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Re: What Are Little Girls Made Of?

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:09 am
by Sunnybunny
For a second, Feo thought Ethan was about to kill her. Oddly enough, that didn't scare her much.

What scared was the fact that she would have been okay with a fight to the death. She almost welcomed it. Anything, anything at all, to snap her out of this warm fuzzy feeling. It was all down hill from here, after all. Literally, too.

But he complimented and kissed her instead. Of course he did. She kissed him back, because of fucking COURSE she did. She wished she had a knife.

She wanted to carve their intials in a damn tree. Only, she didn't know Ethan's last name, because she was a slut like that.

She broke the kiss and leaned back against the tree he was at before. She put the blanket around her, and patted the ground, gesturing for him to sit down. She closed her eyes and spoke.

I feel like I'm high, like I'm in a dream. Maybe I died in the explosion and this isa damn dream.

"I hate my fucking last name. It's my mom's, dad took it so he could get his citizenship easier. It should have been TerrĂ­vel . My name is Ugly Eleri Terrible, you translate enough. I just wanted to tell you, because I don't that fucker Danya to be the one that tells you my full name.

What's yours, Ethan?"

Re: What Are Little Girls Made Of?

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 6:09 am
by Ruggahissy
Ethan sat down on the blanket next to her. It was an especially beautiful night. Normally you couldn't see the sky so clearly because of the light pollution from the city, but here everything was clear.

"My last name? My name's Ethan Kent," he said. It felt odd to say one's own full name. It was like he was at school being asked something official. "It's a pretty boring name. There are plenty of Kents around."

He put an arm around her and looked up. Mixed in his fuzzy happy feeling was dread that was starting to weigh down on him like an anvil. Before all he had to worry about was himself.

"Feo Eleri TerrĂ­vel," he repeated, butchering the name with an American accent. "I think it sounds nice. I'd never know what it means, but it sounds cool. Bet there aren't many of those. You're probably the only one."

Hu, this place will kill the only Feo Eleri.

"The sun's going to be up soon. We should get some rest."

((Ethan Kent continued in The House of the Rising Sun ))