was now? Drunk. Gloriously so. In this most glorious of situations. Gloriousity all around, and if that's not a word it is NOW, bitches!

Except that all this gloriousity wasn't translating well, apparently, since Ema didn't seem to be enjoying this as much as Hayley would've expected. Then again that could've just been faulty expectations again, her tendency to assume that everyone was as loud as she was, because she was damn loud when she was getting what she wanted. Ema was...well, squirming qualified as a reaction, yeah? Just...not an unambiguous reaction. Fuck, was she moving too fast? Hayley pouted. Nah, that couldn't be it, what was moving too fast, that was not even a thing.

Well. Heavy breathing also counted as a reaction, and a less ambiguous one at that, but Hayley wasn't satisfied. She wanted to hear some moaning, dammit! Was that so wrong? Her fingers started moving faster, her other hand coming up to touch Ema's chest in automatic response to Ema's own hands finally moving to where they clearly wanted to be. She made a noise, a small one, more as encouragement than anything else, but stopped as Ema opened her mouth to speak.

"This feels... just..."


"God yes."

Theeere we go.

God help her, Hayley felt a smirk form on her face for a second before she had the presence of mind to wipe it away, since it probably wasn't gonna help with Ema's comfort level. She was so cute though, what with the blushing and the cluelessness. Hayley kind of wanted to pinch her cheeks; she settled for pinching her nipple instead, and the look on Ema's face at that made it hard to resist giggling again. That look was replaced quickly, though, by one of...confusion?

"So, uh, what do I... Like, what should I be... uh..."

Oh, jeez. Hayley facepalmed internally, but luckily she had an angelic nature and the patience of a saint. Really, though, Hayley needed to keep this whole virgin thing in the forefront of her mind. She'd entirely forgotten what it was like to be this...hesitant, this unsure. She'd kind of hoped the drunkenness thing would help Ema with that anxiety, but apparently not. Oh well. We'll figure this thing out, yeah? The hand that wasn't still completely occupied between Ema's legs came up to touch her face.

"You're thinking. Stop. Do, like..." She would've motioned vaguely if she had a free hand. "Whatever. You'll know, alright? Just...shhh." She pressed a finger to the other girl's lips. She didn't mean to let it, she swore she didn't, but that smirk climbed back onto her face. The very picture of confidence, Hayley was.

Not that that smirk stayed there long, as she leaned back down to kiss her yet again. Her free hand tangled back in Ema's hair, and her occupied hand worked faster still as she took a moment to ponder her next move. This seemed to be working quite well for the moment, yes, but she'd have to change tactics eventually. Had to keep things interesting for the viewers at home oh jesus do not think about the viewers at home.

She wondered to exactly what degree Ema's so-called virginity stood.

Oh, Christ, this could get messy.

Re: The Guilty Ones

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:26 am
by Chib*
With very little room for doubt, Ema was having the most enjoyable experience of her short life. So why so silent? Juxtaposed against a few hundred schoolkids meeting untimely deaths whilst she just hid behind one of the people doing the killing, this seemed a little odd. It wasn't why Ema wasn't making a sound, though. She'd been rather sullen for the majority of her adolescence, not exactly talkative, and the kind to head straight home after school, head straight upstairs to her computer after that, and wile away the evenings in virtual reality, not really communicating with anyone, not anyone she knew, at least. That wasn't the reason either. The reason, as she understood it, was simply not knowing what on Earth she was supposed to do. Where to touch, how to do so, what to say, what noises to make, how to react; in general, what was 'sexy'. Ema had never been sexy in her life, not consciously at any rate. She'd only ever been that quiet one that never had the courage to go outside and do something new. Having spent enough time fantasising about sex, often with Hayley in particular, she'd sort of subconsciously expected it to be easy. Something she could just... do.

It was pretty obvious by now that she was wrong about that. Hayley let go of her stupid fucking flat chest, stroking her face.

"You're thinking. Stop. Do, like..."

The hand came to the end of its intended motion, putting a finger to Ema's lips. Yeah, putting your foot in your mouth and stammering like an idiot, that was hot.

"Whatever. You'll know, alright? Just...shhh."

And Hayley... smirked? Maybe Ema wasn't being as boring as she thought. Probably helped that there wasn't any better option left on the island, heavy bias towards the one person that actually wanted to fuck Hayley right now, rather than kill her with extreme prejudice. Even water tastes like the nectar of the gods, if you're without it long enough.

But thinking about that didn't have any useful future that Ema could foresee. Instead, she tried to focus on doing whatever, something she'll know. Then she realised she was thinking about it, and thinking was wrong. She was meant to be feeling, acting on instinct or something, doing whatever appealed to her. For the moment, though, what appealed was returning Hayley's latest kiss with equal vigour. That free hand became tangled in her wet hair, and Ema pulled her own free to do the same, whilst her other one slid slowly down the girl's back, following the curve of her spine with the softest touch she could manage.

And then something unexpected happened.

Ema hadn't even gotten used to what was already going on yet.

Hayley's fingers stopped just rubbing and probing, they started pushing. Pushing in a way Ema had only tried alone once, because it hurt - and Hayley wasn't being tentative. There wasn't much she could do about it, though, except tighten her grip on Hayley's body rather desperately, and endure until it either stopped or got better. One finger made its way in. It felt more like a baseball bat. Just as Ema was beginning to get used to it, it was joined by a second. She wasn't even close to getting used to those before they forced their way further along.

Something broke.

And when Hayley's and Ema's lips parted, so did the silence.

Following that, Ema didn't have quite as much trouble vocalising what she was feeling.

Several loud seconds passed, and pain gave way to new, unknown pleasure, and in turn, anxiety to curiousity. Ema wanted to experience more, and to share it with Hayley. With the hand gripping hair, she urged Hayley upwards. With the one on her back, she finished the trail to her legs, and stroked the warm skin. And finally, doing the first thing that came to mind, Ema lifted her head towards Hayley's body. She tried not to think, to just do. Here goes nothing. She wrapped her lips around the nearest nipple, and sucked.

And in spite of herself, the first thing to come to mind? Fuck yeah, who's pathetic now, brain?

Re: The Guilty Ones

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:26 am
by Hollyquin*
It took Hayley a while to decide. It wasn't like she had much to lose, what with this whole we're-going-to-be-dead-in-what-a-week-at-most thing, but was still a game of Don't Scare Off The Virgin. She had memories, vague as they were, of pain and agony, and she really didn't want to subject Ema to that. On the other hand, if the other girl didn't freak out and run off immediately, the pain didn't last long, and things would get really awesome really quickly, and besides, Hayley was getting bored. Variety was the spice of life or whatever, and studio audience aside, she had to keep shit interesting. On the other...other hand, there was a pretty high likelihood that she was gonna get her hand all messy, but fuck it, really, had she not spent the better part of the last week soaked in blood? She could deal.

Just gotta hope Ema can.

Her hand stopped moving, and she felt Ema's body react underneath her- she hoped it was a please-don't-stop sort of reaction, though she couldn't really tell, her eyes were still closed and her mouth was still attached to the other girl's. That hand moved down, just a little, probing, searching, and ah. There we go. Alright, easy does it, don't kill the girl classy word choice, brain-

She pushed in with one finger- just one, she was gonna be a gentle(wo?)man about this- and immediately felt fingernails digging into her back. She gasped into Ema's mouth, her other hand grasping almost desperately at her hair, as she was far too distracted to realize that that'd been a reflex reaction on Ema's part. From where she was standing lying...whatever Ema was enjoying the hell out of this, and so Hayley didn't think she was moving too fast in the slightest when she added a second finger, pushing further, deeper-

Something gave way.

There will be blood, it may be y- Dr. Horrible, Hayley? Really? Now?

Hayley rather reluctantly pulled her mouth away from Ema's, just for a moment, she really wanted to see the look on the girl's face right now, and was rewarded by noises that would've made a porn star proud. Fuck yes, bro. I got this. She got her fingers going in rhythm, ignoring the fact that her hand was already tired and was only going to get worse from now, because dammit, the sounds coming out of Ema's mouth right now were making the pain all worth it. She'd always said- and gotten weird looks for saying- the fun in fucking isn't getting off, it's getting someone else off. It's, like, the purest form of ego boost. You could get off by yourself, get fifteen minutes of alone time and you were fucking set. So Hayley wasn't really bothered by the fact that she was doing all the work here; she could just wait until Ema fell asleep, or not wait, really, wasn't like she had anything to hide at this point-

She felt the other girl shift underneath her, her hair-pulling directing her up, and she obliged, wishing for not the first time she was just a little bit taller, this was seriously taxing her reach. She briefly considered the possibility that Ema was pulling her up to get her to stop, but nah, judging by her reaction, that seemed pretty unlikely. She kept her fingers moving, one-two, one-two, she tapped out a rhythm in her head, wondering what Ema was doing, until she felt Ema's mouth on her chest, giving her an answer that she rather approved of.


That incredibly coherent noise was joined by many like it, and the hand still in Ema's hair pressed the girl's head into her. She lost track of that rhythm she'd been keeping, her fingers moving erratically. Someone's getting her confidence up, she thought, somewhere in the back of a really rather occupied brain. She could practically feel the cameras watching her now, and she would've flipped them off- that'd be, like, the pinnacle of gloriousity, flipping off the cameras whilst getting laid- but honestly, her hands were rather busy. She could give two fucks what people back home were thinking anymore; for very possibly the last time in her short life, she was happy, and she wasn't gonna let anyone take that away from her. Least of all the American viewing public.

Re: The Guilty Ones

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:26 am
by Chib*
Was it ironic that this was the first time Ema had shed blood so far on the island? Was it bad that she even stopped to think about that? She decided the answer to both was probably yes, and set her thoughts back on the matter at hand. The heck do I do to follow this up? Same as she is? I guess maybe... no, thinking's the enemy, remember?

Less thinking, more doing. Doing in quite the literal, innuendo-able sense. The first thing that had come to mind must be the right thing, because it was the thing that didn't require thinking through, just identifying and going along with. Hayley's advice had served her well so far, so going against it at this point seemed like an entirely stupid idea. And judging from the sounds coming from above Ema's head, and the expression she could just about see if she opened her eyes, she wasn't the only one benefiting from the 'don't think' scheme.

Right, doing the first thing that comes to mind. Easier said than done. Ema shifted her hand from its rather comfortable position on Hayley's ass, trying to hook her arm around the leg that was in the way. Working around Hayley already doing the same thing in mostly the same space, and the delightfully distracting pleasure it gave, it took a while of blind flailing before Ema's fingers found their target... and immediately weren't sure how to proceed.

I thought I just figured this out, do what comes naturally, Christ!

Nothing came naturally, though. So she endeavoured instead to copy Hayley, as she knew first-hand that that was certainly working well. Come on, I've seen this before, not done it, but... She lined up her middle- and ring-fingers, and pushed. There was less resistance than she'd expected, going by how it had felt seconds before, but it didn't take long to guess why. Putting that moderately off-putting image from her head, Ema continued to emulate, trying to match the rhythm Hayley herself had started to lose. Trying being the operative word.

Though there was no guarantee she'd get a coherent response - and she had no real idea how she was still thinking so clearly herself - Ema leaned her neck back, looking upwards to ask "Is this, uh... good?"

Re: The Guilty Ones

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:26 am
by Hollyquin*
This was the good life. Hayley Kelly was living the goddamn motherfucking good life. Close as you got to the good life on Survival of the Fittest, anyway. Some part of her- that part that was getting smaller and smaller by the second, the part capable of coherent thought- wondered if she'd be any happier if they'd gotten to the mansion and not been so rudely chased out by fucking Liz Polanski. Probably not, she figured, though she might be a little less wet oh jeez you know what I mean brain and a little less sandy. And a little more in that fucking jacuzzi that she was still assuming existed. Yeah, that was the one thing that could make this better, a fucking jacuzzi, but finding a jacuzzi would involving moving and...oh, you know what, fuck the jacuzzi. This was perfect and nothing was gonna convince her otherwise.

Something was moving, and it took her brain a long moment to process that it was in fact Ema's hand and not...urgh, she didn't even know what else it could've been but her brain was molasses and jelly and things right now. Anyway, hand, right, Ema's hand was a thing, and it was movoh, okay, yeah, it was moving exactly where Hayley would want it to be. But now it was hesitating, why was she hesitating, dammit, Hayley got the whole virgin thing and all but really, she'd figured Ema should know what she should be doing right now all things consider-


Wasn't her hand getting tired before? Yeah, it had been, but whatever, fuck that, she could do this all night as long as Ema didn't let up. She felt her moans build in intensity, and volume (please don't let there be anyone in like a mile radius), and fuck, she was so not caring right now that Ema technically didn't know what she was doing because goddammit, this was perfect. Didn't she just say (mentally, obviously) that this was perfect like two minutes ago- well, fuck that, NOW this was perfect, this was fabulous and glorious gloriousity and all those other words that she could make up for this-

"Is this, uh... good?"

Hayley could've kicked her.

Urgh, speaking in sentences, last thing I want to do right now. Hold up, how's she managing it, what am I doing wrong- She redoubled her own efforts, difficult as that was with the distracting influence of Ema's fingers, but she was gonna get the other girl good and incoherent if it was the last thing she did, dammit. She managed something, an affirmative sort of mhm noise before using that hand that was still in the other girl's hair to press a finger to her lips once again. Hoping the message came through loud and clear, telepathically- NO TALKING ALLOWED- she returned her hand to where it was, in Ema's hair, pushing the other girl's mouth onto hers, quieting them both.

Really, hand cramp or no, she could do this forever.

Re: The Guilty Ones

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:26 am
by Chib*
A finger came to Ema's lips. Hush, it told her, nervous questions aren't sexy. Don't speak, just keep doing what you're doing. It was something she should've figured out for herself already, but, obviously, somehow hadn't managed to. So, whilst Hayley kissed yet for the umpteenth time, Ema inwardly kicked herself, told herself to stop being so pathetic and grow a shred of confidence already. Not in so many words, of course.

Then something happened.

Ema had experienced it before, having the feeling "creep up on" her, the jump from almost bored to suddenly on the so-called final stretch. She knew it well, but she hadn't expected it to show up there and then. Most of all, because she was anything but not enjoying what was happening to her, it just wasn't getting close yet. But something changed, and combined with Hayley's ever faster stimulation, Ema's mind stopped working in that sort-of-breathless, still coherent manner. It jumped over into the realm of barely cognisant, entirely focused on pleasure, and nothing else. Even with her mouth muffled, the sound that accompanied the change wasn't quiet.

A few seconds later, the conclusion of the feeling became obvious to even Ema's addled brain. Instinctively, automatically, her fingers accelerated to the very fastest they could move. Her arm wrapped around Hayley's torso gripped as tight as it was able, and the rest of her body went tense. Whilst this stage lasted for only a few seconds, it felt like several minutes to Ema.

But eventually, it came to an end. A colourless flash erupted within her mind, and the tenseness of her muscles reversed entirely, leaving her limp in Hayley's arms.

Gradually, awareness returned. Ema didn't quite know how long she'd lay there, and hadn't much idea what she'd done, or what had been done to her. The only recollection was of her brain turning to scrambled egg for a while, and her perception of the world becoming altogether rather fuzzy. Coming to, she remembered what had happened, what she was supposed to be doing. Rather weakly, she set her right hand back into motion. Her vision was still hazy, her muscles weak. Ema knew, eventually, it would subside; after all, this wasn't the first time she'd experienced a climax... it was just a hell of a lot more intense.

Re: The Guilty Ones

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:26 am
by Hollyquin*
Hayley could live here forever. Here as in this moment, if that made any sense, not that making sense was her priority, not ever and especially not while getting laid like a fucking boss. She kind of wished she wasn't so drunk, because the alcohol basically guaranteed that the details of this would be iffy in the morning. She really wanted this all properly imprinted in her brain. It was all gorgeous motivation was what it was, honest; it was a reminder of what she was trying to save. As completely immature and lame as that was- this is what it was like, being alive, and she was so not willing to let it go for anything. Of course, these were the last days of her life where things could be quite like this. Even if she won, even if she obliterated the odds and got her ass home, Ema wouldn't be there with her. And then she was grateful for the alcohol again, since it let that thought slip her mind.

Back to important things, like, yeah, that getting laid like a fucking boss bit, that bit that was getting louder by the second, not that Hayley was exactly complaining- there'd been a shift, an invisible line that Ema had pretty clearly crossed over, and she was maybe the slightest bit jealous that she wasn't there yet but fuck it, this wasn't a time for jealousy, this is a time for action. She concentrated, keeping her mouth as attached as she possibly could to Ema's, her fingers were already moving as fast as they could, not much she could do but do but wait, anticipating, feeling Ema tighten her grip on her, tensing up, and then-

She never could quite get over how climax felt from the inside.

Her hand slowed to a gradual stop as Ema went limp, completely spent, beneath her. She couldn't help but smile at Ema's sleepy face, giving her a small kiss on the forehead and stroking her hair. Wishing there was something fabric within a five foot radius, she settled for wiping her newly-free hand on her leg, figuring she was gonna need to pop back in the water to rinse off later anyway. It didn't take her long to find herself wondering what came next now that Ema was practically unconscious, it seemed like. Going back to the finish-what-she-started plan seemed like the logical course of action, but the problem with the finish-what-she-started plan was that it sucked. If she was very possibly getting laid for the last time, she wanted to get laid properly, dammit. Not that she was gonna wake Ema up to tell her that, that seemed unreasonably bitchy, and she resigned herself to a sad DIY-variety fate when she noticed with some surprise- she'd gotten rather distracted in the last few moments- that Ema's fingers were still where they'd been, though they were no longer moving. She was contemplating exactly how weird it would be to extricate herself, so to speak, when Ema's hand went back into action and removed all ideas of that from her mind.

Hell, it removed most ideas from her mind, except for the idea to move her mouth down to Ema's neck, sucking at the skin there almost frantically as her libido caught back up with her. Oh, it would all be over soon, not that she wanted to even begin to contemplate that. Lots of bodies on the other side of that road. This was much better.

Re: The Guilty Ones

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:26 am
by Chib*
Getting some movement back was more difficult than Ema had anticipated. She was used to a brief period, a few seconds at most, of being stuck in that pleasant but mostly-immobile fugue, but it always wore off quickly by itself, or quicker with focus. This time, however, no matter how concerted an effort she put into snapping herself out of it, Ema was having trouble working motion back into her muscles. And Hayley seemed to be moving. A bleary-eyed glance showed a contemplative look on the other girl's face; trying to decide how best to proceed with Ema rather uselessly limp as she was.

Oh no you don't.

No, Ema wasn't about to leave her high and dry after all that. The weak shuffling of her wrist strengthened considerably, working its way back up to the pace it had been at beforehand, slowly but surely. That put an end to Hayley's plans to leave, and with somewhat clearer vision, Ema could tell the effect was as strong as ever. Not that she saw the other girl's face for very long, as it was soon buried in the side of her neck. A familiar feeling among all the new experience, pleasantly so. She took comfort in the familiarity, and sped up further.

She soon realised, laying in Hayley's arms, that This is... a lot more comfortable now. She'd done just about everything she'd been too afraid of trying during the months of their original relationship, and while it had been awkward at first, it hadn't been nearly as bad as she'd been worried it would. Quite the opposite, the positives, predictably, far outweighed the few negatives of the experience. Ema was okay with it all. Well, might as well run with it.

So run with it the girl did. Before, she would've been petrified of messing up and looking like an idiot, but - as she kept reminding herself - she was okay with this now. She moved her hands, wrapping one arm around Hayley's shoulders and the other around her hips, and rolled. The plan had been to land above her, hands and knees on either side of Hayley's body, but Ema's head wasn't quite clear enough for that to work out. So she came to a stop exactly as she'd started, just on top of Hayley and with her arms trapped underneath. But she extracted them fairly quickly, trying to play it off as intentional, and got back to what she'd been doing, moving her mouth down to Hayley's chest once again to add to the stimulation. She'd been made to feel incredibly good, and Ema wanted very much to make sure she didn't disappoint. To that end, she had a strong urge to shift her head further down, to replace her hand, but she relented, not quite ready. Still, it was a very appealing thought... Maybe later, if there is one.

Re: The Guilty Ones

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:26 am
by Hollyquin*
Never thought I'd be happy to be on Survival of the Fittest. Urgh, that's fucked up, even thinking that's fucked up, but how would this've ever happened back home? Yeah, exactly, it wouldn't have, except in the like point-zero-zero-one percent chance it did happen we probably wouldn't be dying in the near future which...would be nice. That'd be, like, an overdose of win, having this AND not having the sword of Damocles hanging over my head, that would be awesome and that's not even a working analogy and now I'm gonna have Rocky Horror songs stuck in my head for the rest of the night-

Hayley kind of wished she had a way to turn off her brain's running commentary, because it was kind of ruining her mood, or at least it would be ruining her mood if her mood wasn't so unruinable I make up the greatest words, I don't even know how I do it. As it were, she was quite...content was the wrong word, content sounded sleepy and boring, fucking awesome sounded better but would sound weird in that sentence but whatever. She was quite fucking awesome, yes she was, and suddenly she felt sand digging into her back and felt Ema, her favorite person in the universe at the moment, climb on top of her, and if she'd thought everything was perfect before, well, she really needed to stop thinking things couldn't get any better.

Was I this awesome my first time? I must've been, cause I'm me, but holy shit-

And then her brain wasn't really a thing anymore. Her hands had at some point grabbed Ema's waist and her grip tightened now, a perfect mirror of Ema minutes before. Her mouth on Ema's neck stopped what it was doing mainly because it was hard for her mouth to concentrate can mouths concentrate? on anything but the sounds it was making, which were as loud as they'd ever been. Really, she didn't want this to be over, returning to the real world was a terrifying prospect, but her body was betraying her, she was rapidly losing the ability to breathe in a way that made sense, annngh-

She collapsed, insofar as it's possible to collapse when you're already on the ground, and she felt the aftershocks tremble through her as Ema's hand slowed and eventually, far too quickly, stopped, and for a little while Hayley's world stopped with it. Her breath came in gasps, her arms wrapped around the girl above her, and everything was beautiful and nothing hurt. Again.

Nothing good lasts forever, though, not here. Especially not here.

God, she was exhausted. There was a fatigue in her bones that she'd been distracted from so completely that it came as a surprise to her now. She was beyond happy, but her body cried out for rest.

I can sleep when I'm dead...heh, won't have to wait too-shhhhhhhhhh no stop no one's dying everything is gorgeous

And somehow she was back with her head in the game. That wasn't fair, she deserved at least a few minutes of uninterrupted happiness- what, was she sobering up? yeah, that had to be it- but wait, no, she didn't deserve that at all. She didn't deserve any of this, she'd known that from the beginning. This was a big stupid distraction from the inevitable but still, looking up at Ema's face made a small smile form on her lips. Long as she ignored her stupid brain, she could be happy. Hayley could do that, she'd been ignoring her stupid brain for years.

Her voice was hardly even a whisper. "I..."

Say I love you and I will fucking kill you.


Jesus fucking Christ, use your words, woman!

Re: The Guilty Ones

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:27 am
by Chib*
From the look, and feel, of things, the sweet dalliance was just about drawing to a conclusion. Ema tried not to think about what that meant, instead focusing her energy on bringing that inevitable finale on, and wondering - with what little space she had left in her mind for other thoughts - what would happen immediately next. Falling asleep in Hayley's arms seemed like a nice, logical next step. And a perfect finish to the rather nostalgic return to the beach, too.

In what seemed like no time at all, especially after how drawn out the previous few minutes had seemed, Hayley's head was lolled back in the sand, emitting an almost endless stream of sounds that only made Ema want to speed up. And she did, ignoring the dull ache that had started to become apparent in her overworked joints, finally bringing an end to the so very enjoyable distraction. No, don't think of it like that.

If she had to pick a verb to describe what happened, Ema would've gone with "flopped". Yes, that sounded about right. After squeezing her midriff tighter than was really comfortable I was probably the same, no complaining, and slowing her breath to a progression of slow, deep gasps, Hayley flopped down on the sand, clearly exhausted and most likely satisfied. Ema didn't know what to say. What's good pillow talk when you're on Survival of the Fittest... and you don't even have a pillow?


A soft noise, barely audible, could've been mistaken for waves retreating back down the shore. The lap of waves was an awfully nice sound, too...


No, not waves, talking. Hayley, saying wow. Ema decided to take that as a compliment, when someone that gets a lot of sex "wow"s your technique, on your first time, you take it as a compliment. Now what do I say back to that? There was of course the sitcom favourite, "You weren't so bad yourself.", but Ema wasn't that kind of person, and she'd probably ruin it by laughing or blushing, or both. There was repeating it verbatim, unimaginative, but it could work. Or there was finishing the "I..." thing the way it was supposed to be, but that was out of the question; Hayley hadn't said it, so she probably didn't feel it, she didn't seem the type to be inhibited about that sort of thing, especially when drunk. No, the L word could only make things awkward at best, ruin the entire evening at worst.

"That was..."

That was what? Nice? Too tame. Awesome? Too childish. Amazing? Maybe. Incredible? A bit too hyperbolic. Settle for Amazing.


It was around that point that Ema realised she was still essentially straddling the other girl, and her fingers were still inside her. Looking sheepish, she removed herself, and rolled over to lay beside Hayley. A reasonable voice in her head told her to get the towel/blanket combo that had come to replace bedding on the island, but an irrational one countered "Fuck that. Effort." Eventually, reason won, pointing out that no good could come of falling asleep naked and unsheltered. Be it lethal exposure to the elements, or indecent exposure to other students, it wasn't a great idea. Grudgingly, she left Hayley's side, gathering both of their towels and the one big blanket. Several seconds of tired shuffling later, the duo were comfortably above the sand, under the makeshift covers, and in the warms. Ema felt she should say something, but nothing came to mind. Nothing except the L word again, that is. Saying it still seemed ill-advised. So she settled for "Goodnight." Nothing could stop her thinking it, though.

I love you, Hayley Kelly.

Against all odds, or logic, or whatever, Ema awoke before Danya started to speak. She soon realised why. There was a heavy, throbbing pain in her head. A headache? No, too egregious. It wasn't just an annoying ache, it was definitely outright pain, and for the life of her, she couldn't figure out why she'd be feeling it. We got up in the woods... Kyle got shot... Hayley shot that boy... got a gun... didn't go to the mansion..."

The memory seemed to dry up there, fading into vague blotches. There was silver, some engraved words, swimming, not much else. Urgh... why am I so warm, anyway?

Ema couldn't bring herself to open her eyes just yet, so judging by touch, she was laying on something soft-ish, and under something much softer. And next to something soft-yet-rigid, and giving off a lot of heat. More than would be reasonably trapped under what Ema had deduced was her blanket. A radiator? No, wait, didn't even go to the mansion. Would be on a bed if I did anyway.

The next thing she noticed was that her arm was numb, and seemed to be trapped underneath the mystery heat source. She couldn't take not knowing any more. Ema swatted the blanket away from her face, and opened her eyes.


That was the first thing Ema saw, morning sunlight blazing in her eyes. Not literally blazing, the light was dull, probably before seven. But to her eyes, kept safely in the dark for so many hours, it was almost painful. Ema squinted, looking downwards.


That was the next sight, eyelids notwithstanding. Her own skin, completely bare. Since when did I sleep naked? I only even took my coat off to sleep, like, once... Hazy inklings of the reasons behind it started to appear, but Ema couldn't quite piece them together yet. Stinging taste in the throat, spluttering, her panties being flung carelessly into the sand.

Flesh was also the third thing Ema saw, but judging by the few centimetres gap between the end of her torso and the start of this other body, it wasn't her own. It wasn't nearly pale enough to be hers either. Black hair, or dark-brown. Really familiar, for a reason Ema couldn't discern. That wasn't important, though, what was important was why the brown-haired person was also naked. She pulled her arm free, and clambered free of the blanket, up to her feet. Modesty can go hang for now, she told herself, she had to figure out just what had happened last night.

Leaning over to see the other side of the sleeping body, the face Ema saw filled in the blanks fairly quickly.

...I got drunk and fucked my ex. I don't even know if that's good or bad.

She decided not to think about it in those terms. Instead, assuming her reconstructed memory was accurate, she settled on how it felt. That is, very, very good. Unfortunately, it was all moot. It had all been a diversion from the "game" at hand. A game Ema had no intention of losing. She wasn't ready to die. She was afraid to die. So she knelt down, laying a kiss on Hayley's cheek, and then set about brushing the sand from her body before getting dressed.

"Hey kids, it's Uncle Danya! You'll be very happy indeed to hear that in a few short hours, you'll have officially have survived until the halfway mark of the game. That's provided, of course, that you aren't one of the three unlucky souls that have to die for you all to reach that point. Keep it up folks, I can't tell you how proud I am of your spirit."

Ema was sitting on the edge of the sand, staring at the sky. She hadn't checked if Hayley had woken up yet, but with all the noise of the announcement, if she hadn't, she would do soon. In spite of herself, Ema smiled at the news that she'd survived to halfway, or near enough. On day one, she'd never have dared to dream she'd last a week, to outlast 50% of her peers, many of them smarter, better motivated, fitter or better connected than she. Suck it, jocks.

The ensuing announcement didn't mean much to her. Kyle's name stood out, but otherwise, nobody else she knew had snuffed it. Not that that was even comforting any more. It just made her wonder what "Team Campbell" were up to, not killing anyone and not dying as they were. Maybe they'd hooked up with Liz. She sort of hoped so, as it left just the tiniest sliver of hope for escape.

So, the Mansion, some Cliffs, and the other Beach were danger zones now. Good thing they hadn't slept in the former after all. Thank you Liz Polanksi.

After a few moments of silence, Ema spoke up, addressing the presumably conscious Hayley, in a near-perfect mirror of what had been said the morning before.

"I'm going for a walk."

She had her gun in her inside pocket. She had her sword in her daypack, and her daypack on her shoulder. She put her hood up against the sun. She wasn't going to make the same mistake as Hayley.

[Ema Ryan --> The Youngest Was The Most Loved]

Re: The Guilty Ones

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 6:27 am
by Hollyquin*

Ow. Ow. Stabbing. Brain. Ow. Fucking fuck ow-

Hayley could see sunlight shining in through her eyelids, and she wanted absolutely no part in it. She would have told it to go away, had she the energy. As it were she settled for squeezing her eyes shut, but that brought another issue into sharp relief- this whole knife-twisting-through-her-fucking-skull bit which was probably the most normal thing to happen yet on this island. Hadn't she always said, the best cure for a hangover is to sleep all fucking day? Yeah, and that hadn't worked out half the time, given her propensity for getting wasted on school nights, and so she relied on omelets and milk and the occasional hair of the dog and the ever-present cursing wildly. But there were no eggs or cheese or milk here on Survival of the Fittest, and they were out of vodka, not that any of that occurred to her yet.

Hate. Everything. Why do I do this to myself? Never drinking again...urgh...sleeping forever, thank you-

Again, a familiar refrain, one heard every morning after in Hayley's stupid brain since she had her first drink at fourteen. Like she would ever really stop. Nah, she'd get over it in a few minutes, and she'd get up and survey the damage, damage here meaning the person sleeping next to her. Because there was always someone. For the moment, though, stolen snatches of almost-sleep suited her just fine.

There were vague memories, flitting around the edges of her brain, but those were in no way conducive to sleep, so they were ignored.

There was someone next to her. Yeah, not new. Who, though? Her memories were all fuzzy. Had there been a party, she really didn't remember anything about a party, she usually had at least vague memories from the beginning of the night, before she got a few in her. Given that she was insisting on not thinking about things it was kind of hard to...


OH. Survival of the Fittest. Right. Well. That's...that's more questions, actually...

It did solve a couple of conundrums that'd been bothering her, like why the sun was so bright and why she was itchy and why she was clearly sleeping on a towel and why she felt that telltale warmth that only came from sleeping outside. There was another kind of telltale warmth too, the kind that comes from close-proximity nudity, not that that was a surprise either. Her curiosity was present and accounted for, but it could go fuck itself because she was going to sleep forever and no one could change her mind.

Something- right, someone moved. Hayley felt their body move away from hers, felt them standing up, and they could go hang themselves for all she cared. She would seriously kill someone for some cheese right now. Or eggs. Scrambled eggs. Scrambled eggs were good. Urgh, who the fuck was this, she seriously wanted to know, but opening her eyes would be this whole effort thing that she was incapable of-

She felt lips on her cheek, and that was somehow enough.

Oh. Oh, wow.

EMA. Ema? Ema. Holy shit. Holy SHIT wait what no seriously holy fuck shit fuck-

How. How even? Well, er, alcohol, that happened, yeah, but, it's Ema, Ema doesn't...Ema's not...Whoa. Okay, so I've been fucking my ex-girlfriend on live TV, that...that's my life right now actually. Wow. Uh...oh god do not think about parents. Johnny's probably proud. Or throwing up. I dunno but liOH GOD I HAD SEX ON THE BEACH WITH EMA WHAT IS LIFE

She managed to not freak out visibly, even as she felt hands that she now knew were Ema's brush her skin. Urgh, she was all sandy. Ocean-type bath time would be necessary in the near future, particularly as her hand was still rather sticHOLY FUCK THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED HOW WHAT URGH

Calm. Deep breaths. Cigarette. Cigarette? She'd kill for one right now, they were around here somewhere, but that was again something that would involve moving and moving was still absolutely out of the question as this whole freaking out thing was not improving her headache by one iota. Memories were coming back to her, memories that were paradoxically calming her down, as she remembered Ema, fucking Ema Ryan, her ex-girlfriend, whose heart she'd broken in a fit of stupidity, their lips locked, their bodies intertwined, those beautiful words-

"That was...amazing."

She remembered, and she felt better, a little. Sure it was a distraction, sure it was stupid, and she could've regretted it big time if Maxwell goddamn Lombardi had come loping down the beach and blown their brains out on the sand though that would admittedly be a pretty boss way to die. But look- it was over, they were both alive if a little...a lot hungover, Lombardi didn't materialize, and if she let herself get over the shock for a moment, there was this happiness left over there. She was happy. She was damn happy.

She was also in love. But that didn't matter. Happiness didn't matter, either. This was all so temporary that she really wanted to fall back asleep and let it all stay suspended in time for just a bit longer.

"Hey kids, it's Uncle Danya!"

Asshole. Hayley made a noise, an irritated sort of groan. She was not in the mood for this, she was not in the mood for this, she was, get it? not in the mood. At all. It was so much easier to pretend for a few more sweet moments that death wasn't a thing and that everything was normal and fine and not Survival of the Fittest-like. But unfortunately reality was just around the corner, waiting to smack her in the face, and she figured she might as well make a vague attempt to meet that shit head on. She stretched like a cat, yawning impressively.

"You'll be very happy indeed to hear that in a few short hours, you'll have officially have survived until the halfway mark of the game. That's provided, of course, that you aren't one of the three unlucky souls that have to die for you all to reach that point. Keep it up folks, I can't tell you how proud I am of your spirit."

Cool. She couldn't hold back a smile at this unexpected bit of news. It meant that all the bullshit she'd been through in this goddamn game was adding up to something. She was alive, Ema was alive, and as the rest of the announcement went on to tell her, Team Campbell was still alive, Isabel and Jay and Dutchy and Sarah were all still alive, and she was, like, winning. Sort of. In a way. The only line that stuck out in Danya's announcement was

"Charlene Norris was the next to get in on the action, shooting down Kyle Portman, who was dumb enough to take the bullet for Hayley Kelly... which means that particular love triangle just got a whole lot simpler."

"Danya, you tactless motherfucker," she muttered, her first words of the day, classy as always. In her post-coital bliss she'd almost completely forgotten about Kyle. Kyle Portman, her boyfriend, her boyfriend who died protecting her, her boyfriend who was actually, you know, dead. Deceased. Gone, for real and forever. That had happened yesterday, just yesterday, less than 24 hours ago, and she'd fucking forgotten. She felt horrible for that for a moment, but the pain came back in full force, and a deep sadness set back into her bones.

She'd failed. She had fucked up big time, and she'd failed. And she put Ema into danger by pulling the same exact skanky shit.

Fuck me.

I...shit. Wherever he is, I hope he's not watching. I'm pretty...pretty awful, yeah. Sorry, kid. If I could take it back,

"I'm going for a walk."

Hayley blinked, and suddenly, headache forgotten, she popped into a sitting position, the blanket slipping off of her. This whole going for a walk thing struck her as a bad idea, this separation thing, and her paranoia was overwhelming her hangover. This was Survival of the Fittest- any given moment could be your last, and like Hayley would ever risk either of them spending that last moment alone. As if.

"Wait for me?" she mumbled, a bit late, given that Ema was already walking down the beach. She scrambled for her clothing- her panties, a t-shirt that she vaguely remembered was now hers. The rest could wait, she figured, but she took a moment to retrieve three more important things. Vera, a lighter and a cigarette.

She lit the damn thing and followed after Ema, trying to keep herself on task. Away from Kyle. Away from anything else.

Stay with the one thing I can make a difference with, yeah? Keep it going, girly.

[[Hayley Kelly continued elsewhere...]]